
cfhowlettwelcome Vysty05:46
VystyWhere would I post stuff about my workflow?05:46
cfhowlettVysty, facebook group, ubuntustudio forums .... even the wiki!05:47
VystyIs that the link to the forums up there?05:47
VystyBlargh, how about: what is the link to the forum?05:48
cfhowlettVysty, wait 105:48
cfhowletthttps://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=335  and https://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334       for ubuntustudio and multimedia software05:49
VystyI'll probably come in here asking you for that again later.05:50
cfhowlettwe really should have them in the channel header.  I'll ask our channel mod05:50
VystyBOOM!! Converted!05:52
cfhowletteh, whot?05:52
VystyI finally got it to work!05:53
VystyI literally have been battling this problem for weeks and solving it involved buying a new computer.05:53
cfhowletteasy peasy.  As I tell my students, it's all in the wrist.05:53
VystyI just saw the fruit of my labors that I started weeks ago.05:53
cfhowlettnow that you saved dough from NOT buying hardware, max out your ram?05:53
VystyNo, I already bought the new computer.05:53
cfhowlettalright then.05:54
VystyIt was time. I was working with a laptop I got in 2011.05:54
VystyHow do I max out my RAM?05:55
ObrienDavebuy more05:57
ObrienDavehow much depends on the max allowed by your system and your wallet ;P05:58
VystyObrienDave: I had aimed that question at another guy. Just bought a new system. :)06:00
ObrienDaveVysty, it's ok, many people here can advise and help at the same time06:10
VystyObrienDave: Appreciated!06:11
VystyObrienDave: The RAM comment was kind of a side thing. Now I need to figure out how to use WinFF for what I want to do.06:11
ObrienDavei know nothing about WinFF, sorry06:11
VystyObrienDave: Do you have an... answered my question. :D06:11
cfhowlettVysty, truly easy to find http://winff.org/html_new/documentation.html06:11
VystyThe official documentation has a 404 error06:12
VystyIn English, anyway.06:12
ObrienDavei have dabbled with kideo editing. KdenLive for example06:12
VystyKdenlive is on my workflow list for what I'm doing.06:12
ObrienDaveyea, i've tried a few but have had them crash when I try to meld very large videos together. sot sure what the issue is06:15
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