[02:54] good morning to all [02:56] hey lotuspsychje .. slow one on the channel :( [02:56] hey Bashing-om [02:57] looks like the kiddies are at it again / spamming with PMs . [02:57] yup [02:58] huge pain in the ass [02:58] i hate botnets [02:58] yeah nothing much you can do against them, if their dedicated [02:58] they are. and yep. [02:59] it's a mess, and it's been going on for long enough that i stopped taking user reports for k-lines and started just recommending blocking PMs from unidentified users [03:01] the only counter for a botnet is to find simultaneous ports on the attackers ip's and hack them back through the exploit they are rooted with [03:02] and maybe youl find the botnet itself [03:12] ~schweinsb@ is pm spam [03:27] * lotuspsychje is nmapping one [03:38] dax: i found a similar pattern on them, i hope you use it somehow [03:38] i'm only killing stuff that PMs me right now, user reports were a bit overwhelming [03:38] and i'm not sober so... [03:39] 21/tcp closed ftp [03:39] 22/tcp open ssh Dropbear sshd 2013.62 (protocol 2.0) [03:39] 23/tcp open telnet [03:39] 80/tcp open ssl/http [03:39] Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel [03:39] they all have these services [04:48] I wonder if rolling IRC passphrases would help here === jalcine is now known as jacky [07:21] good morning/evening all [07:21] hello there, ducasse [07:21] hiya OerHeks - how are you? [07:23] i got the monday-blues [07:23] dog's don't want to go out for a walk, too cold they claim [07:25] poor dogs. my cat was in a real hurry to go out this morning, it's pretty mild here today. [07:26] don't know what the hurry was, she's just sitting on the outside. [07:26] Silly cat & dogs :-D [07:27] they are good company, though :) [07:57] LoLz @ Ben64 , lenswipee is our house-troll [07:58] :) [07:58] he is using ubuntu longer than me.. [07:58] wanna see something funny? [07:59] http://pastebin.com/GtDjxGSw [07:59] omg, banned from debian now too [08:00] i hope the ban from ikonia is still in place [08:00] in #ubuntu * [08:00] i think so [08:00] he got banned? :) i must have missed that. [08:00] did lenswipee get banned? [08:00] yep [08:01] ubuntu debian and linux now [08:01] \o/ glorious day! [08:01] check my pastebin above [08:01] Now that oerheks must be next! [08:01] i got scolded for calling him an idiot last night, then tonight the same op confirmed idiocy [08:02] funny how that works :) [11:25] Hi folks [18:13] Back on ,, we get the spammer from @12 hours past taken care of ? [18:37] Bashing-om: I guess so. I've been umode +R though, so I stopped getting them after that [18:40] nicomachus: So far no spamming this session ! .. I too considered the +R thingy .. but was curious -- in the end I got disgusted with closing windows constantly and closed up shop . === lordievader is now known as Guest69044 === nicomachus is now known as saythattomyface === saythattomyface is now known as nicomachus