=== lubmil is now known as lu [10:35] dzień dzień [13:19] HELP === lubmil is now known as lub` === pavlushka is now known as The_Doctorman === The_Doctorman is now known as pavlushka [23:01] .t [23:01] Thu, 15 Dec 2016 00:01:35 CET [23:01] .s [23:01] Sentencja na 350. dzień roku: „Bóg jest subtelny ale złośliwy. (Einstein)” [23:01] .tr :pl :en Sentencja na 350. dzień roku: ?Bóg jest subtelny ale złośliwy. (Einstein)? [23:01] Saying 350. day of the year: ?God is subtle, but malicious. (Einstein)?