[03:02] Hey everyone, is anyone around who might be able to help with some problems I'm (a newbie) having with suspending my machine? [03:19] I'd like to put lubuntu on an AMD64 bit computer , will the installation support a usb dongle to connect to the internet ? Thanks [03:33] hello all, I've been thinking of installing lubuntu to hard drive on amd64bit , will the installation allow me to connect to the internet through a usb mobile broadband dongle? , thanks! [03:34] JiminyTodd: Hiya! It should, there's only one way to find out... :) [03:35] yes, give it a go .... ! [03:36] is there a network manager which is compatible with that sort of connection ? [03:42] thanks === JackFrost is now known as Unit193 [19:34] Is lxqt still being worked on? [19:34] yes [19:34] Will it be ready for 17? [19:37] probably not [19:37] still a lot of work to do [19:38] also we don't even have a verion 1 yet, so there's that XD [19:38] .12 is the last one? [19:38] Version? [19:38] .11 [19:38] https://downloads.lxqt.org/lxqt/ [19:39] I thought it was nearly ready... [19:39] in other words it's the 11th point release of version 0 [19:39] if you want to question WHY that is, i'd say join #lxde :) [19:40] It was supposed to be released with 16.10, now NOT ready for 17? [19:40] that was the hope [19:40] but ther's been plenty of roadblocks [19:40] Supposed? Who said that? [19:40] You can install lxqt desktop and try it out i that's what you want [19:40] xangua: totally horrible rumors [19:40] which i've tried desperately to squish with the Hell Hammers, but with no luck. [19:41] teward: no, your site. [19:41] ChunkzZ: where the heck did you see that? [19:41] "your site"? [19:41] there was never a statement it'd be *ready* for primary DE usage with 16.10 [19:41] Lubuntu.me [19:41] link or it's lies [19:41] ^ [19:41] because I know it was said it would be released in the *repositories* [19:42] but not as the *primary DE* [19:42] there's certainly nothing on the main page, ChunkzZ [19:42] I remember seeing it say it wasn't released with 16.10 but will be released with 17 [19:42] here's a search for you http://lubuntu.me/?s=lxqt&submit=Search [19:42] Implanted memories? ChunkzZ [19:43] And a member here said it was almost ready [19:43] there is http://lubuntu.me/yakkety-released/ [19:43] What member? [19:43] which says: General bug fix release as we prepare to switch to LXQt. [19:43] Yeah [19:43] that doesn't seem consistent with what you're saying, ChunkzZ [19:43] there's no timeline there and no specifics [19:44] Yeah, you're right. [19:44] Sorry. [19:44] just be patient. it will come. [19:44] Or install it now!! [19:44] xangua: no [19:45] :-( [19:45] Lubuntu is my favourite distribution. I've tried a lot too. [19:47] Anyway, sorry for bothering y'all. [19:48] no bother, ChunkzZ [19:48] we're glad to have you [19:48] if you want to help out, we'd be glad to have you!! [19:50] (well, more glad) [19:50] XD [20:02] Help please I want to run in Ubuntu on Android TV Box [20:07] But an Intel stick with Ubuntu, I read you can install Ubuntu on those fire sticks also [20:07] Buy* [20:08] https://thepasteb.in/p/NxhVDvyQ6B0fN [20:08] Amlogic S905X Quad Core Cortex A53 2.0GHz 64bit [20:11] I do not have an Intel Android me as I set lubuntu it please tell me [20:13] both run on Android lubuntu [20:14] both run on Android lubuntu [20:14] Amlogic S905X Quad Core Cortex A53 2.0GHz 64bit