
xanguaMudManMike: don't use sudo with graphical apps please00:07
z1hazei ws told to add export PATH=$PATH:/var/www/html/magento2/bin to my path.. but where does it go?00:08
wedgiez1haze: i'd probably go with ~/.bash_profile00:12
z1hazedoes runnig that command just add that to the path?00:12
wedgieit changes the PATH variable which dictates where the system looks for commands that you run. Putting that line into your ~/.bash_profile will ensure that it is done every time. If you just run it at the command line it'll be gone the next time you start a new bash session00:13
wedgiez1haze: maybe i misunderstood: ~/.bash_profile is a text file. Edit it with your favorite editor and add the line00:14
geniiz1haze: For permanent, edit ~/.profile    , find the line which begins with  PATH=    and then append the new path near the end of the line but before $PATH" if that is the last entry on the line00:18
geniiz1haze: So if the line says:   PATH="$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"    make it PATH="$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/var/www/html/magento2/bin:$PATH"00:21
z1hazegotcha, separate by a :?00:22
NoImNotNineVoltat the risk of sounding a bit like gary johnson... what is qemu?00:22
NoImNotNineVoltor more specifically, how to kvm, qemu, and libvirt fit together (if they do)?00:23
EraHelp. I updated my PC today and its started to freeze 30 seconds after booting.00:26
MarcoPI thought system settings had a place to add repositories?00:27
MarcoPmaybe im over looking it00:27
geniiz1haze: Also, if no PATH= line exists at all in there, just use:  PATH="$PATH:/var/www/html/magento2/bin"00:27
glitchdsoftware sources00:27
EraI have to force shut it down to turn it off. After booting, my quick start apps dont launch, Rhythmbox cant see my music00:27
genii( at the end of the file on a line of it's own )00:28
MarcoPyou mean in system setting glitchd00:28
XMFHello, I am running a bash script that calls for the network manager to be restarted using sudo, this prompts for the root password and I want it promptless00:28
XMFI am trying to modify the sudoers file but I would like to know where network manager is located00:29
glitchdMarcoP, no, go to settings then software&updates00:29
MarcoPglitchd, for some reason i don't see a software and updates icon like I did before00:30
glitchdMarcoP, what version are you on?00:30
DarklightIndigo@xmf It's a command subset of /usr/sbin/service00:30
XMFDarklightIndigo, thank you00:30
MarcoPnot sure its the default version from the website00:31
DarklightIndigoXMF, no problem.  I'm guessing you have a RealTek garbage chip too? ;)00:31
glitchdMarcoP, well tbh, i dont use unity. ever. so im not entirely sure how it works on there..00:32
XMFno lol, my vpn wont reconnect one I have connected once before without restarting the network manager00:32
DarklightIndigoXMF, gotcha.  Yeah, I have the 8821ae basically because this laptop was a gift.00:32
glitchdXMF, sudo sevice networking restart?00:32
MarcoPglitchd, it was there before00:32
glitchddoes that work?00:32
DarklightIndigoSo I'm picking up all kinds of commands I never thought I'd use.00:33
XMFlol DarklightIndigo00:33
glitchdso then whats the problem?00:33
XMFI think i might of fixed it00:34
glitchdmmk then00:34
DarklightIndigoI'm guessing network-manager doesn't see the disconnect for some time.00:34
DarklightIndigoIt's kinda awkward, because the whole point of that service is to maintain connectivity, but there's no "majick bullet" that makes that happen.00:35
XMFI have a script that need to be unattended but it uses sudo service network-manager restart which halts the script to prompt for a password00:35
DarklightIndigoIt's basically just timed response queries.00:35
XMFi see00:35
XMFyeah thats the real problem lol00:35
DarklightIndigoYeah, I wish there was some decent way to isolate just the one command.00:35
DarklightIndigoYou could isolate network-manager by calling another script, but then you still have to enter a sudo command at some point.00:36
DarklightIndigoActually, I wonder if that's true.00:36
wedgieXMF: you should be able to set up sudoers to allow a user to run a specific command as root without a password00:37
DarklightIndigoNormally, yes, but services aren't really the kinds of things you'd want to leave open on a multiuser, I'd imagine.00:37
DarklightIndigoLike, say I have something called network-maintain that only carries a subset of service commands.00:37
DarklightIndigoCould I add /usr/bin/network-maintain to sudoers and have that run network-manager?00:38
DarklightIndigoOr would I have to authenticate again for each network-manager call?00:38
wedgiesomething like this in sudoers:00:38
wedgieCmnd_Alias RESTARTNM = service network-manager restart00:38
wedgiewhere XMF is whatever user you want to run this00:39
DarklightIndigowedgie, why are you not an op?00:39
DarklightIndigoOr at least voiced?00:39
=== Mobutils_ is now known as Mobutils
wedgienot nearly dedicated enough :P00:39
DarklightIndigoThat's actually the exact answer I spent two weeks trying to find, off and on, before giving up.00:39
XMFawesome thanks wedgie00:40
eelstreborwhy is linux stuck on skype version 4.3.X while windows has version 7.x?00:40
wedgieXMF: i haven't tested it so try it with care. And be sure to use ''visudo'' to edit the config, not just a regular editor00:40
DarklightIndigoI must get back to my self-healing script, lol.00:40
XMFright, ok00:41
XMFis says reference is not defined00:42
wedgieXMF: can you pastebin the config you have after adding those 2 lines?00:43
wedgie(you did do the Cmnd_Alias part, right?)00:43
XMFlol no00:43
MarcoPwhat repisority is unity control center00:44
DarklightIndigoI'm getting a bunch of syntax errors, I imagine I'm missing something?00:45
DarklightIndigoaaaaand I'm an idiot, lol00:46
MarcoPanyone have a page that lists the default sources.list for yakety yak00:47
ekaanyone else has had spam as private messages? I got like hundreds while I was away00:47
wedgieeka: yes. see topic for suggestions00:47
ekawedgie: thanks00:47
MarcoPeka /mode eka +R00:48
ekaMarcoP: thanks00:48
DarklightIndigowedgie, am I missing something big?  I'm trying to do this in a separate sudoers.d conf file, that's not working.00:49
DarklightIndigoI'm just getting syntax errors on the Cmnd_Alias lines.00:49
wedgieDarklightIndigo: can you pastebin the config?00:49
DarklightIndigoYeah, one sec, I just blitzed it to start over, I think I know what I did wrong.00:50
DarklightIndigoIt's literally the Cmnd_Alias lines.00:52
madpropsubuntu is certainly very fine now .. unity is my favorite DE now. . still some bugs .. some rough edges .. still not sure about snappy ... interested to know what happens in some time00:52
madpropsalso the linux audio system seems to still be a mess00:53
DarklightIndigoAlways fun when something fairly straightforward kicks back a syntax error, lol.00:53
DarklightIndigoIt just hit me.  I didn't qualify them.00:55
DarklightIndigoFour letter words were exchanged.00:55
Jordan_UNoImNotNineVolt: Quick comment before I need to leave. KVM is an API from the Linux kernel that provides features that a virutal machine software will need, but it's just some of the buidling blocks and other things than qemu-kvm can be made with them. See https://lwn.net/Articles/658511/ for a fairly technical introduction to KVM. qemu is a piece of software that emulates hardware, in software. It can00:56
DarklightIndigoActually, I have a surprising grip on Deutsch.00:56
Jordan_Uemulate many CPUs (very slowly) or it can use KVM to use a virtualized rather than emulated CPU (but by default basically all other hardware is still emulated). libvirt is a library that helps people write software for managing virtual machines, like if you want to provision and maintain 1,000 qemu-kvm based virtual machines.00:56
DarklightIndigoOkay, good, unused warnings.  That's what I wanted to see.00:57
DarklightIndigoSo, in theory, I could chain the four commands together to reset the network manager and driver into one?00:58
NoImNotNineVoltthank you much! that's an exceptionally clear description.00:58
NoImNotNineVoltwill read lwn article shortly.00:58
wedgieDarklightIndigo: the alias can contain multiple commands: Cmnd_Alias FOO = command one, command two00:59
DarklightIndigoTres cool.  I think this is what I need. :)01:00
DarklightIndigoCmnd_Alias RESETNET = /usr/sbin/service network-manager stop, /sbin/modprobe -r rtl8821ae, /sbin/modprobe rtl8821ae, /usr/sbin/service network-manager start01:02
DarklightIndigoThat sound right?01:02
DarklightIndigouser host = (user) NOPASSWD:RESETNET01:02
DarklightIndigoWhere (user) is (myusername)01:03
XMFI should have looked in here sooner01:07
wedgieDarklightIndigo: i'm not sudoers wizard, but looks reasonable to me01:07
DarklightIndigowedge: Thank you, I appreciate genuine help rather than the usual "don't run that!" admonishments I get, lol.01:07
XMFthanks both of you too lol01:07
DarklightIndigoOkay, so the call to use a nonstandard sudoers config...?01:08
DarklightIndigoBest practices, I don't like messing with the default files if I don't have to.  Plus, the changes will survive an in-place upgrade.01:08
wedgieDarklightIndigo: putting it in a sudoers.d/ file sounds like a good idea to me.01:09
DarklightIndigoRight, but then how do I call that?01:09
DarklightIndigoSeems to be the one thing people leave out, lol.01:10
=== eifrri is now known as CANT_CHAT
wedgiemeaning how does it get included in the main config?01:10
wedgieby default the last line of /etc/sudoers should be: #includedir /etc/sudoers.d     this calls in all of those files.01:11
=== CANT_CHAT is now known as gj_opers
DarklightIndigoOhhhh gotcha.01:11
DarklightIndigoI'll cat that real quick.01:11
DarklightIndigoYep, looks good.01:11
DarklightIndigoThought it was a parameter.01:12
DarklightIndigoLearn something new, lol!01:12
=== gj_opers is now known as VOICE_PLZ
DarklightIndigoOf course the benefit is that the NIC is really the only part of this system that causes issues, so if I can script around that I'll be good.01:13
DarklightIndigoProbably going to set up a cronjob or something to ping my router every 10 seconds or so.01:13
DarklightIndigoThen have the failure switch to a sudo routine that drops nm, removes and reinserts the driver module, then restarts nm.01:14
DarklightIndigoI've been doing part of that by hand.01:14
DarklightIndigoIt's not exactly an ideal fix, but that's the price you pay with third-rate hardware that's barely documented.01:15
* chalcedony smiles01:15
DarklightIndigoHi! :)01:15
chalcedonyis there something i can do to make a windows download of ubuntu work better over a very tiny connection?01:16
DarklightIndigoHow tiny?01:17
chalcedonyhubby needs to reinstall 16.0401:17
chalcedonywe have the very smallest dsl01:17
chalcedonyif i do things on my computer it breaks the download01:17
DarklightIndigoThat might actually be one of the best arguments for the Torrent I've ever read.01:18
cfhowlettchalcedony, yes.  use torrents, not download01:18
bazhangget the mini iso then chalcedony01:18
DarklightIndigoOr at least a download manager.01:18
bazhang!mini | chalcedony01:18
ubottuchalcedony: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:18
gnuserHey folks .. moved from Unity to gnome-shell due to some graphical issues and enjoyed it a lot, also found out about some cool extensions to improve GUI experience ... but is it safe all those small extension from https://extensions.gnome.org/#  ??01:18
gnuseror even from github ??01:18
bazhanggnuser, those are like PPA, totally at your own risk01:19
bazhanggnuser, safe is determined by you and you alone01:19
DarklightIndigoDepends on the developers, but usually they don't get repeat clients by intentionally causing issues, so maybe read more into the individual components, user reviews, and whatnot.01:20
bazhangsame with github gnuser so no use asking us01:20
DarklightIndigoBut yeah, there's a certain degree of risk with any third-party software.01:20
bazhanga great degree01:20
bazhangand not at all supported here01:20
DarklightIndigoRisk is what you make of it.  I mean, people have my real first name just by me coming here.01:21
DarklightIndigoIt's really a question of means, motive, and opportunity, and I've not seen a whole lot of developers with all three.01:22
DarklightIndigoBut again, subjective, and I'll leave it at that. :)01:22
DarklightIndigoHey, whatever happened to Jenda?01:23
DarklightIndigo1wedgie, guess what I just got to test! XD01:28
wedgieDarklightIndigo1: hah!  working?01:28
DarklightIndigo1Yeah, the commands are functional, now I just need to script this beast.01:29
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
DarklightIndigo1Now the moment of truth.01:31
jeffreylevesqueis there something wrong with the docker package - https://travis-ci.org/jeff1evesque/machine-learning/builds/181531653#L275?01:33
gnusermy connection seems preety stable ... 0.2s lag, is it any good?01:33
DarklightIndigowedgie: In the words of Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran: GLORIOUS! :)01:33
apocolipseAnyone using Ubuntu 16.04 on a raspberrypi2/3?01:35
DarklightIndigoOkay, so that sets my NIC straight for now, thanks wedgie!01:36
wedgieDarklightIndigo: np01:36
DarklightIndigowedgie, you have a media center?  PM me if it doesn't seem to be getting the right series data for some entries. ;)01:37
wedgieDarklightIndigo: negative. No idea what that even means01:37
DarklightIndigoFair enough.  Yeah, I meant an HTPC, but that's kinda a gray area and I'd have to kill logging to discuss in messages. ;)01:38
DarklightIndigoNever in open chat, lol.01:38
DarklightIndigoIt's funny.  The people that have trouble with our database know nothing about IRC, and the people who know about IRC don't ever seem to have trouble with our database. :)01:40
DarklightIndigoOr even know it exists, for that matter, lol!01:40
siva_machinaI am guessing there was a troll/spamer issue recently01:51
jeffreylevesquewhen i tried `sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install -y docker-engine=${DOCKER_VERSION}`01:54
jeffreylevesquei got "E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes"01:54
jeffreylevesqueshould i just throw in --force-yes01:54
jeffreylevesquethat commands seems a little clustered already01:55
jeffreylevesqueseems like so many darn flags01:55
=== slack1 is now known as sl4ck
BenguitarWithout sounding like too much of a noobie, could someone update me on the 'audio popping / sound level notification pop-up' bug on 16.04? For some strange reason I haven't found a lot of material explaining any solutions for it?02:01
cfhowlettBenguitar, best update will be on the bug report itself.02:02
Benguitarcfhowlett, Sweet I'll see if I can track that down.02:02
=== Mobutils_ is now known as Mobutils
metanoviihi, can u help me? I have trouble with  my ubuntu 16.04 and intel vga. https://imgur.com/a/VOIM2  I have this after long work.02:16
Bashing-ommetanovii: <- gets me " 503 Service Unavailable : try again ?02:19
metanoviisorry https://imgur.com/jznRnOf02:19
metanoviinow ok?02:20
Bashing-ommetanovii: Yes, access gained . What DeskTop Environment is this ?02:23
reisiowouldn't you like to know02:24
metanoviithis xubuntu :D02:24
Bashing-ommetanovii: A theme issue ? Problems only with this application or all GUI apps ?02:29
Guest60458Hello, just upgraded from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 - and Nautilus seems not to be responding02:30
metanoviiBashing-om, problem with all gui :(02:31
reisioGuest60458: responding to what02:31
Guest60458reisio, click Nautilus icon - nothing comes up on screen02:32
Guest60458Have no file manager - fresh install of Ubuntu 16.0402:32
reisioGuest60458: open up a terminal & run 'nautilus'02:33
Bashing-ommetanovii: Well , we can check that a driver is loaded ; ' sudo lshw -C display ' . Bit does not feel like a graphic's driver issue .02:33
akivaCan't log into ubuntu one account from store.02:34
akivait is giving me an email/password not correct error, and I triple checked that my inputs are correct02:34
Guest60458fresh install, need to reinstall pastinbin02:34
=== CompuDesktop is now known as Compu
metanoviiBashing-om, so much stroke, which u want see?02:35
Guest60458can bot refresh me on installing pastebin ?02:35
metanoviidriver=i915 latency=0  this?02:35
reisioGuest60458: pastebinit02:36
Bashing-ommetanovii: Pastebin that output for best results .02:36
reisiobut I don't need to see any output, you can just say what happens02:36
Guest60458reisio, do I use apt-get to install pastebinit ?02:36
Guest60458terminal will not bring up nautilus , get error message02:37
metanoviiBashing-om, i have russian locale , u can understand this?02:37
Guest60458some error involving g-bus02:37
Guest60458** g_dbus02:38
metanoviiBashing-om, http://pastebin.com/T0NAbCsR02:38
reisioGuest60458: what error?02:40
Guest60458need to run pastebinit to show you link of error message02:41
Bashing-ommetanovii: A driver " driver=i915  " is loaded ., Maybe - only a maybe - change the theme ??02:47
metanoviiBashing-om, I already tried it .  And i have one more problem, i not see terminal by ctrl+alt+f(*) .02:50
=== reisio_ is now known as reisio
Bashing-ommetanovii: Yes, that is a system problem, However it is out of my range of experience and knowledge; others here perhaps can advise better .02:54
Guest60458reisio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23586341/02:57
reisioGuest60458: you said Ubuntu 16.04?02:59
Guest60458yes, reisio03:00
reisiodid you try reinstalling nautilus?03:02
Guest60458no, but it is a total fresh install of 16.04 - from last night03:03
reisiowell I wasn't saying you hadn't encountered a bug, that much is obvious03:03
Guest60458newbie, so not trying to prove anything03:04
kk4ewt!nvidia | kk4ewt03:04
ubottukk4ewt, please see my private message03:04
ubottuFor nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »03:05
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com03:05
reisiomatrox :)03:05
Guest60458reisio, used apt-get to resintall nautilus - still same error message03:06
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
OmgiampanickingdMy computer went blank screen during a dist-upgrade03:09
OmgiampanickingdMonitor fully shut off03:09
OmgiampanickingdBut computer power is still on03:10
OmgiampanickingdReisub doesn't work03:10
OmgiampanickingdNeither does switching to TTY03:10
Guest60458reisio, as an aside, could I install Midnight Command file manager - without borking my new install of Ubuntu 16.0403:10
OmgiampanickingdWhen I tried rebooting03:10
OmgiampanickingdGrub hang03:10
OmgiampanickingdSo I can't even switch OSes now03:10
OmgiampanickingdWhat should I do?03:10
OmgiampanickingdI am running Xubuntu 16.0403:11
OmgiampanickingdFully updated03:11
OmgiampanickingdAny advice?03:11
OmgiampanickingdAny suggestions? Anyone?03:15
OmgiampanickingdGrub version is 2.02^beta2-36ubuntu3.203:17
reisioGuest60458: shouldn't be a problem03:18
port443oh man03:18
reisiooh man oh man03:18
port443live usb, see if you can mount your file system and fix grub?03:19
OmgiampanickingdThe system was working perfectly03:19
OmgiampanickingdI had chrome on03:19
OmgiampanickingdRedshift on03:19
OmgiampanickingdAnd the telegram chat client in one terminal03:19
port443dist-upgrade will uninstall dependencies when a program no longer needs them03:19
OmgiampanickingdDist-upgrade in another03:20
port443its generally fine for desktops03:20
OmgiampanickingdIt whole thing just died03:20
OmgiampanickingdScreen went blank all if a sudden03:20
OmgiampanickingdMachine still running03:20
OmgiampanickingdNo hard disk activity03:20
OmgiampanickingdWill try booting from external CD now03:21
port443looks like ubuntu has a walkthrough on it03:21
port443the titles weird, but the procedure is to restore grub03:22
OmgiampanickingdAlso ctrl alt delete is not working in frozen grub03:22
Guest60458thx, reisio03:22
OmgiampanickingdI am doing hard reboot now03:22
OmgiampanickingdCan I run lboo repair on a 32 bit OS with a 64 bit CD?03:23
Omgiampanickingd*boot repair03:24
OmgiampanickingdBecause all of my Ubuntu disks are 64 bits03:24
OmgiampanickingdBut the machine runs 32 bits is03:24
OmgiampanickingdBecause or ram limitations03:24
OmgiampanickingdCPU is 64 bit capable03:24
OmgiampanickingdBut Acer restricted it's ram to 2 GB03:24
OmgiampanickingdSo 32 bit for everything03:25
OmgiampanickingdSo can I run boot repair on it from a 64bit recovery disk?03:25
port443The arch of the CD shouldnt matter at all for Grub03:28
port443youre not installing binaries, just fixing configs03:29
Guest60458I really need to get nautilus working, any help appreciate03:41
wafflejockGuest60458, what's failing, what version are you on what desktop environment, need some more details on how you got where you are03:42
Guest60458fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04 and nautilus not working at all03:43
Sir_AndreiPpl, i've a question, i've seen a process called menu-process in htop03:43
wafflejockGuest60458, can you elaborate on "not working" doesn't open when you try to open the folders? or launching from terminal fails somehow03:43
Sir_AndreiIt is some kind of malware?03:43
Sir_AndreiCause on internet i didn't find results speaking of it as a program or something like that03:44
Sir_AndreiIm using Lubuntu 16.04.103:44
Guest60458doesn't open when I click icon for nautilus03:44
Sir_AndreiI've killed it, it didn't reappear.03:44
wafflejockGuest60458, can you try launching from terminal to see if you get any error output or anything, can sometimes lead to more details on what's going wrong, I have Ubuntu Gnome 16.04.1 here and nautilus is working okay so not a problem I can reproduce here03:45
Guest60458wafflejock, , http://paste.ubuntu.com/23586341/03:46
Ariel_Calzadahi, i have created a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications dir but the icon is not displayed in launcher any idea why?03:46
Sir_AndreiAriel, quizá el .desktop no está bien armado (maybe the .desktop file is wrong)03:47
Sir_AndreiCopiá algún archivo .desktop que esté bien y modificalo (copy some working .desktop file then modify it).03:48
Ariel_Calzadai got it, i opened file manager and dragged the desktop file to launcher and now it works like charm :)03:51
Sir_AndreiHmm, en Lubuntu eso no funciona xD, (in Lubuntu that doesn't work).03:53
wafflejockGuest60458, not sure the critical error and exiting part makes sense in terms of what it's doing but not sure what the error means in particular here03:53
wafflejockAriel_Calzada, good to hear sometimes for things to appear in the dash or in other launchers you have to restart the launcher (typically Alt+F2 then R and enter) or reboot03:54
wafflejockGuest60458, you may want to try to reinstall nautilus possibly... not really sure where to go with that one03:55
Guest60458wafflejock, already tried to reinstall nautilus - no success03:57
wafflejockGuest60458, found an older thread where people had similar problems solved by fixing broken links for nautilus but maybe purge and install if the reinstall didn't work https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88725403:57
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Guest60458thx wafflejock03:58
wafflejockGuest60458, no prob good luck let me know if it works out03:58
Sir_AndreiSry, wrong key03:59
MarcoPhow come i dont see software&upgrades in my system settings04:01
Guest60458k, wafflejock , thx again04:02
GeoI'm upgrading from my 386 install to x64- due to limited SATA ports on the motherboard, if I install the OS to a SATA drive connected via a USB adapter, then power down and swap that drive with the previously-booted HD, it should start up just fine, right?04:14
Geo*previously booted via a SATA port...04:15
golden_ticketI have a fresh install of ubuntu but .deb files I try to open wont load into the software center. Also when I search for packages I am perpetually left at a loading screen. How do I fix this?04:17
Sorchgolden_ticket, whats wrong with sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb?04:38
golden_ticketSorch, I kind of would like to just browse the market. I'd like to be able to install it as normal. Rather than use a workaround.04:39
tominatorEvenin Gents04:42
=== tominator is now known as tom88
xanguaWhoever thought including gnome software was a good idea ...  :-[04:48
=== tom88 is now known as That
=== That is now known as tom88
Sorchsorry about that04:55
Geoxangua: what does that do?05:15
GeoI'm having issues with my 16 upgrade right now, and that process seems to be constantly sucking the most cpu05:15
Geoand then I see this in my apt list--05:16
Geodamn c/p, sorry05:16
=== Mobutils_ is now known as Mobutils
Geocant even c/p from the vm properly now, heh05:17
GeoThe following packages have been kept back: gnome-software... etc05:17
tom88Well if it isn't my favorite channel05:26
tom88tom88, formerly known as tom05:26
tom88and tom-macbook05:26
lotuspsychjetom88: you have an ubuntu support question?05:26
tom88Well actually yes05:26
tom88Is there any way to replace Unity(?) I think it is called, with another dekstop environment?05:27
tom88But in a way I can switch at the login screen05:27
lotuspsychjetom88: you can choose different enviroments05:28
lotuspsychje!flavors | tom8805:28
ubottutom88: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE05:28
lotuspsychjetom88: replacing unity isnt such a great idea, but installing another enviroment sideways is05:29
tom88lotuspsychje, Yes, alongside Unity is what I would like05:30
tom88LXDE specifically05:30
Sir_AndreiI wanna chmod a girl05:30
Sir_AndreiHow can i do?05:30
Sir_AndreiOh, shit, wrong channel . . .05:30
Bashing-omtom88: As sinple as installing the desktop that you want and choosing it at the login screen .. But be aware backing out is bit yndoable and there can be some DE ' conflicts '  .05:30
tom88Bashing-om, Good Evening Bashing :) What do you mean backing out?05:31
ablestin ubuntu/hexchat how do i copy and paste?05:31
tom88ablest, Control+C05:32
tom88ablest, Control+V05:32
siva_machinaor right click where you type and click paste05:32
Bashing-omtom88: There is no easy undo to remove a installed desktop .05:32
ablestdoesnt work in hexchat05:33
siva_machinafor pasting it does05:33
siva_machinacopying no it doesn't05:33
tom88Bashing-om, So would I be better off just leaving it be?05:33
lotuspsychjetom88: if you like lxde, perhaps installing lubuntu clean would be a good idea?05:36
tom88lotuspsychje, I recently Installed Lubuntu on a macbook air and I quite liked the environment, so I was just curious if I could put it alongside unity05:38
Bashing-omtom88: Not at all .. try it and see what results . you do keep backups, right ? .. then it is but a matter of 30 minutes to wipe the mistake away and re-install with the desktop that you have grown to admire . Butt my take .. test with a liveDVD; find that perfect one and do a clean install .05:38
tom88Bashing-om, I use the default Ubuntu backup utility when I feel I'm straying into dangerous waters...whether that is any good or not is beyond me.05:41
tom88Bashing-om, And you're saying to change desktop environments and restore a backup?05:41
Bashing-omtom88: ^^ miost assuredly you can also install the lxde also with unity . and choose the one you want at the login screen .05:41
lotuspsychjetom88: keep your data on external devices, harddisk, usb,..05:41
Bashing-omtom88: Sorry, just saying what I would do . and alwys be prepared for the worst case situation .05:42
tom88Bashing-om, I appreciate the advice as usual :)05:43
tom88Bashing-om, Is Duplicity(?) a good utility?05:44
Bashing-omtom88: Keep in mind that with 2 DEs installed we only hear of the few problems .. not a word from the thousands that are happy .05:45
tom88Bashing-om, I see. So if I were to install a second DE, what would you recommend in the way of steps to take?05:47
lotuspsychje!info lubuntu-desktop | tom8805:50
ubottutom88: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.72 (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)05:50
Bashing-omtom88: Depends on your paranoia level . Backups .. well you will find all you need to back up is your personal data - and keep a change log . system files are system files .. and are on the DVD ir in the repo . keep a change log of all changes you make to the system and learn to use the package manager . There is nothing else really needed .05:50
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors05:50
Bashing-omtom88: ^^ ' sudo apt install <desktop_that_you_want> ; . All there is to it .05:51
tom88Bashing-om, Again, you know all :P05:52
tom88Bashing-om, The system we fixed (you fixed) is working great by the way!05:52
Bashing-omtom88: No, I just a bit dry bejind the ears .. lotuspsychje knows it all :)05:52
tom88I've still got loads to learn:P05:54
Bashing-omtom88: I had no doubt but ain't you glad Eric was around to pull that tater from the fire .05:55
gnuserGuys I have a ubuntu 14.04 LTS and ubuntu 16.04, both migrated from Unity to Gnome-shell (which I enjoyed a lot) ... but my 14.04 seems to have got a way cooler theme, which I can not apply the same in the 16.04 ... for some reason the 14.04 says to use Ambiance, but it seems to be customized .... any way to copy this graphical setting from 14.04 over to 16.06 ??05:57
lotuspsychje!themes | gnuser06:05
ubottugnuser: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:05
lotuspsychjegnuser: perhaps try gnome-tweak-tool for easy theme swap?06:06
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gnuserlotuspsychje, and ubottu .. as I mentioned it says to be using the theme AMBIANCE which is way different in 16.0406:06
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tom88Bashing-om, In synaptic, why does it give the option to add a CD-ROM? What does that do?06:07
Bashing-omtom88: Well , lets say say you have no internet connection ,, and ya want a system file .. now who ya gonna call ?06:09
tom88Bashing-om, Brilliant!06:10
tom88Bashing-om, This OS won't stop surprising me06:10
tom88Is there a way to back up repositories?06:10
Bashing-omtom88: Those guys in long beards and bulky sweaters are indeed brilliant ,06:11
Bashing-omtom88: sure ! called a mirror .. you can build your own .06:12
tom88Bashing-om, I see. I might have to do that sometime, tie it in with a backup06:12
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BenguitarAnyone here experience the issue where the audio level pop-up shows up randomly? I have seen that it was classed as a bug however I have yet to come across an actual resolution to it.06:13
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Bashing-omtom88: A learning experience for sure .. but why ? There are many many mirrors out there that the professionals maintain .06:15
FlazHello, I need a command to see how many and which PPA packages I installed in my Ubuntu.06:15
lotuspsychjeBenguitar: anything usefull in your syslog?06:16
lotuspsychje!repo | Flaz06:16
ubottuFlaz: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.06:16
Bashing-omFlaz: ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ; .06:16
madpropsis it normal for ubuntu to ask for password for some application problem solver thing?06:17
Benguitarlotuspsychje, My apologies, forgot to preface that I am a noob, where should I be looking for the syslog and what are things to keep an eye out for?06:17
tarkusWhen I log it it says "XX packages can be updated".. how to update them?06:19
Bashing-omtarkus: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' terminally .06:20
lotuspsychjemadprops: you mean like a bug error window?06:20
lotuspsychjeBenguitar: manually look into /var/log/syslog, or browse the logviewer icon06:21
tarkusBashing-om, isn't it better to do do-release-upgrade rather than sudo apt upgrade on Ubuntu 16.10?06:21
lotuspsychjeBenguitar: perhaps audio errors to find there?06:21
hateball!upgrade | tarkus06:21
ubottutarkus: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:21
madpropslotuspsychje, yeah .. it's different from the other ones ive gotten, when i clicked 'send report' it asked me for a password06:21
hateballtarkus: do-release-upgrade moves the entire distro up a noth, 'apt full-upgrade' fully upgrades you within the release06:22
lotuspsychjemadprops: thats normal behaviour06:22
Bashing-omtarkus: " do-release-upgrade " is to release upgrade from one release to the next . rodate/upgrade ypgrades present installed packages .06:22
madpropswhy doesn't it ask for password on other kind of bug reportings?06:22
tarkusBashing-om, hateball, thanks! How can I see what packages are outdated?06:23
tarkus..before running sudo apt upgrade06:23
Benguitarlotuspsychje, Gotcha, I'm browsing now.06:23
Bashing-omtarkus: ' ubuntu-support-status ' os mu favorite .06:24
hateballtarkus: "apt list --upgradable"06:25
hateballtarkus: which "apt update" tells you06:25
Benguitarlotuspsychje, Found a few errors with Pulseaudio 'failed to open cookie file "/var/lib/lightdm/.config/pulse/cookie" no such file or directory, I will update with any more errors.06:26
tarkusubunto-support-status --show-unsupported => nodejs, yarn ... How to update these two?06:28
Flazubottu: THANKS06:28
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:28
tarkusor sud apt upgrade should work for them too?06:29
FlazBashing-om: THANKS06:29
Flazlotuspsychje: THANKS VERY06:29
Bashing-omFlaz: We aim to help here :)06:29
tarkusWould you recommend doing apt upgrade or apt dist-upgrade on a DigitalOcean web server droplet?06:33
Bashing-omtarkus: Both serve the same purpose , 'apt' is the new revamped package manager .06:36
tarkusDo I need to shutdown all the services (nodejs, postgres) before doing apt upgrade or do-release-upgrade?06:41
Bashing-omtarkus: No .. if a restart is needed the system will so advise .06:43
puffinzIs there a tumblr app for ubuntu?06:49
tarkusWhen I'm trying to save /etc/sudoers in Nano it says "File Name to Write: /etc/sudoers.tmp" and a few options, how to actually make Nano save the orignal file?06:53
lotuspsychjepuffinz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/69835/is-there-a-desktop-client-for-tumblr06:54
debkadtarkus: i had a same problem in the past, i guess you may try to logout and login to make change06:55
tarkusdebkad, is it ok to edit this file with "vim /etc/sudoers" !qw! ?06:56
debkadtarkus: yeah that the safest way, but i have no clue on how to use vim to be honnest06:57
debkadtarkus: there is visudo i think for that06:58
demonsporkOk, I am running a command and I need to parse the output so that only a single word remains06:59
demonsporkin bash06:59
ablestwhat do i need to play dvds in ubuntu?06:59
demonsporkThis seems super simple06:59
lotuspsychje!dvd | ablest07:00
ubottuablest: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:00
ablestty and hi07:00
demonsporkbut I am bad at this. The command returns "power status: on" and I need it to get rid of "power status: " and just return "on"07:00
Bashing-omtarkus: carefull now ! it is ' sudo visudo ' to edit the /etc/sudoers file.07:01
ablestlotuspsychje,  i did sudo apt-get install libdvd-pkg  i get an error07:03
tarkusBashing-om 'sudo visodo' opens Nano and offers to save the file into /etc/sudoers.tmp insted, also it asks what encoding to use - DOS, Mac, Append.. not sure what to answer07:05
Bashing-omtarkus: Sorry, I do not recall .. but  To save in nano, you press Control-X (save), Y (confirm), and Enter (exit).07:09
debkadtarkus: it is safe to make a backup of that sudoers file if something bad happen you can back to the old one07:09
tarkusafter i hit save CTR+X, Yes.. it offers to save into /etc/sudoers.tmp :( and asks to choose encoding and other stuff07:10
wafflejockdemonspork, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23587219/07:12
ablesteverytime i luanch software it open for a free seconds than closes07:17
ablestsoftware center*07:17
debkadablest: i think you have a dependency problem, try launch it from command line to see errors07:20
hateballablest: is it a fresh install?07:21
hateballablest: if so, open a terminal and run "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" first07:21
ablestits the software center in ubuntu closes on it own07:21
ablestI get errors07:22
ablesthttps://paste.ubuntu.com/23587245/ <07:23
nikolamhi, how I make already-made BTRFS snapshot to be read-only?  I am using 'btrfs send/receive' to do backup/replication  and i forgot to make further snapshot read-only and btrfs send requires snapshots to be read-only.07:33
tarkusHow to remove a rule from the firewall, e.g. I want to remove previously added "ufw allow http"07:37
debkadufw reset07:38
debkadtarkus: if just for that specific rule do this: ufw delete allow http07:40
tarkusdebkad thanks07:40
debkadin general 'ufw delete <what you did previosly>'07:41
debkadno problem07:41
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nikolamit's btrfs property set <snapshot> ro true08:13
monsunehave you ever heard of any decent picture downloader on linux? free or commercial08:15
monsuneor more like website scraper maybe08:15
nikolammonsune, GLP is commercial. So commercial is not the right word.08:16
nikolamI used Firefox Addons, like Flashgot or so.08:17
nikolamGPL sorry :P08:17
monsunewell yes nikolam, i meant anything non-free if no free tool/lib exists08:17
monsunenikolam console solution preferred :)08:18
nikolamnon-free in free software world means non-freedom, meaning, not source visible and copyleft licensed with right user rights. It is not about cost.08:18
monsunehe he08:19
nikolamUse wget, curl..08:19
monsunetrying but it doesn't seem to be this easy08:19
nikolamCLI is easy, once you learn specific command, man wget.08:20
monsunei will show you what i mean: http://imgsrc.ru/demigod16/a1531588.html08:20
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p_dI have php 7.0.8 ..Is this the right way- "sudo apt-get install php-mbstring php7.0-mbstring php-gettext" to get mbstring support in this version of php?08:21
monsunethere are no direct links to full sized images there so can't just wget/curl them08:21
nikolamwget can mirror it just search for right options08:21
naccp_d: php-mbstring is sufficient08:21
monsunep_d it worked for me on 5.6 before so i guess yes08:21
p_dokay thanks guys08:22
nikolamlooks like some clickbait.. monsune not sure08:24
naccp_d: in general, i would not recommend installing any php7.0_ manually08:25
naccp_d: because it will not be automatically removed then when the deps change08:25
FinalXnever install a php-version or any piece of software manually imo08:26
nacc"any piece of software" seems harsh :)08:27
p_dI have installed LAMP manually what should I do now?08:27
p_dInstall xampp?08:27
FinalXwhy? not a "make install" into system dirs, maybe in their own dirs under /opt or /usr/local somewhere.08:27
p_dwhat you guys use?08:28
p_ddo give suggestion guys. I'm newbie and it will take me weeks to solve any kind of error08:29
Triffid_HunterFinalX: still leaves you with a mess of who knows what in /usr/local after a while08:30
naccp_d: what do you mean "what shold I do now"? What are you trying to do?08:31
FinalXTriffid_Hunter: yes08:32
p_dnacc you said never install any php 7.0 manually.. So i was just thinking to install some older package of xampp or similar08:32
p_dwill it be good? and do I need to install some extra support of php manually08:33
naccp_d: i mean, just install, e.g. php, not php-7.008:33
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naccp_d: and rarely do you just need php standalone, you need something that itself needs php -- I guess it depends on if you're doing your own content or using a framework (which is pacakged in ubuntu)08:34
naccp_d: i don't know how to answer "will it be good", i also don't know whyou think you need XAMPP? you have yet to say what your end goal is (afaict)08:35
p_dnacc: I was installing this -https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MobileFrontend which requires mbstring .. so thats why I asked08:37
naccp_d: why aren't you using mediawiki as packaged by ubuntu?08:38
naccp_d: the mediawiki package depends on php-mbstring already08:39
naccp_d: oh are you on 16.04?08:39
p_dnacc: I manually setup mediawiki ..Vagrant was giving some dependency error thats why08:39
p_dyup on 16.0408:39
naccp_d: ah ok, yeah mediawiki hadn't updated for php7.0 support when 16.04 came out08:40
naccp_d: so, e.g. on 16.10, it's packaged again08:40
p_dnacc, so what do you say should I re-install older version of php?08:40
naccp_d: i don't understand why you're asking that?08:41
naccp_d: what does the version of php have to do with it, right now?08:41
p_dnacc, umm, cuz above you said its not good(7.0) and in future i dont wan to stuck with errors :/08:42
naccp_d: no, you misunderstood08:42
p_dwell I have no idea just asking08:42
naccp_d: 'php' is a package name. so is 'php7.0'08:43
robotti^I have wifi-network applet problems08:43
p_dhmm I guess I know that08:43
naccp_d: 'php' is a meta-package that will always depend on the most recent version of PHP packaged in Ubuntu08:43
naccp_d: so you don't install php7.0 manually. You install php and it will pull in (currently) php7.008:43
robotti^I cannot connect new networks using it if network is not already authenticated.08:43
naccp_d: then when you upgrade releases, and there's a new version of php,  you will get the upgrade automatically08:43
robotti^so I must manually add password for network08:43
naccp_d: similar, you install php-mbstring not php7.0-mbstring08:44
robotti^I am using ubuntu 16.0408:44
naccp_d: it will still be, on your system, PHP 7.0, but I was just saying use the metapackages08:44
robotti^does anybody else have networking applet problems?08:45
p_ddamm, now I understand, I thought 7.0 is not good enough and will throw some random errors08:46
naccp_d: sorry about that08:46
p_dThanks for clarification nacc08:46
naccp_d: np08:46
p_dno prob :)08:46
naccp_d: if you want to file a bug to SRU (or backport) back mediawiki to 16.04, feel free to file one and subscribe me :)08:47
naccp_d: dunno if i'll get to it, but it's worth documenting the request08:47
p_dnacc, ya okay08:49
rifterdoes anyone know why a person with a registered nick would keep getting thrown into the unregged channel?08:49
rifterI thought maybe my client was joining before the registration was recognized, but just now I had tried again manually and still ended up there08:50
Triffid_Hunterrifter: join flood filtering?08:51
ConsoleFxMy directory hierarchy looks like the following: http://dpaste.com/2S0K7HP08:52
ConsoleFxNow I want to rename a.txt (dir) // b.txt (dir) // c.txt (dir) respectively keeping the a.txt//b.txt//c.txt file contents untouched.08:52
Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: you want the files moved to the base dir?08:53
ConsoleFxI would probably want it to look like atxt (dir) // btxt (dir)  // ctxt (dir)08:53
Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: oh you want to remove periods from directory names?08:53
ConsoleFxTriffid_Hunter, nah08:53
ConsoleFxit would be there intact08:53
ConsoleFxbut the exact directory name i want to change08:54
ConsoleFxto something like atxt // btxt and so on08:54
wafflejockConsoleFx, http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/48492/list-only-regular-files-but-not-directories-in-current-directory08:54
Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: is this tree single level or nested?08:54
haxabjaHi, new Ubuntu user here.08:54
ConsoleFxsingle level08:54
haxabjaHow do I set Alt + Shift for keyboard layout switching?08:54
ConsoleFxTriffid_Hunter, tree command output I have pasted actually08:55
wafflejockConsoleFx, ah you could just do the change to all the folders in the current directory then don't need to do the search for only folders really08:55
ConsoleFxTriffid_Hunter, I could do this through Python but I want to have a shell based approach for the same.08:56
Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: right, so something like 'for D in *.*/; do [ -d "$D" ] && mv -v "$D" "${D/./}"; done' perhaps08:56
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Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: it's trickier with nested because you have to find -d -execdir something that can do string manipulation, gets messy with nested quotes and suchforth08:57
ConsoleFxwafflejock, Triffid_Hunter aah okay :(08:57
Triffid_Huntersorry, find . -type d -execdir magic08:58
ConsoleFxTriffid_Hunter, the above would give me the dir names08:58
ConsoleFxbut i want to rename them all removing the . character probably08:58
Triffid_Hunterhaxabja: I use capslock for layout switch, I put grp:caps_switch in my xkb options08:59
Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: you don't see the mv -v in there? :P08:59
haxabjaI want to use Alt + Shift, Triffid_Hunter.09:00
Triffid_Hunterhaxabja: no idea, those are modifier keys, usually they don't have any action by themselves.. doesn't that activate super3 or meta or some other weird keyboard level?09:00
Nitrogenhey, guys. using Ubuntu for a week or so and i'm having HUGE delay on boot. the machine is nearly 10y old, but the OS is installed on SSD. here's what i'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/23587455/09:01
naccNitrogen: looks to be hardware issue with the cardbus device09:02
ConsoleFxoops damn damn09:02
ConsoleFxmy mistake, Triffid_Hunter09:02
ConsoleFxthanks! :)09:02
Nitrogenthe devices on the 'faulty' bus aren't detected by ubuntu itself, but are recognized by 2.x kernel OpenELEC when i fire that up09:02
tarkusQ: Is there a way to edit server's config files with a local editor (currently connecting to it over ssh)09:02
naccNitrogen: '2.x kernel OpenELEC' ?09:02
Triffid_Hunterhaxabja: http://askubuntu.com/questions/68127/how-to-switch-language-keyboard-combination suggests it should be an option in input settings somewhere09:03
nacctarkus: 'server's config files'? What do you mean?09:03
nacctarkus: and what do you mean by 'local editor'?09:03
tarkusnacc, i'm not comfortable using vim/nano .. looking for another way of editing Nginx configs etc.09:03
Triffid_Huntertarkus: sshfs09:04
tarkusnacc  something like VSCode09:04
Nitrogennacc, yea, i've been using OpenELEC on the same machine for a while and it detected said bus/devices just fine. so i was able to figure out what they are and include that into paste.09:04
nacctarkus: i would suggest you learn how to... if you're actually going to administer a server. Or yes, as Triffid_Hunter, use sshfs09:04
naccNitrogen: i meant, what is that? a different OS?09:04
Nitrogenmhm, it might be Ubuntu based, actually.09:04
ConsoleFxTriffid_Hunter, it worked. Thanks mate!09:05
Nitrogeneither way, i'm basically looking to either disable the initialization of that bus, so i can move on with my boot sequence or make them detect properly09:05
Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: you're welcome, now time to dig into man bash and dissect it :P09:06
Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: so you can whip up your own one next time you want to, say, change the mode on every file whose second character is b or something weird like that09:07
madpropswhen do you see ubuntu being the best os?09:08
ConsoleFxTriffid_Hunter, oo yeah yeah ofcourse I will... these cryptic dollar syntaxes drive me nuts :P09:08
naccmadprops: offtopic09:08
wafflejockmadprops, this is a support channel try #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic if you have a registered nick09:09
Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: it's just bash's way of doing basic string manipulation.. $variable -> ${variable} -> ${variable w/ modifiers} eg ${D/./} (replace dots with nothing)09:09
Nitrogennacc, any advice where i could seek help with my issue? the machine in question is a laptop with almost no configuration available in BIOS, so i can't disable the device through BIOS.09:12
Nitrogenperharps there's a way to disable devices init on boot?09:12
ConsoleFxTriffid_Hunter, aah gotcha... i was slightly perplexed for the {D/./} part... i got the idea now09:12
ConsoleFxthanks for this detailed analysis09:13
naccNitrogen: do you have the dmesg from the openelec boot?09:13
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Nitrogenin fact i do, lemme paste it09:13
naccNitrogen: thanks09:13
Triffid_HunterConsoleFx: you're welcome, enjoy ;)09:14
naccNitrogen: afaict, there's not a trivial way to disable a PCI bus unfortunately09:16
naccNitrogen: if a hardware device is present at boot, Linux will probe it09:16
naccNitrogen: but i'm curious what openelec is doing differently09:16
Nitrogenhere's the deal, newer releases of OpenELEC encounter the same issue. here's what it used to look like http://paste.ubuntu.com/23587574/09:20
Nitrogenand here's how it goes now http://paste.ubuntu.com/23587591/ - same long delay09:20
Nitrogenthe only major difference i know between the two is different kernel releases09:20
Nitrogen2.x for the old one and 4.x for the newer one i belive09:21
naccNitrogen: "pci 0000:0b:06.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring"09:21
naccNitrogen: i feel like it didnt' actually work before either but linux was more forgiving09:22
naccNitrogen: maybe that chagned09:22
Nitrogenyea, that' the idea i got too. looks like it handle things more gracefully.09:22
naccNitrogen: and/or support for the broken stuff has just been removed (that happens sometimes with older hardware)09:22
Nitrogenaltho it kinda looks like it managed to reconfigure it eventually, or not :)09:23
Nitrogenthat would make sense. shame it has to end up like this for me. i've bought an SSD for this 10yo laptop to have fun with Ubuntu and introduce myself to Linux properly.09:23
naccNitrogen: the messages do not lend me to confidence that the full hardware was ever properly supported09:24
Nitrogenyea, well, at one point it led my Windows install to BSODing, so i had to disable it via device manager09:25
naccNitrogen: yea, so i'm guessing hardware failure :/09:25
Nitrogennacc, thanks for having a look. will try researching specific vendor_id:device_id for these particular devices to see if anything comes up.09:27
naccNitrogen: good luck!09:28
littlebit1hi people, i have a managed switch from hp and this model has a java interface, and it requires java language to be enabled. where can I do that under xubuntu?09:36
hateball!java | littlebit109:36
ubottulittlebit1: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:36
=== vlt is now known as vlt_old
KnightsOfNiDoes anyone understand what this means? Pusher: exec_curl error: error setting certificate verify locations: CAfile: /root/cacert.pem CApath: none ?09:56
stonedcurl has problems loading your ssl certificate authority file09:58
stonedcurl should have an option to specifyt his, check curl documentation09:58
stonedKnightsOfNi: ^09:59
KnightsOfNicurl --remote-name --time-cond cacert.pem https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem I do that in the root directory?10:04
BlackDexHello there, Does someone have some nice tips to optimize a low memory system? (And no, i can't add more memory at this moment)10:05
kelthi, I was wondering if there is a way to have ubuntu on a USB that persists only when I tell it to (maybe like when it boots there is an option to persist this session or not?)10:05
keltI've searched on google and I found how to persist a usb live iso... but that's not what I want. I want it to be read-only for the most part, unless I state otherwise10:06
keltthe live iso is going on a 32GB 3.0 usb stick10:06
Triffid_HunterBlackDex: remove all boot services you don't use, switch default DE for a more efficient one (I've used fluxbox on low memory systems with good results), have plenty of swap10:09
hellcookI've a problem with my graphics driver (either nvidia or nouveau ). My second monitor is no longer detected. On the nvidia-settings window I only see the "application profiles" and "nvidia-settings configuration" entries, where there normally more entries. I'm using (k)ubuntu 14.04 and currently the 367 nvidia-driver. Do you have any idea where I can start looking for a solution?10:13
wafflejockhellcook, can try checking xrandr output to see if it gives any more info should show the connected monitors and any other outputs10:18
hellcookwafflejock: xrandr finds only one monitor10:19
wafflejockhellcook, have you eliminated possible hardware issues or verified the cable/monitor work on other systems?10:20
=== dreamon_ruhe is now known as dreamon
hellcookwafflejock: I've tried with another monitor and another cable10:22
for{}thats why is better to have windows installed10:24
for{}this way youll know if its a linux issue or a hardware issue10:25
yocs0000hi everybody! I have a problem with the external monitor ....10:26
yocs0000It is detected and correct specifications recognised but nothing show on monitor .... anyone with similar problem?10:26
yocs000016.10 64 bit nvidia 367 drivers on GT840M10:26
ikoniahave you enabled/configured the second output10:27
yocs0000ikonia: what do you mean?10:28
ikoniahave you configured the second monitor within your desktop configuration10:29
ikoniaor enabled the second output on the card10:29
yocs0000yes to both10:29
ikoniahow did you configure / enable10:29
hellcookI'm gonna try a few things and reboot my machine. See you later and thank you for your help10:31
yocs0000The NVIDIA settings gives Xcreen0 (No Scanout) but seens to whole extent of the screen ....10:32
ikoniayocs0000: so you're using the nvidia config tool and it's not seeing the monitor, if thats thase case how did you configure/enable the second monitor when you said you had10:34
yocs0000ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23587906/10:34
yocs0000ikonia: it clearly sees the second monitor .... as if the two monitors where one!10:35
yocs0000ikonia: look at the pastebinit10:35
ikoniayocs0000: I didn't ask if X detected it10:36
ikoniaI asked how you configured / enabled the second port10:36
yocs0000ikonia: it sees th two 1920 monitors as one large 3840 monitor ....10:36
yocs0000ikonia: automatically?10:36
ikoniayocs0000: again, you're not answer the question10:36
ikoniaI'll leave it there, I don't want to pull information out of people in this way10:36
yocs0000ikonia: I really do not understand the question ....10:37
yocs0000ikonia: what do you mean the port?10:37
ikoniayocs0000: I asked had you configured and enabled the second port on the card (if you're using 2 monitors you must have 2 ports)10:37
ikoniayou said "yes to both"10:37
ikoniaI've asked how and you've not been able to answer it beyond saying the config tool doesn't see the second screen, so I don't see how you could have enabled/configured it10:37
yocs0000ikonia: well, I press the button on the laptop which enables the external monitor ....10:38
yocs0000ikonia: that enables the external port ....10:38
yocs0000ikonia: is that what you arre asking? That is what I meant.10:38
ikoniayocs0000: no, as I asked "how did you configure it within your desktop configuration"10:38
yocs0000ikonia: on my laptop, F1010:38
ikoniaeg: how you told the desktop to use the second monitor"10:38
ikoniaand what parameters it should use10:38
hellcookIs it a bad idea to try "aptitude reinstall xserver-xorg" ?10:39
ikoniahellcook: depends, why would you want to do that10:39
hellcookikonia: because external screens seem to be no longer detected on my machine10:40
yocs0000ikonia: I configured it on the base of the original specifications, as said .... 1920 x 1080, auto refresh rate10:41
ikoniahellcook: ok - so why would re-installing xserver-xorg fix that10:41
ikoniayocs0000: where/how did you configure the second screen10:41
hellcookikonia: I don't know, it's kind of related, obviously I don't get the way monitors and graphic drivers work10:42
ikoniahellcook: it's not related at all10:43
ikoniahellcook: blindly re-installing things is not how to fix things10:43
ikoniayou need to understand the problem, at least a bit to understand how to fix it10:43
hellcookikonia: ok. Could you suggest me where I can start digging so that I can understand what's going on?10:44
ikoniahellcook: so I'd be looking at the xorg log as a starting point,10:44
OerHeks "external screens seem to be no longer detected" .. any FN + monitor key on that laptop ?10:45
ikoniahellcook: I'd also be looking at the syslog to see what the overall system things it's doing10:45
ikoniaOerHeks: thats an excellent suggestion the hardware lock out too10:45
hellcookikonia: ok, thanks10:47
hellcookin the aptitude log, the day the problem appeared I have a few "[HOLD] nvidia-" lines. Shall I try to install again these packages?10:53
indistylois there any IRC client for ubuntu/ linux which can remember list of channels like LimeChat IRC client, Everytime I dont have to search for channel and join it. Any suggestion or work around that can be done to solve this problem with xchat or any other IRC client10:57
ikoniaindistylo: pretty much every client will save channels10:58
cfhowlettxchat?  dead and dead.  install hexchat10:58
ikoniaindistylo: you're asking this in mutliple linux based channels10:58
ikoniaindistylo: please only ask in the distro you are using10:58
indistyloI am using both11:00
indistylodebian and ubuntu11:00
Lornzerheyo, im struggling with adding a self signed certificate to the trusted ca store. placed the certificate in .pem format into /etc/ssl/certs and ran sudo c_rehash, which picked it up. but when i check with openssl s_client -showcerts -connect domain:port it still returns verify error 21 (unable to verify). what am i missing reg. getting the server to trust the certificate?11:00
ikoniaindistylo: they both feed each other11:00
Lornzeroutput of openssl s_client connect here: https://dpaste.de/CBPt11:01
ikoniaLornzer: look at the application thats hosting the service11:02
ikoniaLornzer: make sure that is aware of the new certs, if your confident the CA has been updated correctly11:02
ikoniaLornzer: also remember the client connecting also needs to be aware of the CA11:02
hellcookSo, I've a "(EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)11:03
maddawg2xchat can do that11:03
maddawg2it's kind of a standard feature of most clients lol11:03
ikoniahellcook: well done, so there is your error, and re-installing xorg would not have fixed thawt11:03
ikoniahellcook: now you know the problem you can address fixing that specfically, well done for working it through11:03
hellcookikonia: looks like there are more errors. Thank you for the hint.11:05
Lornzerikonia: im doing the openssl testing on the same server which hosts the application, so client/server is the same machine. all certs in use are basically the exact same one (self-signed), except in different formats (crt / pem)11:05
ikoniaLornzer: what application are you connecting to11:07
Lornzerthis one: https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway11:08
ikoniaLornzer: ok - so you need to make sure the application is a.) configured to use the right CA files b.) aware that the CA file has changed and re-parsed it11:08
Lornzerokay, cheers! will take a deeper look at the available options there11:08
younderusin Ubunto 16.04 and repository HexChat. How do I get the program to "/msg NickServ identify <passwz>" on startup? Setting password in the dialog doesn't work.11:10
* younder is tired of ending up in #ubuntu-unregisterd11:12
younderWait! There is a pull-down menu which contains a NickServ option. Sorry.11:16
nirvankoapt-get install net-tools can't find the package11:17
hellcookdoes "apt-cache search" find it?11:18
nirvankoroot@836ec5048ef4:/usr/src/app# apt-cache search net-tools11:20
nirvankoiproute2 - networking and traffic control tools11:20
younderYou should see "net-tools - NET-3 networking toolkit"11:21
youndernirvanko, looks like you don't have the (main) repository11:28
youndernirvanko, sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-updates main restricted"11:32
younderIf you are using 16.0411:33
BluesKajHowdy all12:01
monsunedoes anyone know what answer means in the context of DNS?12:10
monsuneYour DNS record must have an answer.12:10
ikoniaa value12:10
ikoniaeg: if you query a record, it should have a response12:10
monsuneikonia i did give a value - in case of A record that means an IP and a hostname12:22
monsuneso both are given and it still wants an "answer"12:22
monsunei have never seen it before12:22
Ben64you should give more detail, and in a more appropriate channel12:23
ikoniamonsune: what is "it"12:24
SkylakeMXsomeone need help?12:28
ikoniasure I'm looking how to paramaterise a deb based install based on apache vhost environment variables to generate the config12:29
ikoniaany suggestions ?12:29
ikoniaSkylakeMX: thats for you12:29
SkylakeMXikonia: I don't really get what you mean12:34
SkylakeMXikonia: you want to create a deb ased install file that contains your apache vhost configs?12:34
* OerHeks mumbles JuJu12:34
ikoniaSkylakeMX: no, I'm deploying a software package that builds a config based on parameters held within a vhost12:37
ikoniaOerHeks: it's fine, I have a solution I'm just seeing what SkylakeMX offers for help as he's offering into the either12:37
SkylakeMXikonia: I never done something like that, i'm more a hardware issue helper :D12:39
ikoniaSkylakeMX: ok, how about triggering custom udev rules to change my network and screen configuration when a hardware docking station is connected12:40
KalimeroHi, I am using the Ubuntu Bash on Windows 10 may I ask a question here or should I search for a windows related irc?12:42
SkylakeMXikonia: shh.. create a rule for it in /etc/udev/rules.d/12:42
ikoniaSkylakeMX: rule for what12:43
ikoniaSkylakeMX: what's my event12:43
ducasse!ubuwin | Kalimero12:43
ubottuKalimero: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.12:43
ioriaikonia, add12:43
Kalimeroducasse: thanks12:44
SkylakeMXikonia: you should check on the docking event of the docking station12:44
ikoniaSkylakeMX: check what12:44
ikoniaSkylakeMX: what am I checking for ?12:45
SkylakeMXikonia: if the docking device was added or removed, you check for the device PCI bus12:45
hellcookSo I've a problem with the nvidia driver. The xorg.0.log file says "Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)" but it seems that the module name would be "nvidia_340" instead of "nvidia". Does this make sense?12:46
SkylakeMXyou got the thinkpad-dock event12:46
SkylakeMXand the thinkpad-undock if you mean those things12:46
ikoniaSkylakeMX: the pci bus ?12:47
SkylakeMXikonia: anyway, I don't have a docking station tho12:47
SkylakeMXikonia: x) you are making it really hard12:48
whallzhi, im using 15.10, where is /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ???12:52
cfhowlett!15.10 | whallz12:52
ubottuwhallz: Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/wily12:52
whallzcfhowlett: can i upgrade using apt-get dist-upgrade?12:54
cfhowlettwhallz, nope.  you missed the window.  eolupgrade is your friend12:55
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:55
whallzso, do-release-upgrade will do it?12:56
popeywhallz: no, you need to modify your sources.list12:56
popeywhallz: so a couple of extra steps as outlined on the page12:56
whallzdamn i miss arch linux :(12:56
cfhowlettwhallz, no.  you have to read the link for12:56
whallzwhats the latest codename ?12:57
ducasseactually, last i checked wily was still available in the repos, so he might not have to modify the sources.12:58
* whallz still has hope12:58
Apachezwhat is the proper way to remove an subinterface in ubuntu? That is I runned "ifconfig em1:0" so now I have em1 and em1:0, how do I delete em1:0 without rebooting?13:03
madwizardApachez: IIRC you just ifconfig em1:0 down and it should just go away13:05
madwizardBut test it13:05
Apachezooh worked, thanks! :)13:06
AlecTaylorI'm getting permissions errors when launching a program through a .desktop rather than by calling the program name in a terminal. How do I debug? - I've checked the PID and the user/group/command/args are all identical.13:55
* AlecTaylor is running WebStorm. When he called a program (spawn) from WebStorm it errors with an EACCESS permission issue. But when I open webstorm from the CLI launcher it works fine.13:56
bbK_Hi all, I'm reading the book: How Linux Works, I see paragraph: # These are some handy options for less. LESS=mei in  .bashrc but I don't understand about that. Please help me explain more clear. Many thanks13:57
cfhowlettbbK_, man less         will explain13:58
bbK_what is mean mei at here, man?13:58
=== Guest94477 is now known as christel
blackflowbbK_: "man" is the command to invoke the manual for another command or function or file. "man less" will show you the manpage (help) of command "less".14:00
yangm97https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/zKStIizzUmjyQFlXjHraoETn - Screen Shot 2016-12-06 at 11.58.45.png (81KB)14:01
yangm97my ubuntu machine is showing up as two machines on the network14:01
yangm97is there any way to fix this?14:01
GFXDudeI'm working on an unattended upgrade script to move from 12.04 to 14.04. Prior to doing the distribution upgrade I need to install all currently available updates. Those updates include new Kernel. The boot partition is fairly full, and these kernel upgrades are failing. So, I'm purging the kernels before performing the updates. I'm purging using: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/BAGELrefle14:05
MelRayHi I have a point of clarification if any of you have or are using letsencrypt for Apache ssl certs for domains. I have 2 domains already setup and working using https://<domain> however when I ran letsencrypt renew it only shows it updated one of the two domains. It also did not generate the le-renew.log in /var/log14:05
GFXDudeMy question is: How can I auto-accept the pink dpkg prompts for config files? I've tried everything google has to offer, such as setting Dpkg::Options --force-confdef and --force-confold, setting DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"14:06
wiggmpkare cpu governor's not used when using pstate for Intel CPU's?14:12
AlecTaylorI'm getting permissions errors when launching a program through a .desktop rather than by calling the program name in a terminal. How do I debug? - I've checked the PID and the user/group/command/args are all identical.14:17
* AlecTaylor is running WebStorm. When he called a program (spawn) from WebStorm it errors with an EACCESS permission issue. But when I open webstorm from the CLI launcher it works fine.14:17
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: what is the .desktop trying to run?14:21
OerHekswebstorm is paid stuff, https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/2016.1/installing-and-launching.html#d674572e22714:21
nomicu cannot autojoin this anymore14:22
nomicwhy not14:22
ikoniayou can14:22
cfhowlettnomic, false14:22
nomici get divered into unregged14:22
nomici am regged14:22
ikoniayou must not have been identified quick enough14:22
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: The `Exec=` line is identical to what I run from the Terminal to load it (which works) but the .desktop doesn't14:22
AlecTaylorOerHeks: There's an Apache licensed version of WebStorm14:23
wiggmpkwhy not make a script like #!/bin/bash to run the program and forget the .desktop link14:23
wiggmpkor #!/bin/sh whatever14:23
OerHeksthey give a good manual but a crappy installer :-D14:23
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: wouldn't that work? since you know it already launches from the terminal?14:25
geirhaThe Exec= part is not passed to a shell, so you can't expect anything you type in a shell to work14:26
wiggmpkgeirha: might want to resend that, he disconnected and rejoined14:26
geirhaThe Exec= part is not passed to a shell, so you can't expect everything you type in a shell to work14:26
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: I suggest making a script to launch your program14:27
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: I am calling a script to launch my program14:27
AlecTaylorA Python script with a `#!/usr/bin/env python` shebang line14:28
AlecTaylorgeirha: Is there some sort of runas command? - Should I use start-stop-daemon?14:28
geirhaand what does the Exec= line look like then?14:28
AlecTaylor(which is the exact command I run from a Terminal)14:29
wiggmpkbut you are in a terminal vs not in a terminal14:29
AlecTaylorSure, so what's the trick?14:29
blacknred0could i bind two ip on eth0 ? link -> http://askubuntu.com/questions/547289/how-can-i-from-cli-assign-multiple-ip-addresses-to-one-interface14:30
AlecTaylorblacknred0: iptables?14:30
wiggmpkI don't know if I'm right, but try this http://pastebin.com/dwL3fg5814:30
geirhaAlecTaylor: so the error message you get is not from python, hence it doesn't manage to actually run python?14:30
AlecTaylorblacknred0: Or setup a proxy with sockets and whatnot, using something like nginx?14:30
OerHeksalexbligh1, downside of crossposting is that you need to give double info, and complete info14:31
blacknred0AlecTaylor: so you wouldn't recommend that method from that link?14:31
AlecTaylorgeirha: WebStorm opens just fine, the issue is when I use WebStorm to launch an npm task, that fails on .desktop but succeeding when it's opened from Terminal14:31
AlecTaylorblacknred0: No that link is fine14:32
geirhasorry what? you're trying to run a .desktop file from npm?14:32
AlecTaylorgeirha: So WebStorm is an IDE. One of the things I can do is open a Node.JS project and run npm tasks (all within the IDE; i.e.: not opening a terminal).14:32
blacknred0AlecTaylor: ok.... but, so, I'm clear... i can't have two ip's on the same nic, right? regardless if is physical or virtual14:33
AlecTaylorgeirha: So WebStorm is an IDE. One of the things I can do is open a Node.JS project and run npm tasks (all within the IDE; i.e.: not opening a terminal). Which works just fine when I launch the WebStorm IDE from the Terminal, but when I launch it from a .desktop file I get a permissions error (EACCESS)14:33
AlecTaylorOn spawn14:33
blacknred0wiggmpk: i assume that you were answering my question? :/14:34
wiggmpkblacknred0: yes14:34
blacknred0ok :) ... thanks!14:34
wiggmpkblacknred0: typically, your ISP wont give you 2 WAN IP's even if you had 2 NIC's. However, technically you can have 2 IP's on the same NIC, one being IPv4 and one being IPv614:35
wiggmpkblacknred0: you're welcome14:35
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: If you want to get really technical, you can develop a nonconformant driver and have a field day14:35
AlecTaylor(pun intended)14:35
blacknred0wiggmpk: yep, i knew that.... about ipv4 and ipv6.... just wasn't 100% when i do virtual ip's if i could bind them to the same nic wether it was virtual or physical :P14:36
wiggmpkblacknred0: I would think no still. In a VPN a virtual device is created to manage the subnet14:37
wiggmpkblacknred0: just using the VPN as an example14:37
=== the_ktosiek is now known as ktosiek
blacknred0wiggmpk: got it! thanks mate14:38
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: any progress?14:38
AlecTaylorwiggmpk - None14:40
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: make a script on your desktop #!/bin/sh and type out exactly what you are doing (with success) in the terminal and try it14:40
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: In the Terminal I run `/usr/local/bin/wstorm` the .desktop has this line `Exec=/usr/local/bin/wstorm`. /usr/local/bin/wstorm has `#!/usr/bin/env python` as its shebang.14:43
ikoniasounds terrible14:44
ikoniaas there won't ben an "env" for that14:44
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: so you have a script, calling a script?14:44
Piciikonia: thats standard for running python scripts.14:44
ikoniaPici: it's the standard for dynamically working out a version14:45
ikonianot a production class machine (I appreciate this is a desktop)14:45
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: So the officially recommended approach to running WebStorm is to open the webstorm.sh file, press "Tools->Create desktop shortcut" and "Tools->Create CLI shortcut" that's how this /usr/local/bin/wstorm was created14:45
wiggmpkI see14:45
Piciikonia: Well, it depends on whether one expects a script to run with a specific interpreter when inside a virtualenv or not... but I see where you're coming from.14:46
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: so if you run ./usr/local/bin/wstorm from terminal, all is well?14:46
wiggmpkrouge . there lol14:47
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: I changed the `Exec=` line from the default of `"/<absolute_path_to>/WebStorm-162.1121.31/bin/webstorm.sh" %f` to `/usr/local/bin/wstorm`. Both gave the same issue of a permissions error when running node scripts within the IDE.14:47
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: Yeah, when run from the terminal the spawning of NPM tasks within the IDE leaves no errors14:48
* AlecTaylor has tried with .desktop of `root` permissions and .desktop of `$USER:$GROUP` permissions14:48
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: so instead of using the .desktop, make an empty file on your desktop and use #!/bin/sh to run /usr/local/bin/wstorm14:49
wiggmpkand see what happens14:49
geirhaAlecTaylor: yeah that sounds odd. Perhaps it expects a terminal or something. EACCESS doesn't exactly say much14:52
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: f.sh contains '#!/bin/sh \n /usr/local/bin/wstorm'. chmod +x f.sh. Launching f.sh from Terminal and WebStorm launched NPM tasks without error. Editing a .desktop file with an `Exec=/home/myname/Desktop/f.sh` line launched the IDE and gives the EACCESS error when attempting to run npm tasks.14:53
AlecTaylorgeirha: Yeah I've got no clue what's going on.14:54
AlecTaylorgeirha: I even checked the two approaches to running the IDE (checking the java process) - ps -p $PID -o pid,vsz=MEMORY -o user,group=GROUP -o comm,args=ARGS - and they're identical (except mem+ actual PID obviously)14:55
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: so the script launches everything without error?14:55
geirhaAlecTaylor: Try setting the desktop file to spawn a terminal. I don't remember how. Something like Application=Terminal or Terminal=True14:55
AlecTaylorgeirha: Yeah I tried terminal=true earlier, it just loaded a blank terminal window but the EACCESS issue remained14:55
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: Correct. It's only when WebStorm tries to spawn npm tasks that it craps out14:56
wiggmpkAlecTaylor: at least you can just launch the script from a desktop as a work around14:56
geirhaAlecTaylor: ok, so possibly you've set some environment variables through .bashrc then, like PATH or some node specific ones. Those won't be available through the desktop bit14:56
AlecTaylorwiggmpk: No advantage there (as compared with launching it from a terminal)14:56
AlecTaylorgeirha: Hmm, I'll check14:57
AlecTaylorCLI has: `LESSOPEN=| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s; SHLVL=2; GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge; N_PREFIX=/home/<myname>/n; COLORTERM=truecolor; WINDOWID=69207079; _=/usr/local/bin/wstorm; JOURNAL_STREAM=8:638902; TERM=xterm-256color; LS_COLORS=r<omitted>; LESSCLOSE=/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s; VTE_VERSION=4402;` and a different PATH15:06
AlecTaylor(those are the things present in CLI but not .desktop)15:06
AlecTaylor.desktop has `GNOME_SESSION_XDG_SESSION_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0; SHLVL=1; GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE=/usr/local/share/applications/jetbrains-webstorm.desktop; GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge:unity-gtk-module; GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID=29258; _=/usr/bin/dbus-update-activation-environment; JOURNAL_STREAM=8:643357; XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome-; COMPIZ_BIN_PATH=/usr/bin/; `15:07
AlecTaylorI've tried setting the N_PREFIX in WebStorm explicitly to be the same, that hasn't worked. Now looking into the PATH differences15:08
geirhaPATH it is15:08
AlecTaylorgeirha: There's just the one relevant directory omitted, just trying to figure out how to append PATH from within WebStorm15:13
younderAlecTaylor, Time to meet 'locate'15:14
younderJust remember a 'sudo updatedb'15:14
AlecTaylorOhh gotcha15:16
AlecTaylorYeah I sorta remember those commands15:16
AlecTaylorProblem solved, I changed the `Exec=` line to Exec=bash -ic "/path/to/webstorm/bin/webstorm.sh" %f15:20
AlecTayloryounder geirha wiggmpk ikonia ^15:20
younderubottu, ask!15:22
PiciDon't ask to ask, just ask.15:22
carmackI'm do it for alert15:23
Netekhi all, I have an issue with my laptop running Ubuntu 16.04.  I am trying to access a website that had the IP address change.  whenever I access it with this laptop, it keeps pointing to the old IP address, I even setup /etc/hosts to point to the new IP address yet it still insists on connecting to the old IP address.  Yet if I use another laptop on the same network it connects to the new IP address15:23
Netekdoes Ubuntu have a cache or something of some kind that I can empty?15:23
carmackI'm be not sure about my identify15:23
MonkeyDustNetek  try deleting the ~/.cache folder15:24
NetekMonkeyDust ok15:24
Picicarmack: This is the Ubuntu support channel, do you haev a question about Ubuntu?15:24
carmackOk, i'm have question.15:24
carmackAbout ubuntu.pastebin15:24
Picicarmack: sure, whats up?15:24
carmackWhen paste is deleting?15:24
carmackI mean they have a life time?15:25
Picicarmack: it doesn't.15:25
carmackHow i can delete my paste?15:25
Picicarmack: You can email rt@ubuntu.com to request its deletion, but I wouldn't expect a quick response.15:26
NetekMonkeyDust you know, I could kiss you right now.  I was going absolutely crazy.  That worked hah15:26
carmackPici: this is very sad :D15:27
MonkeyDustNetek  i'm having a cold, don't get infected15:27
carmackPici: thx for answer15:27
NetekMonkeyDust after all this I went through, you think I care about a cold???  hahaha  thanks again.  You saved me a lot of hair, already half bald ;)15:27
GFXDudeAny insight as to getting unattended purge of old kernels to auto-confirm use old config files?15:40
naccGFXDude: "auto-confirm use old config files"? That doesn't parse to me, can you rephrase?15:40
GFXDude1 sec i'll get screenshot15:41
GFXDudeI believe that should be do-able via dpkg options15:45
GFXDudewhich I am providing15:46
GFXDudeMy script: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/BAGELreflex/83a1d384cd57a0b553a36770fb7e96ef/raw/9cc74d91f59d3435e2425ad4558880011c7e813b/gistfile1.txt15:46
naccGFXDude: so not 'old' but 'local'15:47
naccGFXDude: but can you not use --force-confold?15:47
GFXDudeI can, and am15:47
GFXDudeit doesn't seem to be taking effect though15:47
GFXDudeRunning on 12.04LTS15:47
GFXDudeprior to upgrade to 14.0415:47
GFXDudeI believe it may be due to executing the purge via xargs?15:48
naccGFXDude: isn't that a syntax error?15:50
naccGFXDude: Dpkg::Options::15:50
GFXDudeI thought it was odd syntax as well: https://raphaelhertzog.com/2010/09/21/debian-conffile-configuration-file-managed-by-dpkg/15:51
naccGFXDude: that is not what the manpage says15:51
GFXDudeI've found multiple references with that syntax: http://askubuntu.com/a/104912/52447215:52
naccGFXDude: ok15:52
GFXDudeBut, I cannot find it being used with purge15:52
GFXDudealways with install15:52
GFXDudeThough, apt-get man does only have one set of "::"15:54
GFXDudemaybe i'll try with one set15:54
naccGFXDude: why are you specifying both confdef and confold?15:54
naccGFXDude: that just ends up being confdef15:54
naccGFXDude: oh in case there isn't a default?15:54
GFXDudeHowever, the environments this will be run on are all the same, and should have defaults. I've tried without confdef though, to no avail15:55
GFXDudeHere is output of script, after manually accepting "Keep local...": https://gist.githubusercontent.com/BAGELreflex/4cb9387ec9402d0299e4319f4a339fab/raw/020f1f4aff25ee5b910c953842902458682a71c4/gistfile1.txt15:56
GFXDudeIt currently gets 3 prompts to keep local settings15:58
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naccGFXDude: sorry, really don't know16:00
VystyAnyone around?16:10
GFXDudenacc, I believe I've got it working by adding the DEBIAN_FRONTEND to the beginning of the apt-get, instead of setting it prior16:11
ranyare there any disadvantages in using this https://launchpad.net/%7Eondrej/+archive/ubuntu/apache2 instead of the default packages?16:11
VystyI'm using Ubuntu 16.04 with Gnome and I want to make a keyboard shortcut to switch language inputs (EN and DE). I've got to the Keyboard ---> Shortcuts, and when I click on a shortcut to change, the system doesn't pick up when I press new keys for the shortcut. It just stays at "New Accelerator". Anyone know how to fix this?16:11
nacc!ppa | rany16:12
ubotturany: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:12
ranynacc: I know what a PPA means. Are there any downsides of using this instead of the apache2 package found in the default apt list.16:13
ranyI mean sources list16:13
MonkeyDustrany  the repos are screened and trusted, safe sources ...16:14
naccrany: if you know what a PPA is, then you know the answer16:14
naccrany: also, "PPAs are unsupported third-party packages,  and you use them at your own risk"16:14
naccrany: so you can determine, for your personal case, ifthat is a downside or not16:14
tgm4883rany: depends on if you trust ondrejor not16:14
GFXDudeSo the answer is maybe there are disadvantages... Depending on what's been modified in the package16:15
MonkeyDustespecially where it says 'maintained by: nsa'   (silly joke)16:15
ranyok :)16:15
GFXDudeLol MonkeyDust16:15
naccGFXDude: there are disadvantages regardless of what has been modified, arguably16:16
naccGFXDude: security support from canonical for CVEs, e.g.16:16
naccGFXDude: in that the PPA has no guarantee that it is getting those updates16:16
GFXDudeRight, so still relying on a random third-party to upstream properly16:17
mr-moohola, is there a way to install apt-get and dpkg onto a distro that doesn't currently have it?16:19
mr-mooI've been trying all morning and can't seem to get apt manager or dpkg installed.16:19
mr-mooor maybe a linky to some saucey goodness?16:20
naccmr-moo: this is the ubuntu support channel, and all ubuntu have both of those, so presumably you are offtopic and should talk to your distro's support16:20
OerHeksmr-moo, ask in ##linux, not an ubuntu issue really16:20
mr-moodang. ok16:22
mr-mooI'm almost positive there won't be a channel as it's a custom distro16:23
mr-mooThanks for the direction16:23
MonkeyDustmr-moo  why not start one yourself, attract more people16:26
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mr-mooI guess that's a possibility.16:33
mr-mooI'm not sure I can handle the pressure of all that responsibility though16:33
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iresfhey everyone16:52
iresfanyone here have APu to work with Android virtual device ?16:53
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arunkumar413hi all16:54
iresfwhat is differ from open source driver for amd graphic and fglrx ?16:54
MonkeyDustiresf  how is that ubuntu related?16:58
Nuentoterquestion, If I have a windows program that needs to be run from that directory how do I create a quicklaunch/desktop shortcut for it with wine?16:58
iresfMonkeyDust :  i have installed ubuntu 16.04   that can not install fglrx on it    and also i work with android virtual device i think without fglrx   virtual device is slow    is it true  ?16:59
asifanyone ??17:05
Nuentotersorry man never used those17:06
iresfhow is performance of flgrx    ?   anyone know  ?17:08
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asifhow to use internet from huawei mobile router on ubuntu with usb cable ??17:10
asifanybody know ??17:10
mangycableHi do-release upgrade failed on an upgrade from 16.04 to 16.10. Should I do 'sudo apt-get install -f' followed by 'sudop apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' to continue the upgrade?17:10
aciculaasif: is it an usb modem or is it an usb powered mobile accesspoint?17:11
flexduh.. I seem to have made a mistake somewhere.. audio was working fine, but I had not rebooted in a while, and now I only have a dummy output17:11
asifit is a mobile hotspot router17:11
aciculamangycable: http://askubuntu.com/questions/346678/how-do-i-resume-a-release-upgrade this solution looks sensible.17:12
asifacicula:  its a mobile hotspot router ..17:12
ses1984i'm trying to install a certificate bundle. i've put the cert in a particular path, and run update-ca-certificates, and it's half working. i can `curl` a server and pass cert verification,17:12
aciculaasif: so you connect to it via the wifi just like any other access point?17:12
ses1984but if i try to make a request from a python script it fails cert verification17:12
ses1984if i ask python what certs it's using, python -c "import ssl; print(ssl.get_default_verify_paths())"17:13
asifyes .. i can connect .. but my desktop doesnot have wifi .. which is running ubuntu 16.0417:13
ses1984it prints out a path that contains the certs i added, but requests still fail17:13
newkehello. at work i have two monitors and freshly installed ubuntu 16.04. monitors have only dvi and vga ports available, so one monitor is connected through dvi and another is using hdmi cable with adapter to dvi. second monitor sometimes is not found by system, sometimes its found but resolution is set to 800x640 as max. ive tried many all proprietary drivers, same things happen. I came to conclusion that its adapter's fault. Did some googling, didnt found a17:13
newkesolution. Currently using VGA, but images are not so sharp as with digital signal. Is this a known problem? What could i try else?17:13
aciculanewke: could try another converter?17:13
flexdactually I might have bigger issues with kernel panics or page faults17:14
aciculanewke: which graphics card?17:14
newkenvidia 210 if i remember it correctly17:14
newkey gforce 21017:14
aciculases1984: err do you have to tell it explicitly to validate the ssl chain perhaps?17:14
aciculanewke: that should work just fine, so driver issue isnt what i would at first. connector or cable perhaps?17:15
aciculaasif: im not sure i understand, your desktop does not have wifi and you want it to connect to a mobile hotspot that provides wifi?17:15
newkenew, not cheap cable used. might be an adapter, but have no replacement17:15
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youndermobile -> wifi?17:16
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aciculanewke: could try swapping the cables between monitors to see if its not the monitor?17:16
newkedid that. its somehow related to cable or video card...17:17
newkeor might be linux17:17
M4800Hi... Can someone help me with configuring my internet.... I'm using M4800 dell laptop, wired and wireless Ethernet not working17:17
ses1984acicula: i am under the impression that if it's installed so `curl` can validate it, then i shouldn't have to do anything else for `python` to validate it17:17
aciculanewke: nvidia used to have two different drivers, don't know if that is still the case17:17
ses1984aren't curl and python both using the system openssl?17:17
asifacicula: i have a pocket mobile router .. which supports sim .. which create hotspot .. but it also work with usb cable .. but to do that i have to install a driver that provides with it .. unfortunately it has shipped with windows and mac driver only .. and i can use internet on windows using the usb cable17:19
newkeacicula, yes. i tried both. one of them breaks X server, another is working, but 800x640 resolution is set as max17:19
flexdoh.. now my laptop boots directly into BIOS17:20
flexdgreeeat :|17:20
mangycableasif, do a lsusb and see what kind of router it is17:20
aciculases1984: actually it appears they dont on my ubuntu 16.04, at least i dont see python importing any ssl .so's where curl does17:21
aciculases1984: might be that the SSL python lib loads it though, didnt check that17:21
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aciculaasif: ah ok, can you connect it and pastebin the output from an lsusb command?17:22
Nikitaw99reinstalling ubuntu on my ubuntu vm17:22
Nikitaw99(i am a windows user)17:22
dallyssonalguem do Brasil? Jesus ama voce Jesus loves you17:22
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:22
Nikitaw99i am wondering how to do a dualboot with windows 7 and ubuntu17:22
Nikitaw99(i use a laptop btw)17:22
asifi am now using it from windows > virtualbox > Ubuntu 16.1017:23
aciculanewke: best to stick with the one not breaking the X server then, i dont have anything else to try17:23
MonkeyDustNikitaw99  first install windows, then ubuntu ... or windows would ruin the grub17:23
hippybearFirst hit on google http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Dual-boot-Linux-and-Windows-on-a-PC-with-W/17:23
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:23
Nikitaw99MonkeyDust, windows was the first os on my laptop (came in preinstalled)17:23
aciculaasif: do you have a type or model number of the device in that case?17:24
MonkeyDustNikitaw99  great, then read the !dualboot !factoid17:24
Nikitaw99!dualboot !factoid17:24
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:24
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone17:24
aciculaNikitaw99: its pretty straightfoward, just make sure to backup your data and make a windows installation stick to reinstall windows just in case you run into problems17:25
acicula(and an ubuntu installation stick off course ;)17:25
Nikitaw99acicula, ok, thanks17:25
Nikitaw99thank you too, MonkeyDust17:25
hippybearsome people have no class17:26
iresfwhich one of  fglrx or open source driver for amd graphic is better ?17:26
iresffor performance and speed  ?17:26
Nikitaw99i wonder what should i do while my ubuntu vm is reinstalling17:26
iresfplease help me17:26
aciculairesf: i think its also depedent on what card you have17:26
ubottuOpen driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD17:26
Nikitaw99(glad i have visual studio)17:26
Nikitaw99ill probably make a calculator in c#17:27
aciculasee ubuntu in a vm is how you start, now windows runs in a vm :P17:27
flexduh.. so I uninstalled a kernel I thought I was not using, and now the laptop just boots directly into the BIOS.17:29
flexdI should be able to fix this with a USB stick with ubuntu on it, right?17:29
aciculaflexd: are you sure its not booting into grub at all?17:29
flexdI very very briefly see "Booting in insecure mode"17:30
flexdand then it goes dark and I see the Dell logo and it's in the BIOS17:30
flexdIt was working before I uninstalled the kernel (trying to diagnose a missing audio problem)17:30
aciculahmm ok. with a installation stick you should be able to rescue the system, just boot it, mount root, reinstall the kernel17:30
chaos_hello peeps17:31
asifacicula: it is huawei e537217:31
aciculaasif: ok i'll take a look17:31
flexdacicula: will try... I just need to find a usb stick first17:31
aciculaflexd cd's still work17:31
chaos_anyone know a good Git GUI for linux17:31
aciculaor basically anything that hold media i think like an sdcard17:32
chaos_been using GitKraken but its not free :(17:32
ikoniachaos_: most git servers will have a web interface17:32
flexdacicula: yeah it would if the machine had a cdrom :P17:33
chaos_@ikonia yes im looking for one that i can use instead if terminal17:33
aciculaasif it looks like it should work, when you plug it in under network connections there should be an option for mobile broadband when you plug it in17:33
aciculaasif: when you tried it did it popup anything or ask to install drivers or what not?17:34
aciculaflexd: yeah that tends to happen these days17:34
asifyes ..17:34
flexdMy other issue is really weird though17:34
asifit shows mobile broadband17:35
flexdI had working sound, then I rebooted and then I only had a dummy output17:35
asifbut then what shound i do ??17:35
aciculausually something with the sound daemon or some program locking the sound card17:35
aciculaasif: select new mobile broadband connection and follow the instructions, it should ask you for some info and then it should work17:36
aciculaasif: http://askubuntu.com/questions/468691/usb-mobile-broadband-dongles-in-ubuntu-14-04-where-to-start17:36
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:36
Nuentoterquestion, If I have a windows program that needs to be run from that directory how do I create a quicklaunch/desktop shortcut for it with wine that opens it within the correct directory?17:38
asifacicula: thanks, you helped me a lot :)17:39
asifall i need is now is know the apn .. I will call the provider ^_^17:40
aciculaasif: idk if the thing has some kind of webinterface, if it does you can probably find it on there17:40
asifyes, it has a ugly web interface17:42
aciculaNuentoter: progams within wine have a different view of the filesystem, so you can just pass the correct location to wine as an argument i think?17:42
flexdacicula: nah it's not related to that.. there is no sound card on the system suddenly17:47
flexdI'll try to figure it out/explain more here once I get the system booting again17:47
Nuentoterit was not installed with wine, simply copied from a HDD and then run with wine, which makes wine seem to not like the location, unless my syntax is incorrect....17:48
TechMongerhello, i am trying to set up samba on ubuntu for my home network. I have installed it and i have edited to the smb.conf file17:48
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TechMongeri added some fields at the end of the file... path, valid user, browsable, read only, guest, and create mask17:50
TechMongeri restarted the service17:50
TechMongeri still cant see the workgroup with my windows computer17:50
M4800Hi... I've been trying to run wired internet on my m4800 without success17:52
M4800I get an IP through DHCP from my modem17:53
M4800But can't access internet...17:53
M4800But with other devices (Android) it's possible through wireless..17:54
M4800Can someone whelp me...17:54
M4800Wires and wifi both are not working...17:54
ioriaM4800,  can you paste   sudo lshw -c Network ?17:56
M4800Lspci detects i217-lm as eth017:56
ioriaM4800,    sudo lshw -c Network | nc termbin.com 999917:56
flexdacicula: so I just boot into "try ubuntu"?18:01
flexdThere was no rescue option with the install stick, just try, install, oem install or check disc (which I assume is check install media)18:01
aciculaflexd: yes18:02
aciculaflexd: try ubuntu just boots a live system i think18:03
kur1jcan someone explain what I'm doing wrong when installing my NVidia drivers? I am using 14.04 (minimal install). I ran sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa then sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install nvidia-36118:03
kur1jwhen I run nvidia-smi I get "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running."18:03
aciculakur1j: modprobe the driver?18:03
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery18:04
flexdyeah, but not sure how I can install something with apt-get onto a system that isn't running18:04
aciculano thats not what i wanted18:04
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot18:04
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode18:04
aciculathere we go18:04
aciculaoh that doesnt help at all.18:05
aciculaflexd: you need to either select manual or just boot a live system and then chroot into your system, im just looking for some instructions to copy paste18:05
aciculaflexd: 16.04? because i did a recovery not that long ago because i nuked the kernel18:06
flexdyeah should be 16.0418:06
flexdI can just mount it maybe and then chroot?18:07
flexdalso fun times: I have disk encryption enabled18:07
aciculaflexd: basically, you mount / then proc, sys, dev, and then chroot into your /18:07
aciculaflexd: luks or something else?18:07
flexdthe default one I could enable during install18:08
aciculayou'll have to setup a mapping then first18:08
aciculaflexd: i have no idea what the default is :/18:08
flexdluks I think? sounds familiar18:08
aciculamight just be ecryptfs18:08
aciculathat you can just ignore18:08
aciculaluks is whole disk encryption18:09
aciculasortof anyway18:09
flexdI need to input a password on every boot for it to decrypt18:09
aciculaflexd: its luks then. https://alvinabad.wordpress.com/2012/09/22/how-to-recover-a-luks-encrypted-disk/18:10
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aciculaflexd: that takes you through the steps to get it mounted18:10
flexdnice! I will try it out18:11
aciculamainthing is to say cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/to/luks/device picksomename18:11
TechMongeri followed this and i still can not see my samba server with my windows machine18:11
aciculathen you can mount /dev/mapper/picksomename18:11
kur1jgot disconnected18:13
aciculaTechMonger: smbclient -L localhost from the smb machine is able to connect?18:13
kur1jmodprobe didn't end up doing anything (not sure if that was sent)18:13
aciculakur1j: you have to specify the driver that you installed18:13
kur1ji did18:13
kur1jsudo modprobe nvidia-37518:14
aciculaoh, then if it didnt say anything it worked18:14
kur1jbut nvidia-smi still doesn't18:14
aciculadmesg /var/log/syslog and /var/log/X log might have some more info for you?18:14
ingiveHi, I am trying to debug system freeze, how can I log properly so that I can try and troubleshoot after I hard reset computer? Thinking having an approximate timestamp.18:15
flexdacicula: got it mounted :D!18:15
kur1jacicula: no X, but everything else doesn't have anything in it saying its erroring18:16
aciculakur1j: does the driver that came with ubuntu work?18:16
kur1jthere wasn't one, I'm not using X windows or anything.18:16
kur1jthis is a minimal install18:16
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flexdacicula: do you happen to know which kernel version is the normal for xenial? I think I was on 4.4.0-5318:17
flexdnot sure if I should just grab 4.8.0-3018:17
kur1jrunning sudo nvidia-smi I get "Unable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:00:05.0: Unknown Error"18:18
tgm4883Upon uninstall, should packages be removing their unchanged files from /etc ?18:18
aciculaflexd: err, that should work, also make sure you have the generic metapackage installed ie linux-image or something similar18:20
TechMongeracicula, yes, i believe so18:20
aciculakur1j: understood but you added a custom ppa, isnt it in the normal distribution that may work?18:21
flexdacicula: hm yeah... apt is failing because there is no /proc and such18:21
aciculaTechMonger: then try it aggain on a remote machine but use the correct host ip, see if you can connect then18:21
flexdthough that should just be in the same folder.. it's not running anything, so maybe that is the issue18:21
aciculaflexd: before you chroot mount proc sys and dev18:21
kur1jacicula: I don't know how many I've ran into this and it always seems to vary each time I stumble into a solution (6months + apart) this time it seems nothing is working18:22
ioriaTechMonger, that guide was for 12.04...18:22
aciculaie mount -o bind /proc /path/to.root/proc18:22
TechMongeracicula, you lost me18:22
flexdacicula: got it, just did >(18:22
kur1jim amazed that this isn't more functional18:22
TechMongerioria, is there a newer version? i also have been using this18:22
flexdseemed to work.. I will try rebooting18:22
kur1jive installed directly from NVidia18:22
kur1jsame thing18:23
ioriaTechMonger, are you using 12.04 ?18:23
TechMongerioria, no18:23
aciculakur1j: why dont you try the default package provided with the ubuntu version that you have installed?18:23
ioriaTechMonger, so... cat /etc/issue ?18:23
TechMongerim using ubuntu1618:24
ioriaTechMonger, then , why are you using a 12.04 guide ?18:24
TechMongerthats the one i found18:24
ioriaTechMonger, https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/samba-server-ubuntu-16-04/18:24
flexdacicula: bah, that still just boots into the BIOS.. odd18:25
flexdI wonder if /boot was in a separate partition, though I can't imagine so18:25
flexdIs that the default?18:25
aciculaflexd: could be, worth a look18:25
aciculaflexd: make sure grub-update is run also when updating18:25
TechMongerioria, thx18:25
ioriaTechMonger, yourewelcom18:26
aciculaor update-grub, i forgot what it was called18:26
dStructcan someone please explain to me why Gedit is constantly opening on the wrong workspace?  It seems to be ignoring the options to Always on Visible Workspace, etc?18:27
flexdacicula: right.. looking in /boot, it seems to have the right files18:31
flexdabi-xxxx, config-xxxx, initrd.img-xxxx, System.map-xxxx vmlinuz-xxxx where xxxx=4.4.0-53-generic18:31
flexdbut there is no /boot/grub18:32
aciculaflexd: yeah those files are there because you installed them18:33
aciculacan you look in /etc/fstab and see if there is a /boot entry18:33
flexdyeah I know, I meant that they are not missing, so it should have a kernel18:33
flexdhad I screwed up before rebooting, they would not have been there18:34
flexdI wonder if UEFI/SecureBoot has anything to do with this18:34
flexdIt does say "Booting in insecure mode" before it restarts18:34
flexdhowever it would be odd if that suddenly affects something, since it was working before I removed the kernel :/18:35
aciculathat just means it will boot unsigned kernels i think18:35
flexdrunning update-grub complains about not being able to create /boot/grub/grub.cfg.new (directory does not exist)18:41
flexdthere is a separate /boot :)18:42
flexdjust let me mount this and it will be good18:42
axisyshow do I extend this /boot partition? http://picpaste.com/pics/partitions-j2Tixte5.1481049709.png .. short from backing up and rebuild18:43
tgm4883Upon uninstall, should packages be removing their unchanged files from /etc ?18:44
ioriatgm4883, you mean the config files ?18:44
tgm4883ioria: yea18:44
tgm4883well, specifically, an apparmor profile18:44
ioriatgm4883,  purge does that, not remove i think18:44
ioriatgm4883,  oh... i see18:45
tgm4883ioria: so I think removing webbrowser-app causes boot to fail because it leaves the profile in there18:45
ioriatgm4883,  maybe18:45
tgm4883ioria: well it did for me :)18:45
ioriatgm4883,  purge and see .... you may need to explre also .config18:46
tgm4883Not sure if this would be considered a webbrowser-app bug or an apparmor bug18:46
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flexdoh come on!18:47
flexdso I get into grub now18:47
flexdand I can select ubuntu, and I get to the screen where I would normally type in the password for the LUKS decrypt18:48
flexdand the keyboard works in grub, so I can select things18:48
acetalwasWhat does the "-e" in this bash script mean? http://paste.ofcode.org/JSACGkFFwUaXw6cSppyRU718:48
ioriatgm4883, sure a bug :þ18:48
acetalwasIs it an error?18:48
flexdbut now I can't enter the password.. no keystrokes are registered18:48
flexdacetalwas: bash -e returns true if a file or folder exists18:49
flexdnot an error18:49
aciculaflexd: mount /boot and try again, you have to reinstall the kernel image also18:50
aciculaor move the files to the proper location under the mounted /boot18:50
flexdyeah I reinstalled it18:50
aciculaah it boots, was still catching up18:50
flexdIt boots and should be fine, but stops at the password input where I can't enter the password :p18:50
flexdstrangest problem ever18:50
aciculathat i dont know18:51
Southern_Gentlemencrypted FS?18:51
flexdalso, if i ctrl-alt-f1 I can see my password18:51
flexdits like my input is not getting to the right terminal18:51
flexdoh, maybe it's just broken after the decrypt?18:52
acetalwasflexd: Thanks18:52
Piciflexd: are you logging into a terminal session>18:52
acetalwasBut is the script wrong?18:52
acetalwasI'm getting an error.18:52
flexdPici: no18:52
Piciflexd: what happens if you type your password and press enter?18:52
flexdacetalwas: what error? (also ##bash are great at bash scripting, I am not)18:53
flexdPici: nothing happens at all18:53
Picieven if *'s don't show up18:53
acetalwasOkay, thanks18:53
flexdRight... I managed to boot into recovery from grub now18:55
flexdshould make things a bit easier18:55
knittelhello all18:56
knittelgood evening18:56
flexdknittel: hello18:56
knitteli still have a question18:56
knittelhello flexd18:56
knitteli can say i start to have the hang of ubuntu18:56
knittelonly i have 50 unattended updates18:57
knitteland i can not get them back anymore18:57
knittelsomeone can help me out?18:57
Halfcreative1what do you need help with18:57
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knittelit gives in the terminal always : no access18:57
knittellet me explain18:57
knittela week ago i installed ubuntu and upgraded from 15.10 to 16.0418:58
knittelthen i get the question to update something18:58
knittelin multiple choice so to say18:58
knittelso i guess i given a wrong answer18:58
knittelnow i have always in the terminal 50 unattended upgrades/updates18:59
knittelnot sure18:59
knittelwhat to do about it?18:59
knitteleverything seems to work fine, but its simply for knowledge18:59
Halfcreative1ok, to start what are you inputting into your terminal19:00
knittelapt-get updates19:00
knittelN: « 50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist » dans le répertoire « /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ » a été ignoré car il utilise une extension non valable19:01
knitteli know i need to put :sudo19:01
knittelbut still almost the same answer19:01
Halfcreative1try sudo apt-get update19:01
Halfcreative1no s19:01
Piciknittel: can you put LANG=C sudo apt-get update      and then provide that line again19:01
knitteli have to wait now, its running19:02
Halfcreative1On another note, what IRC client are you using? I don't really like pidgin19:02
PiciHalfcreative1: hexchat is a popular graphical client.19:03
knittelit changed already, it has done a lot :)19:03
Halfcreative1Is it available through the default ubuntu repositries19:03
knittellet me see, what is it now19:03
PiciHalfcreative1: of course19:03
knittelAppStream cache update completed, but some metadata was ignored due to errors.19:04
knittelLecture des listes de paquets... Fait19:04
knittelN: « 50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist » dans le répertoire « /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ » a été ignoré car il utilise une extension non valable19:04
knittelW: The repository 'cdrom://Ubuntu 15.10 _Wily Werewolf_ - Release i386 (20151021) wily Release' does not have a Release file.19:04
knittelN: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use.19:04
flexdwoohoo! It boots!19:04
knittelN: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.19:04
flexdPici: acicula :D19:04
flexdapparently there is some kind of bug in plymouth that makes it fail at capturing keyboard input... not sure why I would get hit by it now, but adding nosplash to grub so I have to enter the password in console makes it work19:05
knittelam i out of chat?19:06
flexdknittel: NoImNotNineVolt19:06
Piciknittel: you're here, please use a pastebin19:06
flexdNoImNotNineVolt: sorry19:06
knitteli'm to new, what is a pastebin?19:06
MonkeyDustknittel  http://paste.ubuntu.com/19:07
TikityTikHow can I get my custom shortcut to launch a command to the user's directory?19:08
TikityTikI tried doing ~/myscript.sh, but it doesn't launch, only when I do, /home/theuser/myscript.sh19:08
knitteland then?19:08
knittelits pasted in there19:08
MonkeyDustknittel  add your name on top, click paste... then copy paste the new url here19:09
knitteli see19:10
kur1jacicula: unfortunately can't use the drivers with Ubuntu because this is a GTX 108019:10
flexdacicula: installed linux-image-generic and it now works on boot again too :)19:10
flexdand audio works19:10
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flexdor well, in theory...19:11
tgm4883kur1j: you can't use the drivers in ubuntu because it's a GTX 1080?19:11
knittelin this way?19:11
kur1jtgm4883: the ones that come with it19:11
kur1jtgm4883: I'm trying to install drivers from the PPA but they didn't work.19:12
MonkeyDustknittel  15.10 is long dead19:12
HalfcreativeEarier knittel mentioned that he upgraded but the terminal shows otherwise19:12
tgm4883kur1j: TBF, it sounds like the ones from nvidia aren't working either19:12
kur1ji've tried both, and neither do it seems19:13
knittelmy system says that i have installed ubuntu 16.04 lts19:14
knittelnot 16.04.1!19:14
MonkeyDustknittel  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue19:14
knitteli knw the different19:14
knittelhow to command that?19:14
Halfcreativehey all19:14
tgm4883kur1j: what version?19:15
knittelwb creative19:15
tgm4883knittel: what's the output of 'cat /etc/issue | nc termbin.com 9999'19:15
MonkeyDustknittel  in a terminal, type   cat /etc/issue       then hit enter19:15
knitteltx will do19:15
tgm4883kur1j: Sorry, what ubuntu version?19:15
kur1jtgm4883: 14.0419:15
knittelcat /etc/issue19:16
knittelUbuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \l19:16
knittelthats the output19:16
knittelits even with 1 didnt know :)19:16
MonkeyDustknittel  ok, what was your initial issue, why are you here19:17
user401hi..how do i stop my usb0 interface from being renamed to enx*19:17
knittelabout 50 unattended updates19:17
knittelread the paste bin19:17
knitteltat is why i'm here19:18
tgm4883knittel: well the error that you posted is because it's looking for the CD. You can comment it out in /etc/apt/sources.list19:18
MonkeyDustknittel  yes, the 15.10 updates cannot complete, remove the 15.10 sources from your list19:18
knittelif i understand well they are only for 15.10 (wiley werewolf and 16XX doesnt need them?19:19
user401hi..how do i stop my usb0 interface from being renamed to enx* in ubuntu 15.1019:19
tgm4883knittel: correct19:19
Bashing-omuser401: Why and how explained here : https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ .19:19
MonkeyDustknittel  true, get rid of all things 15.1019:20
user401Bashing-om: thanx19:20
knittelok, tx and how to rm the sources 15.10?19:20
Bashing-omuser401: NP . :)19:20
knitteli apologize i ask a lot, but i'm really in the beginning19:20
knittelbeen always windows user19:20
tgm4883knittel: You need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the lines for the CD19:20
TikityTikFor keyboard shortcuts, how do I launch something from the $HOME directory? $HOME and ~ isn't working, and I have to use absolute paths like /home/usr/script.sh19:21
Kristianwhat chanel should i go pour 16.0619:21
MonkeyDustknittel  in a terminal, type    sudo -e /etc/apt/sources.list19:21
MonkeyDustKristian  you mean 16.04, here is fine19:21
KristianError mounting /dev/sr1 at /media/christian/LGE Mobile: Command-line `mount -t "iso9660" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500" "/dev/sr1" "/media/christian/LGE Mobile"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: /dev/sr1 is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: /dev/sr1 is already mounted or /media/christian/LGE Mobile busy19:21
Kristiani want to read my mobile19:22
knitteldone, i read some about cd rom ww and so on...19:22
HalfcreativeThanks for the hexchat recommendation, this feels a lot better than pidgin19:22
knitteli need to "take of " the upperline?19:24
knittelsimply delete that one and close the terminal?19:24
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MonkeyDustknittel  what line is that19:24
Bashing-omknittel: Best to "comment out" the CD reference line /19:25
knitteldeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 15.10 _Wily Werewolf_ - Release i386 (20151021)]/ wily main r$19:25
MonkeyDustknittel  yes, put a # in thre beginning of that line19:25
Kristianimpossible d'ouvrir le périphérique MTP « [usb:001,014] »19:26
knittelthen enter?19:26
knittelto be sure :)19:26
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knittelsorry guys & girls what is comment out...19:28
Bashing-omknittel: No, all that is needed is the '#' character at the start of the line . Then the system will not parse that line . Once all edits are competed, then remember to save the file .19:28
knitteli've done the #19:29
knittelok, tx19:29
flexdI guess it worked since he or she left..19:30
zzero1I would like to install ubuntu on an encrypted / without a seperate boot19:31
zzero1can anyone point me in the right direction ?19:31
Bashing-omzzero1: ^ that is a default install . If only ubuntu is to be installed to that hard drive is as simple as choosing " erase disk and install ubuntu ' . Answer a few set up questions and done .19:32
tarkusHi guys! I need to deploy a few low traffic Node.js apps on a DO 1GB RAM, 1 CPU server... is it better to deploy them directly or use Docker containers?19:33
zzero1I don't want the default install19:33
zzero1I want to put the kernel in a separate hard drive as .efi19:33
Bashing-omzzero1: Then you need to explain to us what it is that you want that is different than standard .19:34
zzero1well I want an efi install19:34
flexdtarkus: that is entirely up to you.. do you already have docker containers and you know how to use docker?19:34
zzero1I want root on an encrypted root with encrypted boot, efi partition would contain the appropriate kernel and initrd images in an other hard drives19:35
Bashing-omzzero1: "separate hard drive as .efi" ; Boot the kiveUSB ( installer ) in EFI mode and the installer again will do it's thing ,, installing as EFI with standard defaults .19:35
n1ghtmar3hi people19:36
Bashing-omzzero1: live(USB) *19:36
zzero1well I don't want  to have a efi partition on the same drive19:36
zzero1the /boot would be on the encrypted root19:38
gluquehi hi19:38
MonkeyDustzzero1  i guess you better put a full description of what you (don't) want on a forum19:39
Bashing-omzzero1: exit stage left , for me as .. I know nothing about encryption .19:39
isaac1alguien sabe como solucionar un problema en el arranque19:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:40
kpike250Im trying to get sftp chroot users working with pam-mysql ... Without using a chroot env they work fine, as soon as I do the user can login but then the prompt hangs when executing a command. The message I see in syslog is "sshd[21811]: debug1: PAM: establishing credentials" ... do I need to copy things into the jail like the pam config files?19:41
flexdRight.. so system back online.. but no sound19:43
flexdalso, when I plugged in some headphones to the system, pavucontrol (or rather pulseaudio) does not seem to detect that at all, it still says Headphones (unplugged)19:44
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howarthI have a system that during the removal of cups to clear a printing issue became unbootable19:53
howarthIt is stuck at the Ubuntu splash screen with the progress back actively move19:53
tgm4883howarth: hit escape19:53
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howarthwhat I am actually just trying to do is to get to the grub boot loader19:54
howarthso that I can do a stage 3 boot from the terminal to fix the missing packages19:54
tgm4883howarth: well that happens before you get to that splash screen19:55
tgm4883howarth: but removing cups shouldn't break it, so hitting escape should at least tell you what it's waiting on19:55
howarththis is starting from a rEFind booter19:55
howarthI read on line that I should hold the left shift key down during the boot19:56
howarthto get to grub19:56
howarthI got to work just once but can't seem to repeat the trick19:56
tgm4883howarth: well usually yea, not sure with rEFind. I just say no to Mac19:56
howarththis is pretty much a test system to learn abour migrating from Fedora to Ubuntu19:57
howarthI tried booting under the live 16.10 usb19:58
tgm4883howarth: sorry I couldn't be more help, I was just wondering what was causing the boot to hang19:58
howarthbut I have a sde1 which is fat19:58
howarthand sde2 which is ext2 and seems to have grub on it19:59
howarthand a sde3 which is marked as llvm219:59
howarthwhich I can't puzzle out how to mount at /mnt19:59
howarthI was hoping to chroot from the Live USB boot19:59
Crystraxi need some help to understand this   i got a hp pavillion 15-ab188ca    in recovery mode wi-fi and bluetooth work    but when i am on normal start bluetooth see it wi-fi to  but cant connect19:59
howarthI've not really used lvm much before20:00
howarthII thought it was just a virtual filesytem that was actually formatted as ext420:00
howarthhowever 'mount -t ext4 /dev/sde3 /mnt' doesn't work20:01
howarthactually the installation partitions are those of thestock 16.10 installer20:01
tgm4883howarth: don't use enter as punctuation20:02
ioriaCrystrax, probably some conflicting modules interfere ....20:03
Crystraxi have stop using the hp driver   making many update will try  reboot and make some change il be back after restart      GOOd thing i still have a usb ethernet stick20:04
Crystraxand is there a other command  that auto-remove to clean old package and repair20:05
nedbatThese lines are part of a vagrant packer script to build ubuntu boxes: I suspect that the randomly leave something locked so that the next "apt install" blocks forever: https://github.com/boxcutter/ubuntu/blob/master/script/update.sh#L20-L23  What might that lock be?20:05
howarthokay, I hit escape and managed to get into grub but it shot me to the grub prompt20:06
howarthhow to I get back to the menu with the kernels?20:06
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msino EW-7811DAC - wifi usb20:06
ioriaCrystrax, auto-remove removes pkgs no longer required20:06
howarthwhat is the grub command on the grub prompt for that?20:06
ioriaCrystrax, what you mean with 'rpair' ?20:06
howarthI hit the escape key and for a moment it displays the grub boot screen with the two kernels options20:07
howarthwhen I was knocked down to a grub> prompt20:07
howarthwith the text20:08
CaptainQuirkHi there !20:08
CaptainQuirkI'm having loads of trouble with a new 16.04 install20:08
CaptainQuirkI'm getting weird certificate errors when using firefox and chrome20:09
howarthMinimal bash like editing is supported. For the first word TAB lists the possible command completions  Anywhere else tab lists the possible device or file completions20:09
howarthI am trying to exit the grub prompt to get back to the menu20:10
CaptainQuirkI cannot use git to clone a repository20:10
CaptainQuirkinternet connection itself is quite slow20:10
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jejones_Are any packages marked "hold" by default? I copied and pasted a line from a page on how to install R Studio that was actually two "sudo apt-mark hold" commands run together including a "$" prompt before the second, and it appears to have marked every single package as to be held.20:11
kur1jtgm4883: I found an error in dmesg [   29.535583] nvidia 0000:00:05.0: irq 45 for MSI/MSI-X [   29.577727] NVRM: RmInitAdapter failed! (0x23:0x56:458) [   29.577807] NVRM: rm_init_adapter failed for device bearing minor number 020:12
yenclgj5nlwHi all. Is it possible to get latest packages in (k)ubuntu? The packages in universe are too old, should I add debian sid into sources.list?20:12
MonkeyDust!lastest | yenclgj5nlw don't mix distro's20:13
MonkeyDust!latest | yenclgj5nlw don't mix distro's20:13
ubottuyenclgj5nlw don't mix distro's: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:13
yenclgj5nlwI have backports enabled by default20:14
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:14
howarthit is weird that if I exit at the grub> prompt it takes back to the rEFind boot menu20:14
Crystraxhahahah   so how i make the   fn f12   shorcut20:15
Crystraxnot the same on ubuntu  my wi-fi bluetooth are in plane mode20:16
howarthit isn't well document by you apparently can pass addiotnal arguments from rEFind20:16
yenclgj5nlwwhy shouldn't I mix distros?20:16
howarthI use added '3' and it to me to the grub menu20:16
CaptainQuirkhow can I find if I need some proprietary drivers ?20:17
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ioriaCaptainQuirk, Additional Drivers ( but it does not mean that 'you need them')20:18
wedgieyenclgj5nlw: becaues debian is not ubuntu, so packages made for one may not work right on another20:18
CaptainQuirkI get some weird things in dmesg20:19
Bashing-omyenclgj5nlw: A good read on why NOT : https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian .20:20
yenclgj5nlwBashing-om:  thank you20:20
Bashing-omyenclgj5nlw: :) all a process of learning .20:21
CaptainQuirkhow can I install intel graphics driver on ubuntu 16.04 ?20:23
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Crystraxme as a padawan i go in additional driver in update20:23
CaptainQuirkCrystrax, nothing in ghere20:23
CaptainQuirkWell, I get one entry20:24
CaptainQuirkit seems to be already installed20:24
Crystraxthink have to be selected to by use20:24
CaptainQuirkit is selected20:24
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Bashing-omCaptainQuirk: Generally the Intel provded driver in the kernel is what you want to use . What chip set and release ? As there used to be problems with Skylake GPUs require non-free firmware blobs for full functionality.20:29
Crystraxbe back gonna restart againt20:29
CaptainQuirkBashing-om, I actually don't know where to find which chip and release20:33
howarthokay making progress with the reinstallion of cups which dragged in must of the stuff that was deinstalled20:33
howarthdoes ubuntu have the equivalent to Fedora's package groups?20:33
howarthto that a virtual package would reinstall the destop20:33
ioriaCaptainQuirk, lspci -k | grep VGA -A 320:33
CaptainQuirkioria, Bashing-om, I get a line with Kernel modules: i915_bpo20:36
yenclgj5nlwis it possible to downgrade xorg to get fglrx on 16.10?20:37
ioriaCaptainQuirk, maybe you can pste it ?20:37
ioriaCaptainQuirk,  i bet SkyLake, btw20:37
howarthapt-get install ubuntu-desktop looks hopeful20:37
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ioriaCaptainQuirk,  _bpo i think is backported20:38
Bashing-omyenclgj5nlw: no .. is the short answer . IF ya gottsa have FGLRX then release 14.04.(1) has the supported X-server .20:39
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=== Mr is now known as MrPickles
Bashing-omCaptainQuirk: pastenin ' lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga ' to see what the chip set is .20:40
CaptainQuirkis a pastebin link not satisfactory ?20:41
kur1jWhere would I start debugging an issue like this? https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/957757/gtx-1080-amp-kvm-pci-passthrough-to-guest/?offset=2#503311820:42
Bashing-omCaptainQuirk: "Yeah works . Now where did you get the driver " As " Regarding i915 vs i915_bpo, I think "bpo" stands for "backported". It contains some fixes found in newer versions of i915 that get backported to ubuntu kernel to fix known issues/add new hardware support." .20:43
CaptainQuirkThe driver must have been installed automatically20:45
Bashing-omCaptainQuirk: Well yeah, I can accept that .. and on that basis I would think ya doing the best you can do with that chipset .20:49
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kur1jDamn! I think I'm running into a driver bug for this GTX 108020:57
kur1jhttps://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/957757/gtx-1080-amp-kvm-pci-passthrough-to-guest/?offset=2#5033118 same...exact...issue20:57
energizerI have a book scan pdf. Can I add pdf metadata table of contents to it?21:00
Xaseronhow can i enable ensurepip for pypy?21:05
PiciXaseron: I think you're looking for #python, not #ubuntu21:08
Xaseronensurepip is disabled in Debian/Ubuntu for the system python.21:08
Xaseronthe lts upgrade broke my pypy pip setup :-/21:09
MonkeyDustXaseron  type   /j #python21:09
mankeletorhow can i mount a second ext4 partition for user?21:15
ruby32_is there a filemanager like PCManFM that shows a nested directory structure, but with files also? (like in the command-line tree command)21:34
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ElionHi, I have some trouble with my wifi card, when I start a big download on my lan, it starts at 30M/s and after a few MB it stop downloading and I loose all network capabilities (ping, http, ...) until I disable and enable the wifi again. Here is a gist with more infos : https://gist.github.com/Nox-404/7645b3b7d6eadac64862fccf14551f3121:40
maedoxUbuntu 16.10; is there some magic in Unity to select icon and exec for an application on the launcher? I have a pycharm.desktop that has worked flawlessly, but in a new version of the app the launcher isn't recognized as belonging to the launched app. It lauches PyCharm, but then adds a new icon to the launcher row.21:41
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MonkeyDustmaedox  is there a 'icon= ' line?21:49
maedoxMonkeyDust: yes. https://paste.ubuntu.com/23590609/21:50
maedoxMonkeyDust: the weird thing is that the title for the launcher that was auto-created by Ubuntu is named after one of the projects opened in PyCharm. Even if the app is closed the title remains. Which leads me to believe there is some cache somewhere, but I'm not sure where to look.21:52
Bashing-ommaedox: MonkeyDust We do not want this space " Exec=env XMODIFIERS= /home/paal " before /home do we ?21:53
MonkeyDustmaedox  maybe the icon line needs the full path21:53
blackflowmaedox: this is mine: https://dpaste.de/XXQv21:54
MonkeyDustBashing-om  yes, i noticed the space too21:54
ohemdevinWhat's a program that you install immediately on a fresh Ubuntu/Debian install? I can't seem to live without Redshift, heh.21:56
ruby32_xclip, arandr, wmctrl-switch-by-application21:57
blackflowohemdevin: vim :)21:57
maedoxthe space is there to set XMODIFIERS to nothing. It works though. It launches correctly, it just adds another icon and makes that the active one for the app.21:57
ericx2xhey is there a tool like autohotkey that is for ubuntu?21:57
ohemdevinYep, I've got vim installed as soon as I got Xubuntu on this computer.21:58
maedoxMonkeyDust: Bashing-om blackflow it has worked before though, so I wonder what changed. I tried the previous pycharm without change. I'll try removing the env stuff from exec...21:58
ericx2xanyone know how i can automate pressing keyboard buttons and delays for ubuntu?21:59
ruby32_ohemdevin: also, shutter for screenshots21:59
maedoxericx2x: xdotool21:59
ericx2xalright cool, that is what i figured but i failed to find good documentation online. I'll give it another look21:59
ElionHi, how can I troubleshoot my wifi card, downloads drop at 0b/s after a few sec and I loose all network capabilities for a few minutes : https://gist.github.com/Nox-404/7645b3b7d6eadac64862fccf14551f3122:04
maedoxoh my bleeping bleep! I found the "cache". A .desktop with X-UnityGenerated=true in it. The bastards! I get that they are trying to be helpful, but still. It exec's the whole long ugly java command instead of the pycharm.sh script. That's why my searching failed. Meh.22:06
Bashing-ommaedox: Good sluething !22:12
MTecknologyIs there such thing as a backport of jabberd2 2.4.0 for ubuntu 12.04? I'm asking because, uhm... for a friend?..22:13
Bashing-om!info jabberd222:16
ubottujabberd2 (source: jabberd2): Jabber instant messenger server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.0-1 (yakkety), package size 395 kB, installed size 1963 kB22:17
tekeli-liI just opened a brand new USB flash memory stick. I want to test it for bad blocks and verify its reliability. How may I do so without wearing it out?22:18
Bashing-omMTecknology: Do not se that there is : http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=jabberd2&searchon=names&suite=precise-backports&section=all >> Sorry, your search gave no results .22:19
MTecknologyBashing-om: I was aware it wasn't an available backport... was just hoping someone in here might know something beyond. :(22:20
jacekplacekppa by ondrej, php 5.6, the current package is 5.6.28-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1, how can I get previous versions like 5.6.23-2+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 ?22:22
Bashing-omMTecknology: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jabberd2 says might be possible when the zesty HWE is available in precise ??22:25
jacekplacekI read here that I should keep my own repo for php packages versioning purposes - http://serverfault.com/questions/677850/ubuntu-14-04-ppa-previous-minor-version-of-php-5-622:25
Jordan_Utekeli-li: A default run of badblocks will write to every block of the drive exactly once, and that is the minimum for determining that all of the blocks are good. Another option though is to use a filesystem like btrfs that stores checksums of data, which will ensure that you will never read corrupt data (if the drive changes some bits in a file you will get a read error at the filesystem level).22:28
tekeli-liJordan_U, Will badblocks destroy the existing fileysystem? Thank you for informing me about brtfs.22:30
Jordan_Utekeli-li: Yes it will.22:30
Jordan_Utekeli-li: You're welcome. You should know if you don't already that btrfs is still a pretty new filesystem, so that may count against it if your goal is reliability.22:32
tekeli-liJordan_U, Can fsck verify the existing filesystem non-destructively? If so, would that be more or less effective than badblocks?22:35
tekeli-liHere's the partition table of the device: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23590776/22:38
adamgso i seem to have run out of space on /boot, but apt-get autoremove doesn't want to get rid of old kernel versions22:38
Jordan_Utekeli-li: Are you familiar with the difference between data and metada? What is your end goal here? What are you going to use the USB drive for?22:39
adamgit's only 230-something mb. So now i'm precariously nuking the initrds of old versions... including the one that's currently running. This is sure to end well.22:40
tekeli-liJordan_U, I think metadata is "data about data", or in this case pointers to units of data on the disk. The filesystem contains metadata about files which contain actual data.22:42
tekeli-liI guess22:43
Jordan_Uadamg: I would strongly recommend having a LiveUSB available. I would also recommend (but not as strongly) that you eliminate your separate /boot/ and just allow it to be part of your root filesystem.22:43
adamgi'm using FDE, i'm not sure if that's why i have a separate boot22:43
adamgin any case, after the rm, and an apt-get install -f, then autoremove picked up the old ones and I'm back to happy land. I think.22:43
adamgas long as the new kernel boots :)22:43
adamg(16.04, originally 14.04, dist-upgraded a few months ago)22:44
tekeli-liJordan_U, My end goal is to fill the disk with family photos and personal files which will be accessed from Windows and Mac computers.22:44
Jordan_Utekeli-li: Correct. A successful fsck run will tell you that the blocks containing the metadata for the files on a given filesystem are probably good. It will tell you nothing about the data blocks, or the free space, or about blocks that are outside that partition.22:44
tekeli-liJordan_U,  Before that, I want some assurance that the disk is not defective right out of the box, and that it will store the data reliably.22:45
Jordan_Utekeli-li: Will you only have one round of photos? One thing you could do is make checksums of all of the images, copy the images to the drive, then eject the drive and re-insert it (to be sure you're not just reading from cache) and re-check the checksums. Then you can copy the files to 10 other machines and maybe even bring it back to your machine and verify the checksums one last time and be pretty22:48
Jordan_Usure that all of the data was read properly the other 10 times as well (or you'll know that the drive went bad at some point, and you'll have a good guess as to which files are not properly copied to the other machines).22:48
kur1janyone have an idea on how I can debug this error from my NVidia drivers?22:49
tekeli-liJordan_U, I have about 25 billion bytes (25 GB) of photos and personal files accumulated from multiple machines across years of usage.22:51
Jordan_Utekeli-li: Other options are to use badblocks on the entire drive then re-make the partition / filesystem or to just trust that the USB drive is probably good. If using badblocks once on the drive makes the drive meaningfully less reliable then it wasn't very good to start with. It could very well make a cheap drive perform less well (compared to a drive that has never been "filled") especially if the22:51
Jordan_Udrive doesn't support TRIM (which most thumb drives don't).22:51
MTecknologyBashing-om: I'm confused, where does it say the jabberd2 backport requires something else being backported?22:51
_28Kbhi, i have problem with NVIDIA drivers on new 16.04 install. Is it possible that there are no drivers for my old GeForce 7300 LE GPU? can anyone help?22:52
ohemdevinThe legacy Nvidia drivers aren't supported?22:53
ohemdevinHave you checked "Additional Drivers" yet?22:54
CaptainQuirkHey guys ! When I set a keyboard shortcut for, say, move from one workspace to another, where is it saved ?22:54
_28Kbit seems22:54
_28Kbadditional drivers stuck in login loop22:54
tekeli-liJordan_U, If I must remake the partition table and filesystem, which format and filesystem is well suited for use on both Windows and Mac computers? What can I do about the "trim" problem?22:54
ohemdevinI have this driver installed on my computer right now.22:55
ohemdevinI also have an older GPU than you, if the model number is anything to go by.22:56
ohemdevinMaybe you have the 'restricted' repo disabled?22:56
ohemdevinGPU: GeForce 6150 LE22:56
_28Kbsystem offers me drivers, but they are not working22:57
_28Kb304 package22:57
_28Kband 173 is no longer supported22:57
Rochvellon_28Kb: 304 should be good for you22:57
_28Kbi tried many ways22:58
ohemdevinMaybe you'll be able to install the 304 driver via the command line?22:58
_28Kbi did that22:58
_28Kb304 is current22:58
Jordan_Utekeli-li: Not much that you can really do about the drive slowing down after being filled up, and if it's a drive that will do that from badblocks then it will also do so with normal copying of files onto the drive eventually.22:58
_28Kbi even installed 304 from nvidia site22:59
_28Kbblacklisted nouveau22:59
Jordan_Utekeli-li: What size is the drive? Will any of the files be larger than 4 GiB?22:59
_28Kbdid things that i dont even understand... and nothing :)22:59
_28Kbnow i have fresh os install23:00
_28Kband i want drivers23:00
ElionHi, how can I troubleshoot my wifi card, downloads drop at 0b/s after a few sec and I loose all network capabilities for a few minutes. Some infos : https://gist.github.com/Nox-404/7645b3b7d6eadac64862fccf14551f3123:00
tekeli-liJordan_U, As shown in the partition table linked above, the disk is approximately 32.1 GB.  I don't think any files are more than 4 GiB. Would a file copy operation fail for files over 4 GiB?23:03
Jordan_Utekeli-li: It would if you decided to go with Fat32 for the filesystem, which is the best in terms of compatability.23:05
tekeli-liJordan_U, As long as an informative error message is given upon failure of the file copy operation, I will be capable of deciding how to proceed from there.23:07
Jordan_Utekeli-li: You'll definitely get an error message, though I don't remember what is is (in nautilus or when using a cli tool like cp or rsync) but I'm guessing it will be pretty clear, espcecially since you are now aware of the problem.23:09
tekeli-liJordan_U, The manpage says `-n     Use non-destructive read-write mode.` Will that be good?23:10
tekeli-liJordan_U, I mean to ask if I should type `badblocks -n /dev/sdc`. The manpage seems to imply that the test is read-only unless other options are given at the command line.23:13
kossaeTrying to debug an ath9k driver wireless card. I've tried most all of the fixes I could find, but it appears that on wake from suspending it is never able to send or receive traffic from my home wifi. A neighbor's open xfinity hotspot works just fine, and I've even played around with different channels on the router with no luck. Ethernet connection works fine anywhere. Here's some info https://gist.github.com/mattdavenport/3c14ef10adb4ff33b264e836de1ff77823:15
Bashing-omMTecknology: Sorry for the delay . dinner . In the link is the top item : The Zesty Zapus (active development) >> 2.4.0-2 . I would expect in precise IF HardWare Enablement is active .. that shortly after the relese of zesty that this version  "might" be available on precise .23:19
Jordan_Utekeli-li: I would be very surprised if the read only test failed, but you can try it. I think you're probably overthinking this though :)23:19
MTecknologyBashing-om: but this package is in universe and doesn't get backported23:20
tekeli-liJordan_U, Not sure how I might be "overthinking", but I'll gladly read any information you wish to share.  :)'23:20
Bashing-omMTecknology: Ouch ! so true .. universe I do tend to agree, is not backported . Sorry for getting the hopes up .23:23
Bashing-omMTecknology: " this package is in universe and doesn't get backported " is what I also think .23:24
MTecknologyah, I was confused because it's just fact; universe isn't backported23:24
Jordan_Utekeli-li: Well, most people would just copy their files to a new flash drive, copy from there to their other machines, and just assume everything worked correctly. I would probably do that, then follow up with rsync on all machines afterward to check that there was no corruption. If you want to just have a reasonably good idea that the drive is good, beyond what you get from the general expectation that23:25
Jordan_Ua new product works, then run destructive badblocks and if the performance of the drive afterward is bad then return the drive.23:25
tekeli-liJordan_U, The generally poor reliability I've experienced with flash memory devices has given me reason to question whether a "new product works".23:27
tekeli-liJordan_U, As I understand the badblocks manpage, `badblocks` without options is read-only testing. One must supply either the `-w` or `-n` options to do write testing. Is that correct?23:29
Jordan_Utekeli-li: Understood, and I do agree that this is one area where what "most people would do" is not really a good idea for important files. But for example rather than worrying about wearing out or slowing down the drive by testing it, you should just test it and return the drive if either problem happens.23:30
tekeli-liJordan_U, Very well. Shall I test the drive with `badblocks -n /dev/sdc`, `badblocks -w /dev/sdc` followed by remaking the partition table and filesystem, or some other command?23:32
Richard_CavellHi everyone.  I would like to buy a laptop to run Ubuntu on natively.  Here is a description of my needs: http://ideone.com/J3OO5H  Looking for recommendations.23:36
Jordan_Utekeli-li: It looks like yes, a read only test is done if no other parameters are passed. No sense doing a test with -n if you're only going to follow it with a test with -w. Note that -n *does* write to every block of the drive, it just tries to ensure that the bits on the drive before running badblocks and after running badblocks are the same (barring hardware failure).23:36
sjLonghorn72Hi all, running YY with a self-built 4.9 kernel on a Dell XPS 15.  I've been having sporadic problem with suspend on lid-shut not working, and getting home to find a scorching hot laptop in my backpack.   I thought there was supposed to be something in ACPI that automatically forced shutdown in this case...23:38
sjLonghorn72Any suggestions on how to proceed?23:38
tekeli-liJordan_U, `badblocks -n /dev/sdc` it is then. I'll be doing a little more research on my own before I proceed. Thank you very much.   :)23:39
sjLonghorn72Logs seem to indicate it's an issue with brc wifi -- Dec  6 18:18:05 migdol-dell kernel: [32944.450300] brcmfmac: brcmf_pcie_pm_enter_D3: Timeout on response for entering D3 substate23:39
sjLonghorn72I do get several ACPI warnings on boot23:40
engpyI have some program files I can't get rid off. sude apt-get remove(or purge) filenames wont remove them. And there is easier way to get rid of all related files even they are in diffferent dirs?23:44
Bashing-omengpy: --purge will not remove config files in the /home directory .. where and what are these files that are not removed ?23:50
engpyBashing-om; they are in usr/share/23:56
Ben64"and what are these files that are not removed ?"23:57
Jordan_Uengpy: apt doesn't support providing a file name as a way to do something with the package that file is from. So you can't "sudo apt remove /usr/bin/firefox" (though that is a feature of yum/dnf that you might remember using in an RPM based distro). You can "dpkg -S /usr/bin/firefox", which will tell you that the "firefox" package is what contains that file, then you can "sudo apt remove firefox".23:58
engpyactually it is from xchat-gnome - I did remove the client with sudo apt-get remove xchat-gnome, but that file is still there and I can't touch it.23:59

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