
kuldeepi want to keep `libbox0.so.2 libbox0-2 #MINVER#` like libpipeline1.00:00
kuldeepdo i have to keep like `libbox0.so.2.0.0 libbox0-2 #MINVER#` and update everytime the SO VERSION?00:01
nacckuldeep: does your binary package create a libbox0.so.2?00:03
nacckuldeep: becuase libpipeline1 contains both:00:04
naccwhich one a symlink to the other00:04
kuldeepafaik: file libbox0.so.2.0.0  and symbolic link libbox0.so -> libbox0.so.2.0.000:05
nacclibbox0.so is wrong, isn't it?00:05
naccan unversioned lib?00:05
kuldeepnacc, https://paste.debian.net/903842/00:06
kuldeeplibbox0.so is a symbolic link to libbox0.so.2.0.0.  is that a problem?00:06
nacckuldeep: right so your symbols file and the contents of the package disagree00:06
nacckuldeep: you told the symbols file to look at a library called libbox0.so.200:06
naccbut you don't ship any such library00:06
naccso the build system recognizes that and switches to the library it did find00:07
naccafaict that's what the log you got is saying00:07
kuldeepnacc, will it be happy (with the symbolic link?) "`libbox0.so libbox0-2 #MINVER#`"  ?00:07
kuldeep[checking my trick]00:08
cjwatsonlibbox0.so belongs exclusively in libbox0-dev00:08
cjwatsonlibbox0-2 should ship libbox0.so.2 as a symlink to libbox0.so.2.0.000:09
nacckuldeep: I don't know, maybe? but you have to refer to an actually shipped library either way; that seems like it should work, but it seems odd that you're not shipping libbox0.so.200:09
cjwatsonyou must ship the thing that's named in your SONAME or stuff won't work00:09
nacckuldeep: so then, no, you should't do your trick, as it's not in the same package00:09
cjwatsonit is not correct to use libbox0.so in .symbols - that field is supposed to be the SONAME00:10
kuldeepcmake isnt generating the libbox0.so.2 and libbox0.2.0 have to look into that.00:10
cjwatsonright, fix that.00:10
nacccjwatson: right, duh, thanks for clearing that up :)00:11
cjwatsonand re symbols containing 0.3.0+65, you're meant to edit that.00:11
cjwatsonit'll only automatically fill in the minimum version if the symbols file didn't already have a version for that symbol.00:12
nacckuldeep: right i think cjwatson's advice earlier was to use makeshlibs to give you a base symbols file that you then make correct in practice00:12
cjwatsonit just uses the current version because that's the conservative choice and it can't know any better.00:12
nacci think dh_makeshlibs even mentions that :)00:13
tsimonq2So do Bad Things happen when I accidentally close a terminal when it's dputting to a PPA and it's on the source tarball?00:22
kuldeepcmake only allow me to set "SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(box0 PROPERTIES SOVERSION <so-value-here>")   but it only allow one value.00:23
kuldeepmultiple call to SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES result in final only being generated.00:23
kuldeepso, either i can generated libbox0.so.2 or libbox0.so.2.0 or libbox0.2.0.0     +    a symbolic link libbox0.so to the actual shared library00:24
kuldeep /usr/lib64/libpipeline.so -> libpipeline.so.1.4.1  |  /usr/lib64/libpipeline.so.1 -> libpipeline.so.1.4.1   |  /usr/lib64/libpipeline.so.1.4.100:28
nacckuldeep: keep in mind that libpipeline.so  lives ina  different binary pacakge00:32
kuldeepnacc, it is mandatory to provide /usr/lib64/libpipeline.so -> libpipeline.so.1.4.1 ?00:41
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nacckuldeep: well, in the -dev package, probably? otherwise how would you compile against it?00:49
nacc*link* against it, rather00:49
cjwatsontsimonq2: no; either it finished anyway or the whole thing is discarded01:05
cjwatsonkuldeep: /usr/lib64/ isn't a thing in Ubuntu01:05
tsimonq2cjwatson: Thanks.01:05
cjwatsonkuldeep: but yes, a libfoo.so symlink is required in the -dev package as nacc says, since that's what ld looks for01:05
kuldeepcjwatson, ok01:06
cjwatsonI can't believe that cmake is actually as useless as you're suggesting though; I'd suggest you find a competent existing library package that's built using cmake01:06
kuldeepcjwatson, atleast it isnt doing the that by default.01:07
kuldeepfinding libraries that uses cmake is hard. trying ...01:08
kuldeepim doing on https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/01:08
cjwatsongrep-dctrl -FBuild-Depends,Build-Depends-Indep cmake -a -Pr ^lib -nsPackage /var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_*_Sources | sort -u01:10
cjwatson(well, maybe not gb.archive in your case)01:10
cjwatsonshould find you a decent list to poke at01:10
tsimonq2cjwatson: Speaking of that, is there a technical reason why we don't have an httpredir.debian.org for Ubuntu?01:11
cjwatsonnot afaik01:12
tsimonq2Then who do I talk to about asking that Canonical set one up? :)01:13
cjwatsonRT, I'd presume ...01:15
tsimonq2cjwatson: Oh, so do you think it would be worth bringing up for discussion or should I Just File The Goshdarn RT? :)01:16
cjwatsonI have absolutely no idea01:16
tsimonq2Ok, fair enough \o/01:16
cjwatsonit's nearly end of year and I'm just trying to finish off my project so I can stop :P01:16
tsimonq2cjwatson: Fair enough, cheers, good luck, happy holidays. :)01:17
* tsimonq2 takes note to not poke Colin until January so he can finish his project01:17
kuldeephttps://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/abe/nmu/plplot.git/tree/debian  PLplot dont have any symbol file.  (uses cmake)01:24
kuldeepcjwatson, https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/command/install.html    it says "lib<name>.so -> lib<name>.so.1"    documented as im seeing01:38
cjwatsonI think you'd be best off not addressing me about cmake issues01:38
cjwatsonI don't personally like it and don't use it, so can't help you further there01:38
kuldeepcjwatson, i pinged you because of "I can't believe that cmake is actually as useless as you're suggesting though; I'd suggest you find a competent existing library package that's built using cmake"01:39
kuldeepso, atleast i found in the documentation :)01:39
cjwatsonbut if you mean what the symlink target should be, then it doesn't matter whether it's to lib<name>.so.1 or to lib<name>.so.1.X.Y01:39
cjwatsonit just has to exist at all01:39
cjwatsonanyway, please stop pinging me about cmake-related things, thanks :)01:40
* tsimonq2 coughs at #debian-mentors on OFTC and #ubuntu-motu on freenode as well...01:40
cjwatsonyep, much better venues for all this01:40
cjwatsonbasically none of this is specific to launchpad.net at this point01:40
kuldeepcjwatson, ok. (maybe i should stop giving you reason to curse cmake :p )01:40
tsimonq2Oh jeez, looks like someone's doing a mass rebuild... :P01:42
kuldeepcjwatson, nacc and dobey for helping me out throughout the way of learning, building my first debian package. i have been a constant source of ping's for you :D01:42
kuldeepcjwatson, nacc and dobey THANK YOU for helping me out01:44
tsimonq2kuldeep: Although I haven't helped much, don't give up here! Go get help in those channels I listed. I'm not an expert but you just have to keep at it and you'll become good. ;)01:44
tsimonq2(I'm not good but I'm better than I was 3 months ago...)01:45
kuldeepfor the past two days, i have been slicing cjwatson libpipeline package and result in a ping when share any link. im have saturated cjwatson. sorry :)01:47
kuldeepthanks you to tsimonq2 and wgrant (and anyone i missed) too.01:49
nacckuldeep: np, gl!01:51
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kuldeepFinally, i got my deb file without error. :D10:57
kuldeep(my fault not cmake because i didnt set the SOVERSION and VERSION properties correctly)10:57
kuldeepso, finally i got the libbox0_0.3.0.tar.xz  libbox0-2_0.3.0_amd64.deb  libbox0-dev_0.3.0_amd64.deb   /var/cache/pbuilder/build/10:57
jaboweryIn July a maxima package bug was fixed that still hasn't shown up in the xenial updates.  No one is assigned.  What is a reasonable course of action?15:35
dobey#ubuntu-devel is where you want to ask about ubuntu development15:36
jaboweryThe reason I asked here is this response to the launchpad bug tracking:  "A thing the maintainer perhaps could do would be to create a launchpad mirror of the sourceforge repo maxima's code is kept in - and then to initiate a nightly build ppa for maxima." https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maxima/+bug/1602941/comments/815:38
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1602941 in maxima (Ubuntu Xenial) "Draw cannot be loaded in 16.04 (Repackage needed since gcl has changed?)" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:38
dobeyyes, but that doesn't get it into xenial updates15:47
dobeyif someone wants to create a daily build PPA, they can. but it doesn't have anything to do with fixing bugs in ubuntu itself15:47
cjwatsonyeah, that comment is from somebody uninformed but trying to be helpful, rather than somebody who knows about how stable updates happen15:51
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