
* redir eods02:26
babbageclunkIf anyone's around and feels like a review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/674204:18
rogpeppebabbageclunk: you only missed me by 17 minutes that time!08:44
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=== akhavr1 is now known as akhavr
ashipikacan somebody please tell me what i need to do to resolve this: 15:40:42 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: Missing parent 'lxdbr0' for nic 'eth0'14:41
mupBug #1488245 opened: Recurring lxc issue: failed to retrieve the template to clone  <canonical-bootstack> <landscape> <lxc> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1488245>14:43
babbageclunkredir, perrito666: around? Can I get reviews? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/674219:46
redirbabbageclunk: I'll look in a minute19:46
babbageclunkand https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/673519:46
rediralmost ready for a trade:)19:47
babbageclunkredir: thanks!19:47
babbageclunkuh oh19:47
babbageclunknatefinch: did you get anywhere with bug 1650425?19:51
mupBug #1650425: migration: migrating back gives "target prechecks failed: model is being migrated out of target controller" <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1650425>19:51
perrito666babbageclunk: looking19:59
babbageclunkperrito666: Thanks!20:00
perrito666babbageclunk: regarding the cloud name one I share jam's concern20:08
babbageclunkperrito666: ok - I didn't quite understand his but I haven't been able to discuss with him yet. I'll read your comment.20:09
perrito666I didnt add one, I think the orderly thing to do is to make Name a part of cloud20:10
perrito666sadly you are out of jam until next year I believe unless he is still around20:10
perrito666bbl, pre-christmas errands20:11
babbageclunkperrito666: ok - I can certainly add it to Cloud.20:12
babbageclunkperrito666: But we wouldn't want to add it in clouds.yaml, right?20:14
babbageclunkoops, he's gone out20:14
babbageclunkredir: perrito666 approved the other one (thanks perrito666!) and really I need to talk about the other one with jam to work out what to do so stand down20:19
babbageclunkredir: phew that means I don't have to do yours ;)20:30
redirhey now20:30
rediryou might be the only poor soul left20:30
babbageclunki kid!20:31
redirI have 2 tests -- in a provisioner package --  that I know of that fail. I need to fix those and then I'm ready for a looksee20:31
perrito666Redir back pass me your pr20:34
redirperrito666: 2 tests left to fix I think20:34
redirthen I'll make a pr20:35
perrito666Babbageclunk not to clouds.yaml only to that Struct, otherwise you might want to take out the name deciding logic and then put together an Argos strict20:35
natefinchbabbageclunk: I had to take yesterday off because of a sick kid.  Working on that one now. THought I had it fixed, but still seeing problems20:35
redirhopefully in the next hour or so20:36
babbageclunknatefinch: cool, thanks. Hope the kid's all better!20:37
babbageclunkperrito666: ok, makes sense. Hmm, what's an Argos struct?20:38
perrito666It's args when auto corrected by my phone20:45
babbageclunkperrito666: I'll add it and see how it looks.20:49
perrito666redir: I  am still here if you need a review21:28
TheMueperrito666: Heya21:31
perrito666heya TheMue what are you doing around here?21:41
TheMueperrito666: reactivated my irc bouncer and still having juju in my channel list21:42
TheMueperrito666: that's fine, keeping contact21:42
perrito666heh nice21:43
TheMuecurrently working a bit on my couchdb client21:45
babbageclunkperrito666: you and jam were right, it's much nicer.21:53
babbageclunk(with Cloud.Name)21:56
redirperrito666: running the full test suite and doing QA then making a PR21:58
redirperrito666: babbageclunk https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/674822:40
redirsince you're bored22:42
babbageclunkredir: yay! looking22:47
redirI expect I have one or two more tests that I need to fix, but they pass here because I have libvirt installed22:47
babbageclunkredir: holy crap, just noticed the line count.22:56
redirbabbageclunk: there's a really big test data file.22:57
redirso that is pretty misleading22:57
babbageclunkredir: does the test file all need to be there?22:58
redirshoot me if I ever really try to add that many lines of new code in one PR22:58
redirbabbageclunk: it is a signed file:/22:58
redirso kind of or we can't test simplestreams parses a valid signed file22:59
redirand that is much bigger than the tools streams22:59
babbageclunkredir: there's no way to hack in a key of our own so we could use a fake signed file?22:59
redirthe key is alread in our code.23:00
redirI mean that could all change, but that would be beyond adding image downloads parsing, which is what was done to pull images to replace uvtool23:01
redirmaybe compressing it and having the test server uncompress it for the test would make it smaller if that is a concern. I guess it depends on what the issue is.23:03
redirit's a bunch of lines but it isn't that big in size since it's just text23:06
babbageclunkredir: yeah, fair enough.23:27
babbageclunkredir: do I need to do anything to my vmaas KVMs to allow nested kvms inside? I'm getting an error following the QA steps.23:28
redirprolly easiest23:28
babbageclunkok - in standup?23:28

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