=== _stowa_ is now known as _stowa [02:05] sel [09:59] Morning [10:08] morning boys and girls. [11:47] 2016 needs to be over now. carrie fisher was the last strawer [12:44] still a few days to go so the bumpy ride has not come to a complete halt yet... [12:58] afternoon peeps [12:58] at the cinema waiting to see rogue 1 [12:59] welcome to queuing in irc... :-) [13:00] got my seat [13:00] waiting for the mandatory commercials [13:01] since i am a paying customer i MUST be fed adds [13:01] and i hope you bought sweets with the noisiest wrappers possible [13:01] i cannot possibly rise above the volume of the annoying minors behind me [13:02] yeah, i usually only go to cinema ungodly early to avoid the noisy idiots [13:03] i try to, too little time too many idiots [13:04] i know someone who buys extra drinks to pour on seats in front and behind him... [13:04] brilliantly evil and effective [13:05] completly antisocial but somehow admirable in a weird way [13:08] true === Victor is now known as Guest36803 [13:10] amd we are off [13:11] enjoy knightphone :) === SirMarky1 is now known as SirMarky [20:25] evening boys and girls. [20:25] hey brobostigon [20:25] hi penguin42 [22:36] the kittens helped me work today :) http://imgur.com/a/tWQkf [22:42] :) [22:45] https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qxtjbwkxdpx776/VID_20161226_142835.mp4?dl=0