
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
=== Xethron_ is now known as Xethron
jeritguys I neeeeeed heeeeelp13:11
jeritcan't copy largish files to my server13:12
jerit__dunno what's happening with my other login but I've decided to reinstall the thing now I've got samba installed so now what?13:53
jeritokay so this seems to have got its act together14:12
jeritrunning /smbpasswd -a jerit/ hasn't done what I expected it would14:25
jeritit gives me like help documentation14:25
jeritah that's because -a ignores the option if the specified username already exists14:26
jeritso now I'm confused because samba is installed and everything but I can't access my share14:31
jeritthe login keeps getting rejected14:31
paddatrapperjerit: smbpasswd -e jerit 14:33
paddatrapperYou need to enable the user after adding it14:33
paddatrapperI still find samba to be largely black, useful magic14:33
jeritstill can't get into it14:34
jeritsmbpasswd -e did the same as -a14:34
jeritie nothing apparently14:34
paddatrapperlet me see if I can check on one of my server14:35
jeritI'm working on this btw https://www.howtoforge.com/samba-server-ubuntu-14.04-lts14:36
paddatrapperjerit: In your config file you need to specify the samba passwd file:14:38
paddatrappersmb password file = /etc/smb/smbpasswd14:38
* jerit forgot to sudo smbpasswd -a jerit14:39
jeritwas running it without sudo so it didn't work14:39
paddatrapperAh, yeah sudo is needed14:39
paddatrapperFWIW this is my smb config file: https://gitlab.com/paddatrapper/ansible/blob/master/personal/roles/file/files/smb.conf.j214:40
jeritthis guide I'm using said nothing about sudo being needed14:41
magespawnmaybe assumed your are running as root al the time14:41
paddatrapperGenerally most config of system daemons require root14:41
magespawnyou are14:41
magespawnsome of the setups linke centos you have to setup the users14:42
paddatrapperthat's a really bad assumption to be making... (on the guide's side)14:42
paddatrapperYou shouldn14:42
paddatrapperYou shouldn't be logged in as root to any box, always setup users14:42
magespawnindeed but playing around with kali i set up a standard user, then could not get most things to work14:42
magespawnthe guides assumed a default setup 14:43
paddatrapperTrue, Kali is slightly different, as you are working with tools that require direct access to things that only root has access to (network, configs, etc)14:45
jerithow can I check my user permissions?14:45
paddatrapperjerit: What do you mean>14:45
jeritI think my user is a root user by default14:45
jerithow do I check?14:45
paddatrapperAg I can't type today...14:45
paddatrappercheck your username? If it is root, then you are root14:46
jeritit isn't14:46
jeritsu - root ... I can't authenticate coz I don't know what that password is lol14:47
paddatrapperThen you're not root. You have root permissions (sudo group in Debian/Ubuntu) when you run sudo 14:47
paddatrappersudo passwd will change the root password without prompting for original14:47
jeritbut that means nobody knows what root password is so whats the point of it if you can get into an account that's on sudo list?14:48
paddatrapperexactly why that list should be as short as possible14:48
paddatrappersudo also allows for more auditablility through logs and things when there are multiple users14:49
jeritserver broke... who did it? *slaps sudoer over the head with a wet fish*14:52
paddatrapperlol, exactly!14:57
jeritplayboy.co.za is seriously slow to load15:01
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
jeritthink they need to get onto a more custom system rather than WP15:01
jeritmaybe something with a bit more focus15:01
magespawni am off chat later all15:07
superflyjerit: root has no password so that you can't log in as root. When you need root, use sudo to gain privileges for that command. This is better security. 15:11
nsnzerogood evening all16:05
jeritsuperfly I don't understand... if using sudo allows me to do everything that root can do and root is inaccessible, why have root at all?16:06
jeritseems to me it is then, defunct or otherwise has no purpose16:07
paddatrapperjerit: You can only not login as root. the user root is still used extensively in a linux system - things like running system daemons would not be possible if root did not exist16:09
nsnzeroto root or not to root 16:15
nsnzerojerit you can only run root if you are in the sudoers list - is a proctection mechanism for multiuser environments born out of the fact that unix / linux was create3d to 16:17
nsnzerorun a server with other user connecting with simple terminals16:18
superflypaddatrapper: btw, as of the 21st I am a DM17:14
paddatrappersuperfly: congratulations! 18:00
jerita DM?18:02
jeritand also, you're not 21 yet?18:02
jeritoh, as of /the/ 21st, not /your/ 21st18:02
paddatrapperjerit: Debian Maintainer 18:03
kulelu88Does anybody use Kate here? 21:07

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