
GALL0Ubuntu 16.04.1 server, no GUI. edit `/etc/samba/smb.conf`  with http://pastebin.com/Rb5rVSU7 at the end. restarted samba service, can't connect via finder/OS X01:48
sarnoldGALL0: check logs on both systems01:52
GALL0error19:54:03.076550 -0600kernelloginwindow is not entitled01:54
GALL0error19:54:03.076678 -0600kernelUserEventAgent is not entitled01:54
GALL0on mac01:55
GALL0what log would it be in ubunu?02:00
tomreyn/var/log/syslog i guess02:04
sarnoldsorry, it's been ages since I've dealt with samba issues.. look around for nmbd or smbd logs, auth logs, etc..02:04
patdk-lapor one of the many samba log files02:04
patdk-lapwho knows, cause samba names it all kinds of crazy things, based on the name and ip of your mac02:05
sarnoldI suspect those mac events aren't related to the issue, they feel kinda vague and unrelated02:05
sarnoldheh so true02:05
sarnoldit can fail at basically all levels of the networking stack. it's not an easy thing to troubleshoot02:06
patdk-lapya, I found mine failing in odd ways02:06
patdk-lapI can copy files to and from mine02:07
patdk-lapbut I cannot mount the drive02:07
patdk-laplog fails, due to unsupported encryption data connection02:07
sarnoldwhere do you even start? :)02:07
patdk-lapthe samba host doesn't do encrypted data, only signed02:07
patdk-lapand I have enforce encryption set on all the machines02:07
patdk-lapfunny it even works at all02:07
patdk-lapthat system just needs to be upgraded02:08
GALL0var/../log.smbd https://hastebin.com/gusuzobicu.pas02:10
sarnoldthat's it? that's .. not much to work with.02:14
GALL0new install02:14
GALL0syslog only has services started/stopped02:14
sarnoldyou can try something like tail -F /var/log/* and try the operation again, that might give you something to work with. Without a concrete error message from _something_ you're basically lost.02:15
GALL0well, seems like someone is trying to brute force02:23
GALL0fail2ban and auth.log printing out a lot02:23
sarnoldif it's reachable on the internet, that's practically a given these days02:23
tomreynthat's gonna be ssh. hopefully you dont have samba shares on the internet02:24
sarnold^^ yes. that. don't put samba on the internet. :)02:24
compdocthe last man to put samba on the internet became known as PirateBay, and he made millions02:48
=== Into_the_Pit is now known as Frickelpit
charlie2Have a server I haven't touched in years having problems now.05:48
charlie2Seems like a disk space utilization issue and can't seem to free up space.  I know I solved this years ago and can't remember what the heck I did.05:49
charlie2Here's my df - h:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/23692705/05:49
patdk-lapwell, start with, du -shx /*05:58
patdk-lapand keep moving around based on what you find05:59
charlie2Thanks.  Looks like a cloud backup program gone awry....06:31
charlie2Uninstalled and all seems to be good now.06:31
ducassei'm setting up exim on 16.04, but all mail is sent from user@hostname.domain.com even though /etc/mailname is set to domain.com - any ideas what i'm doing wrong?08:11
lordievaderGood morning08:26
=== JanC is now known as Guest58368
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Genk1what is the best strategy to implement high avaibility in Postfix servers15:27
blackflowwhat kind of HA do you need specific to Postfix, that's not general HA like a distributed storage + IP failover?15:31
blackflowalso keep in mind that the mail protocol is designed for transitional issues so you don't really need 100% uptime, meaning much simpler failover solutions are acceptable15:32
Genk1blackflow, hmm I see15:33
Genk1blackflow, so how to implement the first use case you suggested15:34
ziyourenxiangset up two instances, point MX at them15:35
blackflowpeople use glusterfs in production for storage redundancy in combination with IP failover that is not specific to OS but to the hosting infrastructure. Tools like "heartbeat" help with that.15:35
blackflowthere's also DRBD but I don't know much more about that part.15:36
Genk1blackflow, I see15:36
Genk1so you are talking about traditional HA here15:37
blackflowor simply outsource that to a hosting company that does proper "cloud" service (automatic storage failover + VM migration) so you don't need to think of the hardware at all.15:37
blackflowGenk1: yeah.15:37
Genk1blackflow, absulotely right15:38
Genk1thank you15:38
MASMthere is some command here to skip  user has joined o has quit?16:55
PosterThat would be in your client itself16:57
blackflowMASM: http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages16:58
MASMblackflow: Thanks a lot :like:17:01
=== Amgine_ is now known as Amgine
MASMHide Join17:04
MASM:s i use this command to ignore quit and joins /ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS17:47
MASMbut it didn't work17:47
MASM:s hello some one help me, i wan't to ignore 'quit' or 'joined' in this chat i use '/ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS'  but it didn't work, and '/ignore #ubuntu-server JOINS PARTS QUITS' but it didn't work18:41
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Smokiehey guys, got an issue with an ubuntu server im running, for some reason it does not want to resolve any hostnames23:11
Smokiethis is my interface settings https://paste.ubuntu.com/23697252/23:11
patdk-lapya, that shouldn't resolve hostnames, need a dns search param23:18
patdk-lapbut I think you mean general dns names23:18
patdk-lapyou *sure* that mtu is right?23:19
patdk-lapeverything on that network has mtu 1492 configured on it?23:19
Smokiepatdk-lap, yeah23:21
Smokiewhat do you mean it shouldnt resolve hostnames though?23:21
patdk-lapa hostname is something like, server123:22
patdk-lapa fqdn is what your looking for, server1.example.com23:22
patdk-lapdns doesn't work with hostnames, unless you use a search param23:22
Smokiewell, it wont resolve google.com with that setting23:22
Smokiedns-nameservers is the right one, right?23:23
patdk-lap"search Search list for host-name lookup."23:23
patdk-lapwhat does /etc/resolv.conf contain?23:23
Smokiepatdk-lap, nothing.. it says not to manually edit that file23:23
patdk-lapyou do have in that file, auto eth0, somewhere right?23:24
patdk-lapor did a ifup eth0 manually?23:24
Smokiei just checked, yes :p23:24
Smokieim connected to the server using that ip actually23:25
patdk-lapis /etc/resolv.conf a link?23:25
patdk-lapjust cause your using that ip and it's configured that way, doesn't mean it was not manually configured cause that file didn't work :)23:25
patdk-lapwell, if /etc/resolv.conf is a link and it sounds like it probably is23:26
Smokiepatdk-lap, here is the full file https://paste.ubuntu.com/23697290/23:27
patdk-lapI can only help more with a complete unedited /etc/network/interfaces file23:27
patdk-lapI guess it might be something with the ipv6 address23:28
patdk-lapit's not in an ipv6 section at all, it might be syntax checking it23:28
patdk-lapsince it's not valid for the ipv4 config block23:28
Smokiei tried without it, will try again now23:29
Smokiestill says ping: unknown host google.com23:31
patdk-laphow did you test?23:31
patdk-lapifdown/ifup, or reboot?23:31
Smokie /etc/init.d/networking restart23:32
patdk-laphmm, strange, that has never been supported, and I don't think has worked since 12.0423:32
Smokiethis is 12.04.5 hehehe23:34
Smokieno dice23:42

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