=== nk1 is now known as nkf1 [01:38] hey [01:39] I've problem with installing ubuntu-phone after building [01:39] when I run this command ./rootstock-touch-install zesty-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz system.img it copies for sometime then reboot to recovery [01:46] there is issue with this line adb push $TARPATH /recovery/ >/dev/null 2>&1 [01:48] anyidea ? [03:47] I'm trying WifiTransfer but it doesn't work. Can not connect. I'm using nexus 4 (mako). [04:36] how can I make a phone call via adb? [10:23] hi [10:25] test link ota 14 http://google.co.uk [10:25] xchay gnome [10:25] hmm [10:26] http://www.google.co.uk [10:27] i guess in chat links still not clickable then:( but one from topic opended up firefox [10:28] whats new in ota14 i dobt really see anything as such, but i read that this obe is mosyly bug fixes === JanC is now known as Guest42569 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [12:01] hi [12:10] Hi [12:10] are people in here using Ubuntu phones? [12:11] I am currently on a Samsug S3 mini and need a change [12:11] it seems no such ubuntu phones are readily available these days in DE? === enthusi_ is now known as enthusi [12:15] enthusi, see the topic / devices if yours is supported, i think it is not. [12:16] yes, none of those but I consider buying one specifically [12:16] but I have no clue which [12:16] a ready made ubuntu phone would have been nice but those are sold it it seems [12:17] but development is active? its not a sinking ship so to speak? :) [12:19] enthusi, development is active, but growing slow. [12:21] yeah, unfortunately [12:21] people will shy away because there is no WhatsApp already :) [12:21] *sugh* [12:22] sigh [12:22] do you use it? on what phone if I may ask? [12:22] any brand/device you would recommend? [12:22] enthusi, i know, whatsapp and facebook are a * must* .. no, i don't have a capable ubuntu-phone :-( [12:37] enthusi, I have ubuntu phones [12:37] enthusi, plus another type of Linux based phone, that oh can actsually run whatsapp as well [12:37] etc [12:38] actaully make that two for ones that can actsaully run whatsapp but not tried on either [13:41] so why did i lose the background it changed to on ota 14 update on mx 4 [13:41] when I put a background [13:41] for log in screen [13:42] changed to a more yellowey one, but then lost that [13:42] and no it's not there as an option in background images [13:42] shame since that was also the like only thing i noticed that was new [13:42] mx 4 had gone from ota 12 to 14 [13:59] hello everybody [14:00] did someone tried to install ota14 on meizu mx6? [14:01] pgp, no don't think so [14:02] pgp, and that was just a remour or an apparnatly that they would release a mx 6 ubuntu [14:02] maybe next year i guess [14:02] when already an old phon [14:02] e [14:03] pgp, maybe the software for putting Ubuntu onto a Meizu MX 4 Android,would mostly work with a MX 6 as well, or just brick the phone [15:08] ok thank you! SebthreeBQM10HD [15:24] hello [15:26] how can i sync my device on debian? [15:30] anybody here? [15:40] hmm, bots only discussion ... [15:40] bye [15:43] erik__, I use ssh and copy ~ dir [15:46] i just run syncthing binary [15:46] XD [15:46] obviouslydont leave it running all day, just get home, plug phone in to charge, fire up syncthing [15:46] leave for 10 minutes, come back its usually done [15:49] SebthreeBQM10HD: out of curiosity, which linuxey phones do you have that can run whatsapp? [15:56] Acou_Bass, the Jolla phone and Samsuing Z1 so the Tizen phone [15:57] not tried on either though yet! [15:57] ahh i loved sailfishOS, probably my favourite mobile OS yet [15:57] not tried tizen yet ;( [15:57] Acou_Bass, yeah salifish can run most andorid apps [15:57] same for tizen I guess [15:57] so sa far as i Know whatsapp should be fine on those [15:57] or fine enough [15:58] i used it on a nexus so no alien-dalvik for me but aside from that it was a really nice OS hehe [15:58] yep, but many will use it fr andrid apps or mostly rather than native [15:58] i never used android anyway so i dont really miss android apps [15:58] oh what did you use then? [15:58] android has always annyed me since adverts :d [15:58] my first smartphone was an n900 [15:58] install some android apps and bang adverts [15:58] after that i went to a firefoxOS phone [15:59] not neassiary androids fualt but yeah [15:59] yes I got a firefox os phone as well [15:59] then once firefoxOS died i bought a nexus 4 and since then ive been switching between sailfish + ubuntu XD [15:59] I been meaning t possibly buy a nexus 4 from some where [15:59] so can change around oses eaisesr [16:00] weirdly theres a (very unofficial, VERY VERY BUGGY) version of sailfishOS for my firefoxOS phone too so i played around on that a bit before i jumped to the nexus [16:00] oh is there? [16:00] yeah ZTE open C [16:01] I got the Alcatel something [16:01] Acou_Bass, is that the ZTE maybe that they sold directly on ebay ? [16:01] yeah it is [16:01] oh missed out on that [16:01] or was :P [16:01] didn't know at the time etc [16:02] back then would have thought they just sold in Afria or whatever and that was that [16:02] i followed firefoxOS with interest so when my n900 borked (i did the typical yank the USB socket too hard..) it was prmetime to jump ship to firefox [16:02] Acou_Bass, anyway Tizen you can have that, just buy it directly from India or something, like I did :) [16:02] hehe [16:02] how is tizen though? whats app selection like [16:02] I followed it here and there to [16:02] or kind of [16:02] boot 2 geck then changed to firefox os [16:02] I Guess not enough [16:02] Acou_Bass, seems I haven't been following Jolla / Salifish OS enough this year as well as I found out in October! [16:03] is tizen still EFL-based? [16:03] Tizen is very much like Samsungs Android interface [16:03] you would notice very little differnece, from what I Have seen [16:03] ahh [16:03] on smart watches it has a diffenret interface though [16:03] they even had a stand at FOSDEM this year that I was at for a bit [16:03] funn [16:04] Acou_Bass, then to install Android apps, you need well first to be logged into your samsung account to use the phone [16:04] i really think that was firefoxOS's advantage really, they basically jumped onto a platform with 10000 ready-made 'apps' already made for them XD [16:04] then you can download an app for running android apps [16:04] ahhh cool [16:04] and that app must be installed to run android apps [16:04] with a non-jolla phone its a similar thing on sailfish [16:04] salifish they have android app support [16:05] dont' need to add anything extra [16:05] because you cant get the jolla dalvik thing on non-jolla phones youve gotta use some weird hacky 3rd-party method [16:05] maybe not sure [16:05] it is true of the nexus at least hehe [16:05] its some licensing issue they have, theyre only licensed to release their dalvik thing on their own devices [16:05] so 3rd-party ports dont get it [16:06] Acou_Bass, well I read about a index intex whatever the company called [16:06] so of course the community hacked their own thing together [16:06] oh yeah i saw that [16:06] Acou_Bass, Salifhs OS phone that would be sold in India in the summer [16:06] aquafish or something [16:06] yep that's the one [16:06] aquafish [16:06] the one that had a controversial 3rd page for ads basically :D [16:06] nice newer hardware specs etc :) [16:06] I mean the jolla phone is alright, but the hardware was already old really, wehn I got mine like three years or so ago [16:06] sailfish doesnt really need newer hardware specs TBH - i found it ran like silk on my nexus 4 [16:07] must be a super lightweight OS [16:07] indeed tjolla phone is basic hardware [16:07] Acou_Bass, anyway turns out there was a Jolla C phone as well that I missed it seems hmm [16:07] yeahh [16:07] Acou_Bass, there's a guy all into Jolla from around here, well he works for them [16:07] Acou_Bass, he ports the OS to other devices etc [16:08] im just not sure on jolla's future :( they seem to be going down the shitter which is a huge shame [16:08] Acou_Bass, so I was doing an event in october [16:08] for Linux Presentation Day :0 [16:08] :) [16:08] hehe [16:08] but wanted to do mobile as well, not just desktop stuff [16:08] wanted to creative common stuff to make more intersgin to hoefpully to public as well [16:08] background music, open movies [16:08] hello again [16:08] some graphics [16:09] yeahh [16:09] so yeah did all that [16:09] Acou_Bass, and got in contact with the guy, and yes he could come along :) [16:09] had mett him about a year or two before at my LUG, and nearly did for a FOSDEM to, but nop9e [16:09] so he meniotend some jolla c in a email wehn I asked what he could bring [16:09] theres a LUG in my city but i havent been able to go yet... maybe in the new year [16:09] Acou_Bass, but the aquafish has pretty much the same specs according to another guy [16:10] Acou_Bass, where is your city ? [16:10] manchester UK hehe [16:10] manlug :D [16:10] Acou_Bass, I got my jolla on a old version of salifhs still as well since... [16:10] may keep it so [16:10] for ages [16:10] like I am doing with one of my ubuntu phones [16:10] oh? whys that [16:10] can show people the past and thep resent then , the changes a bit as well at times if doing that [16:10] ahhh true [16:11] Acou_Bass, since I thought it might have swapped with that guys jolla phone, that was partly it [16:11] but then didn't do much with it [16:11] I had to factory re set before all that to [16:11] then you get other devices and what not as well [16:11] Acou_Bass, I think Salifish OS can currently do a load more than say Ubuntu Touch, with it's ANdroid support [16:11] app support, but [16:11] yepp right now it can (and its native apps for the most part are a hell of a lot better too) [16:12] I am more interested in Ubuntu Touch really, where things seem to be going etc [16:12] it's taking time, but yeah [16:12] Ubuntu touch will merge into Ubuntu personal to etc [16:12] yeah thats sort of my take on it too - *right now* sailfish is the better OS - but it seems to have stagnated whereas ubuntu touch is going places :D [16:12] same interface Unity 8 and code base with everything with a screen etc. libertine working nicely on the desktop to for older xorg stuff, not just phone and tablet etc [16:13] Acou_Bass, you could say Android is the better OS right now even, if you want loads of those apps [16:13] and such [16:13] UT upgrade (13 to 14) isn't working with twrp on the device. why does the upgrade need access to the recovery? [16:13] Acou_Bass, or Remix OS based on it [16:13] i dont think libertine is going to be around much longer to be honest... once click packages come to the phone there wont really be any need for libertine XD [16:13] but Ubuntu touch is the one that weill interesting stuff is going to happen to it for sure [16:13] clicks should support Xmir transparently [16:13] in the next two years or so it seems [16:13] at least thats what i was told in here last time i asked about it [16:13] Acou_Bass, not everything will be ported to whatever though [16:13] Acou_Bass, so for running older programs, libertine has it's use [16:14] yeah i suppose anything that people dont make snaps for (i meant snaps, not clicks) XD [16:14] Acou_Bass, I am in Engalnd to by the way [16:14] ooh? whereabouts [16:14] near Bristol [16:14] ahhh nice ;D [16:14] Acou_Bass, so we had a Bristol Linux Presetation Day event in October of this year [16:15] Acou_Bass, the 3rd UK LUG to have one, the 3rd group in general [16:15] Acou_Bass, now this is a nice idea http://linux-presentation-day.org [16:15] I intend to organise two more next year as well [16:15] it's meant to be two per year really for each group [16:15] oh sure there have been similar things like that before, but not quite ike that [16:15] ahhh thats awesome [16:16] seems it's going to a bit more global next time as well [16:16] not just euroope :) [16:16] so like a cross-country 'LUG' for doing presentations [16:16] sweet [16:16] Acou_Bass, no it's a way to show the pubic linux [16:16] get them into it etc [16:16] well yeah [16:16] but its sort of like an event except lots of them at once.. sort of? XD [16:16] Acou_Bass, but desktop linux wel lwe know it's good but [16:16] Acou_Bass, but mobile is where it's at a lot now [16:17] desktop comput8ing uhmm not used as much by pe9ple in general [16:17] and Windows 10 kind of works or enough hmm [16:17] and Macs to so [16:17] youd be surprised... desktops arent as dead as people think XD and especially not laptops [16:18] Acou_Bass, well peole sito n the us iwth phones and such [16:18] not lap tops now or rarely [16:18] Acou_Bass, many home users rarely use lap tops or desktops now, since mobile phones etc [16:18] ehh i suppose [16:18] everyone in my house has a laptop each XD [16:18] and we are not geeks ;p [16:18] well i am [16:18] Acou_Bass, what Canonicala re trying to do with convergne is good [16:18] ,but [16:18] but mum and dad arent :D [16:19] Acou_Bass, how old are you? [16:19] mid-20s ;D [16:19] but not every9one will want the same interface on everything etc [16:19] Acou_Bass, ok late 20's for me [16:20] from what ive seen with my parents, having the same interface on everything is a good thing... my mum can switch between her phone and tablet without even thinking about it because android is android [16:20] Acou_Bass, I think how Ubuntu Touch or perosnal whatever [16:20] and she runs gnome on her laptop so its almost similar [16:20] Acou_Bass, will be able to run lots of standard xorg programs is a good thing right there [16:20] and easilly, in a graph8ical way, so not there yet [16:21] Acou_Bass, lots of great quality standard linux programs :) [16:21] over 20 years wroth really I guess [16:21] like i reckon snaps should be able to sort that as long as X apps are made into snaps, but for joe average they probably wont even need to use them if there are enough 'native' touch/convergence apps made [16:21] Acou_Bass, however bare in mind, that most of that will not be ported over to mir or wayland, so yeah libertine has it's purpoouse still [16:21] and xmir [16:21] and yeah [16:22] have you ever used gnome on wayland? 'legacy' applications is completely transparent, you dont even know about it [16:22] firefox just works without a hitch [16:22] Acou_Bass, anyway using having a ubuntu phone or tablet is nice, since it's like a glimpse, a preview of the feuture, what's to come, waht's to come, or kind of thing that is to come, to the desktop as well, etc [16:22] wayland is there already, mir isnt sadly, but it will be :D [16:23] nope not used gnome on wayland, but yes that's how it's meant to be, meant to just work, as long as the graphics card can support it [16:23] otherwise with say fedora 25 they get xorg instead [16:23] I read [16:23] yeah they do [16:23] mir is thighed to Ubuntu [16:23] but yepp, wayland with gnome just works even with Xorg apps [16:23] no one else wants otu se mir really [16:23] theyre right there in the applications menuw here they belong [16:23] did read a nice blog post about mir, and how it could be used by others [16:23] from soimeone from Canonical i think it was [16:23] yah [16:23] but pretty much every other distro will go Wayland not Mir [16:23] they also won't go Unity 8 [16:24] or any tiime soon [16:24] technical and political reasons [16:24] meh im fine with that [16:24] let canonical do their own thing [16:24] I am thinking that to reallly [16:24] plus I lik new stuff [16:24] that can seeen etc [16:24] my theory is [16:24] other distros aren't really inovating much like that now so [16:24] rather tan us all just going to wayland mindlessly [16:24] we get TWO great new display serves [16:24] since they all tend to use pretty much the same thing from upstream so [16:24] and the best one will win ;D [16:24] with therir branding changeing and such and that's about it [16:25] Acou_Bass, no I think choice is good ;) [16:25] if wayland crashes and burns we can all jump ship to mir and port our other DE's to it [16:25] Acou_Bass, imagine going to the sweet shop, and all you had, was a Mars bar and a Twixx, how boring ? [16:25] if mir crashes and burns we can all jump to wayland [16:26] Acou_Bass, altough on the subject of eating things, there should probably be much less meaty choices, or at a higher price :d, but that's another topic [16:26] i dont thinkmany chocolate bars contain meat anyway [16:26] Acou_Bass, they don't, but some will contain gelatine, not what I was getting into though [16:27] XD [16:27] Acou_Bass, meat in general, seems to be cheaper than vegetarian or vegan food at times, that's wrong! [16:27] * SebthreeBQM10HD went veggie for ethical moral reasons :d [16:27] yeah well we all have our moral passions, i personally wont use motor vehicles xD but thats just me [16:27] what you don't go in cars ? [16:27] or buses ? [16:28] or planes ? [16:28] or trains [16:28] definitely not cars if i can help it (im not saying i NEVER will, but i wont drive one and will avoid when possible) [16:28] XD [16:28] whys that ? [16:28] because theyre RIDICULOUSLY dangerous for a start [16:28] why you think that? [16:29] motor crashes account for nearly all of human deaths (its basically the only un-natural cause of death in the top 5 causes of human deaths...) [16:29] uh my older brother just went some whre he could have walked easy, in the car [16:29] y'know behind things like heart disease and certain cancers [16:30] Acou_Bass, are you a guy or girl :d ? [16:30] i genuinely believe 'car culture' is probably the worst thing to have happened in our modern times, its absolutely terrible [16:30] im a guy [16:30] not a worrying girl, oh h eh :D [16:30] Acou_Bass, cars pollut the world [16:30] Acou_Bass, it sucks how to do something more proper, usaully havev to travel miles to [16:30] honestly the pollution is terrible, yes, but the cultural affects IMO are just as bad [16:30] since how the world is set up [16:31] the cultural effects such as? [16:31] and certain people would say tech in genera l is bad, so computers etc to [16:31] like i said, thousands of people dying all the time from motor crashes and the rest of the world just shrugging their shoulders going 'oh well, cars are good' [16:31] the fact that our cities are built for cars with only a tiny amount of space in the city for other things [16:31] I don't live in a city :) [16:32] but yeah manchester willl be busy [16:32] cars make people lazy [16:32] they do yes [16:32] its the spacing thing, and the people dying all the time thing that bothers me most [16:32] its annoying how go to travel for miles for lots of things [16:32] and instead of actually tackling the problem of cars being dangerous, they tell other members of the public to wear stupid clothing so car drivers can see them better [16:32] so transport [16:33] as though thatll fix anything [16:33] its disgusting and it wont change until our govt sees the problem and makes changes to our infrastructure to prevent it [16:33] Acou_Bass, sure it will :d a nice multi coloured Ubuntu top of some sort [16:34] XD [16:34] Acou_Bass, with a nice orange Ubuntu cap as well :d [16:34] i have an arch linux cycling shirt, does that count? [16:34] maybe [16:34] Acou_Bass, I have lots of geek t-shirts now [16:34] since done FOSEM the last six years [16:34] i hardly have any, i need to pad my wardrobe out a bit with them [16:34] oh and OGG Camp to, wasn't one this year [16:34] since 2012 for both events [16:35] Acou_Bass, intending on going again in Feburaruy, but wil lbe diffenret [16:35] Acou_Bass, the project I been invovled with here and there, won't have a stand this time, etc [16:35] where is it? [16:35] Brussels [16:35] ahhh [16:35] or near [16:36] Acou_Bass, it's the llike best open source event in Europe though, or pretty much [16:36] yeahh [16:36] Acou_Bass, I even got to meet and chat to and shake hands with Mark Shuttleworth briefly there this year :) [16:37] did you show him your ubuntu phone, and make sure hes got one too? [16:37] Acou_Bass, h eh no [16:37] Acou_Bass, it was after a talk, some guy kept on answering questions inside of speaker [16:37] ahh [16:37] then it clicked, oh yeah I recognise that voice, ah right of course it's [16:37] Acou_Bass, I had already mettt Richard Stallman for eaxmple and chatted to breifly etc [16:38] tried to get his signature in not a great way actsaully h e h [16:38] 0,o [16:38] whatd you do [16:38] hand him a macbook? [16:38] h eh no [16:38] anyway so Mark ok :) [16:38] some other guy went to mark first I think first, same kind of reason [16:39] Acou_Bass, but yeah you get to meet some of these interesting peopple at events etc [16:39] Stallman was a specfic talk though that happended in Bath [16:39] two hours of him chatting [16:39] non stop except water brakes and such [16:40] did he do Q&A or anything? [16:40] at the end a bit I think so [16:40] stallman [16:40] yes he did [16:40] i really think the Q&A format lends itself better for people like stallman who are maybe seen as a bit radical [16:40] soemone asked him a question to do with the bsd slisnce [16:40] and if htat was ok enough to use or not in certain situations [16:41] Acou_Bass, Stallman is ok [16:42] oh yeah im not saying he isnt :D but y'know to the general public they might see his ideas as crazy, and so a Q&A i think is better for that sort of thing [16:42] rather than him just preaching to a crowd [16:42] get people to really see how his ideals affect them [16:42] Acou_Bass, yes he comes across a bitt crazzy to many it seems, but eh [16:43] Acou_Bass, people don't genrally care enough about tech, just want to use something that works etc [16:43] I remember reading the GNU philospey at 17 [16:43] thinking like yes [16:43] yes this makes sense [16:43] you dont have to convince me of that, i run fully-free distros on my machines except for my PC and my ubuntu phone XD [16:43] and agreeing to most things I had read as well [16:44] Acou_Bass, well ther eisn't really a ethical phone os in that sense or enough? [16:44] well there's like a android altenriav thing [16:44] or based [16:44] yeah [16:44] replicant [16:44] repicant yeah [16:44] but even then youre using the baseband blobs [16:44] and there are ubuntu veriosns without the stuff to [16:44] but i suppose thats no different to the nonfree BIOS's [16:44] and to connect to a network you use non free software [16:44] not much choice there it seems [16:45] Acou_Bass, not may change bios [16:45] my laptop just works with linux-libre, even though its not advertised as such XD i reckon most people would be in a similar boat if they tried it [16:45] linux libre as in a general terem ? [16:45] no linux-libre is a build of the linux kernel with zero proprietary blobs in it [16:46] it ships on fully-free FSF-approved distros hehe [16:46] oh and sofftware freedom activist :d Acou_Bass Ubuntu phone you said! right BAD BOY! that's not free enough and will tigh people into Canonical [16:46] h eh [16:46] meh, its better than android :D [16:46] and sailfishOS is very proprietary too [16:46] most of the top layer is proprietary [16:46] yes so people say [16:46] that salifish os is actaully quite propritary [16:47] but hey it's linux based and nice os [16:47] the day i can run guixSd on my phone i can die happy [16:47] thatd be amazing [16:47] Acou_Bass, I genreallly prefer to use free software, but will use what works to [16:47] Acou_Bass, what annoys me a bit is the whole people who think they need Microsoft OFfice, when don't really [16:47] Acou_Bass, or Adoboe photoshop [16:47] or that LInux sucks really since propritary gaming that a bit to [16:48] Acou_Bass, oh and my Ubuntu tablet can run Libre Office :) [16:48] games are a tricky one to work around... you cant exactly just make a FOSS alternative to call of duty or GTA5 and expect people to switch to it, they expect the real thing hehe [16:48] Acou_Bass, it's nice having a stand to help out at FOSDEM, when don't want to go to to many talks [16:48] Acou_Bass, but the distro I been invovled wiht didn't get accepted this year as a stand [16:49] so many projects want a stand at FOSDEM you see [16:49] i can imagine :O [16:49] double then they can havev [16:49] I think tehy are trying to let projects in that are enwer more now, or had a break [16:49] I see BSD is back for example [16:49] Acou_Bass, this is reminding me, but might seei if I can help at the libre office stand maybe :d [16:49] Acou_Bass, might bring my Ubuntu tablet along to, so can show people it running libre office :d [16:50] got a contact there or kind of thing [16:50] if theres a guixSD stand say hi to those folks :D their distro is amazing [16:50] or the nixos :D [16:50] pluss it looked llike a fun one to help out the last few years [16:50] Acou_Bass, nixos maybe, guixSD no [16:50] Acou_Bass, Libre OFfice people are great, I been sent stuff twice now :) for events I had here [16:50] hehe [16:50] for free [16:51] whats wrong with guix ;D [16:51] Acou_Bass, ok I didn't ask for anythig to major like t-shirts, but yes i got more than just stickers and flyers last time so October :) [16:51] XD awesome [16:51] document foundation pin badges in a bag [16:51] and ballons as well :) [16:51] didn't end up using hte ballons, but next time will use some [16:51] Acou_Bass, green libre office ballons with a free pump as well [16:52] a blue free pump [16:52] XD [16:52] Acou_Bass, there were some issues at the begning of the event etc, so dind't really have time to pump up ballons [16:52] but next time well :) I guess [16:53] Acou_Bass, may be worth bringin tablet along to show stuff like libe office [16:53] i do want to attend events like this at some point, just not sure if/when ill be able to make my way to them [16:53] Acou_Bass, I mean even at FOSDEM, not that many people will have sen it on an Ubuntu tablet for real I expect so [16:53] get a nexus 4 and get ubuntu on it, then you can show it on a PHONE:D [16:54] that's not the commerical phone though [16:54] hehe true [16:54] Acou_Bass, but annoying would hae to take tablet out at air port [16:54] security [16:54] they want those out [16:54] ! [16:54] Acou_Bass, plus then do I bother with a bue too thekbyarod with my stand thing or not uh probaboy fi taking it, which one.... you get a load of extra stuff back with [16:55] so don't want to go with too much as well [16:55] XD [16:55] true [16:55] tablets ae good for that [16:55] plus got a gaming tablet device thing to take iwth [16:55] maybe two een [16:55] all in one neat little package [16:55] alrighty back later, time to eat :D (and cook me a pecan pie for our baking competition next week) WOO [16:55] Acou_Bass, I am more a marketing person [16:55] Acou_Bass, promotion [16:56] Acou_Bass, a baking competion oh ? [16:56] A pie should not survive 7 days [16:57] OerHeks, yeah true I guess [17:13] OerHeks: well the competition is tomorrow [17:13] yes my work is having a 'great british bake-off' competition [17:13] :P [17:14] whaat is your work [17:14] ? [17:14] i work at the head office of a sports fashion retailer hehe, not remotely IT-related [17:14] :D [17:14] Acou_Bass, Sports Direct [17:41] no, jd sports SebthreeBQM10HD [17:42] Acou_Bass, oh that branded one hmm [17:43] Acou_Bass, but you shoudn't work there, since msot of their customers will come by motor vechiles :d [18:23] can i edit rootstock-touch-install script to fit on my device ? === founderio1 is now known as founderio [20:01] SebthreeBQM10HD: i dont work on the JD sports part i work on their outdoors divison ;) all tents and bikes and walking gear ;D [20:19] the phone stuck at bootlogo , is there any thing I can do ? [20:38] lenikeda [20:38] lenkeds [20:38] lenkeda when which phone [20:39] I'm porting to new device called samsung galaxy star [20:39] I'm making a new build now with some kernel changes [20:40] oh a port [20:40] is ubuntu recovery is required ? I'm using twrp3.0.2 [20:40] well yeah things are likely to go wrong on any port [20:40] there's like one guy doing ubuntu ports [20:40] ubports [20:41] but I think most of us won't know much about porting, but could be wrong [20:41] anyway I can't help you much either way [20:41] ok , what about recovery ? [20:42] you need developer mode to do ports [20:42] I think [20:42] if that's what you mean [20:42] i mean must i use ubuntu recovery.img to get ubuntu working or any recovery will work ? [20:43] what's the recoveyry image ? [20:43] and I guess that's the thing to try [20:45] afetr building ubuntu phone there are some .img files one of them is recovery.img that's what get loaded when you enter recovery mode [20:45] try tht i don't know though [20:45] ok [21:31] hey guys i'm doing a project based on ubuntu touch,I can't find anywhere how ubuntu touch manages processes,energy,storage... [23:31] Hi, I have problem playing mp4 mkv videos which I downloaded via youtube-dl. With the newest OTA I can't replay almost all videos anymore. How can I fix this?