[00:09] OK, now my apartment smells like a pine forest [06:36] HI [06:36] morning [07:22] might start watching the lethal weapon series next [09:15] j [09:15] k [09:15] l [09:15] d [09:15] c [09:21] Morning [09:22] good day [09:22] SuperMatt: remember helpouts.. how did the payment work? when the appointment was made or after the session finished? [09:22] crikey, I can't remember [09:22] I think it was afterwards [09:22] me either [09:22] what stopped people just walking away? [09:23] because they would get charged half price if they didn't turn up [09:23] oh! [09:23] so the payment processing was automated I guess [09:23] google wallet I think? [09:23] yeah [10:37] morning boys and girls. === brobosti1on is now known as brobostigon [16:15] Does anyone else get choppy HTML5 video in Firefox? Bonus points if you know how to fix it [16:16] hardware acceleration on or off? [16:16] on [16:16] tried turning it off? [16:16] :P [16:17] nope [16:17] not fixed, or not tried? [16:18] not tried [16:18] try it :D [16:20] seems about the same [16:20] gotta sneak out but I'll reply when I get back :) [16:28] about:support [16:29] and check the graphics section (webgl, hardware h264 decoding etc) [16:49] what gfx driver? [16:49] Azelphur: ^ === svea____ is now known as deltaforce