
=== Bray90820 is now known as bray90820
nerdcoreI'm trying to follow these instructions https://devices.ubports.com/#/hammerhead and the files seem to have downloaded OK now but all I get is this: http://nerdcore.net/mike/ubtouch-error-1480902949.txt01:56
nerdcoreit's been stalled there for over an hour and does not appear to be doing anything more01:57
nerdcoreDoes my device need to be in a specific state (recovery / bootloader) to complete `ubuntu-device-flash`?03:34
duflunerdcore: I have never tried Ubuntu on a hammerhead but being a Nexus device you should not need any preparation other than the normal rooting03:37
duflunerdcore: A Nexus device should only require unlocking before flashing:  https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/devices/installing-ubuntu-for-devices/#unlock-device03:41
nerdcoreduflu: It's quite unlocked I'm sure. I just replaced CM on it yesterday03:59
nerdcorei've replaced recovery a few times as well with clockwork and twrp04:00
nerdcorebut ubuntu-device-flash just seemed to stall here: http://nerdcore.net/mike/ubtouch-error-1480902949.txt04:00
nerdcoreI've also just tried building AOSP from source which appears to have worked and now I'm looking to flash it. Should I have the device in the state described here before running ubuntu-device-flash? http://source.android.com/source/running.html#flashing-a-device04:03
nerdcoreoh i missed that step somehow. Stupid user error. my apologies04:06
nerdcorehmm, ubuntu appears to have booted but is asking me a question in a font so small I cannot possibly read it :(04:18
nerdcorewhat does "Boot access possibly lost. Fix?" mean?04:22
nerdcoremaybe "Root" not "Boot"? really hard to read04:27
duflunerdcore: Don't know sorry04:33
nerdcoreI selected "Go back" and it rebooted and loaded the OS :)04:34
nerdcoreIs there a way to import the contacts I dumped from adnroid in VCF format? The Contacts app only offers "import from google" or "import from SIM card"04:35
nerdcoreoh and Browser seems to crash every time. I'm guessing that's not supposed to happen :/04:49
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JoboHi! It seems like my phone won't turn back on after installing update 35. It started installing and was at the "powered by ubuntu" progress bar screen when I put it in my pocket, and now it won't turn on. iirc if it's run out of battery it would still flash the screen10:18
JoboAnd I don't recall it being low on battery10:18
JoboAnyone from the company here that saw my message?10:58
hariramaI dropped my BQ4.5, glass is broken ....11:24
hariramawhere would i get a new ubuntu phone?11:25
hariramawhat model would it be?11:25
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Acou_Basscan you not just repair it?11:51
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hariramatried to repair it. Got a new glass, had it installed, was the wrong type.11:59
hariramaso found another bq4.5 secondhand, also dropped that one, glass broken.12:00
hariramanow i have 2 broken phones.12:00
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mterrytedg: libertine in the silo doesn't build on any platform.  I guess it's trunk that doesn't build, since the one branch we had is merged already14:39
mterryJust a heads up14:39
dobeyhmm, i guess mesa is still broken :-/14:50
tedgmterry: Hmm, we should mention that to ChrisTownsend :-P14:50
ChrisTownsendtedg: mterry:  Which silo?14:52
mterryChrisTownsend: silo 212914:55
ChrisTownsendmterry: Ok, thanks14:55
tedgChrisTownsend: 2129, I have my LD_LIBRARY_PATH patch in there, but nothing else.14:55
mterryBut that's already merged14:55
mterrySo we're just building trunk14:56
larrypricere: libertine - seems there was an update to cmake-extras this weekend that has hidden our `translations` target causing builddeb to fail... i'm looking at it now14:56
mterrylarryprice, ChrisTownsend: yup, that's the build failure14:57
ChrisTownsendmterry: tedg: Ok, it's in the very capable hands of larryprice:)14:58
tedgWoot! Larry! Larry! Larry!14:58
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larrypricemterry, is this libertine from the archives or from a source branch?15:26
* larryprice has a fix ready, needs to figure out where to put it15:26
mterrylarryprice: source branch (trunk)15:26
mterrylarryprice: oh like a silo?  You could put it in our silo (2129) to help our builds, but don't land it from there -- that silo will never land, just for testing15:27
larrypricemterry, well if you're just pulling from our source branches, it makes things easier15:28
mterrylarryprice: what is the schedule for libertine releases to archive?  I was surprised to see things land in trunk but not archive, so you must do manual landings?15:28
larrypricemterry, we do dev work on lp:libertine and then manually release lp:libertine/trunk when we have enough changes in place or someone needs something15:29
ChrisTownsendmterry: tedg: Ok, fix has landed in lp:libertine, so you should be able to rebuild libertine now in your silo.15:53
mterryChrisTownsend, larryprice: such quick turnaround without an archive-trunk.  :)  Nice selling point15:54
ChrisTownsendmterry: Yep, we have to do some songs and dances, but it makes development agile:)15:54
dobeyeh, more a sign that we have process problems we need to fix15:55
ChrisTownsendmterry: It also helps shake out any regressions before we release into the archive.15:55
ChrisTownsenddobey: We have beaten that dead horse into the ground.  It is what it is.15:55
dobeysure; just saying that "subverting the process by ignoring it" isn't a good solution to "we have X/Y/Z problems with the process"15:57
ChrisTownsenddobey: We don't ignore the process.  We just do it differently than many other projects.  We still use the ci-train and QA for landing releases.  Our development model is just different.  And I think it's a good thing to have the freedom to choose one way or the other.15:59
taiebotmm am i the only one experiencing regressions on the telephony side due to the landing of the group chat support?16:01
pmcgowantaiebot, I lost some history in a test I just did, guys are looking at it now16:01
taiebotpmcgowan: i have just seen you confirming.16:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1647024 in Canonical System Image "RC proposed multiple regressions on messages contact and phone app" [Critical,Confirmed]16:03
pmcgowanmy symptoms are a bit different so will need to dig16:03
taiebotpmcgowan: i am roaming in a foreign country at the moment maybe that's why initialisation is slow.16:05
dobeyChrisTownsend: not quite what i was saying (or trying to say), but eh, not fussed to argue about it either :)16:05
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taiebotpmcgowan: whaouh did not realise everything is back now... Weird!! i swear i had lost everything just re-opened now app launches fine and i have my messages and my call history back. Wonder what happened, the only stuff i think is i received a phone call last night maybe this re-triggered everything?16:10
pmcgowantaiebot, interesting, there was some sort of db schema change, maybe the script finally finsihed? add to the bug16:11
pmcgowanbfiller, ^16:11
bfillersalem_, ^^^16:12
taiebotpmcgowan, bfiller and salem, my messages app was like a first launch, 20 sec to boot and the intro set up displayed. No messages at all and calls history was also blank.16:16
salem_taiebot, could you check your $HOME/.cache/upstart/dbus.log  ?16:16
salem_taiebot, looks like history-daemon is somehow stuck.16:17
taiebotsalem_ i have lots of oFonoConnection::inspectHandles contact (2)16:25
taieboti suppose it's normal16:25
boikotaiebot: usually it is normal16:26
taiebotsalem_ i have the debug of saturday which is a little bit more useful i suppose.16:30
salem_taiebot, the inspectHandles() is expected. I saw the ones in the bug report. Do you have any other debug?16:31
salem_taiebot, can you look into dbus.log for some text like "SQLite" or "database" ?16:32
mterrypete-woods: does your silo 2224's libqtdbusmock build if you rebuilt it?  I tried that branch in a separate silo and got a build error around GMock not being found...16:39
taiebotsalem_ https://paste.ubuntu.com/23584095/16:40
pete-woodsmterry: it does, yes. there were some changes in cmake-extras recently that means you have to totally rebuild if you have a dirty build tree?16:41
pete-woodscould possibly be that16:41
pete-woodsthe MR itself only adds two new methods to a dbus stub, shouldn't make gmock dissappear..16:42
pete-woods(I hope)16:42
mterrypete-woods: yeah I agree it's not your branch, just saying there seems to be a problem with libqtdbusmock trunk16:42
pete-woodsmterry: oh, trunk doesn't build?16:42
pete-woodsthat does surprise me16:43
mterrypete-woods: well it doesn't build with your MP.  And I don't think it's your MP.  So must be trunk16:43
pete-woodsthat's not completely true16:43
salem_taiebot, thanks. it looks correct. Are you still able to reproduce the issue?16:43
pete-woodsas that assumes nothing else changed16:43
mterrypete-woods: no I'm assuming something else changed16:44
pete-woodspretty sure in ubuntu-land the sands shift regularly16:44
mterrypete-woods: but they broke your trunk is the point16:44
pete-woodsyeah, I think gmock broke a lot of trunks recently16:44
pete-woodsbut we made a workaround in cmake-extras16:44
pete-woodsthat *should* have fixed it?16:44
* pete-woods double-checks that it's being used in libqtdbusmock16:44
taiebotsalem_ my database could have been big i have been using my device for 3 years16:45
mterrypete-woods: I'm just saying, try rebuilding your silo package.  I did in a separate silo and it broke16:45
pete-woodsmterry: I'm being dense here16:45
pete-woodsit turns out my MR *does* fix the FTBFS16:45
taiebotsalem_ i am not able to reproduce anymore.16:45
pete-woodsbut I just forgot :$16:45
pete-woodsyou need to make sure cmake-extras is up to date, though16:45
mterrypete-woods: I just now, like 30m ago took your silo MP and built in another silo and it broke16:46
mterryMaybe my silo messed it up?  But my first guess is that archive broke you16:46
pete-woodsthen I really don't know what's going on16:46
pete-woodsthe cmake-extras fix is only in the stable-overlay for xenial16:47
pete-woodsmaybe that's it?16:47
mterrypete-woods: I was seeing ftbfs in xenial and zesty16:47
mterryAll arches16:47
mterryJust try rebuilding the package and see what happens?16:48
pete-woodsmterry: really don't know what's going on there then16:48
pete-woodsmterry: yeah, will try and and see16:48
pete-woodsthanks for the heads up!16:48
salem_taiebot, ahh, so you were able to reproduce it only once?16:49
taiebotWell  i could downgrade and re-upgrade to see if i can reproduce on upgrade16:49
taiebotsalem_  I had no messages on saturday and sunday even after reboots16:50
taiebotsalem_ while i was talking to pmcgowan realised that everything was back.16:51
taiebotsalwm_ I can downgrade/upgrade to see if i reproduce on upgrade.16:51
salem_taiebot, thank you. I don't know if you will be able to downgrade, since the database got already upgraded to work with the most recent version. downgrading the packages may cause some other troubles.16:57
salem_taiebot, in case you face this issue again, could you grab dbus.log so we can check?16:58
salem_taiebot, also, could you run a command line via adb so I can confirm something?16:59
taiebotno problem16:59
salem_taiebot, sqlite3 $HOME/.local/share/history-service/history.sqlite "select * from schema_version"17:02
taiebotsalem_  17 is the ouput17:03
salem_taiebot, ok, thanks! so your database got upgraded successfully.17:06
zeu5Hi. I'm trying to port to Xiaomi redmi 1s. I build the project for nexus as a part of the guide but can't find the boot.img or recovery.img18:27
zeu5Where do i look for what went wrong?18:28
zeu5I'm a noob to this so help me out18:29
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