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dholbachstarting in 38m15:22
giwrgoshello to all15:57
dholbachhey hey15:57
dholbachstarting in a few!15:57
fairphone2QUESTION: Can community ports devices use Nokia HERE service location?16:00
SebthreeBQM10HDpopey, hi16:00
danw_QUESTION: Is there a demand for a non-coding participants into the Ubuntu project? If so, where can they contribute their time?16:01
dholbachstarting in a sec16:02
fairphone2QUESTION: Any news on the devices that will be capable of runnig snappy based images?16:03
giwrgosdholbach, heyyyyyyyyy16:03
voiture_QUESTION: when ota 15?16:03
dholbachIf you're new to this, please prefix your question with QUESTION: so we can more easily pick it up. Thanks!16:04
dslulvoiture_, we don't even have ota 14 yet :)16:04
dslulQUESTION: I find sometimes on launchpad links to documents that provide insights on the development of projects like mir and unity8. Is there a place where I can find the link to all of those, to get a broader understanding of these projects?16:05
giwrgosthat guy with the blue eyes is looking at my soul :P16:05
voiture_QUESTION: are all silos safe to install on tablet?16:07
SebthreeBQM10HDQUESTION: So I read recently that Canonical is going to sue a Euopean cloud comany, any comments to do with that?  Also is this the first time that Cannial is going to sue someone, because I don't remember reading anything about  that beore.16:07
danw_QUESTION: Is there a plan to eventually freeze Unity 7 at its most stable point, so all the efforts are focused on Unity 8? Or would Unity 7 be somehow continued indefinitely, regardless of years of never ending effort to start with Unity 8?16:12
mike_hello ,  what about  a  ubuntu  smartwatch  ?16:14
=== mike_ is now known as Guest54492
depressioniteQUESTION: My girlfriend doesn't like my ubuntu phone because it hasn't facebook messenger. I'm afraid she can end our relationship. Where we can find girls that like ubuntu phones?16:23
sethjQUESTION: Are there any plans for a US Ubuntu phone? It feels like I've been waiting forever :(16:25
guivercQUESTION: Unity 8 is using GTK+ or Qt framework/toolkits? (sorry haven't looked at it; but previews look more like Qt & not GTK+ based)16:27
dslulguiverc, it uses qt16:27
guivercthanks dslul16:27
dslulqml for the ui16:27
guivercsure looked like it; plus means its close to phones etc.16:27
sergiqp_QUESTION: Is there any project about making a shortcut's OSK for UT?16:27
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
depressioniteQUESTION: It's been almost 2 years since the launch of the first ubuntu phone, but there still some lag on the system. Apps still take "sometime" to launch, why?16:29
sethjis the fairphone an official port?16:30
popeyits a community port16:30
guivercalready answered !16:30
popeyjoin #ubports to find out more16:30
dsluldepressionite, I investigated a bit on this, it looks like most of the overhead is in the qmlscene runtime that interprets qml code, I hope that moving to newer versions of Qt that are optimized for embedded we will see some improvements16:30
danw_QUESTION: Unity 8 - will scopes be actually any better than lenses on Unity 7? As far, as I am concerned the Unity 7's experience of searching for any online content was a disaster (i.e. utterly irrelevant/embarrassing search results). Is the current experience of your proving that there is some hope to see some more polished experience?16:31
dsluljust my opinion btw16:31
guivercthanks mhall11916:31
popey\o/ mzanetti16:34
depressioniteQUESTION: The new app drawer means that App Scope is going away?16:36
danw_I'd have to slice open my Samsung Note 3 - it is my pretty little pet; no spare funds for a Nexus ;)16:38
sergiqp_With a shortcut's OSK I mean something similar to emoji's OSK, without using any physical keyboard.16:38
depressioniteQUESTION: Christmas is coming. What's your whishlist?16:38
guivercQUESTION (unimportant thought):  LXDE (GTK2+) moves to Qt; now Unity8 -> Qt5 .. yes understand b/c of phone,  but what about my old ubuntu apps (using GTK+) ..  are they being moved; or are we to adopt Qt based apps (eg. liferea -> akregator etc)  [or just put more ram in our system to keep gtk+ & Qt libs in memory & use both)16:38
hiseniQUESTION: Any news on Canonical will try to join  Google Summer of Code mentoring organizations tis year?16:39
danw_QUESTION: Any predicted default apps for Unity 8?16:39
depressioniteQUESTION: Where's Nicholas Skaggs?16:40
guiverci've never felt snow anytime; let alone christmas (which is in summer here)16:40
danw_QUESTION: Will Ubuntu stop shipping all the fonts by default? E.g. a user in the UK will stop having to deal with removing/hiding all the non-latin fonts? Even the evil overlords from MS seem to have dropped this nifty habit of throwing all the world's fonts in your face (or so I have been told, it well might have been a lie. A beautiful lie)16:42
depressioniteQUESTION: How Brexit could affect ubuntu?16:43
davmor2depressionite: why would it canonical is global as is the ubuntu community?16:44
guivercfyi:  by LXDE I meant lubuntu.16:45
mivoligo_Ubuntu, watch > https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cy07xpwXgAAndHl.jpg16:46
danw_The desktop it sir, good sirs16:47
guivercQUESTION (tongue-in-cheek i think) any plans to get the 'desktop that can't be named" moved to Qt too & off its new GTK3? keeping Michael's all 'ubuntu same look & feel' mentioned aim16:47
sergiusensmhall119 he's in CDO16:48
sergiusensmhall119 juju QA iirc16:48
guivercalso I mean ubuntu-mate ; using term from ubuntu-podcast16:48
danw_I can't spell today, where is more coffee when you need it16:48
danw_Guys, there is a dog that wants to have a walkie outside16:49
mhall119she's so loud16:49
guiverc:) @ danw_16:49
guivercI think moving fonts is easy; and they don't take that much space anyway.16:50
danw_The dropdown is a real first world issue of mine, I know it is a bit sissy16:51
guivercgive a great answer to Brexit & you could get job offers from UK govt.16:52
kristbaumQUESTION is there a reason why the targetet bugs for OTA 14 are so low?16:53
guiverc17.04 Ubuntu-MATE is on GTK3; I sure won't speak to martin.16:53
guivercubuntu-MATE ; running joke on ubuntu-(uk)-podcast16:54
dholbachdanw_, http://ubuntu-martin.org/ :)16:54
depressioniteThank you for your answers! Have a nice holiday. I'll try to be ubuntu next year as well! bye16:54
guivercalso systemau (podcast) refers to it as ubuntu-martin.. a listener created the website16:54
popeythanks everyone!16:54
guivercthanks folks.16:55
kristbaumnice hollidays everyone! :D16:55
dholbachthanks a lot everyone!16:58
=== Thomas_ is now known as Guest8862
aadithyais ubuntu os for phones dead?17:38

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