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GeekMan1222I might be driving out to kentucky02:43
GeekMan1222to pick up some candy02:43
GeekMan1222wrong room02:43
Datzsarnold: I think I've figured some more out about the local connection troubles I brought up earlier. My laptop is on a 5GHz radio, and I think it's treating it as seperate network.03:09
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ThumpxrWhat way would i go to backup a LAMP server with various other services? tar and mysql dump + transfer via sftp ?07:45
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iDanooThumpxr, my goto is usually rsync all live directories nightly to another drive, with configs + dump, then gzip + upload it offsite07:52
iDanoomight not be the 'cleanest' but it's pretty effective, then you've got a live backup right there as well as another offsite/online07:53
rbasakcpaelzer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23587332/08:07
lordievaderGood morning.08:12
monsunemorning lordievader08:14
lordievaderHey monsune, how are you?08:19
monsunelordievader hungry :)08:23
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sayanis there a vagrant libvirt box for ubuntu 16.04?10:42
Genk1I am wondering what is the best way to migrate a MySQL production server to a new one without Downtime ?12:23
ikoniaGenk1: depends on the database structure and use12:31
rbasakGenk1: Ubuntu (and Debian)'s packaging doesn't support that, but it might be possible to arrange it. Maybe a better place to ask would be an upstream venue?12:31
rbasakStuff like Galera may be relevant, but I don't know much about that.12:32
andolGenk1: First of all, consider if a short downtime is acceptable or not? Doing a migration with almost no downtime is a lot easier than absolutely no downtime.12:32
andolGenk1: Also, is it acceptable to have a window where the database is availible, but only in a read mode?12:33
Genk1thank you guys12:36
Genk1ikonia, I am using MyISAM as a storage engine12:36
Genk1andol, No the server is in production therefore updates and insert are mandatory, no read only mode12:37
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ikoniaGenk1: so you're doing "writes"12:37
ikonianot read only12:37
ikoniaand is it transactional12:37
Genk1ikonia, true12:38
ikoniaGenk1: so you're only real option is multi-master12:38
ikoniaor have an outage12:38
andolGenk1: Without being able to provide you with the actual details I can tell you that this will be non-trivial. Especially if you want to do it in a safer manner.12:38
Genk1ikonia, that's what I was told to do12:38
Genk1ikonia, thank you for your help12:39
spidernik84anyone of you guys/girls running your own enterprise metal? I'm facing some dilemmas. Like, how do you handle your infra services (dhcp/dns/ldap)? Do you run them in VMs, 1 service per VM?13:14
biniayouprobably could do dhcp and dns off or13:16
biniaone server*13:16
biniai mean vm13:17
biniaas i virtualize pretty much all servers, ip's are deployed by virtualizor, using dns provider with ddos protected and white label name servers costs pretty much same as running own dns servers13:20
biniai pay 17.50 usd for 4 dedicated IP's and 50 dns zones, including rdns if needed13:20
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ikoniaspidernik84: why don't you just ask the actual question13:26
ikoniaand in relation to ubuntu context13:26
biniamaybe he wants all that on ubuntu, hence asking13:28
spidernik84ikonia, that was the question.13:28
ikoniait's not a question13:28
spidernik84It's not like the general rule "ask the question" applies everytime13:28
spidernik84I'm starting a conversation, to get opinions13:29
ikoniait does in this case13:29
biniato be honest, wouldnt use ubuntu on such vm's with such services13:29
biniaat least centos13:29
ikoniawhat other people do doesn't matter as it's a usecase for your setup, needs and infrastructure13:29
spidernik84ikonia, it matters to me.13:29
ikoniait shouldn't13:29
ikoniacertainly not without the context of your setup13:29
maswanspidernik84: I wouldn't put any services *needed* by my virtualisation servers to start up, inside VMs in it.13:29
cpaelzerrbasak: I'm through all your notes (not only the ones we talked about) and just pushed to the strongswan MP13:30
biniathats another thing13:30
maswanresolver, dhcp, ldap, might certainly count for those13:30
cpaelzerrbasak: ready for step 4 now (but busy in next room)13:30
cpaelzerrbasak: I might quickly come by to sync if you are there again13:30
biniashould be able to get cheap small server for those13:30
nacccpaelzer: he's still in the other meeting (afaik)13:31
spidernik84We have an infra, and we put all our basic services in VMs, even dhcp. All servers use static addresses. VMs are defined in the puppet nodefile of each kvm host we have. This, naturally, is not sustainable.13:31
spidernik84I am looking for a different architecture to support our infra. I'm looking into containers, LXD specifically13:31
cpaelzerthanks nacc13:31
biniaLXC i think you mean13:32
nacccpaelzer: np13:32
spidernik84nope! LXD :)13:32
spidernik84it's the "successor", or something like that13:32
binianever used really13:32
biniaopenvz then kvm13:32
spidernik84based on LXC, but providing a daemon with restful API and better image packaging13:32
spidernik84it's kinda sweet13:32
ikoniayeah, depending on a project run and managed by canonical is a risk13:34
ikoniaa project that canonical contribute to, sure, canonical run and own, hmmm13:34
spidernik84yeah, well, I can't disagree13:34
spidernik84Thankfully we are not talking about another unity, upstart or mir13:35
ikoniahow do you know ?13:35
biniawell, i run all my important services on ubuntu13:35
binialooking into bsd13:35
biniadamn not ubuntu13:35
biniaubuntu is for not important stuff really13:36
ikoniaI disagree with that13:36
spidernik84Ahah you are in the right channel for such statements :D13:36
biniatbh had more problems with ubntu in last 3 months than with debian and centos in last 3 years13:36
ikoniait certainly can be, if you go into it with the risks under control13:36
* ogra_ guesses wikipedia and netflix would disagree too ... or uber ... 13:36
biniawell, im not calling ubuntu bad OS spidernik84 , just saying theres more stable OS's for things you need to work not break13:37
ikoniaubuntu is a stable OS13:37
ikoniacanonical is not a stable planner13:37
ikoniathats the risk13:37
spidernik84I agree13:37
ikoniait's certainly a risk that can be managed13:37
biniayeah, could be that13:37
spidernik84They introduced some major changes between 12.04/14.04/16.0413:37
ikoniaevery distro will introduce change13:37
ikoniaor it's not developing13:38
spidernik84changed directories for critical services, modified how networking worked, etc.13:38
biniabut tis weird doing stupid apt-get update and upgrade afterwards and see things breaking13:38
spidernik84oh yeah...13:38
binianever happened on centos, wont say 100% about debian13:38
ikoniabinia: it won't break if you manage yoru system13:38
biniai do manage my system :)13:38
ikoniathen it wouldn't break13:38
biniamy network even :)13:38
biniagotta admit, servers that has ubuntu have also software that is 3rd party and updating every week13:39
biniasometimes they might push some bug by a mistake13:39
binianot sure did that happened last time but shit went crazy :D13:39
ikoniabinia: so again - ubuntu will not break if you manage your system13:40
ikoniabinia: please don't swear, there isn't a need for it13:40
naccalso sounds like FUD, since not running 'ubuntu' then13:40
biniadont spank me for not trusting you :D13:40
biniasorrry ikonia wont swear13:40
ikoniano problem13:40
biniabut like im saying, i sue ubuntu for some things but refer to use centos if i can really13:41
biniathat damn keyboard13:41
biniacheck batteries, full load13:41
biniayet seems like its lacking powah13:41
spidernik84It's a tradeoff. I personally did not enjoy their introduction of the dnssresolver13:44
spidernik84but I took time to "understand", and started using it as they expected13:45
spidernik84some of my colleagues where not as understanding and started ripping packages apart. Now that is something you don't do with ubuntu13:45
ikoniayou don't do it with any distro13:47
ikoniathats nothing to do with ubuntu13:47
ikoniathats to do with your collegues13:47
sypherI've not had an issue with Ubuntu LTS, aside from someone trying to dist-upgrade to 14.04 from 12.04 when the 12.04 system hadn't seen updates since 12.04 was released.13:48
spidernik84ikonia, don't tell me...13:49
ikoniathen stop talking about ubuntu as if it's behaving different than other distros13:51
spidernik84ikonia, man, did you fall from the bed this morning? Are you always that aggressive? :) I mean't to say "tell me about it..."13:52
ikonia"now that is something you don't do with ubuntu"13:52
spidernik84yes yes ok13:52
ikoniaas if it's something you do with other distros, but you don't with ubuntu because it has problems13:52
spidernik84no need to argue about everything ok?13:52
ikoniano need to make false statements13:52
ikoniaok ?13:53
spidernik84oh ffs get a life13:53
ikoniayou want a discussion, but you make incorrect statements13:53
sypherI'm with ikonia on this one. Distro wars are annoying. Aside from package manager, they're all the same.13:53
ikoniathen get upset when someone calls it out13:53
spidernik84I am pro ubuntu, that was not a way to start a distro war13:54
spidernik84you missed the point13:54
ikoniabecause you didn't make a point13:54
spidernik84I use it everywhere13:54
ikonia....and ?13:54
spidernik84and defended it in many occasions, so you're off target13:54
ikoniaI'm not targeting anything13:55
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SipriusPThello guys15:00
SipriusPT i am where with a weird thing at my smart host15:00
SipriusPTI have a smart host working in a MacosX 10.9.5 with Server App 3, and i have notice that i am just able to redirect mail inside of my smart host (Outlook, Mail app and roundcubemail installed in this server), for example i am just able to send mails from user1@domainX.pt to user2@domainX.pt where i have a redirection to user1@domianY.pt, if i try to send mail from user1@domainY.pt to user1@domainX.pt who is redirecting mail 15:06
SipriusPTi will get this message at mail.log:15:06
SipriusPTDec  6 14:37:12 remote.domainX.pt postfix/smtp[28504]: 0B8BD259F57: to=<user2@domainY.pt>, orig_to=<user1@remote.domainX.pt>, relay=mail.domainX.pt[]:25, delay=0.1, delays=0/0.01/0.07/0.02, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host mail.domainX.pt[] said: 550-Verification failed for <Xserver@remote.domainX.pt> 550-No Such User Here 550 Sender verify failed (in reply to RCPT TO command))15:07
SipriusPTFrom what it seems instead of using orig_to=<user1@domainX.pt> i am getting orig_to=<user1@remote.domainX.pt>, and my remote mail server will give that response. I am just using domainX.pt instead of remote.domainX.pt that i am not using at all.  My mail server remote.domainX.pt is connected to my remote mail server mail.domainX.pt.  Anyone knows how can i solve this?15:07
SipriusPTmail_version = 2.9.415:08
zulcoreycb: i think alembic was a bit too old for neutron...ci should be fine now (i hope)16:06
coreycbzul, ok16:07
ddellavcoreycb zul have you tried installing horizon in zesty yet? I've tried a few ways and even when using whats in main i get a invalid syntax error during collect & compress: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23589188/16:07
zulddellav: corey has16:08
coreycbddellav, hrm..  that's not good.  i've only tested on xenial-ocata so far16:13
coreycbddellav, this looks odd though: /home/david/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/eventlet/__init__.py16:14
ddellavcoreycb hmm, yea, thats my venv. I'll disable and try again16:17
hasenovhello everyone i succesfully installed openstack novalxd using openstack, what is the best way to shut down now?16:17
coreycbzul, ^16:18
ddellavcoreycb same error, this time it's just /usr/local/lib/python2.7 heh16:18
coreycbddellav, i'd recommend using a fresh install16:18
zulhasenov:  what do you mean shutdown?16:18
hasenovand then when i start up my pc what is best way to start it all back up?16:18
hasenovi mean i have all these containers running16:19
ddellavcoreycb alright, ill spin up a vm on serverstack and try it16:19
hasenovbut idk if there is a juju command or whatnot to shutdown and start up16:20
zulhasenov: when you shutdown the machine the contianers should come back up16:20
zulrockstar: ^^^16:20
hasenovso i can just shutdown the host machine with no problem, and then when i start my host back up just issue "lxc start" on all the n number of containers right?16:22
hasenovlike there is no requirement on something needing to start up first16:22
zulhasenov: coreect16:22
zulcoreycb: you are doing debhelper stuff again?16:26
coreycbzul, yeah, did something break?16:28
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hasenovhello another ques, how do i figure out which node is the nova compute node?16:52
hasenovfor the web ui it looks like i can only spawn vm instances and not containers correct?16:52
hasenovlooks like if i want to spawn a lxd container i need to go into the compute node and issue "nova boot --image=trusty --flavor=m1.tiny my-first-openstack-lxd-container16:53
rockstarhasenov: nova doesn't know you're actually firing up a container. It sees them all as "instances". Commonly, those instances are vms, but in the nova-lxd case, they're containers.17:03
coreycbzul, alright i need to try some debhelper backport testing in a ppa17:05
rockstarSo you can use horizon to fire up "instances" of nova-lxd that are containers.17:05
rockstarBut the image has to be a supported format.17:05
NOVAtechiesanyone have any advice on why an intel I340 would randomly not work anymore?17:15
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NOVAtechiesi'm running 16.04 and just pushed the 4.4.0-53 update17:16
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zulcoreycb: fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceilometer/+bug/164780517:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1647805 in ceilometer (Ubuntu) "Ceilometer agent fails to start" [Undecided,New]17:46
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axisyshow do I extend this /boot partition? http://picpaste.com/pics/partitions-j2Tixte5.1481049709.png .. short from backing up and rebuild (posted in #ubuntu as well)18:48
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stompleeaxisys, I'm no expert but why extend it?  do an apt-get autoremove which will probably remove a bunch of kernel packages or whatever and free up a bunch of space in that partition19:52
Ussataxisys, had that exact same issue this am patching19:59
Ussateasy fix19:59
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axisysi am not sure why my /boot partition is small.. I bump into this a lot and autoremove is not always enough20:06
axisysI need to atleast up it to 400M20:07
nedbatThese lines are part of a vagrant packer script to build ubuntu boxes: I suspect that they randomly leave something locked so that the next "apt install" blocks forever: https://github.com/boxcutter/ubuntu/blob/master/script/update.sh#L20-L23  What might that lock be?20:08
sarnoldnedbat: do you scrape the output of the apt-get -y dist-upgrade command?20:11
sarnoldwhat's reboot ; sleep 60  do? :)20:11
nedbatsarnold: i didn't write this script. i was confused by that also.20:12
nedbatsarnold: packer continues on from there, without a 60-second pause.20:12
sarnoldiirc the 'bash -e' means a failure in apt-get dist-upgrade will cause the script to abort20:12
nedbatsarnold: is there a lock that would make "apt install" block forever? Googling around, I see messages about "could not get lock"20:12
nedbatif you had an "apt install" command that blocked forever, what would you look for as the cause21:19
tarpmannedbat: can you pastebin strace output of the 'apt install' that's blocking?21:21
nedbattarpman: that's a good idea, i will try that next time it sticks.21:25
nedbattarpman: (these are in vagrant packer scripts, and it's only about 50% of the time that it gets stuck)21:28
coreycbzul, debhelper is fixed up for xenial-ocata21:47
zulcoreycb: ok you going to kick off all those rebuilds right21:57
coreycbzul, well everything that was failing is successful now21:57
hheeguys, how can check out - is root account blocked?22:24
achiangdoes anyone here look after the vagrant images?22:46
stompleei do to a certain extent22:47
stompleewhat's up?22:47
achiangstomplee: hey, wondering if you've seen lp #1569237, where the default username of the box is ubuntu, rather than vagrant (which is what vagrant expects)22:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569237 in cloud-images "vagrant xenial box is not provided with vagrant/vagrant username and password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156923722:51
stompleenope haven't run across that one.  if necessary i'd just pull down a working one and repakage as my own box to work around the issue instead of having to wait22:52
stompleei currently use yakkety and works just fine22:52
stompleeyou guys stuck using vagrant ssh then?22:53
stompleecuz the username shouldn't really be a big issue i would think22:53
achiangok, but... considering 16.04 is the LTS, my guess is that "works on yakkety" isn't a good resolution22:53
stompleei used xenial before this without issue22:53
stompleewhy is the different username tripping you up?22:54
achiangout of the box, vagrant expects the user to be "vagrant" - https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/boxes/base.html#quot-vagrant-quot-user22:54
achiangyes, you can change the username to be ubuntu in your vagrantfile, but there is a lot of code out there that expects the username to be "vagrant"22:55
stompleeyou could also spin up the image, make the necessary changes to make the built in user be vagrant instead of ubuntu and repackage it as well22:56
stompleethough it is a pain in the butt22:56
achiangi mean, i agree i can do those things. it's just that the box known as 'ubuntu/xenial64' has some officalness about it, and it would be nice to make it work out of the box with vagrant22:57
achiangthe box known as 'achiang/xenial64' doesn't quite have the same ring22:58
stompleewhy would you want code to reference the vagrant user in the first place though22:59
stompleebetter to just run stuff as root and kick off some script to provision some service account so this issue doesn't mess up the pipeline22:59
stompleeto me anyways, i'm just a noob in this area though so I could be missing something glaring23:00
achiangi agree it's not great, but that is the default, and people have built out lots of provisioning scripts based on this assumption23:00
achiangstomplee: i am happy to submit a patch, but i don't know who actually maintains `ubuntu/xenial64`, hence my asking on irc23:01
stompleeit's canonical themselves23:01
stompleebut vagrant recommends some other box, i forget by whom though23:02
* achiang randomly pings jcastro ;)23:07

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