
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
moonheadis this project still actively being developed?19:02
robb_nlmoonhead: sadly enough not. see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2016-March/039281.html19:54
moonheadthanks robb_nl.  i was getting that feeling, but could not find evidence.19:54
robb_nltechnically it is supported untill april 2019...19:54
robb_nlwhen ubuntu 14.04 LTS runs out of support19:55
robb_nlI think you would be better off with skolelinux.... (or can't I say that in this channel?)19:55
robb_nlwhat are you looking for moonhead ?19:56
moonheadright on.  thanks for the idea.  seems like most kid friendly projects are dead in the water.19:56
robb_nlI know another school project that might be VERY interesting...19:56
robb_nllinuxschools.com a server based on Ubuntu LTS + an Ubuntu client that preconfigures all services that the server offers19:57
moonheadnothing specific, but was hoping to find something with recent kernel and drivers.  i have a chromebook that didn't seem to play nicely until  15.10.  and, honestly, i just don't feel like doing a whole bunch of work to make this thing reasonably useful for a4 year old.19:57
robb_nlah ok... just a client is what you need... :)19:58
robb_nlI remembered a distro called doudou linux... but that is not being maintained either...19:59
moonheadneither is sugar or qimo or most anything else i can find20:00
robb_nlOpenSuSE has an EDU version of the client that is active20:00
mhall119yeah, qimo has been retired :(20:03
mhall119all the games are still in Ubuntu though20:03
mhall119I should make a snap package of the wallpapers....20:03
robb_nlyeah gcompris, childsplay and all the tux applications are great for kids...20:05
moonheadthanks for the suggestions.  i'll check into the opensuse edu option20:08
robb_nlbtw, you mention sugar... you ever used an XO laptop?20:08
robb_nlI had one when my kids were very young. they absolutely didn't need any explanation, even when they never touched a pc before...20:10
robb_nlgreat OS....20:10
robb_nlfor kids.. ;)20:10
robb_nlon standard hardware you can use it through sugar on a stick20:11
robb_nlstill actively developed!20:12

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