
=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2
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CrummyGummy_Systemd seems to have locked me out of one of my servers with "System is booting up.Connection closed by"09:31
CrummyGummy_any ideas how to get in without a reboot?09:31
CrummyGummy_Everything is running ok09:32
CrummyGummy_Just can't get in :(09:32
lordievaderWell... if sshd ain't started....09:33
lordievaderRemoting in is going to be difficult.09:33
tlyngI've tried running the "canonical-kubernetes" distribution using juju, how to I stop it and remove it?10:39
tlyngit's partially up and running now10:39
tomreynCrummyGummy_: you may still be able to authenticate via ssh as root in this situation.10:50
CrummyGummy_tomreyn: I don't keep root passwords :(10:50
tomreynCrummyGummy_: then i guess unless you have out-of-band management you're going to have to move there physically10:52
CrummyGummy_IPMI will save the day. I just have to wait for AH. Unfortunately10:52
CrummyGummy_after hours10:53
tomreynwell good luck there10:55
=== amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch
=== BioKee is now known as Guest17171
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adscis there anything else I have to do to get apache2 to listen to 4443 instead of 443 besides changing the port in the virtualhost configuration? Here is the .conf file for the virtualhost: https://hastebin.com/iwaxegobin.apache15:32
adscit's an ubuntu server 14.04 installation, btw.15:33
adsci also did a2enmod ssl and a2ensite default-ssl.conf15:33
adsclsof -i only shows http and https ports being listened on15:34
adsci've already been helped in #httpd, thx15:37
tjkouryconjure-up doesn't work on 16.04; keeps saying that a controller is missing, which is supposed to be created during the juju bootstrap process.15:53
fooI'm having a strange issue I haven't seen before, and I don't believe I've changed any configs that would cause this. If I drop 1 or 2 packets, my ssh connection freezes and doesn't come back. I'm nearly certain I've had this issue and ssh session may just freeze for a sec or so, but never completely freeze. Anyone know if there is a setting I can check for this or something? Than you17:58
=== devil is now known as Guest13027
sarnoldfoo: nothing comes to mind, but I've gained a feeling that something about ssh is fairly brittle about networking.. every few months someone files a bug that they can't connect to a specific ancient device using ssh and the answer half the time is to set a lower MTU for the connection.18:54
sarnoldfoo: why PMTU doesn't sort that out automatically I just don't understand.18:54
foosarnold: thank you. It's so strange. I've been working the same way for years and all of a sudden I have this issue. Maybe there is another variable at this specific coffee shop I'm at, or my hotspot has some sort of internal networking issue right now.18:55
nacci would blame the coffeeshop router, maybe?18:55
=== Guest13027 is now known as devil_
sarnoldfoo: you might want to try the 'mosh' tool; it uses ssh for authentication and then runs its own udp-based client/server mechanism, with neat 'predictive typing' terminal handling so you can still do line editing tasks over very lossy connections..18:57
sarnoldfoo: it hasn't had the review that ssh has had :( but it's neat to work with it. It automatically adapts to changed addresses in many situations too, which is very convenient for short-dhcp-lease environmments, laptops moving between APs, etc..18:58
foosarnold: ah, thank you18:59
trippeh_mosh is very nice when sitting on the train :)18:59
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geniifoo: Does the place used a captured portal ?19:13
foogenii: I'm using my own hotspot, which is what makes this extra strange. I'm connected to my hotspot via wifi. If there is something beyond that, I'm not connected via a captured portal (which I believe is what starbucks uses, which is where I'm at, but not on their network)19:19
=== JanC_ is now known as Guest35600
=== JanC__ is now known as JanC
M3mphiZI'm currently preparing my ubuntu 16.04.1 lts server for nextcloud. I ran apt install php-smbclient. which downloaded a bunch of dependencies and set them up. but at the end i still get: WARNING: Module smbclient ini file doesn't exist under /etc/php/7.0/mods-available. Any Ideas?20:01
=== wafflejock is now known as Guest41609
naccM3mphiZ: LP: #157903420:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1579034 in php-smbclient (Ubuntu Xenial) "installs smbclient.ini to wrong directory when used with php 7" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157903420:06
naccM3mphiZ: if you could test that and mark it as v-d, the fix will roll out20:07
M3mphiZnacc: v-d?20:07
naccM3mphiZ: verification-done, see the last comment20:07
M3mphiZnacc: yep its in the wrong dir.20:08
naccM3mphiZ: yes, i know20:08
naccM3mphiZ: please read the bug, test the fix and see if the fix works20:08
M3mphiZnacc: works20:11
naccM3mphiZ: thanks, please put a comment in the bug with the version tested and chagne the tag, it will then get picked up the SRU team20:11
naccM3mphiZ: thanks for helping make ubuntu better, as well! :)20:12
M3mphiZnacc: done.20:17
naccM3mphiZ: thanks! for clarity's sake, you tested '0.8.0~rc1-2build1', right (`apt policy php-smbclient` output woudl be sufficient)20:25
M3mphiZnacc: both dpkg -s and apt policy show 0.8.0~rc1-220:26
M3mphiZnacc: no build number mentioned20:27
naccM3mphiZ: hrm, that doesn't seem right20:29
naccM3mphiZ: you added proposed and updated?20:29
naccM3mphiZ: can you pastebin `apt policy php-smbclient`?20:29
M3mphiZnacc: i didnt add proposed20:31
naccM3mphiZ: then what did you test?20:32
naccM3mphiZ: the shipped version is broken20:32
naccM3mphiZ: super confused, you should not have marked it as v-d if you didn't verify the fixed package.20:32
M3mphiZnacc: To fix I had to copy /etc/php/mods-available/smbclient.ini to /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/smbclient.ini and then re-install php-smbclient. thats what i tested and worked20:33
naccthat's not an accurate test20:33
naccM3mphiZ: note i specifically asked you to read the bug and the last comment20:33
M3mphiZnacc: ok verified now20:36
M3mphiZremoved the file from both locations, removed php-smbclient, and installed php-smbclient/xenial-proposed20:36
M3mphiZnacc: php-m lists smbclient now20:36
naccM3mphiZ: thanks! if you could put a comment in to that effect, with the `apt policy php-smbclient` output (or simply the version), that'd be great, and mark it v-d again20:36
M3mphiZnacc: done. :)20:38
naccM3mphiZ: thanks!20:39
naccM3mphiZ: should trickle into the -updates component in a bit (maybe delayed due to the holidays :)20:39
T-CoI'm trying to make an AMI and have added additional EBS volume. I now want to use cloud-config to make btrfs and mount it to /var/lib/docker before rancher kicks off docker install... I have tried to debug with cloud-init -d init but no avail21:26
T-CoI have 3 simple runcmd commands in an yml and AFAIK they are being read21:27
T-Co2016-12-22 21:11:47,706 - util.py[DEBUG]: Reading from /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/45_fs_setup.cfg (quiet=False)21:27
T-Co2016-12-22 21:11:47,706 - util.py[DEBUG]: Read 114 bytes from /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/45_fs_setup.cfg21:27
T-CoAny pointers? Running on xenial21:27
=== jgrimm is now known as jgrimm-holiday

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