
marcoceppioy, magicaltrout, you're in dc and you didn't tell me! :)00:03
magicaltroutnot any more marcoceppi sadly00:15
magicaltroutflew home last friday00:15
magicaltroutout there helping track down human traffickers and gun smugglers on the dark web... as one does00:16
petevgmagicatrout: we both managed to snub marcoceppi.00:25
petevg^ magicaltrout (without typos in your handle, this time)00:26
magicaltroutyeah mine involved minimal social activity, and lots of crazy shit i didn't understand00:30
magicaltrouti have since enrolled myself on a deep learning course00:30
marcoceppicool, well if you're ever back in DC hit me up00:37
magicaltrouti shall be marcoceppi00:38
magicaltroutprobably march00:38
magicaltrouti'll prod you when i find out00:38
marcoceppimagicaltrout: cool, hopefully I'll also be in town ;)00:38
bdxmarcoceppi: should we be including a reference to datadog in the interfaces?00:40
bdxmarcoceppi: erggg, *in the datadog state interface name00:41
bdxjeeezee - s/state/stat/00:41
bdxe.g. interface-php-fpm-stats00:42
bdxshould we make it a convention to possibly have 'interface-datadog-<integration-name>' for all of the integrations?00:43
bdxsince there will be alot of them00:43
bdxI feel like it will be confusing if we don't signify datadog in there somehow ... bc the names of the majority of the integrations are alto the names of juju charms00:44
marcoceppibdx: other than datadog being a reference implementation, there's really nothing datadog specific00:51
bdxmarcoceppi: nice, that makes sense.... so then these interfaces could be applicable to other use cases hopefully00:58
marcoceppibdx: that's the plan00:58
marcoceppibdx: I hope to do a sysdig implementation using a few of these00:59
marcoceppias a proof of concept00:59
bdxahh ... Sysdig looks like they are blasting native container support01:00
marcoceppibdx: yeah, I'm interested in it for kubernetes01:00
bdxI figured as much ... from a high level ... it looks like they rolled a bunch of cli monitoring tools into one place .. cool ... no gui tho?01:02
bdxsysdig looks really cool ... I'll have to dig into it01:03
bdxI see now, sysdig doesn't log data really, it more or less gives you a realtime (and for some things historical) view into the system through a centralized ui - very useful01:07
marcoceppibdx: yeah, you can then tap that into sysdig cloud, their saas01:10
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lazyPowersysdig cloud is *intense*01:30
AnkammaraoHi i am facing browser issue with z ubuntu , getting the error like "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"05:20
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kjackal Good morinig Juju world09:21
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deanmanGood morning !10:03
Ankammaraokwmonroe,Hi Good morning10:19
Ankammaraokwmonroe i have some firefox browser issue, we are charming IBM products10:20
Ankammaraokwmonroe can you help me regarding the browser issue on ubuntu z machine10:21
deanmanj #EliteBNC11:01
deanmansticky fingers11:04
kjackalmagicaltrout: are you still in the EU?11:29
kjackalmagicaltrout: How is the car project going :)11:29
kjackalAnkammarao: kwmonroe will be available later today. If there is anything I can help you with let me know11:30
Ankammaraokjackal Hi11:31
Ankammaraokjackal, having issue with firefox in ubuntu z terminal11:32
magicaltroutyeah kjackal I'm sat in the frozen heartlands.... mostly known as the east of england11:32
Ankammaraokjackal getting error when run firefox in the terminal "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"11:33
kjackalAnkammarao: is this the case with other browsers as well?11:34
kjackalAnkammarao: does not seem to be a juju related issue. Is it?11:35
Ankammaraokjackal we have tried with chromium browser to install but getting error11:35
Ankammaraokjackal yeah its related to ubuntu machine i guess11:36
kjackalAnkammarao: I do not know much about the firefox build on Z11:38
kjackalAnkammarao: however I would recomend you asking in #ubuntu-powerpc11:38
Ankammaraokjackal thank you11:39
kjackalAnkammarao: here is a list of IRC channels we have. You might find a better match https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:39
Ankammaraokjackal i will check it thanks11:40
kjackalmagicaltrout: Ahhh very nice. The alternative would have been a life-threatening desert (LA) where coconuts would ruin your brand new tesla :)11:41
magicaltroutthis is true kjackal11:54
marcoceppistub: will this work?12:19
marcoceppistub: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23588297/12:20
marcoceppistub: mainly, can I set access to 'pg_stat_database' and is that how you would interact with the results12:21
stubmarcoceppi: That looks correct12:21
marcoceppi\o/ about to test, so we'll see ;)12:21
stubmarcoceppi: oh... pg_stat_database is a view inside every database, not a database itself.12:21
stubmarcoceppi: but it should work... it just creates an empty database called pg_stat_database for your client to connect to.12:22
stubmarcoceppi: And you probably need to pass in the database name to configure_integration (psql.maser.dbname, which in this case will be 'pg_stat_database' because that is what you asked for)12:23
marcoceppistub: according to the setup guide: create user datadog with password '<bleh>'; grant SELECT ON pg_stat_database to datadog12:25
marcoceppitrying to replicate this using the pgsql interface, but maybe that's not possible?12:25
stubmarcoceppi: You would do that after connecting to the database you want to use12:25
marcoceppistub: well, I want all databases12:26
marcoceppistub: the documentation has no parameter for "database"12:26
stubmarcoceppi: datadog needs to connect to a database and run selects on the pg_stat_database table. In this case, it doesn't matter what dbname you use.12:27
stubmarcoceppi: So...12:27
stubmarcoceppi: In configure_db, I'd set_database('datadog') since that is unlikely to conflict with anything else12:27
stubmarcoceppi: And ...12:28
stubmarcoceppi: in configure_postgresql_integration pass 'dbname': pgsql.master.dbname12:29
stubmarcoceppi: For the charm to do the grant, it needs an administrative connection. And if you give it an administrative connection, it doesn't need the grant run.12:30
stubmarcoceppi: So just relate it to db-admin instead of db and you might be done12:30
stub(I should have called the set_database method set_dbname to avoid confusion. The setting on the relation is 'database', which I inherited. But in the PostgreSQL world it is usually referred to as dbname)12:33
marcoceppino worries12:33
marcoceppitrying with db-admin12:34
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stubmarcoceppi: if you get that working, try it with a non-administrative connection. The grant should be unnecessary, at least with modern versions of PostgreSQL. I'm able to query it as an unprivileged user here12:39
stub(some views are protected, like pg_stat_activity, but pg_stat_database doesn't contain any sensitive information and seems to be public)12:40
marcoceppistub: cool, will give it a go12:41
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slrocketchatmarcoceppi:  used the layer-mongodb in our chat charm - but the default 2.6.10 instance needs an `rs.initiate()` from mongo shell before being functional ... is there anyway to set that by default?12:58
marcoceppislrocketchat: mongodb charm is missing replicaset support, it's the last thing needed13:02
slrocketchatmarcoceppi:  thanks!13:03
marcoceppislrocketchat: I've got a stub for it, but I need help completing it, happy to collab on it13:03
marcoceppislrocketchat: I started mapping that out here https://github.com/marcoceppi/layer-mongodb/blob/master/lib/charms/layer/mongodb.py#L10113:04
marcoceppiI just never was able to get replicasets to come online in a stable fashion13:05
slrocketchatmarcoceppi:  happy to take a look.  all the docker solution i see uses tricky unreliable time delay strategies.  But we only need the single instance as a primary (because Rocket.Chat acts as secondary and parses oplog) so our requirements are non-typical.13:06
marcoceppislrocketchat: well, Juju as a third party, does a "leadership" election. I'm happy to pilot a lot of the code, I just need someone with better mongo experience than me to help me figure out the pitfalls13:07
magicaltroutmulticontainer docker stuff, still makes me sad, so i'm not surprised its flaky! ;)13:14
slrocketchatmarcoceppi:  we can definitely help to put the layer through the grinder .. once we complete the charm it is expected to be widely deployed in varied configuations :)13:15
marcoceppislrocketchat: well I love rocket chat, so happy to work with you all :)13:16
* magicaltrout googles rocket chat.. i clearly live in a cave13:16
slrocketchatmarcoceppi:  goes both ways - we enjoy having gurus around us, solving problems that we hit in seconds with no run arounds :+1:13:17
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deanmanHi, quick question, might have stumbled on this before but don't recall. Shouldn't newly created models be inheriting same configuration of default?14:39
lazyPowerdeanman: only if you juju set-model-defaults14:44
lazyPowerdeanman: othewrise juju set-model-config only applies to the currently selected model14:44
deanmanlazyPower, during bootstrapping i configured http proxy and that was passed to defalt. When i created a new one it wasn't inherited. Should i manually configure every new model or is there a better way ?14:46
lazyPowerdeanman: i'm fairly certain the bootstrap constraints only apply at time of bootstrap in juju2. marcoceppi can you fact check my statement above? ^14:46
deanmanNo worries, just want to make sure whether there is a quick way to copy defaults from one model to another.14:47
lazyPowerdeanman: i'm pretty certain you want to set-model-defaults then14:47
deanman`juju set-model-defaults` does not exist on my 2.0.114:49
deanmannewer command addition ?14:49
deanmangot it, `model-defaults`14:51
deanmanno way to pass a file that has pre-configured the key-value configurations?14:53
marcoceppideanman: you can14:59
marcoceppideanman: you should be able to15:00
lazyPowerdeanman: doesn't look like it has support for feeding a file. That looks like a bug/feature-request to me.15:01
deanmanok thank you, i''ll file two feature requests then, one to be able to carry over configuration passed during bootstrap and a second to be able to load configuration to a model using a file.15:03
SimonKLBtrying to co-locate two charms on the same machine but i'm getting into trouble with mis-matching python libs - would it be a good idea to try to run charms in separate virtual envs?15:05
marcoceppiSimonKLB: which charms?15:09
SimonKLBmarcoceppi: my own and cs:~chris.macnaughton/influxdb-415:09
marcoceppiSimonKLB: if they're reactive charms, you can turn on the "enable_venv" option during build time so that their libs (or at least one of their libs) is in a venv15:09
SimonKLBmarcoceppi: neat! :)15:09
marcoceppiSimonKLB: https://github.com/juju-solutions/layer-basic#layer-configuration15:09
marcoceppiSimonKLB: cheers15:10
deanmanlazyPower, got them filed as bugs but its the same process for features right?15:16
lazyPowerdeanman: correct15:20
lazyPowerSimonKLB: did you file15:20
lazyPowerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/elasticsearch/+bug/1646904 ?15:20
mupBug #1646904: ElasticSearch fails at peer-relation-joined <elasticsearch (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1646904>15:20
SimonKLBlazyPower: thats not me15:27
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lazyPowerSimonKLB: k, i didnt think so but was just checking15:31
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skay_hey any mojo person around? I'm building a spec, and the secrets phase seems to have deposited my secrets as expected, but my charm didn't get configured with the values in the secrets file20:44
petevgcory_fu: https://github.com/juju-solutions/matrix/issues/3622:21
cory_fupetevg: Replied.  But testing bundles from the charm store is no longer supported at all, and you're attempting to test the current directory as a bundle.  We should probably improve that error message22:34
petevgcory_fu: I didn't realize that we were officially dropping support. That's fine .. we just need to revise the tests to reflect.22:36
magicaltroutget with the times petevg !!!22:43
petevgmagicaltrout: I'm so behind.22:43
magicaltroutme too.... =/22:43
* petevg sheds a single tear22:44
magicaltrouton the plus side, I have one of my guys working on charms now, so i might actually get some stuff with tests, reviewed etc22:44
magicaltroutstranger things have happened22:44
magicaltroutalthough today I am writing a test suite to test our docker containers......22:45
* magicaltrout also sheds a tear22:45
petevgOne step forward ...22:45
petevgThough hooray for testing, regardless :-)22:46
magicaltroutlol, as long as I don't have to write... tests....22:46
magicaltrouthe's working on drill though, I want to get some authentication running in it, but once its done, we'll get some tests in and it reviewed then hopefully you guys can utilising it in your big data bundles22:46
magicaltrout-ing +e22:47
cory_fubcsaller: If the deploy task encounters a critical error, how can it signal that the test should abort?  Returning False makes it hang on the other rules22:47
petevgmagicaltrout: I look forward to playing around with it :-)22:51
cory_fupetevg, bcsaller: https://github.com/juju-solutions/matrix/pull/3723:16
petevgcory_fu: code looks good to me.23:18
petevgThank you :-)23:18
cory_fupetevg: Thanks23:19
petevgcory_fu, bcsaller: I experimented with integrating the "subordinate okay" stuff more organically into the typing, but I wound up just making monstrosities.23:20
cory_fubcsaller: I went with pre-validating the path instead of aborting more cleanly when the deploy failed, but I'm still curious how we would perform a "clean" abort if we needed to.23:20
bcsallercory_fu: I think i have some outstanding code for that. let me see if it still works23:21
cory_fubcsaller: That also came up when I was working on the ubuntui changes.  I was going to add a Cancel button but I couldn't figure out how to make it actually abort23:21
petevgcory_fu, bcsaller: shouldn't it be something like loop.stop(), model.disconnect(), loop.close()? (I guess you may not have access to the model to disconnect it, and the disconnect method may not work after you call loop.stop ...)23:25
bdxI see now, sysdig doesn't log data really, it more or less gives you a realtime (and for some things historical) view into the system through a centralized ui - very useful23:40

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