[00:00] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2318 Successfully built [00:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- josharenson, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2320 Currently building (xenial/unity8). Failed to build (zesty/unity8) [00:43] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- josharenson, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2320 Failed to build === tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2 === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [09:49] vigo: FYI - the problem you saw with kate is a known bug with Qt apps running on Mir on qemu-kvm. (I've updated the MirAL test plan to clarify this.) [09:56] alan_g, that's great [09:56] thanks =) [10:02] cjwatson: Are you able to help (again) with a simple MIR request? lp:1651384 [10:05] I think Colin might be off as well already [10:11] thanks sil2100 - I "chose" the wrong time of year. :( [10:16] alan_g: you did, you did [10:16] Yeah, it's hard to get things done this week [10:16] alan_g: Steve is off as well now [10:17] mterry IIRC as well [10:17] true [10:20] alan_g: looking at the ubuntu-mir team the only person that *might* be around to help is cyphermox [10:20] On the US timezone [10:21] Saviq: ^ do you know? [10:22] we can try when he wakes up [10:23] thanks sil2100 - we'll wait for the USA [10:55] alan_g: I'm not in ~ubuntu-mir [10:56] so can't help with that [10:56] cjwatson: ok, thanks [11:35] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2127 QA Signoff: Failed [12:02] wgrant, ping [12:03] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2288 Preparing packages [12:28] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2318 Preparing packages [12:31] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2288 Currently building (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, zesty/ubuntu-system-settings). Failed to build (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, zesty/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Successfully built (xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, zesty/ubuntu-settings-components) [12:50] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- jgdx, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2288 Failed to build (xenial/ubuntu-system-settings, xenial/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, zesty/ubuntu-system-settings, zesty/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts). Successfully built (xenial/ubuntu-settings-components, zesty/ubuntu-settings-components) [13:00] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2318 Failed to build (xenial/telephony-service). Successfully built (zesty/telephony-service) [13:08] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2179 Preparing packages [13:20] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2319 Preparing packages [13:21] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2318 Preparing packages [13:22] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2179 Failed to build (xenial/content-hub, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, zesty/content-hub, zesty/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/ubuntu-ui-toolkit) [13:41] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2319 Pending binary packages [13:44] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia charles, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2250 Preparing packages [14:00] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- renatofilho, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2318 Failed to build (xenial/telephony-service). Successfully built (zesty/telephony-service) [14:01] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2319 Successfully built [14:04] alan_g: sil2100: I'll review it again in a bit [14:12] davmor2, vigo: hi, can we get a quick pass on 2275 as it's just updates to cmake bits to be compatible with new cmake-extras changes, and some small fixes to unit tests here and there? [14:12] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia charles, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2250 Failed to build [14:20] dobey: we'll hit it when we can we are kinda busy with snapd, snappy etc :) [14:39] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2315 Preparing packages [14:51] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xavigarcia charles, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2250 Failed to build (xenial/keeper). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/keeper) [14:57] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- bzoltan, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2315 Successfully built [15:45] cyphermox, great, thanks, please let me know if there's anything you'd need for the miral MIR [15:57] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 Preparing packages [15:59] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 zesty/indicator-network: Failed to commit https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/indicator-network/lp1648360. You must supply either a Commit Message on your MP, or a custom debian/changelog entry [16:02] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 Preparing packages === sil2100_ is now known as sil2100 [16:13] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2179 Preparing packages [16:21] Saviq: done; but I can't move it to main myself, an archive admin will have to do it [16:21] cyphermox, ack, sil2100 any idea if there is one around still ↑? [16:21] slangasek might be around. [16:29] He's on holidays already... [16:29] And I can't do it since my AA rights are only for kernel SRU usage [16:31] Saviq: cjwatson answered my ping today on IRC, but I'm not sure if he just wasn't just passing through [16:33] I'm not on holiday yet [16:33] \o/ [16:33] Colin to the rescue then! [16:33] cjwatson: cyphermox approved an MIR for us https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/miral/+bug/1651384 [16:33] Ubuntu bug 1651384 in miral (Ubuntu) "[MIR] miral" [Critical,Fix committed] [16:34] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- rmescandon tiagosh boiko, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2233 QA Signoff: Approved [16:34] cjwatson: from what he said we need an AA to do the universe -> main copy - you think you could have the time for that? Although I suppose you're still in the before-holiday rush [16:34] sil2100: done [16:35] cjwatson: you're really our savior [16:35] Thank you! [16:35] Saviq, alan_g: ^ [16:36] cjwatson: cyphermox sil2100 thanks! And Merry Xmas! [16:36] and to you [16:36] happy holidays! [16:37] sil2100, cjwatson, cyphermox, thank you! [16:38] Hanukkah overlaps nearly exactly this year too :) [16:41] fun :) [16:42] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2179 Failed to build [16:43] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 Failed to build [16:57] sil2100, should we finalize 2160 then? it's unhappy because of the no-change rebuilds you uploaded [16:58] in theory we should wait until those migrate... [17:00] oh meh, we can wait until tomorrow, maybe britney will do its thing by then [17:05] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2322 Preparing packages [17:17] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2322 Abandoning ticket [17:18] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- xnox, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2323 Preparing packages [17:19] sil2100, any news about staging/ubuntu images? [17:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 Failed to build (xenial/indicator-network). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/indicator-network) [17:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2275 QA Signoff: Approved [17:26] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 Preparing packages [17:43] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 Failed to build [17:47] huzazah [17:48] sil2100, cyphermox: can someone ack/publish https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2275 please? [17:59] dobey: looking [17:59] Wow [18:00] That's a lot of packages with packaging diffs [18:00] Ok, this will have to wait a minute in this case [18:00] sil2100: yeah, they're all to dep on cmake-extras >= 0.10.1 or such, and u-a-l maybe also has dep changes wrt gmock === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 Failed to build (xenial/indicator-network). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/indicator-network) [18:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 Preparing packages [18:54] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- kenvandine, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2127 QA Signoff: [19:03] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2179 Preparing packages [19:03] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- pete-woods, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2321 Successfully built [19:21] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2179 Currently building (xenial/content-hub). Failed to build (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, zesty/content-hub, zesty/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, zesty/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles) [19:31] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2283 Preparing packages [19:42] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2179 Failed to build (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, zesty/content-hub, zesty/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, zesty/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Pending binary packages (xenial/content-hub) [19:44] hmm [20:02] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- artmello, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2179 Failed to build (xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, xenial/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles, zesty/content-hub, zesty/ubuntu-ui-toolkit, zesty/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles). Successfully built (xenial/content-hub) [20:05] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- boiko tiagosh, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2283 Successfully built [20:12] w00t, migrated! [20:12] trainguards, can someone please finalize https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2160 - the status is b0rked because we manually uploaded no-change rebuilds [20:13] Saviq: looking [20:15] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- greyback dandrader, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2160 Merging branches [20:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- josharenson, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2320 Failed to build (xenial/unity8). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/unity8) [20:24] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Cimi, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2302 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/unity8). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/unity-scopes-shell, zesty/unity8). Successfully built (xenial/unity-scopes-shell) [20:34] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dednick mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2291 Destination version missing from changelog (zesty/unity8-desktop-session). Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/unity-api). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/unity-api, zesty/unity8). Successfully built (xenial/qmenumodel, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/unity8, xenial/unity8-desktop-session, zesty/qmenumodel, zesty/qtubuntu, zesty/qtubuntu-gles) [20:35] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- ltinkl, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2272 Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, zesty/qtmir-gles). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/qtmir, zesty/unity-api, zesty/unity8). Successfully built (xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity8) [20:35] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2313 Failed to build (xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity8, zesty/unity-api). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/unity8). Successfully built (xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, zesty/qtmir, zesty/qtmir-gles) [20:40] w00t, thanks robru! /me pushes the no-change rebuild to lp:qtmir [20:44] You're welcome [20:46] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dednick mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2291 Preparing packages [20:47] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dednick mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2291 zesty/unity-api: Failed to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-api/add_suggest-override [20:55] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mzanetti, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2313 Failed to build (xenial/unity-api, xenial/unity8, zesty/unity-api). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/qtmir, zesty/unity8). Successfully built (xenial/qtmir, xenial/qtmir-gles, zesty/qtmir-gles) [21:14] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- dednick mterry, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2291 Destination version missing from changelog (zesty/unity8-desktop-session). Needs rebuild due to higher version at destination (xenial/unity-api). Needs rebuild due to new commits (zesty/unity-api, zesty/unity8). Successfully built (xenial/qmenumodel, xenial/qtubuntu, xenial/qtubuntu-gles, xenial/unity8, xenial/unity8-desktop-session, zesty/qmenumodel, zesty/qtubuntu, zesty/qtubuntu-gles) [21:20] jgdx: Hi. Assuming you were going to ask about the arm64 buildd kernel, that was deployed several hours ago. Let me know if you see any further issues. [21:34] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- josharenson, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2320 Preparing packages [21:52] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- mitya57, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2324 Preparing packages [22:23] -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- josharenson, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2320 Successfully built [22:46] wgrant, hey, yes. :) Thank [22:47] s