=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 [17:59] Can I get a Ubuntu cloak here? [18:00] MajB: Hi, Can you please post your launchpad url? [18:00] https://launchpad.net/~rexbouwense [18:01] MajB: looks good to me. Unit193, Flannel, Tm_T, elky, hggdh ^ [18:01] An IRCC member needs to make the request to freenode staff, so just hold on until one appears [18:06] Here, poked a staffer. [18:06] hi [18:06] ...The wrong staffer. [18:06] I AM THE BEST STAFFER [18:06] did you poke Fuchs because if you chose Fuchs over me i might cry [18:07] aww [18:07] one should always poke Fuchs [18:07] da Nah, it was Swant. :3 [18:07] Fuchs: I bet he chose Swant over both of us [18:07] SEE [18:07] I would just like a Ubuntu cloak. https://launchpad.net/~rexbouwense [18:07] MajB: yes, yes, it has been applied! [18:08] MajB: Congrats on membership, and you're all set. [18:08] woo [18:08] Thank you [22:40] daftykins called the ops in #ubuntu-discuss ()