
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
bazhangTriffid_Hunter> blackTree: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=scp+tutorial06:18
bazhangone thing that really gets to me06:18
bazhangthe letmegogtatforyou06:36
valorieI was amused the first time I saw it06:40
valorienot since06:40
bazhangsame, but in support channels that just burns me up06:41
valorieI think our factoids help a lot06:41
valoriethey're written neutrally06:42
bazhangwish we had a more de-jussified catalog of those06:42
valorieI just just try a few words until I call it up, if I can't remember06:45
valorieand if I think of something obvious, ask for it to be added06:45
bazhangI have a constant private chat with the bot goin on06:46
valorieoh, I don't mind looking like an ignoramus06:47
valorieI want people to feel free to try it out themselves06:47
bazhangI also use the bot PM as a cheatsheet for finding info on packages06:48
valorieI should do that more06:49
valoriebut again, I want people to see that anyone can use it06:49
bazhangthe problem with that in the big support channels, is that everyone does it all at once06:50
valorie#kubuntu isn't that big06:51
valorieand that's my biggest chan06:51
bazhangyou do any work with kde?06:51
bazhangor their channel?06:51
valorieunfortunately, no lovely bot like ubottu06:51
bazhangI remember #kubuntu was my very first irc experience06:52
bazhangwith Jucato , tm-t et al06:52
valorieI started with Rootsweb, a tiny genealogy irc server06:52
valoriethen Linuxchix06:52
valoriejucato is still around, and so is tm-t06:52
bazhangI wonder if jucato is still around06:52
valoriebut not usually in #kubuntu06:53
bazhanghe was really inspiring, in terms of FOSS06:53
valorieand still in the Philippines06:53
JackFrostvalorie: Factoid bots are cheap, though.06:53
valoriehe's lovely06:53
bazhanggreat, he's still around06:53
valorieJackFrost: true, but so far nobody has made and maintained one06:53
valorienot as much on irc as he used to be06:53
valoriequite a few family issues, I think06:54
bazhangnot uncommon around those parts06:55
bazhangthe weather alone is beastly06:55
bazhangno time to pip /etc/ to /dev/null!07:01
bazhangor pipe07:01
ikoniait's going to be some "stupid women" comment14:23
ikoniaand a rage quit14:23
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=== daxen is now known as dax
bazhangrelease the daxen!20:26
bazhangcooked his goose!21:34
geniidax: So the uid part is constant but the x-whatever part is session dependant?22:12
daxthe u in uid means they're a free user (paid is sid), 203077 is their irccloud account id, the x-emkofersgeyyzqgd bit is randomly generated when they connect to freenode22:13
elkyideally you leave off the s or u but don't worry too much22:13
geniiThanks for the clarification22:13
daxyeah, technically it'd be best as *!?id203077@gateway/web/irccloud.com/*22:13
daxbut i don't think i've ever bothered22:14
elkynor have i22:14
elkyanyway, x-randomstuff is always session dependant on gateways and nats and not for unaffiliated or affiliated cloaks22:15
daxi wonder why we don't just repeat the accountid in the hostname22:15
daxidk i am not good at that system22:15
elkyi had wondered that myself22:17
elkybut i hope/guess there's a reason since the current just makes more work/confusion22:18
nikoprobably because when syn is busy it ends with /session23:17

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