
Kilosafternoon everyone06:46
pavlushkaafternoon Kilos :)06:47
pavlushkaanyone here running xubuntu?06:48
paddatrapperpavlushka: The question is more who here is actually running a flavour of Ubuntu :)06:52
pavlushkalol, this is #ubuntu-za channel! how irrelevant that could be, :p06:53
qwebirc28282good afternoon06:57
pavlushkapaddatrapper: but may be the actual scenario is that what you are describing.06:57
qwebirc28282No one wants to ask, how to lock the desktop background settings that can not be changed  in ubuntu. 06:57
qwebirc28282anyone can help me ?06:57
Kiloshi qwebirc28282 06:57
Kiloswhat do you need help with06:58
Kilosoh i see06:58
Kiloswhich release of ubuntu have you got06:58
qwebirc28282Ubuntu 12.1006:59
Kilosoh my thats so old07:00
qwebirc28282I also disposable Ubuntu 16:04lts07:00
qwebirc28282that's not what I mean ,,07:04
qwebirc28282the point is how do I prevent my desktop display image can not be changed07:04
Kiloshow is it changing07:04
Kilosare you the only one using it07:04
qwebirc28282I wanted to lock his desktop background so that other people can not change07:05
qwebirc28282can understand what I mean /07:07
Kilosyes im trying to find out07:07
Kilosright click on screen and see options07:08
Kilosi can remember how i did it back then07:08
Kilosi cant remember sorry07:08
Kilosbut we will find a way07:09
qwebirc28282so how07:09
Kilosim using google to see how others have done it07:09
Kilosgoogle how to lock desktop background on 12.0407:10
Kilosthere many links07:10
qwebirc28282okey, i wait07:10
Kilosone guy says do this in the terminal07:12
Kilossu USERNAME -c 'COMMAND' 07:12
superflyKilos: no, that's running a command as another user07:12
Kilospavlushka jump in here07:12
Kilosty superfly 07:12
theblazehenHave a look at polkit stuff potentially? Although I think that is more just system side stuff. gconf might have it, otherwise cron job every minute to set the background07:14
Kilostheblazehen can you help him07:14
theblazehenKilos not right now, sorry. Maybe later if no one else can07:14
Kilostoo much in google about that and cron jobs are for it peeps07:15
pavlushkaqwebirc28282: like theblazehen said, you can set a cronjob to set it back the background.07:15
Kilosqwebirc28282 go through this http://askubuntu.com/questions/124456/is-there-a-way-to-disable-changing-the-background-in-gnome07:15
theblazehenqwebirc28282 https://github.com/TomSmeets/FractalArt#gnome can set the background07:18
pavlushkaqwebirc28282: you can lock your user account , so no one can even access it and set up another account for others.07:18
pavlushkaqwebirc28282: that way the background set by you will remain unchanged.07:19
inetprogoeiedag mense 08:05
Kilosdag se inetpro 08:29
andrewlsdhi theblazehen Kilos paddatrapper inetpro superfly08:47
theblazehenhi andrewlsd08:47
andrewlsdAnyone else here having issues trying to `apt update` against za.archive.ubuntu.com?08:48
* superfly doesn't use Ubuntu anymore08:48
tumbleweedlast time I looked, za.archive.ubuntu.com was in Kenya08:48
andrewlsdI'm getting this: "The repository 'http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file"08:48
theblazehenHad that some time back. thatgraemeguy or Symmetria manages it I think?08:49
* inetpro is in a meeting 08:49
inetprowill test asap 08:49
andrewlsdsuperfly: what are you using now? (mobile only?)08:49
superflyandrewlsd: Debian08:49
superflytheblazehen: Symmetria, not thatgraemeguy08:49
andrewlsdaah. pure, or via another Deb distro?08:49
tumbleweedandrewlsd: yeah, I'm getting a bunch of 403s from it08:50
tumbleweedlet's tell #ubuntu-mirrors08:50
andrewlsdthanks tumbleweed08:50
andrewlsdI wanted to make sure it was not just me.08:50
paddatrapperhey andrewlsd Kilos inetpro, everyone08:52
theblazehenhi paddatrapper08:52
Kiloshi andrewlsd 08:53
KilosSymmetria your mirror sick today?08:56
Kilossorry for the join parts09:02
Kilosnet sucks here09:02
Kilosandrewlsd is that repo fixed09:45
Kilosneology is working fine09:46
andrewlsdthanks Kilos09:47
andrewlsdKilos: liquid-telecom one still says "Archive-Update-in-Progress-mirror.liquidtelecom.com"09:49
Kilosah that will explain it09:49
Kilosi thought Symmetria had it set to update after midnight09:50
inetpromidnight on what timezone? 09:54
Kiloshe is close to us09:54
Kilos1 hour diffs maybe09:54
andrewlsd(I have switched to the Neology mirror now)09:56
Kilosnice and fast imo09:56
inetproSymmetria: waar is jy?11:09
* andrewlsd disconnecs11:30
pavlushkaandrewlsd: you have a bad disconnect, connect first and then disconnect properly :p11:55
MaNIIs there an easy command I can use to find out -which- 14.04 someone is on? i.e. is it 14.04.1 or 14.04.4 or whatever11:56
pavlushkaMaNI: lsb_release -rd11:59
Kiloswell done pavlushka 12:01
Kilosill be coming to you for tutoring some time12:01
pavlushkathanks oom Kilos  :)12:02
Kilosdid you help that indian guy pavlushka ?12:04
pavlushkaKilos: She/He got properly disconnected.12:04
inetproKilos: so, what is the neology address for updates?12:45
Kilosbaie welkom12:51
inetprosudo sed -i'.bak' 's/za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu.mirror.neology.co.za/g' /etc/apt/sources.list12:57
inetproor even better, change them all at once13:22
inetproansible all_ubuntu -m replace -s -a "dest=/etc/apt/sources.list regexp='za.archive.ubuntu.com' replace='ubuntu.mirror.neology.co.za' backup=yes"13:22
Kilosi just tick it in synaptic repositories13:34
inetprowith that ^^ I changed the mirror to neology on 12 machines at once13:41
Kiloswell done my son14:00
Kilosyou too clever for your own good14:00
KilosMaaz tell LangJan http://www.datamation.com/open-source/seven-things-you-can-do-in-kde-but-not-on-other-linux-desktops-1.html14:25
MaazKilos: Sure, I'll tell Langjan on freenode14:25
Kilos Maaz tell LangJan  https://www.linux.com/learn/how-use-kde-plasma-desktop-pro14:26
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll tell Langjan on freenode14:26
* Kilos awaits langjan16:00
Kilosstill having flash issues16:00
jan_Hi kil16:21
jan_Kilos, 16:21
Kiloshi jan_ 16:22
Kiloskil tab man16:22
jan_I got a new name with a tail16:23
Kilosi see so16:23
Kiloshyou supposed to put the right name in when you setup man16:23
jan_how was your day?16:23
Kilosslow and peaceful ty and yours16:23
jan_It picked up from previous files - sorry!16:24
jan_Also fine thks16:24
Kilosdont be sorry man16:25
Kilosyou the one with the wrong nick and a tail16:26
jan_Ja be careful. 16:26
Kilosyou still having flash issue?16:26
Kilosexplain when it happens16:26
Kilosplaying local stuff or streaming16:26
jan_yes but first maybe try fix this: N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension16:26
jan_You tube videos fine but shows error on this site for example: http://www.speedtest.net/16:28
Kiloslemme see16:29
Kiloslong story as well16:31
Kilostype in saix.net16:31
Kilosno in browser16:31
Kilosurl thing16:32
jan_I get a long list from Google16:32
jan_now I get Telkom16:33
jan_It asks for flash then shows same error16:34
Kiloslets wait for inetpro he will know the cure16:35
jan_ok thks16:35
jan_Any suggestion how to fix this one? Shows up in terminal every time: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension 16:36
jan_Link does not open here16:37
Kilossudo nano it16:37
Kilosthen you can read it16:37
jan_sudo nano then the link? 16:38
Kilosthats a path to where that error is logged or kept16:38
Kilosin you root files16:39
Kilossuperfly you busy sir?16:39
Kilosyou not in family time i know16:40
jan_It showsblank page and some settings at the bottom, i.e. get help etc   16:40
Kilosmaybe ,making your own supper16:40
Kiloslemme see mine16:40
Kilosya empty as well16:41
Kiloscontrol x to close it16:41
superflyYouTube doesn't use Flash anymore.16:41
superflySpeedtest uses Flask16:41
jan_found the file, should I try dlete it?16:41
superflycan't you install that flash-plugin-installer package?16:42
Kilosoom jan fly talking to you16:43
jan_Sorry superfly thks I see that site the 16.04 option is 64 bit? My system is 3216:44
superflyjan_: I don't know, I don't use Flash16:44
superflyjan_: just install the package16:45
jan_ok 16:45
jan_Site recommends synaptic, theres a list of flashplugins, pepperflash is already installed - do I have to add another and if so how do I detect which one?16:49
jan_Ah progress, synaptic is fixing broken packages17:00
jan_Kilos, gotta go for dinner, many thks so far17:11
Kilos-mine was also a partial package of the flashplugin-installer17:21
Kilos-go synaptic17:22
Kilos-jan_ tell me your speedtest is working now17:22
Kilos-mine is17:22
jan_Hi Kilos- im afraid the broken packages prob is not resolved18:02
Kilos-and if you go to edit in synaptic and tick fix broken?18:04
jan_It brings up the same error as before18:06
Kilos-you got the guts to try this18:06
Kilos-does it tell you which package is broken jan_ ?18:08
jan_N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension18:08
jan_E: The update command takes no arguments18:08
Kilos-then we can get rid of it18:08
Kilos-im scared to play in those files18:09
Kilos-30 mins then the pro should arrive18:09
Kilos-inetpro ?18:09
Kilos-wheres frogboots18:10
Kilos-do sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade18:12
Kilos-jan_ ^^18:13
jan_just as ec18:13
jan_Its fixed18:16
jan_synaptic this time fixed them18:16
Kilos-i like synaptic18:17
Kilos-made for ballies18:17
Kilos-with dementia18:17
jan_but this output is still there: N: Ignoring file '50unattended-upgrades.ucf-old' in directory '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension18:17
jan_ 18:17
jan_every time the terminal runs it ends there18:17
Kilos-there is nothing in it even18:17
Kilos-can you rename it18:18
Kilos-can you find that system.d folder18:18
jan_well you gave me the link, I think running those comamnds helped18:18
Kilos-i forget how to see root files in unity18:19
jan_I found it and deleted it but it seems to have come back in the upgrade18:19
Kilos-if you can find that one right click rename it18:19
Kilos-name it with a 1 at the end18:20
Kilos-then do the update upgrade thing again18:20
Kilos-i know nothing about system.d18:20
Kilos-if renaming it crashes something then you just rename it back again18:21
jan_I did this now all packages are up to date: http://askubuntu.com/questions/829370/n-ignoring-file-50unattended-upgrades-ucf-dist-in-directory-etc-apt-apt-con18:23
jan_Now let me check some video sites that were messing me around 18:25
Kilos-well done toppie18:26
jan_Thks but you put me on track18:32
Kilos-no man18:32
jan_videos working but not right18:32
Kilos-im sure you just come here when you are lonely18:32
jan_I remember there was a conflict with flash and something on firefox18:33
Kilos-what you mean not right18:33
Kilos-you fixed flash now18:33
jan_streaming on cricfree is extremely erratic and keeps freezing18:34
Kilos-what is cricfree18:34
Kilos-freezing or buffering18:34
jan_no freezing18:34
Kilos-for how long18:35
jan_media on family site are working, hooray!18:35
jan_comes and goes18:35
Kilos-what comes and goes18:35
jan_screen goes gray18:35
jan_then video sticks 18:35
Kilos-have you checked for additional drivers18:36
Kilos-type additional in dash18:36
jan_additional drivers is installed18:37
Kilos-is it activated18:37
Kilos-i dont know if one still has to do that18:37
Kilos-what is the graphics card18:38
jan_shows unknown and is not working18:38
Kilos-does it not show any options18:39
Kilos-what card man18:39
Kilos-or is it onboard graphics18:39
jan_additional drivers in software updates activated now18:40
jan_solved. You're a star18:41
Kilos-nono not me18:42
Kilos-try that cric site18:42
jan_I did, its fine now 18:42
jan_all I need now is my name back and to shed the tail18:42
Kilos-name is easy18:45
jan_system is running well now, a few little things that were niggling are working again18:45
Kilos-look in hexchat setup stuff18:45
jan_ok name?18:45
Kilos-or you can change it everytime you arrive here by18:45
Kilos-     /nick LangJan18:46
Kilos-ya settings or preferences 18:46
Kilos-i dont member the chat things setups man18:46
Kilos-oh no18:47
Kilos-somewhere you must enter your nick and second choice nick18:47
Kilos-wbb in a mo18:47
=== jan_ is now known as Langjan
Kilos-there you go18:51
Kilos-well done18:51
Langjannow if I come back?18:51
MaazLangjan: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell LangJan http://www.datamation.com/open-source/seven-things-you-can-do-in-kde-but-not-on-other-linux-desktops-1.html" 4 hours, 26 minutes and 31 seconds ago18:51
MaazLangjan: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell LangJan https://www.linux.com/learn/how-use-kde-plasma-desktop-pro" 4 hours, 25 minutes and 8 seconds ago18:51
Kilos-haha 18:51
Kilos-i forgot about that18:52
Kilos-see how cool kde is18:52
Langjanwill it remember?18:52
Langjancool? Its a virus18:52
Kilos-did you use the nick command18:52
Kilos-then you will need to do it everytime18:52
Langjanlets see, check you later18:53
Kilos-somewhere in hexchat must be where you add your nick18:53
Kilos-maaz tell lanjan http://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html18:54
MaazKilos-: I don't know who lanjan is. Say 'lanjan on freenode' and I'll take your word that lanjan exists18:54
Kilos-Maaz tell langjan http://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html18:55
MaazKilos-: Okay, I'll tell Langjan on freenode18:55
Kilos-when in boubt read the instruction manual18:55
Kilos-doubt as well18:55
inetprogoiedag mense 18:56
inetprois dit al Vrydag? 18:57
inetprowelkom terug oom Jan 18:58
jan_dankie inetpro hoe gaan dit met jou?18:58
inetprogoed en daar? 18:58
jan_gaan ook goed dankie18:59
Kilos-jan_ ^^19:01
Kilos-naand inetpro 19:02
inetpronaand sĂȘ oom Kilos- 19:03
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
inetproKilos-: wat is dit met die snaakse stertjie? 19:04
Kilosha your twin came as well19:04
inetprohaha... ok, jy wen 19:04
MaazLangjan: By the way, Kilos- on freenode told me "tell langjan http://hexchat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html" 10 minutes and 2 seconds ago19:05
LangjanKilos, dankie virrie boodskap19:05
Kiloslol bietjie laat ne19:05
Kilosvergeet jy was jan_19:06
inetproek sien julle ooms kom goed reg hier 19:06
Langjanlyk of ek reggekom het19:06
Kiloswel inetpro niemand anders wil kom help nie19:06
Langjandis die kop wat deur die grys hare blink19:06
Langjandie wat nog oor is19:06
KilosLangjan did you thank the fly for his help earlier19:07
Kilosotherwise he sulks19:07
LangjanI was running around, cant remember19:07
Langjansuperfly, many thks for helping the old man19:07
Langjanall is sorted now19:08
inetprohou maar net die blink kant bo 19:08
Langjansal doen19:09
Langjanok manne vanaand slaap ek lekker, my ou neukenaar loop pragtig en alles werk eerste keer in lang tyd19:10
Langjanwas worth doing online upgrade kil19:10
Kilosek  bly vir jou19:10
inetprolekker slaap almal 19:10
Kilosslaap lekker my viend19:10
Langjandis nou nog net daai virus as hy opstart19:10
Kilosjy ook dankie inetpro 19:10
Kilosdit gee karakter19:11
Langjanjulle moet die aand lekker genit, ek gaan nou 'n stukkie waatlemoen sny, net om seker te maak ek staan in die nag op19:12
Kiloshahahaha gebiet dit ek eet al heel dag daarvan19:12
Langjanslaap lekker my goeie vriend19:12
Kilosdankie oom moenie weg bly nie19:13
Langjano, het jy en jou meisie toe die rokery uitgesorteer? 19:13
Kilosoh mja unity sal jou gou terug bring19:13
Kilosnee sy te vol nonsnse19:13
Langjanne wat dis die virus as dit gebeur19:13
Kilosja ai!19:14
Kilosgroot ai!19:14
Langjansterkte daar en slaap lekker19:14
Kilosgaan slaap man'19:14
Langjannee dis te vroeg vir my19:15
Kilosek wag vir haar om wakker te skrik19:15
Langjanja sy is al by 06:15 19:15
Langjansame as Canberra19:15
Kilosmaar sy kry swaar met daai siekte19:15
Kilosaltyd pein19:16
Langjanjammer broer19:16
Kilosjammer net ek kannie help van hier af nie19:16
Kiloso ja19:16
Langjanwat is nou weer haar probleem?19:16
Kilosmaar sy sterk sy doen nog als slf19:16
Kilosanjkylosing spondilitis19:17
Kilosver gevirder19:17
Langjano ja, medisyne is goed maar UITERS duur, my seun in Perth het dit ook19:17
Kilosregte heup en daai sacro been al vas gegroei19:17
Kilosen 3 verwels solied al19:17
Langjansjoe, baie jammer19:18
Kilosen die groeisels kom al uit op al haar rug verwels en nek19:18
Langjaneina! dit is baie erg19:18
Kilosja sy kry swaar maar sy het baie guts19:18
Langjanlyk so se vir haar groete en baie sterkte, dink aan haar19:19
Kilossy n baie skaarse meisie19:19
Kilosgroen oe en ab- bloed19:19
LangjanEn spesiaal. Blou bloed. Ok nou verlaat ek jou, lekker slaap19:20
Kiloslekker slaap oom19:20
Langjandankie Kilos 19:20
Langjanjy ook19:20
Kilosanytime too19:20
Kilosnight all, sleep tight19:26

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