
Android169My IRC client doesn't recognize - as a valid character for joining channels00:06
Android169So ... What do i do00:09
blackflowget a better client00:09
Android169I don't want to use a different one I guess i will00:09
Android169It's the number one client00:09
Android169Why would it be like this00:09
blackflowofftopic for #ubuntu, tho'00:10
wookie_can someone help me figure out how to install the dependencies for gcc 5?  I get a dependency error when i type " sudo apt-get install gcc-5   "00:12
blackflowwookie_: what dependency error, which ubuntu?00:13
wookie_blackflow, Ubuntu 14.04    https://gist.github.com/WikiWookie/c520f92da4a11bee474cd3dee1264a4700:14
GALL0made some zfs pools in freenas, couldn't get plugins etc going. can any suggest how to mount/edit fstab so I still use these pools? https://puu.sh/t12yG/7e14b67859.png00:15
blackflowwookie_:  is that from a PPA?00:16
wookie_blackflow, Yes00:16
wookie_blackflow, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test00:17
blackflowwookie_: I don't think PPAs are supported here00:17
wookie_So is there any way I can install gcc5?  I might have found a way to get my drivers for my wireless usb adapter to work if I can isntall gcc500:18
blackflowGALL0: zfs doesn't use fstab normally, except in legacy mode. what plugins?00:18
GALL0plugins with freenas, just wanted plex, deluge, sickrage, couchpotato. plex wouldnt install. so gave up on freenas, but I like how easy it was to "create" RAID 000:19
blackflowGALL0: so ask in #freenas, this is Ubuntu linux support00:20
GALL0blackflow any other way to gt the zfs _member to mount?00:20
GALL0I'm dumping freenas and now have Ubuntu00:20
blackflowGALL0: `zfs mount`00:20
GALL0I want to us the zfs pools00:21
blackflowGALL0: in fact, you must first import a pool and the datasets will automount. so you -R or -N to be safe00:21
blackflowGALL0: take a look at OpenMediaVault, but that's debian based00:22
GALL0blackflow came back to ubuntu, really want to use/keep ZFS. only wanted to try freenas for its "ease" of use. but being that it runs off a flash drive write speeds are slow even with a USB 3.0 flash drive00:24
blackflowGALL0: okay, so it's zfs pools should be importable to Ubuntu. Not the "plugins" which are FreeNAS plugins00:25
GALL0oh no, don't care about the plugins, i know how to `sudo apt install <package>`00:25
GALL0just wanted the ZFS filesystem. though I do like docker, even though its a pain to install on 16.0400:26
blackflowGALL0: okay good, and you'll need "zfsutils-linux" installed, it'll take a while as it has to build the DKMS00:26
GALL0no worries, not in a real rush. thanks for the help00:27
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ubuntu795hello #Ubuntu, I'm having a booting issue. I can see stuff on my storage/windows hard drive, but I can't boot windows. How do I repair it?00:58
Ben64you can boot ubuntu?00:58
ubuntu795I don't have Ubuntu installed now, and my HDD isn't showing up as EUFI00:59
Ben64then why are you here?00:59
ubuntu795I want to install Ubuntu, but took it off of my windows drive to install it on SSD00:59
rommeldid you have ubuntu and windows installed together and working01:00
Ben64ok... then install ubuntu?01:00
ubuntu795I had Ubuntu on the drive first, but decided to swap drives.01:00
rommelso what wa booting windows grub2?01:01
ubuntu795So I got my windows onto that drive now, but it's not reading as UEFI and keeps sending me to grub recovery01:01
Ben64if you want to install ubuntu, install ubuntu01:01
Ben64if you want to get windows working, join ##windows01:01
ubuntu795Great advice bruh, maybe some windows fans will be able to navigate my issue with getting kicked to grub rescue then?01:02
ubuntu795Sounds about right?01:02
Ben64you don't have ubuntu installed, it's not an ubuntu issue01:03
ubuntu795That don't make any sense. My windows drive is getting rekt by Ubuntu's grub rescue and you are telling me it's windows fault that grub is rekt?01:04
Ben64it's your fault actually01:04
OerHeksyou deleted ubuntu, so fix it with your windows iso?01:05
ubuntu795Maybe it is my fault for installing Ubuntu then01:05
samthewildoneOn Ubuntu 16.04 Mate and having a problem where the fonts don't render correctly.01:05
rommeldoes windows ven provide an iso anymore01:05
Ben64rommel: yep01:05
OerHeksrommel, sure, free download nowadays01:05
samthewildoneIt's quite hard to explain... It's like a glitch.01:05
ubuntu795I'm in Ubuntu now, looking at the drives partitions, I can see /dev/sda1 (my windows partition showing 465GB used, but not letting me boot into it)01:07
ubuntu795how do I fix grub to at least let my HDD read as UEFI01:08
ubuntu795install ubuntu beside it?01:09
rommelit may work01:09
rommelos probe in the installation may pick it up01:09
uxfimarry xmas01:10
rommelthanx and back at u01:10
uxfithanks man01:10
Kali_Yugaubuntu795: do you only want windows on your harddrive?01:11
ubuntu795yes, I want windows on my HDD, and Ubuntu on my SSD for Blender01:12
uxfiKali_Yuga Indian?01:12
bazhang!ot | uxfi01:12
ubottuuxfi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:12
uxfithanks bazhang01:13
ubuntu795I wanted to maximize my blender performance by having it on an SSD in Ubuntu01:13
Kali_Yugano not indian01:13
ubuntu795I'm in grub rescue, stuck and bored01:15
Ben64ubuntu795: so install ubuntu01:15
ubuntu795will it let me back into my windows?01:16
ubuntu795I'll try01:16
wookie_How do I change my kernel from 3.16 low latency to 3.16 generic?01:19
ubuntu795Ok, when I try to install, it pops up a box that asks me if I want to Force UEFI Installation? And warns me: If you wish to install in UEFI mode and don't care about keeping the ability to boot one of the existing systems, you have the option to force that here. If you wish to keep the option to boot an existing operating system, you should choose NOT to force UEFI installation here.01:21
rootdiverWhat is the difference to 'lightgm' from 'unity greeter'01:22
Kali_Yugaubuntu795: might this help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/274371/install-on-second-hard-drive-with-startup-boot-option seems a bit complicated cuz you have 2 mbr's and would be annoying to change in bios uefi boot option always01:23
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Kali_Yugaput both operation systems on the ssd would be my suggestion. and files on hdd as storage maybe01:24
ubuntu795I am not going to install Ubuntu then. If I wipe out my windows, it's going to wipe out everything I didn't sync to my clouds yet.01:25
blackflowubuntu795: and that'll be a nice lesson in taking and appreciating backups. :)01:27
Peetz0rmerry christmas! https://nos.nl/data/image/2016/12/25/342280/original.jpg01:28
blackflowpersnonally, tho', I'd advise you to get two drives and don't mess with os/grub multiboot.01:28
ubuntu795I have two drives01:28
blackflowubuntu795: one for ubuntu and another for windows?01:28
Kali_Yugaubuntu795: both os'es would be running from the ssd.01:29
ubuntu795One is an SSD, the other is a HDD, and I wanted to make my SSD Ubuntu, and my HDD Windows... but I can't boot into windows because it keeps sending me to grub rescue01:29
Kali_Yugaubuntu795: you would have to constantly switch in Bios you're preffered boot device then01:31
Kali_Yugai wouldn't recommend doing it like that really01:31
ubuntu795I'm okay with that, it's set up to when I want to boot into windows, all I have to do is press F11 and select it from my bios01:32
ubuntu795problem is, I can't boot my windows, cus it sends me to grub rescue instead01:33
ubuntu795And there's no Ubuntu on that drive01:33
Kali_Yugaokay try01:33
ubuntu795googling it now01:34
Kali_Yugaon a ubuntu live cd change the boot loader to windows01:34
ubuntu795I have ubuntu live running now01:34
Kali_Yugatry changing the boot loader to windows then01:35
ubuntu795I have 2 machines to set this up on, so I can run blender render farm and game on windows01:35
ubuntu795Kali_Yuga: how do I change the boot loader from live USB?01:36
Kali_Yugagood question01:36
myrafthi all, recently upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04.01 and am getting kernel panic not syncing vfs unable to mount root01:37
myraftany help would be highly appreciated01:37
Kali_Yugathere is a bootable recovery cd from easy bcd never tried it though01:38
tomreynmyraft: did the upgrade go without error?01:38
tomreynmyraft: also, when does the kernel panic happen - early during boot, or later on? does it happen on every boot?01:39
myrafttomreyn,  I did get some errrors, but not knowing continued01:39
Kali_Yugaubuntu795: http://neosmart.net/EasyRE/01:39
myraftit happens on every boot01:39
myraftbut I do get ubuntu choices and see other recovery modes01:39
tomreynmyraft: does a recovery / ermergency boot work?01:39
Kali_Yugato change boot loader01:39
ubuntu795so it's gonna cost me $20 to fix a problem that Ubuntu created? FML01:40
myraftI am  in advanced options right now and see : linux , linux, linux (recovery) and
tomreynmyraft: try the last one01:41
tomreynmyraft: actually not01:41
myraftI did that, takes me to command line01:41
Kali_Yugaubuntu795: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreUbuntu/XP/Vista/7Bootloader01:41
tomreynmyraft: try this one: "linux (recovery)"01:41
myrafttomreyn, trying now01:41
Kali_Yugaubuntu795: Run Boot-Repair from a liveCD, click "Advanced options", tick "Restore MBR", click "Apply"01:42
myraftget end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS : Unable to mount root fs01:42
myraftin about 1 sec01:42
myrafttomreyn, thanks for helping - totally lost01:43
tomreynmyraft: can you take a photo and upload it?01:43
Kali_Yugaubuntu795: listen what i'm telling you01:43
ubuntu795Kali_Yuga: I tried that, when I rebooted it still sent me to grub rescue... maybe it has something to do with windows being installed in compatability mode?01:44
Kali_Yugacomplatibilty mode?01:45
tomreynmyraft: when this is done, go to the menu where you can select the kernel to boot again and press 'c' (as in "command line"). then type 'ls' and press enter, and tell me what it returned.01:45
ubuntu795kk, got into windows recovery, gonna try the other suggestions01:46
tomreynmyraft: finally, do you have a ubuntu live or installer  cd / usb stick you could boot from?01:46
myrafttomreyn, here is the pic : http://pasteboard.co/egN4NpcAb.jpg01:48
ubuntu795i tried to recover windows, and it found it, but it says: Failed to save startup options01:48
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myraftI don't remeber the version I tried the system upgrade , so I don't have a live CD / USB.01:49
myraftI believe it was 14.0401:49
EiriksHDDlemme try winblows chat01:49
tomreynmyraft: do you have any other way to boot this system then?01:50
Kali_Yugajust change the mbr01:50
myraftno only ubuntu01:50
tomreynmyraft: you mean the ubuntu installation on the hard disk, right?01:50
myraftplease note , if I pick the older version, I can get to command line01:50
myrafttomreyn, yes the installation is on hard-drive01:51
tomreynmyraft: kernel gets you a command line?01:51
myrafttomreyn, yes it does01:51
tomreynokay that's good, then boot into that, and see if you got networking there. you can run "ping -c3" and see what it returns01:52
myrafttomreyn, trying now01:52
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tomreynif you have internet, it should say something like "3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms". if you don't, it will say something like "3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2003ms", or it will error out entirely and not print this line.01:54
myrafttomreyn, says network is not reachable01:54
myrafttomreyn, says network is unreachable01:54
tomreynmyraft: okay, maybe we don't actually need internet. what does this return: lsb_release -d01:56
myrafttomreyn, "Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS"01:56
myraftshould I try to boot in older version than did , or is it a grub problem all around /01:57
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tomreynmyraft: i do not understand the question you just asked, can you rephrase it please?01:58
Guest31367guys i want to make a bash script to check the checksum of a file by parts using head -c value file | md5sum, so I want to check by 50mbs01:58
myraftrather than choosing kernel 3.13.XXX should I try something earlier in the list ?01:59
Guest31367how can I make so?afaik head takes from the first buy until it grabs all the bytes one specified01:59
myrafttomreyn, or nevermind my question, lead away - I am all ears and desperate :)02:00
tomreynmyraft: you could try the 'upstart' boot option but it is unlikely to work02:01
tomreynalso, what's the output of: lsblk -dno NAME | xargs echo02:01
myrafttomreyn, the command returns : "sda sr0". Also, I am not sure what is the 'upstart' boot option02:02
tomreynmyraft: "linux" in your kernel list. but i doubt it will work.02:02
myrafttomreyn, trying now02:03
tomreynmyraft: ok. so you have a single internal hard disk drive, is this correct?02:03
tomreyn+ cdrom, but nothing else02:03
myrafttomreyn, yes02:03
myrafthas usb drives02:04
myrafttomreyn, upstart gives same kernel panic02:04
myraftdo I need to put 16.04.1 on usb and try booting from that ?02:05
tomreynmyraft: okay, as expected. those "uusb drives" are not currently connected to your computer, right?02:05
tomreynhow would you put 16.04.1 on a usb stick and boot from it?02:05
tomreyncurrently, you dont seem to have a way to download and write it anywhere?02:06
myrafttomreyn, from the machine I chatting on, get it here, put it on USB and then try that (will be PAINFUL)02:06
tomreynpainful how?02:06
tomreynit's a good approach in this situation if you can do it on this second computer you have.02:07
myrafttomreyn, don't have much of choice. Unless there is a pointer02:07
tomreynmyraft: we can try to just install grub on your hard disk's MBR from the 3.11.xxx kernel. but this is error prone.02:08
myrafttomreyn, definitely worth it, since the plan I am talking about might land me back here.02:09
myrafttomreyn, so lead away02:09
myraftshould I restart and get to command line ( please note - no internet )02:09
tomreynmyraft: for the record: i assume, based on what i read so far, that the newer grub boot code was not properly installed during your upgrade. this would possibly explain why you can boot the old but not the new kernels.02:09
myrafttomreyn, your assumption is as good as I can guess02:10
tomreynmyraft: do i understand correctly that you would like tp try and upgrade grub from the existing system rather than prepare a bootable ubuntu usb key now?02:11
tomreynjust to confirm02:11
tomreynmyraft: then please boot into the 3.11.xxx kernel02:11
myraftso doing02:11
tomreynmyraft: how does your internet access work there? do you have a wired ethernet connection or a wireless (radio) connection?02:12
myrafttomreyn, loading to older kernel - No internet02:12
myrafttomreyn, the ping said unreachable02:13
tomreynmyraft: i mean when this computer worked, how was it connected physically?02:13
wookie_Can some help me figure out how to install a different kernel?02:13
cfhowlett!kernel | wookie_02:13
ubottuwookie_: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)02:13
myrafttomreyn, it was wired - sorry did not understand the question02:13
myrafttomreyn, the troubled machine is a desktop02:14
tomreynmyraft: okay, and your ip address was provided from the router, i suppose?02:14
myrafttomreyn, yes02:14
tomreynmyraft: alright, so we can try to get on the internet. but first, let's see which versio of grub you have there: dpkg -l grub* | grep ^i02:15
tomreynmyraft: this should show a list with several lines and columns, the third column should have version numbers. most of these should be 2.02-something, can you tell me the exact version of that?02:16
wookie_cfhowlett, what if the kernel is already on my system?  Here is the error.  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.16.0-30-generic02:17
wookie_[sudo] password for wook:02:17
wookie_Reading package lists... Done02:17
wookie_Building dependency tree02:17
wookie_Reading state information... Done02:17
wookie_linux-headers-3.16.0-30-generic is already the newest version.02:17
cfhowlettwookie_, seems self explanatory but you could force it with sudo apt-get install --reinstall02:18
myrafttomreyn, here u go : http://pasteboard.co/ehjibdXQe.jpg02:18
tomreynwookie_: you were temporarily silced because you posted too many lines of output. use a pastebin instead.02:18
tomreyn!pastebin | wookie_02:18
ubottuwookie_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:18
wookie_Sorry about that guys, I'm a linux/ubuntu newb02:19
tomreynmyraft: very well, this looks good02:19
myrafttalk to me brother02:19
tomreynmyraft: please run: sudo update-grub02:20
tomreynmyraft: then: sudo grub-install /dev/sda02:20
myrafttomreyn, it is doing something02:20
badtasteU2lol... did you guys noticed that VLC have a special theme for christmas?02:20
badtasteU2damn smarty app02:20
tomreynmyraft: any error messages?02:21
myrafttomreyn, no errors. No error from the 2nd command. Says Installation finished02:21
tomreynmyraft: please run: df -h02:22
tomreynmyraft: in the 5th column, does it say 100% anywhere?02:22
myrafttomreyn, No 100% anywhere02:23
tomreynmyraft: please run: df -i02:23
myrafttomreyn, max it says is 86% for /02:23
xanguabadtasteU2: it has since I remember02:23
tomreynmyraft: in the 5th column, does it say 100% anywhere?02:23
myrafttomreyn, no 100% anywhere. df -i shows 29% for /02:24
tomreynmyraft: okay, please reboot and try the first kernel option02:24
wookie_cfhowlett, what if using the --reinstall tag doesn't work?  I just did sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.16.0-30-generic --reinstall   and restarted the computer and it still have the same kernel I previously had02:26
myrafttomreyn,  still getting kernel panic02:26
tomreynmyraft: okay, so the upgrade you did, it was from a ubuntu OS to a ubuntu PS, not some other OS which is an ubuntu derivative, right?02:27
tomreyn*OS, not PS02:27
myrafttomreyn, correct , upgraded from ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04.102:27
cfhowlettwookie_, why do you believe the kernel is not present when the system reports that it is?02:28
myraftnot sure about 14.04 (might be 15.04)02:28
tomreynmyraft: 15.04 would not ahve allowed you to upgrade to 16.04 in one step.02:28
myrafttomreyn, goes to show my noobi-ness02:28
myrafttomreyn, so any ideas boss ?02:29
tomreynmyraft: don't worry, everyone starts like this. let's look forward. now please go to the grub menu again, the one where you can select kernels to boot from.02:29
wookie_cfhowlett, I know it is present, but if I do   uname -a  it still shows I am using 3.16-031600-lowlatency02:29
wookie_and not the one I was supposed to reinstall02:29
myrafttomreyn, mighty kind of you sir. I am at the grub menu02:29
myraftI can select 3.13.0-105 again?02:30
cfhowlettwookie_, sounds like it did indeed install then.  reboot, hit (esc) to bring up your grub menu   >>> advanced options >>> choose your ubuntu version, i.e. kernel.02:30
wookie_ok, I'll try that.  Thanks for the help btw02:31
cfhowletthappy2help! wookie_02:31
tomreynmyraft: only using cursor keys, not pressing enter, highlight the 3.x kernel entry, then press 'e' and take a photo. then press escape and highlight the first kernel entry, and press 'e' and take another photo.02:36
tomreyn(sorry, i got disconnected)02:36
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myrafttomreyn, thnx for coming back02:38
myraftwill do02:39
wookie_cfhowlett, I didn't see the linux-header files for the version I wanted.  Is there a way for me to load them into grub advanced options?02:39
cfhowlettwookie_, dpkg -l | grep linux-headers*02:39
cfhowlettin your terminal02:39
myrafttomreyn, here is both images02:44
myrafttomreyn, : http://imgur.com/a/r5yMn02:44
tomreynmyraft: thanks, looking now02:46
tomreynmyraft: okay, can you still boot the 3.13.0 kernel?02:48
myrafttomreyn, 3.13.0 (like many versions back ) ?02:49
myrafttomreyn,   the oldest I see is 3.13.0-2402:49
tomreynmyraft: yes thats the one.02:50
tomreynmyraft: basically th eone which we bootzed before and which worked02:50
myraft tomreyn before that is
tomreyn3.2.0 is older than 3.13.002:50
myraftok the one we booted and got to command line was right
myrafttomreyn,  booting to it now02:51
myraftsays /dev/sda1 clean02:51
tomreynmyraft: do you not get a login prompt?02:52
wookie_cfhowlett, I ran the code  "dpkg -l | grep linux-headers*" and it showed something change in the terminal, yet when I started it didn't show any other kernels to choose from02:52
myrafttomreyn, : yes02:52
myraftjust logged in02:52
cfhowlettwookie_, for comparison:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23685667/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/23685668/02:52
tomreynmyraft: okay, please run: blkid02:53
myrafttomreyn, did that, does not return anything02:53
tomreynmyraft: does the "/dev/sda1" entry have an UUID which starts 14e51cd802:53
tomreynmyraft: okay, with sudo please02:54
tomreynmyraft: sudo blkid02:54
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myrafttomreyn,  yes did  that with sudo and see UUID="14e51cd9-02:55
tomreynmyraft: okay, thats the sda1 line, or a different one?02:55
myrafttomreyn, also see /dev/sda5 UUID="f5dc606802:55
Bashing-omtomreyn: I have not paid close attention here, but a broken proprietary graphic's driver , maybe ?02:55
myrafttomreyn, sda1 line02:55
wookie_cfhowlett, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23685708/    This is what I'm getting.  But when I restarted I didn't see any updates to the grub advanced options02:56
tomreynBashing-om: "not syncing: VFS : Unable to mount root fs" kernel panic on boot after upgrade to 16.04 with 16.04 kernel but not the old 3.13.0 kernel02:56
tomreynBashing-om: doesn't seem like a graphics driver issue to me02:57
cfhowlettwookie_, no lowlatency anything on that list ..02:57
cfhowlettalso dpkg -l | grep linux-image*02:57
Bashing-omtomreyn: Yeah, not a graphic issue :)02:58
bobdobbsHi all. I cant connect to the network from my asus laptop, which is loaded with ubuntu 14.04. Based on some assistance I got from this channel a few hours ago, it could be a driver issue. How can I get more diagnostic info?02:58
tomreynmyraft: ok, thanks. can you please note down the sda1's UUID exactly?02:58
wookie_cfhowlett, I don't need the lowlatency I need  linux-headers-3.16.0-30-generic02:58
cfhowlett!wifi | bobdobbs02:58
ubottubobdobbs: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:58
tomreynmyraft: i don't need it here, but you need to enter it elsewhere.02:58
cfhowlettwookie_, got it.02:58
bobdobbs cfhowlet: I can't connect on either wifi or if I'm connected directly to the modem with a cable.02:59
wookie_cfhowlett, When I run the linux-image I get this   http://paste.ubuntu.com/23685719/03:00
myrafttomreyn, /dev/sda1: UUID="14e51cd9-eaa6-4d2e-85ed-9b3e920677b2"  Type="ext4" PARTUUID="00010e8c-01"03:00
bobdobbsFolks who helped me earlier suspected that I has airplane mode activated. But I found the setting, and airplane mode is off.03:00
bobdobbsAlso, the folks earlier suspected that a piece of software called 'network-manager' might be missing.03:01
bobdobbsSo I went out and braved the boxing-day crowd to buy a USB stick, in case I had to transfer a file from another computer to my lappy03:02
cfhowlettwookie_, first: apt-get install --reinstall the linux-image       then sudo grub-update03:02
tomreynmyraft: now: sudo cp -p /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg-old; sudo sed -i 's;/dev/sda1;UUID=a61685f2-dabc-4658-aaf2-b867b39898e3;g' /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:02
myrafttomreyn, doing so now03:04
jpvegacan anyone recommend an application which consolidates all the different chats: fb, icq, messenger, whatsapp and so forth03:04
myrafttomreyn, do I put the UUID that I jotted down or the a6168..... ?03:05
tomreynmyraft: also what does "mount | grep ^/dev" say for where /dev/sda1 is mounted? it should have a "/dev/sda1 on ..." line03:05
tomreynmyraft: you would just ran these commands exactly as i typed them03:06
tomreynmyraft: was there any unexpected output when you ran them?03:06
tomreynideally, there should be none03:06
=== Catie is now known as Guest19207
abezuglovhey all! After upgrading my 16.04 to 16.10, neither music nor videos are playing.03:07
Guest31367anyone here could help me with a a bash script? I basically have it done, but I have a problem with an echo03:07
abezuglovany quick remedy? thanks!03:07
leaftypeGuest31367, put it in a pastebin and post the link03:08
Guest31367http://paste.ubuntu.com/23685748/ if I remove the echo line it will actually work, without it it will just keep looping on hte first sector without actually outputing the md5sum03:08
myrafttomrey : still doing the first command . Got confused after jotting down UUID 14e now am putting a61.... but doing so now.03:09
tomreynmyraft: for exaplanations, the "sudo cp -p ..." command makes a backup copy of your grub configuration file (which grub reads at boot and displays the boot menu from). the "sudo sed -i ..." command then edits the grub configuration file, replacing any "/dev/sda1" texts in it by the UUID of this partition / file system03:09
Guest31367what it does is check chunks of bytes to compare hashes, but for usabilities sake I wanted to point out what group of blocks the result was for, but the echo line is breaking the rest of the script03:09
Guest31367I just need a way to alter the output so it is easier to read03:09
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tomreynmyraft: sorry, my mistage03:11
tomreynmyraft: sorry, my mistake03:11
bobdobbsif I type lspci -nn, I get a list of devices, including two network controlllers. So I'm guessing that I don't have a hardware issue03:11
bobdobbs'ifconfig' only gives me details for lo03:11
myrafttomrey , ran the command 's;/dev/sda1;UUID=a61685f2-dabc-4658-aaf2-b867b39898e3;g' /boot/grub/grub.cfg  - no errors03:11
myrafttomreyn, running mount |grep ^/dev shows /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw....)03:11
tomreynmyraft: okay i think i gave you the wrong uuid there. i'm not sure where i had that from03:12
tomreynmyraft: so i'm afraid you will need to type again, sorry.03:13
myrafttomreyn, that is what I was asking - so should I use the backup copy to replace and do the operation again03:13
myrafttomreyn, sure - appreciate the help03:13
tomreynmyraft: yes, do this: sudo cp -p /boot/grub/grub.cfg-old /boot/grub/grub.cfg; sudo sed -i 's;/dev/sda1;UUID=14e51cd9-eaa6-4d2e-85ed-9b3e920677b;g' /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:14
tomreynmyraft: if this works out without error (whould not produce any output) then please reboot again and select the first kernel on boot.03:15
leaftypeGuest31367, I'm looking at it now,but it might take me a minute (novice)03:16
Guest31367ok, im still here testing some things03:16
Guest31367so the echo line by itself works, and the dd line by itself works, so it is a problem when getting both mixed up03:19
leaftypeGuest31367, would the echo be interfering with a string buffer? Maybe that's stupid... still playing with it03:21
=== stryx`_ is now known as stryx`
Guest31367well, I just guessed my way through this so that might be happening03:21
ozzoi am newbie in ubuntu how i can add network n chanel in xchat03:22
myrafttomreyn,  did that please note had a 2 at the end. Then did sudo reboot , it just sits at a blank black screen03:23
myrafttomreyn, should I power down and restart ?03:23
ozzohello any buddy help me plz03:23
myrafttomreyn, keyboard (caps lock not responding )03:23
myrafttomrey - powered down ( restarted ) - still getting kernel panic03:24
tomreynmyraft: okay, any luck with the first kernel now?03:25
bobdobbsIs network-manager an essential component of ubuntu 14.04 for networking? Like, I can't find it on my system. And I'm wondering if this is why I can't connect to the net03:25
tomreynmyraft: oh sorry missed it03:25
myrafttomreyn, still getting kernel panic03:25
tomreynmyraft: what did you mean by "had a 2 at the end"? did i fail to copy and paste again?03:25
tomreynyes i did03:26
tomreyn<myraft> tomreyn, /dev/sda1: UUID="14e51cd9-eaa6-4d2e-85ed-9b3e920677b2"  Type="ext4" PARTUUID="00010e8c-01"03:26
ozzohow i can add network03:26
myrafttomreyn, not biting that hand that feeds, but that is what it seem linke03:26
myraftbut I had the b2 rebooted to the first kernel and still PANIC03:27
tomreynmyraft: hehe, yes, when i feed you nonsense, please bite03:27
cfhowlettozzo, xchat is unsupported and undeveloped.  replace it with hexchat03:27
leaftypeGuest31367, how do you use the shell script? When I use it "test.sh file.odf", I get a bunch of "cannot skip to specified offset"03:27
tomreynmyraft: reboot, highlight (but dont press enter) the first kernel, press 'e'03:27
wookie_cfhowlett, linux and ubuntu are the work of satan.03:28
cfhowletthttps://hexchat.github.io/news/announcement.html   >> https://hexchat.github.io/news/announcement.html03:28
tomreynmyraft: then look for the uuid in those lines you are editing then and add the missing trailing 203:28
cfhowlettwookie_, ? work on your comedy in a different channel please.03:28
Guest31367uh, might be because of its size, chunk = 10 makes it so it moves 10mbs each time03:28
Guest31367the value in the for is the number of times it moves03:29
tomreynmyraft: note that there can be multiple occasions. also, there is this line which starts with "linux" and can be quit eloing - scroll to the end.03:29
myrafttomreyn, I got the 2 when doing the sed command03:29
tomreynmyraft: oh so you fixed my mistake there before you rebooted but the kernel error persists?03:29
myrafttomreyn, yes I did03:30
leaftypeGuest31367, I just realized the echo is being put into out.txt for me. is that the problem? In that case I think I have a solution for you (if you just want it put into the command line)03:30
myraftand yes problem persists03:30
tomreynmyraft: i'm glad that one of us is intelligent03:30
tomreynmyraft: hmm, so i guess something is wrong with packages after all03:30
myraftit is sitting in a blank screen for a a while03:30
myraftI did see some "errors" , and it said something like run "dpkg .... " after install03:31
tomreynmyraft: but no kernel panic?03:31
myrafttomreyn, just sits there - should I power it down or wait for a few minutes ?03:31
wookie_cfhowlett, Will do. Anyways, all of this work didn't solve my problem unfortunately.  I was trying to get this Archer T2UH wireless wifi usb adapter to work, but I cannot install the drivers.03:31
myraftit has been over 2 mins .03:31
Guest31367leaftype, no, it is not a problem, at least for me when I add the echo line it just doesn't ever output the hash and loops with the same sectors03:32
tomreynmyraft: reboot and try the "recovery" 4.x kernel03:32
cfhowlettwookie_, usb?  that would be considered a critical detail to mention.  ask again in channel with ALL relevant details.  if they're not already deep in the 'nog, perhaps someone will know.03:32
myrafttomreyn, even recovery 4.x is given kernel panic03:33
Kali_Yugawookie_: did you get that stick working? is that youre question to get it working?03:33
tomreynmyraft: so is there a kernel panic or not? since you said something about a black screen, but kernel panics do produce output03:33
wookie_Kali_Yoga, Yes, I'm still trying to get it to work.  I've been going over a lot of forums posts on ask ubuntu, but I can't get the drivers to work from anywhere.03:34
myrafttomreyn, kernel panic after forced shutdown (power off).03:34
Kali_Yugacould this work with ndiswrapper maybe?03:34
myrafttomreyn, kernel panic in recovery mode too03:34
wookie_I thought installing a certain kernel would help make it install, but it didn't help03:34
Kali_Yugai got usb wifi sticks working with ndiswrapper03:35
tomreynmyraft: so you get a kernel panic when shuitting down. i'm more interested in whether oyu get a kernel panic while trying to boot and get to a login prompt.03:35
wookie_Kali_Yuga, I've never used it before, and none of the other people having problems with this stick mentioned it03:35
cfhowlettwookie_, Kali_Yuga http://www.tp-link.com/en/download/Archer-T2UH.html#Driver03:35
cfhowlettnative linux driver03:36
Kali_Yugadownload that03:36
myrafttomreyn, no - I didn't explain well. I get kernel panic when I boot into 4.x (anything)03:36
Kali_Yugaand get the inf file. extract the .exe03:36
tomreynmyraft: so that's still the case, you get a kernel panic after selecting a 4.x kernel in the grub boot prompt, and before it reaches the "login:" promnpt. correct?03:37
Kali_Yugaextract the exe there should be an .inf file. and you give that ndiswrapper03:37
myrafttomreyn, yes that is the case03:37
myraftI am uploading the -e image from 4.x kernel to ensure I got the 2 at the end.03:38
tomreynmyraft: alright, thanks for clarifying. (i still don't understand the part about the black screen then but will just ignore it for now.)03:39
myraftuploaded the 'e' option from 4.x kernel to http://imgur.com/a/r5yMn03:39
myrafttomreyn,   uploaded the 'e' option from 4.x kernel to http://imgur.com/a/r5yMn03:40
tomreynmyraft: thanks. this still says /dev/sda1 on the (last) "linux" line for some reason03:41
leaftypeGuest31367, with a test file and reducing the for loop, the output.txt file looks fine to me. Here's what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23685857/03:41
wookie_cfhowlett, I tried that earlier.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23685852/    same error.  The reason I was trying install the different kernel is because the generic one has the /build/ folder03:42
myrafttomreyn, not sure what should it say and where ?03:42
Guest31367so maybe it was a problem with that, i changed it slightly now the user defines the size of chunk and number of chunks to check03:42
tomreynmyraft: on the last screenshot you posted, the last line starts with "linux", do you see this?03:43
leaftypeGuest31367, Changing the file size only made it more coherent, since it repeats for 544 blocks by default (huge files), so the majority of those would be the same03:44
Guest31367actually, I ran the script without > output. now that I added it again it broke again, I don't understand03:44
leaftypeGuest31367, It worked before, it simply had 544 versions, most of them the same03:44
myrafttomreyn, that is a mistake on my part - uploading new image03:45
Guest31367no, in my case it doesn't output the hashes to console, or the echos, but only when I add > output03:45
leaftype> output doesn't put anything on the console, that's not what it's supposed to do03:45
leaftypeit outputs it to a file called output.txt03:45
Guest31367I thought it would output to both console and to the text file03:46
leaftypeGuest31367, nope. A redirection means you're creating a file INSTEAD of putting it on the console03:46
Guest31367I assume that just as the terminal didn't show the correct info that it wasn't doing the rest as it was supposed to either, but yeah, it is creating the text file properly so I guess i'll leave it as is03:46
tomreynmyraft: i see. so on the screenshot you posted there erroneously, later in this "linux" line, it says "root=/dev/sda1" - but it should say "root=UUID=14e51cd9-eaa6-4d2e-85ed-9b3e920677b2" there.03:47
Guest31367I was confused because it did output something, just not everything03:47
Guest31367http://paste.ubuntu.com/23685861/ anyway this is the final script just in case you wanted to check it03:48
myrafttomreyn,   uploaded the 'e' option from 4.x kernel to http://imgur.com/a/r5yMn - uploaded new image03:48
leaftypeGuest31367, ah, lots of new tinkering going on :)03:48
tomreynmyraft: okay, this one looks good, but since it doesn't work, this was the wrong approach. so let's try something else - getting internet working and repairing those packages.03:49
Guest31367yes, at the end it is more flexible now, had to change how it was written otherwise it wouldn't take the variable as part of the range03:49
tomreynmyraft: boot into the kernel which works, the one we tried before.03:50
myrafttomreyn, trying now03:50
myrafttomreyn, doing now03:50
Guest31367thank you very much, leaftype03:50
leaftypeGuest31367, the output you were getting to the console, btw, was just what is output by dd itself as a status. Do you want that there?03:51
Bashing-omtomreyn: myraft Do we know for sure that 'root' is on sda1 ? And want to try and boot from grub explicitly and see what results ?03:51
Guest31367I guess I prefer it didn't output anything but I guess it is no big deal03:51
myraftBashing-om,  not sure what that means03:51
leaftypeGuest31367, instead of status=noxfer , put in status=none03:52
myrafttomreyn, Bashing-om: at the command prompt where the kernel is not connected to net but can do some sudo command03:52
Guest31367oh, thank you, I'm even more lost with dd that I'm with bash03:53
Bashing-ommyraft: For now I am just looking over yall's shoulder . Giving a thought now and then .03:54
leaftypeGuest31367, Also, if you want to put it into the console AND into output.txt, you have a cool option there too. replace "> output.txt" with "| tee output.txt"03:54
Bashing-ommyraft: tomreyn has the lead and is doing an excellent job .03:55
leaftype| is a pipe of the output, and tee puts it in both places03:55
tomreynmyraft: can you show the output of "mount" again, please? i can't find it in the scroll back03:55
Guest31367the slippery tee, I use it so little I always forget it exists03:55
tomreynBashing-om: thanks, but then it's getting late and i'm sick, so i make mistakes ;)03:55
leaftypeGuest31367, I was learning about it like 2 weeks ago for some reason or other, so it didn't take much refreshing to refind it03:55
leaftypeas for dd, man pages are awesome03:56
tomreynBashing-om: i think we had looked at "mount" fomr the kernel which can boot up fine (3.13.0) and there /dev/sda1 was mounted at /03:56
myrafttomreyn, mount |grep ^/dev SHOWS : /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,,realtime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)03:56
Guest31367well, it is good all is sorted out now. Again, thank you, leaftype03:56
leaftypenp, glad I could help03:56
tomreynBashing-om: see what myraft just pasted03:57
myrafttomreyn : /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,realtime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered) -- had a typo,extra comma03:57
myrafthelp away folks03:58
myrafttomreyn, how to connect to internet ?03:58
tomreynmyraft: thanks. right, so let's try to get networking going.03:59
tomreynmycraft: "ip link" shows several lines, i assume? one will say ' lo:', i'm NOT interested in this one, what do the others say in place of ' lo:'?04:00
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tomreynmyraft: "eth0:" might be one of them, for example04:00
chronoIRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/ 6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY04:01
cfhowlett!ops | chrono04:01
ubottuchrono: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu04:01
tomreynmyraft: actually, much easier, tell me what this returns: ls /sys/class/net04:01
myrafttomreyn, eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500....04:01
myrafttomreyn, says eth0 lo04:02
myrafttomreyn, says eth0 lo (from typing ls /sys/class/net)04:02
Bashing-omtomreyn: K, at this point in my thought process I would boot to grub's commnd line. verify that the system knows where the config files are , and see what happens booting up explicitly . - mind ya I have no experience booting systemd from grub .04:02
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myrafttomreyn, Bashing-om : awaiting instructions04:04
tomreynmyraft: thanks. so do: sudo ifconfig eth0 && sudo dhclient eth004:04
tomreynmyraft: ideally ouy'll get an ip address assigned then, and ping will wotj this time around: ping -c3
tomreynwotj -> work04:05
Bashing-ommyraft: tomreyn has the lead, too many cooks spoils the soup . You have more than enough to keep up with :)04:07
tomreynBashing-om: hmm me neither (systemd boot process from grub). my approach is currently to ensure all packages are installed and up to date, since this happened after a release upgrade, and i suspect not all packages were installed properly.04:07
myrafttomreyn,  got command working04:07
tomreynBashing-om: i'll be happy to pass on tzo you after this if it fails, since i'll be even more tired and out of ideas then04:07
Bashing-omtomreyn: same thoght, but in direct relation to grub package .04:08
myraftso I have internet now on a old kernel04:08
tomreynmyraft: nice. so 3 of 3 packages received, 0% packet loss, it says?04:08
myrafttomreyn, yeap04:08
tomreynmyraft: very well, so let's look into apt: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install04:09
Bashing-omtomreyn: myraft I too pretty tired, but good for a bit yet ., In systemd I would expect the network to be like " logical name: enp1s9 "04:09
tomreynmyraft: any warnings or error messages there?04:10
tomreynBashing-om: also on kernel 3.13.0? :)04:10
myrafttomreyn, acknowledge how long you have been with me04:10
Bashing-omtomreyn: Nope .. upstart would be eth0 .04:10
tomreynwhich is what we have now04:11
myraftshould i run the sudo commands / or what am I doing in with systemd04:11
tomreynmyraft: please run the apt-get commands i indicated04:11
tomreynmyraft: also dont worry about the time i'm spending, it's an interesting problem and i learn from it myself04:11
tomreynalso, it's the holidays - wohoo!04:12
myrafttomreyn,  doing a bunch of things and then stopped04:12
tomreynmyraft: stopped as in, errored out, or just completed?04:12
myrafttomreyn, says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem04:12
myrafttomreyn,  so about to run that I guess.04:13
tomreynmyraft: okay, that's an error, indicated by the "E:" there. indeed, run it.04:13
myrafttomreyn, so running that now04:14
tomreynmyraft: good04:14
myrafttomreyn, looks like it is doing quite a bit , no prompts for me to do anything.04:14
tomreynmyraft: so you probably had an incomplete upgrade there. and we're now completing it.04:15
myrafttomreyn, awesome04:16
myrafttomreyn, seeing some errors like error processing grub-pc04:16
tomreynmyraft: mind that, this isn't guaranteed to fix the boot issue, but it surely has the potential to do so. ;)04:16
myrafttomreyn,  error processing pkaage nfs-commong04:17
myraftbut the process still continues04:17
tomreynmyraft: it would be good to take note of these errors if you can or we can later look them up in /var/log/apt/term.log04:17
myrafttomreyn,  bads news04:18
tomreynonce it's complete, you can do "sudo less /var/log/apt/term.log" to read it.04:18
tomreynmyraft: bad news?04:18
myraftcomes back to the prompt. Says Processing halted because too many errors04:18
tomreyncan i see a screen shot there please?04:18
myrafttomreyn,  so done04:22
myrafttomreyn, http://imgur.com/a/r5yMn04:23
myraftlast screen04:23
tomreynmycraft: what does this command return: pastebinit -v04:24
z8zIs there any supported nvidia card which works with some opensource driver? Where can i find a list?04:24
myrafttomreyn,  returns : pastebinit v1.504:25
leaftypez8z, do you already have an nvidia card you want to check? if you're buying a compute rand using open source drivers.. why nvidia?04:25
leaftypez8z https://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames/04:26
tomreynmyraft: please do: sudo dpkg --configure -a | pastebinit04:26
tomreynmyraft: this should return a URL, so i can look at the output04:27
tomreynmyraft: sorry, let me revise this command to run:04:27
tomreynmyraft: sudo dpkg --configure -a 2>&1 | pastebinit04:27
myrafttomreyn, already run it ,04:28
myrafttomreyn,  doing it with 2>&104:28
tomreynmyraft: thanks04:28
tomreynso i only need the url form the second run04:29
myrafttomreyn, (not sure if you saw this, don't mean to nag)  http://paste.ubuntu.com/2368600804:30
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tomreynmyraft: i'm looking at it, thanks.04:31
tomreynmyraft: this is a pretty broken system. before we spend more time on it, you may want to consider a reinstallation.04:31
myrafttomreyn, copy that .... any ideas for path of least resistence04:31
tomreynBashing-om: any comment on that from you?04:31
myrafttomreyn, or can I revert back to what I had running - 14.04 or something like that.04:32
Bashing-omtomreyn: No matter how we look at it .. much much faster to save the data and RE-install. But we learn nothing from taking the nuclear option .04:33
tomreynmyraft: i don't think you can downgrade this system easily. and if you'll do a new installation, it makes sense to go with 16.04 rather than 14.04 or whatyou had there.04:33
tomreynBashing-om: well mycraft is not just here to teach us, right ;)04:34
myrafttomreyn,  will follow y'all lead that downgrading is not possible. As for reinstall - will  I lost data ?04:34
myraftPLEASE SAY NO !04:34
tomreynmyraft: you can backup any data you need to preserve04:35
tomreynmyraft: this  "mount | grep ^dev" we ran earlier, did this only return a single line of output?04:36
tomreynjust the /dev/sda1 line, or were there more?04:37
myrafttomreyn, yes single ilne04:37
myrafttomreyn, /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw ......04:37
myrafttomreyn, just plugged in an usb drive ( will need to back a boat-load of data) -04:38
tomreynmyraft: okay. i'm wondering where you can backup your data to. what other external storages do you have available?04:38
myrafttomreyn,  just pluggged in external drive in USB / how do load it or mount it ?04:39
tomreynmyraft: is there any data on this usb drive you just plugged in which you need to preserve?04:39
myrafttomreyn, yes04:39
Bashing-ommyraft: I am all for fixing , but bear in mind that I have no php7 skills , that us on you to fix . the translation from upstart (14.04) to systemd (16.04) your config files are broke !04:39
myraftBashing-om,  I am ok blasting it away (as long as I can backup the data)04:40
myraftBashing-om, not sure why u mention php704:40
myraftso how do i mount the external drive plugged into usb04:41
tomreynmyraft: i think hphp7 is one of the packages which faile dto install04:41
tomreynmyraft: "dmesg | tail" should tell you which partitions were found on this usb drive you just plaugge din04:41
myrafttomreyn, I have no hesitation to blast away php04:41
tomreyn*plugged in04:41
Bashing-om!info php7 xenial04:42
ubottuPackage php7 does not exist in xenial04:42
tomreynmyraft: was this a server or a desktop computer? since you have a mail server and webserver and php installed04:42
Bashing-om!info php7 trusty04:42
ubottuPackage php7 does not exist in trusty04:42
myrafttomreyn, was a desktop04:42
Bashing-om!info php7.0 trusty04:43
ubottuPackage php7.0 does not exist in trusty04:43
tomreynmyraft: i'm asking because i only plan to help you backup the data in your /home directory , so anything in your users' directory and on the desktop, but not some server data like websites or databases etc.04:43
tomreynunless you tell me which servers you had running, then we can try to add this04:44
myrafttomreyn, lets go with this04:44
tomreynmyraft: so which sdb* partitions did dmesg resport?04:44
myrafttomreyn, : dmesg | tail04:45
tomreyni'm just guessing its sdb, could also be sdf or something04:45
tomreynmyraft: yes, you should run this04:45
Bashing-ommyraft: Looks to ne apache2 from php5 .04:45
myraft[2792.143153] sd 6.:0.0:0 [sbd] Attached to SCSI disk04:46
myraftnot sure I typed that correct04:46
myrafttake that back04:46
myraftI see seagate Go Flex - the external drive04:46
myraftwhat should I list04:46
myraft[2791.100674] scsi 6:0:0:0 Direct-Acess Seagate FA Go Flex Des ...04:47
tomreynmyraft: parted /dev/sdb print 2>&1 | pastebinit04:47
tomreynmyraft: with sudo04:48
tomreynsudo parted /dev/sdb print 2>&1 | pastebinit04:48
myrafttomreyn, ubuntu.com/2368603804:49
tomreynmyraft: okay, that's ntfs formatted, not ideal but we can work with it04:50
tomreynmyraft: does "ls /mnt/" return anything?04:50
myrafttomreyn, shows freenas04:51
myrafttomreyn: something the company admin had setup (don't need or connected it anymore).04:51
tomreynmyraft: does "ls /mnt/freenas" return anything?04:51
myrafttomreyn, no04:51
tomreynokay. do: sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt/04:52
engineer-pearlI am trying to run a command in a screen window while it is detatched and it is not being recognized. I have tried 'screen -S booted -p 0 -X "echo hello"', 'screen -S booted -p 0 -X echo hi', and 'screen -S booted echo hi',. The screen was initialized with 'screen -S booted' so I know it should be running. duckduckgo has not been sufficiently helpful. What is wrong with my command?04:52
tomreynmyraft: then "df -h /mnt/" - to find out how much free space is available04:52
myrafttomreyn, problem : says mount ; specail device /dev/sbd does not exist04:53
tomreynmyraft: sbd is not sdb04:53
tomreynmyraft: i.e. you made a little typo while copying the command04:54
intrafearcan anyone recommend a good desktop widget style cpu/memory monitor ?04:54
myrafttomreyn, Yikes (my bad) - so mount : wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb, missing codepage o helper program04:56
engineer-pearlI usually just use gnome-system-monitor. What information do you need?04:56
intrafearjust really cpu/ram04:56
myraftdf -h /mnt show 19G Avail 86% used04:56
tomreynmyraft: my bad also, please use: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/04:56
intrafearill try gnome-system-monitor, i remember how that worked04:56
tomreynmyraft: then "df -h /mnt/" again04:57
myrafttomreyn, thanks df -h /mnt show /dev/sdb1/ 932G 695G Avail 26% ussed04:57
myrafttomreyn, starting the copy from ~/Documents to this place04:58
myraftmight take some time04:59
tomreynmyraft: well that's plenty. so let's see how much data we need to backup (this will take a good while to run): sudo du -sh /home/04:59
myrafttomreyn,  how to specify where to copy to e.g. /mnt/somedir_2016122504:59
tomreynmyraft: if you copy files as they are you will loose linux file system permissions. my plan was to create a tar archive on the usb disk and store data in there instead. but you decide.05:00
myrafttomreyn, I go with yoru plan05:00
myraftway too tired05:00
tomreynmyraft: s;) o the 'du' command please05:00
myrafttomreyn, du -sh /home did not come back yet05:00
myrafttomreyn, still going05:01
tomreynmyraft: so you have another usb disk or stick where you can put the ubuntu installer on then? since you'll need one to reinstall later, right?05:02
tomreyni'm here05:03
myrafttomreyn, got one plugged in right now05:04
tomreynmyraft: you may have posted a line starting with a /, which IRC interprets as a command but does not echo05:04
tomreynmyraft: 'du' is still going?05:04
myrafttomreyn, 87 G05:05
tomreynmyraft: okay, i bet this will take a while. but we don't need to wait for it, since it's complete once copying finishes.05:06
myrafttomreyn, got a new USB in this machie05:08
tomreynmyraft: thats to do what?05:09
myraftgot a new USB on the machine I am chatting with - so that I can download 16.04.1 and use as live USB ( I guess)05:10
myraftnot sure if there is a option from the existing system05:10
myrafttomreyn, also if I can just copy ~/home/me/Documents and ~/home/me/Pictures I am good05:11
myrafttomreyn, I don't need to copy all 86 GB05:11
tomreynmyraft: to do the full backup now, do: sudo tar -cf /mnt/ubuntu-backup.tar /home/05:11
myraftso what is the easiest way to copy these to the /mnt/20161225 directory, can I do a mvoe05:11
tomreynmyraft: or just copy those documents if thats all you want05:11
tomreynmyraft: for the documents and pictures, you can do: sudo cp -r ~/home/me/Documents /mnt/20161225/; sudo cp -r ~/home/me/Pictures /mnt/20161225/05:13
myrafttomreyn, doing now05:13
myrafttomreyn, in the mean time, do I start downloading Ubuntu 16.04 on the USB stick , or is it to be nuke from the broken workstation ?05:14
jwashhi everyone, in windoze web pages say Alt + 0127 to do a section symbol. How do i do it in Linux?05:14
tomreynmyraft: i think it may be easier to create the ubuntu installer on the system you are using IRC on now05:14
tomreynthat's if oyu have another usb slot available there05:15
myraftI have a clean USB connected to the system I am chatting with you05:15
myrafttomreyn, I a downloading ISO file from here : https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?country=US&version=16.04.1&architecture=amd6405:16
myrafttomreyn, does that work as "installer" or "live USB" ?05:16
tomreynmyraft: both. here's how you get the iso written to the usb storage: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Creating_a_bootable_Ubuntu_USB_flash_drive_from_Windows05:17
myrafttomreyn, the machine I am using is Ubutu aswell05:18
tomreynmyraft: oh, good choice, i was assuming windows because of the ntfs formatted usb disk05:19
myrafttomreyn, so now I have the ISO on the USB. I remember there was something I had to do to make ti "live USB"05:20
myraftI don't think expanding it was the right thing05:20
tomreynmyraft: indeed, placing the iso file on the usb wont work05:21
tomreynnor is expanding it.05:21
myraftok  ?05:21
tomreynmyraft: use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Install_and_run_Startup_Disk_Creator_alias_usb-creator05:21
tomreynbut be sure to store it on the right disk, not the one you are currently backing up to05:22
tomreynany contents of this destination will be erased05:22
tomreynmyraft: if you prefer command line, then the mkusb method (also discussed on this wiki page) can be the better approach.05:24
myraftubuntu has startup disk as a app05:24
myraftusing that now05:24
Bashing-ommyraft: tomreyn Faster is "dd" .. something like  just ' sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync ' But must be very sure .. very !05:24
tomreynBashing-om: ok, you can guide on that ;)05:25
myraftBashing-om, the ubuntu startup disk did not work05:26
tomreynmyraft: i should go to bed soon. please take a short time to think about what else you may need backed up  form tzhe old system. websites, php code, mysql databases, global configurations etc.05:26
Bashing-omtomreyn: :) .. just that I have the more faith in terminal :)05:26
myrafttomreyn, thanks buddy05:28
tomreynBashing-om: same here, but it can be more complicated than a GUI tool when there is a lot of overhead in transporting back and forth what is and should be happening on screen.05:29
tomreynwell, depends05:29
tomreynmyraft: welcome. so IF you used the 'tar' command to backup your stuff, you will be able to view and extract the contents of this archive using file-rolle or squeeze (or the text-only 'tar' command) on linux, or using 7-zip on any system.05:31
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myrafttomreyn, copy that. Apparently the "Startup disk creator" on Ubuntu does like 16.0405:32
tomreynmyraft: be sure to not just unplug the disks when you're done backing up. the safest way is to power off the computer and unplug the disk then.05:33
myraftcopy that05:33
tomreynmyraft: yes i think there is some ubuntu release where it does and another where it doesn't work, i forgot which is which, though05:33
myrafttomreyn, if u must call it a nite05:34
myraftlet me see if Bashing-om can give the command line option05:34
myrafttar copy still going05:34
myraftb back after 30 sec05:34
tomreynmyraft: yes, 6:30 am and i got to travel tomorrow (or rather later today).05:35
tomreynso... good luck!05:35
tomreyni'll probably be around more tomorrow05:35
White_Lightdoes anyone here use kexec/kdump?05:37
White_Lightthey seem to be totally broken on 16.0405:37
jS -A/join #offsec05:38
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darknight8273White_Light, broken as in how?05:41
myraftBashing-om,  so what is the command to create a live usb05:41
myraftI have the ISO downloaded05:41
White_Lightdarknight8273, do you use kexec/kdump?05:43
Bashing-ommyraft: K; 1st though is to verify the .iso file.05:44
darknight8273I've used it before05:44
Bashing-om!md5sum | myraft05:45
ubottumyraft: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM05:45
myraftBashing-om,  I have the md5sum from the ISO05:47
myraftwhere do I check to see if it matches - basically downloaded from https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?country=US&version=16.04.1&architecture=amd6405:47
Bashing-ommyraft: Great, and it computes as correct ?05:48
darknight8273run the command "md5sum filename.iso"05:48
darknight8273and compare the output to the sum on the server05:49
darknight8273you should get something like this : 4a03af46476d4a2e601c5a4a01423efc05:49
myraftBashing-om, I did and got 176b94c34406b88f1740f08c7668a7e105:50
myraftBashing-om, I don't see that on http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/05:50
darknight8273myraft, it will be there as a seperate file on the download mirror05:51
Bashing-ommyraft: compare to : http://releases.ubuntu.com/xenial/MD5SUMS // checking .05:51
cfhowlett16.04.1 64 bit = 17643c29e3c4609818f26becf76d29a305:51
myraftcfhowlett,  thanks , but I am getting 176b94c34406b88f1740f08c7668a7e105:52
cfhowlettthen you got a bad download.  do a torrent and try again.05:52
myraftcfhowlett,  will do that05:52
Bashing-omcfhowlett: myraft :) .. See that is why we check before copying . Saves a lot of effort later !05:54
Bashing-omcfhowlett: myraft what we have here is a real hosed up release upgrade. Maybe not able to fix so we prepare for the worst .05:56
cfhowlettI always clean install for precisely this scenario05:57
cfhowlettand I run LTS only to save my sanity.05:57
Bashing-omcfhowlett: same ^ . We learned the hard way .05:58
myraftcfhowlett, Bashing-om: thnx , learned a new thing. I downloaded from ubuntu site, so was incorrectly sure that it must be OK. Should have been tipped off that it was only 377 MB. Right now I am getting 1.5 GB from torrent.06:00
myraftabout half way there.06:00
cfhowlett:)  whenever possible, myraft, use torrents.  much cleaner self-checking and reliability than a direct DL.  Of course, run the md5sum anyway ...06:00
White_Lightdarknight8273, kexec completely hangs if you let it handle reboots, and kdump-tools just locks on any kernel panic.  I've verified memory is allocated for the crash, everything is configured for grub, all relevant services are running, all kernels are up to date, regenerated grub.06:01
White_Lightjust totally freezes06:01
White_Lightworks like a dream on CentOS/RHEL06:02
Bashing-ommyraft: :) .. See we are all at some point on this learning curve . We never ever quit learning . Now presently you have become our ginny pig :)06:02
darknight8273White_Light, hmm06:02
White_LightI hope I'm making some dumb mistake, but I can't figure it out so far06:02
darknight8273and this is unique to 16.04?06:03
myraftBashing-om, so after getting the 1.5 GB from torrent and doing md5sum , it confirms. Now doing the startup disk from the Ubuntu GUI, about 10% done06:07
myraftmy desktop backup is still running06:07
Bashing-ommyraft: Making good progress , But I say again I have the greater faith in terninal to make up the liveUSB .06:09
cfhowlettmyraft, curious query: where on the planet are you?!  That download was FAST!06:09
myraftcfhowlett,  in washington - have FIOS06:10
cfhowlettmyraft, ah, one of those?  Bellevue?06:10
myraftwashington DC06:10
myraftand u ?06:10
cfhowlettmyraft, Tokyo.  Nothing near to so glamz as you.06:11
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darknight8273White_Light,  have you done this part? "Testing the Crash Dump Mechanism will cause a system reboot. In certain situations, this can cause data loss if the system is under heavy load. If you want to test the mechanism, make sure that the system is idle or under very light load. "06:11
darknight8273i mean have you done the testing part?06:12
White_Lightdarknight8273, yeah that's where it fails06:12
darknight8273oh ok06:12
White_LightI'm just testing on an otherwise idle vm06:12
White_LightI've used it on centos but not ubuntu06:12
marcAnthonyhi guys! Is there any linux thing that can monitor server status by just ssh access (no plugin to install or anything, just ssh) ?06:15
math571are there any automatic hardening programs06:16
cfhowlettmath571, enable your firewall, disable browser flash, install adblock, avoid sketchy sites.06:17
math571cfhowlett: would replacing gnash with flash do the deal06:17
math571i mean flash with gnash*06:17
cfhowlettnever used it, math571.  I run FFox with the no-flash plugin and enable it very selectively.06:18
math571ah firefox06:18
math571i too use the no-flash plugin, cfhowlett, and i only turn it on for youtube or porn06:19
Triffid_HuntermarcAnthony: sure, make a script that sshes in periodically and emails you whatever info you like from the server, or emails you if ssh login fails06:19
math571but i was wondering if it was of any use to turn to gnash06:19
cfhowlettmath571, try it.06:19
Triffid_HuntermarcAnthony: cron is good for that, and use ssh keys instead of password06:19
marcAnthonythanks for your advices, but I am looking for something more "realtime monitoring" such as graphs. Do you have any idea?06:21
cfhowlettmarcAnthony, might want to ask #ubuntu-server for such recommendations06:22
darknight8273dont use flash06:22
darknight8273its ridden with holes06:23
dudejiHey guys I am having one ubuntu server which writes to fs , but now I am getting high IO on one of the server . But other server is fine. What can be issue with this server /06:24
marcAnthony<cfhowlett> :: I'll give it a try06:25
math571darknight8273, what do you use06:26
darknight8273use youtube-dl06:27
darknight8273works for most sites, is actively developed and is safer than adobe crap06:27
Bashing-ommyraft: Gonna go indulge in my nasty habit. back in a few .06:27
math571i remember using youtube-dl to get porn a year ago06:28
myraftBashing-om, smoke06:28
cfhowlett!server | dudeji,06:31
ubottududeji,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server06:31
dudejiwe have take one box from aws06:32
Bashing-ommyraft: Yeah , that one is bad enough ,, I do not want more .06:32
dudejinot sure if it is ubuntu-server or just ubuntu06:32
dudejiits just ubuntu i checked it06:33
Bashing-ommyraft: We got a liveUSB of 16.04 yet ?06:41
myraftBashing-om,  yes , that was done a while back06:41
myraftit is the backup that is kiling me06:41
Bashing-ommyraft: Sorry - missed it . OK . next is verify the copy . boot the liveUSB and as soon as the bios screen clears hold a shift key -> kanfuage screen; wscape key -> boot options screen -> " check disk for defects " .06:43
myraftBashing-om,  still doing backup -06:45
myraftBashing-om,  not sure I follow : shift key -> kanfuage screen; wscape key -> boot options screen -> " check disk for defects " . I get the shift key , what happens after that ?06:46
Bashing-ommyraft: K; patience here is a virtue .Ya get a "language" screen, escape key to accept the default . See I too am getting to tired to do this .06:47
myraftBashing-om, I  hear you. It is 2 in the morning . So calling it a night. Will let the backup finish before trying to do a fresh install (since it will nuke the system is wha tI guess).06:48
Bashing-ommyraft: Yeah .. but we can still try and salvage this install . tomorrow (??) .06:49
myraftBashing-om,  copy that06:50
myraftthanks man06:50
myraftwill be on the system in about 7 hours (if you are around).06:50
myraftthanks again06:50
Bashing-ommyraft: Be about 12 hours before I return, Lord willing and ..........06:51
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OpenSorceSo, suppose I want to do regular updates on a machine in another room via ssh and cli. Would that be sudo apt-get upgrade?07:26
mujhahidhow r u07:29
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cfhowletttechnical support channel here, mujhahid.  ask your ubuntu questions.07:29
mujhahidgive no.07:29
mujhahidrejgkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk rs07:31
cfhowlettmujhahid, stop it.  play somewhere else.07:31
mujhahidwhat happende07:32
mujhahidi am not getting what is going on here07:32
mujhahidcsssssssssssssssssss kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkr07:32
cfhowlettmujhahid, rude behavior gets you added to my special list of /ignored07:33
OpenSorceI actually asked an Ubuntu question *grins and waves*07:33
cfhowlettOpenSorce, as I understand it, (never done it), ssh to your machine, chroot? then run the upgrade07:34
ducasseOpenSorce: use dist-upgrade instead of upgrade07:34
mujhahidhow to install the windows with ubuntu07:34
OpenSorcecfhowlett, so apt-get upgrade will update everything for me if I do that?07:35
OpenSorceIt's a media box that runs Kodi full time and I don't want to have to go in there and update it all the time.07:35
cfhowlettOpenSorce ducasse is spot on: to get all available updates sudo apt full-upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade07:35
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mujhahidwhatsapp number?07:36
ducasseOpenSorce: if you don't want to do it manually, install unattended-upgrades and configure it to install all updates automatically07:36
OpenSorcecfhowlett, ducasse, thanks exactly what I needed :-)07:37
cfhowletthappy2help! OpenSorce07:37
ducasseOpenSorce: you will need to modify the unattended-upgrades config, or it will only install security patches automatically07:38
zomboy121I actually decided on a live Windows 10 over Ubuntu today07:39
OpenSorceducasse, that's actually all I want. I'll manually do Kodi upgrades as it tends to be a little unstable sometimes. Your solution is perfect.07:39
zomboy121But I'll probably discover restrictions and less thans and switch07:39
ducasseOpenSorce: ok, then you should be set :) good luck :)07:40
zomboy121Switch back07:40
cfhowlettzomboy121, windows support is in ##windows.  not supported here.07:40
OpenSorceducasse, thanks again :-)07:40
ducasseOpenSorce: you're very welcome :)07:40
zomboy121Honestly it's my client it doesn't recognize - as a valid channel string character so i can't join off topic07:41
zomboy121Don't feel like doing another client right now07:41
mujhahid_is there any girl here07:42
ducassemujhahid_: can you please stop and keep to the topic?07:42
mujhahid_what topic07:42
ducassemujhahid_: ubuntu technical support07:43
mujhahid_what to do with that07:43
cfhowlett... as was explained to him earlier.07:43
ducassemujhahid_: ok, now you're just trolling. *plonk*07:43
mujhahid_how to install whatsapp on ubuntu07:43
zomboy121I don't think that's a supported app07:44
zomboy121Think that's Android and Apple07:45
mujhahid_then what to do07:45
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zomboy121Get better at texting07:45
mujhahid_r u lady07:45
zomboy121That's not supported here07:45
mujhahid_give your number07:46
zomboy121That's not supported either07:46
mujhahid_i am searching for a girl friend07:46
zomboy121That's anti supported here07:47
cfhowlettzomboy121, enough.  go play in a different channel or get and stay on topic.07:47
jason__Hey :D07:47
mujhahid_from which place you are from07:48
mujhahid_hoooo then u migh thave gf07:48
jason__Is anybody else using a Raspberry Pi?07:48
mujhahid_give any girl friends number07:49
ArthyAndyhi guys! I am looking for a way to get disk usage evolution overt time (month), we did not set up monitoring system so is there a way to do that from script or command?07:49
cfhowlettjason__,  "... anyone ..." questions waste time/bandwidth.  state YOUR issues and YOUR specifications for actual answers.07:49
cfhowlettArthyAndy, sounds like a job for cron ...07:49
mujhahid_this is not the chating site?07:50
jason__Is there a forum for Actiona?07:50
ArthyAndySorry my question was not clear, the problem is I need the disk usage evolution over months from december 2015 to december 2016 (it is a bit tricky). Do you have any idea?07:52
cfhowlettArthyAndy, paste usage?  seriously doubt it but ask ##linux07:53
FlannelArthyAndy: Without something recording the usage, there's really no way to put a history like that together after the fact, no.07:54
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ikevini'm switching from an hdd to a ssd drive, does dd is the correct tool to do the datas migration?08:05
EriC^^ikevin: yeah you have to take into consideration the sizes08:06
EriC^^clonezilla might be easier to work with08:07
Triffid_Hunterikevin: I'd resize2fs first, dd then resize2fs again.. you can skip first resize if the destination drive is definitely larger than the source08:10
MarcoPanyone know how to persistant turn off mousepad on laptop?08:12
odigemwhat kernel number in current release?08:13
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Triffid_HunterMarcoP: xinput --disable "name of device", I have a shortcut in ~/.config/autostart/ to disable my laptop's clitoris because I never want to use it and it sometimes drifts08:17
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benccis it possible to override the fonts for a specific app instance?08:24
bencclike run libreoffice from the command line with custom fonts?08:24
Dolmen0I don't believe so, but I could be wrong08:26
benccwhere is it defined that fonts are searched in ~/.fonts ?08:29
benccI probably can override it08:29
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MarcoPthanks Triffid_Hunter08:35
MarcoPTriffid_Hunter, how do i pull up name of device08:37
Triffid_HunterMarcoP: xinput list08:38
MarcoPis that persistant though Triffid_Hunter ?08:39
Triffid_HunterMarcoP: nope but you can make shortcuts in ~/.config/autostart that get run every time you log in08:39
Triffid_HunterMarcoP: eg I start redshift that way as well08:39
MarcoPTriffid_Hunter, how do I make the short cut08:39
MarcoPnice i have redshift too08:40
MarcoPI want to do that persistantly as well08:40
Triffid_HunterMarcoP: maybe there's some there already you can copy.. I usually just punch something out by hand, echo $'[Desktop Entry]\nName=stick-fix\nExec=xinput --disable "AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint Stick"' >> ~/.config/autostart/stick-fix.desktop or so08:41
Triffid_HunterMarcoP: ubuntu might have a graphical thingy to do it, but I wouldn't know where to look for that08:42
MarcoPthanks Triffid_Hunter08:42
MarcoPis there supposed to be a setting called preferences on system settings08:48
emtk23what is the best ubuntu like distro to put on an old laptop that had win xp09:09
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jjkinasi have never understood the partial upgrade ,  it wont let me update , should i do the partial upgrade ?09:22
poorUserhi people! i have a strange problem, an usb hub is halted down with all its peripherals09:23
poorUser[  101.214919] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: xHCI host not responding to stop endpoint command. [  101.214930] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: Assuming host is dying, halting host. [  101.214985] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: HC died; cleaning up09:23
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emtk23_can i get help here on ubuntu based distros09:29
emtk23_what is the topic here any way09:30
emtk23_i am a newbee09:31
darknight8273emtk23, we all are ;)09:32
jonnyblazespeak for yourself09:33
emtk23_I want to get an idea about which ubuntu based distro i can put on old laptop running win xp09:33
darknight8273when one starts thinking that he is a master , he stops learning ;)09:33
Dreamanemtk23_  xubuntu09:33
darknight8273any distro09:34
Dreamanor lubuntu09:34
darknight8273tune it down09:34
darknight8273dont use gnome/kde09:34
darknight8273shut down what is not required09:34
Dreamanemtk23_ parameters old laptop09:35
emtk23_since this is old hardware, interested in something that work quite well, thanks for the suggestion09:36
Dreamanxubuntu 16.04 lts09:36
Acid303i use kubuntu on my old laptop09:36
emtk23_2gb ram, duo core intel , intergrated gpu09:37
Dreamanemtk23_  xubuntu09:37
Dreamannew 16.1009:38
emtk23_thank you , will look at xubuntu09:38
darknight8273emtk23, which intel?09:41
Dreamanemtk23_  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/how-to-install-cinnamon-3-0-on-ubuntu09:41
Dreamansee this09:41
emtk23_intel celeron, 32mb intergrated memory09:46
Dreamanram is 32 mb09:47
Acid303wich celeron is it exactly?09:48
darknight8273celeron is weak man09:48
darknight8273but you can get some good juice if you use fluxbox09:49
emtk23_intel celeron M 2.80ghz09:49
Dreamanemtk23_  just download xubuntu rufus program boot usb flash and install09:50
emtk23_thanks will try the xubuntu rufus program09:51
william_8086xiClient: HexChat 2.12.0 • OS: Ubuntu "yakkety" 16.10 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz (1.17GHz) • Memory: Physical: 7.5 GiB Total (6.4 GiB Free) Swap: 7.7 GiB Total (7.7 GiB Free) • Storage: 51.6 GB / 490.1 GB (438.5 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Proce09:56
william_8086xissor DRAM Controller • Uptime: 23h 49m 16s09:56
DreamanClient: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: Ubuntu "zesty" 17.04 • CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 7750 Dual-Core Processor (1,35GHz) • Memory: Physical: 3,8 GiB Total (1,7 GiB Free) Swap: 9,1 GiB Total (9,1 GiB Free) • Storage: 132,0 GB / 969,5 GB (837,6 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV770 LE [Radeon HD 4830] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 10h Processor Link Control • Uptime: 1d 1h 25m 1s09:57
jocii know i know it a bit overquestionied issue,but... i use chrome for browsing and its bacome quite slow how could i speed it up?09:58
Kareemxx1is anybody here ?10:06
Kareemxx1I need some help to fix my sudoers file10:06
Ben641755 people including you10:06
Kareemxx1i get this msg every time I use sudo10:07
Kareemxx1>>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 21 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 21 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin10:07
Kareemxx1how can i fix it ?10:07
Kareemxx1any idea ?10:08
Ben64Kareemxx1: pastebin your sudoers file10:09
Ben64also, tell us what you've done to it10:09
Kareemxx1I cannot get access to the sudoers file10:09
ducasseKareemxx1: you have no root shell open?10:10
Kareemxx1+ my 14 years old brother missed it up10:10
Kareemxx1I will submit a photo wait10:10
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Kareemxx1here is the image10:14
Kareemxx1I cannot use the terminal as root and I'm not able to change anything including apps and viewing10:15
Kareemxx1he said he added a new line to the sudoers to include his account10:16
Ben64boot in recovery mode and fix it10:17
Kareemxx1I tried , doesn't work10:17
Ben64yes it does10:17
Kareemxx1Maybe i did wrong commands .. How would you fix it ?10:17
Ben64i'd boot in recovery mode and fix it10:18
Kareemxx1I tried evertthing on this link10:18
Ben64cool, have you tried booting in recovery mode and fixing it10:19
Kareemxx1when I write anything in grub command line it gives nothing10:19
Kareemxx1How can I do it ?10:20
Ben64step 1. boot in recovery mode               step 2. fix it10:21
Kareemxx1I have to hold shift while booting to get into recovery mode , right ?10:22
Kareemxx1then wait to write in the command line ?10:23
Kareemxx1what to write *10:23
Ben64visudo probably10:23
Kareemxx1okkay I will try it then I will text you back10:26
xanguaJust wanted to share that finally got suspend and light light like locker working in Lubuntu (no more black screen)10:37
cage_raphelxangua, cool mate.. Good on ya!! :)10:38
xanguaYeah, it's actually weird because only happens in this old laptop10:44
xanguaAny other recent computer I've tried both Xubuntu and Lubuntu suspend works OK10:44
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poorUserpeople! i have a problem with an usb controller halting down, with all its peripherals connected too11:55
poorUserhow to restart the usb controller?11:56
srulihow do i specify which dir to download to with "apt download" ?11:57
DreamanpoorUser may be usb stick is problem12:00
poorUser_Dreaman: it happens randomly with any usb device, rebooting works12:03
poorUser_[   89.042544] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: xHCI host not responding to stop endpoint command. [   89.042567] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: Assuming host is dying, halting host. [   89.042626] xhci_hcd 0000:04:00.0: HC died; cleaning up12:03
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poorUser_SOLVED, or better WORKAROUNDED12:07
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EriC^^!fr | Guest1144012:19
ubottuGuest11440: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:19
MarcoPhas anyone had clam av say they had this virus in firefox and tor browser in ubunutu Win.Trojan.Toa-537016612:20
blackflowMarcoP: clamav checks firefox (sites it opens) at run time?12:21
MarcoPnot sure blackflow12:22
blackflowMarcoP: well afaik it doesn't, so I'm confused by your question12:22
MarcoPcan ubuntu get a windows trojan?12:22
MarcoPI did a scan with clamav12:22
MarcoPmanual scan12:22
blackflow"get"? yes there are intrusion vectors where a trojan can be planted but whether it'll work, that's another question12:22
MarcoPi wonder if this is a false positive or real...12:23
blackflowyou did a scan of what?12:23
MarcoPthe computer dude12:23
MarcoPcome on man12:23
MarcoPyou never did a AV scan?12:23
blackflowyou ran "clamav --scan-my-computer-dude" ?12:23
MarcoPi did a scan on idiots on #ubuntu thats the scan i did12:24
blackflowso that's what i'm asking you, WHAT did you scan, and WHERE did it report that trojan12:24
blackflowalright then. good luck with that.12:24
MarcoPall the files on the computer man12:24
MarcoPi wasnt scanning my moms pussy12:24
blackflow!ops MarcoP12:24
MarcoPhow dumb can you fucking be12:24
yao_ziyuani read about a 0-day attack affecting ubuntu 16.04 recently (http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/12/fedora-and-ubuntu-0days-show-that-hacking-desktop-linux-is-now-a-thing/). does upgrading to 16.10 fix it?12:25
Ben64yao_ziyuan: updating 16.04 will fix it12:27
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yao_ziyuanBen64: cool12:30
yao_ziyuanBen64: do you suggest me installing 16.04 or 16.10?12:30
yao_ziyuanBen64: why?12:31
Ben64it's LTS12:32
yao_ziyuanBen64: my new desktop computer (XPS 8900, i7-6700K, 32G RAM, GTX960) has problems installing 16.04 (probably related to the GTX960 video card).12:33
yao_ziyuanit can install 15.10 without problems or any special parameter. it can install 16.10 with the "nomodeset" parameter.12:33
yao_ziyuanbut for 16.04 i haven't found a parameter that can make the video card work.12:34
yao_ziyuanif i install 16.04, at startup it will show a flashing window.12:34
yao_ziyuanmeaning the video card doesn't work.12:34
Ben64ok then do whatever you want, why ask if you're hiding extra info12:35
blackflowBen64: because it's post x-mass waste ppls time trollday Monday. :)12:36
Ben64blackflow: yeah i should leave :)12:37
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yao_ziyuanBen64: thanks12:43
ben__hello i need help installing a game on ubuntu12:44
ben__i would like to install call of duty modern warefare is it possible to run on wine12:45
aruns_Attempting to install Godeb using https://floaternet.com/godeb but installation doesn't seem to have worked?12:49
aruns_Can anyone advise?12:49
aruns_Running Ubuntu 16.04.12:50
MonkeyDust!fi godeb12:50
MonkeyDust!find godeb12:50
ubottuFound: golang-github-kylelemons-godebug-dev, golang-godebiancontrol-dev, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 19 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=godeb&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all12:50
aruns_Hmm, that's not the same package.12:50
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deikshi, i'm new with ubuntu desktop, and can't get to show real resolution for my displays. i tried nearly everything what i found but still unsuccessfull. I tried with cvt, xrandr, newmode, addmode, downloading driver from site, using 16.04 version, and graph is nvidia gt 610.. i'm using vga-0 and dvi-i-0 ports, and when add newmode i can see it under hdmi, and when try to use addmode sometimes i get BadName or sometimes it goes without 13:04
deiksbut still cant see desired resolution under display13:04
cage_rapheldeiks, do you have multiple monitors mate ?13:09
deiksoh, yes13:10
deiksdouble avalon 225-wt13:11
cage_rapheldeiks, pls try -----   xdpyinfo  | grep dimensions13:12
darknight8273sup folks13:13
BluesKajHi all13:15
albertoHello everyone13:20
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cage_raphel /join #sydney13:37
egsomeHello, Where should I ask Wine ( Runningn windows programs on Linux ) related questions ?13:42
cfhowlett!wine | egsome13:43
ubottuegsome: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:43
egsomeThanks a lot13:44
JeraHi! I have a question about running commands on startup if anyone can help…13:49
JeraI want to run a command to have a VNC server running for remote login before any user logs in on a headless machine. I'm using x11vnc and can manually start it as root once I've logged in, but I can't work out how to have it run at startup automatically!13:49
Jeraany help much appreciated13:49
ioriaJera have you seen this ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#Have_x11vnc_start_automatically_via_systemd_in_any_environment_.28Vivid.2B-.2913:51
JeraOMG, I havn’t seen that! I’ll give it a go now, thanks so much!13:51
ioriagood luck13:52
yao_ziyuanjust tried ubuntu 16.10 on a laptop. it still hasn't fixed that bug: removing a file from a mobile hard disk won't make it show up in Trash.13:52
MonkeyDustyao_ziyuan  you can report it as a !bug13:55
MonkeyDustyao_ziyuan  there used to be 'ubuntu brainstorm', not sure if something similar exists now13:55
egsomeSorry, I couldn't find help in #winehq, so, can try asking here ?13:57
MonkeyDustegsome  let's hear it, in one line13:58
myraftBashing-om,  u there ?14:04
myrafttomreyn, u there ?14:04
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Jeraioria, that seems to have done the trick, thanks muchly!14:08
tomreynmyraft: i am14:10
MonkeyDust\o/ tomreyn is in the building14:10
egsomeMonkeyDust, Thanks. Simply can't get a windows program ( flashing tool ) to communicate with the USB connected device. And sure it is working if running normally on windows. But, Through wine, it can't find the device.14:10
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tomreynmyraft: i assume the backup is done?14:10
tomreyni.e. the tar command exited without error. "ls -lh /mnt/" should hint on it.14:11
myrafttomreyn, good morning. got live USB and got the backup done from last nite. Now have booted using USB and trying installation "alongside" Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS" - hoping to save some of the existing14:11
tomreynmyraft: hmm, your old installation had everythiong on a single partition. If you install into this while keeping files in place, you may not end up with a clean system. I've not ever done this, though, so I'm not sure how this actually behaves, what is cleaned up automatically and what is kept.14:14
yao_ziyuanwhat will be the next LTS after 16.04?14:15
tomreynyao_ziyuan: 18.04 lts. it's a 2-year release cycle for lts14:15
yao_ziyuani see14:15
myrafttomreyn, not sure either. doing it this way it is spinning a wheel for 9 mins now.14:15
yao_ziyuanso 16.04.1 is my wish, only if i can make it install on my xps 8900.14:16
tomreynmyraft: also i read in the scroll back that bashing-om had offered (?) to go over his approach of fixing up your existing installation without reinstalling.14:16
tomreynmyraft: so the installation is already running?14:16
tomreynegsome: flashing through wine is not a good idea. use freedos.14:17
myrafttomreyn, you are right that he had offered, but it was 2 AM and we were both tired. Not sure how to "fix" the installation. I am hoping installing alongside might save the old files14:18
myrafttomreyn, installation is running - not sure working. It is spinning the first screen for 13 mins now.14:19
egsometomreyn, didn't think about it, did You try it recently ? last time for me was some years ago.14:19
tomreynmyraft: yes it should. i'm just wondering whether it will actually keep more than it should, like those broken packages.14:19
tomreynmyraft: what does this screen say?14:19
myrafttomreyn, this is the 2nd screen. Says "install Ubuntu 16.04.01 LTS alongside Ubuntu 16.04.1" Select drives is an option and show /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 - hidden14:21
tomreynegsome: a year ago roughly. i tend to attach an external disk with windows 10 on it nowadays when i have to work with hardware which no linux compatible firmware update mechanisms are available for.14:21
tomreynmyraft: both sda1 and sda2 are hidden?14:22
myrafttomreyn,  no /dev/sda1 (ext4) is not hidden.14:22
tomreynmyraft: i'll spin up a VM to see what you see, should not take long.14:22
egsometomreyn, Actually I have dual boot with Windows 10 right now, but love to stay inside Ubuntu, Windows is really annoying me !14:22
myrafttomreyn, that is quite a bit of effort to help a complete stranger. Thanks.14:23
egsometomreyn, Downloading FreeDOS, hope to get something working, maybe through VirtualBox.14:23
myrafttomreyn, two button options were "back" and "install now". After clicking install now, now watching spinning wheel for about 20 mins14:24
Skankhuntfourty2hi i am runinng Ubuntu version 14 and i am going to conenct a windows and a raspberry pi to my wlan14:26
Skankhuntfourty2the rpi will run rasbian can i somehow controll the rasbian computer rpi from ubuntu?14:26
Skankhuntfourty2like can i remotre cotnroll?14:26
Skankhuntfourty2as if i pluggedin a keybaord mouse ands sreen into rpi?14:27
myrafttomreyn, got something. Caught a prompt14:27
Skankhuntfourty2myraft tomreyn ?14:27
Skankhuntfourty2this is like an aditional thing i need to controll the remote system?14:28
Skankhuntfourty2if so i will google and emudetcate myself on the subjects14:28
myrafttomreyn, says "if you continue, the changes listed below will be written disk.14:28
kk4ewtSkankhuntfourty2,  yes either via ssh or vnc14:28
tomreynmyraft: 20m without indication of progress or of wehat it was doing is VERY long, this seems wrong. i'm still fighting with bringing up this VM here.14:29
egsometomreyn, Weird thing just happened !! Avast detected a Trojan inside the FreeDOS ISO file !14:29
BluesKajegsome, lots of false positives with linux versions of windows antivirus14:30
myrafttomreyn, the partition tables of the following devices change SCSI. The following partitions are going to be formatted : partition #6 of SCSI 1(0,0,0) (sda) as ext4 partition #5 of SCSI (0.0.0) as swap14:30
myrafttomreyn, option buttons are "go back" or "continue"14:31
tomreynmyraft: if you'll foprmat partitions you'll loose data, that's NOT what you want.14:32
myraftcopy that14:32
tomreynegsome: if you got freedos from an untrusted location get it from a trusted location instead. but freedos support is not here in #ubuntu.14:32
tomreynmyraft: see if there's a way to just install without formatting14:35
myrafttomreyn, not sure - that is what I am trying to figure out.14:35
myrafttomreyn, might as well hit the "go back" button and try again.14:35
tomreynyes if those are your only options, you'll need to14:36
tomreynthose -> "back" and "continue"14:36
myrafttomreyn, installation type options (abbreviated) : "erase Ubuntu 16.04 and reinstall", "Install ubuntu 16.04 alongside 16.04", "erase disk and install ubuntu" , "someting else"14:37
myraftthat is why I chose install alongside.14:37
tomreynmyraft: i agree, this sounds like the right option. but not if it then formats your existing sda1 partition. maybe the best approach is this: you resize your existing sda1 partition using gparted (exit installer, then look for the partitioning utility), then reboot into the installer again and do a fresh installation on a new partition.14:40
myrafttomreyn, so I selected "something else".  How about create a new partition table and install there ?14:41
PeppernrinoErr:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease14:43
Peppernrino  Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'14:43
Peppernrinowhy for? :(14:44
sruliPeppernrino: you internet connection maybe? works fine for me14:44
Peppernrinoit through a vps14:45
Peppernrinoi have a bit at the start of the script: echo "dns-nameservers" >> /etc/network/interface14:45
sruliPeppernrino: maybe something with the dns on it, try pinging ubuntu.com from it14:45
Peppernrinoso it shouldn't be dns14:45
tomreynmyraft: you have a single partition table per disk. if you create a new partition table, it overwrites the old, and you loose your existing partition. do not try to change your partitions using the installer, but return to the live system (exit installer) and use gparted from there.14:46
Peppernrinopings google fine14:46
myrafttomreyn,  ok doing it now.14:46
Peppernrinopings ubuntu fine14:47
srulican u ping archive.ubuntu.com ?14:47
srulii am able to ping it using
tomreynmyraft: on the ubuntu live system, click on the top left icon, then enter: gparted14:49
Peppernrino8.8.8.8 is google dns14:49
myrafttomreyn, got gparted up14:50
tomreynmyraft: can you take a screenshot of it and share?14:50
myrafttomreyn, here u go : http://imgur.com/a/uzVoC14:52
=== for{} is now known as LastResort
myrafttomreyn, here u go : http://imgur.com/a/uzVoC - any ideas ?14:59
tomreynmyraft: sorry, I got sidetracked. okay, so since sda1 is almost full, shrinking it is not going to hlep us much.15:03
tomreynmyraft: we can, however, delete sda2 + sda5, this will free 20 GB, which is enough for a new installation15:04
tomreynyou could then have a second linux installation next to the old one, and without touching its data.15:05
myrafttomreyn, deleting /sda2 and sda515:05
tomreynmyraft: this will allow you to access and copy data from the old installation form a (graphical) file browser after installation. i think it's a good way to go.15:06
Skankhuntfourty2kk4ewt ty15:10
myrafttomreyn, please take a look at this http://imgur.com/a/uzVoC ( image 3)15:10
tomreynmyraft: actually remove this "New partition #1", make it "unallocated space"15:11
tomreynor just "unallocated"15:11
tomreynmyraft: once that's done, reboot (again into the live / installer usb), start installer, install into unparititoned space.15:13
wookie_Can someone help me figure out how to install the drivers necessary to use my Archer T2UH AC 600 usb wifi adapter?  I couldn't figure it out yesterday15:13
myrafttomreyn, take a quick glance at during and after. I am restarted15:13
myraftanything else to do before I restart15:13
tomreynmyraft: no, i don't think there is anything else15:14
myrafttomreyn, do I need to change "Flags" boot from sda1 to sda215:14
tomreynmyraft: the installer will do it. but you can actually remove the one from sda1, this may help the installer ignore this one.15:16
myrafttoo late - restartee15:16
myrafttoo late - restarted15:16
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tomreynmyraft: okay should be fine15:17
myrafttomreyn, critical part . please take a look at this http://imgur.com/a/uzVoC15:19
myraftI have removed old images to ensure u see where I am15:19
tomreynmyraft: "something else" then15:20
myrafttomreyn, on somehing else15:20
myrafti selected /sda215:20
myraftgives me option of edit partition , is this where I do /root and /swap ?15:21
tomreynmyraft: hmm sda2 should be removed. are you able to remove it now?15:21
tomreynmyraft: you should only have sda1 and free space there15:22
noone32hi how can I use dedicated GPU instead of intel?15:23
myrafttomreyn, check out the new image I uploaded to : http://imgur.com/a/uzVoC15:23
noone32output of lspci | grep VGA 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)15:23
ledeniwookie_, once you plug in usb wifi adapter what tell 'lsusb'15:23
noone32but i also see 01:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK208M [GeForce GT 740M] (rev a1)15:24
darknight2324noone32: u'll have to enable nvidia modules in the kernel15:24
noone32darknight2324: how?15:24
tomreynmyraft: you have 2 storage devices attached, disk sda has 138.3 GB capacity. disk sdb has 21.8 GB capacity. are we sure that sda is the internal hard disk / SSD we want to install to?15:25
myrafttomreyn, I selectted /sda2 and started installation .15:26
tomreynmyraft: ok, good luck.- :)15:26
tomreynmyraft: my next question would have been why there is data stored on sdb2.15:27
tomreynsorry sda215:27
TZAnolonoone32 is your system a NVIDIA OPTIMUS15:28
noone32no, it is a geforce15:29
ledeniTZAnolo, it is15:29
noone32no it is geforce15:29
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TZAnolosorry, I really dont know how.15:32
noone32how can i enable them?15:33
tomreynnoone32: axxording to http://askubuntu.com/questions/661922/how-am-i-supposed-to-use-nvidia-prime/661924#661924 you need to: sudo apt-get install nvidia-361 nvidia-prime15:34
tomreynnoone32: but dont turn to me if this breaks your grpahical output, i don't feel like debugging nvidia today.15:35
noone32i've just installed it with run file from nvidia website15:35
tomreynthat's probably a good approach to break things.15:36
noone32it is the official one15:38
BluesKajTZAnolo, sudo lshw -C video, do you see 2 dispalys listed?15:38
tomreynbecause those driver installers you can download from nvidias website are often not well integrated with ubuntu and tend to break on kernel updates.15:38
tomreynbut i don't really have first hand experience, this is just an observation based on previous chats here.15:39
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BluesKajnoone32,  sudo lshw -C video, do you see 2 dispalys listed?15:39
tomreynmyraft: how are you coming?15:39
arunsI am running Ubuntu 16.04, what is the best way to perform a virus scan?15:40
arunsAs our company website, made using WordPress, seems to have been infected.15:41
noone32BluesKaj: yep15:41
arunsAnd I merely want to rule out the possibility of my laptop being compromised.15:41
arunsAs I have edited blog articles on the company website using this laptop.15:41
kk4ewtaruns, clamav15:42
arunskk4ewt: Ah, I've already installed that.15:42
arunsJust wondered if that's the best command line utility I can use for Ubuntu.15:42
caliculkHm, so my VPS company finally performed the upgrade and I was able to do a "do-release-upgrade" but now when rebooting my vps, the server hangs every boot with what appears to be be trying to perform fsck on every boot. I can't be sure, but it just states "/dev/vda1: clean a/b files, x/y blocks" and then just sits there for a while (longer then 30 seconds, so far it has been a few minutes).15:42
BluesKajnoone32, can you pastebin the output?15:43
caliculkIs there any way to bypass this with minimal boot up access to the machine?15:43
kk4ewtaruns,  also look up the virus that the wordpress site is populating15:43
noone32BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/vPniCyD015:43
kk4ewtaruns,  that tells me the admin of the wordpress site has not been keeping it updated15:44
BluesKajnoone32, you should be using the nvidia-prime driver from the ubuntu repos, not the driver from bvidi's website..they're numbered the same but their kernel modules don't get upgraded by apt/dpkg when needed15:48
noone32hmm, let me check :P15:49
BluesKajok , gotta leave for a20mins or so....freezing rain emergency15:49
wookie_ledeni, sorry I didn't see your message.  It says Bus 003 Device 004: ID 148f:761a Ralink Technology, Corp.15:49
noone32aww :D15:50
=== Fuzi_ is now known as Fuzi
noone32and what is the correct number of nvidia-*number* package for 740M?15:52
noone32WAT? keyboard testing?15:54
myrafttomreyn, got the installation - shows another drive with the data in there15:58
myrafttomreyn, thanks man15:58
tomreynmyraft: very well. now your new installation only has those 20 GB, which is not much. you'll best backup any data you still need to the new installation (as much as fits) or to a usb attached disk. and then you install and start gparted again and remove sda1, then create a new ext4 file system there and make it usable form your new installation.16:01
tomreynmyraft: you will run into permission errors while accessing most directories on sda1. you can still do so as root, though. you could start the nautilus file browser from a temrinal using sudo to achieve this; sudo nautilus /mnt16:06
myrafttomreyn, how do I get the other drive to mount on bootup16:07
myraftright now I had to click from nautilus to mount16:07
noone32how can I run nvidia prime?16:07
tomreyncaliculk: fsck during boot is entirely normal, that's a standard approach for the root file system.16:08
caliculktomreyn yeah, but it shouldn't take 10 minutes, should it?16:08
caliculkI was able to install Ubuntu 16.04 via CD, and it boots fine, but, in my experience I have never had it happen on every boot.16:09
tomreyncaliculk: no. and it doesn't, fsck already exited based on the output you posted. something else must be hanging.16:09
tomreyncaliculk: try an emergency boot, this might provide a better clue16:09
tomreyni mean recovery16:09
caliculkWell, it's already blown away. :)16:09
caliculkIf it does it again after this next dist-upgrade, I will give it a go though16:10
wookie_Since I can't get the drivers to install on my Archer T2UH AC 600 wireless adapter, can someone recommend a usb wireless adapter that is plug and play for 14.04 or 16.0416:11
arunsIs there a decent command line virus scanner for Ubuntu?16:13
arunsI am using Clamscan but it keeps on reporting too many false negatives.16:13
arunsI have tried Clam but too many false positives.16:14
ioriawookie_,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/726569/tp-link-ac600-driver-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts-x6416:14
wookie_ioria, I tried to go through so many of those forums posts yesterday and this morning.  I still can't get it to work.  If you would like to help me figure this out I would appreciate it though.16:15
ioriawookie_, you mean you tried to build that driver from git and it does not work ?16:15
wookie_ioria, correct.16:16
tomreynmyraft: mkdir -p $HOME/sda1; sudo cp -p /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig; blkid /dev/sda1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr -d '"' | xargs -i echo '{}' $HOME/sda1 ext4 user,users 0 2 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab >/dev/null16:16
ioriawookie_,  the pciid is correct ? 148f:761a16:16
wookie_ioria, yes16:17
myrafttomreyn, thanks16:17
ioriawookie_,  are you on trusty or xenial ?16:17
wookie_ioria, trusty 14.0416:17
wookie_ioria, I can show you the errors I am getting if you would like16:17
ioriawookie_,  yes16:17
tomreynmyraft: this will make sda1 available at sda1/ inside your home directory on next boot, or when you run: mount $HOME/sda116:17
wookie_ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23688481/16:18
OerHekswookie_, some few hours back you asked for changing the kernel from lowlatency to generic, did you change?16:23
wookie_OerHeks, I tried it, but when I switch kernels I don't have any access to internet16:24
wookie_OerHeks, even when I plug in ethernet I have no internet16:24
ioriawookie_,  it build for me ...16:24
wookie_ioria, Did you read my ubuntu paste?16:25
ioriawookie_,  uname -r ?16:25
ioriawookie_,  a moment, please (only two hands :þ)16:25
wookie_ioria, 3.16.0-031600-lowlatency16:25
ioriaho, now it's clear16:26
wookie_ioria, Thanks for taking the time to help me.16:26
ioriawookie_, i don't think you can use that kernel anymore16:26
ioriawookie_,  you need to upgrade to xenial HWE16:26
wookie_ioria, so I have to update to 16.04?16:27
ioriawookie_,  no,  if you don't want ... just the kernel and xorg16:27
ioriawookie_,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:27
ioriawookie_,  this part : sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial  etc. etc ...16:28
wookie_ioria, so the one under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - Trusty tahr?16:29
ioriawookie_,  yes, you're trusty , right ?16:29
wookie_ioria, how do I verify I am trusty?  I am pretty sure I am trusty16:30
ioriawookie_,   cat /etc/issue16:30
wookie_ioria, it says "Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS \n \l"16:30
ioriawookie_,   ok, may i ask you why you're using 3.16.0-031600-lowlatency ?16:31
wookie_ioria, I was trying to figure out a kernel that would work with the drivers, so for some reason I installed the lowlatency instead of the generic.  I'm a noob :P16:32
ioriawookie_,   can you paste  ls /boot ?16:32
wookie_ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23688546/16:33
ioriawookie_,   ok, you can remove the 3.16 ans use 3.13.106 (that is updated) or you can upgrade to the xenial hwe16:35
wookie_ioria, Which is the easiest?16:37
ioriawookie_, you manually installed  3.16 for what purpose exactly ?16:38
wookie_ioria, to try and get the drivers for the Archer T2UH to work16:38
myrafttomreyn, after running updates , I can't see 130 GB drive. I can see it in GParted16:38
ikoniathis all sounds a bit slapdash wookie_16:39
ioriawookie_,  then not useful :þ16:39
ikoniaeg: the LL kernel....who really needs that16:39
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wookie_ioria, I agree.  Should i I just install the xenial kernel?16:39
ioriawookie_,  why not ?16:39
wookie_ioria, so I guess I just do "sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-core-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-xenial xserver-xorg-input-all-lts-xenial libwayland-egl1-mesa-lts-xenial "?16:40
ioriawookie_,  yes, but reboot your machine with the 3.13.10616:40
wookie_ioria, ok brb16:40
ioriaoh, i hope it's not using amd16:41
tomreynmyraft: which one was the 130 GB drive again? sda1?16:42
myrafttomreyn, yeah that was the one where all the documents etc was16:42
tomreynmyraft: so your old linux installation, right16:42
myraftI don't mind deleting it... since I think I ahvee a back16:42
tomreynmyraft: is it not mounted in ~/sda1 ?16:43
myrafttomreyn,  not that I can see16:43
wookie_ioria, say a prayer. Here we go16:43
tomreynmyraft: nautilus ~/sda116:43
ioriawookie_,  what video card do you have ?16:43
tomreynmyraft: ^ type this in a terminal16:44
myrafttomreyn, Unable to find the requested file.16:44
myraftIt was there on the first bootup, then run updates and now it is gone. i can see it on gparted16:44
wookie_ioria, how do I find out?16:45
ioriawookie_,   lspci | grep VGA16:45
myrafttomreyn, brb16:45
wookie_ioria, VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Richland [Radeon HD 8550G]16:45
ioriawookie_,   stop, then16:45
ioriawookie_,   lspci -k | grep VGA -A2 | grep driver16:46
wookie_ioria, Kernel driver in use: radeon16:47
ioriawookie_,   the point is that on the xenial hwe you can't use proprietary amd (fglrx)16:48
ledeni wookie_,  what is  lspci | grep Wireless16:48
wookie_ioria, ah ok.  I understand16:48
ioriawookie_,   you can only use radeon, if for you is ok, go on16:48
john_ramboI am trying to create a DIVX disk .... I am using DEVEDE ....After adding the files when I click forward nothing happens16:49
noone33well, I 've installee nvidia-current and now I get black screen, I can't even start lightdm from tty16:49
wookie_ioria, 02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188EE Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)16:49
tomreynmyraft: mount ~/sda116:49
ioriawookie_,   that was asked by ledeni , don't know for what purpose16:49
noone33now I think i have to reinstall the previous driver16:49
wookie_ledeni, 02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8188EE Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)16:49
wookie_ioria, so if I am sticking with 3.1316:50
ledeniioria, wookie_ try to install driver for16:50
iorialedeni, he was struggling with a usb adapter ...16:50
wookie_ioria, I'm trying to make the drivers now16:52
wookie_ioria, looks like a lot of strange errors though16:52
captainNoobhi good fellows16:52
curlyearsheigh hough16:53
captainNoobafter few hours i cant find ansawer to my question16:54
wookie_ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23688640/   I guess I am ready for "make install"16:55
captainNoobright now, im chaigin windows servers to ubuntu ones16:55
ioriawookie_,   yep16:55
captainNoobbut i cant seem to find any other s/w option than iscsi16:55
curlyearsI am trying to install a 3D CAD package, and the installl  runs into a line that emits:  Can't open directory <whatever> access denied.    Weird thing is, I am running it in sudo16:56
captainNooblike even ata over ethernet, or plain nfs16:56
Prelude2004chey guys.. running ubuntu 14 and i just installed ispconfig and whatever.. Setup a few sites but when i am trying to run it, javascript doesn't seem to be loading16:56
ikoniacaptainNoob: what are you talking about16:56
ikoniacaptainNoob: just ask a question16:56
Prelude2004cis there something i can do to enable javascript on server ? i am running apachd216:56
Prelude2004cis there something i can do to enable javascript on server ? i am running apache216:56
ikoniaPrelude2004c: ispconfig = unsupported16:56
ikoniaPrelude2004c: javascript is client side16:56
Prelude2004ci would think so.. very odd... two computers are doing the same thing :(16:57
wookie_ioria, if I restart my computer, how do I make it load the currently kernel as default?16:57
ikoniaPrelude2004c: you would think so what ?16:57
ioriawookie_,   removing the 316 one ... but first test your dongle, i'd say16:57
ioriawookie_,   you need to reboot on the 3.13.106 of couse16:58
wookie_ioria, ok16:58
wookie_ioria, ill be right back then16:58
captainNoobansawering to ikonia: i cant seem to find any plain standard than iscsi16:59
ikoniacaptainNoob: standard for what ?16:59
anders__Can I check if my inxtallation uses hardware or software rendering?16:59
ikoniacaptainNoob: iscsi isn't a standard16:59
ikoniacaptainNoob: unless I'm not understanding what you're asking16:59
captainNoobi got job to move to light terminals17:00
captainNoobmeans no hdd17:00
ikoniacaptainNoob: ok ?17:00
captainNooband im being forced to iscsi quite, couse i dont see option of mounting like /var on nfs share17:01
ikoniacaptainNoob: are you asking for options to make diskless clients ?17:01
captainNoobi quite dont understand why remote install is limited to such wierd way\17:02
ikoniacaptainNoob: what ?17:02
captainNoobok... lets say i have 100 machines17:03
captainNoobeach of them require me now to manualny fix fstab and make new nfs connections17:03
captainNoobincluding time to setup them17:03
ikoniathat seems a very bad idea17:04
wookie_ioria, IT WORKS!!!!17:04
captainNoobany better one?17:04
ikoniacaptainNoob: are your machines diskless installs or do you just want /var to be on a remote server ?17:05
captainNoobif my problem was var on remote i wouldnt even bother thinking17:05
ioriawookie_, how is going ?17:05
ikoniacaptainNoob: you'd be really helpful if you could answer the question I ask rather than a random comment17:06
wookie_ioria, it seems to be working well17:06
ikoniacaptainNoob: are your machines diskless installs or do you just want /var to be on a remote server ?17:06
ioriawookie_, ok17:06
captainNooblike i said, all machine are diskless other than SAN providing pxe17:06
ikoniacaptainNoob: san providing PXE ?17:07
ikoniaSAN is a disk device, not a pxe device17:07
ikoniacaptainNoob: are you trying to make full diskless installs ?17:07
wookie_ioria, how do I remove the 3.16 kernels from my grub menu?  I would like for ubuntu to use this kernel as default now17:07
ikoniaor are you using remote LUNS from a san17:07
ioriawookie_,  uname -r ?17:07
wookie_ioria, 3.13.0-106-generic17:07
captainNoobno, no luna for boot, plain dhcp and tftp17:08
ikoniano luna for boot ?17:08
captainNoobi ust lost hope getting any help here, its helpdestk17:08
ioriawookie_,  can you paste dpkg -l | grep linux-image | grep ^ii17:08
ikoniacaptainNoob: you're not getting help because you're not actually stating a problem17:08
anders__The ssd disk I am booting from is so slow, can I check if it uses usb 3 or not?17:08
ikoniaanders__: usb = slow17:08
ikoniaanders__: so don't expect anywhere near SSD performance from the disk on the end17:09
anders__Even usb 3?17:09
ikoniaanders__: yes17:09
anders__Its a usb SSD17:09
anders__oh, ok17:09
anders__Hm, there is a card reader on the computer, can I boot up from the card reader?17:09
wookie_ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23688788/17:09
ikoniaanders__: depends on your bios17:09
anders__I am not sure I can find the card inside that drive however, its kind of sealed17:10
ioriawookie_,  first   sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.16.0-30-generic17:10
Sean_McGis there a good hardware support channel on freenode?17:10
wookie_ioria, done17:11
ioriawookie_,  sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-49-generic17:12
wookie_ioria, shouldn't I remove the 3.16 low latency first?17:13
ioriawookie_,  after that, yes but you just need 2 kern (106, and 101)17:13
anders__If I install ubuntu alongside windows 10, it will be llke a large file with the linux fs?17:13
ioriawookie_,  49 not needed17:14
wookie_ok I just did the one you said, I didn't do the 3.16 low latency yet17:14
ikoniaanders__: no, it will be a partition17:14
ikonia!install | anders__17:14
ubottuanders__: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:14
sasserdont dual boot just scrap windows17:14
ikoniasasser: he can dual boot if he wants17:15
ikoniasome people need windows17:15
ikoniafor what ?17:15
wookie_sasser, Some video-games.  Some programs are better on Windows and are easier to install on windows.17:15
sasseruse wine if you have to17:15
ikoniawine is not a solution17:16
sasserbeen 100 percent windows free for like 2 years now, not long but its a good start17:16
ikoniasasser: bully for you - not everyone can do that17:16
ikoniasasser: people have different needs and requirements17:17
sasserwhen i get on windows i about puke17:17
ikoniasasser: then you're stupid17:17
wookie_ioria, should i do sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.16.0-031600-lowlatency17:17
ikoniaif using an operating system makes you puke17:17
ioriawookie_,  49 removed ?17:17
ikoniasasser: you understand it's not 1999 - it's not "cool" to just slam microsoft products ?17:17
anders__Isnt installing alongside windows 10 meaning that it will share the fs with win1017:17
ikoniait's not a badge of honour17:17
sasserthe imagary, words, everything about win32 makes me puke17:17
sasserwindows ruined my life i will bash it all i want17:18
ikoniasasser: not in this channel you won't please.17:18
sky_im still tied to windows for engineering applications... in a VM at the least17:18
sasserthis is ubuntu chat after all17:18
ikoniasasser: this is ubuntu support17:18
wookie_ioria, yes 49 is gone now17:18
BluesKajubuntu support chat17:19
ioriawookie_,  how did you install the   3.16.0-031600-lowlatency   kernel ?17:19
wookie_ioria, ugh. I can't remember.  I think I used dkpg somehow17:19
ioriawookie_,  ok, lets try    sudo pat-get purge linux-image-3.16.0-031600-lowlatency     and keep an eye on errors17:20
sasserubuntu is knowledge, windows is we will break into your house if you inspect kernel3217:21
wookie_ioria, all done17:22
ioriawookie_,  sudo update-grub17:22
kang0Where's blackknight17:22
wookie_ioria, all done17:23
lugariussasser: I am windows free since I was 12, I am 18 now17:23
ioriawookie_, ok bookmark this page, 'cause when your kern will be updated, you'll need to rebuild the module17:24
wookie_ioria, I bookmarked it17:24
ioriawookie_, ok17:24
wookie_ioria, am I all set now? :)17:24
ioriawookie_, guess so17:25
wookie_ioria, I appreciate the time you took to help me.  Us newbies really have a hard time sometimes17:25
ioriawookie_, no proble, you wlcm17:25
lugariusWindows is caner for freedom17:26
wookie_ioria, Is there a way I can test the performance between this new wifi adapter and my old built in wifi adapter?17:26
ioria!info wavemon trusty | wookie_17:27
ubottuwookie_: wavemon (source: wavemon): Wireless Device Monitoring Application. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.6-2 (trusty), package size 47 kB, installed size 141 kB (Only available for linux-any)17:27
myrafttomreyn, had to drop out for a bit. Tried sudo mount ~/sda1 , says can't fine /home/<USER>/sda1 in /etc/fstab17:28
yukenmyraft, forgive me if I missed anything, but what he is looking for is /dev/sda1, most likely17:30
yukennot ~/sda1, which points to /home/user/sda117:30
linux769hello, was hoping to get some help with mdadm / Linux raid17:30
myraftyuken, thanks that is what i figured. But getting the same eror. I am now modifying /etc/fstab with the UUID17:31
linux769i originally built my raid using the whole disk (no partitions). I have a drive that has failed and need to replace it. But all the instructions on found online show how to replace using partitions17:31
yukenI have no clue how to help there :p. SOmeone else should get to you, hopefully.17:31
linux769do I have to do anything to prep my new disk before adding?17:31
ikonialinux769: you just replace the partition with the device17:32
tomreynmyraft: we placed an entry in your /etc/fstab earlier which was intended to enable you to mount /dev/sda1 (referenced by its block device uuid) to ~/sda1/17:32
linux769ikonia: like this? mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdc17:32
tomreyn...using the mount ~/sda1 command17:32
ikonialinux769: if it's set, yes17:32
linux769ikonia: what do you mean by if it is set?17:33
ikonialinux769: if thats the right meta device and the right physical device and you've removed the failed disk from the array17:33
linux769ikonia: ahh ok17:34
linux769ikonia: is it possible to partition this drive and add it that way? or can you not mix whole device with partitions? I ask because I plan to replace all the drives with bigger drives (this replacement is larger)17:34
myrafttomreyn, not quite. I missed the line that was supposed to it (which I found scrolling back).17:34
myrafttomreyn, I see u sent this - mkdir -p $HOME/sda1; sudo cp -p /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig; blkid /dev/sda1 | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr -d '"' | xargs -i echo '{}' $HOME/sda1 ext4 user,users 0 2 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab >/dev/null, but I missed it.17:35
tomreynmyraft: correct, that's it.17:35
myraftinfact I copied it down, but the sysetm was running upgrades and rebooted without doing it.17:35
tomreynall by itself!17:36
myrafttomreyn, nah all by my me not paying attention.17:36
ikonialinux769: you could partition it17:37
linux769ikonia: so its ok to mix. Awesome. Thanks so much for your help ikonia.17:38
myraft_tomreyn, I am now connected from the newly built machine17:38
myraft_that way I don't ahve to go back and forth17:38
wookie_ioria, Is the bit-rate listed in wavemon the speed of the connection? I'm assuming that is what that means17:38
bebeanyone know which program uses this icon ?? http://i.imgur.com/2cvfrMK.jpg17:39
ioriawookie_,  you can see that in iwconfig, iirc17:39
tomreynmyraft_: that's a good plan. you can also use pastebinit now and just copy and paste the urls17:40
myraft_tomreyn, this is what the URL for gparted is ; http://imgur.com/a/jJSzE17:40
tomreyn...and commands (in the other direction)17:40
wookie_ioria, ah I see, so thats probably the max speed the card can handle right?17:41
tomreynmyraft_: ok. are you still trying to access the old disk or does it work now?17:41
ioriawookie_,  well not a wifi expert, maybe ask in #networking17:41
myraft_tomreyn, tyring to access the old disk17:42
lloydnghello, newbie ubuntu user here17:42
tomreynmyraft_: have you run the long line with commands you quoted above?17:42
ioriawookie_,   this is a good link https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-find-out-wireless-network-speed-signal-strength.html17:43
tomreynmyraft_: if you haven't or prefer not to, you can try to just start nautilus and look at which disks it shows. you may be able to mount it this way.17:43
myraft_tomreyn, was about to. nautilus does not show it. fstab has no reference to it.17:44
lloydngis there a filipino here?17:45
lloydngor chinese maybe?17:47
myraft_tomreyn, what to do from here ?17:47
tomreynmyraft_: sorry. can i see a screenshot of nautilus?17:49
myraft_tomreyn, here17:50
deikshi, need help about changing resolution for double displays, i've tried adding with xrandr, newmode, addmode, additonal modules, installation pack from website, but still unsucessfully.17:50
tomreynmyraft_: where?17:51
myraft_tomreyn, http://imgur.com/a/jJSzE17:51
deikssometimes i get BadName when adding mode and sometimes it's ok. but still can't see proper resolution in display17:52
tomreynmycraft: okay, i'm convinced, sorry. when you click on 'Home' there, then on sda1, what do you see?17:52
tomreynmycraft: Home on the left column, with the house icon17:52
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myraft_tomreyn, home image uploaded17:54
tomreynmyraft_: thanks. hmm looks like this sda1 directory was not created or is not showing there.17:55
deiksalso getting that display is urecognized while in "Display"17:55
tomreynmyraft_: can you do this on a terminal: ls -la ~/sda1/17:56
myraft_tomreyn, can I change fstab to do it something like this17:56
myraft_tomreyn, says no such file or directory17:56
tomreynmyraft_: if you ran the command you quoted earlier (i dont think you ever said you did) it should be there17:57
myraft_tomreyn, I did not run the command. That was a mistake on my part17:57
tomreynmyraft_: ok. well, run it now?17:57
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L30friends u speak spanish?17:58
L30need u help17:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:59
myraft_tomreyn, you said you would prefer that I don't. Sure I will run it now. but in mind fstab has changed has no reference to  old . What I am trying now is this : http://imgur.com/a/jJSzE17:59
myraft_tomreyn, ran the command and now it shows ~/sda1 . Please note 0 files18:01
tomreynmyraft_: you are right, i said so, sorry. it's good that you ran it now, though, since it didn't work without. please run this now: mount ~/sda1/; ls -la ~/sda1/18:03
tomreynmyraft_: does it show the files now? if so, nautilus should also show them now18:04
myraft_tomreyn, it does , it does18:05
tomreynmyraft_: and those will be available after reboot, too18:05
tomreynmyraft_: what we setup earlier with the long command line is that /dev/sda1 (referenced by its block device UUID rather than the name "/dev/sda1" - which could under some situations point elsewhere) is mounted to /home/<yourusername>/sda1 automatically on boot.18:07
boodllebatshould i let ubuntu choose partition alongside my windows or i should give partition manually ?18:08
BluesKajboodllebat, which windows version?18:09
leaftypeboodllebat, ubuntu does a fairly sane setup, so it's not bad to trust them in partitioning18:09
myraft_tomreyn, thanks - will take it from here. YOU HAVE BEEN AN AWSOME SPORT !18:09
boodllebatBluesKaj: 1018:09
boodllebatBluesKaj: bought a new system so was configuring it for work and stuff18:10
BluesKaj!UEFI | boodllebat18:10
ubottuboodllebat: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:10
boodllebatBluesKaj: yes it has UEFI and i sucessfully managed to boot up installer and stuff18:10
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boodllebatleaftype: i have 16gigs of ram , what will be the swap size choosen by default installer , i gave installer free space of about 240 gigs18:11
BluesKajboodllebat, make sure you are in UEFI mode and not legacy18:12
boodllebatleaftype: i have 1 TB of space so i left 240 gigs unallocated and rest i gave to windows 1018:12
boodllebatBluesKaj: yes i am in UEFI i never disabled UEFI to go back to legecy18:12
boodllebatBluesKaj: do i need to install efibootmanager as i'm done installing ?18:13
BluesKajthat's about as much as i know about UEFI since I don't use it18:14
boodllebatguys do i need to install efibootmanager as i'm done installing ?18:14
boodllebatany official moderator here ?18:14
ikoniaboodllebat: what's up18:15
leaftypeboodllebat, I'm trying to find confirmation, but for some reason I thought they switched to a swapfile by default18:15
ikoniaboodllebat: the #ubuntu-ops channel can also help18:15
BluesKajboodllebat, yes, i assume you need to save the efibootmanager partition,but not sure whether grub replaces it or not18:15
boodllebatikonia: do i need to install efibootmanager as i'm done installing ?18:15
ikoniaboodllebat: why do you need moderator help?18:15
tomreynmyraft_: glad we could work it out, have fun.18:16
BluesKajikonia, just go ahead and help him, you're the "moderator" :-)18:16
boodllebatikonia: i am confused if ubuntu 16.10 will handle boot on its own or i need to config things up18:17
boodllebatikonia: i'm new to uefi and stuff18:17
ikoniaboodllebat: ok - so you don't need moderators18:17
ikoniaboodllebat: you just want someone to help you, as people in this channel where already doing18:17
boodllebatikonia: no they said they dont know about uefi in detail18:18
ikoniaboodllebat: but they will work it through with you18:18
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boodllebatikonia: so i thought moderators are there with formal knowledge , dont ignore your work please :P18:18
ioriaboodllebat, if you install in efi mode efibootmgr will be automatically installed18:18
boodllebatioria: thanks a lot :)18:19
ioriaboodllebat, no prob18:19
boodllebatioria: so i dont need to do a thing right ?18:19
boodllebatioria: as soon as installation is done i restart ?18:19
ioriaboodllebat, yes... why do you ask ?18:20
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=== j41alt is now known as j41
ioriaboodllebat, usually the issue is sharing with win the esp partition18:20
sruliis it possible to reset ubuntu on each boot?18:20
boodllebatioria: soory just scared , cause last time my cousin did it and windows took over when he restarted so he had to switch to legecy mode18:20
ioriaboodllebat,  i see18:20
BluesKajioria, isn't there an issue with grub not listing the windows partition in some cases after installation?18:22
ioriaBluesKaj, yes18:23
BluesKajos-prober ?18:23
ioriaBluesKaj,  yeah18:24
boodllebatabout to complete my installation , just hope everything goes fine :\18:24
BluesKajOerHeks, I'm still learning about uefi too...made the mistake of erasing my laptop hdd and installing kubuntu in legacy mode using a dos table instead of gpt18:26
ioriaBluesKaj,  ah....18:26
boodllebatBluesKaj: are you also an ubuntu moderator ?18:26
ioriawe are all moderators18:27
Guest12055Ubuntu is for lifeless zombies that torture kittens and soak in their blood. Ubuntu is a cult.18:27
BluesKajboodllebat, we hqve no "moderators" here just volunteers who try to help18:27
boodllebati mean moderators who get paid by Ubuntu ?18:27
ioriaboodllebat, volunteer != paid18:28
BluesKajboodllebat, none that i know of18:28
boodllebatioria: i know that , i just wanted to know are there any mods who get paid by Ubuntu18:29
tomreynsruli: you could work with the gues account18:29
tomreyn* guest18:29
ioriaboodllebat, really idk, sy18:29
srulitomreyn: i need sudo ... was thinking of using lvm, questions is how long should it take to revert changes if the session has changed ~1gb of files?18:30
tomreynsruli: there is no native mechanism for resetting all of ubuntu upon reboot (that i'm aware of). what's the greater goal there?18:30
boodllebatYes completeted installation :D18:30
boodllebateverything working fine18:30
boodllebatioria: thanks18:31
boodllebatBluesKaj: thanks18:31
ioriaboodllebat, you're wlcm18:31
BluesKajboodllebat, np18:31
tomreynsruli: lvm snapshotting would probably be the way to go there. there more oyu can limit the locations where retores need to take place, the better in term sof performance, time to restore.18:32
srulitomreyn: i guess almost all of the changes will be in /home/ before i start messing with it if anyone can give a ballpark figure as a guide for  how long should it take to revert changes if the session has changed ~1gb of files?18:33
anliI seem to not be able to switch from unity to gnome-session-flashback, I can pick it, but when logged in, its unity anyway18:34
tomreynsruli: how long it would take to restore a previous snapshot after a given amount of data (1 gb) has changed depends much on the speed of the storage media. it would probably be close to instant on a RAM disk, on a hard disk it could take a minute or some minutes. there are other, less impacting factors which matter, too.18:35
deikshow to avoid problems about "Unknown Display"18:35
srulitomreyn: is it possible to use lvm in reverse? basically writing new data to snapshot and discard on shutdown, therby avoiding the need to revert18:36
tomreynsruli: but this is somewhat of a theoretic discussion unless you can come up with a way to automate it, i guess. and i'm not aware of one (though i imagine such can very well exist).18:36
=== schiggn is now known as koffeinfriedhof
Bashing-omdeiks: Where and what prompts the "Unknown Display" ? Maybe install a graphic's driver ??18:37
deikstried from additional drivers, and also downloading from site ..18:37
tomreynsruli: yes, with newer lvm versions you can write new data to a snapshot and have it discarded on shutdown. see the man page for relevant details.18:38
deikswhen i go to "Displays", there i see unknown display18:38
tomreyn... and limitations18:38
boodllebatnow i am going to play video games on windows18:38
srulitomreyn: will take a read, thanks18:38
boodllebatbye bye18:38
boodllebatthanks a lot everyone18:38
tomreynnow  i am going to play video games on linux18:39
deiksBashing-om: :)18:39
RemindHey all. Does anyone here use VirtualBox by chance? I've had an issue with the clipboard not working in any direction between host/guest on any of my VM's18:39
Bashing-omdeiks: Pastebin the output of - lspci -k|grep -iEA5 'vga|3d' - we see what it is that we are working with .18:39
deiksBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23689547/18:41
MonkeyDustRemind  that's more for #virtualbox18:41
RemindAlright, thanks MonkeyDust18:41
=== precise is now known as precise|snek
Bashing-omdeiks: nVidia recommends the 375 version driver : http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/112992/en-us . Show what is installed now ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' See what we need to clean up .18:44
=== precise|snek is now known as precise
srulitomreyn: not much about snatpshot in "man lvm" is there a man page specifically for snapshots?18:45
user_hi merry x mas18:47
deiksBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23689579/ i think i tried it already, but let's try again18:47
Bashing-omdeiks: K. run ' sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa ; sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt install nvidia-375 ; sudo reboot ' . See what it looks like on the other side.18:51
=== koffeinfriedhof is now known as DannKannIchDirNi
=== DannKannIchDirNi is now known as koffeinfriedhof
GALL0what do I have to edit in terminal to ssh from an external ip? I know my server ip,18:54
GALL0currently I can only ssh from local network but want to be able to connect from outside my network18:54
sruliGALL0: open the port on you rinternet connection?18:55
GALL0already have port forwarding set to the new port I changed18:55
GALL0its no long port 22, and my router is changed to reflect that18:55
sruliGALL0: what do you get when you try to connect?18:56
GALL0`ssh: connect to host <externalIP> port <newNumber>: Connection refused18:56
deiks_Bashing-om: still same :(18:58
GALL0typed `-p###` instead of `-p ###`18:58
sruliGALL0: sounds like the port you configured in sshd_config is not the same as the one you have forwarding to the machine from your router/fw18:59
Bashing-omdeiks_: Then we look at what X thinks about the situation : ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ' .19:00
waltmanI'm trying to install the latest ubuntu-desktop off a flash drive. It has a newish nvidia card and I had issues with the monitor not syncing, so I tried booting with "vga=771" and "nomodeset". Now I'm just getting a mouse pointer on a black screen. Any advice?19:00
deiks_Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23689638/19:02
Bashing-omdeiks_: reading. I be awhile :)19:03
deiks_thnx ;)19:03
waltmanI don't suppose there's any way to do a pure-ascii install?19:03
=== amberj is now known as exploreshaifali
MonkeyDustwaltman  the server istallation and the !mini installation19:06
waltmanAre there any other options I can try with this desktop iso?19:06
i-make-robotshi ubuntu.  I'm getting logrotate errors.  where is the best place to ask about fixing them, please?19:07
waltmanMonkeyDust: If not, can I do a server install and then add packages to get the desktop?19:08
MonkeyDustwaltman  sure19:08
srulii am trying to find how to make a lv snapshot and write new date to snapshot only so can discard changes later, google not helping much, nothing in lvm man page19:09
sruli\\ new data ^19:09
waltmanOK, time to put server on this flash drive…19:10
Bashing-omdeiks_: The driver is loaded " NVIDIA(0): [DRI2] Setup complete >> NVIDIA(0): [DRI2]   VDPAU driver: nvidia " I see no problems with the driver . however what is " config/udev: Adding input device UVC Camera (046d:0825) (/dev/input/event14) " Is this a mouse ? or as the name implies a camera device ?19:13
deiks_Bashing-om: yes, there's camera connected19:14
Bashing-omdeiks_: " evdev: UVC Camera (046d:0825): Configuring as keyboard " .. huh ?? what results if the camaera is not connected ?19:15
=== maxim is now known as Guest96123
deiks_do i need to reboot?19:16
tomreynsruli: sorry, i meant lvcreate(8)19:17
Bashing-omdeiks_: Yeah I would . If you still have no GUI . see then if you gain the GUI from a guest account .19:17
deiksBashing-om: still cant see desired resolution :D19:20
Bashing-omdeiks: But you now have a display ? what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?19:21
deiksi had both displays since first install19:22
deiksBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23689723/19:23
srulitomreyn: it describes snapshot for writing to original lv, i am trying to find how to write to snapshot instead19:24
deiksbe right back19:24
Bashing-omdeiks: Using a depreciated /etc/X11/Xorg.conf file ?19:25
deiks_Bashing-om: tried with one display but still nothing19:27
scdeHi, is there a way to check if my optical drive is failing? I have very strange behaviour with burned audio cds.19:28
Bashing-omdeiks_: " but still nothing" I read as a black screen .. that is not the case ? And dies the config file exist ' ls -al /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ' ?19:29
deiks_Bashing-om: it shows screen, but with lower resolution, both displays, and in "Displays" they are marked as "Unknown display"19:30
jpvegaAnyway to share a video with downloading restrictions? i understand the screen record possibility, but at least the option to view without downloading actual video?19:32
jpvegaplease and thanks for any suggestions19:32
Bashing-omdeiks_: By - in "Displays" they are - you are refrring to using nvidia settings ? Terminal so far sees no problems .19:32
jerry__hello all19:34
jerry__how are yall hey reddrgns19:34
jerry__does anyone know how to change the plymouth boot on mint 1819:35
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:35
jerry__ok thanks19:36
deiks_Bashing-om: http://pasteboard.co/ez02SGroF.png19:36
=== christmas1s1 is now known as wlp1s1
Bashing-omdeiks_: Sorry, that image will not load for me in my browser .19:43
deiks_Bashing-om: how about https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/ez02SGroF.png19:43
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Bashing-omdeiks_: Yeah. no problem with that one . OK, can you change the resolution in that GUI ?19:45
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deiks_Bashing-om: yes, i can change to: 1152x864 (or lower, or 1368x768 but display is stretched on this) but native for my displays is 1680x105019:48
deiks_so i can't see that 1680x105019:48
Bashing-omdeiks_: Sorry, out of my experience range now .19:50
deiks_thanks then19:50
=== jmakov_ is now known as jmakov
scdeHas someone an idea why a burned audio cd would show up as a blank disk?19:52
Bashing-omdeiks_: I will be interested in the solution. xrandr ? : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution .19:53
deiks_yeah, trying right now19:54
srulii am trying to find how to make a lv snapshot and write new date to snapshot only so can discard changes later, google not helping much, how do i achieve this?19:54
MonkeyDustsruli  if it can be done at all19:55
MonkeyDustsruli  there's also #lvm19:56
sruliMonkeyDust: it can, found many articles about it, none explaining how to do ti19:56
sruliwill give them a try19:57
sruli91 people in the room.. not holding my breath...19:57
=== Pyker_ is now known as Pyker
=== OpenGL is now known as seth
deiks_Bashing-om: i give up.20:10
BackwardsCan anyone explain if setting up an IRCD server with ubuntu that Anope and Inspircd2 should be either working on a 32 or 64 bit machine. Has anyone experienced this?20:11
Bashing-omdeiks_: Well . no give up .. just back up and regroup . Wish I had the experience here to offer .20:11
ikoniaBackwards: whats the actual problem20:11
tomreynsruli: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/snapshotintro.html20:12
=== evil is now known as Guest83846
BackwardsIkonia thanks for asking but, I have scoured the entire internet and every website has something different that doesn't work with the nexus website.20:12
ikonianexus website ?20:12
ikoniawhat has that got to do with anything20:12
BackwardsIkonia I meant by nexus that the next website visited is more confusing that the third for forth website.20:13
ikoniaBackwards: so whats your actual problem20:13
BackwardsAbove I asked if anyone has encountered working with Anope or Inspircd2 and has had any issues with their actual Ubuntu box i.e., UNIX box.20:15
ikoniaBackwards: what is the problem YOU have20:15
ikonianot what others have had20:15
BackwardsI compiled Anope which is "Chanserv" on my server and when I read the directives the people who wrote the directives didn't properly word the instructions in a basic way for someone new to it.20:17
ikoniawhy are you compiling things20:17
srulitomreyn: yes i saw that one, same as the rest, no instructions on how to achieve it20:17
ikoniaare there no ubuntu packages20:17
* Anonymous2016 slaps aleb around a bit with a large trout20:17
* Anonymous2016 slaps akkad around a bit with a large trout20:17
* Anonymous2016 slaps Acn0w around a bit with a large trout20:17
ikoniaAnonymous2016: stop please20:17
tomreynsruli: lvm is redhat technology, and they like not to document things too well publically so they can sell consulting hours.20:18
BackwardsIkonia, the instructions was to download the tar.gz file and compile it based upon if your machine was a 32 bit or 64 bit.20:18
ikoniaBackwards: the easy way to approach this is to use an IRC server that is packaged in the ubuntu repo20:18
ioria!info anope20:19
ubottuanope (source: anope): IRC Services designed for flexibility and ease of use. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-3 (yakkety), package size 3375 kB, installed size 18701 kB20:19
BackwardsIkonia I have a working IRCD server right now. The issue is getting straight answers with my original question.20:19
srulitomreyn: lvm2 has been around for years, just spent more then an hour searching the net, apart form the 20 articles stating how amazing it is that you can achieve this with lvm2, cant find anything explaing how to do it20:19
ikoniaBackwards: you're not ansking clear questions20:19
ikoniaBackwards: what is the problem YOU currently have20:19
BackwardsI was asking if anyone has installed Anope with Inspircd220:20
ikoniaBackwards: why ?20:20
ikoniaBackwards: are you having a problem with it ?20:20
OerHeksBackwards, you state you have it working, but ask for anyone with issues?20:20
tomreynsruli: thanks for confirming what i just said. still, it's not a super spoecial use case, and seems quite simple really. you create a snapshot, theny ou write to the snapshot.20:20
BackwardsMy IRCD server works just fine.20:21
EriC^^Backwards: install the ubuntu package instead of compiling20:21
ioria!info inspircd20:21
ubottuinspircd (source: inspircd): Modular IRCd written in C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.21-1ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 1421 kB, installed size 7824 kB20:21
EriC^^Backwards: nobody compiles these days i guess20:21
BackwardsThat is fine Ubotu and C++ is also in different versions like gcc++ and so forth.20:22
tomreyncharybdis + atheme > inspircd + anope IMO, but ymmv20:22
srulitomreyn: how do i  write to the snapshot instead of the original? in standard snapshot case it will write new data to original, i am not sure but it might only be a switch that i need..20:22
tomreynsruli: you mount the snapshot device, and write to it?20:23
greiogioCure for blindness in song that i compose it will sound like my favorite Durutti Column song and will make you smile and cry for 40 minutes then need 40mg of xanax and that is all. proof i am saved and deserve PRAYERS.20:23
greiogioArthur Rosene III <arthurroseneiii@gmail.com>20:23
greiogio2:20 PM (0 minutes ago)20:23
BackwardsEriC^^ when I compiled it it took almost 1 hour for the UNIX box to calm down. Man, that thing was humming and the fan motor was running.20:23
greiogioto sekretariat, developers, direzione.tlc, developmentinfo, fr.quinn, ftpadmin, fatehortua, Forbes, Ginger, human.res, HSUS, helpdesk, Bill, Judy, johnny.chiang, Jeff, Jason, Nitin, Press, Paul, Powerwallorders, protocol.hd1, productfeedback, lloethen, Langdon20:23
greiogioplug and play Jean Michel Jarre Rendezvous-Houston downtown orchestral math producing through math different patent than past 908000807098067090876508 UK/International.20:23
greiogioconnect to Sun Sparc v9540 with 20GB of ram and 50.79 GB of swap.  takes 40 seconds.20:23
greiogiousing PATENT US Numbers into anything interpretor into this UK/International Patent US Patent number 98070685500054090000000320908-720:23
tomreyn!ops | greiogio20:23
ubottugreiogio: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu20:23
greiogio00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/ = 100% solved.20:23
greiogiocost $65.34 the most holy numbers known the the most omniscent and omnipotent God that defeated the Devil at his most disabled.  (GOD)20:23
greiogioPRAY FOR ME.  SEE IF IT WORKS.20:23
greiogio-- signed,20:23
EriC^^Backwards: it's pretty old school to compile now-a-days20:24
EriC^^Backwards: although fun20:24
tomreynsruli: i.e. you use it like any other block device / file system.20:24
EriC^^Backwards: stick with the ubuntu packages and you'll also get updates whenever the maintainer releases them and ubuntu picks them up20:24
srulitomreyn: doesnt help, what if for example i do apt dist-upgrade? will that write to original or snapshot20:25
EriC^^and just "man <program>" to read about how to use stuff20:25
tomreynsruli: depends on where you mount stuff, i guess20:25
BackwardsEriC^^ I usually do an apt-get install <package> but I have reservations on whether the package is reliable from the Repositories.20:26
EriC^^Backwards: what reservations20:26
srulitomreyn: if i dismount the original and mount that snapshot i wont really have a os will i?20:26
BackwardsNot all packages are up to date.20:26
EriC^^Backwards: that's true20:26
ikoniaBackwards: why is that a problem20:26
EriC^^Backwards: the security issues are up to date though usually20:27
BackwardsYou can install a new install and then use sudo apt-get update and it retro-grades the package.20:27
EriC^^so it's mainly just features and support20:27
ikoniaBackwards: no it doesn't20:27
ikoniaBackwards: what is the problem you have come to this channel for ?20:27
EriC^^ikonia: he needs help on the directives used for compiling his chanserv stuff20:28
ikoniaEriC^^: ahhh, well done, I'd not got that from him20:28
ikoniathe answer is "use the package20:28
ikoniaif you want your own custom stuff - you should be able to build it20:28
BackwardsIkonia I wanted to hear some human voices rather than search websites. I don't mind being corrected if I am doing something not right.20:28
ikoniaBackwards: then use the ubuntu provided packages20:28
EriC^^Backwards: i think asking in the forum or channel for the specific package would get you more responses20:30
BackwardsIkonia I truly appreciate your input. It means a lot as well as you EriC^^. Thanks in advance for your observations.20:30
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
EriC^^hi Guest1670720:31
k00l3th4nDoes anyone have experience with windows managers here?20:31
ikoniak00l3th4n: just ask the real question20:32
k00l3th4nI'm using Mate and after an upgrade it stopped working. What is the first step to resolve this issue?20:32
EriC^^k00l3th4n: stopped working how?20:32
ikoniak00l3th4n: you'll need to describe better than "stopped workig"20:33
k00l3th4nAs in the entire windows manager stopped working. There are no window borders.20:33
k00l3th4nI'm currently on ParrotOS with the Mate DE.20:34
Backwardsk00l3th4n Your first mistake is that you perhaps did not do a system backup which Windows has a System Restore. Always use: System Restore Point before any installation. Then you will be able to restore your Windows box as it was before installing anything.20:34
k00l3th4nYou can make a restore point for linux?20:35
BackwardsNever install anything without backups.20:35
k00l3th4nPlease point me in the right directions to get familar with this method. I always backup my /home before an upgrade but not the system.20:36
BackwardsYes. Windows is not Linux but if you create a mirror image of the hard drive, you can back up anything.20:36
k00l3th4nI'm not using Windows. I'm using Linux... Not a VM either.20:37
EriC^^k00l3th4n: does it work if you try to create a new user?20:37
k00l3th4nEriC^^: Let me try real quick.20:37
BackwardsOne method is using my favorite VBOX by SunMicrosystems. You can make any stupid mistake or anything and you can clone the original and experiment with it. You can put any OS on VBOX. I recommend using that method first.20:39
BackwardsVBOX is free.20:40
k00l3th4nEriC^^: It doesn't work when i create a new user. Also, in the 'windows' settings it says windows manager is upsupported.20:40
ioriak00l3th4n,  what is this Parrot os ?20:41
=== tlyu_ is now known as tlyu
BackwardsIf you get that error message it may mean that you don't have Administrator permissions.20:41
k00l3th4nioria: It's a pentesting distro like kali.20:41
ioriak00l3th4n,  i see20:42
k00l3th4nioria: it's a great distro too. it's a new distro so there are bugs20:42
ioriak00l3th4n,  of course20:43
k00l3th4nBackwards: I don't like using VMs. This build in my main rig20:43
k00l3th4nioria: You should check it out. Kali is great too, but parrotos has the mate de.20:44
BackwardsWhen there are bugs there are error messages. Using VM an I am not referrring to VMware. VBOX is a great way to experiment and solve your issues before installing an OS or kernel on a Hard Box.20:44
ioriak00l3th4n,  i see Mate it's the default de20:44
k00l3th4nBackwards: I know what you mean. I haven't had any issues until now with this distro. I think I'm just gonna reinstall.20:46
ioriak00l3th4n,  try (if you have it) the Guest account then check you video driver, then your environment variables20:47
k00l3th4nIs there a method to backup an entire linux system with restore points... like windows?20:47
blackflowvirtualbox taints the kernel and "voids the warranty", and if you have kernel issues with vboxdrv present, you're on your own. it's also now owned by Oracle which says a lot about it. if you want quality linux native virtualization, use KVM.20:47
slicktuxAnyone here using the Ubuntu with the Acer C710 Chrome Book? If so, were you able to get the hotkeys for, say, volume binded?20:48
=== RebelAngel is now known as mewe
=== mewe is now known as meiweh
k00l3th4nioria: It's not a driver issue or anything like that. It has to do with the default windows manager not being supported anymore. This update just came out today so there havne't been bug reports yet. I did a blind dist-upgrade and something went wrong. I was just wondering if there was a way to reconfigure the default windows manager.20:49
ioriak00l3th4n, which is in your case ?20:50
k00l3th4nioria: marco20:51
Backwardsk00l3th4n Backing up your Linux box is easy. Create an ISO disk which is Read/Writeable and you can do that or just burn an IMAGE of your hard drive.20:51
blackflowBackwards: stop giving out stupid advice20:51
ioriak00l3th4n, so this is incorrect ? https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=parrotsecurity20:51
slicktuxwhy not rsync /20:52
BackwardsBackflow, sorry for saying this but what you said was stupid. I am a professional Data Recovery Expert.20:53
slicktuxdepending on how yer backing up and what. . . I back up /home/user to an external HDD. . .20:53
ioriak00l3th4n, i see mate and openbox as defaults20:53
BackwardsI get paid $300.00/hour for what I do.20:54
nedstarkI am a professional DJ, but i give financial advise on the side20:54
slicktuxif it is the whole OS then make replcate partitions, sda*, and rsync -aHAX /dev/sda /dev/sdb20:54
blackflowBackwards: good luck with that, meanwhile stop giving bad advice here.20:54
k00l3th4nioria: that's weird when I went to deconf the default was marco20:54
ioriak00l3th4n, weird, yes20:54
ioriak00l3th4n, lets try ubuntu :þ20:54
k00l3th4nioria: So how do I change it to openbox. I install openbox and changed it in deconf but still no windows manager.20:55
ioriak00l3th4n, you can surely remove any de you installed, and reinstall it properly20:56
blackflowk00l3th4n: Parrot OS doesn't have much to do with Ubuntu, or am I wrong?20:56
iorianot you're not20:57
blackflowso it's kinda offtopic here, no?20:57
k00l3th4nBackwards: I think it is debian based.20:57
tomreynsruli: i ahven't tested it, but i guess you can either mount or bind-mount the snapshot on top of the original mount. it's probably safer to mount elsewhere and chroot into it.20:57
k00l3th4nBackwards: Yes, it kinda is. But I'm talking about the Mate DE so it kinda does.20:58
Backwardsk00l3th4n If you want you can msg me and I can help you.20:58
ikoniak00l3th4n: I'd advise against that20:58
onlais there some nice way to mvoe files between devices in LAN if I have problems mounting phone to linux20:58
blackflowk00l3th4n: Mate DE is not Ubuntu specific product. Ubuntu MATE is Ubuntu with MATE desktop envrionment, if that's what you were thinking.20:58
k00l3th4nI'm gonna try a few things and reboot. I'll be back guys. Thanks.20:58
BackwardsIkonia, what is your problem. You have a puffed up attitude about yourself. As if you are the foremost authority on everything. Take a break. Stop insulting people you don't know.20:59
blackflowonla: several network based filesystems, like NFS itself, Samba, ... depending what you want exactly20:59
ikoniaBackwards: I have no problem and I'm not insulting anyway20:59
ikoniaanyone even20:59
ikoniaBackwards: getting help in private is a bad idea from anyone as there is no-one there to vet the information being given21:00
BackwardsYou just proved it to 1,790 people on this channel that you are very insulting.21:00
Bashing-omonla: This may give you some ideas : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2159449 <-easiest way to cp files 'tween two 'buntus that share the same router/house (Morbius1)21:00
onlai want my mom to be able to easily move pictures from iphone to ubuntu. I was thinking that as this linux pc is on the same LAN, mabe she could connect some way easily21:00
ikoniaBackwards: no, I just proved that I'm protecting a user from getting possibly bad information unvetted21:00
tomreynsruli: unomounting file systems will obviously not work for file systems which have locked FSOs21:00
tomreyn(so dont unmount)21:01
onlaBashing-om: ok thanks Ill take a look21:01
BackwardsIkonia, you don't have the answer and if someone can help in at least a small way or large way, you have no right to insult a visitor here. Get a life and get a job and go to work and learn about the real world.21:02
Bashing-omonla: ^ Do not think will apply in your case :(21:02
ikoniaBackwards: I've not read the question, I simply advised a user not to get help in private. Drop the atittude please.21:02
tomreynAdministrator dropped his connection instead21:03
blackflowonla: I don't know much about iPhones, but there's "MTP", eg. android phones can connect to linux using that mode. is that available on iPhone?21:03
onlanot sure. I tried one method but I had too old some libimobiledevice version probably for ifuse to work and someone who compiled a newer got rid of an error msg I got so I am trying smth else21:05
onlacus i dont want to compile from sources for this now21:05
blackflowonla: well, when I connect an android to ubuntu with an usb cable, the phone provides modes of connection, one of which is MTP (Media Transfer Protocol), and selecting that will give me access to the phone's storage21:06
blackflowis something like that available on iphone?21:06
onlagtg, I try smth tomorrow. There is some afp://21:07
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tomreynabsymal file protocol21:08
blackflowonla: afc21:08
blackflowonla: and here, I found this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/704669/how-to-move-files-between-ubuntu-and-iphone/704677#70467721:08
ed_plsDon't fight pls :C21:10
waltmanI got through a server install and decided I wanted to redo it with a different partitioning scheme. But now when it offers to partition the drives, the SSDs aren't even listed!21:11
waltmanAnd if I don't do it this way, how can I resize the filesystem on my root partition?21:11
Andy80hi, probably an hot question, but do you have any ETA about the libphp-phpmailer patched release, please?21:13
tomreynwaltman: you may need to reboot and redo the installation from scratch, since making the linux kernel (or that of any other OS) update partition tables during runtime is not guaranteed to succeed.21:13
tomreynwaltman: and this *might* be why ssd's can no longer be repartitioned. that's just a wild guess, though. you could show a screne shot.21:14
tomreyn*screen shot21:14
waltmanIt never did ask me to confirm its default partitioning scheme during the initial install.21:14
blackflowAndy80: you ask because of CVE-2016-10033?21:14
waltmantomreyn: I'm TRYING to reinstall, but it's not listing the drives I used.21:15
tomreynAndy80: there are never any ETAs for patches.21:15
blackflowAndy80: the package is in universe, so it's community effort, meaning no idea when it's gonna be patched, and if :)21:15
tomreynwaltman: hmm this is unusual indeed. and you didn not make any other changes in the mentime, such as changing bios / raid configurations etc?21:16
waltmanAll I did was run apt-get update/dist-upgrade.21:17
tomreynwaltman: can you spawn a shell (escape to main menu of installer, select last or last but one option), and run lsblk?21:17
waltmanlsblk: not found21:18
tomreynwaltman: if lsblk doesn't work, do "cat /proc/partitions" instead21:18
waltmanit's showing sda21:18
waltmanand a whole screenful of other things21:19
tomreynwaltman: you said SSD*S*, as in plural, so i guess sda is rather the device your installer runs from21:20
waltmanyeah, they're hardware raid 021:20
tomreynwaltman: maybe your SSDs are actually NVMes and not SSDs?21:20
waltmanthey're 2 physical SSDs.21:21
tomreynwaltman: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NVM_Express21:21
blackflowwaltman: I do have to ask.... you're running SSDs in Raid 0? You're aware of what tha means for data durability?21:21
waltmanSo I *don't* want to mirrow them?21:21
blackflowwaltman: you do, but that's Raid 1, not 021:22
tomreynwaltman: okay you need to find out whether sda is the HW RAID over your SSDs or whether its the device the installer is running form.21:22
waltmansorry, let me check.21:22
blackflow0 doubles the chances of one disk failure blowing your entire data away21:22
waltmanSorry, raid121:22
blackflowmkay. :)21:22
waltmanI told the bios to boot from "usb hd" just like when I did the initial install.21:23
Root1204Has anyone install ubuntu on a chromebook without using crouton?21:24
waltmanalso it's not mounted21:24
WeiJunLithose segfaults are due that _libc_fork assertion? http://dpaste.com/04CVHQY21:24
waltmanoh wait, it IS mounted!21:24
waltmanit mounted /dev/sda1 on /media21:24
waltmanCan I get it to not do that?21:25
Ben64waltman: i'm confused. what are you trying to do, what is happening21:26
waltmanI have 4 drives in this box, 2 250GB SSDs and 2 4TB HDs. The 2 SSDs are hardware raid 1. My bios doesn't support hardware raid for drives that big, so they're just plain old drives right now. I did an install, but I want to redo the partitioning on the SSDs.21:29
ikoniawaltman: if it's "bios" I doubt it's hardware raid21:29
transhumanhi i am getting the following error /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmrc: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/modules/libunity-gtk-module.so: undefined symbol: g_settings_new21:29
ikoniait's more likley fakeraid21:29
transhumananyone know how to fix this on ubuntu 16.0421:29
waltmanbios raid, whatever.21:29
ikoniawaltman: it matters21:29
ikoniatranshuman: looks like it's incompatible with the version you are running21:30
transhumanseems as if support of g_settings_new is not available in the built in version of libunity-gtk-module.so21:30
waltmanBut now when I try to reinstall, it's mounting /dev/sda1 (which should be raid'ed with sda2 as /media.21:30
transhumancan i custom compile this libary if so is there directions on doing so21:30
waltmanSo my only options are to install ubuntu to the 4TB drives.21:30
ikoniatranshuman: strongly advised not to21:30
ikoniatranshuman: more so without understanding why it's missing, eg: deprecated21:31
waltmanI can undo the raid in the bios if that would be better.21:31
ikoniawaltman: it's probably not recognising the fake raid21:31
ikonia(hence why I said fakeraid matters)21:31
blackflowwaltman: you always have the option to build the array yourself with mdadm. bios/fakeraid is worst there is.21:31
waltmanwill the installer do that?21:31
blackflowwaltman: no idea, I always do it manually.21:32
waltmanOr do I just install to /dev/sda1 and then setup the raid separately?21:32
transhumanI need to solve my current vmware fling console problem with the desktop mouse pointer failing to line after it times out and goes to sleep...the other way to "solve" this problem is to set a timeout value for the vmware fling to infinity but I can't seem to locate this setting either21:32
blackflowwaltman: I suppose you can pre-create the mdX devices and use them for the installer to install root and other partitions on21:32
ikoniatranshuman: I don't see how setting a timeout will fix a library21:33
transhumanI was hoping the gtk console would be installable to get around this problem21:33
transhumanits too drastically different ways of solving one problem (too different angles) I guess I am stuck21:33
waltmanOK, let's see if I can figure out how do undo the raid on this bios...21:33
transhumanthe libary is to get the vmrc console working in Ubuntu while the timeout is with the web client21:34
tomreynwaltman: which server hardware and RAID controller is this?21:38
Lemon_Hazi am asking more simple question21:39
Lemon_Hazwich country is this21:39
waltmantomreyn: it's a gigabyte 78lmt motherboard21:39
tomreynwaltman: so its actually not a server hardware platform, and certainly fakeraid21:40
tomreynwaltman: i.e. use software RAID (or no RAID at all)21:41
waltmanOK, I think I just turned it off.21:44
tomreynremote power off but no remote power control?21:44
wiggmpkAnyone wanna help me figure out why vinagre is automatically starting after reboot/login? Nothing showing up in ~/.config/autostart or /etc/xdg/autostart21:46
waltmanOK, that fixed it. If I choose "Guided", will it give me a chance to partition the way I want, or just I just choose "manual"?21:47
tomreynwaltman: just manual21:47
waltmanok, thanks21:48
wiggmpkwaltman: guided will partion /boot swap and fill up the rest with /21:48
waltmanIt should really say that then!21:48
tomreynnot much space there, it probably does in some documentation21:49
sruliwhile doing a update on a new install (16.04) the update process hung, i cancelled it and tried again but i get a error unable to lock /var/lib/dpkg/ i checked with ps for /var/lib/dpkg/ and i get "/usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/infor/cryptsetup.prerm remove" and another line "/bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/cryptsetup.prerm remove" also my file explorer seems mest up, icon images have gone (all dirs look like unrecognised files http://im21:49
wiggmpkwaltman: agreed, but I believe it's geared towards the novice that wouldn't necessary care or know how to separate partitions.21:49
tomreynbut it surely would help, i agree21:49
waltmanNo, what it says is that you'll get a chance to review it, when you really don't.21:49
wiggmpkoh? I thought it showed you what it will write to the table...21:50
wiggmpkbeen a while21:50
waltmanMaybe I missed it the first time.21:51
wiggmpkIs there anywhere else I should look for applications starting automatically other than ~/.config/autostart or /etc/xdg/autostart ...?21:52
glowdemon1Whats the best way to search for packages to install with 'apt'? When I try 'apt list PDO' or 'apt search PDO' I can't find any packages21:53
glowdemon1Is there a better way or am I doing something wrong?21:53
sruliafter a reboot, i get debian grub, cant find my install it seems fs is messed up, what could have caused it? (^)21:54
wiggmpkglowdemon1: I believe it is apt-cache search yaddayadda21:54
waltmanIt's telling me I can't resize the 250 GB partition on sda because it's in use.21:54
wiggmpkwaltman: are you using a LiveCD/USB?21:55
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wiggmpkanything install on the drive?21:56
waltmanThe data from my first attempt at an install.21:56
MonkeyDustglowdemon1  this is what the search finds here ... what's your ubuntu version? use   cat /etc/issue21:57
MonkeyDustglowdemon1  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23690477/21:57
wiggmpkwaltman: nothing important?21:57
wiggmpkwaltman: should be an option to nuke the data21:58
wiggmpki mean delete the partition, definitely shouldn't be in use21:59
glowdemon1Ah. Just noticed I'm in the wrong channel, my computer runs Ubuntu but my Docker container runs Debian, it also may be because I'm in a Docker container21:59
waltmanI can't delete them because they're currently in use.21:59
wiggmpknot sure about that one waltman21:59
waltmanWTF can't I just do another clean install?!22:00
wiggmpkwaltman: you didnt explore the hard drive before you started the isntaller did you?22:00
waltmanIt shouldn't fucking try to mount anything!22:00
wiggmpkyou don't see a hard drive mounted on the desktop or anything?22:00
ikoniawaltman: stop swearing please22:00
waltmanIt gets frustrating trying to explain the same things over and over again22:01
wiggmpksorry mate, just being thorough22:01
waltmanOnce again, I'm doing a server install from a flash drive. I couldn't even do a desktop install because I had video issues.22:01
waltmanBooting off the flash drive, it's mounting the drives that were already there.22:02
waltmanAnd it won't let me clear out these old partitions.22:02
waltmanOK, I can boot off this flash drive, right?22:03
waltmanI can't just run ubuntu off the flash drive?22:03
waltmanI want to fdisk them manually.22:04
waltmanI guess not.22:07
waltmanrescue mode didn't work.22:07
waltmanoh wait, there it is.22:08
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tomreynwaltman: if you're looking for assistence by the volunteers around here, working in their spare time, then please consider a different attitude, and providing more information, output, screenshots.22:14
Andy80yes I was talking about this one http://pwnscriptum.com/ (sorry I was called and could not reply)22:15
Bray90820What's a good way to do automatic updates on ubuntu22:20
Bray90820Specifically 16.0422:20
MonkeyDustBray90820  in the system settings, you can set when you want to update22:21
waltmantomreyn: I'm sorry. Making screenshots is going to be very difficult, seeing as how this is currently a CLI-only system.22:21
tomreynwaltman: photos work, too. or just more verbose textual descriptions.22:23
Bray90820MonkeyDust: does that do update upgrade and dist-upgrade22:25
MonkeyDustBray90820  not sure, but you could write a custom upgrade script and execute it automaticaaly with cron22:27
Bashing-omBray90820: Check out /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades . See: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2343732 .22:27
tomreynAndy80: the way i see it, it's only exploitable if the sender address can be modified. which, for most softwares, is hopefully not the case.22:29
tomreyn* modified by non-administrative users of systems the software is running on, that is.22:30
first-time-userhi im new to using ubuntu or even linux at all and im having a bit of network issue i need help figuring out22:35
ikoniaubuntu-mate: stop it22:35
zomboy121Cinnamon > mate22:36
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trelosThis video woke me up: https://youtu.be/m0vFHhKOcII22:44
tomreynfirst-time-user: you will need to describe the issue22:47
first-time-useryes sorry i was reading the code of conduct since this is my first time here22:48
treloshttps://youtu.be/m0vFHhKOcII This video woke me up. It's really enlightening.22:49
first-time-userdidnt want to offend the chat22:49
tomreynoh right i also need to read that sometime22:49
OerHekstrelos, please don't spam youtube links, thanks.22:49
first-time-userbut my issue is related to mba22:50
first-time-useri can seem to see this htpc on my network im on 16.0422:51
GALL0can't get my mac to mount/see Ubuntu 16.04 samba share22:53
first-time-userso im unable to transfer files between pcs22:54
GALL0running 16.04 server, no GUI, edited `/etc/samba/smb.conf` and added22:55
GALL0path = /mnt22:55
GALL0valid users = <username>22:55
GALL0read only = no22:55
GALL0browseable = yes22:55
GALL0guest ok = yes22:55
GALL0when i try to connect from macOS finder using my ubuntu credntials gives me an error, and cant mount/see my ubuntu folders22:56
GALL0restarted samba with `sudo service smbd restart`22:56
treloshttps://youtu.be/m0vFHhKOcII This video woke me up. It's really enlightening. It's only 9 minutes.23:05
OerHeks!ops | trelos spam23:05
ubottutrelos spam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu23:05
trelosthe highest rated comment reads: You've always hit the nail on the head, all you require is a far larger platform for your knowledge to be heard.23:06
trelosWell, they are destroying the entire planet and have no connection to nature or anything/anyone, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Either way, they must be stopped.23:07
tomreynGALL0: your ubuntu user may not ahve access to /mnt23:08
GALL0but I should have access to /home/user23:08
GALL0made a samba share for ~/ but i can access eaither23:08
tomreynGALL0: not with this mount configuration you posted, no23:08
tomreynyou *can* access either? so no problem?23:09
GALL0i did [mnt] AND [home]  i can NOT access either23:09
GALL0from macOS23:09
tomreyncan you form ubuntu?23:10
GALL0i can `ls` from bash via ssh23:10
treloshttps://youtu.be/m0vFHhKOcII This video woke me up. It's really enlightening. It's only 9 minutes.23:10
tomreynvia smb / cifs23:10
tomreyntrelos: stop it, go away23:10
trelosThe Chabad Lubavitchers, the most powerful and influential group of these world destroyers, believe that gentiles are non-living souls, literally a different and eternally inferior species of soul, literal excrement left over after the creation process, and that the Jews themselves are the only actual living souls, and that they alone are the same quality of substance of the Godhead himself.23:10
trelosIn their belief system, in the Zohar for instance, it states clearly that when their messiah comes, all gentiles on the face of the Earth will be be enslaved, as most are already through fractional reserve usurious banking systems and so on, and ultimately all killed, every last one of us, and sent to dwell in hell under the Angel Duma, whoever that is.23:10
tomreyn / ignore trelos23:11
tomreyn/ignore trelos23:11
tomreyn^ use this command until the ops handle it23:11
trelostomreyn, more and more humans are waking up and revolting.23:12
tomreynGALL0: you should be able to access it from nautilus using smb://home23:12
tomreynthat's if it worked out.23:13
GALL0i dont hav nautilus23:13
GALL0server, no desktop/GUI23:13
trelosis this human? https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2015/03/15/michael-douglas-world-must-tackle-the-madness-of-anti-semitism/idf-18/23:17
eelstreboranyone know why this batman arkham dvd won't mount? works fine in a windows machine. i'm trying to install the game into a virtualbox win 10 guest but it won't mount on the ubuntu host - all my other dvd's mount ok.23:18
tomreynoh right sorry, then just: smbclient --user $USER //localhost/home23:18
tomreynGALL0: ^23:18
trelosI guess supremacist globalist jews do not really control the banks and conjure money out of thin air and “loan” it at interest. I guess this fraudulent, illegal apparatus does not function as an all-jewish shadow government which creates all the wars and strife.23:18
tomreyneelstrebor: copy protection maybe?23:19
trelosI guess that Judaism does not really designate gentiles as loathsome subhumans, that must be just another conspiracy theory cooked up by anti-semites, oy vey!23:19
=== Evan is now known as Guest96434
tomreyneelstrebor: maybe you can just pass it through to the VM23:20
Guest96434Hey guys, so I need some help with ftp23:20
eelstrebortomreyn, maybe, the dvd mounts on a windows host though23:20
eelstrebortomreyn, the guest doesn't see the dvd either23:20
tomreyneelstrebor: how did oyu pass it through then?23:21
eelstrebori didn't23:21
tomreynGuest96434: please descirbe in more detail23:21
tomreyneelstrebor: then how would the guest get to see it?23:21
Guest96434I'm connected remotely to my server and I can see the files but I can't write anything. I can nano them on the box and I have 666 access but over ftp it's read-only23:21
eelstrebortomreyn, the guest won't see it unless the host mounts it first23:22
tomreynGuest96434: 666, strange permissions. what's the idea behind that?23:22
tomreyneelstrebor: not if you pass the cdrom through (but i have not checked whether virtualbox lets you)23:23
Guest96434I was going to do 777 but it isn't executable so I removed that flag because the remote computer was getting confused when I opened it23:23
* eelstrebor asked in #vbox also but no one seems to be awake there23:24
* eelstrebor is wondering if there is an linux app or lib that's missing preventing the dvd from mounting23:25
Zeropedianany machine learning freaks here?23:26
Guest96434I seem to have messed up the permissions on this box so much I can't even access my home directory anymore. Time for a reinstall :)23:26
eelstreborGuest96434, it could be that you need to do a chown on your home directory23:27
kk4ewtor fix it23:27
tomreyneelstrebor: cdrom/dvd-rom/-rw writer passthrough using virtualbox by example http://askubuntu.com/questions/288288/how-to-enable-the-dvd-writer-passthrough-checkbox-in-virtualbox  https://i.stack.imgur.com/W6bMR.png23:27
PocketUserI have a coke addiction!23:27
kk4ewthome is usually 64423:27
PocketUserYea 64423:28
Guest96434eelstrebor, I did a chown and it didn't fix it. I'll try 64423:28
PocketUserCool let us know how you get on with 66423:29
eelstreborGuest96434, be sure to make it recursive - but some stuff in the home directory need certain permissions other than 644 - i.e. gnupg files23:29
kk4ewtchmod -cR 64423:30
Guest96434Still getting permission denied errors23:30
Ben64Guest96434: what error23:31
kk4ewtand what was the exact command that you used23:31
Guest96434Cannot access *: Permission denied23:31
PocketUserAre you sure you're typing it correct? Mine work ok with chmod -cR 64423:31
Guest96434sudo chmod -cR 644 /home/webadmin23:32
Ben64why would you recursively set everything to 64423:32
Ben64directories need executable bit set23:32
Guest96434great now sounds like a good time to reinstall since there's nothing on this vm23:32
Guest96434still not sure why i can't get ftp working but that'll be a project for another day23:33
kk4ewtGuest96434, is your user webadmin23:33
Guest96434kk4ewt yes23:33
josefig_hi all, what have you used in the case you need to read emails on raw and process depending on the contents of emails? I'm using fetchmail to retrieve the emails from an specific email account, but for example if I have any kind of command or notice I would like to create a bash script to do something else, how have you done this before? I know you're the gurus on this :)23:33
PocketUserOh welcome to the chat josefig!!23:34
josefig_hi PocketUser, thanks :)23:35
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trelosWell, they are destroying the entire planet and have no connection to nature or anything/anyone, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Either way, they must be stopped.23:38
PocketUserWhat's the point in keep changing your nick? Just makes you look at twat!23:38
IamKrilcovcan someone help me with dling ubuntu?23:39
trelosThe Chabad Lubavitchers, the most powerful and influential group of these world destroyers, believe that gentiles are non-living souls, literally a different and eternally inferior species of soul, literal excrement left over after the creation process, and that the Jews themselves are the only actual living souls, and that they alone are the same quality of substance of the Godhead himself.23:39
bazhangtrelos, wrong channel23:40
PocketUserWtf is trelos banging on about???23:40
Bashing-omIamKrilcov: What is the problem ?23:40
EriC^^IamKrilcov: what's up?23:40
bazhangno cursing here PocketUser23:40
trelosIn their belief system, in the Zohar for instance, it states clearly that when their messiah comes, all gentiles on the face of the Earth will be be enslaved, as most are already through fractional reserve usurious banking systems and so on, and ultimately all killed, every last one of us, and sent to dwell in hell under the Angel Duma, whoever that is.23:40
Zeropediananyone editing videos on ubuntu mate?23:41
bazhangZeropedian, what have you used so far23:41
IamKrilcovHow do i get to choose where my dl goes?23:41
SkeetHey guys, am trying to use boot-repair to fix grub problems. Currently had windows 10 and ubuntu dualbooting. Can someone help out?23:41
bazhangIamKrilcov, thats a setting in firefox23:42
Zeropediani tried everything23:42
IamKrilcovi am using the ubuntu browser.23:42
bazhangZeropedian, please name some of those23:42
Zeropedianlightworks and kdenlive seems to be the best that linux does offer23:42
EriC^^IamKrilcov: that browser is comical sort of23:42
Zeropedianlightworks is pretty close to sony vegas pro 12..23:42
IamKrilcovyea, thank you23:43
Zeropedianbut i never used it full time..so i am bit unconfident deleting my windows and switching to ubuntu23:43
EriC^^it's meant for the ubuntu touch stuff more than anything else i think23:43
PocketUserSorry! Trelos23:46
bazhangPocketUser, stay on topic here, chit chat elsewhere23:46
Guest96434Would anyone be willing to take me through a vsftpd setup that gives me write access to /var/www23:47
IamKrilcovcan someone direct me to a command line channel?23:47
IamKrilcovI need help with dl'ing shasum generators and using them23:47
tomreynIamKrilcov: this channel is, amongst other, about command lines23:51
SkeetCan someone help me repair my grub menu on win10/ubuntu dualboot? Encountering this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/23691239/23:51
tomreynIamKrilcov: you can use the sha*sum or openssl commands to generate shasums23:52
itsmemarioHi guys I am having issue. I want to copy information from my log file from the programme "Log", the informtion about "hardware" and "important". I installed multitails but i cannot make it work. any help / app suggestion?23:52
PocketUserI got it to work using chmod 775 /root23:53
PocketUser644 also works but isn't ideal for /www dir23:55
itsmemarioany help please?23:56
PocketUserObviously in sudo23:56
PocketUserWhat's up Mario?23:56
bazhangPocketUser, please stop the chit chat here23:56
SkeetCan someone help me repair my grub menu on win10/ubuntu dualboot? Encountering this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/23691239/23:57
PocketUserMario asked for help.... I asked him what help he needed!23:57
bazhangPocketUser, use tabcomplete for the actual nick23:57
Guest96434Anyone know why I can't write with vsftpd even though i have write enabled in the .conf?23:58
itsmemarioPocketUser: I am trying to get a copy of my log report (the same you can find in the "log" application). This app does not let me copy the data. I need to copy the "hardware" log section and the "important" section. Any ideas?23:58
IamKrilcovthis is hard23:58

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