
=== LiQiong_Lee1 is now known as LiQiong_Lee
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brunch875woah, the mailing list surely burns11:05
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
lugariushoruxan: still here?18:46
lugariushello rakete, matrix user huh?18:47
horuxanyes lugarius19:10
horuxannow error on ICrypto19:11
horuxanand rild.te19:11
lugariusWhat is ICrypto or rild.te19:13
lugariushoruxan: your link is unusable for me19:14
lugariushttp://pastebin.om/ is unknown for me19:15
lugariusgood, a bot19:16
lugariushoruxan: what19:33
lugariusso, what is that?19:55
horuxanError, I'm trying to port the ubuntu for moto g titan20:34
lugariusuff, no idea mate,  contact mario grip20:42
TartSparthi there20:53
TartSpartcan anyone tell me about SWAP use in Ubuntu Touch?20:53
TartSpartDo you know anything about SWAP use in Ubuntu Touch?21:07
TartSpartHi there21:14
TartSpartSpreken ze English?21:16
dobey!patience | TartSpart21:18
ubot5`TartSpart: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:18
TartSpartAre yuk guys real users or bots?21:19
dobeyubot5` is a bot21:19
ubot5`Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:19
TartSpartAre you real dobey?21:20
dobeythat's questionable. but philosophy is not the topic of this channel21:20
TartSpartOk, I want to know if I should adjust my swappiness value from 100 on my BQ Aquarius  M10.21:21
dobeyno, i don't think so21:22
TartSpartI'm using gnome-system-monitor and my SWAP file is like 496/512MB21:23
TartSpartWhich alarms me I have to admit.21:23
dobeyi would suggest that gnome-system-monitor on the m10 under libertine, is probably not especially useful21:24
horuxanmariogrip, hello21:24
horuxangood night21:24
dobeyyou'd be better to open the main terminal app and see what "free" and "top" have to say about memory usage21:25
dobeyi don't know what all you're doing on your tablet, but i would say in general changing the "swappiness" from the defaults is probably not a great idea21:26
TartSpartGenerally just multitasking casually across several apps.21:27
dobeyunity8 apps or legacy apps?21:28
TartSpart Swap:       524284     503520      20764 is the output of "free"21:28
TartSpartPrimarily Unity8, I just have the system monitor up from legacy.21:28
dobeyie, firefox is pretty heavy in terms of memory usage, and the m10 only has i think 3 GB RAM21:28
dobeywell sort by memory usage in top and see what's eating memory. maybe something has a leak or something?21:29
TartSpart2GB actually. Yes I have several tabs on the default Ubuntu browser.21:29
dobeyalso if you dumped any large files into /tmp for example, that will eat up memory, as /tmp is a ram fs21:29
dobeyyeah, the browser will eat up memory too. it's the chromium content api that powers it21:30
dobeyso more tabs == more ram21:30
TartSpartOk, I'll quit it for starters.21:31
TartSpartAnd of course that immediately dips the RAM and SWAP, phew.21:32
TartSpartAh about tmp. I was wondering. Is it a RAM disk fs by default? As in can I put files of any size up to a certain limit depending on RAM usage and that can reduce writes to the flash storage of the device?21:34
dobeyyes, /tmp is ramdisk21:36
TartSpartThat's how I sometimes use my desktop with 8GB of RAM and an SSD, to prolong the r/w lifecycle of the SSD. But I had to specifically configure that system to permit a 4GB RAM disk mounted  in tmp  and I wasn't sure if the same was applicable for UT devices.21:37
dobeywell, /tmp is a memory backed filesystem on Ubuntu. that includes phone/tablet/server/pc21:39
TartSpartSo there's no arbitrary memory limitation outside of the size of RAM and what's loaded in memory, to limit the size of file which can be placed in the directory?21:41
TartSpartOr files plural.21:43
dobeybasically, yeah21:43
TartSpartGreat! Thanks for telling me, web searches yielded nothing.21:44
dobey"df" would have told you :)21:44
TartSpartAgain, thanks. How familiar are you with installing Libertine apps to Touch devices?21:45
dobeynot especially. the libertine app provides the ui for managing containers iirc21:46
dobeybasically you can apt-get install pretty much anything inside the container, that's in the archives21:47
TartSpartIndeed. I've been playing about with several today. Video game emulators seem out of the question due to a lack of Opening on the M10.21:48
TartSpartVlc also chokes on video output, which is diappointing, but I'm wondering if there's a way to fix that.21:48
TartSpart*OpenGL  not opening21:49
dobeyopengl should work21:49
dobeyoh, maybe there is something that needs changed in how the X servers get run though21:50
TartSpartIt seems to break emulators whenever I apply it in the settings.21:50
dobeythere are some emulators in the app store that run on unity8 directly21:51
dobey(not sure what you're looking for exactly though)21:51
dobeylibertine devs would be better to answer that21:52
dobeyyou'll have better luck after jan 3 though, when people start coming back from vacation :)21:52
TartSpartMaybe, I'll check out U8 emus. But as for VLC, someone told me that the M10's CPU is too slow for software decoding, and hardware accelerated decoding is somehow hamstrung in Libertine apps, possibly related to how the X servers function as you say.21:55
TartSpartSound about right to you?21:57
dobeywell hardware decoding is probably a little more complex, for security22:01
dobeythe CPU probably is indeed not great for software decoding22:02
TartSpartAgain like you say I guess my best bet is to talk to the Libertine debs.22:02
TartSpartAre you familiar with the factory desktop apps e.g. gedit, Libre Office, Firefox etc how you need to mount the SD card via terminal so that they can interact with the card?22:05
dobeyit would need to be bind mounted somewhere into the container's chroot; i don't know exactly how best to do it though. another question for libertine devs i would suggest22:06
TartSpartWell I mean it's an easy enough mount command, that itself isn't a problem.22:07
TartSpartBut if you try this with any desktop apps you manually install via Libertine e.g. Vlc then for whatever reason they still don't detect the card.22:09
TartSpartThat's another thing I need an explanation/fix for and I hope the debs can help.22:10
TartSpartdevs *22:13
TartSpartAnyway what devices are you guys using?22:16
dobeywell you presumably created another container, and vlc is in that other container. so you have to mount it in each container you want to use it in22:20
TartSpartAh, very good point, I hadn't thought of that!22:21
dobeyanyway, have to go22:23
TartSpartOk thanks man, see ya!22:25
TsekoI want to ask you about ubuntu phone23:20
TsekoCan i using on my blackberry 10 ?23:21
TsekoBlackbery classic *23:21
OerHeksTseko, no. see the supported devices and ports23:25
TsekoCan you give me list with them23:25
TsekoThank you23:26
OerHeksand if that phone meets the specs, start your own port? https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/phone/devices/porting-new-device/23:26
TsekoHave a nice day23:27
OerHeksYou too!23:28

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