
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
flocculantindicator-panel worketh once more18:18
flocculantspoketh too soon18:25
flocculantcould I get some confirmation on bug 165213418:39
ubottubug 1652134 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "Unable to hide (or make visible) individual indicators" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165213418:39
knomeoki, i'm here ;)22:00
flocculantknome: so if we had a proposal section - what would we want? 22:00
flocculantchanges to size?22:01
flocculantsome sort of pros and cons?22:01
flocculantcos now I found a word missing - I could do both mp for both :p22:01
knomehttp://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/xsd.html#xsd-seeds-composition-package-selection <- basically that22:01
knomein other words, same guidelines go for replacing packages as for new22:02
knomeplus of course in the case of replacing, you'll want to compare22:02
knomebut i think that's implied22:02
flocculantreally then Package Selection should include Proposals ?22:02
flocculantat least logically in my head22:03
knomei'm kind of meh on that22:03
knomewhat extra could it bring to the table?22:03
flocculantsomewhere to point people 22:03
knomeisn't proposals for replacements and new packages always related to the package selection?22:03
knomepoint them to the package selection section? :)22:03
flocculantyes 22:03
flocculantwell yea - now I see that bit - I can see that it's much of a muchness22:04
flocculantstill got a missing word though :p22:05
knomewell, do an MP22:05
flocculantyea ofc - or I could just do some random pastebin thing like kryten :p22:08
knomeno please22:08
knomehe's done a dozen of those for the ubuntu community wordpress theme22:08
flocculanthence the discussion re proposals - would have done it all together 22:08
knomeand i've processed like one of them22:08
flocculantknome: have you ever seen me do that ;)22:08
knomeno, but who knows what 2017 brings ;)22:09
flocculantchange I hope - horrid year ;)22:09
flocculantknome: anything massive happening to contributor docs I don't know about?22:13
knomenothing at all planned22:14
flocculantok - I might take the chance while akxwi-dave is doing qa duties to just run through the cont stuff like I have the user docs then22:14
flocculantmhm always sounds like 'you can if you want - can't see the point personnaly' :p22:15
flocculantthough I know it's not :)22:16
knomeheh, sorry for that22:16
knomeand indeed it is not22:16
flocculantno need for a sorry :D22:16
flocculantafter this long I know ... 22:16
knomesigh @ clients22:17
knomeoh he is here already22:24
knome      |22:24
knome     / \22:24
flocculantSpass: basically, if you have the disk space - do a dual boot with 17.04 22:24
flocculantyou can be brave and let 17.04 have grub (like me) or install dev grub to partition rather than disk22:25
flocculantthen you can run either22:25
flocculantand while I am brave (or nuts) I do also have a 16.04 install I can boot if I really have to22:26
SpassYep, hi all. I have an ability to dual boot, sure. On my laptop (Dell E6410 with NVIDIA graphics).22:27
flocculantthere is an enormous amount of qa docs that we've developed over the last few years - that should answer most questions22:27
flocculantlaptop testing is absolutely awesome - lots of team have laptops - but use them for work so are a bit shy :D22:27
flocculantpersonally I hate laptops so don't test that 22:28
geniiBut isn't the official laptop testing team finished for quite a while now?22:28
flocculanthence we find locking/power stuff really late in the cycle :(22:28
genii( like, defunct)22:28
SpassThat's my small goal for 2017 - do something useful for Xubuntu community.22:28
flocculantgenii: really don't know22:28
knomegenii, laptop testing as in testing with laptops22:28
knomebut yes, the "laptop testing" thing is dead22:28
flocculantSpass: if you started using the dev version more and more during the cycle that would be a huge gain for us - as you are in this channel22:29
flocculantand hugely useful to the community too22:29
SpassI could also test on my main PC "simultaneously"22:30
flocculantI'm sure there are people out there doing the same thing - but we only find out those ones once we've released - at which point doing anything is much much harder22:30
flocculantusing dev xubuntu is how the rest of the team got a qa person who moaned all the time - then akxwi-dave joined - having 3 would be great :p22:31
flocculantsome things are generic - and we can't fix them22:32
flocculantusually found in installation testing for instance22:32
flocculantbut the recent indicator-panel bugs I've found are because I run whatver dev version we are on22:33
* flocculant rambles when given the chance :)22:33
SpassI understand. Well, I will install dev version on my laptop soon :)22:33
flocculanthas most of everything - check out the contributor docs - especially the qa ones22:34
flocculantSpass: cool - just so long as you realise that I will either ask if you've done it - or get someone else to ask 22:35
flocculantsorry if I hurled you a wall of words :D22:37
SpassI'll do some reading and research about contributing and I'll reach to you guys.22:37
flocculantawesome :)22:37
SpassSome pretty busy days ahead. but later I'll have plenty of free time that I should use for something... useful :)22:38
flocculantnice :)22:39
SpassMy English can be wobbly sometimes, sorry for that in advance. I'll try to not hurt your eyes.22:40
flocculantSpass: either akxwi-dave or me are the best people for specific qa things - more general things - just ask, bear in mind that this channel is busy in stages22:40
SpassI'll try to not interrupt meetings like I did while ago ;)22:41
knomeflocculant's and akxwi-dave's english is messy sometimes... and they're british22:41
flocculantSpass: no problem we have Finn's, Austrian's, Portuguese people and others who are worse at English - like the English :)22:41
flocculantknome: I said that - but longer :p22:42
flocculantakxwi-dave and I type in dialects :D22:42
* knome types with keyboards22:42
flocculantali1234 doesn't - he sighs at me 22:43
SpassI appreciate and thank you all for your kind welcome. I'll try to be here almost everyday and I'll tell you when I'll be ready for some real work.23:09
knomeno worries or hurries23:10
flocculantif only one could symlink a comment in a logged *buntu channel23:42
flocculantThis would be my *current* fave ...23:42
SpassBut for now, my proposition from #xubuntu - I think that adding gnome-font-viewer would be nice. People who came from Windows may expect, that the OS has some kind of preview app for the font files.23:43
flocculantoh oh my why why oh why do the CC forsake making signing the CoC  an easy task23:44
flocculantmhall119: ^^23:44
flocculantdon't try hiding ;)23:44
JackFrostThey're trying to follow a model of using GPG, but a lot of users don't really have it or any other use for it.23:45
flocculantfollowing a model?23:46
flocculantor mhm]23:46
knomelike many hockey players23:47
knomeoh wait i thought this was -ot23:47
knomeoh well23:47

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