[04:58] how? [05:01] streaming [13:23] I think Next Cloud accidentally released this PDF. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://nextcloud.com/wp-content/themes/next/assets/files/NCC_report_full.pdf%3Fx16328&ved=0ahUKEwi_h-itqfvQAhVNxGMKHejUDGAQFgglMAA&usg=AFQjCNHBXohkCPtde_P5ee28qzd82ui-QQ&sig2=5w_gG2b2J3JmES_ZBm4O6w [13:24] Security features for the new Nextcloud 11 release are; - - - - - - - - - Two Factor Authentication using U2F / TOTP Bruteforce protection Content Security Policy v3.0 Support (with nonce instead of "self" for script-src) Same-Site cookies support Password confirmation for sensitive actions (e.g. when changing email or passwords) Same-Site cookies are prefixed with __Ho [13:24] logic Use HTTPS by default if no protocol is given Application specific tokens can be forbidden file system access [15:30] @AdamOutler, No acci6 [20:50] @Ivoriesablaze let's try to promote the walk next year though UWN [20:50] Ubuntu weekly newsletter [21:41] Ok