
Kilosso wake up za05:24
paddatrapperMorning oom Kilos05:35
Kiloshi chesedo inetpro paddatrapper superfly 05:37
paddatrapperHighlights should wake everyone 05:37
Kilospaddatrapper when you have nothing to do and are bored, can you help me get ekiga working on 14.04 please05:37
Kilosno rush at all05:37
paddatrapperKilos: ok. What's ekiga? 05:38
Kilosi need to do it on 14.04 because i have 14.04 installed on debs lappy but it wont connect05:38
Kilossame as skype05:38
Kiloson my 16.04 it works but not on 14.0405:39
paddatrapperAh ok05:39
Kilosthere many posts of it online but i cant get any of their fixes to work05:39
paddatrapperSure can take a look. Probably only tomorrow though 05:39
Kiloswe use skype atm so no rush05:39
Kiloscouple weeks is fine as well lad05:40
paddatrapperCool. I'll see how tomorrow pans out then 05:40
Kilosohi pavlushka 05:41
pavlushkaHeylo Kilos :)05:41
Kiloshi Xethron thatgraemeguy tumbleweed MaNI ludo jerit and drussell too05:43
thatgraemeguywhat happened with all this PM spam?05:43
Kilosdid you also get it?05:44
Kilospavlushka sorted his side so only registered nicks are allowed05:44
pavlushkathatgraemeguy: "/umode +R" and you are in #freenode channel I guess.05:45
pavlushkathatgraemeguy: no, you are not in there05:45
pavlushkathatgraemeguy: that mode set to allow only reg nicks to pm you05:58
chesedomorning paddatrapper Kilos- pavlushka thatgraemeguy and others07:07
pavlushkamorning chesedo :)07:07
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
paddatrappermorning chesedo 07:08
superflyKilos: ekiga is not the same as skype. You can't ekiga to ekiga, you need a SIP server09:44
Kiloshi superfly when i run ekiga on 16.04 i can do the echo test but on 14.04 it doesnt work09:45
Kilosi actually managed to send a couple of text messages to debs lappy then it stopped connecting09:46
superflyKilos: I doubt an echo test needs a SIP server, it's just to check that your microphone is working.09:46
Kilosso what do i do ?09:46
Kilosi think it runs through a sip server at ekiga09:46
superflyKilos: the reality is that 14.04 is a dead OS for desktop09:47
Kilosthats our ids09:47
superflyKilos: ah, I see, they do have a SIP server09:47
Kilosyes but her old ibm lappy is too underpowered for 16.0409:47
Kilosyes my id is sip:kilos@ekiga.net i think09:48
Kilosor ekiga.com09:48
superflyKilos: you'd need to upgrade ekiga on 14.04. That's a version that is over 2 years old. 2 years in technology time is like 50 years in human time.09:52
superflyKilos: maybe find a PPA09:52
Kilosi will try that ty. i have 14.04 on an external here so ill get it working here first then get tara to do the setup for her mom09:54
Kilosive read so much about probs peeps had with 14.04 but havent managed to get any of their fixes to work09:55
Kilosand im trying to find a wiring problem in ians golf, that has made it lose spark09:59
LangjanHi guys10:07
Kiloshi Langjan 10:07
Kiloswhat broke10:07
LangjanHoe gaan dit vandag?10:07
Kilosok dankie en daar10:08
Langjangoed dankie10:08
Kiloswhat broke10:08
Langjanstill sukkeling with my video players10:08
Langjancheck my email for details10:08
Kilosuse vlc10:09
Kilosits all i use10:09
Kilosplays everything10:09
LangjanI remember having tried that also but no harm in another go10:10
LangjanIts already installed10:10
Kilosvlc gives conflict?10:11
Langjanmust I uninstall all the flash stuff?10:11
Kilosvlc runs on its own10:11
Kilosmake sure you havent got another player using the file same time10:12
Langjanso if I have the flash stuff there and vlc there could be a conflict problem?10:12
theblazehenFlash stuff sucks. Remove flash.10:12
LangjanHi theblazehen 10:12
theblazehenIf it doesn't run with html5 in browser then mpv should play it10:12
theblazehenHi Langjan, Kilos10:12
Kilosreinstall all vlc related packages in synaptic, im sure there will be updates 10:13
Kiloshi theblazehen 10:13
Kilosleme see ian off, he going to bosch for spares10:13
Langjantheres a long list of vlc stuff I never know which are needed10:13
Kilosall the installed ones10:18
Kilosright click reinstall10:18
Kilosiirc vlc tells you if it needs another plugin10:19
Kilosmine just works10:19
Kilosoh im not on unity10:19
LangjanSorry, system froze. Happening regularly lately, ageing hardware? 10:23
Kilosare you battling on your pc10:23
LangjanMust I uninstall all the flashy stuff?10:24
LangjanIt comes and goes10:24
Kiloswhen last you did sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade10:24
LangjanQuite often10:25
Kilosflash should make pc freeze10:25
Kilosok sudo touch /forcefsck and reboot10:25
Kiloshopefully that finds bad stuff and sorts it10:25
LangjanHi again10:29
Langjanlet me do that vlc reload and get rid of flash10:30
Kilosim not sure but i think there is something the guys use in place of adobe flash10:35
Kilospepper something10:35
Kilosinetpro will tell you when he wakes up10:35
LangjanI had that also10:35
Langjanbut you say vlc plays everything10:35
Langjanso why worry further10:36
LangjanThe video on this site does not work: wants the pepper thing: http://www.speedtest.net/10:37
Kilosthen get the pepperthing10:37
theblazehenLangjan remove the firefox pepper flash extension or something?10:37
Langjantheblazehen,  in Firefox there is Open H264 video codec, shockwave flash, adobe reader 9.5, divx web player, Itunes app detector, quick time plugin 766, vlc multimedia plugin, windows multimedia player plugin 1010:43
theblazehenIs this windows or linux10:43
Langjanubuntu 14.0410:44
Langjanunity desktop10:44
theblazehenHmm. Have you restarted firefox?10:45
LangjanI did a fresh install of Firefox a few days ago10:45
chesedoLangjan: extionsions are still installed in ~/.firefox.... even after a fresh install they will persist10:56
Langjanchesedo, I deleted all the files10:57
LangjanTried with vlc activated and all the others "ask" then the site asks for flash and popup error shows it wants pepper flash10:58
Langjanso vlc does not work everywhere...10:59
Kilosif you have a spare drive, install 16.04 and try get used to it11:08
theblazehenOr 16.10 ?11:08
Kilosmany things work that needed fixing in 14.0411:08
LangjanWhy should it be a problem to get used to it?11:08
Kilosthey moved stuff around11:09
Kilosoh maybe not on unity11:09
* theblazehen wonders what 17.10 will be called11:09
Kiloskde made some diffs11:09
LangjanMy friend installed it and I did not even notice the diff11:09
Kilosthen go for it11:09
Langjanthe kde is the prob as usual11:10
Kilosbut you old you know11:10
Kilosand maybe need new glasses11:10
Langjanmaybe new specs wil help, better do major overhaul11:11
Kilossave your home folder11:11
LangjanOK gotta go for now, we will talk later11:11
Kilosgo well my friend11:12
Langjanwill do, always do11:12
Langjanthks you too Kilos 11:12
Kilosinetpro where are you?14:52
superflyKilos: ^^15:12
Kiloswasoutside working15:43
superflySo you were hiding too15:43
Kilosoh yes he is scared i give him some work15:43
Kilosnono working15:43
inetprogood mornings15:43
Kilosgot ians car going15:43
inetprooops I mean...15:43
Kilosmorning inetpro 15:43
inetprooh hi oom Kilos as well15:44
Kilosglad you managed to wake up15:44
inetprowhat's up doc?15:44
Kilosjust you didnt great before lunch15:44
inetprosorry oom15:45
inetprojust busy15:45
Kilosyou are forgfiven15:45
Kilosstrange keyboard15:45
Kilosrunning an old pc of ians from my 14.04 external15:45
Kilosmuch faster than the xp hehe15:46
Kilosusb3 external with ssd15:46
inetprosuperfly: are you ready to fly yet?15:46
inetproI mean the long flight15:47
Kilos3 days to his interview first15:47
inetproobviously he's flying the shorty flights all day every day15:47
inetprolike a fly15:47
inetprowill be a strange place here without him ready to respond in the regular fashion 15:49
Kilossad day for za15:50
LangjanHi Kilos slaap jy nog nie?19:03
Kilosek ismhier Langjan 19:04
Kilosis ook 19:04
LangjanAls wel by jou?19:04
Kilosdifferent keyboard19:04
Kilosja dankie en self19:04
Langjanmooi ook so dankie19:04
Kiloswat het nou gebreek19:04
LangjanI want to upgrade to 16.04 but am wary of the kde/unity combo and think I must change kde to ubuntu 14.04 before upgrade19:06
Kilosthats half your probs i think19:06
Kilosunity7 on kde base19:06
Kilosinstall ubuntu-desktop19:07
Kilosand remove kubuntu-desktop19:07
Kilosbut i would rather clean install 16.0419:07
Kilosthen just copy home folder to new installation19:08
LangjanI have a lot of apps that will be lost19:08
Langjanand vbox19:08
Kiloswhere will they be lost19:08
Kiloscopy whats running and then make sure you have them in stalled19:09
Langjanvbox andd some of them dont survive fresh install19:09
Kilosremember you cant ask me for 16.04 help19:09
Kilosohy ya19:09
Kiloshow muchy space have you got19:09
Langjanlet me check19:10
Langjan62 GB used 42 free19:11
Kilosoh wait19:11
Kiloslook at systemback19:12
Langjanbacked up home is 55 GB19:12
Kilosit makes an installation disk that installs everything you have working19:12
Kilosmight need to do it to an external you have so much junk19:13
Kilosohy no19:14
Kilosyou wanna upgrade19:14
Kilosmake a system back iso so if the upgrade aint good you can reinstall to what you have now19:21
Kilosits in the repos19:22
Kiloswb tumbleweed 19:25
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
LangjanKilos, did I scare you off?19:35
Kilosim eating a wors broodjie19:36
Kilosand falling asleep hehe19:37
Kilosek skrik nie vir koue pap nie19:37
Langjanek sien ek kan die kde goed via synaptic uithaal19:37
Kilosek gebruik synaptic baie19:38
Kilosmaak net seker dat jy die unity goed instaleer voor jy afsit19:39
LangjanEk het unity, moet ek iets weer installleer?19:39
Kilosna die kde goed uithaal reinstall ubuntu-desktop19:40
Kilosof doen dit als in een'19:40
Kilossynaptic hoort n goeie job daarvan te maak19:40
tumbleweedhi Kilos, wb to you too :)19:40
Kilosty tumbleweed 19:41
Kilosyou still here?19:41
* tumbleweed is in SF19:41
LangjanUnity things are there must I reinstall them?19:42
Kilosmy fav emoticon19:43
Kilosnot much thinking19:43
tumbleweedKilos: so, you survived? :)19:43
Kiloshaha yessir19:43
Kilosnow gotta have 2 bypass ops here before i can save to go back19:44
Kilosnot serious19:44
Kiloscant do any worse than dying you know19:44
tumbleweedI hope your family wasn't stuck with too much debt from that19:46
Kilosstill 9k19:46
Kilosbits and pieces are coming in19:46
LangjanKilos, on reboot I still get Kubuntu logo19:46
tumbleweedthat's still a lot :/19:47
Kilosenough so far to keep the hospital quiet from informing the OZ govt19:47
Kilosyeah in za mon ey its a fortune19:47
KilosLangjan you battle to get rid of kde19:47
Kilosthats why i said clean install19:48
Kilosdont mix them again19:48
Kilosyou unity peeps must maar suffer along19:48
Langjaneerder die duiwel wat jy ken19:49
* Kilos loves kde19:49
LangjanLangjan, loves unity19:49
Kilosyou never too oldto learn man19:49
Langjanagreed, I have just learnt my lesson19:49
Kilosim thinking of going 16.04 on my desktop19:50
Kiloskde of course19:50
Kilosnot lekker to go to bed along hey superfly ?19:51
Kilosi hate it19:51
* Kilos loves spooning19:51
KilosLangjan ive even had hassles using a unity home folder in kde19:53
Kilosso i decided to in future leave unity for the clever peeps19:53
LangjanThose clever enough to know where to stay away from20:00
Langjanyou have cheeky learner20:01
Kilosso old man what are you actually doing there?20:03
Langjansynaptic removing all kde20:03
Kilosdont mix them in future20:03
Kiloshavent you heard of apartheid20:04
Langjanyou hate being apart20:06
Kilosyes me man not different operating systems20:07
Kilosits likemputting diesel into your petrol car20:07
Langjanyip ok gonna reboot check you in a minute20:07
Kilosit wont go far20:07
Langjanwhat wont go far?20:07
Kilosthe car20:07
Langjanoh ok did not see the clever diesel/petrol comment20:08
Kiloskeep up man20:08
Langjanwell you can mix up to about 20%20:08
LangjanI only kept desktop20:08
Kilosread everything , dont skim what you think is important20:08
Kiloswith 20% you gonna smoke20:09
Kiloswb Langjan 20:14
Langjanhopefully kde20:15
Kilos20% diesel in petrol car will smoke man20:15
Langjanbobbejaantjie se huh20:15
Langjanyes but it will run20:16
Kilosyes 20:16
Langjan20% petrol in diesel also will get you home20:16
Kiloswont start from cold20:16
Langjanwhy not?20:17
Kilosdiesel like to be warmed up first20:17
Kiloslike those old tractors that ran on power parafin20:17
Kilosfirst had to start on petrol20:17
Langjanthis kde-thing is a monster20:19
Kiloshi dude42 20:21
Kiloswb Langjan 20:22
LangjanI have even deleted the .kde config folder and it still shows up as kubuntu...20:22
Kilosso is everything running smoothly20:22
Langjanyes 20:23
Kilossee the power20:23
LangjanI call it contamination20:23
Kiloshurry now man its bedtime20:23
LangjanWhat do I do to get this thing out? Everything under kde in synaptic is deleted, .kde is deleted but it still shows up!20:24
Kilosclean install20:25
Langjanwell I may as well uipgrade and see what happens, can always clean install afterwards if required20:28
Kilosi gotta go sleep now sir20:28
Kilosnot as young as you you know20:28
Kiloshopefully the kde boot logo stays20:29
Langjanyes slaap lekker my vriend ek gaan ook duik20:29
Langjanhoop jy kramp in jou slaap...20:29
Kilosok sir see you tomorrow20:30
Kilossleep tight you and everyone else lurking here20:30
dude42hi all23:42

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