
praisethemoonGood day everyone.08:30
oussemosu 2 praisethemoon !08:37
praisethemoonHow is it going?08:37
oussemosFine what about u ?08:37
praisethemoonI'm good as well, thanks :)08:40
praisethemoonSo what do you do in life oussemos?08:40
AcidNinjaFWHRhi guys.08:42
praisethemoonOh! Look who's back08:42
oussemospraisethemoon: Linkedin should resume everything https://www.linkedin.com/in/oussemos :)08:42
AcidNinjaFWHRI'm not back.08:42
AcidNinjaFWHRnice oussemos !08:43
oussemos;-) AcidNinjaFWHR08:45
AcidNinjaFWHROrange like the Orange group ?08:46
praisethemoonWhat orange AcidNinjaFWHR?08:48
AcidNinjaFWHRHe workds in Sofrecom and it says "Orange Labs"08:50
AcidNinjaFWHRc'est ça c'est une filiale d'Orange08:50
oussemosSofrecom fait partie du groupe Orange08:51
oussemosOrange a plusieurs centres internationaux  dans le monde appelé "Orange Labs"08:51
oussemosOrange Labs Tunisie est hébergé chez Sof tn08:51
AcidNinjaFWHRtu dois couter cher à la boite vu ton profil :D08:52
AcidNinjaFWHR(c'est un compliment)08:52
oussemosMalheureusement non :D il y a bcp qui coûte plus cher que moi08:53
praisethemoonoussemos, I sent you an invite :)09:04
praisethemoonAcidNinjaFWHR, do you have a linkedin profile?09:04
AcidNinjaFWHRNo I don't seek for any jobs so I don't need one.09:19
praisethemoonwhy not AcidNinjaFWHR?09:24
praisethemoon<praisethemoon> why not AcidNinjaFWHR?09:51
AcidNinjaFWHRBecause i'm not a social person.09:58
praisethemoonAcidNinjaFWHR, x)))11:48
praisethemoonYou are social; but you prefer opensource networks :)11:48
praisethemoonI feel you my friend11:48
praisethemoonwe used to skype back in the good old days11:48
AcidNinjaFWHRno i have no social profile online.11:48
praisethemoonAcidNinjaFWHR, i'm trying to work with Travis CI11:48
AcidNinjaFWHReasy stuff11:49
AcidNinjaFWHRbut why not just use GitLab CI ?11:49
praisethemoonoh :(11:49
praisethemooni'm on github :(11:49
praisethemoonare there better tools?11:49
AcidNinjaFWHRGitLab is awesome11:49
praisethemoonTravis is very github friendly11:49
praisethemooni know11:49
AcidNinjaFWHRbut I don't need CI so i only run Gogs11:49
AcidNinjaFWHRI don't use continuous integration for now11:50
AcidNinjaFWHRJust because I don't need it for any project right now :)11:50
praisethemoonAcidNinjaFWHR, what projects are you working on currently11:59
praisethemoon<praisethemoon> AcidNinjaFWHR, what projects are you working on currently12:40
praisethemoonis anyone familiar with Travis?14:30

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