
bazhangheads up on freqnasty01:17
=== clivejo is now known as zz_clivejo
=== phunyguy is now known as phunysanta
=== zz_clivejo is now known as clivejo
=== clivejo is now known as zz_clivejo
=== zz_clivejo is now known as clivejo
wyoungis ikonia still an op?15:12
ikoniawyoung: yup, what's up15:42
ikoniaArab_Aspie: are you sorted now too ?15:43
ikoniaArab_Aspie: there shoulnd't be any forward on the channels to this channel for you15:43
Arab_Aspieikonia: what15:45
ikoniaArab_Aspie: you're back in #ubuntu-ops, you should be able to join any ubuntu channel you want15:53
ikoniaArab_Aspie: if you don't need anything you can please /part this channel16:15
ikoniabut if there is a ban forward somewhere I've missed, just let me know and I'll remove it16:15
Arab_Aspieikonia: okay sorry I'll leave16:59

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