[11:05] has anyone tested conjure novalxd setup? does it work out of the box or requires one to make changes to openstack networking? [11:06] i cannot ping any instance. security groups are fine and i don't know where to look. please help [11:20] vagarwal, does `lxc list` bring anything up ? [11:21] deanman: lxc list is showing several containers with juju prefix with ip assigned to them [11:22] i can access openstack horizon using one of the container ip address (as provided by the installer) [11:23] I think to be able to ping openstack instances you have to enable ICMP rules [11:23] i can launch an instance and use "ext-net" that is infact the conjureup0 subnet (10.99.0.xxx) [11:24] deanman: that was what i thought and i can clearly see the security group has allowed everything [11:24] i can ping (router ip) but i cannot ping the instance [11:25] Hmm can you try to ssh into that machine ? [11:25] it looks like the default router setting is not correct in the conjure novalxd setup [11:25] i cannot ssh either [11:25] i did a tcpdump on my the host machine and i can see there is no reply coming for echo [11:26] possible mising some nat rules? i got no idea how ovs works, hence clueless here [11:26] s/echo/icmp echo [11:27] To be honest i haven't used conjure myself so i don't know how exactly it works, e.g. are VM deployed with open stack seen as LXD instances on host or are they nested ? [11:35] openstack is using lxd as well [11:40] so you can see extra lxc instances created on `lxc list` when using OS [11:41] ? [11:41] Maybe you could then use `lxc exec bash` to gain shell access inside that and check network configuration ? [11:43] Have you seen this ? https://www.stgraber.org/2016/10/26/lxd-2-0-lxd-and-openstack-1112/ [15:41] Can the openstack-base charm be installed behind a proxy? [15:42] It uses "git://" addresses in the charm which I can't see a way to route to the proxy [15:59] kildurin: openstack-base should only really use the packages unless you're installing from upstream [15:59] kildurin: try setting your proxy settings in your model [16:13] deanman: i will look into ovs and read about neutron [16:14] i will even give a try to stgraber's method that involves manually spinning out the containers [16:24] vagarwal: well I was intrigued and bootstrapped stgraber's openstack just before leaving home. At least I could have a look on mine and share whether I see the same problem.