=== ben_r1 is now known as ben_r === nchambers^ is now known as nchambers === infinity1 is now known as infinity [13:59] <_ami_> Hi. [13:59] <_ami_> any framebuffer driver expert here? [14:02] <_ami_> i am trying to write a fb driver for 1.8" ST7735 display on raspberry pi2. (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amitesh-singh/ldd/master/tfts/fbsimple/fbsimple.c) [14:03] <_ami_> my code works and i can able to see X display on the screen. but the colors do seem correct. [14:03] <_ami_> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CzUeXR9UsAw2a7f.jpg:large [14:04] <_ami_> the background image is actually RED but it seems Violet [14:04] <_ami_> but the colors do seem incorrect**. === ben_r1 is now known as ben_r