
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as Menzador
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (chrono)04:01
=== phunysanta is now known as phunyguy
Kareemxx1any idea about how to fix this bug /10:24
bazhangKareemxx1, did you check the topic here10:26
bazhangKareemxx1, please stick to the support channel #ubuntu , where you are presently receiving support10:27
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
boodllebati'm installing ubuntu 16.10 alongside my windows 10 with uefi enabled , do i need to install efibootmanager as i'm done installing ? or let ubuntu 16.10 handle his shit ?18:16
ikoniaboodllebat: please don't swear18:16
ikoniaboodllebat: this channel is for the moderators you asked for, not a support channel18:17
ikoniaboodllebat: what do you need "moderators" for,18:17
ikoniaboodllebat: ok, so looking at your content in #ubuntu, you don't actually need any moderator help, you just need help installing to an efi system18:18
ikoniaboodllebat: I suggest you /part this channel and continue working with people in #ubuntu to resolve your issue18:18
boodllebatikonia: ok sorry18:19
ikoniano problem at all18:19
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Menzador
ubottutomreyn called the ops in #ubuntu (greiogio)20:23
ubottuOerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu (trelos spam)23:05
bazhangPocketUser seems to not get the message23:47
bazhangPocketUser> I got it to work using chmod 775 /root23:54

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