
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:44
lotuspsychjeany progress in the botnet spam?04:45
daxapparently has gone down a bit04:46
daxi've gotten nothing in hours, so I suspect they're filtering on cloak or something now. others have gotten stuff recently but the quantity's a lot lower04:46
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychje!info sl04:56
ubot5sl (source: sl): Correct you if you type `sl' by mistake. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03-17build1 (xenial), package size 23 kB, installed size 78 kB04:57
lotuspsychjethat train knows the numbers of lan to use?04:59
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lotuspsychjebbl guys breakfast07:04
=== Guest69044 is now known as lordievader
ducassehi all07:37
lordievaderGood morning.08:11
ducassehi lordievader - everything good?08:13
lordievaderHey ducasse, got coffee. Guess life is good ;)08:19
lordievaderHow are things there?08:19
ducassegood thanks :) got my tea and fed the cat, soon time for breakfast :)08:20
madpropswhen do you see ubuntu being the best os?09:10
naccmadprops: i feel like that is sort of a nonsensical question / trolling.09:11
naccmadprops: what would define "best"?09:11
lordievaderThat is a very personal question indeed.09:11
lordievaderUbuntu has strenghts and weaknesses, like any OS.09:11
madpropsto me it would be the best when i can have a more comfortable environment than on windows09:12
naccthat makes no sense09:12
naccthat just makes it better than windows for you09:12
madpropswell right now the best os for me is windows09:12
madpropsbecause i can run all the software i want09:12
naccright, so your question is "when will ubuntu be the best os for me" (as asked by you).09:12
naccmadprops: and the answer to that is, whenever you want...09:13
madpropswell isn't software support a big part of a desktop's os effectiveness?09:13
madpropsunity is going great09:13
madpropsi like that09:13
madpropsshowing big advancements09:13
madpropsbut for example09:13
naccalso 'comfortable environment' seems highly subjective09:13
madpropsi have a very costumized windows environment with lots of hotkeys and stuff09:13
madpropsfor example i use sharex a lot09:14
madpropsand ive done my research searchiung for a linux alt09:14
madpropsand there just isn't09:14
madpropsplus i use fl studio, and i can just wine it09:14
madpropsusing wine is just nasty09:14
madpropsnot to mention video games09:15
naccmadprops: i don't feel like i have the time to even begin09:15
naccmore important things to do, sorry09:15
naccmadprops: the answer to the question is "when it is", afaict. You can either help get to that point, or not.09:16
wafflejockmadprops, you may want to check out Hydrogen, and Ardour for doing audio in linux if you dig into JACK audio there's a lot you can do with effects and piping audio data through lots of digital filtering but takes some time to learn the ins and outs09:18
madpropsi think there's no vst support09:19
madpropsand i read jack's a mess09:19
madpropsbut yeah im sure things can be done09:19
madpropsi played with lmms a bit09:20
madpropsand audacity, and mixxx09:20
wafflejockmadprops, post here says lmms supports vst plugins but haven't used it enough or recently enough to tell yah and the post is old https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112422709:21
wafflejockmadprops, my experience with JACK was mixed, was a pain to understand at all in the first place or get running at first but it's really not that terrible and once you have it running and understand the inputs and outputs (something like patchage is helpful) I didn't have problems09:22
wafflejockI don't do audio production or anything either though it was just dabbling with some midi keyboard that was given to me, but there are usually some decent alternatives that end up being a better experience than wine09:23
wafflejockgames wise it's better than it used to be with Steam but not going to be a lot of big game companies dumping money into proper linux games without a big market to buy said games, sort of chicken and egg with gaming09:24
madpropswafflejock, apparently it supports them, but with wine, and i don't know if that could affect the latency or quality somehow. But yeah im def considering ubuntu was my main future os09:31
madpropsi understand that a lot of what would take linux to become better is people actually using it09:31
madpropsand of course contributing09:31
madpropsas my main*09:32
madpropsand it's just good, unity is certainly high quality right now. still getting some problems popping but that's expected, it could get better09:33
wafflejockmadprops, yeah personally I like to run it as my development environment because I use the same thing on cloud services for deploying things and don't have to deal with issues cause of slight variations in different versions of dependencies on different OSes09:33
madpropsyeah i wonder how much that could change with snaps09:34
madpropswhich im still not 100% convinced it's actually better than a universal package system (that can get betteR)09:34
wafflejockyeah I could use docker or other kinds of containers, snaps sound convenient in theory too but haven't toyed with enough of it to say if I trust it :)09:34
madpropscertainly giving developers control over their applications is great09:35
madpropsthe publishing i mean09:35
madpropsbut idk09:35
madpropsim gonna sleep09:36
BluesKajHowdy all12:01
ducassegood morning, BluesKaj12:02
OerHekshi there BluesKaj12:02
OerHeks& ducasse12:02
BluesKaj'morning ducasse, OerHeks12:02
ducasseBluesKaj: did you try xbian?12:03
BluesKajyes, ducasse i did, my rpi3 uses wifi , but there were no drivers availble12:04
ducasseah, bummer :( strange, i think i read on their page rpi3 was fully supported...12:05
BluesKaji used ethernet for a while to update and install a couple of video addons, but I already have Hodi on 2 machimes so a 3rd js a bit redundant...the Xbian image is the same for the repi2 and 3 so I wonder.....12:07
BluesKajmy plan is to setup the rpi3 in my den/office since the pc I was using there died a couple of yrs ago12:10
ducassewith raspbian?12:11
BluesKajprobly raspbian modified with Trinity DE12:13
ducasseah, right. i tried the ubuntu mate image on my rpi2, but it was pretty slow. rpi3 is probably better, though.12:16
daftykinsit's got a fair few more beans!12:17
daftykinsstill toys though (:12:17
BluesKajI tried mate, didn't care for it much12:19
ducassei could not have used the rpi2 as my main machine, at least.12:19
BluesKajI transferred the root dir to 64G USB stick and used the micro sd card as the boot device, I'll probly do the same adain since the speed increased siignificantly vs the micro sd as the main device12:23
ducassei'll have tu try that, running updates etc are painful on an sd card.12:24
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U

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