
fossfreedommapreri: oh?  you mean my ubuntu.com address? https://launchpad.net/~fossfreedom  when I edit my email addresses LP says that my ubuntu.com is already registered to me... unless there is somewhere else I need to add it to?14:03
mitya57fossfreedom, your email address currently points to https://launchpad.net/~fossfreedom-x … Try going to that page and clicking on the link.14:08
fossfreedomah - think LP has got confused.  I've asked for a merge - somehow there was a fossfreedom-x account created when I gained my ubuntu membership.  cheers mitya57!14:09
maprerifossfreedom: exactly.  Now that's done.  BTW, it's also uncommon to hide the email address in the lp profile, but I can live with that (note that they are not visible to unlogged people anyway)14:18

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