
SonikkuAmericaI just told #u to stop discussing it, although I don't really have the banhammer in there, but as part of the team, you know00:52
ubottuIn ubottu, EScUbiT said: kloeri,      AKA       "Bryan         Ostergaard"   is           a      known       pedophile             and             child     abuser.           Please        report   any          sightings       to          irc.gangste.rs         #tclmafia .   http://encyclopediadramatica.se/kloeri               SrE[qjeJW2tF^Fz~1M]7%KB1,djwg-^\Q!!aVGn(=~i'o01:09
bazhangcriminy why no +r02:27
Unit193Likely so staff can kline them, they aren't spamming the channel.02:32
bazhangjoining #ubuntu like release party on the day02:35
SonikkuAmericaUbuntu 16.12 "Spamming Sleaze"02:36
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
wxlstupid questions: can nickserv set usermodes for you permanently? also i just noticed pubkey. can you use this to identify instead of a password?18:14
wxlmaybe i should ask on freenode instead of bugging you folks XD18:15
elkycertfp can be used as a sasl external method yeah18:34
elkyit's needed for tor-sasl for example so worth having set up18:35
elkyand permanent userflags are doable by making your client re-set them on connection18:35
wxlwhat's the difference between that and https://freenode.net/kb/answer/sasl ?18:35
wxlthey seems to be related but the connection is unclear18:35
elkycertfp can be used as a sasl external method18:36
elkyinstead of a password that your client remembers, it points at a cert18:36
wxlright got that much :)18:37
wxlsasl is the same thing but happens during connection?18:38
elkyi don't know if "during connection" is correct but i think so? questions like that should probably go to staff, i haven't read the protocols or anything.18:40
elkyor perhaps Unit193 might know the technicalities18:40
wxlok let's see if this works18:42
daxalrighty so19:04
daxSASL is a "CAP" that happens early in the connection and pauses connection until it's done. It has various mechanisms/methods, or ways of authenticating. PLAIN is just your password in a dumb encoding. DSA-NIST256p-CHALLENGE uses a challenge-response mechanism and /ns help set pubkey. EXTERNAL  on freenode means "go use my CertFP configuration right now"19:07
daxCertFP is an authentication method that uses client certificates and /ns help cert. If you don't use SASL EXTERNAL as discussed above, it happens "whenever" and does not pause connection until it's done.19:07
daxit's usually/hopefully before you autojoin channels, but isn't always19:08
daxIf you care at all about this sort of thing, you should be using SASL because it makes sure everything is done before you start sending commands and joining channels and stuff, and you have the option of just disconnecting if SASL fails, which you don't with other auth methods.19:08
daxWithin the SASL mechanisms, I recommend SASL PLAIN if you're only gonna use clearnet (no Tor-SASL) and just want it to work, and SASL EXTERNAL + CertFP if you plan on using Tor-SASL19:09
daxinstructions for using SASL PLAIN are on https://freenode.net/kb/answer/sasl . instructions for using SASL EXTERNAL are basically 1) set up CertFP per https://freenode.net/kb/answer/certfp 2) tell your client to use SASL EXTERNAL19:11
wxlgot it19:12
wxlthanks dax19:12
wxli kind of had put two and two together and just went for it and it worked :)19:12
ubottumpo42vr called the ops in #kubuntu ()20:00
elkyahoneybun: is there something we need to keep an eye out for re #k-ot?22:36
elkyahoneybun: if you want to discuss it unlogged #ubuntu-ops-team should be available to you22:38
elkylet me know if not22:38
ahoneybunelky: what?22:38
elkythe tsimonq2 thing22:39
SonikkuAmerica?? Sorry, vested interest22:39
ahoneybunoh it's a personal thing I think22:40
Jordan_UTo be clear, #ubuntu-ops-team is logged, but not publicly.22:40
ahoneybunSonikkuAmerica: vested interest?22:41
SonikkuAmericaahoneybun - I know of Simon and his contributions to the project thus far; in fact, I'm one of his namespace denizens.22:42
daxwhich is why this would have worked better in PM22:42
SonikkuAmericaWell, it's wide open and publogged now... :(22:42
SonikkuAmericaWhy didn't this convo start in -team?22:42
ahoneybunwell all of my issues are public with him anyway22:43
ahoneybunother then k-council22:43
elkySonikkuAmerica: because ahoneybun isn't there.22:43
SonikkuAmericaAh. Good point.22:43
ahoneybunI have to be invited22:43
daxwhat's a "namespace denizen" anyway22:44
daxlenswipee: hello, how can we help?22:44
chuHe's waiting for ikonia!22:44
SonikkuAmericadax - I'm in his ##22:45
daxso channel denizen :P22:45
lenswipeewaiting for explanation to why I was banned22:45
SonikkuAmericaYeah... dax :)22:45
daxlenswipee: sec, looking22:45
lenswipeedax, read logs :-)22:48
daxlenswipee: yes, I am22:48
lenswipeedax, may i pm you?22:48
daxlenswipee: no, give me a second to finish reading logs and then we'll discuss in here22:49
daxlenswipee: Repeated bad behavior and inability to follow directions22:49
lenswipeedax, ok22:49
daxlenswipee: and that's just in #ubuntu, and your behavior outside #ubuntu does not suggest that this is an isolated incident22:49
daxso you will be unable to access #ubuntu until we feel that you are able to behave in there, which we currently do not22:50
lenswipeedax, i'm misunderstood :-)22:52
daxlenswipee: That's unfortunate. Come back when you're able to communicate in a way that is not indistinguishable from problematic behavior.22:52
lenswipeedax, i'm new to linux so parden my inability to follow complicated instructions.22:54
lenswipeedax, have a nice day.22:55
lenswipeedax, bye22:55
dax(per /topic, please /part the channel)22:55
dax@mark lenswipee denied unban due to problematic behavior network-wide22:56
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:56
=== niko is now known as okin

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