
uzer8738473What is the command name for the Screenshot" program? I want to use that one, instead of "xfce-screenshot"12:50
knomeuzer8738473, we don't know which screenshot application you are talking about12:51
uzer8738473named "Screenshot"12:51
knomethat doesn't really tell much, does it?12:51
knomei mean that's likely the name in the software center, but it isn't enough to know which it is12:51
uzer8738473knome:What i want to is the following. When i press "prScr" button on my laptop, i get a screenshot taking menu, which lacks the option to select a region of the screen. However, while using the "Screenshot" application from "Accessories", i am able to select a region of the screen. I want to be able to choose the option "Select a region", when i will press the "prScr" button on the keyboard.12:53
knomethat is xfce4-screenshooter12:54
uzer8738473knome:So, should i only assign the xfce-screenshooter command with a "prScr" button?12:55
knomexfce4-screenshooter, yes12:55
uzer8738473knome:Fixed, thanks.12:55
mraskerhello, could anybody help me to disable the guest user in xubuntu 16.04?17:59
flocculantmrasker: sure - this worked here http://tipsonubuntu.com/2016/10/14/remove-guest-ubuntu-16-10-login-screen/18:18
flocculantexcept you'll change gksu gedit to pkexec mousepad18:19
flocculantor use your favourite editor18:19
mraskerIt works! Thanks a lot18:39
thaynehi there, how can i reactivate the ctrl-alt-backspace combo in xorg? disabled ages ago but i want it back!  :)18:58
flocculanthttp://askubuntu.com/questions/367983/how-do-i-enable-ctrl-alt-backspace-to-kill-the-x-server apparently - was working for 15.04 ...19:30
aokfireHi, I have a couple questions21:46
bekksaokfire: Sostart with the first one :)21:48
aokfireI think I solved one issue with x11vnc... so just confirming that21:48
aokfireand then I need some quick screencaps21:48
=== jbermudes_ is now known as jbermudes
aokfire1. Trying to solve this issue with Skype: http://puu.sh/sTXOS.png where it basically shrinks itself down to that very small menu21:50
aokfireCompared to, say, the wireless manager: http://puu.sh/sTXYS.png21:53
aokfireand it goes further than that, just showing how the wireless menu doesn't cascade itself. If that's a Skype issue, it's odd because it never happened on the previous xubuntu install21:53
aokfire2. Would like to remove Parole Media Player from the sound menu. https://i.sli.mg/6IavHl.png21:54
knomeaokfire, the skype version has likely been different with the other xubuntu versions, so not really that odd22:00
aokfireNot odd for that to happen?22:01
aokfireshould updating somehow help?22:01
knomethat doesn't mean it should do that (i don't use skype so i can't confirm if it's common either)22:01
aokfireit's for grandma, so22:01
aokfireI use it rarely, and on Windows22:02
knomethere isn't much (x)ubuntu developers can do about skype, so maybe, maybe not22:02
knomeand you can't remove individual apps from the sound menu - unless you remove them from the system completely22:03
aokfireguess I could install mpv22:04
aokfireand ofc, no skype updates...22:07
aokfireNew problem: sudo systemctl enable sshd22:08
aokfireFailed to execute operation: Too many levels of symbolic links22:08
aokfirethx for the help :)22:30
aokfireBack one more time... systemctl enable ssh doesn't seem to actually start ssh at boot. It fails for some reason?22:34
knomewhich xubuntu version are you using?22:39
aokfireCan't check right now sorry, but latest as of October? There's a good number of updates that need to be done22:57
aokfireshould probably do those and report back... need to actually go now, thanks :)22:57
DanilochkaI am getting a blank screen when trying to install23:07
Danilochkai set gfxpayload=text in the setparams screen but it doesnt work23:07

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