[00:22] will future releases of lubuntu no longer use lxde? [00:31] Lxqt is the new lxde [00:33] ah, i see [00:34] Maybe next release, or the next one, who knows [00:35] do not want lxqt and make it worse [00:36] There are lxqt packages in the repos since 16.04 [07:16] Hello Folks (quite and impressive number of you here) [07:20] I have used Lubuntu 13.04 (on some old machines frome time to time) and now wanted to update to recent 16.04...but it failed from my fisrt attempt. I used the the live install from USB stick I had plugged into my newer computer (used x86 iso I think) and I used it that way for a while (with sessions saving and few upgrades)... [07:22] Does anyone know if live USB Lubuntus can move computers with different hardware? Even if they were used much and stick was upgraded and is using with persistant file storage? [07:40] Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyOpenbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable. [07:56] I would love to set one USB for work as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM, but then also use it to install on other computers - without need to do it all from vanila/clean install if possible. [10:36] Just wanted to share that finally got suspend and light DM working (no more black screen) === TacoGS_ is now known as TacoGS [14:20] hello [17:38] im close! i can taste it! so i installed lubuntu alongside pointlinux and updated grub from pointlinux desktop cuz it was the bootable os after lubuntu install so now when i boot i get the option to start pointlinux or lubuntu but when i select lubuntu i only get a command line interface to login..i can login fine but my desktop doesnt start...anyone see this before? do i have to update grub in lubuntu comandline as well? as well?