
=== CompuDesktop is now known as Compu
SwiftOnCryptoHello all!09:47
SwiftOnCryptoFast question09:47
SwiftOnCryptodoes lubuntu support Hyperthreading ?09:48
taiebotHi all, I am on lubuntu 16.10 and i have a problem after resume from suspend. I can see wifi getting reconnected and i have a connection. However i am unable to connect . I have to paste this command after every resume sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service14:52
taiebotHow could i debug this?14:52
newbie143Hello, I'm new to lubuntu. Liking it so far but I'm having trouble installing Libre Office. Could someone possibly walk me through the steps of what I need to enter in the LXTerminal please?15:45
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
=== brendyqt is now known as lynorian_
taiebotnewbie143 type: sudo apt-get install libreoffice-gnome17:23
thhgfdjhfjI installed 14.04.5 and now it is starts in a black window / terminal. It have not happens before.19:36
thhgfdjhfj15.10 is not create swap file and 16.04 is not work on my computer. So many problems.19:38
thhgfdjhfjThere must be a linux i can use.19:39
lynorianthhgfdjhfj, 14.04.5 uses same kernel and X stack as 16.04 so if 16.04 does not work I would not try 16.0419:40
lynorianDoes 16.10 work19:40
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily19:40
thhgfdjhfjI have used 14.04 for a long time. But after i put 14.04.5 on the usb stick it starts in terminal. (user login and password)19:41
lynorianthhgfdjhfj, well you can use the 14.04 kernel that still gets security backports19:42
lynorian14.04.5 would have the same problems as 16.0419:42
thhgfdjhfjIs 15.04 not avable anymore ? I dont care about updates so long i have something i can use.19:45
thhgfdjhfjI have aspire one 110 8GB disk. What is recommended to use on it ?19:47
lynorianno 15.04 is not avaible any more19:48
lynorianYou can still use 14.04 support as it is an lts19:48
lynorianor do you still have problems with 16.10?19:48
thhgfdjhfjI am not sure about 16:10 but 16.04 will not start after installation.19:54
thhgfdjhfjI cud try 16:10. but i only have 512MB ram i tought it can be little small.19:55
thhgfdjhfj14.04.5 is newer then 14.04.4 it shud fix problems not create them.20:02
lynorianWell 14.04.5 is the hardware enablement stack for running machines supported by the 16.04 kernel and graphics stack on top of 14.0420:07
lynorianand has all bug relaease this might be a graphics error with the particular kernel 16.04 uses20:08
thhgfdjhfjIt was working for some days ago when it updates to 14.04.5 it self.20:08
thhgfdjhfjAnd my disk meet the reqirements but after all updates it become to small.20:09
geniiWhat is minimum CPU requirement ? P2/P3 ?22:49

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