
cmaloneyLockharts is not in Lake Orion. ;)00:40
cmaloneythat's in Royal Oak01:20
cmaloneysnow day14:30
cmaloneyalso: good morning14:30
jrwrensnow day indeed.14:30
jrwrengood morning14:30
wolfgerisn't every day a snow day for you, cmaloney ?14:32
cmaloneyright now it is, but having JoDee here is a +14:33
cmaloneyHaving to go out and snow blow the driveway is not a huge plus though14:59
=== wolfger is now known as Cake
=== Cake is now known as Guest82855
=== Guest82855 is now known as wolfger
cmaloneywell, I made it a whole season last year without winding the extension cable into the snow blower16:25
cmaloneythis season, notsomuch16:26
rick_hmy wife did that last year, blew up the blades on the blower16:33
rick_htook a few weeks and replacement parts...sucks16:33
rick_hcmaloney: hope it came through just needing some untangling16:34
_stink_i bought a snowblower, used it for one season.  forgot to empty the gas tank after the season.  now it only runs on choke.  instead of having it cleaned up... it has collected dust for 4 years and i just shovel.16:40
_stink_every fall i hear 'hey you should get the snowblower working'16:40
jrwrenthat sounds like something I would do.16:40
_stink_every winter i hear 'you should have gotten the snowblower working'16:40
jrwrenall you gotta do is give it fresh gas, yeah?16:40
_stink_i have tried fresh gas plus gas goo additive16:41
_stink_still no go16:41
jrwrenoh, weird.16:41
jrwrensmall engine repair is not something I enjoy. I know some people actually like it.16:41
_stink_i would like to learn it for sure16:41
_stink_but you know... it's pretty far down the list16:42
rick_hyea, would be handy16:43
jrwreni've intentionally avoided owning any small engines, so I've not needed to repair them ;)16:45
rick_hone way16:47
rick_hmy wife didn't find getting handed the snow shovels while I was having summer across the world appealing though.16:47
rick_hwith the lawn service though, all engines are put away in storage other than the snow blower one yay16:48
jrwrenha! nice!16:48
jrwreni miss lawn service :(16:48
jrwrenbut when the lawn service weed whacked our herb garden... i knew we were done with lawn service.16:49
wolfgerYou should have the blower repaired or replaced. Then it will refuse to snow much that season, and the rest of us will thank you for it.17:04
wolfgerThe year I bought my blower was the least-snowy year in memory.17:04
cmaloneyrick_h: Unfortunately the shielding tore, so it's ruined17:17
rick_hcmaloney: ouch17:17
cmaloneyAmazon is bringing me another one. :)17:17
rick_hcmaloney: the cable or the blower?17:18
cmaloneyExtension cord17:18
rick_hah ok, yea that's easier to deal with for sure17:18
cmaloneyYeah, John (my old boss) bought a hefty snow blower one year17:22
cmaloneythat was they year we had the mildest winter17:22
jrwrenin fact, _stink_ you are now the reason we have had so much snow the last 4 yrs.17:23
jrwren_stink_: I blame you for not fixing your snow blower.17:23
_stink_really sorry guys17:23
wolfger^ +117:23
_stink_at least your kids like it!17:23
_stink_i did it for them.17:23
jrwrenthat is true. She is sledding right now.17:24
_stink_mine have already been out and back in17:24
cmaloneylikely story17:24
jrwrenmy tailbone still hurts just thinking about it.17:24
wolfgerThe reason adults don't sled: everything hurts more.17:24
cmaloneyWe're not built like giant shock-absorbers anymore17:25
wolfgermass++; flexibility--17:25

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