
BlizzLeonWhat is the best way to go about supporting hardware which does not show up in cat /proc/bus/input/devices00:02
OerHeksBlizzLeon, no ID from lspci or lsusb ?00:10
BlizzLeonOerHeks, Afraid not, the hardware is old enough to be attached over serial, although I doubt it.00:13
BlizzLeonOerHeks, A little more information: I am looking to support the hardware buttons of a tablet. They work in GRUB to select the OS but as soon as I reach Ubuntu, I can't find any trace of them being there at all.00:21
OerHeksBlizzLeon, odd as they seem to basicly work. what tablet is this?00:25
arooniquestion; in security + privacy settings i told ubuntu not to show/index anything in it.  and yet in my dashboard on 16.04 it still shows these files.  what to do?00:28
odroidhello, I have an Odroid C2 and I wonder how can I install Lubuntu.00:29
BlizzLeonOerHeks, It is a Motion Computing J3500 - there are a couple of threads about trying to get the hardware buttons working but they are long dead.00:31
LissajousPatternwow now i just feel like someone is messing with me. there is a folder in the .cache/mozilla/firefox/****.default/cahe2 labled doomed00:32
OerHeksBlizzLeon, no idea, there seem to be more than one version, and no promissing search results sofar.00:39
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: doomed appears defailr. My FF install " drwxr-xr-x 2 sysop sysop  4096 Dec 23 18:38 doomed " .00:40
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: defailr/default*00:40
LissajousPatterni guess i am doomed by default then00:41
LissajousPatternthanks :)00:41
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: I am as stumped here as you . Maybe consider the result of installing chromium-browser ?00:42
LissajousPatternit crashes as well00:43
LissajousPatternmidori as well00:43
LissajousPatternevery browser i have tried crashes00:43
LissajousPatternthunderbird crashes00:43
Bashing-omLoshki: Yuk ! .. A ram and or swap issue ?00:43
BlizzLeonOerHeks, that's the conclusion I came to - I have noticed a couple of things that confused be though. In xinput list, there are 2 power buttons listed but under xinput test, only one of them shows any activity when the power button is pressed but neither respond to the other hardware buttons.00:44
LissajousPatterni feel like i have gone so far down a rabbit hole here that my ears wont be long enough for anyone to reach in and pull me out00:45
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: The only commonality that I can see with any browser crashing is ram related . Have you ran a memory test ?00:47
LissajousPatternhow would i go about that?00:47
LissajousPatterni was talking with someone earlier and they said something to that effect as well00:48
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: Booting the live desktop installer to the boot options screen, there is an option to run the mem test . If ya can boot the installed system in grub's advanced menu also is that option ( providing this is not a EFI machine ).00:49
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: Ya want at least 3 passes .. and preferably let it run all night for a good test .00:51
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: How much ram do you have installed ?- by the way .00:53
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: Should be fine for the lighter editions . The heavy weight desk tops need 2 gigs and more .00:55
LissajousPatternand everything was fine before the last update00:55
LissajousPatternyeah i have trie lubuntu and xubutu00:55
LissajousPatternsorry for the typos i am just flat out tired00:55
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: Nother thought then is to see what 14.04.1 is like // I stress the .1 .. and that will maintain the trustry 3.13 series kernel.00:57
LissajousPatterni have literally gone through 4-5 installs00:57
LissajousPatternjust today00:57
TatouHello fellow friends00:57
TatouI want to learn some basic sysadmit stuff.. for devops.00:58
TatouWhat's a good path for this?00:58
LissajousPatternand i had a perfectly functioning install of lubuntu on this exact machine less than a week ago00:58
james1138Hello and Happy Holidays! Question about Claws-Mail and vcalendar plugin. Anyone managed to sync with Google Calendar?00:58
LissajousPatternand an update hit and then bam no browsers00:58
Bashing-omLissajousPattern: Tired and frustrated, I can understand . As all releases do not perform it sure looks to be hardware related - somewhere .00:59
LissajousPatterni just tried to re-seat the ram and the traces looked ok and everything00:59
LissajousPatterni will do a mem test though01:00
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Bashing-omLissajousPattern: The test will take a bit of time .. about 3 hours ?? for the preliminary ?01:01
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Dalek_BreathHi... Can anyone tell me what "usb 1-1.3: device descriptor read/64, error -110" means in my dmesg?01:09
Guest60127ok pps, way outa practice here, but I'm stumped01:13
Guest60127can anyone help me get my parallel printer, with new parallel port add-on card recognized?01:14
bazhangthats not helpful freqnasty01:15
bazhangwhat does linuxprinting.org say about that printer, Guest6012701:16
bazhangcheck their database01:16
Guest60127k, will try01:17
Guest60127although I don't think its the printer, which is a laserjet 210001:18
Guest60127the problem seems to be that the add-on card is blocking it ie OS can't see the printer01:19
bazhangfreqnasty, did you have an ubuntu support issue01:19
bazhangtake the chit chat elsewhere, if not freqnasty01:19
Dalek_BreathHi... Can anyone tell me what "usb 1-1.3: device descriptor read/64, error -110" means in my dmesg?01:27
user16could be your mouse dalek01:28
Guest60127pls: need some help: lsmod | grep par is giving me some results, but I'm stumped otherwise01:30
Ben64Guest60127: ls /dev/lp*01:31
Guest60127Ben64: tried that, all that's returned is 'no such file or directory'01:32
Guest60127Ben64: and yes, I tried subsituting numbers for the *, same nada result01:33
Ben64then you don't have a parallel port (according to the OS)01:33
Guest60127Ben64: ty...although lshw recognizes the add-on cards with the parallel port01:34
Ben64Guest60127: what does lshw say01:36
Guest60127Ben64: trying to find it, seems more difficult to do so now01:39
Guest60127Ben64: lsmod | grep par still gives me 2 results01:40
Ben64that's not really significant unless you have a /dev/lp001:41
Ben64could also do lspci or lsusb depending on how it's connected01:41
Guest60127the first parport _pc is now numbered "0", and the one numbered "3" has always been: lp,ppdev,parport_pc01:42
Ben64i have the same, and i disabled my parallel port01:42
Guest60127hmmm lspci doesn't seem to see the parallel card01:43
edaqhas anyone here gotten an error unaligned pointer 0xffffffff when trying to boot an install medium?01:45
Guest60127does this mean I'm stuck with an lpt1 or nothing? that lpt1 header on the mobo doesn't do much good if I can't use it OR a parallel port add-on card01:45
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Ben64Guest60127: i'm sure there is a way, but i haven't messed with parallel in many years01:48
Ben64Guest60127: seems like it could be /dev/pp or /dev/parport* as well01:49
Guest60127Ben64: "no such file or..." again01:51
Guest60127back to swapping cards, searches, reading... ttyl01:51
edaqanyone here had difficulty with the unaligned pointer problem?01:52
edaqanyone here had difficulty with the unaligned pointer problem?01:53
bazhangpatience please edaq01:53
user16unaligned pointer? edaq.. what is your install medium?01:55
edaq(the pc has no cd01:55
edaq(horrible trying to install to it01:55
edaqhonsetly I have tried 5 OS's01:55
edaqLubuntu Ubuntu Linux Mint Puppy01:56
edaqother people seem to have success with this particular one though01:56
user16i like using dd if=/yourimage of=/dev/usbx01:56
edaqtried different usb01:56
edaqyeah that too01:56
edaqtried that01:56
edaqand cp01:56
user16i used to get lots of errors with usb  live/install01:57
edaqcp iso /dev/sdb001:57
user16BTW does it run live at all?01:57
edaqno just goes to grub OEM install thing01:57
edaqtried with and without secure boot01:57
edaqwith and without legacy01:57
user16i would say likely a format error.. your install image not really there01:57
edaqor the quality of the stick01:58
edaqI am reinstalling the iso the the usb now01:58
edaqwill be retrying in a sec01:58
user16lububntu probably has worked out secure and legacy boot bugs01:58
edaq(been trying for about a week01:58
edaqwouldnt they be behind ubuntu01:59
user16dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/usbx01:59
ralexso im tryinng ubuntu 16.10 on a Dell Inspiron and was able to get it installed just fine.  However this laptop comes with a broadcom bluetooth so I used an article to try to get it working01:59
ralexafter doing the article, the bluetooth still isnt working01:59
user16will really knock out everything on your usb01:59
Bashing-omedaq: A thought . there is " check disk for defects" in the installer (desktop) boot options menu .01:59
edaqyeah, did not work, gave a pointer error also02:00
user16i am running mate 16.1002:00
ralexthe article i used was this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/632336/bluetooth-broadcom-43142-isnt-working-on-ubuntu02:00
edaqdid you use a proprietary driver ralex02:00
edaqmy system had the same issue02:00
edaqhad to get the broadcom driver for it02:00
ralexoh. do i have to remove the wifi driver as well?02:01
ralexfrom the additional drivers?02:01
edaqI had to install broadcom propietary driver02:01
edaqthen I installed wicd02:02
edaq(then some other thing for it to show up on the panel)02:02
edaqon my lubuntu I had to use etho cable for awhile because it did not want to install the broadcom from online02:02
edaqtold me to insert the disc02:03
edaqthat particular lubuntu could not install from disc player hooked to usb02:03
edaqso had to grab the package and install it with gdebi02:03
ralexyeah i installed the broadcom driver that was on the install media02:03
edaqdo you have wicd installed?02:04
ralexno i just installed it02:04
edaqif you cannot get it working using wicd, then I am out of ideas on that one02:04
ralexbut when you download like 16.04 or 16.10, you can search the cd/usb for bcmwl and copy that to the hd.. then dkms then copy that02:04
ralexso i got the wifi working but the bluetooth cant connect to my phone02:04
edaqI dont use bluetooth02:05
edaqthat might be another thing02:05
edaqmkay user1602:10
edaqjust tried again with fresh image02:10
edaqgot this alloc magic is broken at 0x1ff8ac8-: 1fda340002:11
edaqthat is strange02:11
edaqstrangest thing I have ever seen while trying to install a system :P02:12
user16try really scrubbing your usb stick02:14
user16dd if=/dev/urandom of=/media/usbx bs=50MB02:14
edaqI will try that02:15
user16i was surprised how fast dd runs on linux 4+02:15
user16usbx being of course your usb?02:15
edaqI thought Unetbootin does that by default02:15
edaqie: wiping and formatting02:16
user16it is supposed to.. but you said it multiple installs distros on the same usb stick02:16
edaqI have been trying with 4 different sticks02:16
user16really erase it with dd02:16
edaqwill do02:16
user16i think dd runs maybe twice as fast on ubuntu 16+02:17
ralexok sweet. i got bluetooth working02:17
edaquser16, should I do it with dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb1 bs=50MB02:18
edaqor use dd if=/dev/urandom of=/media/USB bs=50MB02:18
user16umm where your usb is what is important02:18
user16likely /dev/sdb102:18
user16if your usb stick starts LED flashing you know you got it02:19
LissajousPatternso firefox works on my fresh install of xubuntu as of just this minute. i did not allow the distro to update during install nor install third party software and magically it works02:19
user16just DONT /dev/sda1 or similar02:19
LissajousPatternedaq, you can also install iotop to see the reads and writes of drives it must be run as sudo.02:21
edaqnice idea02:22
edaqmkay user16 it is dd ing02:22
Bashing-omedaq: Ya want to work with the device ( sdb _+ not the partirion ; something like ' sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync ' .02:22
user16the && sync show some output? i never got that part going02:24
Bashing-omuser16: To get live stats from dd; something like ' dd bs=1M if=/dev/zero | pv | sudo dd bs=1M of=/dev/<drive> ' .02:25
LissajousPatternor just use iotop02:26
edaqthe dd takes forever on this stick02:26
user16how many Gigabytes edaq?02:27
user16i think about ten minutes02:27
edaqcould be because dev urandom has to generate the entropy02:28
edaqie dev/urandom wont give bits if there arent random bits to give02:28
edaqso in theory it could be moving slower because I am not generating much entropy02:29
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blackflowedaq: urandom will ALWAYS return02:31
edaqdoesn't it delay though?02:31
blackflowyou're thinkg of /dev/random (note no u) that blocks when entropy is depleted02:31
edaqthat makes sense02:31
edaqmy stick is just slow :P02:31
user16i never saw bashing-om's /dev/zero before either02:31
blackflowbut if you're concerend with entropy, you can always install haveged, it works out of the box02:32
user16if i am right sometimes the grub and worse yet EFI partitions remain even after most formatting02:33
blackflowedaq: urandom is also slow. you're better of with dev/zero02:34
blackflow(slow but nonblocking)02:34
edaqah makes sense now02:34
edaqI used dd zero for making swapfiles02:34
edaqvery fast02:34
user16has anyone gotten torsocks to work? i have torbrowser but would really like it in a proxy02:37
edaqactually I could not get it to work on mine02:37
edaqtorsocks I mean02:37
edaqbut that does not mean it cant be done(I suck with port forwarding etc)02:38
user16most of the blogs i read are several years old for torsocks and on ubuntu it is a couple months02:39
edaqI will be back in 30min02:40
tarelerulzIs there away to get what a device is really called via a command?02:48
bazhangsudo lshw tarelerulz02:48
kk4ewtalso lspci  and lsudb02:51
kk4ewtlsusb yes02:51
tarelerulzIt is usb bluetooth dongle that came with a mouse.  It works ,but it some off band called proht.02:54
bazhangtarelerulz, if the output gives you an eight character code, you websearch with that02:55
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tarelerulzout of what bazhang a command or modle number serial number ?02:59
MBP_hey, quick question. i'm trying to install a program that isn't in the package manager. comes as a self-contained tar.gz file which includes the binary and everything else03:00
MBP_what folder do you put programs like this in? /opt?03:00
bazhangtarelerulz, from the lspci/lsusb03:00
MBP_or /usr/share? /usr/local? /usr? etc03:00
bazhangwhich program MBP_03:00
MBP_in this case it's cryptocat, but had the same issue with eclipse before03:00
MBP_eclipse's installer wasn't working on my system for some reason, apt's package was way out of date, so just downloaded to install manually03:01
MBP_it's a pretty generic use case that pops up every so often03:01
Amm0nMBP_, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard03:02
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kk4ewtMBP_,  general rule is its not in a distro, it goes in /opt03:03
MBP_Amm0n thanks, seen it. different distros do things differently. in this case my instinct would be to put it in /opt, but i'm wondering if that's right here03:03
MBP_ok, thanks. very helpful03:04
MBP_and people just change the path then to include /opt/whatever in it?03:05
tarelerulzif anyone reads this  keep boxes with  detailed  information for Linux .  Don't get off band stuff.  USB seems like works and that is it.03:08
d0048guy, is there anyway I can move the close and minimize button to the up-right of the windows in unity?03:48
xanguad0048: no03:48
d0048xangua, how come...03:49
ubpcuz unity03:50
d0048well,fine-/ -03:50
Bashing-omd0048: As I understand it , that placement is hard coded .03:51
ubpi prefer xfce03:52
Bashing-omxfce is configurable :)03:54
ubpvery much so, which is why i enjoy it03:55
mainlymono1I try to get away from very cuztomizable DEs because I often procrastinate with them. :D03:55
ubpit's usually my first order of business03:56
yangm97is it just me or ubuntu is acting up? running `apt update` on 16.04 and 16.04.1 live cd  returns a nice "can't move old database out the place", running `apt install --yes debootstrap gdisk zfs-initramfs` on 16.10 returns "dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: unable to install updated status of 'zfs-zed': No such file or directory"04:02
yangm97tried with two different usb devices04:02
yangm97both uefi and bios mode04:02
yangm97I'm trying to follow this guide: https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu%2016.10%20Root%20on%20ZFS04:03
yangm97getting stuck on the very early steps04:03
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andrex!en > Guest9716304:08
ubottuGuest97163, please see my private message04:08
andrex!utf > Guest9716304:08
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Random832!th | Guest9716304:12
ubottuGuest97163: Please type /join  #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.04:12
Random832oh he's gone. and the factoid doesn't have a message *in* Thai, which might have made it less helpful04:13
Sweepyofacethere's a whole channel just for thailand?04:14
LinuxNovicehello, which DE between Xfce and Mate is more lightweight and is suitable for old laptops?04:59
nathanLinuxNovice, they're  basically equivalent at this point05:00
LinuxNoviceok. which one is more preferred?05:01
angel_alguien habla español05:01
nathanLinuxNovice, xfce has a history of being slightly lighter, but Mate is far more common these days05:01
nathanUbuntu Mate is probably the prime distro for the raspberry pi05:01
LinuxNoviceWhy is Mate more common?05:01
nathanso I'd suggest going with that one05:01
xanguaLinuxNovice: lxde is lighter, but both xfce and mate have more features by default05:01
LinuxNoviceI wanted to choose between Mate and Xfce05:02
nathanEasy choice is go Mate05:02
LinuxNoviceok. I'll try Mate.05:03
nathanMate used to be called Gnome 2, and it was the most common desktop before the current generation of fancy05:03
kang0Anyone has tried Max Linux distros?05:04
Bashing-omLinuxNovice: How about making up liveUSBs of each and see which "you" like the better ?05:04
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LinuxNoviceI'll try that too. I needed a very lightweight distro for my very old laptop.05:05
kang0I too needed05:05
leaftypeLinuxNovice, how old? It's best to know what sort of specs we're dealing with - Ram, processor speed, that sort of thing05:06
xanguaLinuxNovice: if it's that old and you have experience with Linux, Lubuntu might be a here fit05:06
kang01gb ram leaftype05:06
xanguaBut you haven't really tell your specs, besides "very old"05:06
Bashing-omLinuxNovice: consider " Lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. It is targeted at "normal" PC and laptop users running on low-spec hardware." .05:07
LinuxNovicet is 11 years old. Runs on Intel Celeron M Single core 1.5 Ghz processor with 2 gb ram.05:07
LinuxNovicehow about LXLE?05:07
omarramohey guys, I have a amd rx470. what graphic driver should I be using with 16.04? I tried amd gpu and padoka ppa and both give me tearing issues and low performance (just when watching videos/working, no games)05:07
xanguaI have Lubuntu in one of those LinuxNovice (only difference 1.7 GHz)05:08
xanguaLinuxNovice: and recently reinstalled Lubuntu 64 bits after living a lie for ten years thinking it only supported 32 bits05:08
LinuxNoviceok. Lxde is more suited for such old machines, I suppose.05:08
LinuxNovicebut, my laptop is of 32 bits.05:09
leaftypemaybe, but the biggest thing you'll deal with isn't the DE in that case05:09
leaftypeFirefox will kill it before LXDE or Mate matters05:09
xanguaDidn't I just say Celeron M supports 64 bits?05:09
LinuxNovicewhat is the advantage of using 64 bits Lxde on a 32 bit machine.05:10
xanguaFirefox runs fine,. Just disable smooth scrolling05:10
leaftypeif Firefox runs fine, so will any "lightweight" DE. Mate, KDE 3, lxde, xfce - they're all a LOT lighter than firefox is these days. But ohwell, it's not worth arguing over05:12
pissin_on_myselflxde is good05:12
pissin_on_myselfim using it right now05:12
pissin_on_myselfon a hp stream piece of crapbook05:12
MichaelPfor conky-manager any ppa's for 16.10 ? apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa seems to be for 16.0405:13
LinuxNoviceok. But, can I use Lubutu 64 bit on my laptop? It's a 32 bit machine.05:14
leaftypeLinuxNovice, no05:14
MichaelPyou can use 32 bit os on 64 bit pc... but no 64 on a 3205:15
LinuxNoviceok. I'll try Lubuntu and Mate 32 bit, then.05:16
Bashing-omLinuxNovice: ' grep -w lm /proc/cpuinfo ' If you see "lm" in red, it's 64 bits. Otherwise it's 32 bits.// xangua would not mislead you :)05:16
LinuxNovicegrep -w lm /proc/cpuinfo      what is this?05:17
LinuxNoviceI am new to Linux.05:19
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MichaelPLinuxNovice: Looks like it giving CPU info only a geek can understand05:19
shadowlastme too05:19
leaftypeyou could also type "lscpu"05:20
leaftypeare you on linux right now?05:20
leaftypeopen a program called the terminal05:21
leaftypeon ubuntu, you can press ctrl+alt+t05:21
leaftyperather, the keys control, alt, and 't', at the same time05:21
LinuxNoviceok. I got it.05:21
LinuxNoviceIt's a 32 bit machine.05:22
leaftypethere ya go05:22
leaftypethe more you use linux, the more likely you'll star tplaying with the terminal05:22
leaftypeit's WAY faster and more flexible than graphical buttons and menus05:22
LinuxNoviceWill have to learn CLI.05:23
leaftypegreat. The more you learn, the more amazing it becomes.05:23
RochvellonLinuxNovice: grep -w lm /proc/cpuinfo shows all skills the cpu can use eg. fpu stands for floating point unit05:23
LinuxNoviceI can use 32 bit editions only, on this machine, then.05:23
LinuxNovicedo I need to type grep -w lm /proc/cpuinfo  in the terminal?05:24
shadowlast /newserver05:26
MichaelPIs there no conky manager for 16.10 ?05:27
leaftypeRochvellon, what does the 'lm' mean?05:27
LinuxNoviceI'll try Lubuntu 32 bit.05:27
leaftypenvm, figured it out05:27
Rochvellonleaftype: i think it's for monitoring things such like the temperature. You can read this with lm-sensors05:30
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leaftypeRochvellon, it's a flag for "long mode", meaning it's 64 bit capable05:31
Rochvellonah, ok, thank you05:31
leaftypeRochvellon, thank stackexchange :)05:32
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nrjjust installed ubuntu sdk qt any idea where to start06:06
frostwire124We'd I on TV? It's love06:48
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trams_ hi guys08:06
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fooI have a few IPs from this: - I want to know, where is 5.126.*.* from? I assume an IP uses this in some part of the world, likely Iran - but I want to be sure. Anyway to check this?08:31
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trams_ want to know how could i bypass an icloud08:45
onlaanyone know if this still applies https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=166161  dual boot with laptop that has uefi.. grub missing the win partition etc09:02
Bobhow do i join those channel09:13
Bobi barley use these webchats09:13
Bob#kali-linux i click on it but nothing09:13
Bobhey everyone09:14
Bobi had a question09:14
Bobi have kali linux on VMware09:14
Bobtrying to hack a wifi09:14
xanguaBob: wrong channel, wrong network09:14
Bobssooo there's this step where i have to use comand 'macchanger'09:15
Bobis it really wrong09:15
Bob:( damn man i am confused i cant find anywhere to solve my problem09:15
Bobwhere should i go?09:15
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ObrienDaveMerry Krishna and Bah! Humbug! to all ;P10:11
ObrienDaveBingle Jells! ;P10:17
onlawhats the linux mint irc c7annel10:18
Wulfonla: How did you manage to type 7 instead of h? Strange keyboard layout?10:18
xangua!Mint | onla10:18
ubottuonla: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:18
onlaheh.. phone that has dvorak.  if press h down too long it makes it 710:19
onlaok thanks.  hmm oh well my problem is not mint related tho.  getting i/o error when trying to install from live cd.  Guess there's nothing to do but to change media.  md5 hash is ok10:21
ikoniaonla: problem is mint related10:21
Wulfonla: error while reading from cd or while writing to hdd?10:22
ikoniathe mint support resources can help you10:22
onlai hawe had that problem on same usb stick installing ubuntu too earlier iirc10:22
ikoniaplease take it to the mint channels10:22
ikonia(or support resources)10:22
onlaWulf: while writing to hdd10:22
Wulfonla: ask Santa to give you a new one tonight10:23
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sgo11hi, I have a partition D:\ drive with size 100GB in windows xp and I delete some files which I don't want anyone to recover by using recovery tools. Without format, can I simply create a 100GB.bin file by dd in ubuntu and paste this to the D drive in windows to prevent the recovery? is this a good method? thanks.11:00
ikonia???? what11:01
ikonia"dd in ubuntu" ???11:01
sgo11ikonia, dd command.11:01
ikoniaI know what the command is11:01
ikoniabut what does "dd in ubuntu"11:01
ikoniawhy are you referencing windows driver letters in relation to linux11:02
sgo11ikonia, dd if=/dev/zero of=100GB.bin bs=1 count=0 seek=100G11:02
ikoniasgo11: why would you create an empty 100gb file ?11:02
sgo11ikonia, ok, it seems my question does not make any sense in English.11:02
ikoniasgo11: what is your end goal ?11:03
ikoniamaybe that will clarify11:03
sgo11ikonia, I put this file to the D drive partition in windows to prevent data recovery of that D partition in windows. my end goal is to prevent recovery of deleted files in my windows partition.11:04
ikoniasgo11: are you trying to "blank" the windows machine ?11:04
ikoniaor the windows partition ?11:04
Ben64sgo11: good method to prevent recovery is to write all zeros to the drive11:05
sgo11ikonia, only that windows partition. not really blank. I simplified the problem. the true situation is my windows partition has some files which can not be deleted. so I can not do any format. I have to keep those data untouch.11:05
ikoniasgo11: ok ? then whats the point of a blank 100gb file ?11:06
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sgo11for example, 100GB partition has 70GB files. I removed 10 GB files. 60GB files left. I don't want anyone to recover my deleted 10 GB files. I put 40GB.bin file to this partition. I think this file will wipe out the 40GB free space's "hidden data" so that nobody can recover my 10GB files. if this makes sense in English... ikonia11:08
ikoniayou can't just "dd" part of a partition and hope expect all the files you want to be safe to be safe11:09
EriC^^sgo11: yeah you want to fill it up completely right?11:10
EriC^^sgo11: there's a program called secure-delete that can wipe the deleted stuff11:10
EriC^^!info secure-delete11:10
ubottusecure-delete (source: secure-delete): tools to wipe files, free disk space, swap and memory. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-6ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 61 kB, installed size 145 kB11:10
sgo11ikonia, I think I don't dd part of a partition in my situation. I dd to create a big file in ubuntu and put this file to windows. it should be different from dd directly.11:10
Ben64or don't worry about the size at all, just do 'dd bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=file'11:10
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veterHello Ubuntu community, i have a 2 monitors & one times i make selection to visibility of launcher on all desktop and can't off it. I choose Primary desktop but nothing happen, after i launc UTT again the radio button switch in the "All desktops position" again, how to fix it? http://storage9.static.itmages.com/i/16/1224/h_1482577659_8547878_d1ebd54805.png11:12
sgo11EriC^^, ok, thanks. I think I am going to use a tool. nobody thinks my way is good. :)11:12
EriC^^sgo11: as far as i could tell it looked like a good idea, it's what Ben64 suggested, the tool does the same thing except it can also do passes and whatever11:14
EriC^^what Ben64 suggested should be good enough and easy to do11:14
sgo11I am trying to prevent recovery of deleted files in windows, so that's why I create the file by dd in ubuntu and then put the file to windows. I think it should work. :) EriC^^11:15
EriC^^sgo11: yup11:15
ikoniaEriC^^: do you actually grasp what he's trying to do, as I'm missing it I think11:17
blackflowcreating an empty file and moving it to windows... prevents its recovery?11:17
ikoniablackflow: ok good so I'm not on my own here ?11:17
EriC^^ikonia: he deleted some files, but he wants them actually wiped from the disk, so he's trying to fill the disk up enough so they get overwritten11:17
blackflowikonia: i'm not quite sure what they're talking about, so I'm asking too :)11:18
sgo11EriC^^, cool English words. :) yeah, right.11:18
blackflowokay it makes sense to overwrite blocks by occupying them. note, tho, the OS will always reserve space so not all blocks will be deleted.11:18
EriC^^blackflow: windows has a 5% default like ext?11:19
sgo11blackflow, but i have to keep some files (program exe dll files) in that partition, that's why I can't format it.11:20
Surfer2010has anyone an idea what is wrong with my mysql looking at this error-log? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23677428/11:21
EriC^^sgo11: you should be good i think, as long as you shut down correctly or run "sync" after dd it should be ok11:22
sgo11EriC^^, cool. thanks. :)11:24
EriC^^sgo11: no problem :)11:24
rsmshelp my download not open11:26
EriC^^rsms: what download?11:27
rsmsI download file form internet through browser .it a archive file. when i first open i opened with archive manager .when i click on open containing folder its not open it.and its not in downloads11:28
Surfer2010is it possible to emulate/virtualize odroid-ubuntu on my pc to have a test system?11:33
blackflowEriC^^: I don't know the %% but afaik yes it keeps reserved adjacent blocks to minimize fragmentation11:34
blackflowso filling up the space is not a 100% guarantee that all files and their blocks are deleted.11:34
jamesrleimeri have a question if someone's awake11:37
blackflowI need help understanding this. systemd is complaining that it's unable to raise the network iface (ens3) but it's up and running and I've ssh'd into the server. 16.04. status output: https://dpaste.de/wNXS11:37
blackflowwhich is preventing me to restart networking (even with ifdown && ifup) because I need to add ipv6.11:38
blackflowany ideas what to do, short of rebooting the server?11:38
jamesrleimersorry blackflow dont know much about server stuff11:39
blackflowwell it's not specific to servers, it's basic networking11:39
jamesrleimeris your interface ens3 or ath0 ?11:40
blackflowens3, no wifi11:40
blackflowthe interface works, network works, static network config in file /etc/network/interfaces.d/ens311:41
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zacakryhi I am doing some development with kinect 2 however I getting all sorts of errors with software drivers. I there a way I can compile code from source and return to previous good state12:05
zacakrynormally I do this sort of the work in virtualbox and take snapshots, however the resources required for kinect 2 would preclude doing this type of testing in virtual box12:06
zacakrylooking for something like an isolated environment to install code into or alternatively a snapshot for linux that actually works12:08
Wulfzacakry: about about Docker?12:08
rhaguHi, I am setting up a samba server inside a lxc container and may need to redo the whole setup. Therefore I would like to copy the files that define the users and their passwords inside the container. But I do not know which files I would net to copy to the new instance, any ideas?12:10
MonkeyDustzacakry  explore containers12:10
MonkeyDustor Docker, Wulf nnnnnwas faster12:10
MonkeyDustrhagu  there's also #lxcotainers12:14
MonkeyDustrhagu  there's also #lxcontainers12:14
rhaguMonkeyDust I know, that is what I am using, but this problem seemed to be more related to ubuntu user and samba password management, than setting up a container12:15
ikoniarhagu: the samba config file sets the auth type and the files used to store the passwords12:20
ikoniarhagu: read your samba config, look at where it's pointing at and back up those files12:21
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jamesrleimerquestion: if i switch from the unity desktop to the gnome desktop can i uninstall the unity if i want to keep gnome, and vice versa?12:41
jamesrleimerand how12:41
MonkeyDustjamesrleimer  i guess it would be easier, faster and cleaner to backup personal files and install ubuntu gnome instead http://ubuntugnome.org/12:46
jamesrleimercould try that..but since i have most of gnome already installed...12:49
jamesrleimerheck it even shows up in the login screen, you know where you can select the desktop enviroment12:50
RajRajRajPlease help13:08
RajRajRajI can not proceed and dont know what to do13:09
RajRajRajThis ubuntu 160.0413:09
RajRajRajAnyone here?13:09
MonkeyDustRajRajRaj  type /n13:10
MonkeyDustRajRajRaj  click OK, so we can see what's behind the error dialog13:11
RajRajRajMonkeyDust: it got stuck there i will restart and go there again13:12
BluesKajHiyas all13:12
RajRajRajMonkeyDust: ^13:14
ioriaRajRajRaj, you are dual booting with windows, using the 'Something else' item in the partitioner ? if yes, you have to select a mount point and a fs (ext4)   http://askubuntu.com/questions/343268/how-to-use-manual-partitioning-during-installation13:15
RajRajRajioria: yes. So shall i format /dev/sd3 with ext413:16
RajRajRajAnd mount it to /13:16
ioriayup and mount pint '/'13:16
MonkeyDustRajRajRaj  backup first, make sure you don't lose essential or personal data13:17
RajRajRajioria: ok13:17
ioriaRajRajRaj, ^ MonkeyDust13:17
RajRajRajMonkeyDust: i have backup but i dont have another system to use that back up13:17
ioriaRajRajRaj,  you have already 4 partitions , so no swap13:18
ioriaRajRajRaj,  but that could be a problem13:18
rommelhow much ram13:19
RajRajRajioria: will it dual boot?13:19
ioriaRajRajRaj,  yes... the problem will be on suspend or hibernation13:19
iorianope, that's 2 not 313:20
jjkinasquestion , ive never had a system with UEFI , and i set my motherboard to "other os" mode ,  but the ubuntu installer wouldent install grub and find my windows 10 partition like normal.   where can i go to learn what to do13:20
ioriawrong partition13:20
rommeljjkinas, why did you set it to other os13:21
RajRajRajioria: yes i selected sda213:21
ioriaRajRajRaj,  why ?13:21
RajRajRajSda1 has Windows13:21
RajRajRajSda3 was unknown13:21
jjkinasrommel:  because when i did the install like normal it said it couldent write grub to the / disk13:22
RajRajRajAnd it didnt format sda313:22
RajRajRajHence i selected sda213:22
RajRajRajIts ok i guess13:22
ioriaRajRajRaj,   you need to know what's on your partitions13:22
RajRajRajYes i remember sda1 is windows13:22
RajRajRaj2 and 3 were empty13:22
RajRajRaj4 is data13:22
ioriaRajRajRaj,   mm... better you start the licecd in 'try' mode, and paste sudo parted -l13:24
RajRajRajIts installing now :(13:25
RajRajRajIt says configuring hardware13:25
RajRajRajWow office comes pre installed13:25
rommeljjkinas, i dont think that is what you want to do i think it is more along the lines of partitioning correctly for efi13:26
RajRajRajxun: hello13:27
jocixun: hii!13:27
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
j41I think there's something funky going on with my gpu drivers. When I mouse over a button in Steam or an icon in the Unity search menu, all of my screens flicker.13:38
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:44
georgesjoin *ubuntu.fr13:45
jociwindow splitv 5013:49
jocioww.. srry:)13:49
xunwho's like ascii art? :)13:54
xunsometimes you need to view image but have only terminal13:54
xun"asciiview" can help you to view image in terminal13:54
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asdasdhello! does anybody know how where I can find the source code for the ubuntu server installer tui?13:57
xunguys, check out "figlet". sudo apt-get install figlet13:58
xun _   _ _____ _     _     ___13:58
xun| | | | ____| |   | |   / _ \13:58
xun| |_| |  _| | |   | |  | | | |13:59
MonkeyDustxun  stop13:59
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RajRajRajioria thanks i successfully installed it :)14:15
adroit_machinehi, I was trying to install wine 1.8 on my computer, but now it seems like it has messed something up. apt-get -f gives me this output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23677961/. #winehq told me it is a ubuntu problem because those packages are in ubuntu's repos. Need help please14:15
RajRajRajBtw i can't play videos or music. It says it requires some plugin14:15
RajRajRajHow do i install those plugins14:17
MonkeyDustRajRajRaj  that 'some plugin' is called 'ubuntu-restricted-extras'14:17
wiggmpkadroit_machine: how are you installing wine?14:18
adroit_machineyes, I have already installed it but now there's some error on my computer, wiggmpk14:18
wiggmpkadroit_machine: HOW did you install it? what command?14:18
wiggmpkadroit_machine: did you add any repository or ppa? or just from the stock repositories?14:19
adroit_machinewiggmpk: I followd this  tutorial: ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/12/install-wine-1-8-stable-new-ppa/14:19
adroit_machinewiggmpk: I added repository14:19
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  simply type   sudo apt install wine14:19
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  no need for a ppa14:19
adroit_machineMonkeyDust: no that's an older version of wine. I'm trying to install 1.814:20
wiggmpkadroit_machine: do you need 1.8 for a specific reason?14:20
adroit_machinewiggmpk: No particular reason, but I have already installed it now.14:20
wiggmpkadroit_machine: yes, but you apparently have issues...14:21
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  purge the ppa and install wine from the repos14:21
adroit_machinewiggmpk: what can I do to make the errors go away?14:21
wiggmpkadroit_machine: ^ I would follow MonkeyDust's advice14:22
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  not use the ppa14:22
adroit_machineMonkeyDust: folks at #winehq told me it is a ubuntu's problem because those packages are in ubuntu's repos14:22
wiggmpkadroit_machine: If you don't need 1.8 for a specific reason, use the version in the stock repository. They work..14:22
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  a ppa is an external source, but wine sits in the repos, yes14:22
RajRajRajMonkeyDust: oh ok. Btw thank  you for the installation help its working now :)14:22
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:23
MonkeyDustRajRajRaj  glad i could help14:24
adroit_machineisn't there anything I can do now to correct the problem, MonkeyDust, wiggmpk14:24
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  yes, purge the ppa and install wine the official repos14:26
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adroit_machineok thanks MonkeyDust, but I'm not gonna do it14:27
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  or if you insist on using the ppa, you should contact the maintainer14:28
wiggmpkadroit_machine: just curious, but why?14:28
adroit_machinewine 1.8 has support for windows 10, wiggmpk14:28
wiggmpkadroit_machine: so does wine-staging...14:28
wiggmpkadroit_machine: what do you need windows 10 'support' for?14:29
adroit_machinewine staging, is that the one available through play onlinux?14:29
adroit_machineI don't need it,I just think it is pretty cool, wiggmpk14:29
MonkeyDustadroit_machine  fancy experimenting with unsupported packages is beyond the scope of this channel14:31
wiggmpkadroit_machine: in addition to that, unless you are configuring containers for you windows applications, the default selection of OS version (IIRC) is Windows XP14:32
adroit_machinewiggmpk: but it is changeable through wine cfg14:33
wiggmpkadroit_machine: and speaking from personal experience, I have the most success selecting Windows XP and sometimes Windows 7 (if there is a silly bug)14:33
adroit_machinewiggmpk: what works for you may not work for me14:34
wiggmpkadroit_machine: fair enough14:35
wiggmpkadroit_machine: what version of Ubuntu are you running?14:35
adroit_machinewiggmpk: ubuntu 14.0414:36
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wiggmpkadroit_machine: I still recommend what MonkeyDust suggested. Remove the packages you installed and purge the PPA. If you want the latest and greatest I would try wine-staging. I'm running 16.04 with no issues. http://www.webupd8.org/2015/06/get-new-wine-features-faster-with-wine.html14:37
adroit_machineok thanks wiggmpk14:38
wiggmpkcurrent version is wine2.0rc214:39
yangm97any idea why grub boots fine named like a efi shell but it's entry won't work? external media boot just fine14:44
ikoniadefine "won't work"14:46
Name000hello guys, I have the following problem: Transfer large files from my HDD to SSD freezes my system. Transfering from SSD to HDD doesn't freeze it. Any ideas?14:50
ikoniaName000: does the mouse pointer stil move ?14:54
Name000@ikonia: no it doesn't14:54
ikoniaso the machine is totally hardlocking then ?14:55
ikoniadoes the caps lock key come on / off when you press capslock14:55
Name000it doesn't have a light, so I don't know14:55
Name000it might freeze up to 5 minutes, sometimes it freezes for some seconds14:56
Icarus<Name000>, http://www.howtoeverything.net/linux/hardware/ubuntu-freeze-issue-after-ssd-upgrade14:56
ikoniaName000: so it does unfreeze14:57
Name000yeah it unfreezes but then it freezes again. from the moment i quit the transfer everything is normal again.14:58
ikoniaI suspect you're flooding your bus14:59
Name000My laptop is quite new with 8gb of ram and i5 7200U,14:59
ikoniaor your machines overall capability14:59
Name000how can I check these?14:59
ikoniamonitor the machines resources, see how high/hard it jumps up14:59
Name000with htop, i get two processes(both nautilis -n) about 25% each14:59
ikonia(if it does)15:00
Name000and ram is about 3,7 out of 7,7 gb15:00
ubuntu932I SSH as root to do-release-upgrade; restarted and try to login again as root but get access denied. Why?15:06
ubuntu932Help! I SSH as root to do-release-upgrade; restarted and try to login again as root but get access denied.15:09
LinuxNovicehello, can we install LXQT on Ubuntu?15:10
ubpanyone know a good channel for general questions on linux programs?15:11
MonkeyDustubp  ##linux15:11
ubpgotcha, thanks15:11
BluesKajubuntu932,, are you upgrading a remote server ?15:15
vfwubuntulog2: Try as user15:23
vfw!info lxqt | LinuxNovice15:26
ubottuLinuxNovice: lxqt (source: lxqt-metapackages): Metapackage for LXQt. In component universe, is optional. Version 5 (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 9 kB15:26
LinuxNoviceis it still under development or has evolved as the complete DE?15:28
LinuxNovicewhat is the difference is performance can I expect between lxde and lxqt?15:28
MonkeyDustLinuxNovice  that's a specific question for a novice... what makes you ask that15:33
LinuxNovicewas just curious to know. Need a very lightweight yet convenient DE for my old laptop.15:34
blackflowLinuxNovice: tried Ubuntu Mate?15:35
LinuxNoviceI have tried Mate and Xfce.15:37
LinuxNoviceHave heard that lxqt is lighter than those two.15:37
MonkeyDust!mini | LinuxNovice there's this15:37
ubottuLinuxNovice there's this: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:37
LinuxNoviceok. But, I needed suggestions on the DE.15:38
blackflowLinuxNovice: at this point I think that depends on your preference. You seem to be aware of several of DEs and have tried some, so now it's up to what you prefer.15:55
LinuxNoviceI am constrained by the limited system resources. I have a very old laptop. Haven't been able to find a really lightweight distro for it.15:57
OerHeksI think you did, but you are not satisfied. Lubuntu is lightweight, i prefer xubuntu for more conveniance.15:58
blackflowLinuxNovice: MATE and xfce are two serious choices I'd limit myself to, if I were you. You could also consider running just a WM, without full DE. Maybe you'd like a tiling WM like i316:00
roryUbuntu MATE ++16:01
kang0LinuxNovice what's wrong with puppy16:04
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OerHekskang0, puppy is not ubuntu :-D16:05
kang0What's difference16:05
kang0I think it's Linux16:06
OerHeksUs, a great community.16:06
kang0Community is the only difference?16:08
=== Icarus is now known as Lagman2k
OerHeksand puppy cannot exist without ubuntu. and latest version is some time ago. anyway, offtopic.16:10
=== moestevens_ is now known as moestevens
Echos_Hey. Ubuntu 16.04. Bluetooth isnt functioning. Software isnt working, cant turn on/off.16:23
Echos_Well, cant turn on.. anyways.16:24
enoch85hey guys, I installed ubuntu desktop with "--no-install-recomends" and now I can't search for applications, how do I activated that?16:29
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OerHeksenoch85, install a few applications ? now you should have none.16:31
zerousI just installed pkg-conf but it says that libxml++2.6 can't be found in the pkg conf search path. Do I have to do add it manually ? If so how would I do it ?16:33
jociEchos_  did you enable third parties ?16:33
zerousI am sorry if that sounded really dumb. I am really new to linux.16:33
Echos_joci: Yess16:33
Zoe1997whois zerous#16:34
theruewhen mounting a HDD as a storage drive or for torrenting, are there any fstab options that are particularly useful? or should i just set them all to defaults,noatime ?16:34
Zoe1997whois <zerous>#16:35
zerousZoe1997, any clue on what I might be missing ?16:35
OerHekszerous, should be available from your path, did you try logou/login to see if it picks up?16:35
zerousOerHeks, nope I haven't tried that.16:36
jociEchos_ i dont know could not find anything16:42
jocijamesrleimer: hi16:51
Echos_joci: alright, appreciate the try.16:54
annonymousdoes anyone know how to het a dev/root hack that iscoming from a virtual box that has cloned my bodsx apparently since he sends me email from my own accounts and there is no way to respond he is using security tokens that are bogus and a hook to accomplish this but even after reformatting over a dozen times trying windows xp,7,8.1and 10 he has still managed to put the same dame root on every device in my house17:05
jociEchos_:no worries, marry Xmas:D17:07
annonymousI think backbox finally got rid of him on this box but there are several and I am running 300mbps connection so I think the hacker really wants to keep my bandwidth so he never gives up17:07
annonymousis this the wrong chat to pose that question?17:08
annonymousshit no one else is saying anything any ideas?17:09
annonymousok thanks anyway17:09
OerHeksannonymous, i wonder how3 this is related to ubuntu support17:10
BluesKajannonymous, try ##linux17:12
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=== Schlawiner is now known as FrohesFest
gt8ost4lhas anybody here successfully installed flash for chrome?17:36
MonkeyDustgt8ost4l  try pepperflash17:38
profetikHi. Can I talk to someone about wireless issues here ?17:43
MonkeyDustprofetik  let's hear it, i one line17:43
profetikThanks.  Why is it that I download Broadcom .deb for bcw 4212 on a separate USB and try to run it on my Linux pc that isn't connected to internet for obvious reasons, no driver, it tells me that it can't download packages17:46
profetikAdditional drivers doesn't work.17:47
vfwprofetik: You don't have a cat5 cable that you can plug into the router?17:48
wafflejockprofetik, how are you trying to install the .deb file? it may be trying to get some dependencies of the .deb you don't have installed but it knows are in the repo, paste the output to a paste site like paste.ubuntu.com17:48
vfwwafflejock: We must assume that he does not have an internet connection.  Right profetik ?17:49
profetikIt's a desktop and my router is int basement and I also want to learn how to do it offline so in case I ever run into this again I can solve it via loading drivers on USB17:49
vfwprofetik: Not sure how you will download anything without an internet connection.17:50
vfwprofetik: Do you have a laptop?17:50
profetikUse another laptop to download dependencies that are missing but never saw a read out on all the dependencies that was missing.  I17:50
vfwprofetik: Do you have a laptop and an ethernet cable?  Surely the laptop has WiFi device, if so, share the interent over ethernet.17:51
profetikI just hoped that there was a .deb that had everything I needed to just install from a USB and be on my way17:51
profetikSorry if I'm not sharing correctly. It's a desktop.17:51
profetikMy other laptop is what I'm using to trouble shoot anf download any drivers to a USB. Then plug that into the desktop to run and fix17:52
vfwprofetik: If you insist on doing it without an internet connection, you will need to manually download the software and dependencies and manually install them with dpkg  But there are easier ways.17:52
wafflejockprofetik, yeah i think vfw is suggesting you have the laptop with wifi access you could just pass through that connection via a wire to the desktop17:52
wafflejockprofetik, you could run dpkg -I package.deb to see it's dependencies17:53
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD17:53
vfw^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The easier way ^^^^^^^^^^^^^17:53
profetikOkay. What if I'm using a chrome book to patch internet access through ?17:54
vfwWell, was late posting... The easier way is to get an internet connection...17:54
profetikOr a MacBook ?17:54
vfwprofetik: Yes, do it.17:54
vfwprofetik: Or, do as our bot suggested.17:55
xXEoflaOEXxmsg NickServ identify d45t17:55
profetikOkay. I'll try that those17:55
vfwBoot to liveCD and download to USB17:55
vfwprofetik: If you cannot get interent connection, generate package download script, boot to ubuntu liveCD and download to USB17:57
vfwprofetik: But the easiest way is to share internet connection from another device.17:58
abhinav__How do I enable https in libcurl ?18:13
abhinav__I am getting the error18:14
abhinav__Protocol "https" not supported or disabled in libcurl18:14
abhinav__I am using Ubuntu 16.0418:14
bravisneed some help/advice i installed a ubuntu  build and the grub failed to install think my efi was full cleared space but it still fails this is a dual boot win10 and no I cant blow away the win cause i need it for work.18:17
abhinav__Hi bravis18:17
bravishow can I get the grub reinstall18:17
abhinav__Just create a live ubuntu18:18
abhinav__And then update grub18:18
bravisactually running on the installed now havenot rebooted yet18:19
EriC^^bravis: type "sudo grub-install"18:19
EriC^^bravis: is anything actually mounted? try "lsblk" and see if /boot/efi is mounted18:19
EriC^^i've no experience with a post-install ubuntu session18:20
bravissda, sdb, sdc and sr0 all show up a is efi win10 etc, b is ubuntu, c is flash i booted from18:22
EriC^^bravis: type "lsblk | nc termbin.com 9999"18:22
EriC^^bravis: ok, type "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"18:24
bravisError: Invalid partition table - recursive partition on /dev/sdc. http://termbin.com/qeti18:24
EriC^^bravis: sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt18:25
bravispresume its mounted18:27
GolesHello, I'm trying to figure out how to read a file from a .conf for upstart (I have a file with my DB's password that I would like to read). I tried just using `. /path/to/file/password` but it doesn't seem to work18:27
EriC^^bravis: "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done"18:28
bravisran it no output18:29
EriC^^bravis: sudo chroot /mnt18:29
=== al31415 is now known as Al314159
EriC^^bravis: grub-install18:30
EriC^^bravis: wait18:30
EriC^^bravis: type "mount -a"18:30
EriC^^bravis: check that the efi partition got mounted with "mount | grep efi"18:31
bravisran i forget that piped the output to a file efi?18:32
EriC^^bravis: no, it should give a line back18:32
EriC^^/dev/sda2 on /boot/efi18:32
EriC^^bravis: try "cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"18:33
EriC^^bravis: try "ls /sys/firmware/efi"18:34
bravismind I did choose sd2a for grub one time because it was tellong me efi was full and needed to finish the install so I could at least boot18:35
bravisls: cannot access '/sys/firmware/efi': No such file or directory18:35
EriC^^bravis: it's not booted in uefi mode18:35
EriC^^try "modprobe efivars"18:36
bravisno output18:36
EriC^^bravis: try "blkid /dev/sda2"18:37
bravismaybe the skywave did not have a efi?18:37
EriC^^then sudo nano /etc/fstab18:37
EriC^^not sure what you mean18:37
EriC^^UUID=0A87-44C2 /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       118:37
EriC^^add the line above to fstab replacing your uuid in it from blkid18:37
braviswas on /dev/sdb2 during installation UUID=3d40e8a0-ff24-4652-a551-5828c976a392 /               ext4    errors=remoun$ # swap was on /dev/sdb3 during installation UUID=090b1ac6-6603-4e8c-9388-7844c6fa168c none            swap    sw           $18:38
bravissda2 there it is18:38
bravissda1 is where win is18:38
EriC^^still not sure what you mean18:39
bravisthe windows 10 partition is on sda1  the efi i was using sda but guess i changed it to sdb18:40
`rybanmerry christmas to all :)18:40
EriC^^bravis: sda1 is windows and sda2 is the efi partition18:40
EriC^^bravis: the stuff in fstab mentions the linux filesystem and swap18:41
bravisk so add the line or replace one?18:41
EriC^^bravis: add only18:41
EriC^^using your uuid for /dev/sda218:41
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Guest87901Question(not support related). NFS is or is NOT part of FUSE system? I think NFS is not, but I am not 100% certain. As in, can NFS work successfully on a linux OS without FUSE?18:44
bravisEric: http://termbin.com/7y7s18:45
bravissorry i dont remember a lot of stuff in linux as I have been working with as400 far too much18:46
Al314159is it possible to single boot ubuntu on a 2011 macbook pro?18:47
shubbarI'm using Lubuntu and keep having a problem with wifi. Connection drops and I cannot see any SSID. I have to restart to restore any connection.18:47
bravisAl314159: yes18:48
bravisalso dual boot18:48
Al314159ive tried to single boot it so many times but it never works18:49
Guest87901shubbar, paste the output of the lspci | Network. It should be one line18:49
Al314159is it better to single boot or dual?18:51
Guest87901Al314159, odd question..thats up to you18:52
bravispersonal prefrence i like to use apple for some things but ubuntu for most18:52
bravisor get a new hard disk and single boot but keep the original18:53
Al314159i have an old macbook i want to do it on18:54
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:54
Al314159still kinda new to linux lol18:54
TZAnoloThere are something that, for a while, you will not able to use in linux.18:55
TZAnoloso try dual boot and keep learning18:55
TZAnoloFor example, I kept dual boot just to use adobe softwares.18:56
bravisUm I guess M question was kinda off the official distro but assumed it was ok as i was talking about grub and ubuntu 16.04 lts18:57
TZAnoloI think it's Ok question18:58
Trioxinwhat would you do if you were stuck at 36% here: http://storage7.static.itmages.com/i/16/1224/h_1482605259_6813117_5b9563be8d.png18:58
bravisSkywave Linux is a 64 bit system, built on a base of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,18:58
bravisjust don't want to anger anyone18:59
ubottunino: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:59
=== Echo is now known as Guest55280
bravisanyway Thanks Eric^^ lets see what happens...19:00
TZAnoloTrioxin are you waiting for a long time?19:00
wafflejockTrioxin, looks like it failed to build the wireless kernel module... if it's been stuck for quite a while would check out that crash log and probably Ctrl+C the update19:00
wafflejockI believe it should eventually stop though it will probably just output that it failed since building that module failed for some reason19:01
Trioxintzanolo, yeah long time. ctrl c isn't working19:01
Trioxinguess I can close the shell19:02
pavlosTrioxin, you could kill the apt process19:02
wafflejockTrioxin, can you get another terminal open there and try to, cat /var/lib/dkms/rtl8812au/
TZAnoloyes you can.19:03
TZAnololinux keeps a lot of old kernels and at the grub you can choose all of them.19:03
Trioxinyeah it's failing to build the wifi driver which I always just build manually after a kernel update anyway19:04
wafflejockTrioxin, maybe in a stuck state since it says it can't write the crash file since one exists there already, strange though still19:05
Gecko_Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. No bluetooth adapter.19:13
Gecko_Installed what I assume to be the driver but still nothing. Not sure. Admit Im new to ubuntu.19:13
TZAnolo /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER TZAnolo assupcllsigs19:13
Bashing-omTZAnolo: Ooopps, time to change your password :(19:15
pavlosTZAnolo, send that to the freenode channel19:15
TZAnoloOk pavlos, my mistake19:16
TZAnoloand thats not my password, it's just a code to verify email and registration19:17
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EriC^^bravis: sorry i was a little busy19:22
bravisall good19:22
bravisi reinstalled so it is on sdb just need to add win19 to the grub looking on haw to do that19:23
braviswin10 even19:23
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EriC^^bravis: ok, is it installed in uefi mode this time?19:23
EriC^^bravis: try "ls /sys/firmware/efi"19:24
bravisnot sure as the bios had to be set to legacy to boot19:25
bravisthe usb19:25
bravisthat is where i get lost  win is on efi19:26
EriC^^bravis: win and ubuntu have to be installed in the same mode to boot easily19:27
bravisjust not strong enough in linux to remember the commands19:27
bravisis there a specific way to boot from usb or is that the build?19:28
EriC^^bravis: you can try to convert the current install to use uefi19:28
bravisrather the dd process19:28
EriC^^bravis: nope, the dd image has both uefi and legacy support19:28
bravisif your flyin im tryin19:28
EriC^^it depends on how you boot it from the bios on what mode gets used19:29
EriC^^bravis: you mean you're down to convert it?19:29
bravislet me reset it to uuefi19:29
bravisin bios19:29
bravis and yes I am game19:29
EriC^^no need to do that yet19:29
EriC^^ok, so type blkid /dev/sda219:30
EriC^^*sudo blkid /dev/sda219:30
bravislol you know the commands I know how to copy paste19:30
EriC^^then type sudo nano /etc/fstab19:31
EriC^^and add the line with your uuid from blkid19:31
EriC^^UUID=0A87-44C2 /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       119:32
bravisIts there now19:34
EriC^^bravis: ok, try sudo mount -a19:34
EriC^^see if it mounted correctly in "lsblk"19:34
EriC^^bravis: ah wait19:34
EriC^^first run "sudo mkdir /boot/efi"19:35
bravisyes mount /etc/fstab: parse error ignore entry line 1319:36
bravisthen dod mkdir line19:36
EriC^^bravis: type "cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"19:37
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EriC^^bravis: type sudo nano /etc/fstab19:39
EriC^^erase the line you added and put this one19:39
EriC^^UUID= E66F-621F /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       119:40
EriC^^sorry, typo UUID=E66F-621F /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       119:40
Bashing-omEriC^^: bravis That silly little space :)19:41
EriC^^bravis: looks good19:41
EriC^^bravis: ok, try sudo mount -a19:41
bravisgood no reply19:42
EriC^^bravis: ok, give a quick check with "lsblk"19:42
EriC^^bravis: looks good19:44
bravisEric^^: agree19:45
EriC^^try "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999"19:45
dorothyHello! I used ddrescue command to backup a single partition of Ubuntu OS and restore it onto another blank HDD using dd command. Now, when I try to boot the device, error says no boot device. Any help please?19:46
dorothyI guess the bootloader is gone19:46
EriC^^bravis: ok, type sudo apt-get purge grub-pc grub-pc-bin19:47
EriC^^dorothy: can you show a paste of "sudo parted -l"19:48
dorothyI am currently on liveCD EriC^^19:48
bravisEric^^: done19:48
EriC^^dorothy: no problem, it works19:48
EriC^^bravis: type "sudo modprobe efivars"19:49
bravisEric^^: no reply is usually good19:49
EriC^^bravis: yeah :D19:50
dorothyEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23679253/ -- sdc is the one where I dd restored the OS. Yes, on a USB stick19:50
dorothyI took care of partition type and size19:50
EriC^^bravis: try sudo apt-get install grub-efi-amd64-signed19:50
dorothyI chrooted and checked, data and all is intact19:50
dorothyIt's just not booting19:51
EriC^^dorothy: the problem is that you didn't create a partition table19:51
EriC^^the filesystem is on the whole usb19:51
dorothyoh yeah19:51
dorothyhow did I miss that19:51
dorothyEriC^^: Thanks. Good that I have the img file saved19:52
dorothyI'll create the partition table and try again19:52
EriC^^dorothy: hold on..19:52
EriC^^ok nevermind19:53
dorothyEriC^^: Yeah?19:53
EriC^^you understand you have to dd to the partition, not the disk, right?19:53
dorothyYes yes19:53
EriC^^ok :)19:53
dorothyI made a mistake19:53
EriC^^no problem19:53
bravismine has completed19:54
EriC^^bravis: did it complain about efi vars not existing?19:54
uxfiHappy Holidays everyone19:54
bravisno it setup everything it seems19:54
EriC^^uxfi: happy holidays19:54
EriC^^bravis: nice, try sudo efibootmgr -v19:54
bravisMerry Christmas even19:55
uxfinot the 25th here yet but thank you19:55
braviswell its coming19:56
bravisEric^^: seemed to run fine no complaints19:56
EriC^^bravis: it lists the efi entries?19:57
EriC^^sudo efibootmgr -v19:57
bravisno says EFI varibles not supported on this system19:57
EriC^^bravis: ok as a temp fix run "sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/bootmgfw.efi{,.backup}"19:58
BluesKajsome celebrate Christmas Eve more than Christmas Day in Europe19:58
dorothyEriC^^: Better now? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23679287/ Refer sdc19:58
dorothyEriC^^: Now, I'll dd img to sdc119:59
EriC^^dorothy: yup, looks good19:59
bravisEric^^: sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/bootmgfw.efi{,.backup} cp: cannot stat '/boot/efi/efi/microsoft/bootmgfw.efi': No such file or directory bra19:59
dorothyEriC^^: So the msdos partition table takes care of bootloader?20:00
EriC^^bravis: try "ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999"20:00
EriC^^dorothy: you still have to chroot and install grub to the mbr20:01
bravisEric^^: ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999 ls: cannot open directory '/boot/efi': Permission denied Use netcat.20:01
EriC^^dorothy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot20:01
dorothyEriC^^: I remember grub giving some error20:01
dorothyEriC^^: Okay20:01
EriC^^dorothy: it should work now20:02
EriC^^bravis: ah, try sudo ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 999920:02
braviskinda a mess i think20:03
EriC^^bravis: "sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi{,.backup}"20:04
EriC^^i screwed up earlier :D20:04
bravishey so di I20:05
bravisseemed to copy20:05
EriC^^try sudo grub-install20:06
EriC^^it's supposed to put the ubuntu efi files in the efi partition20:06
=== niee is now known as Ig0r
bravisEric^^:sudo grub-install grub-install: error: /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/modinfo.sh doesn't exist. Please specify --target or --directory.20:07
EriC^^damn grub20:07
bravishmm its not a i386 system20:07
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EriC^^bravis: try sudo grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi20:09
EriC^^bravis: it's still using the grub-pc (legacy)20:09
bravisInstalling for x86_64-efi platform.20:09
bravisfin no error20:09
EriC^^try a quick dpkg -l | grep grub20:09
EriC^^make sure there's no grub-pc anywhere20:09
braviswanna see?20:10
EriC^^all good?20:11
bravisseems so20:12
EriC^^ok cool20:12
bravisshall reboot to see...20:12
EriC^^bravis: try now ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 999920:12
EriC^^not yet, just 1 more step20:12
EriC^^ok, now to copy ubuntu over the windows one temporarily20:13
EriC^^sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi20:14
bravisah insurance  done20:14
EriC^^we have to do that cause the efi vars couldn't get loaded :/20:15
EriC^^ok, try "sudo update-grub"20:15
EriC^^then try rebooting20:15
bravisoh so if i turn on uuefi in bios it wont complain?20:15
EriC^^when it boots we'll switch the files back and get it booting properly with windows too20:15
EriC^^yeah it should try to boot windows, and boot ubuntu instead20:16
bravissudo update-grub Generating grub configuration file ... Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported. Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-41-lowlatency Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-41-lowlatency Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin done20:16
EriC^^ok, looks good20:16
bravisok quick bio break and a reboot later...20:17
akshay_hi there20:20
bravishere we /i go20:24
BluesKajMerry Christmas to and to all a Good Night! :-)20:28
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bravisjust booted no options think i need to add 10 sec or so.20:39
bravisEric^^: which grub is it I need to edit and change the boot time?20:43
Ma_Hi guys, could you pls tell me which ubuntu installer you would suggest?20:44
EriC^^bravis: ubuntu booted fine?20:45
bravisEric^^:It did just no time for options20:45
bravisoh i forgot to change bios20:47
bravis be back20:47
bravisEric^^: only boots from legacy and not verbose.20:51
CP7Raptorwell hello there20:52
EriC^^bravis: do you have an uefi option?20:53
bravisHiya P720:53
EriC^^or csm legacy disabled20:53
bravisin bios I have uefi, uefi with csm and legacy tried all 3 only the leg boots the rest pop an error but dontsee it...20:54
bravisits a msi gt70 lapi20:55
EriC^^bravis: can you boot the live usb in uefi mode?20:57
tmuwamerry xmas!20:57
EriC^^bravis: is secureboot disabled?20:58
bravisit has to have a efi partition somewhere as this whole mess started because it did not have space to install on the uefi partition20:58
bravisdont think its disabled how to check20:58
EriC^^bravis: it should be under security or boot options20:58
EriC^^in the bios20:58
bravisdont think its diaabled i ment is there a way to check while running20:59
EriC^^mokutil --sb-state20:59
EriC^^let's try to copy the second efi file, maybe that'll help21:00
EriC^^sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi{,.backup}21:00
EriC^^sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi21:01
TrioxinI have a serious problem. I can't update grub. apt can't complete because it needs to remove a kernel... https://hastebin.com/jegeyitoxi.cpp321:06
Trioxinso I tried to disable the wifi adapter and retry.. still locks. I get's stuck21:06
Colombohi all, I updated to 16.04 from 15.10, but now sound from screen with speakers is not working (HDMI). However, sound is working from headphones output. Anyone know what I should try?21:06
bravisEric^^: omg fastboot was off and wrong drive set first now with legacy it boots with grub no win10 option there butmaking progress21:07
EriC^^bravis: let's try to copy the second efi file, maybe that'll help21:08
EriC^^sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi{,.backup}21:08
EriC^^sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi21:08
EriC^^bravis: try to set secureboot off and uefi enabled21:09
ColomboI get sound from my headphones but not from my HDMI output after Update to Ubuntu 16.04. ANyone know what might have gone wrong?21:16
Colombowhat I can do to correct it?21:16
braviseric^^: well now I dont get the grubloader so need to edit and get time to choose boot?21:19
vfwColombo: pulseaudio?21:19
vfwColombo: Desktop computer?21:19
EriC^^bravis: it needs to boot in uefi mode so you can boot windows too21:19
vfwColombo: Onboard GPU?21:20
Colombo(in fact both)21:20
vfwColombo: Both?21:20
EriC^^bravis: oh just noticed you rejoined, were you able to boot it in uefi mode?21:20
vfwColombo: Wich one?21:20
braviswhen I choose uefi I dont get a boot at all21:20
Colombovfw: I have AMD Tonga and processor came with onboard GPU.21:20
vfwColombo: Well, are you plugging into the onboard one?21:21
Colombovfw: nope, I have it plugged into dedicated one21:22
bravisI guess I can reinstall win10 or fix get the uefi bootloader clear the efi partition and reinstall unubtu21:22
vfwColombo: I'm not convinced that all of the onboard GPUs are designed to transmit both video and audio via HDMI.21:22
Colombovfw:  single HDMI cable from dedicated to screen, worked before, not working now21:22
vfwColombo: Before _________________?21:23
Colombovfw: updated from 15.10 to 16.0421:23
vfwColombo: lspci |grep -i vga21:24
vfwColombo: lspci |grep -i vga |$ nc termbin.com 999921:24
vfwColombo: Show us resulting URL21:24
Colombo" [AMD/ATI] Tonga PRO [Radeon R9 285/380]"21:25
EriC^^bravis: can you boot the installer in uefi mode?21:26
bravisEric^^ Just switched to chrome I shall try21:26
vfwColombo: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^21:30
vfwColombo: Did you install https://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ubuntu/amdgpu-pro-16.40-348864.tar.xz ?21:30
Colombovfw: looking at it, I am currently running on newest mesa, not on amdgpu-pro21:30
OerHeksopen terminal: alsamixer # and hit F6 for sound output21:30
bravisEric^^: whoo Hoo its atleast booted uefi with csm21:32
Colomboas with said link, pavucontrol shows that sound is being send to device21:32
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EriC^^bravis: the live usb?21:32
bravisno the installed21:32
bravisyou wanted the live21:33
braviswell poo lets try that21:33
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Colombovfw: yeah, it seems that sound thing is not implemented in amdgpu or what:/ thanks for help21:37
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bravisEric^^: No it will not boot from usb uefi  or uefi with csm but does from hd invalid signature when uefi onlly so something got screwed up..21:49
EriC^^bravis: try disabling secureboot21:50
EriC^^or set the admin password in the bios and see if you get any security options21:50
bravistried with disabled and enabled did not tri with a password21:51
braviswe will see21:51
EriC^^bravis: it sounds like it doesn't21:51
EriC^^like the ubuntu efi file21:51
bravisnot sure what you mean cause i dont fully understand the uefi secureboot cept it was Microsoft trying to lock pc's to only run windows21:53
ikoniano, thats not true21:53
ikoniait was secure boot implimentation that PC vendors rolled out with the micosoft keys in as default21:53
bravisand who do you think proposed this..21:54
ikoniabravis: can you also please stop with the hidden swearing21:54
profetik777Hi folks.21:55
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wevwehello there, I am getting the error "initramfs) unable to find a live system" when I try to boot. and I tinkered with bios following some solution advice online. but it didnt solve. I used pendrive as windows-to-linux installer for dual boot.21:59
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profetik777I don't have an issue as of now, but generic questions about wifi, linux, kernel, and drivers.....if anyone is bored and wanna chat22:00
bravisEriC^^: booted with Uefi not usb but the hd22:01
ohemdevinSure, I'm up for casual discussions.22:01
EriC^^bravis: great22:01
EriC^^bravis: try "ls /sys/firmware/efi"22:01
wevweI have an issue as of now,  and will be glad for any help22:01
EriC^^profetik777: there's #ubuntu-discuss22:01
bravisls /sys/firmware/efi config_table  esrt              fw_vendor  runtime-map  vars efivars       fw_platform_size  runtime    systab22:02
jociprofetik777: i am : but i was always wandering that why the wifi sign is not full on ubuntu ? why isnt it full?22:02
bravismine is full Joci22:03
lucas-arg1hello all, any one know how to check ink level on epson stylus tx115??22:04
wevwecan anyone help me?22:04
braviskinda need to see what the issue is..22:05
wevweI posted above, initramfs error, no live system22:05
jociwevwe: cant see the log, just loged in, what is the issue ?22:07
EriC^^bravis: ok great22:07
wevwejoci, I am getting the error "initramfs) unable to find a live system" when I try to boot. and I tinkered with bios following some solution advice online. but it didnt solve. I used pendrive as windows-to-linux installer for dual boot.22:08
EriC^^bravis: now type sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi.backup /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi22:08
wevwemaybe it is a pendrive problem, because the install took short..I dont know how long it normally takes22:08
bravisEriC^^: copied22:09
bravisEriC^^ anything else prior to reboot22:10
EriC^^bravis: also type sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi.backup /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi22:11
EriC^^bravis: that'll switch the efi files back, then type sudo grub-install , it should add ubuntu to the efi list before windows22:11
bravisInstalling for x86_64-efi platform. Installation finished. No error reported.22:12
EriC^^bravis: sudo update-grub22:12
EriC^^bravis: then try rebooting22:12
braviswell it did find the windows efi22:13
braviswe shall see22:13
bravisEriC^^: well the option is there but it is looking for windows efi on sdb i think and win is on sda22:16
EriC^^bravis: yougot grub?22:17
bravisit does22:17
EriC^^bravis: what happens when you choose windows?22:20
witchcrafthi all22:20
bravisflashes and comes right back to the options22:20
EriC^^bravis: type "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999"22:21
EriC^^it looks fine22:23
EriC^^bravis: did you do the sudo cp commands to switch them back?22:23
bravisEric^^: last command was   sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi.backup /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi22:24
EriC^^bravis: also type sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi.backup /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi22:25
bravisEric^^: cp: target '/boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi' is not a directory22:26
EriC^^bravis: something's wrong with the command22:29
Keydnsis there a certain sequence in series of learn to typing programs?22:30
ikoniatyping programs ?22:31
bravisyes i see it22:31
OerHeks!info klavero22:32
ubottuPackage klavero does not exist in yakkety22:33
OerHeksoh, klavaro22:33
bravisEric^^: hmm not sure22:34
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EriC^^bravis: try ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 999922:36
bravisEriC^^: Not sure where the issue is.. reading22:48
bravisEriC^: I know it seems like there are a lot of dups.22:49
jpvegajoin #Linuxuser22:51
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=== hilight is now known as witchraft
witchrafthi all23:02
evadeHello witchraft23:04
EriC^^bravis: try again23:05
EriC^^bravis: also type sudo cp /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi.backup /boot/efi/efi/microsoft/boot/bootmgfw.efi23:05
v7Is here anyone alive ?23:05
tewardv7: given people are talking, yes, but probably not as many as usual23:05
bravisEric^^: the above command worked no message23:06
v7Do you know how to make a fake monitor ?23:06
v7Make system recognize unnexisting monitor ?23:06
witchraft@evade hi , i'm playing with irssi , newbie :)23:06
EriC^^bravis: ok try rebooting23:07
witchraftwhere i can find good manual or tutorial about irssi?23:07
guzzlefryWhat's a safe way to remove things from /boot?23:09
tgm4883guzzlefry: use apt23:09
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guzzlefrytgm4883: will it yell at me if i try to remove the current kernel?23:10
tgm4883guzzlefry: no23:11
guzzlefrySo, not safe. :P23:11
guzzlefryI think autoremove might do what I want?23:11
bekksAutoremove will not do what you want. :)23:12
bravisEriC^^: lol now it boots to windows no ubuntu...23:12
EriC^^bravis: aha23:12
EriC^^bravis: that means the bios is hardcoded to boot the windows path23:13
EriC^^bravis: try to get a boot options menu when the pc starts and boot ubuntu23:13
guzzlefrybekks: Then why did it free up half of /boot? 0.o23:13
bravisEriC^^: AH that is why any time before I always had grub in the sda23:13
tgm4883bekks: autoremove would remove the old kernels I believe23:13
EriC^^then we can do a workaround to get it to boot ubuntu everytime + windows23:13
bekksguzzlefry: autoremove will not yell at you when removing the current kernel. :)23:14
tgm4883guzzlefry: TBF, autoremove also doesn't complain if you go to remove the currently running kernel23:14
EriC^^bravis: if you can't get a on-the-fly boot options menu you'll have to boot the live usb so we can do it from there23:14
OerHeksautoremove will exclude current and previous kernel, logically23:14
tgm4883OerHeks: it has logic to do that?23:15
bravisok Hmm have to look this pc up see what it takes as del is bios23:15
tgm4883OerHeks: I don't see logic to do that. I see logic for it to not remove the latest and latest-1 kernel, but nothing for not removing the currently running kernel23:16
ELANATUOk so it seems that ubuntu/linux has this very awkward thing going on when disk space reaches 100%: random files get deleted23:19
ELANATUFirst Question: Why have it like that? I mean is it not better to give a warning before? I mean deleting random files sounds crazy to me....23:19
ELANATUSecond Question: Can i find out which files have been deleted?23:19
tgm4883ELANATU: random files aren't being deleted.23:20
OerHekshow do you tell:  random files get deleted23:20
ELANATUok let me explain how i know that....23:20
bravisEriC^^: OMG this has 4 boot profiles in bios win is default I was able to f11 and choose ubuntu it boots to ubuntu23:21
EriC^^bravis: ok, can you put ubuntu first in the list?23:21
bravisEriC^^: no wonder it was being a pain so I need to get the defaule set switch back in bios and it should be golden23:22
bravisyes I can23:22
EriC^^ok cool23:22
ELANATUi had 600mb free; i downloaded an 800mb file (stupid mistake, i thought i was downloading it on usbpen); then i got the full disk message (but the file holder had created itself, you know for torrent file); then i deleted it and in the end i had 800mb free (so there are 200mb missing somewhere)23:27
bravisEriC^^: Ubuntu is first and Windows second there was 2 ubuntu I chose one and it boots to won or ubuntu so it now works but probably need to do cleanup...23:28
EriC^^bravis: type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999923:29
EriC^^bravis: so now you get grub when you reboot automatically every time?23:29
bravison thet ubuntu i chose yes23:30
EriC^^bravis: and without choosing anything?23:30
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bravisEriC^^:yes it boots the ubuntu grub i choose win it goes to win ubuntu goes ubuntu23:32
EriC^^bravis: type sudo efibootmgr -B -b 001723:33
EriC^^that'll delete the ubuntu entry23:33
EriC^^(the extra one)23:33
bravislook at the crazy efibootmanager23:33
bravissudo efibootmgr -B -b 001723:34
ELANATU OerHeks: is my reasoning not correct? if not, why are there 200mb more free space?23:34
ELANATU tgm4883: any idea?23:35
bravisso do i need  linux boot manager and ubuntu entries?23:37
bravisno dont need the linux goofiboot23:38
ELANATUIt would be so much of help if i could at least know WHAT WAS DELETED.....23:39
ELANATUnot knowing just makes me go crazy....23:40
ELANATUhopefully some cache files or other useless stuff.....23:40
wafflejockELANATU, ncdu is nice to see the breakdown of usage on a disk23:42
wafflejockELANATU, not familiar with the problem you originally referenced just reading back23:42
ELANATUshall i repost it?23:42
wafflejockELANATU, it's okay just catching up I have it here, may have some questions in a sec23:43
EriC^^bravis: it looks good23:44
BuamodThis is the first time for me to be here in an IRC OPEN SOURCE PROJECT23:45
jasirwelcome from czech23:45
bravisEriC^^:  Thanks for all the help would have taken a lot longer to find all the commands and remember everything to de.23:45
EriC^^bravis: no problem :)23:46
wafflejockELANATU, you can use ncdu to see what the space distribution looks like before and after doing some set of commands but in general linux won't just delete files if it's out of space it will just stop writing files to the disk23:46
wafflejockELANATU, if you have some suspicion about what location files were deleted from you can watch the filesystem to see if there are  any changes23:47
wafflejockELANATU, http://askubuntu.com/questions/541128/monitor-folder-contents-changes23:47
ELANATUthen why are there 200mb more? (before 600mb, after 800mb)23:47
braviswe both learned something valuable  on msi computers look at the bios for boot items there may be 4 or more.23:48
wafflejockELANATU, if you cleared cache on a program somewhere it could have freed space but default behavior isn't to start clearing things up from disk once it's full, cache in memory/RAM may get cleared up as the system needs more RAM but it won't arbitrarily delete files23:48
ELANATUwafflejock: this is all i did: i had 600mb free; i downloaded an 800mb file (stupid mistake, i thought i was downloading it on usbpen); then i got the full disk message (but the file holder had created itself, you know for torrent file); then i deleted it and in the end i had 800mb free (so there are 200mb missing somewhere)23:51
ELANATUwafflejock: i deleted it = i deleted the torrentfile23:52
wafflejockELANATU, if you can recreate the issue and show the output before and after then can investigate what happened but the system itself won't just delete files, the closest thing to that you'd have in the system by default is log rotation with logrotate23:53
wafflejockELANATU, it doesn't typically just delete things either but is responsible for splitting log files once they reach a certain size23:54
ELANATUwafflejock: i don't understand (sorry) those 200mb more of free disk space in the end....23:54
ELANATUi had checked disk space in the beginning, saw it was too little, but then i messed up the setting to download on the usbpen, and this is why all of this happened...23:55
ELANATUi wanted to download directly on the pen....23:56
debkadhello, I'm not sure if it is a bug or something else, my vdr stop working whith kernel , back to work fine, thanks to my arch linux for the test when i was guessing my card is going to die23:56
ELANATUbut didn't work...23:56
wafflejockELANATU, need steps to actually recreate the problem in order to see what is happening, this is not normal behavior for the system though, when out of space it simply stops writing to disk, perhaps the torrent program you used cleaned up some data it had previously stored on the disk, without seeing full file listings with sizes on the files before and after it's impossible to say what happened now, just know this isn't23:57
wafflejocksomething the OS itself does when you run out of space23:57
ELANATUwafflejock: thanks for your help and sorry for not being a beginner :)23:57
ELANATUwafflejock: i mean being a beginner....23:57
wafflejockELANATU, hehe no problem just hard to diagnose things like that after the fact if you can't reproduce the issue consistently to keep a closer eye on what's going on at each step23:58
ELANATUyes that's a good idea.... backup everything and then reproduce the issue.... ok i will do that....23:59

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