=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [11:55] hi, is there a way to list/search all blueprints of a project, including the ones that have been closed? [11:57] rdopiera: "List all blueprints" in the sidebar. [11:58] that only lists the active ones [11:58] aah, no, I'm wrong, thanks [15:52] "login.launchpad.net uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on 2016-11-16 12:00. The current time is 2016-12-13 15:52." [15:53] anybody happen to know if that domain name is deprecated>? [15:53] looks like the cert should still be valid though [15:53] teward: why would an expired cert be valid? [15:54] dobey: 11/16/16, 7:00:00 AM EST <-- expiry date on the cert [15:54] oh wait [15:54] November vs. December [15:54] yeah [15:54] wow i need sleep [15:54] or coffee [15:54] last month :P [15:54] dobey: give me coffee :P [15:54] dobey: any idea who would need poked? Is that canonical IS ? [15:54] yes [15:57] dobey: anywhere specific we should poke or should we email in a ticket to rt? [15:57] i can never remember what the freenode channel is [15:57] #canonical-is or #canonical-isd or something like that [15:58] it's #canonical-sysadmin [15:58] yep [15:59] but don't bother, I'll chase it [15:59] cjwatson: i'm already there and prodded, but OK [16:01] though if it expired a month ago, this probably doesn't explain why our openid auth against it just started failing in the past few minutes [16:02] fungi: your login probably only just expired today [16:02] well, not mine specifically. all the users of our servers suddenly began reporting it in the past few minutes [16:04] since we authenticate them all via openid against login.launchpad.net [16:04] Yeah, I can't explain that part of it [16:04] fungi: If you're not launchpad.net, though, you should probably be using login.ubuntu.com instead FWIW [16:05] they're the same backend DB, but most things that aren't Launchpad itself use login.ubuntu.com [16:05] good to know. we've used login.l.n for ~5 years, and unfortunately have applications (particularly gerrit) which don't have a mechanism to let users register additional openids to an existing account, so if we switch it all our users will end up with duplicate accounts [16:05] yeah [16:05] yeah, that would be a problem [16:06] anyway, it's not deprecated, we'll get the cert fixed [16:06] testing currently to find out if the id substring remains constant such that we could insert additional openids for the different url into our databases [16:07] thanks for looking into it, cjwatson [16:07] yeah it's the same DB, so the actual id part of the URL should be the same for either domain [16:22] hi, any update on login.launchpad.net ? it is using expired SSL certs [16:32] hi, HSTS / certificate expired on login.launchpad.net is a known issue? https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=login.launchpad.net&s= [16:53] edux,jelly: yes, being worked on [16:54] quite why it only blew up today when it expired >27 days ago, it is not clear [16:55] my (completely baseless) assumption is the ssl cert somehow got rolled back to an older one [16:55] but it does seem fixed again now [16:55] thanks cjwatson! [16:56] Indeed [16:56] (I didn't actually fix it, just poked internally) [17:39] cjwatson: thanks for poking it :) === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk