=== JediKnight is now known as Guest69299 === Kilos- is now known as Kilos [12:21] Hello & welcome everyone :) [12:21] o/ Kilos [12:22] hi pavlushka [12:26] Welcome abhra :) [12:26] abhra: how is it going? [12:27] abhra: update, our bot is now u-la-la , it logins with me and quits with me :) [12:28] Hello abhra :) [12:28] helllo u-la-la [12:29] good work pavlushka [12:29] doing fine till now [12:29] abhra: it only understands dictionary spelled words mostly :) [12:29] hello u-la-la [12:30] ok [12:30] good morning u-la-la [12:31] abhra: sorry and may be its like this :) "u-la-la hello" [12:31] u-la-la: hello [12:31] howsit [12:32] u-la-la, good morning [12:32] evening [12:32] everything has to be preceded by u-la-la to make it recognizable to the bot, man! who will remind me when I forget :( [12:33] abhra: and it borrowed the coffee pots from QA, lol [12:33] u-la-la: coffee on [12:33] * u-la-la washes some mugs [12:33] i am here. nothing to worry. এবার মনে হচ্ছে ব্রাক্ষী শাক খাওয়া শুরু করতে হবে [12:34] u-la-la, coffee? [12:34] abhra: *blink* [12:34] u-la-la: help [12:34] pavlushka: I can help you with: administrative functions, bot accounts and permissions, debugging me, looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. [12:34] Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. [12:35] abhra: do a "u-la-la coffee please" [12:35] u-la-la, coffee please [12:35] abhra: Alrighty [12:35] :) [12:37] Coffee's ready for pavlushka and abhra! [12:37] u-la-la: ty [12:37] You are welcome my friend [12:38] u-la-la, ty [12:38] You are welcome my friend [12:46] abhra: ব্রাক্ষী শাক কি? এই মুহূর্তে অভিধান টাই খুঁজে পাচ্ছিনা, হা হা হা :) [12:47] স্মৃতি শক্তিবর্ধক কিছু? [12:47] one form of green leafy vegetable which is used to increase remembrance [12:50] abhra: এটা মনে রাখার জন্যেও অামাকে ব্রাহ্মী শাক খেতে হবে :) [12:50] ;) [12:55] oh, I didn't noticed that u-la-la is time aware, lol [12:55] u-la-la: Good afternoon [12:55] hoezit [12:56] u-la-la: good afternoon [12:56] morning [12:56] u-la-la: good morning [12:56] evening [12:57] oh my, I dont know what it is saying, ভাঙ খেয়েছে হয়তো [13:20] brb [14:45] ;) [14:45] u-la-la, how are you? [14:45] abhra: I already know stuff about how [14:45] :) [14:49] u-la-la, ok [14:49] abhra: Excuse me? [14:50] u-la-la, ty [14:50] You are welcome my friend [16:41] u-la-la: ok [16:41] :) [17:09] u-la-la coffee on [17:09] * u-la-la washes some mugs [17:09] pavlushka coffee time [17:09] u-la-la: coffee please [17:09] pavlushka: Okay [17:13] Coffee's ready for Kilos and pavlushka! [17:14] u-la-la: ty [17:14] You are welcome my friend [17:26] ubuntulog gracias [17:26] ai! [17:37] where the bot went [17:38] hi zaki arent you supposed to be sleeping [17:48] hi Kilos [17:48] and pavlushka [17:48] Hey zaki , whassup/ [17:49] exam next day. [17:49] 2nd semister final. [17:49] u-la-la gracias [17:49] ¡de nada! [17:49] good luck zaki [17:50] Kilos: just had dinner. I will sleep after 2 hour may be. [17:50] pavlushka did you find out whats up with that drve [17:50] drive [17:50] what drive [17:50] ? [17:50] he has one he cant see [17:50] testdisk could fix it [17:51] if you want to save the data you can use testdisk foremost and scalpel [17:51] oh [17:52] those are the tools data rewcovery people use [17:54] oh my