
=== evilnewbie is now known as beaver
Jo5hua-Good evening! Does anyone know what "byobu" stands for? The ssh terminal program.. I cannot find what the acronym means00:05
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puffinzI really like these Ubuntu Gnome wallpapers00:05
jayjohow do I move a window to another monitor if compiz-plugins did not work?00:06
WulfJo5hua-: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/By%C5%8Dbu00:07
kidkidim so stupid00:09
kidkidi did apt-get upgrade and there was choosing keyboard and i cancelled and now i aborted it00:09
kidkidwhat did i ruin now?00:09
Jo5hua-Omg Wulf you are the best! Thank you so much.00:09
Jo5hua-This has been an enigma for me the last 7 years =)00:09
WulfJo5hua-: may the google be with you00:09
Jo5hua-I did search but I must have searched the wrong keywords :)00:10
amikropExternal (USB) hard drive doesn't (always) automount on boot, and needs re-plugging. Didn't have this problem on Windows. Any help please?00:10
Jo5hua-I'm so happy now I feel enlightened00:10
Jo5hua-Thank you00:10
kidkidamikrop: what did you try?00:10
amikropRe-plugging works every time, but I was hoping I could avoid it obviously.00:11
puffinzSearch Results: No Found.00:11
amikropkidkid: what do you mean?00:11
kidkidamikrop: sorry i forget auto mount is thing in ubuntu...00:11
amikropIt should be a thing in every user-friendly OS of 21st century00:11
kidkidsure man00:12
kidkidmmm i forgot :(00:12
amikropnp :)00:12
kidkidif i know how to read usb logs00:12
kidkidthats what i would do00:12
amikropno idea where to find them or how to read them00:13
amikropi guess dmesg or smth? but no idea00:13
kidkiddmesg yea00:13
kidkidlet me google for ya00:13
kidkidmmm i hope this will help00:13
kidkidbut if not wait for an expert to come!00:13
kidkidI believe a fellow expers are hide here00:14
Castor_Troyhi, i have xubuntu and win10 dual boot. i have a blank ntfs drive to which i copied files from ubuntu. i cannot open the folder in windows00:14
kidkidsee topic00:14
kidkidCastor_Troy: see /topic00:14
meltcan anyone help me install systemd on 14.04, the mpitti ppa is not working00:14
kidkidmelt: how is it not working? any errors?00:14
meltoops, not working, ha, well the dist-upgrade does not seem to be doing anything, just 0 packages need update00:15
Castor_Troykidkid, ?00:15
Castor_Troyis my question out of topic ?00:15
kidkidCastor_Troy: type /topic ... this is #ubuntu00:15
kidkidI believe #xubuntu can help you!00:16
Castor_Troyyeah, ok.. i copied files from ubuntu, cant see them in windows00:16
meltkidkid i was doing this http://voices.canonical.com/tag/boot/00:16
amikropkidkid: yeah, i followed the guide but didnt work.. i ll wait for someone to answer00:16
kidkidamikrop: any errors?00:16
jimmy_what's ubuntu?00:17
amikropkidkid: the key in dconf-editor that the guide says to check, is already checked00:17
reisiojimmy_: regzraktree00:17
=== Liz is now known as Guest54938
kidkidamikrop: try this http://serverfault.com/questions/414120/how-to-get-usb-devices-to-automount-in-ubuntu-12-04-server00:18
kidkidsorry DONT SERVER00:18
IpSoWhen my Linux server boots, I can see the text scroll across the screen, but then the entire screen goes blank. This is on a Linux server, so there is no graphical display enabled and I have: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset bootdegraded=true text" -- Any ideas how I can prevent the screen from going black? I assume its some kind of video mode change?00:20
=== ezzzk is now known as ezzz
skinuxIs there a good Ubuntu doc for properly setting up Apache with FastCGI?00:22
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meltCrack cocaine makes me download ubuntu faster00:25
reisioso true00:25
reisioskinux: no, but there's one for properly setting up nginx with fastcgi00:25
kidkidso true00:25
meltso it looks like the only ubuntu right now that supports fglrx AND systemd is 15.1000:26
kidkidmelt: what are you trying to do?00:27
melti want to be able to build the amd fglrx 15.12 proprietary drivers incl the dkms module AND be able to install all my services. :)00:27
Bashing-ommelt: 14.04.1 .. stress on .1 . Is the support for FGLRX .00:28
meltBashing-om: yes it worked great but does not allow systemd00:28
melteven up to 14.04.500:29
meltgonna try 15.10 see what i can accomplish.00:29
kidkidjust froze00:32
MadokaMagicaHello everyone!00:32
MadokaMagicaDoes anyone in here know how to install a wireless adapter driver for Realtek RTL8192EU for Linux?00:33
MadokaMagicaWithout Ethernet00:33
blacknred0MadokaMagica: probably download the deb and all of its dependencies and then transfer to a thumb drive and install00:34
Bashing-ommelt: I have not done it . and maybe a pain . but one can intall systemd to 14.04 : http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-and-test-systemd-on-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr-and-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ .00:34
skinuxIf I can get nGinx working properly, that will work too.00:34
MadokaMagicaI downloaded the .deb00:34
blacknred0And it's dependencies as well?00:34
MadokaMagicaHow do you know what dependencies it needs?00:35
meltBashing-om: i attempted this, however, the dist-upgrade step does not do anything, it just says 0 updates00:35
MadokaMagicaI got it from here: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/reserve-700:35
gabe_I like how im running arch but default i join here00:35
MadokaMagicaWhen I tried to run the installer, it pulled up a screen with an install button00:36
MadokaMagicaThat button didn't seem to work00:36
blacknred0apt-cache showpkg package-name00:36
MadokaMagicaI don't have access to that partition right now, I'm gonna do it later00:37
MadokaMagicaLinux is a pain in the ass to install with Windows00:37
Bashing-ommelt: Anything beyond 14.04.(1) the xserver does not support FGLRX . AMD is giving us what we asked for .. open source drivers .00:37
meltBashing-om: they are giving it to us in a horrible fashion, as half their cards do not work with amdgpu00:37
blacknred0Used to be worse... it's getting better with new hardware over time00:38
meltX server doesn't support fglrx?????00:38
meltfrom what ver00:38
MadokaMagicaAlso I used EasyBCD to do the dual boot00:38
MadokaMagicaThe problem is it boots into a command line version of grub00:38
MadokaMagicaHow do I have it go to the GUI verison?00:39
Bashing-ommelt: A fact there and there is a lot of adjustment , amdgpu for later release cards . radeon for earlier .. and bleeding edge is amdgpu-pro.00:40
meltBashing-om: yes, i need either fglrx with dkms, or amdgpu-pro, because i use OpenCL00:41
skinuxCan I get a link to the doc for nGinx and FastCGI?00:41
skinuxI've had trouble finding a good doc meant for Ubuntu00:41
reisio/msg alis list *ubunt*server*00:42
Bashing-ommelt: What card ? and also see: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2317199#post13540589 .00:43
Zombie_RyushuSomerone is mass spamming me.00:43
fuddieZombie_Ryushu: me too00:43
meltall the sea islands and southern islands cards00:44
Sekretame too00:44
=== Threads is now known as Threads_
* puffinz its a pizza trap00:44
GuestieHow do I list all the repositories that I added to aptitude?00:44
melt!report ZECHARIAHEEL spam00:44
ubottumelt: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:44
GuestieFrom the command line**00:44
tehBTPBryan Ostergaard, tisktisk.00:45
meltOoh, actually, Bashing-om thank you, it looks like 15.10 might be in play still, fglrx was not included in 16.04 because Canonical pressed forward with a new version of X Server that fglrx was not ready to handle and AMD did not want to expend the resources to make it compatible while they are working so hard on AMDGPU and AMDGPU-Pro.00:45
dikiaapDafuq someone spam me00:45
meltyes, spam. it's a thing.00:45
avitas/umode +g00:45
tehBTP@melt since when?00:46
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deznutzwhat is the +g?00:46
meltdeznutz: gangster00:46
avitasdeznutz, block PM's except from your approved list00:47
yenclgj5nlwmelt, I have the same trouble,00:47
meltyenclgj5nlw: it burns when you pee?00:48
yenclgj5nlwno, i have no drivers00:48
yenclgj5nlwand can't use flgrx because it is dropped00:48
meltyenclgj5nlw: i guess without a drivers we will have to walk huh00:48
yenclgj5nlwor add a feature to radeon00:49
meltTangos down00:49
meltKKK lined00:50
willies952002I'm guessing you got that pm too..?00:50
melti know all the informations00:50
Rochvellonuse "/mode NICK +Rg" to avoid unwanted Spam via qeury00:50
melti get too many msg to be blocking them00:50
meltopers got this00:51
SonikkuAmericaLadies and gentlemen, please do not discuss this in the channel, we are working in tandem with staff to get this rectified. Thank you!00:51
yenclgj5nlwkick'm all00:51
RNevilleHello, something very strange has just happened to my Ubuntu 14.04 OS - it has reverted back to months ago configurations00:54
melthmmm peace out00:55
N3X15Yeeeah, I think I'll come back tomorrow, after the skids are put to bed00:55
RNevilleCan anyone advise me: it seems as though my Ubuntu 14.04 has been reset to a previous restore point - as in the Windows OS00:59
SonikkuAmericaHow so?00:59
SonikkuAmericaRNeville - did some of your configuration files get hosed?01:00
RNevilleHave no idea SonikkuAmerica01:01
RNeville"everything" seems to be as if I last used the computer months ago - even my webpages in Firefox are months old reads01:01
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HelloWorld123what is the /export folder for?01:10
HelloWorld123I have a user home folder /home/user that is mirrored in /export/user and named in /etc/exports01:13
elias_aSorry OT but how does one report msg spamming in freenode?01:14
Random832elias_a, i'm sure they're well aware of the problem, it's been going on all weekend01:14
ObrienDaveelias_a, it's been noted01:15
elias_aThis Matthewson dude? Ok. Thanks.01:16
RNevilleHow can my Ubuntu 14.04 install revert back to a configuration of months ago? Any help appreciated01:16
=== Bray90820 is now known as bray90820
vas_tappendageany using grive or variants01:20
elias_aRNeville: What is your actual problem? Missing sw or what?01:21
RNevilleDo experience linux users back up there configuration files - since, I seem to have a major problem with my Ubuntu 14.05 install01:21
bazhang!info etckeeper01:22
ubottuetckeeper (source: etckeeper): store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs. In component main, is optional. Version 1.18.2-1ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 26 kB, installed size 145 kB01:22
bazhangtake a look at etckeeper for that RNeville01:23
tewardRNeville: yes, experienced users keep backups, and always keep a copy of older configs before putting 'modified' into production01:23
tewardbut also look at what bazhang recommended :)01:23
RNevillethx bazhang and teward01:23
vas_tappendagetrying to access/sync goodrive with natilus..any ideas, thanks01:26
kmysthey anybody know a reason why creating a sparse file on a luks encrypted lvm ext4 partition shows actual size and apparent size as being the same? i double checked myself on a vm that doesn't use luks and it creates the sparse file just fine, so i'm somewhat confused.01:29
=== lll is now known as sadpone
RNevilleStill, don't understand my problem - my install of Ubuntu has revert to month ago configuration - for no apparent reason ( didn't know this possible)01:36
RNevillehas hosed my setup - beyond belief01:36
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I black list an account in this chat?01:36
mojtabaI am getting non-sense private messages.01:36
Wulfmojtaba: /mode mojtaba +R01:36
bazhang /mode yournick +g mojtaba01:37
nb_ffWho's kloeri01:37
nb_ffI'm getting like, 20 messages from random people01:37
nb_ffsaying he's a pedo01:37
bazhangnb_ff, a target of some problem makers, please ignore01:37
nb_ffWell i mean01:37
nb_ffI'm getting pinged01:37
nb_ffmultiple times a minute01:37
nb_ffhard to ignore01:37
Rochvellonnb_ff: use /mode nb_ff +R01:38
mojtabaWulf: What is /mode username +R and +g?01:38
kmystyeah i just got 8 of them, excessive much?01:38
bazhangthen check the topic in #freenode and discuss there01:38
Wulfmojtaba: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/usermodes01:38
puffinzHahaha. IRC Trolls01:38
puffinzDoesnt bother me01:38
Rochvellonmojtaba: Block querys from  unregisterd users01:38
kk4ewt  /umode +g01:39
dummy9988i have no sound where do i start ?01:39
Wulfdummy9988: sound options in the setting01:39
tehBTPSpeakers plugged in?01:40
Wulfdummy9988: cat /proc/asound/cards01:40
waglethanks for mode info01:42
=== dgtlphlk is now known as dgtlchlk
dummy9988its good01:42
dummy9988speakers are plugged in01:42
nb_ffdummy9988: Check that your speaker's volume is up01:42
waglepower on 8)01:43
dummy9988speaker is in the monitor01:43
nb_ffcheck that your computer's volume is up01:43
nb_ffif nothing else, reinstall ubuntu :p01:43
nb_ff(don't actually do that)01:43
nb_ffAre you using HDMI?01:43
nb_ffWhat type of audio connection are you using?01:44
dummy9988light green aux cord looking thing01:44
nb_ffCheck that your speakers are on. What brand/type of speakers are you using?01:45
dummy9988its hp and they are built in to the monitor01:45
nb_ffWhat is the monitor model?01:45
dummy9988hp 2210m01:45
tehBTPAssuming everything is plugged in correctly, I would explore software options.01:47
dummy9988does it help if before my gf started using it i had a very low volume sound ?01:49
tehBTPTake your phone and plug the audio jack into your phone and see if it plays music.01:49
cfhowlettpro-tip: girlfriends who use your computer should have an account of their own, i.e. NOT your account01:49
nb_ffWhat program do you use for audio?01:51
nb_ffpavu? Jack?01:51
dummy9988plugged my phone in, no sound01:52
dummy9988plugged my phone in, no sound]01:53
ObrienDavedummy9988, see if display menu has volume settings01:53
dummy9988i see a picture physically printed on it but when i press the menu button i see nothing about sound01:54
dummy9988i hit factory reset and bam now i have sound from my phone01:55
ObrienDavethe display volume was muted01:55
nb_ffAudio is usually a seperate system from the OSD01:55
kantlivelonganyone getting spammed with PMs?01:56
Rochvellonkantlivelong: use /mode kantlivelong +R01:57
dummy9988thanks guys no clue how she even managed to do that01:57
tehBTPnp dummy!01:57
bazhang#freenode for topic and discussion kantlivelong01:57
dummy9988haha true to my name once again01:57
cfhowlettkantlivelong, please waste no time with "Anyone?" questions.  state YOUR issues and YOUR system specs01:57
kantlivelongbazhang: was trying to figure out which chan was affected01:58
howarthvirtualbox 5.1.10 is much better now that I have tuned down the number of processors02:01
howarthfiled https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1626502:01
howarthCurrently Virtualbox 5.1.10 assumes that the machine supports hyperthreading02:01
bazhanghowarth, is this not appropriate for #vbox02:01
howarthA MacPro 3,1 has Harpertown processors and doesn't as they should be able to see from a trivial check of /proc/cpuinfo02:02
howarthHowever the processor tab errornously shows 16 cores with the green recommended safe bar extending to 8 cores on a dual quad-core Harpertown02:03
bazhanghowarth, really #vbox is where you need to discuss this02:03
howarthwhich if you assume that is correct, makes the linux box basically unusable while Virtualbox is running02:03
howarthI'll file a Ubuntu bug report for their 5.1.602:03
howarthas well02:03
bazhang!info virtualbox02:04
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.1.6-dfsg-2 (yakkety), package size 15003 kB, installed size 67308 kB02:04
howarthit is a really nasty bug as the processor panel is currently lying to the enduser about the recommended number of processors02:04
howarthif this is fixed, it will show only the real 8 processors and not the claimed 1602:04
howarthand the green bar should only go out to 4 processors02:05
cfhowletthowarth, this is NOT the VBOX channel.  stop wasting bandwidth and time in the ubuntu channel and go to #vbox02:05
howarthI'll have to remember to check this issue under OS X to see if the bug is universal or limited to the linux builds of Virtualbox02:05
howarthI wish Oracle would get off their duffs and contract someone to write the missing OS X guest tools for those VMs02:06
howarthCertainly there must be some unemployed ex-employes of VMWare or Virtual PC looking for work02:07
nchamberswhat does j do?02:08
dummy9988anyone had any success developing apps for apple while using ubuntu ?02:09
nb_ffDefine "apps"02:10
nb_ffbecause you can totes create a bash script02:11
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cfhowlettdummy9988, as evidenced by the software center --- hundreds.   avoid "anyone" questions and give specific details of your goals and problems if you want an actionable response.02:12
cfhowlettkantlivelong, the spam is coming from multiple sources and is almost certainly broadcast via bot.02:14
deznutzhas anyone else been able to install a good media server on 16.04?02:14
kantlivelongdeznutz: define "good media server"?02:14
bazhangdeznutz, sure, kodi02:14
kantlivelongbazhang: isnt kodi a client?02:15
deznutzone that has transcoding built in?02:15
cfhowlett!kodi | deznutz02:15
deznutzkodi has its own distro, yes?02:15
bazhang!info kodi | deznutz02:15
ubottudeznutz: kodi (source: kodi): Open Source Home Theatre (executable binaries). In component universe, is optional. Version 16.1+dfsg1-2 (yakkety), package size 12 kB, installed size 62 kB02:15
kantlivelongdeznutz: i use subsonic for web based transcoded media. no longer open source though02:15
deznutzi will look those up, thanks02:16
=== bot_ is now known as Guest15497
kantlivelongdeznutz: no prob. there are forks which are still open02:16
bazhangdeznutz, kodi has had transcoding for some several years now02:16
al2o3-crkodi 62kB???02:16
ObrienDavewhy is there not an auto-quiet in #ubuntu-mate?02:16
kmystok this is making no sense, how is it that virtualbox creates a dynamic hdd (i.e. sparse) and making one via dd or truncate results in non sparse on luks? succeeds on non luks :/02:17
cfhowlettkmyst, take it to #vbox for expert answers02:17
cfhowlettandrew_, ask your ubuntu questions02:17
kmystcfhowlett: not concerned with vbox, just pointing out that works for some reason02:17
cfhowlett!help | Guest1549702:17
ubottuGuest15497: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:17
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:18
ObrienDavekmyst, what part of this is NOT a Vbox discussion channel, do you not understand?02:18
kmystObrienDave: the part where i don't care about vbox i just used it as an example, my concern is ubuntu lus lvm using dd to create a sparse file results in actual and apparent size being same whereas ubuntu with no luks no problem02:20
SQLAnyone else getting strange PM's in this channel?02:22
MdxxxNot me02:22
RNevilleStill, don't understand my problem - my install of Ubuntu has revert to months ago configuration - for no apparent reason ( didn't know this possible)02:24
ric_manSQL, just noticed around 20 PMs come in - but I thought they were from another channel02:25
RNevillesame problem as ric_man02:25
port443the servers being trolled, everyones getting the PMs02:26
SQLit's #debian if you're in that channel. /mode SQL +g fixed it for me02:26
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ObrienDaveit's freenode wide, /mode NICK +R to fix it02:27
ric_manwow - this channel really got popular02:27
=== Wulf4 is now known as Wulf
dinkledorfHey guys I have a quick question. When you rebuild an .iso from the files you get when you put it on a flash drive do you end up with an equivalent file to the original .iso?02:30
dinkledorfI don't trust this computer, wanted to rebuild the files and check the hash to be sure nothing deposited malicious code in the boot folder or something when I installed it.02:31
dinkledorfHey guys I have a quick question. When you rebuild an .iso from the files you get when you put it on a flash drive do you end up with an equivalent file to the original .iso?02:33
dinkledorfoops wrong channel02:33
Bayangana lot of spam02:37
cfhowlettops: any way to silence the spam bot PM's? I tried /ignore listing the addresses in hexchat, but they still come through.02:41
daxcfhowlett: user mode +R02:41
cfhowlettdax, how do I set that please?  and thank you.02:41
daxcfhowlett: /mode cfhowlett +R02:41
daxwhich blocks PMs from unidentified users02:42
TheMariusand /close -m to close all open queries02:42
cfhowlettdax, OK set it up.  as a point of interest, "unidentified" means ... no channel ID?02:42
TheMariusi think not in your friends list02:42
daxcfhowlett: it means not logged in to a nickserv account02:42
TheMariusah :)02:43
cfhowlettah!  that makes perfect sense dax.02:43
cfhowlettsadly, TheMarius, I have no friends listed so ... :(02:43
TheMariusid like to add a /close -m to the menu in hexchat somewhere but not sure how.. /menu didnt make me any smarter02:44
cfhowlettTheMarius, I was looking to for some kind of private settings but don't see it yet02:44
TheMariuscfhowlett: thats life! im sure you're on facebook tho02:44
TheMariuscompensate for it there02:44
cfhowlettask your ubuntu questions Rosti02:44
ObrienDavecfhowlett, it means only nicks registered with NickServ02:45
TheMariusyou guys ubuntu devs btw?02:45
cfhowlettdevs rarely hang out here, TheMarius02:45
TheMariusow :/02:45
TheMariuswell, atleast im intreaged by unity 8 and ubuntus toutch screen future02:46
TheMariuslooks promising02:46
TheMariusif bugs are weeded out i could be all in on linux in a couple of years02:46
TheMariusfree from windows at last02:47
TheMariussurface pro + ubuntu unity 8 could be good02:47
obnoxious-assU B U N T U   that spells DOG SHIT!02:50
obnoxious-assdax: hello02:50
ObrienDavei thought full moon was last night. that's what I get for thinking LOL02:50
bot__msg nickserv identify password02:50
obnoxious-assif you have a comment about my comments please address it where said comments which you wish to comment on where made02:51
obnoxious-assdo not comment on these comments in #freenode as you are doing, dax02:51
TheMariusbah.. im grateful for ubuntu02:52
TheMariushowever i currently run linux mint02:52
TheMariusbut no ubuntu no mint02:52
dikiaapwindows is skynet02:52
Hitechcgso many bots02:52
HitechcgI'm sure * _xXVaLkJtRXx_ (~Pinartus@ has joined is a legit user02:53
ikoniastaff are sorting, just ride it out02:53
TheMariusi bet its a windows machine02:53
wedgieTheMarius: what makes mint more appealing than ubuntu? genuinely curiousnbecause i tried it a few years back and didnt find it to be much different02:53
black91use #fedora02:54
cfhowlettblack91, seriously?  don't troll here.02:54
TheMariuswedgie: on my desktop it just runs better, fewer bugs... i dont know why.... unity looks good, but its awkward with buttons on the left for me02:54
TheMariusunity 8 is a winner tho02:54
black91i use ubuntu for server02:54
TheMariusoptimized for toutch screens02:54
TheMariuswedgie: theres also a few things mint has that lacks in ubuntu ... tools02:55
black91ubuntu is rock solid server imo02:55
wedgieTheMarius: unity took a LONG time to grow on me. in fact it has only been in the last few months that i've learned to tolerate it02:55
TheMariuswedgie: it shouldnt be like that (in my view) but since unity 8 is more targeted at toutch screens tablets and mobile devices beside desktops i think they have a winner02:56
=== dax changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | This channel supports: Ubuntu and its official flavors, versions 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 16.10 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | freenode is getting botnet spammed. Consid
wedgienever used it on s touch screen. maybe that was my problem :p02:56
TheMariusso unity as it currently is was a path towards unity 8 ... so in the end it all came out well with the hazzle going away from gnome02:56
daxugh, length limits02:56
TheMariusits unity 8 thats toutch screen optimized02:57
TheMariusnot current unity02:57
lotuspsychjeguys, keep it support related please02:57
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!02:57
=== dax changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | This channel supports: Ubuntu and its official flavors, versions 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 16.10 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Botnet spam? /mode yournickhere +R
TheMariusok ill shut up :)02:57
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Yukinorohhelp! imagemagick stopped working! what's going on?03:20
Yukinorohthe last update broke it :(03:21
puffinzsorry I cant help you03:21
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Geoon 14.02, my scroll bars on terminals had a nice up/down arrow on the slider. After my 16 upgrade, there's just the slider with no arrows- is there an option hidden somewhere to reenable those arrows?03:34
KrvaviCan someone help me out here? http://askubuntu.com/questions/855317/ubuntu-16-04-will-not-play-audio03:39
KrvaviI should probably add that the soundcard works just fine in Windows.03:39
ObrienDaveKrvavi, what kind of audio?03:41
KrvaviMy headphones, through the front panel.03:42
ObrienDavesee if you have PulseAudio Volume Control in the multimedia menu03:43
KrvaviCurrently running some music, and Pavucontrol detects it (Orange Line bouncing.) But i can't hear it even on max.03:44
KrvaviAlso, what do you mean by "Multimedia menu"?03:45
Yukinorohanyone else has trouble with imagemagick?03:45
Yukinorohlast update broke it :(03:46
ObrienDavemy Xubuntu has a multimedia submenu03:46
KrvaviI'm using standard Ubuntu.03:46
ObrienDavedang, there's a terminal command for something like that, can't remember03:50
KrvaviThe main thing i know is that the soundcard in question (Creative Sound Core3D) should have Linux support. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTEwNTg03:53
KrvaviSo it's not a case where the soundcard just doesn't work with Linux.03:53
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ObrienDavedo the regular speakers work?03:54
KrvaviI don't have regular speakers.03:54
Krvaviand as i noted in the question, the line-in and optical ports don't seem to be working either.03:55
ObrienDavei didn't read it ;P03:55
ObrienDaveyou might try installing gstreamer03:56
ObrienDaveplus the good, bad and ugly sets of plugins for gstreamer03:57
KrvaviThat's just audio codecs, isn't it?03:57
Geoon 14.02, my scroll bars on terminals had a nice up/down arrow on the slider. After my 16 upgrade, there's just the slider with no arrows- is there an option hidden somewhere to reenable those arrows?03:57
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ObrienDaveKrvavi, yes, but also adds some sound drivers as well03:58
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KrvaviIt seems to be already installed.03:58
ObrienDavewell, out of ideas. i'm sure someone will be along that knows this better than I04:00
Custodian_CarlDoes anyone know if there's a setting in lightdm.conf to prevent a vncserver from opening another remote instance but instead share the same desktop (including apps) that others are logged into?04:05
krytarikObrienDave, Krvavi: I guess you mean 'alsamixer'.04:05
KrvaviI checked that too. Everything is unmuted there.04:06
Krvavihttp://askubuntu.com/questions/855317/ubuntu-16-04-will-not-play-audio Here's my ASKUbuntu question, i went here because no one has responded to it yet.04:07
ObrienDavekrytarik, yup, that's it, thanks04:13
KrvaviNot really related to my soundcard issue. But i keep getting spammed with PMs claiming that someone is a pedophile. Is it possible to block these?04:26
KrvaviBecause they're getting really fucking annoying.04:26
cfhowlettKrvavi, /mode krvavi +R        and mind your language04:26
Guest43hello. How can I make it so that when I do apt-get upgrade, I only get patches ( patch number from version number - eg. 2 in 1.11.2 ), and not minor upgrades too? holding packages doesn't help, as it won't upgrade anything at all for that package.04:27
nicomachuscan imagemagick stitch a bunch of images together into one long image?04:46
cfhowlettnicomachus, phatch is the go to for that , but I believe it's just a front end for imagemagick04:47
nicomachusE: Unable to locate package phatch04:48
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krytarik!info phatch | nicomachus04:59
ubottunicomachus: phatch (source: phatch): simple to use Photo Batch Processor - GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 192 kB, installed size 659 kB04:59
nicomachus!info phatch xenial05:00
ubottuphatch (source: phatch): simple to use Photo Batch Processor - GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 193 kB, installed size 695 kB05:01
krytarikMake sure 'universe' is enabled.05:01
nicomachusit is.05:02
nicomachusBut I just screwed something else up somehow.05:02
nicomachusI uncommented the last line here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23581760/05:03
krytarikNo 'universe' in there. >_>05:05
nicomachusnow I get this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23581765/05:05
nicomachusso I recommented it. no change.05:05
ObrienDavedid you 'update' the repos after?05:06
errqreI have an environment that was handed down to me - root password has been set, but is unknown - Ubuntu 14.04. Other than booting the box to a live cd and chroot-ing, is there something I can try?05:09
kk4ewterrqre,  remote or local05:15
kk4ewtrunlevel 1 password05:16
kk4ewterrqre,  is grub password protected05:16
errqrekk4ewt: remote - but virtual05:17
errqrekk4ewt: no05:17
VystyAnyone have a recommended GUI for FFMPEG?05:17
kk4ewtremote isnt going to help you05:17
VystyI can't seem to get FFmpegyag to install.05:18
kk4ewtif you can get to grub and boot into runlevel 1 aka single mode you can change the passwrd05:19
kk4ewtbut of course it will not have a network connection05:19
errqrekk4ewt: it might work - I have a console connection05:20
ObrienDaveerr, there is a password reset method http://askubuntu.com/questions/24006/how-do-i-reset-a-lost-administrative-password05:25
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VystyI'm looking to get a GUI for FFMPEG and I don't seem to be able to install any. Does anyone know a current FFMPEG GUI that's installable and recommendable?05:32
nicomachuswhy do you need a GUI?05:32
VystySo I don't have to reteach myself how to use the command line every time I want to use it.05:33
ObrienDaverebel ;p05:33
lotuspsychjeVysty: whats your end goal exactly05:33
VystyMake youtube videos.05:33
cfhowlettVysty, ?  supersimple.  ffmpeg -i myvideo YTvideo05:34
lotuspsychjeVysty: like a desktop record? or regular yt video?05:35
Vystycfhowlett: Few more steps in between. I want to demux the audio so I can edit it in audacity, then re-mux it to the video.05:35
VystyI'm working on the Desktop Record right now.05:35
cfhowlett!info | winff > Vysty05:35
VystyJust tried installing WinFF.05:35
VystyRan into problems. Able to help me out?05:36
cfhowlettVysty, no more breadcrumbs.  give us ALL the relevant in one line.05:36
VystyCome on Sleuth!05:36
cfhowlettVysty, Ms. Cleo died.  no telepaths or sleuths on staff.05:36
VystyI want to: Make a video with RecordMyDesktop, edit the audio to make it sound better via Audacity, then turn it into Youtube format and upload it.05:37
VystyThe middle step is the one befuddling me.05:37
cfhowlettVysty, extract the video with ffmpeg, process it with audacity, remux it with ffmpeg.05:38
cfhowlettor vlc for that matter05:38
lotuspsychjeVysty: http://www.ubuntufree.com/top-5-video-editor-apps-for-ubuntu-for-both-professionals-and-beginners/05:38
VystyNow we're talking.05:38
VystyWhen you say extract the video, you mean extract the audio, right?05:39
cfhowlettVysty, right, sorry.05:39
Vystycfhowlett: Right, that's what I want to do, and I wanted a GUI for FFmpeg to do it.05:39
cfhowlettVysty, so ... winff?05:40
VystyWinFF looked good, but I ran into issues installing it.05:40
Vystycfhowlett: Can you help me work out the issues? I'm termbin what happens when I install...05:40
cfhowlettVysty, already asked for details once ... more info is better.05:40
Vystycfhowlett: http://termbin.com/vavi05:41
cfhowlettVysty, did you run apt-get -f install?05:41
cfhowlettalso, what ubuntu version??05:42
Vystycfhowlett: Oops, I did but I added winff to the end of the command.05:42
Vystyrunning apt-get -f install now05:42
VystyYup, that looks like it worked.05:43
VystySweet! there it is.05:43
VystyNow let's see if I can work it...05:44
cfhowlettthe link from lotuspsychje is new to me, so bookmark it.  also, come over to #ubuntustudio and the ubuntustudio link on the forums.  we would love to see your creations!05:44
Vystycfhowlett: They'll be political. You sure you want them around there?05:44
cfhowlettVysty, we are interested in your workflow and finished product using ubuntu more than your political bent.05:45
VystyOhhhh cool.05:45
Vystycfhowlett: Just joined ubuntustudio. You in that room too?05:46
FlazI've a big problem with packets, i have tryed all, "make clean" and all commands to fix, but i've yed many damaged packets so I can not install or fix almost anything. Ubuntu 14.0405:51
cfhowlettFlaz, packets?  from torrents or what?05:51
nicomachusmaybe packages?05:52
ObrienDaveFlaz, sudo apt-get -f install05:52
FlazObrienDave: Hello, Already, I've tried practically everything05:54
FlazYes Packages, sorry05:55
lotuspsychjeFlaz: have you installed packages with ppa's of any kind?05:55
Flazlotuspsychje: yes :-(05:57
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Flaz05:57
ubottuFlaz: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html05:57
Flazubottu: ok!! THANKS!!05:58
Flazlotuspsychje: THANKS!!05:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1647260 in Virtualbox "virtualbox lies about available processors on non-hyperthreaded processors" [Undecided,New]06:04
gt8ost4lcan anybody help me my wireless connection keeps disconnecting?06:34
cfhowlett!ask | gt8ost4l06:34
ubottugt8ost4l: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:34
_d-What's replacement command of System File Checker /sfc for windows in Ubuntu?!06:36
cfhowlett_d-, fsck06:37
gt8ost4lcfhowlett:i heard it was a power amangement issue but when i looked at the submit it was off!06:38
nicomachuscfhowlett: when I try to start up phatch, it shows "Exception: fromstring() has been removed. Please call frombytes() instead.06:39
nicomachus" and then the GUI freezes up with just the logo showing06:39
_d-cfhowlett, fsck checking the error , sfc it's checking all errors or missing file than recovery or fix it, so maybe other command I'm looking for!!06:39
cfhowlett_d-, man fsck will tell you more06:41
_d-I do not want to tell me stuff, I want fix to me the stuff06:42
_d-No time for googling each error06:42
glitchdoh boy..06:42
glitchdget a wand06:42
glitchdthat always works06:42
OerHeks_d-,  fsck fixes errors, but does not recover deleted files.06:42
_d-I mention System files06:43
_d-Because I have problem with system files06:43
OerHeksmissing systemfiles is rare in linux06:43
OerHeksi would rather check the s.m.a.r.t. status06:44
_d-I have done something so for that there is missing in system files06:44
cfhowlettnicomachus, same error06:44
cfhowlett_d-, if so, you would have seen repeated warnings to NOT do that06:44
_d-Do you know what I did?! and which warnings to talking about!06:45
OerHeks_d-, good start, what did you do?06:45
nicomachuscfhowlett: you're getting the same thing?06:46
cfhowlettnicomachus, yep.06:46
_d-When installing Ubuntu on Mini SD Card with USB Flash reader there are many system files has errors based the logs I was watching it so I need to fix them , because was a lot not just one or two files06:46
cfhowlettnicomachus, just to confirm, you were trying to merger photos for a widespread view06:46
nicomachuscfhowlett: trying to make a sprite for some CSS. I have 25 images in .gif format that are each 541x304, I need to stitch them one on top of the other into one image that's 541x760006:47
_d-Actually, sometime I need to reboot several times till Ubuntu going up and working fine, in first time will not run fine with error in whole system06:47
cfhowlettnicomachus, with all images .gif at the same time?  also, see hugin panorama photo stitcher06:48
nicomachuscfhowlett: format doesn't really matter. .jpg or .png would be fine06:49
evenflowshi, in ubuntu 14.04, i would like to turn off all usb ports, cant seem to do this, usb kernel module is builtin and i cant unload it, tried overwriting /sys/bus/usb/../../level etc, no go. anyone?06:49
cfhowlettnicomachus, peek at hugin06:49
OerHeks_d-, so you made a live iso on a sdcard, and want to fix stuff in that read-only filesystem? check the iso you downloaded, and check the sdcard for errors06:50
_d-OerHeks, no live, installed06:50
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gt8ost4lanybody here?07:28
gt8ost4lyou serious?07:29
gt8ost4lso were screwed?07:30
reisioit is almost the least chatty time of day on the least chatty night of the week, but... yes obviously people are here07:30
gt8ost4li dobnt know but mosr of them are afk!07:31
OerHeksunless you come up with a support question, they will stay afk07:32
gt8ost4li already did07:32
gt8ost4lnone seem to express my favor?07:33
gt8ost4lmore like unwillingness07:34
reisioyour question was if someone could help you07:34
reisiono, nobody can help you07:34
reisionot till you say what the problem is / how it manifests / what your hardware is07:34
gt8ost4lhit manifests from time to time07:35
ObrienDaveidiot alert!07:35
Ben648 minutes and still no question07:36
OerHeksDon't drink & sudo07:36
reisioat least don't remember you did07:36
ObrienDaveSWI? lol07:36
reisiodon't stop drinking? :p07:36
ObrienDaveSudo While Intoxicated?07:37
gt8ost4lokay the question is precise07:38
gt8ost4lill tell it how it is07:38
gt8ost4li have a AR9485 Wireless card it the problem manifests periodically saying that message when you check the disconnect button07:42
gt8ost4lyou have been disconnected07:42
gt8ost4lanybody help please?07:43
OerHeks" when you check the disconnect button" you got disconnected? how odd07:45
OerHeksreisio, fix that!07:45
ObrienDavereisio would have too much fun NOT fixing that ;P07:47
Revan007Hey, I have an issue08:03
Revan007On ubuntu 14.04 I was just doing an echo noop into /sys/block/xvda/queue/scheduler  and if I checked with "cat" I could see the change08:03
Revan007I am now using Ubuntu 16.04 and the change doesn't apply, I even change the config and add the "elevator=noop" into /etc/default/grub08:03
Revan007If I do a "cat" I get the result "none"   . What am I missing ?08:04
reisiowhat result do you want?08:04
Revan007now If I do a check with:   for f in /sys/block/sd?/queue/rotational; do printf "$f is "; cat $f; done08:07
Revan007I get /sys/block/sdc/queue/rotational is 008:07
Revan007That means it detects it as SSD08:08
glitchdRevan007, ..he left08:08
ViciousLooRollGuys has anyone else been sent a massive amount of spam08:09
ViciousLooRollFrom like 80 people on freenode08:09
ObrienDaveyea, all day, on every channel08:10
Mathisensame here08:10
ViciousLooRollAbout some pedo?08:10
ObrienDave /mode YourNick +R will fix it08:10
ObrienDavethey're getting more mileage out of everyone talking about it that the trouble they're causing08:11
ViciousLooRollObrienDave: what does mode R do?08:12
ObrienDaveonly allows PM from registered Nicks08:12
ViciousLooRollObrienDave: how do I remove it at a later date?08:15
Revan007so anyone got an idea what is going on with queue scheduler on ubuntu 16.04 ?08:17
Revan007hmm, I think I found some info regarding this08:19
ObrienDaveViciousLooRoll, it only lasts until you log out. you'll have to redo it at each login08:21
puffinznot to self, reboot after major system changes so they are easier to diagnose08:22
puffinzIt wasnt even anything i dud08:25
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CaffeineAddictif i have 3 computers on 192.168.0.x how can I get my desktop (.1) to ssh to server1 (.2) and port forward x11 from server2 (.3)08:30
CaffeineAddictdo I just port forward 6000: on my desktop?08:31
puffinzI think it should be possible.08:33
puffinzYou just set your display08:34
cage_raphelhello peeps!! need some assistance to fix an apt-get update error08:47
Ben64cage_raphel: the error is pretty much self explanatory. you have the same thing in two places. remove one08:48
cage_raphelBen64, i am fairly new to ubuntu.. could u pls advise how do i remove one ?08:49
cage_raphelBen64, i understand its been configured multiple times.. not quite to remove it and fix the error08:50
ikoniayou have the same entry 2 times08:50
ikoniaremove one08:50
cage_raphelikonia, pls advise how do i do that ?08:51
ikoniayou edit the file08:51
ikoniait says in the error, and the line number too08:51
OerHeksi wonder about /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xenial-partner, i don't have that even i have enabled partner08:51
cage_raphelikonia, and how do i edit that ??08:51
ikoniacage_raphel: in a text editor08:51
ikoniaOerHeks: I'm wondering if it's a dell built laptop/OS08:52
cage_raphelikonia, mate.. i need steps. i am completely new to ubuntu and all this looks greeks and latiin to me08:52
ikoniacage_raphel: who installed ubuntu ?08:52
cage_raphelikonia, yes i did. from a CD08:52
ikoniaok - so did you do something to add another software source08:53
ikoniaor change a software source (install software from somewhere else)08:53
cage_raphelikonia, none. i have simply did a clean install from the CD. thats all08:53
cage_raphelthen it wanted to updagrde to 16.04. i allowed the upgrade08:53
ikoniathat seems unlikley to have that enabled by default on a clean install08:54
ikoniacage_raphel: hang on - what version of ubuntu did you install ?08:54
cage_raphelikonia, 15.0408:54
ikoniawhen did you install this ?08:54
cage_raphelikonia, a couple of weeks before08:54
ikoniacage_raphel: so basically you want to edit the file I said with a text editor (which ever one you're comfortable with) and remove any duplicate entries)08:55
cage_raphelikonia, ok .. where do i start from?08:55
ikoniawhat do you mean ?08:55
cage_raphelikonia, is there a command i need to run so that i can remove the entires?08:56
ikoniacage_raphel: do you know how to use a text editor (any text editor ?)08:56
cage_raphelikonia, i can use a text editor08:56
ikoniacage_raphel: ok, so you open that file in a text editor, and remove any duplicate lines08:57
cage_raphelikonia, ok.. sorry for being a pain!! how do i open /etc/apt/sources on the text editor?08:57
ikoniacage_raphel: launch the text editor, file -> open -> the file you want to edit08:58
cage_raphelikonia, ok will do. will let u know the outcome08:58
ikoniacage_raphel: I don't need to know the outcome08:58
cage_raphelikonia, ok cool.08:58
OerHekssomeone should file a bugreport: double entry, in /sources.list and as list under /sources.list.d/ .. http://askubuntu.com/questions/785828/why-warning-about-apts-partner-in-this-etc-apt-sources-list-of-ubuntu-16-0409:01
Triffid_Huntergonna need sudo to edit that or it won't save09:01
_d-sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas and result will be No schemas files found: doing nothing ? what should I do next ?! or how could fix it?!09:08
ikonia_d-: /usr/local is key there09:08
ikoniathere will be nothing in /usr/local as thats not where glib is09:09
_d-ikonia, I am following this instruction and before last step I have to do this: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/gnome-shell-system-monitor-extension.html ? any suggestion?!09:10
ikoniaI don't follow that sites guides/news as I don't find them "good" personally,09:10
ikoniathey are a bit "works for me"09:10
_d-So what next I have to do it?!09:11
_d-the next*09:11
ikoniaI'd question why your glib build is looking in /usr/local that doesn't appear to have come from ubuntu sources09:11
eraggoanyone else has PM issues on server??09:12
ikoniaeraggo: there is a botnet09:13
_d-eraggo, run this command /mode yourID +R09:13
_d-That in #freenode suggestion09:13
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eraggosigh.. time to close msg tabs09:14
_d-I think I'm doing manually stuff for that there is issue , I have to re - think - re read09:14
yossarianukikonia: i.e the messages about' kloeri,            AKA        "Bryan Ostergaard" ' being a child abuser ?09:16
yossarianukive got 100's...09:16
OerHeksyossarianuk, known issue, ignore those PMs09:16
_d- Ops you may change the statement from " Botnet spam? /mode yournickhere +R " to " PM spam ...."09:17
yossarianukok will do09:17
_d-Because we do not know this is even bot or human been09:17
CarlenWhiteDid something happen while I was gone or something?09:18
CarlenWhiteI'm not the only one.09:18
CarlenWhiteYeah I just reconnected to my bouncer and HexChat lit up with a bunch of messages.09:18
eraggoYup. Had close many pm sessions09:18
CarlenWhiteNot sure if this is the place to ask but I need suggestions on how to host a really big PDF on a website.09:19
CarlenWhiteAnd at the same time allow searching it.09:20
CarlenWhite@eraggo, Huh, looks like the spam was contained for my client. I was looking at the buffer and I noticed my client thrown a error mentioning that someone is MSG flooding me.09:25
CarlenWhiteThis client still never ceases to amaze.09:26
OerHeksCarlenWhite, so what can we do abou that?09:26
eraggoCarlenWhite: topic09:26
CarlenWhiteFair enough.09:26
CarlenWhiteBut point me in the right direction. I'm kinda stumped on where I should go to get an answer.09:27
eraggoCarlenWhite: About your pdf-question? How big is the file?09:28
CarlenWhiteI might cut it by volume since this file has a few, but then I'll have to find something for a web server that can search the volumes.09:30
CarlenWhiteBecause I'm pretty sure no one wants to thumb through 24 volumes to find something.09:30
CarlenWhiteEspecially if it requires them to download each one.09:31
acresearchpeople, i am trying to remove an application i installed through apt-get, i am using the command sudo apt-get remove application_name, but it is still there, why? how can i remove it?10:00
OerHeksacresearch, what program exactly?10:03
OerHeksacresearch, odd, does it still appear when you logout/login again?10:05
OerHekshmmm here too10:06
yeevehey chat, is there a downside to trying to upgrade the kernel to a later version than provided by my distro's repos? e.g 4.4 current, would like 4.8?10:07
OerHeksyeeve, yes, you *could* install a newer kernel from mainline, but without support, testing only10:07
OerHeksif you *need* 4.8, upgrade to 16.1010:08
yeeveI see :) thanks OerHeks10:08
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds10:08
blackflowWhen I install a snap application it doesn't appear in dash. For which package should I report this bug?10:21
blackflow(16.10, btw, and the app is VLC)10:21
OerHeksblackflow, here it does, VLC from snap got a big icon, i have it installed side by side with the apt-get version10:31
OerHeksoh, wait, i am still on 16.04 LTS10:32
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blackflowOerHeks: right, so which package do I report against? snapd?11:00
OerHeksblackflow, does it appear after logout/login again?11:01
blackflowOerHeks: no, but it appeared sometime later and I can't pin point what triggered it, unless there's a periodic re-cache / refresh or whatever dash uses to keep track11:02
blackflowOerHeks: btw, now that I mention it, it's not just snaps. I added a custom desktop item to /usr/share/applications and it also took a while until it started appearing in dash11:03
OerHeksblackflow, oke you could file a bug to snap then, but i have no idea why this happens, here the snaps appear immediatly11:04
OerHeksor maybe someone else here got a clue ..11:04
GrandPa-GI have a script name foo.sh that does a curl ftp of an archive file, then extracts file foo.sh from it. The file extracted is to replace the running script.11:10
GrandPa-GI am sometimes endin up with a zero lenght for the file foo.sh. Is it a problem to do extract of the same file that is running the script?11:11
onlyhello, I've created a new user and granted root privileges11:19
onlyand I can do sudo11:19
onlybut I can't upload stuff via my ftp software11:20
onlytells me "Make sure you have permission to modify this file."11:20
Ben64should really use sftp instead of the ancient and dumb ftp11:21
gedasHey guys, who is working with LXD?11:22
gedasNeed howl on networking with LXD11:22
bazhanggedas did you mean lxde11:23
onlyBen64: it's sftp11:23
yossarianukLXD = container system..11:24
blackflowbazhang: no, LXD11:24
gedasbazhang, Nope, LXD, hypervizor11:24
blackflowgedas: should be automagic11:24
bazhanglxcontainer has a channel here gedas11:24
gedasbazhang, ou, thankan you. I will joint here then11:25
BluesKajHi folks11:25
Ben64only: ok, then where are you trying to write11:26
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geirhaGrandPa-G: modifying a running script could end badly. Save it with a temporary name, then rename it. This avoids modifying the script file the shell has open.11:31
Gamoder_Hi everyone, are there commands to delete any "unnecessary" files to store disk space?11:41
Gamoder_Are there also commands to find out about "unnecessary" packages?11:41
Ben64Gamoder_: you can use bleachbit, but be careful with it11:43
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LauxleyHi, i upgraded from 15.x to 16.04 and lost my displays settings (dual monitor) when i am not logged in both are working fine, but as soon as i log in it's a mess, the monitors are not detected properly, the mouse clicks are registered to the right of where i click11:44
Gamoder_thanks, I will try it11:44
Lauxleyso i suspect there is a settings file that i need to delete for my user but where is it ?11:45
Lauxleyi tried xreset but it did nothing11:49
DebianTUXhi guys, are you receiving a spam about koleri?11:53
hateballLauxley: Are you using Unity or some other DE?11:53
Lauxleyhateball: yes unity11:53
Lauxleydon't ask me why ? :p11:53
hateballLauxley: Well I asking because KDE Plasma has various issues with multimonitor in 16.04, but I have no idea about Unity since I do not use it myself :)11:54
OerHeksDebianTUX, everybody does, not if you set pm on registered accounts only > /umode +R11:56
DebianTUXOerHeks: i would not like to do that :/ i'v never seen that happen on freenode before11:57
OerHeksFreenode is working on it, nothing we can do except this simple block11:58
DebianTUXOerHeks: well, i'm going to do that then, thanks!11:59
Lauxleywhen i try to switch on my second monitor, the main one is detected as the second one for some reason12:01
yeevehi guys, do any of you have a recommendation/info on centralised logging? i'd like to group all my logs into one system to quickly view/parse them (I don't do anything special, mainly for LAMP so viewing/search logs is important)12:04
ikoniarsyslog ?12:05
ikoniacan't get more simple than that12:05
yeeveI know of it, looked into a few options previously but never in much detail. I'll start there and see what does/doesn't work :) thanks ikonia12:05
ikoniahonestly, won't get any quicker, easier and 'native' than that12:06
Lauxleyso, i deleted ~/.config/monitors.xml and restarted lightdm, doesn't work12:08
Gamoder_even after deleting as much as possible, my virtualbox ubuntu image still has 5,6 GB12:22
Gamoder_is there any way to reduce the size further?12:22
bazhangGamoder_, when first creating the vbox how much size did you choose12:23
Gamoder_it was quite large, maybe 20 GB12:23
bazhangGamoder_, for expanding I could tell you, otherwise try #vbox12:24
multifractalI have opencv2, need to get opencv3. Can't remember how I installed opencv2. Do I need to uninstall 2 first? How should I install 3?12:27
OerHeksmultifractal, find a repo for opencv3, uninstall opencv2 first.12:32
multifractalOh wait actually I remember - I used the script from here to install opencv https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenCV12:34
multifractalHow does the uninstall work for that?12:34
OerHeksThat looks like a lot of manual labour12:36
naccmultifractal: is there a reason you didn't just install opencv2 from the packages?12:39
nacc!info python-opencv, e.g.12:39
ubottu'e.g.' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed, zesty, zesty-backports, zesty-p12:39
nacc!info python-opencv12:39
ubottupython-opencv (source: opencv): Python bindings for the computer vision library. In component universe, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 301 kB, installed size 1316 kB12:39
naccmultifractal: e.g., --^12:39
multifractalnacc: isn't python-opencv just the python interface? I thought you needed to get all the c++ stuff first?12:40
naccmultifractal: that was one example package, there are lots of hits for opencv*12:41
multifractalnacc: I suppose 'stupidity' would be the reason I didn't get it from a package manager.12:41
naccmultifractal: :) np, just wondering12:42
naccmultifractal: looks like opencv3 is only in debian experimental, so not even in ubuntu 17.04 yet, fyi12:42
multifractalnacc: So bear with my ignorance here. Since I used that install script from the ubuntu website that performs a cmake build... How do I go about manually uninstalling? Deleting a bunch of files?12:44
naccmultifractal: does the Makefile have an uninstall option12:45
naccmultifractal: actually, that script (from the page, not looked at the github repo), uses checkinstall12:45
naccmultifractal: which i think means it's uninstallable -- as it's made a package for it12:46
naccmultifractal: so i think you can `dpkg -r opencv`? You might need to searchto find the package name correcty; maybe `dpkg -S /usr/local/lib/*opencv*`?12:47
multifractalOn second thought I think I migtht have used this approach (build it from source) http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/introduction/linux_install/linux_install.html#linux-installation12:51
OerHeksmake uninstall12:52
yocs0000anyone who knows of a good physics engine that woks under ubuntu, and support some MRPG games, like shoot-them-up?12:56
multifractalno rule to make target 'uninstall' :/12:56
multifractalWait I'm pretty sure I did use the install script from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenCV. I just downloaded the source and never did anything with it.13:00
multifractalYou say it used something called 'checkinstall'?13:00
multifractalnacc: I tried searching as you suggested, but couldn't find a package with dpkg.13:01
multifractalI do have some stuff under 'libopencv-*'13:02
multifractalDo I need to remove those listed things?13:05
w6equj5Hi all, I need help setting up a SMTP server on a local network machine with no domain name that would allow sending email through the mail() PHP function. I tried installing mailutils and configuring it but I didn't get it to work. Any help appreciated!13:05
naccmultifractal: youshould see where they came from (`apt-cache policy <pkgname>`)13:05
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multifractalnacc: OK I did that for the first item on the list. I don't know what this output means http://paste.ubuntu.com/23583277/13:07
naccmultifractal: that one comes from the archive, afaict13:07
multifractaloh right that line 500 http://... indicates that I got it from apt-get universe repository?13:09
nos09sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';" how do i do this without using sudo ? I dont have sudo installed.13:09
naccmultifractal: or at least that it's available from there, yeah13:09
nos09i want to use su. I am using it in a script13:09
multifractalnacc: So is the idea that I go through that list one by one, apt-get uninstalling each one? Then when I'm finished opencv2 will be all gone?13:10
naccnos09: you're on ubuntu?13:10
geirhaconfigure postgres to grant your user the necessary access, without requiring a password13:10
naccnos09: i don't think any version of ubuntu does not have sudo installed13:10
nos09nacc: using docker !13:10
naccnos09: then you're not on ubuntu...13:10
naccnos09: that's a docker image :)13:11
nos09nacc: :)13:11
nos09but can anybody suggest work around. btw i am using root user13:11
naccnos09: if you're root user, you don't need sudo at all?13:11
geirhaSee peer method  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/auth-pg-hba-conf.html13:12
nos09nacc: you do in this case. but I dont want to install one. i just want to use -u fearture with su. and expect similar result13:12
zhongfusu <user> -C?13:12
zhongfuer, make that -c13:12
zhongfue.g. su postgres -c "psql ... ..."13:12
naccnos09: oh sorry, i see you want to run as the postgres user13:12
nos09zhongfu: yes i tired it. like this : su postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'welcome1';"13:13
zhongfuoh, whoops13:13
zhongfui wonder if you could stack it13:13
nos09but it results in : psql: ALTER: command not found13:13
geirhanos09: no, both su and psql has a -c13:13
zhongfuthat's a psql problem13:13
geirhasu postgres -c "psql -c \"ALTER ...13:13
nos09geirha: su postgres -c "psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'welcome1';""13:13
nos09like this ?13:13
zhongfuyou need to escape the quotes inside13:14
geirhathe shell doesn't know to magically nest the "" quotes13:14
zhongfu"psql -c \"ALTER USER ... 'welcome1';\""13:14
nos09oh escaping would make sense !13:14
nos09let me try that ..13:14
rewb0rnhello, I added a second IP address and configured my Apache2 to only listen to the first IP. However on bootup time when the apache2 service starts, I see the error message "make_sock: could not bind to address". If I login and run "service apache2 restart" manually, it works. So I assume that the IP address is not available on bootup time?13:15
rewb0rnhow can I fix that?13:15
nos09Thanks !13:16
nos09works like a charm !13:16
rewb0rnps: this is ubuntu 16.0413:16
geirhaAn alternative is to pass the psql script on stdin. su posgres -c psql << EOF[newline]ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'welcome2';[newline]EOF13:16
multifractalSo I used apt-get remove to get rid of that first item in the list: libopencv-calib3d2.4. How come it removed all the opencv stuff in one go? Now `import cv2` results in an ImportError, so hopefully the uninstall was successful! http://paste.ubuntu.com/23583308/13:16
naccmultifractal: dependency resolution?13:17
multifractalCool! So now to get opencv3, in a way that doesn't result in further headaches down the line. Any recommendations?13:18
multifractalClone the repo and build from source I guess. But how to ensure I can uninstall it easily?13:18
LibertyWeNeedHow do I INSTALL popcorn time in ubuntu. I am trying so hard to follow the instruction, but am struggling.13:29
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LibertyWeNeedI only recently switched back to Ubuntu after the college semester ended and I was liberated from Windows once more.13:30
Lauxleystill stuck on the monitor/display stuff, anyone ?13:31
hateballLibertyWeNeed: It's not an official package so you'll need to read the instructions provided wherever you are installing it from13:32
LibertyWeNeedI am installing it from https://popcorntime.sh/13:33
LibertyWeNeedLike I said before I have tried really hard to make sense of the instructions13:34
naccLibertyWeNeed: probably need to talk to the popcorn folks13:35
LibertyWeNeedno one's replying in the Popcorn Time Channel, I tried there first. Thought that someone here may know, also that they are using the same distro so will know dependencies and what not.13:38
wiggmpkHas anyone using Empathy been able to implement purple-facebook successfully? If so, how did you succeed?13:48
r00trunnerwhy can't I set setuid root bit on a binary using Ubuntu? ld tells me operation not permitted13:54
v100231Hi, I am trying to install Kubuntu on a notebook with Nvidia 1060 and Intel HD 530 dual graphics. I am able to boot to the install screen with the nomodeset option, but the installer crashes with the message "dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name 1.48 was not provided by any .service files"13:55
hamidhi. I have two servers each with 4 nics(2 bond for public ip - bond0 - and the other 2 for bond for private ip - bond1- ) on my server. I want start lxd containers and publish them over my private networking using my second bonding nic. What should I do? bridge the containers over the bond1 nic set them an static ip?13:58
blackflowThe tradition of buggy and broken continues with 16.10, I see. gnome-software crashes a lot, and then the crash reporting tool crashes too. Nice.14:01
Pelle`Anyone got some experience running a elgato thunderbolt 2 dock with ubuntu? since elgato themselves cant answer my question im trying here14:10
OerHeksNice dock, apple specific14:13
turbo64when i start ubuntu the console randomly changes every time it starts14:13
OerHeksone day it will work, Pelle`14:13
turbo64like half the time the text is orange, or its in a different font14:13
nemoSay is it just me, or is Eclipse 3.8 package completely incompatible w/ the Java 9?14:13
turbo64whats the deal with that14:13
nemoI mean, I'm kinda used to eclipse packaging in ubuntu having various iffy problems, but I can't seem to get around them this time, so I'm dropping back to the webupd8 java 8 version14:14
Pelle`OerHeks it works like a charm in windows... but i wanna make the switch now forever, but i dont wanna reformat before im sure it works since my pc is in my rack cabinet 15m away from the screen etc..14:15
nemoaaand that seems to have fixed absolutely everything. apart from the damage I did to my config trying reinstall.14:17
OerHeksPelle`, one option: ask on askubuntu, more readers than here, or make a dual boot & test, before wiping windows14:17
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Pelle`OerHeks, Thats an idea.. ill try there :)14:18
linux_useranyone familiar with how to interrogate a thunderbolt port with Linux? to know if it is minidisplay port only or more? and what speed it might be?14:20
blackflownemo: probably, java9 is very, very new14:21
blacknred0i didn't even know that java9 is out :o14:24
nemoodd. I have package oracle-java9-installer that I do not remember installing. wtf14:26
nemowonder if the network guys put it on14:26
nemothey have that annoying puppet or whatever on this machine14:26
OerHeks!info openjdk-914:34
ubottuPackage openjdk-9 does not exist in yakkety14:34
blackflow!info openjdk-9-jdk14:35
ubottuopenjdk-9-jdk (source: openjdk-9): OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK). In component universe, is optional. Version 9~b134-2ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 373 kB, installed size 423 kB14:35
OerHeksit is .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-9/9~b134-2ubuntu114:35
OerHeksoh, fancy naming14:35
blackflowwell there's jdk and jre14:35
nemowell. I removed it anyway. was just screwing everything up14:38
naccnemo: yeah, i think openjdk-9 is still prerelease anyways (releases 7/2017)14:40
zerousHi, I am new to linux and I have a few doubts regarding mutt and I would like to know if it is alright to ask here ?14:46
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Picizerous: Sure, but theres also #mutt14:46
zerousoh I see.14:47
zerousWell, I have installed and configured mutt to use gmail using IMAP but I can't find the sent folder in mutt.14:47
zerousIt seems like I can only search through my inbox.14:48
ducassezerous: you need to define which folders you want to subscribe to in the config14:49
multifractalI'm looking into this approach for installing OpenCV 3.0.0 on my ubuntu aws instance. Are there any extra steps to make sure I am able to uninstall easily later? I don't really know anything about cmake and targets and `make uninstall` and whatnot...14:50
Picizerous: I have my mutt setup to connect to gmail too... if I press c to pick a folder, then select  [Gmail]/ , I can choose Sent Mail from there.14:50
Picizerous: I also have     set record = "+[GMail]/Sent Mail"    in my .muttrc14:51
BadCodSmellI have a bunch of machines that I often have to run apt-get update/upgrade on semi automatically.14:51
zerousPici: can you point me to any reliable guides to understand things well ? I mean related to mutt configuration14:51
BadCodSmellThis is pretty unreliable, it makes a lot of requests to different servers so there's a good chance of one randomly failing and that's enough to break it14:51
BadCodSmellIf there a guide to making my own intermediate source for this metadata that merges it from other sources?14:52
Picizerous: Theres http://wiki.mutt.org/, but I honestly set this thing up using a tutorial ages ago and barely use it.14:52
BadCodSmellfor the packages lists only, not the .deb files14:52
OerHeksBadCodSmell, why not run your own mirror with apt-mirror?14:54
OerHeksor a standalone mirror14:54
zerousPici: oh I see.14:54
BadCodSmellOerHeks: I don't want to have to cache millions of deb files really.14:56
BadCodSmellmaking a subset is also annoying14:56
PiciBadCodSmell: theres also apt-cacher-ng, which might fit the usecase you're describing.14:57
gde33I'm doing some hackish connection test in javascript where I request a page from local host that doesn't exist. Recently it started taking over 2000 ms for the request to time out, what could be the cause of that?14:57
BadCodSmellI find those caches a bit unpredictable14:58
NoImNotNineVoltanyone here had any success getting vfio to work? i've got iommu working correctly, but nothing is showing up under /dev/vfio/14:59
BadCodSmellapt-mirror might work, just a bit or work14:59
NoImNotNineVoltnot sure where to begin troubleshooting.14:59
BadCodSmellmaybe if I sum the file sizes14:59
gde33ah found it15:02
BadCodSmellthere's hardly any documentation for apt-mirror15:20
BadCodSmellon anything like how to limit the packages15:20
tdannecysorry i accidentally pasted with middle click.15:30
NoImNotNineVoltno worries :P15:30
NoImNotNineVoltso, at the risk of being too repetitive... anyone here have any experience/success with vfio? mine isn't working. i've got iommu running right but nothing is showing up under /dev/vfio/15:31
yeevetrying to setup rsyslog host but getting this error (starting manually for debugging) `rsyslogd: error writing pid file` the file exists but is root.root and chowning to syslog.adm didn't seem to help. anyone had this before?15:54
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yeeveis it possible that I need to run using sudo and rsyslog will somehow end up running as syslog.adm?16:02
Ilyaswhere does snmpd log errors?16:02
Ilyasmy config is broken and I want to fix it, but dunno where to begin16:03
multifractalI just built opencv3 from source; configured the options I wanted, make, sudo make install, ldconfig. All went fine with no errors. But when I go to python and import cv2, I get ImportError no module cv2. :/ What gives here?16:04
NoImNotNineVoltprobably the journal?16:04
NoImNotNineVoltsudo journalctl -u snmpd16:04
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yeeveI'm searching/reading but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to make this work. changing owner/permissions seems bad (tmpfs?) and trying to override the rsyslog pid file path seems wrong too... the service might run correctly but the central logging isn't working and to debug the recommendation is to run `rsyslog -n` but that command is what shows the pid permission error16:15
naccmultifractal: uh, wouldn't it be cv3/16:20
naccmultifractal: also did you build with python support, etc?16:21
multifractalnacc: I had thought so but possibly not. I followed this http://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/06/22/install-opencv-3-0-and-python-2-7-on-ubuntu/ the cmake configuration is at step 1016:23
multifractalReading SO, I notice I didn't add this flag: `BUILD_NEW_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON` perhaps i need that one.16:24
yeevewith rsyslog, if i restart rsyslog on the client I can see the restart log lines on the host but if nothing else is showing. I've tried a few examples of the `logger` command but nothing is showing, any tips on what I could try next?16:32
ech0s7i have a routing problem, i have two network interface one has address (wlan0) and the second has, but why if i try to ping (for example) it goes via wlan0 and not via ncm0 ? the routing table should be correct: http://pastebin.com/MmG0pZ6a16:34
roryWhat encryption method is used for SSH connections?16:35
NoImNotNineVoltdepends on the connection.16:35
NoImNotNineVoltopenssh supports a variety of ciphers.16:36
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rory server->client cipher: aes128-ctr16:36
rorydoes that mean it's AES128?16:37
roryI got that from ssh -v myserver16:37
NoImNotNineVoltit may vary on a per-connection basis.16:37
NoImNotNineVoltthe cipher is negotiated between the client and server upon connection setup.16:38
roryI only need to write the encryption method that's observed to be in use when I connect.16:38
NoImNotNineVoltthen ssh -vvvv and look at the output.16:38
roryI did ssh -v and got the above output16:38
rory server->client cipher: aes128-ctr16:38
NoImNotNineVoltindeed, that's probably what's being used, then.16:38
roryis aes128-ctr the encryption method then?16:38
roryThere's a lot of acronyms in that output which are to do with key exchange, types of authentication etc16:39
roryI think I picked out the right one but want to confirm.16:39
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NoImNotNineVolt-vvvv shows the setup in more detail and may provide additional context that could be useful in improving your confidence in your determination :P16:40
seblwhello, an question regarding app's icons on the top bar near the clock. Sometimes I find these icons not displaying properly - instead of proper icon I see red cross, like there is problem with loading the icon. Any advice on fixing that?16:47
TomyWorkon ubuntu 14.04 with linux-lts-xenial kernel/x server on a dell laptop with nvidia optimus, which nvidia driver should i use?16:50
TomyWorki dont need 3 graphics, all i want is to use the hdmi port on my laptop which seems to be hardwired to the nvidia chipset16:51
yeeveseblw, been a while since I look into theme/icon stuff but I remember with GTK3 and the paper/arc themes I had to run a command to refresh the icon caches. maybe something similar for you?16:51
TomyWorkxrandr already lists HDMI1 and DP1, but only VGA1 seems to work, in addition to eDP1, which is the integrated display16:52
seblwyeeve, this is almost fresh instalation, with stock theme. How can I refresh this top bar? Any advices how to track that kind of issues? maybe will grab some useful info for devs16:53
yeeveah ok, I'm not too sure. does this happen all the time or only sometimes? Have you tried logging in/out to see if that refreshes it? not sure about the issue/info stuff sorry16:55
seblwthis happens every boot after some time (30min-1h or so, not measured), and fix only after restart. Well, maybe someone else will put some other idea, otherwise i'll google a bit about this later :)16:57
yeeveok seblw good luck :)16:59
mpo42vrwow, how did that happen?17:12
mpo42vrWhen using the openvpn-nm plugin I get this error trying to connect to the server: "OpenSSL: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed"17:12
mpo42vrDo I need the server cert on my client?17:13
TomyWorkfrom what i know about certificates, the server should present the cert17:31
TomyWorkhowever, you might need it in order to tell the client to only accept that one certificate and no other17:31
frank604he's no longer here17:31
TomyWorki disabled joins/quits cause those were about 90% of the lines :)17:32
frank604me too, but I have tab completion on names17:32
TomyWorki'll try booting with nvidia-367 to see if it works17:33
* linux_user asks: anyone here familiar with how to detect if I have a thunderbolt port being recognized by Ubuntu (I know I have one as I see it on the back of the computer), I am trying to figure out the exact model number and such so I can determine if it is video only or can do other things?17:42
decipleWho should own /var/log files? Does it have to be syslog?17:47
DebianTUXi have this piece of code to change django auth user model username to 200chars, but this seems not working anymore.  i would not like to change to a custom user model as i had to do from the beggining since i have a working production database and i would not like to asume that rist. what are my options? https://dpaste.de/y8Rr17:47
TomyWorkthis #ubuntu.unregged17:48
TomyWorkthis #ubuntu-unregged stuff is really annoying17:48
TomyWorkespecially since i'm o17:49
TomyWorkespecially since i'm on a machine here that i dont want to store my password on17:49
TomyWorkit has a bad keyboard too, but that's an aside. sorry about the accidental newlines :)17:49
MonkeyDustTomyWork  i ha that too, simply joined #ubuntu and parted the other17:50
TomyWorkyeah, every time i boot17:50
_d-Does Ubuntu have official translation department for Arabic localization?! because the name has been wrote in Wikipedia different what has been spelling Arabic linux community and which one is the correct!!17:50
TomyWork_d- i dont know, but there's #ubuntu-arabic i think. someone there might know17:51
_d-أوبنتو or أبونتو17:51
nicomachus!arabic | _d- maybe ask here17:51
MonkeyDust_d-  that's for #ubuntu-offtopic17:51
ubottu_d- maybe ask here: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية17:51
_d-MonkeyDust, this is not offtopic, this is official grammar and about the ubunutu company17:51
nicomachus_d-: but unrelated to actual ubuntu support.17:52
TomyWorknot really. bug reports are on topic17:52
_d-Do you think this is unrelated, so when someone write article support About ubuntu and grammar about technical syntax was incorrect that mean everything is incorrect,17:53
_d-So it's not offtopic, must fix it17:53
_d-Any way forward to arabic channel17:53
TomyWorki dont know arabic, could be the difference between "you're a nice person" and "you're the son of a dog" :D17:53
decipleinte bin al-kelb17:58
TomyWorki just noticed, that that actually exists in english... "son of a dog" vs. "son of a god". Same kind of letter jump as in the arabic text you pasted, if i see that correctly17:59
timadderwhat should i do with this file https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-shell to change my terminal colors?18:14
timaddergithub , what to do with this, to get terminal colors18:14
timadderin particular blue color, i want to change/18:15
mpo42vrGuys, I have a openvpn problem on 16.10 with the nm-plugin. How do I create split tunneling?18:17
timaddermpo42vr: which VPN service u use?18:17
mpo42vrtimadder: My own server18:17
timaddermpo42vr: in home-server?18:17
timadderwhich software?18:17
mpo42vrtimadder: Does it mean it is a server problem?18:17
timadderno its server dependent18:18
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mpo42vrSo, no adjusting the routing table on the client side?18:19
mpo42vrah, I see18:21
mpo42vrThe question still stands18:21
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Bombois there a backports repo for wily?18:25
tewardBombo: Wily is end of life.  The backports repo and all other repos are 'no longer supported'18:26
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily18:26
WulfBombo: Did google stop working?18:26
timaddermpo42vr: are u using ubuntu at all?18:27
mpo42vrtimadder: What the hell is wrong with you?18:28
Wulfmpo42vr: what's "split tunneling"?18:30
linux_useranyone familiar with how to interrogate a thunderbolt port with Linux? to know if it is minidisplay port only or more? and what speed it might be?18:30
linux_userwoops sorry18:30
* linux_user I now know I have a thunderbolt port (and NOT a mini-display port), I am curious what I must do for it to support a hard drive on Ubuntu on the thunderbolt port?18:30
fjhbmUbuntu is made by NSA minions and plans to dominate the linux world with spy operations. Ditch Linux and switch to Windows 10 to prevent NSA spies getting their hands on your lives.18:33
=== AsymmetricalFace is now known as ElementDusmanos
schonedoes anyone know why using rsync with the compare-dest flag ends up copying my directory diff in its entirity instead of just the delta ?18:44
DatzHi, I can't reach my server from within my local network, and I don't know where to start.18:44
WulfDatz: your server is connected to that local network?18:46
WulfDatz: is that a phyiscal server or a VM?18:46
DatzYes it is connected, it is a physical server18:48
WulfDatz: can you login on its console?18:48
DatzI should mention I can reach it via the web from outside the network18:48
DatzWulf: yes18:48
DatzFor example if I ssh into another box outside the network, and ssh back to it.18:49
WulfDatz: thanks for not telling us all information. You are on the local network and the server is on the local network, both with private IPs in the same ip prefix. But you try to connect through it using the public address.18:49
WulfDatz: is that about right?18:50
geniiYour router probably thinks you are trying to spoof in from outside18:50
genii"martians" etc18:50
Wulfgenii: no18:50
OerHekssounds like 'i want to connect to my server @ home from school'18:50
WulfDatz: your nat router only does destination nat and neglects to do source nat as well18:50
WulfDatz: what kind of router is that?18:50
DatzIt's one that att just installed. NVG589 I think. My last netgear router had the same problem18:51
DatzI thought it was the router, until I got this new one.18:51
geniiDatz: When connecting from inside the LAN, use it's LAN address18:52
genii( and not it's exterior facing IP)18:52
Datzgenii: I've tried that18:52
geniiDatz: If 's unreachable from inside by it's LAN IP... did you put it into a DMZ or something on the router then?18:53
genii( instead of just port farwding specific services to it)18:54
DatzI did not.18:54
WulfDatz: show the routing table of your server and your client18:55
WulfDatz: ip route show18:55
WulfDatz: and on the server?18:57
Datzthat was the server18:57
WulfDatz: ok, your client?18:58
DatzI'm on windows right now18:58
WulfDatz: open cmd, "route print"18:58
Datzsome extra in there too: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23584680/18:59
WulfDatz: looks okay to me18:59
WulfDatz: so start tcpdump on your server, see what happens19:00
geniiDatz: What are the contents of the files /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/accept_source_route and /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/accept_local ( on the server. Also the interface names may be the new type and not tradtional eth0/eth1)19:01
Datz1 and 0, respectively19:04
OerHekswindows on wireless, server wired?19:07
OerHeksseems like there is no bridge, to check this: ping from the server to your wireless windows machine?19:16
Robin___how can i make group "normal" have write access to var/www/html19:17
koffeinfriedhofRobin___: there is no group called "normal". Or is it a custom one?19:18
Robin___koffeinfriedhof: custom :)19:19
koffeinfriedhofyou'll have to use chown to change group permissions to "normal"19:19
koffeinfriedhofbut keep www-data the owner19:19
Robin___i can use chown to change it back to root also?19:19
koffeinfriedhofsure. but root "owns" everything. why would you do so?19:20
Robin___i just want group normal to  have permission for a few minutes19:20
NoImNotNineVoltanyone here have any experience/success with iommu/vfio? i've got iommu working but nothing's showing up under /dev/vfio/ and i don't know how to troubleshoot...19:21
koffeinfriedhofok. happy testing :) You'll have to change the group to root/www-data later. with chown :)19:21
Robin___koffeinfriedhof: thanks :)19:21
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suntuxwhat does mean "option domain-name "example.org";" in dhcpd.conf?19:32
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suntuxif i put in client in browser example.com what it wouold be happend?19:32
suntuxand why example.com, not just example?19:33
NoImNotNineVoltsuntux: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Example.com19:34
NoImNotNineVolt'example' is not a valid TLD.19:34
dStructsuntux: that option usually configures the default domain-name for clients using that block in the config, so when a client connects they get hostname.whatever.com19:35
yenclgj5nlwHi all. When I waked my PC from standby I saw screen filled with garbage (though with not a very random one) an OS hanged. Alt+SysRq doesn't help. How can I fix that?19:36
suntuxwhat for client's get that hostname.whatever.com?19:37
dStructsuntux: whatever you set the option domain-name to is what your clients will use as their full domain name, for example you own mydomain.com and you want clients at your cleveland.mydomain.com office to use hostname.cleveland.mydomain.com when they join the local network, that option tells the client what domain name to use19:40
riccardohello lads19:41
suntuxyenclgj5nlw: Ctrl + Alt + SysRq19:42
yenclgj5nlwsuntux:  hmm, will try the next time19:43
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tuxianoHi, want to create an udev rule to make this command permanent: modprobe usbserial vendor=0x2108 product=0x780B. I created the following rule: SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0-9]*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2108", ATTRS{idProduct}=="780B" but it does not create any device e.g. /dev/ttyUSB019:57
dStructtuxiano: is your usb to serial device not being picked up by a driver?20:18
tuxianoit is, but by the wrong one20:18
tuxianoI have to use usbserial20:18
tuxianowith this device20:18
dStructtuxiano: what makes you think it's the wrong driver?20:19
dStructtuxiano: that VID and PID come up as a Prolific adapter, should be the most universal, works on anything kind of adapter I know of20:19
tuxiano... its a vacuum robot I use with ROS and python uses the Pyserial package which needs usbserial20:21
dStructtuxiano: gotcha, so you can't just use the created /dev/tty* device?20:21
dStructtuxiano: afaik messing with UDEV is only going to change the name created in /dev, I'm not sure how or if you can change what driver loads for that adapter thru UDEV20:23
tuxianodStruct: ok, so I need to do more research20:24
dStructtuxiano: most likely, check udevadm to see if it has any driver stuff, but I think you may need to look elsewhere maybe in modprobe stuff to load the right driver.  I don't know anything about PySerial but I would imagine it would just interface with a /dev and not care about the driver?20:25
tuxianodStruct: Ubuntu loads normaly the cdc_acm module. But my ros setup only works when I remove this module and load explicitly the usbserial module for this robot20:32
dStructtuxiano: that's weird, I have a slew of pl2303 based adapters that default to loading the usbserial driver when connected20:33
dStructtuxiano: different adapter then yours apparently though VID: 067b PID: 230320:34
tuxianodStruct: ok, so maybe "normaly" is not actually true20:35
dStructtuxiano: you may look at adding a line to /var/modules/`uname -r`/modules.alias see if you can grep -i "v2108p780B" on modules.alias and see if it has a line, if it does change the right most field to pl2303 maybe?20:40
dStructtuxiano: you might have to depmod -a after the change to kick it in gear, then unplug/plug the device20:40
dStructtuxiano: my device has an entry of -- alias usb:v067Bp2303d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*in* pl2303 -- for example20:42
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=== saythattomyface is now known as nicomachus
boabstais there anyway to use jmtpfs as the default handler instead of mtpfs? I mean so when you connect an Android it will be mounted by jmtpfs rather than the old mtpfs that doesnt play well with newer devices?20:47
Dr-007good day. im experiencing this erro: dnsmasq.service: PID file /var/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid not readable (yet?) after start-post: No such file or directory20:48
Dr-007the dir /var/run/dnsmasq/ is owned by root:root20:48
boabstaDr-007: whats the permissions of /var/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid?20:49
ikoniawhat is the file permisions20:49
ikoniaI suspect it doesn't exist20:49
Dr-007i does not exist20:49
Dr-007but i just purged and reinstalled20:49
Dr-007and it works now20:49
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Dr-007let me check the permissions now20:49
boabstaDr-007: cool, seems like you're sorted :)20:50
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Dr-007-rw-r--r--  1 root    root   6 Dec  5 21:49 dnsmasq.pid20:50
Dr-007yeah, but still weird. i didnt do anything weird like modify the binary file20:50
Dr-007oh well20:50
tuxianodStruct: sorry, need some more time20:52
donofrioanyone know how I can turn off unwanted PM's getting these dumb - "kloeri,AKA "Bryan Ostergaard"is a known "??? they just pile up??20:52
OerHeksblock PM for unregistered users with /umode +R20:53
geniidonofrio: /mode donofrio +R20:53
dStructdonofrio: set /umode +R will stop them, but it wont stick unless you tell your client to do it on-connect20:53
tuxianodStruct: got it work, just had to add a line "usbserial vendor=0x2108 product=0x780B" to /etc/modules.20:57
dStructtuxiano: nice :D20:57
dStructtuxiano: now go chase the cat with your roomba :D20:58
tuxianodStruct: thats the plan :-)21:00
craigifyI've finally upgraded to 16.04, and I'm still getting used to systemd.  What the hell happened to syslog?  I can't find any definintive docs that shows how to interact with systemd in place of syslog.21:07
craigifythat's assuming it does replace it.  I'm rather confused about that....21:07
craigifythere is no syslogd running21:07
tgm4883craigify: it's been rsyslog for as long as I can remember21:10
Seven_Six_TwoI got a 4 TB seagate external, and I'm having trouble mounting it consistently, or finding info about what to do. The error in dmesg "uas: probe of  failed with error -12" led me to blacklist uas module: https://goo.gl/NWgFVc  now that error is gone, but replugging doesn't mount or even create device in /dev. sudo journalctl showed that there was an error calling /lib/udev/mtp-probe, but is fixed by installing mtp-tools.21:10
Seven_Six_TwoNow I don't get error, and it still won't mount.21:10
craigifytgm4883, you're right21:11
Seven_Six_Twothe drive also doesn't show up in gnome-disks21:13
craigifyok so perhaps systemd doesn't replace syslog21:13
craigifyit seems to replace a lot of other things21:13
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nicomachuswhy can't I get a screenshot of any windows? All I get is a screenshot of my wallpaper, even though it's buried under 4 windows.21:16
tgm4883craigify: that seems like a general rant and not in any way a question21:16
nicomachusthis is... weird.21:17
Ben64nicomachus: click window, alt+printscreen ?21:17
craigifyI think we can both agree my last statement was not a question.  Although, the one immediately preceeding it was not a rant, as you put it.21:17
nicomachusBen64: same result.21:18
Ben64nicomachus: then idk21:18
nicomachusI'm in VBox running 16.10 as a guest.21:18
OerHeksSeven_Six_Two, 4 tb formatted in windows? exfat perhaps?21:18
Turbo_Tech911Hello and good afternoon to all21:18
protnmakes sense :D21:19
protndax: also seem similar21:19
Turbo_Tech911New here, Can we ask questions?21:19
mahfiazTurbo_Tech911: just ask21:20
Turbo_Tech911I just upgraded to 16.04 and I am using an AMD based video card that works with the generic drivers from Xorg.21:22
Turbo_Tech911I run two monitors and there is no way to control them regarding saturation21:23
Turbo_Tech911One monitor is so oversaturated that the Reds fall off the screen and drip onto my desk.21:23
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Seven_Six_TwoOerHeks, sorry. just rebooted. It was fat, but I removed that partition, created a 1gb fat32 partition, and the rest ext421:24
Seven_Six_Twoupon plugging it in after a reboot (with uas module still blacklisted) it worked.21:25
Seven_Six_Twoodd, but as long as it mounts...21:25
Seven_Six_Twooops. did I kill the room?21:32
howarthActually I have a question that I would be really curious to know the answer to21:37
spacecublo all21:37
howarthlast night someone in the pidgin irc channel suggested that I try the sessionsave pidgin plugin which isn't packaged21:38
howarthsince it seemed orphaned and the Makefile instructions in the pidgin-2.11.0 source tarball were shot, I decided to merge in back into the build tree21:40
howarthmodifiying the Makefile.am and using 'autoreconf --force --install'21:41
howarththe build went fine but comparing the linkages I noticed that starting at Ubuntu 16.10, the libresolv.so and libnsl.so went 'walk about' on amd6421:43
howarthwaht the hell is that all about21:43
spacecuboooh, had to jump through some hoops to get onto here :}21:43
howarthand why do we still have all of the dangling symlinks point at those missing files on amd6421:43
spacecubmy sd card doesnt seem to work, lubuntu + hpstream 1121:44
spacecubit shows up in storage in !system profiler" but doesnt seem to be mounted21:44
spacecubto i manually edit fstab maybes?21:45
howarthlaunchpad.net time as no one has apparently reported that yet21:46
jukemIf I have Intel integrated graphics in my dell xps 13, do I need to get the closed source drivers from Intel?  Or are some kind of open source driver provided by default22:05
Jordan_Ujukem: Intel only has open source drivers, and they are quite good.22:06
Bashing-omjukem: What is the issue ? .. Intel provides the open source driver and is included in the kernel . The driver loads by default .22:07
jukemI'm getting weird screen tearing and very basic games such as Hotline Miami won't load :/22:08
jukemI'm running the newest version of Elementary OS.  I'm also in their channel, its just a barren wasteland22:09
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE22:09
NoImNotNineVolt(though, i don't want to be that "get out of here!" guy :P)22:09
jukemwas that directed at me?22:10
NoImNotNineVoltit was, but i wish it wasn't :P22:10
jukemeOS is almost identical to Ubuntu...22:10
nicomachusElementary OS is not a supported flavor of Ubuntu, we can't support it here.22:10
nicomachusjukem: it's just different enough22:10
NoImNotNineVoltjukem: many ubuntu derivatives are almost identical to ubuntu. but people here love not supporting them anyway.22:10
Jordan_Ujukem: This channel only supports Ubuntu. Period. Try ##linux.22:10
NoImNotNineVoltat least i do it apologetically.22:11
NoImNotNineVoltif it makes you feel any better, i've been asking the same vfio question for days :P22:11
thebwtjukem: lie and say you're using ubuntu whatever it's based on. Just recognize when it's not an ubuntu issue .22:12
jukemIt's just kind of silly when the question I'm asking is just about whether there are included drivers22:12
nicomachusthebwt: don't lie. It's too easy to find out.22:12
Jordan_Uthebwt: Please don't tell people to lie to this channel.22:12
NoImNotNineVoltjukem: generally, intel graphics "just works" under ubuntu.22:12
jukemlol alright I'm outta here this conversion is degrading.22:13
jukemthanks anyway22:13
NoImNotNineVoltthough i doubt i can be of much use beyond that.22:13
Jordan_Ujukem: ##linux can help you with this question quite well. Please try there.22:13
NoImNotNineVoltsorry, and good luck.22:13
tgm4883NoImNotNineVolt: what vfio question?22:26
NoImNotNineVoltso, i have iommu working...22:28
NoImNotNineVoltbut nothing is showing up under /dev/vfio/22:28
NoImNotNineVoltand i have no idea where to begin troubleshooting. _any_ tips would be appreciated.22:28
* NoImNotNineVolt touches tgm488322:30
Jordan_UNoImNotNineVolt: Please don't make such comments in this channel.22:30
tgm4883sorry, that's a little too low level for me22:30
Jordan_UNoImNotNineVolt: Are you trying to pass your GPU to a guest VM?22:31
NoImNotNineVoltyes, i am.22:32
NoImNotNineVoltand apologies. i meant it in a /usr/bin/touch sort of way.22:32
NoImNotNineVoltbut i've already blacklisted the device(s) on the host, they're in an iommu group as expected...22:32
NoImNotNineVoltbut nothing shows up under /dev/vfio/ (i'm expecting iommu group 1 to show up at /dev/vfio/1/)22:33
NoImNotNineVolti've confirmed via lspci output that the gpu is unavailable in the host22:33
NoImNotNineVoltbut iommu group 1 has three devices: pci bridge, gpu, gpu hdmi audio.22:34
NoImNotNineVolti've only blacklisted the gpu and gpu hdmi audio. do i need to blacklist the pci bridge also?22:34
tgm4883When I did it, I only needed to blacklist my video card and the audio part of the video card22:36
NoImNotNineVoltwas there a pci bridge in that iommu group too? :P22:36
tgm4883No, just the GPU stuff22:36
NoImNotNineVoltwell, at least i have iommu working...22:36
Turbo_Tech911Is Lubuntu and official derivative?22:37
NoImNotNineVoltbut the documentation for vfio is a single page on kernel.org :P22:37
NoImNotNineVoltand no mention of how to troubleshoot vfio issues.22:37
slavanapHello. How I can install php5 php5-json php5-pgsql in Ubuntu 16.04? The packages are missing in standard repositories, but presented in Debian std repos...22:39
* NoImNotNineVolt fg's Jordan_U 22:40
dfinnI've got a 14.04 server that keeps filling up /run.  it looks like it's because of this process and I'm wondering if anyone knows how to disable this or keep it from filling up /run22:41
daxTurbo_Tech911: yes22:41
dfinnroot      8284  0.1  0.0  17300  5020 ?        S<L  00:00   1:25 /usr/bin/atop -a -w /var/log/atop/atop_20161205 60022:41
Jordan_UNoImNotNineVolt: You're using integrated graphics for Xorg, as confirmed by /var/log/Xorg.0.log?22:41
brian|lfsquestion is there a way to bridge a wireless adapter on ubutnu22:41
NoImNotNineVoltlet me confirm..22:42
brian|lfstrying to help a friend it seems something is blocking it from working at all22:42
NoImNotNineVolt[DRI2]   DRI driver: i96522:43
NoImNotNineVoltwait a minute...22:44
NoImNotNineVolti see nouveau lines... :|22:45
NoImNotNineVoltbut... why...22:46
NoImNotNineVolti have in my /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf:  blacklist nouveau22:46
NoImNotNineVoltindeed, it tries and fails to load module nvidia, but tries and succeeds at loading module nouveau...22:48
NoImNotNineVoltso that's a start. thanks.22:48
NoImNotNineVoltnow the question is... why isn't it blacklisted :P22:48
Jordan_UNoImNotNineVolt: Is nouveau currently listed in the output of "lsmod"?22:49
dfinnseems like I'm hitting this bug with my issue where atop fills up /run/ : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/atop/+bug/139317522:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1393175 in atop (Ubuntu) "atop floods /run partition (causes no DNS server problem)" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:50
NoImNotNineVoltyup. so, i guess we found the problem.22:50
NoImNotNineVoltmodprobe -r ? :P22:50
NoImNotNineVoltthat's weird. pci-stub is supposed to grab this before nouveau. and then nouveau is supposed to be blacklisted.22:51
NoImNotNineVoltsomehow neither of these things are actually happening, it seems.22:51
Jordan_UNoImNotNineVolt: Try "sudo update-initramfs -u". A file in /etc/modprobe.d/ isn't going to help if the nouveau driver has already been loaded in the initramfs by the time the root FS (which contains /etc/modprobe.d/) is mounted.22:52
NoImNotNineVoltnow i feel noob.22:53
karstensragewhen you drop to a shell to handles whats different about an updated package22:56
karstensragedo you edit the dpkg-new to be what you want and then 'exit'22:57
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NoImNotNineVoltlol, rebooted and it still hasn't come back on the network.22:58
NoImNotNineVolti'll have to wait til i get home to see what i broke.22:58
NoImNotNineVoltJordan_U: thank you for the tips, and advance apologies for how much i'll be begging you for more help in the future :P22:59
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=== LeftLift is now known as LiftLeft
dada2Hi, I installed Cinnamon on a fresh Arch Linux, and moved the window buttons on left (in windows title bar) using Cinnamon settings. But the Gnome apps (like Gedit) still display buttons on right, I used dconf to set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences.button-layout to "close,minimize:", and rebooted, but it doesn't change buttons layout. Any idea?23:12
dada2maybe better to ask this on #gnome23:15
Bashing-omdada2: We do not do Arch in this ubuntu dedicated channel .23:15
dada2Bashing-om, it's not a Arch question. In other words : in Gnome, what settings (from dconf or other) will make windows to display buttons on right?23:15
dada2on left*23:16
clarkkwhat is this called in the system tray?   http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1480978861.png23:19
OerHeksclarkk, online accounts ?23:23
clarkkwhat is the software called?23:23
clarkkI mean, the package23:23
uxfihey whats up alll23:23
OerHeks!info indicator-messages23:27
ubottuindicator-messages (source: indicator-messages): indicator that collects messages that need a response. In component main, is optional. Version 13.10.1+15.10.20150505-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 68 kB, installed size 375 kB23:27
clarkkthanks. When it goes blue to show me something has arrived, it doesn't switch to the app when I click on the item in the dropdown menu. It worked fine on 12.04 but now doesn't on 16.0423:37
clarkkcan anyone help with this?23:37
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NoImNotNineVoltJordan_U: you're a saint. i now have a /dev/vfio/123:48
MudManMikeIs there anyone that might be able to offer some insight as to why if i run an application from the command line with: gksu  my cores are maxed out on a dual core machine but the same application launched with: sudo barely affects them at all?23:50
MudManMikeubuntu 16.04 LTS23:51

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