
Kiloshi RajRajRaj15:22
RajRajRajKilos: hi15:22
RajRajRajWanna read a truth15:22
RajRajRajBitter truth15:22
Kilosabout what?15:22
Kilosyes ill read it15:22
RajRajRaj20:09:23 <rajrajraj> https://www.quora.com/In-what-year-does-Kali-Yuga-end?srid=2v1A&share=49983c3e15:22
Kilosoh life sucks and then you die15:22
RajRajRajNo kidding15:23
Kiloswhen is Kali Yuga15:27
Kilosseems like right now but im past 50 long ago15:29
RajRajRajKilos: kaliyug started 5500 years ago15:30
RajRajRajThings got predicted 5000 years ago15:30
Kilosok so im doing ok then15:30
Kilosim long past 5015:30
Kilosprediction 1015:31
RajRajRajOk. So wont you want happy days for rest of your life15:31
Kilosyes and i will have then as soon as i have had my heart fixed and go back to OZ15:31
Kilosto be with my beloved15:32
RajRajRajKilos: people have lived for more than 10015:32
RajRajRaj50 is average15:32
Kilosso im doing ok then15:33
RajRajRajA lot of people now die at 6015:33
Kilosim 6515:33
RajRajRajKilos: you are just beyond average15:33
Kilosand want to spend next 30 years with my beloved15:33
RajRajRajI hope you doit happily15:33
Kilosty my friend15:34
RajRajRajCoz cruel use of technology is currently our enemy15:34
Kilosours was a union of souls 30 years ago15:34
RajRajRajGood for you15:34
RajRajRajI m 2515:34
Kilosbefore we even met we knew that the right person was in the same building15:34
RajRajRajI have face almost all production15:35
Kiloswhew you have a long way to go still15:35
RajRajRajI don't even wish to live longer than 5015:35
Kiloswhen you have a true love you dont want to leave her behind15:35
RajRajRajKilos: true hearts are always connected15:35
RajRajRajTrue love will be diamond from now on15:36
RajRajRajYou dig but no guarantee that you find it15:36
Kilosoh yes15:36
Kilosim very lucky15:36
RajRajRajYes you are15:36
Kiloswe found it 30 years ago and then let youthfull arrogance and pride break it up15:37
Kilosbut the love stayed even when apart15:37
Kilosim very lucky15:37
Kilosyou must look after yourself young man15:38

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