=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2 === Unit193 is now known as JackFrost [05:02] hello guys i am new can somebody help me with 2 questions? [05:03] i would like to know what is and where i can download a "client" of irc....and can i use tor browser in lubuntu? [07:23] Hey [11:21] Hi [11:21] Anyone out there? [11:22] I'm trying to help my aunt install lubuntu 14.04 for reasons that she has old hardware and support for videocard is only on driver that is easily installable (supposedly) on that specific as latest ubuntu [11:23] I'm having trouble booting from CD, it won't go into grub at all and just continues to the already installed newer xubuntu [11:46] XVampireX: Sounds more like a BIOS problem than anything, if the live-installer doesnt start [11:58] but installing from alternate CD is not possible at the moment because I'm doing things remote [12:03] the cd does not use grub but rather isolinux [12:04] anyhow seems like it the cd/dvd drive is not set up to be the first boot device in the bios [12:51] leszek - we did setup so it boots from CD... and from what I've seen (skype video) it does think a little about booting from CD, then the monitor turns into "resolution check" thing and then after a few moments turns back into booting from HDD [12:53] so either the cd is defect or the drive [18:25] hi there [18:25] i lost my keyboard layout after upgrading to xenial [18:26] i tried /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart [18:31] ur custom one? [18:31] if so you should have backed it up [18:31] yes [18:32] no i didn't backed it up [18:38] i never used this file, it was empty [18:39] but at reboot keyboard still in qwerty [18:59] what file [18:59] still in qwerty - your modified qwerty? [19:03] LuMint: /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart. no I didnt touch anything, installed in french language [19:04] i never had to change keyboard but doing do-release-upgrade did change my default layout [19:05] jeanjack: usually there is a plugin for the panel allowing you to set the default keyboard layout for your session [19:06] jeanjack: if you need it globally edit /etc/default/keyboard and set the correct XKBLAYOUT and maybe XKBVARIANT [19:06] :q! [19:06] :) [19:06] the XKBLAYOUT option will be also used for the terminal [19:06] ttys I mean [19:13] looks working leszek, thanks [19:14] nice :) [19:14] LuMint: thanks too [20:18] hi.... anyone knows about this ? thanx https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1638420 [20:18] Launchpad bug 1638420 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "LVM install with Lubuntu fails due to missing lvm2 package" [Critical,Triaged] [20:22] i installed lvm2 from live session, but it drops me to initramfs shell [21:29] hello [21:30] y a-t'il possibilité de tester Lubuntu via le DVD d'installation ? [21:30] Yes [21:31] Nickel [21:31] Me conseillez-vous la version 16.04 ou 16.10 ? Je ne sais pas laquelle choisir. [21:32] Et cela fonctionnera-t'il sur un vieil ordinateur sous Windows XP avec 512 Mo de mémoire vive ? Je n'ai plus le processeur en tête. [21:32] LTS [21:32] c'est-à-dire ? [21:33] Sur ce lein : [21:33] http://lubuntu.fr/ [21:33] et peut-on graver sur un DVD réinscriptible ou est-il préférable de graver sur un DVD non réinscriptible ? [21:34] I don't speak French fluently [21:34] !fr | rameurpl [21:34] rameurpl: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [21:35] ok merci [21:35] comment joindre join #ubuntu-fr ? [21:36] J'ai trouvé [21:36] bonne soirée [21:37] thank you xangua