
ChanSebaTue, 06 Dec 2016 02:19:16 CET01:19
ChanSebaSentencja na 341. dzień roku: „Człowiek rodzi się wolny a wszędzie tkwi w kajdanach. (Rousseau)”01:19
=== tacod_ is now known as tacod
ChanSebaSentencja na 341. dzień roku: „Człowiek rodzi się wolny a wszędzie tkwi w kajdanach. (Rousseau)”11:11
lubmil.tr :pl :en Sentencja na 341. dzień roku: ?Człowiek rodzi się wolny a wszędzie tkwi w kajdanach. (Rousseau)?11:11
ChanSebaSaying for 341. day of the year: ?Man is born free but everywhere is in the chains. (Rousseau)?11:11
=== lubmil is now known as lub`
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
=== lubmilk is now known as lubmil
lubmilhi ChanSeba21:45
ChanSebaHey lubmil21:45
=== tacod__ is now known as tacod
=== tacod__ is now known as tacod
=== tacod_ is now known as tacod
=== tacod_ is now known as tacod

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