
Kilosmorning all and sundry06:59
Kilossuperfly you became the sundry now06:59
Kiloswhy arent you sleeping07:00
paddatrapperMorning Kilos07:18
Kiloshi paddatrapper 07:21
paddatrapperSeems everyone is still sleeping 07:21
magespawngood morning08:14
Kiloshi  magespawn 08:47
magespawncheers all have a good christmas.13:24
Kiloslooks like fly hasnt got workingthe afk goodie 14:26
Kiloslooks like fly hasnt got the afk goodie working14:27
Kilostouchpad refuses to die14:27
superflyNo, my Quassel on my phone has not disconnected 15:15
nsnzeroevening all17:03
superflymorning nsnzero17:31
superflynsnzero: I see you got your cloak sorted out, good job!17:31
superflyhi paddatrapper17:32
paddatrapperHey superfly17:38
superflyhi Kilos17:38
superflypaddatrapper: got my mac connected to the TV -_- temporary measure until I can find a monitor17:39
nsnzerohi guys 17:39
paddatrappersuperfly: good luck downsizing! 17:39
paddatrapperHey nsnzero17:39
nsnzerohope everyone is well enjoying xmas eve 17:40
superflypaddatrapper: oh, also, we have a BluRay player which needs a network connection, so I used Ethernet-over-powerline to connect it to the router :-D17:40
nsnzeromorning superfly - thanks but i couldnt tell if it was cloaked as whois still shows my host17:41
paddatrappersuperfly: ah cool. How are those things?17:41
superflypaddatrapper: big TV, bad picture17:41
nsnzerohi paddatrapper 17:41
superflypaddatrapper: sooooo awesome. just plugged it into the wall, pressed a button, and good to go!17:41
paddatrapperAh damn, lol17:41
paddatrappersuperfly: that's really impressive! 17:42
superflypaddatrapper: enjoying your monitor?17:42
Kiloshi superfly paddatrapper nsnzero inetpro and others17:42
nsnzerohi there Kilos 17:42
paddatrappersuperfly: Oh yes! So nice having a decently sized monitor on my desk17:43
Kilosnsnzero you show as cloaked here17:44
nsnzeroi am hidden 17:44
superflymischief managed!17:44
Kiloswhere there is a will there is a way17:45
Kiloswell done superfly 17:45
paddatrapper'n boer maak 'n plan 17:45
Kilosnsnzero you always see your own ip17:45
Kilosunless you have an ubuntu cloak then you dont17:45
nsnzeroKilos: i didnt know that 17:45
Kilosthats what freenode staff told me17:46
superflyI exchanged my ubuntu cloak for my own project's cloak :-)17:46
Kilossome years ago17:46
Kilosyes i saw that superfly 17:46
* superfly twirls17:46
superflydoesn't it look pretty?17:47
superflyOK, I need to go, can't sit in front of the PC all day17:47
Kilosgo well and have a good day17:47
nsnzerotake care superfly 17:47
Kilosand say hi to the family17:47
Kilosand both of you need to work on new years resolutions that can last superfly 17:48
superflyhah! I stopped that years ago17:49
Kilosi have the same one every year17:49
superflyI'm terrible at them17:49
Kilosbe here as much as possible17:49
Kilosget an easy one man17:49
Kiloslike make sure to breathe regularly17:49
nsnzerolol Kilos - why even make a resolutiom - just resolve to have none and be and do good17:50
* paddatrapper will work on iterum during the next year17:50
Kilosi always do and be good, thats a bad habit17:51
Kilosbad peeps have more fun17:51
Kiloshow is it going paddatrapper 17:51
Kilosstill long way to go?17:51
paddatrapperKilos: won't manage to get it into Debian before the freeze (no Internet has seriously handicapped me). But should be in unstable (and Ubuntu Zesty) be end of Jan17:52
Kilosoh my17:53
Kilostook a while but im happy to see that the old ibid isnt totally dead and abandoned17:53
Kilosjust reborn17:54
paddatrapperI only have one test that is failing and a copyright file to sort out 17:54
nsnzerowhats that guys ?17:54
paddatrapperKilos: that is the meaning of the name :) 17:54
Kiloswhich name17:54
Kilosrebirth or something17:54
paddatrapperKilos: iterum is Latin for reborn17:55
KilosMaaz define iterum17:55
MaazKilos: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word?17:55
Kilosbot dont know latin17:55
MaazKilos: *blink*17:55
paddatrappernsnzero: iterum is a fork of ibid which is the software behind Maaz17:55
Kilosinetpro add a latin dictionary to maaz man17:55
nsnzeroha the egg drop bot - did some reading on them 17:56
KilosMaaz coffee on17:58
* Maaz washes some mugs17:58
KilosMaaz coffee for all17:59
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already. Just type in Maaz coffee please17:59
nsnzeroMaaz coffee please17:59
Maaznsnzero: Yessir17:59
nsnzerolol 17:59
KilosMaaz large17:59
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos17:59
nsnzerothanks Maaz17:59
Kiloswhen you talk to the bot you need to use his nick at the start of your post18:00
KilosMaaz with cremora18:00
MaazAh! At last someone with taste18:00
KilosMaaz and milk18:00
MaazNow you're talking18:00
Kiloshe knows so much but i have forgotten half18:01
KilosMaaz rusks please18:01
Maazbehind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos18:01
nsnzerothats a lot of programing - or is it a learning bot ?18:02
Kiloshe learns18:02
Kiloswell he gets told what to answer to what question18:02
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and nsnzero!18:02
Kiloshe does our monthly meetings as well18:02
KilosMaaz cracias amigo18:03
MaazKilos: Sorry...18:03
Kilosoh my18:03
KilosMaaz gracias amigo18:03
Maaz¡de nada compadre18:03
nsnzerok he performs a lookup to a database - great to know that 18:04
nsnzerohow do i get maaz's word list 18:08
Kilosjust type maa tab18:09
paddatrapperMaaz: help18:10
Maazpaddatrapper: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.18:10
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.18:10
paddatrappernsnzero: ^^18:10
nsnzerothanks 18:11
nsnzerohe is mu h more comprehensive than the ibid bot - looking at the code now18:12
Kiloshe was written by our guys before they were stolen by silicon valley18:13
nsnzeroreminds me of those text based game ... good memories 18:14
Kilostotal za bot18:14
nsnzeroi can see the afrikaans references in it 18:14
Kilosaw the new guy is gone18:14
nsnzerowho Kilos ?18:15
Kilostime todock18:15
Kilossomething like that18:16
KilosMaaz see time2dock18:16
MaazKilos: *blink*18:16
KilosMaaz seen time2dock18:16
MaazKilos: time2dock was last seen 1 day, 23 hours, 14 minutes and 54 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-12-22 21:01:32 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-12-23 01:46:29 SAST18:16
nsnzeronot many chatterboxes here except me 18:16
Kilosi was worse till i got old 18:16
nsnzeroyou should have more time to chat now ...18:18
kulelu88nobody really speaks here at all18:18
nsnzerohi kulelu88 18:18
kulelu88howzit guys18:18
Kiloshi kulelu88 18:18
Kilosi nget tired too much nsnzero then go rest18:19
nsnzerokulelu88: how you doing with the html/css scripts ?18:19
kulelu88nsnzero: not too bad, your help fixed the view of the items, now I just need to space them out a bit better18:20
kulelu88im actually working on another part of it though18:21
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
nsnzeroi used kate from kde which highlights and marks blocks for easy reading 18:21
nsnzerolooking for a nice python 3 repository if anyone knows 18:26
kulelu88what type of repo?18:27
nsnzeroscript for me to read kulelu88 18:28
nsnzeroi like learning from examples 18:28
kulelu88classes or imperative?18:29
nsnzerothere are many python scripts out there but the majority is python 2.x18:29
nsnzeroanything as long as it python 3 18:29
kulelu88do you have a project in mind?18:34
nsnzeronothing - thats why i search for inspiration 18:36
kulelu88would you like me to give you a challenge?18:37
nsnzerosure 18:37
kulelu88give me a few minutes to think of 118:37
nsnzerono problem - i keep switching between electronics and programming 18:38
nsnzerobrb switching networks18:44
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
nsnzeroMaaz help18:56
Maaznsnzero: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.18:56
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.18:56
nsnzeroMaaz games18:56
Maaznsnzero: Huh?18:56
KilosMaaz help me with games18:56
MaazKilos: I use the following features for games: duel and werewolf18:56
MaazAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.18:56
nsnzerolol - thanks Kilos 18:57
Kilosyou can pm the bot then it doesnt spam here18:57
Kilosthere is a lot it can do18:57
nsnzerothats what i was thinking - taking maaz private - lol 18:58
Kilossomewhere online there was lots about teaching it and stuff18:59
Kilospaddatrapper will know where18:59
Kilosmost likely github stuff18:59
kulelu88nsnzero: try this program. You enter a random number and the program must calculate how many unique primes exist from 0 to that number19:01
paddatrapperDocs are at http://docs.iterum.io/19:01
KilosMaaz ibid.docs http://docs.iterum.io/19:01
MaazKilos: Excuse me?19:01
paddatrappernsnzero: Maaz is still ibid. Iterum still hasn't had a release yet19:01
KilosMaaz ibid.docs is http://docs.iterum.io/19:02
MaazKilos: I'll remember that19:02
paddatrapperThe most comprehensive list of plugin is on launchpad in the trunk under iterum/plugins19:02
nsnzeroi see paddatrapper 19:03
nsnzeroworking on it kulelu88 19:04
Kilosso paddatrapper has the fly decided yet whether we are going to try get maaz upgraded or get iterum here under a new nick19:04
paddatrapperKilos: dunno.19:04
Kiloswell have to ask the crash kid nicely19:05
Kilosand the weed19:05
Kilosoh tumbleweed hope all good there. have you seen the progress on iterum19:05
paddatrapperMaaz: iterum code is https://launchpad.net/iterum/19:06
Maazpaddatrapper: If you say so19:06
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:18
tumbleweedpaddatrapper: hrm, you needn't have forked19:20
nsnzerokulelu88: done - tested to 100 output : 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,9719:23
nsnzerogoing to test to 10 k19:23
nsnzeronight night kilos19:23
nsnzerokulelu88: tested 10 k output : .... 9973 last prime19:24
nsnzeroMaaz tell kulelu88 : assignment completed 19:53
Maaznsnzero: Sure, I'll tell kulelu88 on freenode19:53
nsnzerogood night all19:53
kulelu88Maaz: tell nsnzero great work . now he needs to test to 100K, then 1M, then he needs to improve the algorithm to go a little faster for >1+M20:15
Maazkulelu88: Righto, I'll tell nsnzero on freenode20:15
Maazkulelu88: By the way, nsnzero on freenode told me "tell kulelu88 : assignment completed" 21 minutes and 40 seconds ago20:15

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