
CodeMouse92wedgie: Mind if I hand this one to you? I've gotta move a desk00:00
wedgieCodeMouse92: i have no idea what i'm doing :P00:00
wiggmpkI'm thinking it's fontconfig:i38600:00
wiggmpktried that one first, wants the whole farm00:00
CodeMouse92wedgie: That makes two of us00:00
CodeMouse92wiggmpk: Check the rest00:01
wiggmpklibgtk2.0-0:i386 only wants it's actual dependacies00:01
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CodeMouse92wiggmpk: If fontconfig:1386 turns out to be it, it may be due to the debian packaging being messed up on their end; thus possibly worthy of a bug report00:02
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wiggmpkso it is fontconfig:i38600:06
wiggmpkCodeMouse92: but that's easy to solve.. I vaguely remember seeing the amd64 package being uninstalled. So I should just be able to reinstall that and it will remove the i386 package00:06
wiggmpkthank you for the help CodeMouse92 and wedgie00:08
kristhianhello guys, i have installed gnome to my desktop and when i uninstalled it my desktop unity was gone.00:13
kristhianis there a way to return it back by installing it?00:13
kristhiantried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop but no luck.00:13
xanguakristhian: what do you mean by unity is gone?00:18
fogmaqefogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaq00:19
fogmaqefogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaq00:19
fogmaqefogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaq00:19
fogmaqefogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaque fogmaq00:19
pplzlpplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl00:20
pplzlpplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl00:20
pplzlpplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl00:20
pplzlpplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl pplzl00:20
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu00:21
blackflownicomachus: for what :) Sigyn sniped it00:21
ponyofdeathhey guys, I am trying to get nslcd + pam working. I have it all set up and getent passwd group and shadow all return properly. When I try and log in tho nslcd tryies to use my login account to do a ldap search which is not allowed on that account and fails my login. if i use the bind account to log in it works fine. any ideas what I am missing?00:25
regeditBashing-om: shutdown the machine, opened the box, discover super hot CPU/heatsink/fan with layers of accumulated dust obstructing wind flow. Cleaned it out, re-assembled, re-installed fresh 16.10, seems remarkably stable so far.... hmmm00:26
regeditakik_: ^00:28
Bashing-omregedit: Makes sense, I too have an old box sitting in a "bad" place, I know now when the fans are screamming to clean the box of accumulated dust bunnies .00:29
regediti guess it can get as bad as the CPU going hiccup on actual processing/computations, making things go berserk & crash?..00:29
regeditso weird00:30
regeditit was really feeling flaky & unstable before, now none of that going on - rock solid robustness00:30
Bashing-omregedit: Clean is good :)00:31
=== CHVNX is now known as DrGeoX
regeditoh well thanks for the tips & help guys00:39
regeditgtr, cheers00:39
=== thomas is now known as Guest16113
jordenhi, everyone01:00
kristhianguys, hello what is the command to restart a system?01:09
Bashing-omkristhian: try ' sudo reboot ' .01:10
CodeMouse92kristhian: Adding to that, for more control, try "sudo shutdown -r 0" (you can set time-to-restart in minutes in place of 0)01:13
kk4ewtshutdown -r now01:14
=== fael is now known as Guest72358
kristhianthanks guys01:18
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kristhianCodeMouse92 and Bashing-om01:19
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rnetocombr /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER rnetocombr ayyjwyxqojhr01:44
coonwandnot forgiven01:44
jjgalvez__I wrote a small program and installed it manually to /opt. I also wrote a .desktop file that I copied to /usr/share/applications however even after rebooting it is not visable in the gnome menu. What am I missing?01:59
jjgalvez__trying to get my system to see a hand written .desktop file, desktop-file-validate shows nothing and update-desktop-database does nothing, what am I doing wrong?02:17
=== violet_ is now known as violet
tomreynjjgalvez__: ownership, permissions?=02:28
jjgalvez__root:root for the .desktop file02:29
tomreynthat's ownership. permissions?02:29
tomreyneverything else in there seems to be 064402:30
hooptieheyo, trying to do some globbing expansion in a shell script, but doesn't seem to work as expected: microservices=([ms|api].*) yeilds a single string of exactly what's in the parens.... How do I force expansion to occur?02:33
hooptieI read using ls isn't suggested, although no one ever says why...02:33
hooptiemy assumption is due to alias' that might cause funky output02:33
wedgiehooptie: might try in #bash02:35
wedgiebut does ''echo [ms|api].*'' yield a list that looks right?02:36
kwtmHow do I find out from the command line why a certain dependency was not installed?  E.g. in my case: " Unpacking qstopmotion (2.3.2) ...  qstopmotion depends on libavbin0 (>= 7-1); however: Package libavbin0 is not installed.  "  So why doesn't dpkg -i install it, then?  Is there some conflict?02:37
hooptie@wedgie, thanks02:37
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest68791
Bashing-om!info libavbin0 xenial | kwtm02:44
ubottukwtm: Package libavbin0 does not exist in xenial02:44
kwtmThanks, Bashing-om, but When I type "apt-cache policy libavbin0", I get : libavbin0: Installed: (none) Candidate: 7-1.4build1 Version table: 7-1.4build1 0 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages02:46
kwtmSo, is there a way to tell what dkpg is thinking when it doesn't install?  E.g. "package version is too advanced, will not install v7-1.402:47
kwtmor something like that?  (wups, pressed Enter instead of Close Quote)02:47
kwtmI mean, you can see that the package exists for Trusty, which is what I'm running.02:47
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tomreynkwtm: dpkg doesn't install dependencies. resolving depoendencies is what apt is good for.02:51
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tomreynkwtm: why do you do "dpkg -i <package>" at all, when you can probably install it from an apt repository using apt instead?02:52
drjamah, that explains some stuff for me now, thanks tomreyn02:53
drjamhad issues getting influxdb and grafana and the other one installed on ubuntu02:54
kwtmBecause the "probably" part didn't work out.  I couldn't find qstopmotion in a repository, although I found a .deb file.  What is the correct command to install dependencies?  "apt-get install --from-file /some/path/to/file.deb" or something?02:55
kwtm(that was for tomreyn)02:55
kwtmsorry, will be stepping away from computer from time to time.  Got an ill family member on my hands.02:56
tomreynmost of the time "dpkg -i <packagefile>" not a good idea for dependency handling, but moreover for lack of an upgrade and security upgrade path. if there is really no alternative to using .deb packages directly, then, after ensuring it's really for the debian derivative that is ubuntu, and the release versionn of ubuntu you run, install it this way, and run "apt-get update && apt-get -f install" afterwards to resolve dependencies / conflicts.02:57
tomreynkwtm, drjam ^02:58
tomreyn* IS not a good idea02:59
tomreynhello there03:02
kwtmtomreyn: okay, will do apt-get -f install to see if it helps.  I updated already.03:07
Bashing-om!info libavbin0 trusty03:08
ubottulibavbin0 (source: avbin): cross-platform media decoding library. In component universe, is extra. Version 7-1.4build1 (trusty), package size 8 kB, installed size 45 kB03:08
CountryfiedLinuxAre there still OEM install ISOs?03:09
one808Hello everyone03:09
Bashing-omCountryfiedLinux: Yes, the desktops I know support that option .03:10
CountryfiedLinuxBashing-om, Where's the OEM ISOs?03:10
Bashing-omCountryfiedLinux:  When you boot the desktop live environment to the boot options there is that option in the menu .03:12
CountryfiedLinuxBashing-om, Oh ok thanks.03:13
=== Warrigal is now known as tswett
kostkonCountryfiedLinux, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview03:17
drjamtomreyn, i wrote that line down.... thanks guv03:21
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nbastinI just want to rant, and I don't expect anyone to actually answer this question...but why the $%*& can't visudo actualy be vi...03:40
nbastin(by default)03:40
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wedgieit's just a wrapper to make sure you don't dork up the permissions of your sudoers file. Uses your default editor03:42
nbastinwedgie: not to go deep on this.... ;-)  but your "Default editor" from a base install is pico, while vi is on the system (thanks for at least some POSIX compliance)03:43
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nbastincall it picosudo and change the docs.. :-)03:44
nbastinanyhow, it's just a minor annoyance, but...blah, just the inconsistencies eventually pile up03:45
causativewhat's the best calendar app?  I want specifically the ability to drag & drop, copy & paste events, which gnome calendar lacks03:55
r_riosHello. Is there a way for me to disable unity's compositing without restarting the session?03:56
r_riosI'm running it in a VM and the effects are making it pretty slow03:56
r_riosStill here03:58
MarkB2I'm setting up Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64-bit on an Intel Joule and have gotten to the point where it ..demands.. that its wifi link be set up04:11
MarkB2I have a wifi router, know all the configuration stuff, and typed in the SSID and password.04:12
MarkB2Selected DHCPv4 .04:12
MarkB2.... and it times out trying to connect.04:12
MarkB2When I've set up a different distributon of Linux, the system would install and allow me to bypass the network setup (because a default somewhere was set wrong) ... but I can't get by this step in the install.04:14
MarkB2Could someone give me an assist troubleshooting this?04:16
kenziefc[m]Uncheck download updates while installing probably?04:18
kenziefc[m]I'm just guessing04:18
kenziefc[m]or connect it via ethernet straight to your router04:18
MarkB2This is an Intel Joule board... all it has is a couple of wifi antennas plugged into the board.04:19
MarkB2Now I wish I'd invested in a USB to 100-BaseT interface.04:19
kenziefc[m]The installation should still work offline04:20
MarkB2I think most of the Ubuntu install went in.  But it won't let me proceed past this network setup screen.  After that, I suppose, it'll let me set root's password.04:21
MarkB2It says:  Ubuntu Core  Configure the network and setup an administrator account on this all-snap Ubuntu Core system04:22
kenziefc[m]Yeah after reading the manual, seems like theres no way around it. You have to setup the network first04:24
kenziefc[m]Have you tried resetting your router?04:24
MarkB2<heh> I do that.. and I have to setup every PC in this place.  I'm chatting to you through it.04:25
MarkB2Aw fudge.04:25
MarkB2Now it's screwed up.04:25
MarkB2filesystem fault somewhere.04:26
* MarkB2 pulls out his USB to SDHC adapter, prepares to reflash the fool SDHC card.04:26
MarkB2And... I don't have the image file on the Windows (this) box.  it wants me to download tuchuck-xxxx.img.xz .04:31
MarkB2Beats me what tool, in WindowsLand, that can dink with a .xz file.04:31
MarkB2In LinuxLand, can I use dd to dump the uncompressed binary to a flash device?04:32
MarkB2OH FUN.04:34
kenziefc[m]It works with Raspberry Pi, I'm not sure if it would work with Intel Joule04:34
* MarkB2 curses a little.04:34
MarkB2It wants me to put Ubuntu on this computer and run some tool named, "Startup Disk Creator"04:34
kenziefc[m]http://www.7-zip.org/ is available for Windows as well04:34
MarkB2brb... going to reboot into LinuxLand for this trick.04:35
MarkB2geeze.  This is a LOT easer on a Pi!04:35
LinuxNoviceany ubuntu users from India here?05:01
MarkB2Canonical must be having network issues.. because all I'm getting for a fresh download is something like 100 KByte/sec.  Which is ridiculous.05:01
yao_ziyuanthe package ttf-mscorefonts-installer needs to download some font files from sourceforge.net which is not directly accessible from china. i tried http_proxy=http://... sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer, but this proxy setting doesn't seem to work. what's the right command to apply a proxy to this?05:05
ubottuGo to "System",  "Administration", and "Software Sources" and choose "Other" from the drop down box. Then choose "select best server" and your system will choose the fastest mirror for you automatically.05:05
compacthi, should my local time and universal time be the same? local time i have australia/sydney and universal time is UTC05:08
yao_ziyuankostkon: is your message for me? it doesn't seem relevant.05:09
kostkonyao_ziyuan, no, it was for MarkB205:09
MarkB2koston: Not sure which website you're referring to.  Intel supplied a link to a download site .. and it started downloading from CanonicalLand.05:11
MarkB2The transfer rate is now down to something like 60Kb to 80Kb per second.  Hm. This ..could.. take a while.05:12
tomreynyao_ziyuan: for apt commands, there is an option for a http proxy05:13
kostkonMarkB2, oh ok, never mind then05:13
yao_ziyuantomreyn: i found it via google05:13
MarkB2kostkon: There are too many file formats out there.  There is an ISO.  There's an IMG.  At the moment I'm running Slackware 14.1..05:15
MarkB2If I could find the source code to Ubuntu's Create System Disk program, I'd compile and run it ... but durned if I can find it.05:15
mark___hi everyone this is my first time use this stuff i feels happy05:16
tomreynyao_ziyuan: good.05:16
mark___i want have sex with some baby05:17
mark___is there any?05:17
tomreynmark___: stop05:17
mark___why what?05:17
brandon1407mark___: wtf05:17
MarkB2kostkon: Somewhere on the net I saw directions for switching the default boot device from the SDHC card to an external USB hdd.05:18
brandon1407MarkB2: what are you talking about? The Raspberry Pi?05:20
tomreyncompact: they should be pretty different. check timeanddate.com05:20
MarkB2Oh, I've already got a Pi set up to run off an external hd.  Now I'm trying to get an Intel Joule up and running.05:21
MarkB2Managed to get the BIOS flashed up... but Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS for the platform is stepping all over it's 21st member.05:21
brandon1407Oh okay. I just got a raspberry pi 3 for Christmas. Running Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS on it pretty smoothly :)05:22
MarkB2Running off the SDHC card or from external hdd ?05:22
brandon1407Running off the SDHC05:22
tomreynin case anyone is wondering, MarkB2 is probably referring to this: http://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/intel-joule/05:23
MarkB2You will LOVE it when running from an HD.05:23
MarkB2Nice & smooth.05:23
MarkB2tomreyn: that looks about right.05:23
brandon1407I bought a Samsung EVO Select 32Gb Class 10 micro SDHC, it's been working fine for me so far05:23
* MarkB2 is unhappy with SDD's.05:24
MarkB2I'm also unhappy using sdhc cards as mass fast random storage.  They damage too fast.05:24
brandon1407It would be nice to boot from a 1T SSD though. I'm thinking about making a Raspberry pi 3 cluster before I start booting from that though05:25
tomreyni think downloads from people.canonical.com are indeed rate limited05:25
MarkB2tomreyn: I would have been very happy to download the image from ..somewhere else.  But I didn;'t know .. where..05:26
brandon1407Oh and btw, this is the first Raspberry Pi board I've ever got, my problem is I can't seem to get the sound working properly on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS. Does anyone have a fix?05:27
tomreynMarkB2: me neither. it's not the default ubuntu desktop or server build, looks more like testing / developerment stage , otherwise it'd probably be on the main mirrors.05:28
MarkB2tomreyn: I believe it.  I think the Joule board was announced in September.  Intel is ..attempting.. to suck off some of the Pi market.05:29
MarkB2<heh>  They threw a lot of silicon at the Joule... but the best bang-for-buck is still the Pi3.05:29
tomreynwith a 10 fold price05:29
MarkB2tomreyn: Yeah, that was going to be my next observation.05:30
pravinMarkB2: What OS does Joule board use?05:30
MarkB2The Joule board requires a 12 volt 3 amp supply.05:30
MarkB2pravin: They offer three: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64-bit, Windows 10-IOT, and something called "Reference Linux".05:31
MarkB2But their BIOS flash mechanism is so putrid.05:31
tomreynwe should probably move this chat to -offtopic05:31
MarkB2Okay.. I'm watching that.05:33
MarkB2I so want to get Ubuntu loaded into that Joule board...05:34
MarkB2Holy Smokes.05:42
MarkB2It found my wifi router.05:42
gde33can I make or modify a firefox link on the launch bar that opens the profile manager if the browser is open?05:42
MarkB2Now it wants an email address from a store account??05:42
gde33on windos one would put -p -no-remote behind the shortcut target05:44
david__hello.  I just got a dell precision m3510 laptop and I am having some trouble installing ubuntu and ubuntu studio side by side.05:46
tomreyndavid__: hi. personally i won't be able to help for roughly 40 minutes. but maybe someone else will if you provide more information on the issues you're seeing.05:49
david__I assume that the issue has something to do with EFI.  Never had an EFI machine before05:49
david__okay, i will try a solution I see on askubuntu and then pop back in and ask again if I can't get it going05:50
tomreyndescribe what is failing and how, show screne shots or use a ...05:50
adymitrukis there a way to set your timezone on a server or session on a server?05:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:50
adymitrukIf I run something like `date`, it should show my date and time05:51
adymitrukalso, if I'm running weechat on that server, the times should reflect the time in my timezone05:51
adymitrukis that per program or an env thing?05:51
MarkB2tomreyn: I just got my socks blown off.  Canonical wants me to set up an account for the Joule to access... and they're going to charge me for software updates and downloads.05:53
kk4ewtadymitruk,  why should a server reset to your time?05:53
kk4ewtyou can set the timezone to your timezone and it should show your time in the logs05:54
Guest92962hi! when winbind maps users and groups from active directory to linux users and groups. does it keeps the same values?05:59
adymitrukkk4ewt: running weechat on a server06:04
adymitrukI'd just like it to display the time according to my timezone06:04
adymitrukprobably something I could do in weechat but thinking there would be a better way?06:05
kk4ewtadymitruk,  do you control the server06:05
adymitrukkk4ewt: I do06:05
kk4ewtthen set the timezone to your timeszone06:05
kk4ewtand your time06:05
kk4ewtthen it will always be the same06:06
adymitrukoh. thought it would be GMT and then an offset for wherever I am in the world06:06
adymitrukah well06:06
adymitruklesson learned. when spinning up a new server, change time and timezone immediately06:06
kk4ewtit is06:07
plex_daveHi.  I was just here a few minutes ago and I am having some issues with dual booting 2 different ubuntu flavors on an efi machine, a dell precision m351006:18
PerdouilleHello !06:20
BlackDalekI am having trouble figuring out how to use perl regular expressions in rename command. Trying to rename 20 files (all start with US and have no file extension). I am trying to add .jpg extension to all files. I tried rename -n 's/^US*//' *.jpg but nothing lists06:21
PerdouilleWill rsync over FTP be able to check if a file has been edited without having to download it ?06:23
BlackDalekwhat is the correct perl expression for selecting all files 'US000000, US000001, US000002, US000003, etc'.... up to 'US000020' ? Can someone help?06:25
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:27
tomreynPerdouille: i don't think rsync works over ftp - what makes you think it does?06:35
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PerdouilleOh I thought it worked over ftp, sorry06:39
PerdouilleDo you know if there is a way to sync a folder from a server to a client, without giving any credencials to the client ?06:40
PerdouilleLike FTP but the folder should be synced, if a file is edited on the server it should sync on the client without redownloading everything06:41
tomreynPerdouille: you could give the server credentials of the client06:41
PerdouilleWhat do you mean ?06:41
tomreynoh for synching, that's maybe not such a good approach then06:42
tomreyni guess the client should initiate it then06:42
tomreynPerdouille: why dont you want to hand out credentials to the client?06:43
tomreynwould key file based authentication work instead?06:44
PerdouilleI want to sync a folder on the PC of my friends for a game, but I don't want to create a user on my server and give them the password06:44
PerdouilleIs it possible to create a user for rsync only ?06:45
tomreynyou can create a system user which can only use the rsync command06:46
tomreynyou could also setup something like owncloud06:48
PerdouilleYeah, good idea06:49
PerdouilleI will check, thanks a lot06:49
tomreynor just syncthing, it seems to be a little smaller and is probably a lot more performant06:52
MarkB2<sigh> Now I'm wrapped around the axle and need a little help setting up this Ubuntu "snap" system.06:52
MarkB2I reloaded the SDHC card.  the Joule boots into this silly impossible-to-escape configuration script.  network configuration data entered and it connects to the wifi router.06:54
MarkB2Now it wants the email address I used when registering at the U-Store system.06:54
MarkB2I didn't have a U-Store account.. so went and set one up.06:55
MarkB2I gave that email address to the Joule.06:55
MarkB2*Then* the Joule wants to know the SSH key I gave U-Store.06:55
MarkB2I can't GIVE anyone a key until the system is functional enough so that I can run the keygen (or whatever its called in ubuntu-Land) to create the key.06:56
MarkB2So I press -ENTER-.06:56
MarkB2The configuration program loses its mind.06:56
MarkB2At the end of a high speed list of error message that zoom by, I'm left with an unresponsive system.06:57
MarkB2So I press the power button on the Joule .. and a few seconds later the display is blinking an LED that says loss of signal.06:58
MarkB2I turn the Joule back on.06:58
MarkB2It comes up and wants me to press enter to configure.06:59
MarkB2After the enter, it wants me to set up the Wifi again.  So I select "Start" (it's in green) to get this started.06:59
MarkB2A very long list of error messages just FLY by and I can't read 'em.07:00
MarkB2Then I see:  press enter to configure.07:00
MarkB2I can get the system into "emergency" mode by putting "-b" on the grub boot line.07:00
MarkB2But I have no idea what's broken.07:01
AssociateXI am trying to use my vga port to my flatscreen. If I reboot my mouse works on my laptop but not the flat screen, and on my laptop there is nothing for the mouse to click on, there is just a splash screen. what do I need to know07:13
hateballAssociateX: What GPU/driver do you have? And is there a hotkey on your laptop to enable to external output?07:15
AssociateXhateball, how do I tell the gpu/driver? What wouls the hotkey look like?07:17
hateballAssociateX: "lspci -k" look for the VGA section07:18
hateballAssociateX: oh usually it's some icon looking like a monitor on the F1-12 keys, and you press fn and that key.07:19
AssociateXhateball, PC:~$ lspci -k|grep -i vga07:21
AssociateX00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Richland [Radeon HD 8550G]07:21
hateballAssociateX: does it say which driver is in use? I assume radeon07:22
AssociateXhateball, yes, radeon07:23
hateballAssociateX: I guess knowing your computer model would be helpful for googling also. If you are unsure, you can get relevant info from: sudo dmidecode |grep -A9 "System Information"07:23
hateballProduct and/or SKU could be good info07:24
minhtrihello everyone07:29
gde33trying to configure this https://adguard.com/en/adguard-dns/overview.html it looks intersting but the settings say "aditional dns" ?07:30
gde33does that mean it wont use it?07:30
tomreyngde33: this doesn't look ubuntu releated to me.07:32
gde33tomreyn: I'm trying to configure a dns with ad filtering but "aditional dns" doesn't sound like it will only use this one07:32
tomreyn!ot | gde3307:33
ubottugde33: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:33
gde33tomreyn: it is actually, I want to change the primary dns. but I found an answer on ask ubuntu already so nvm - keep up the good work!07:37
GeekyTransGirlhiya i need help with the install..07:46
GeekyTransGirlI have windows 8.1 installed in UEFI secure boot is no way to turn off on this laptop..07:46
GeekyTransGirlwill it be safe enough to install Ubuntu into legacy BIOS mode or could it brick my system?07:46
hateballGeekyTransGirl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#SecureBoot07:47
GeekyTransGirlIts not loading?07:48
GeekyTransGirlI'm getting internal error07:48
GeekyTransGirlon the webpage you linked me to07:48
GeekyTransGirlwait there it goes07:48
crazyhorse18has anyone solved how to do backups of lots of files automatically :/07:50
crazyhorse18at the moment i've got iterrative backups going back years07:50
crazyhorse18and i've got no idea how to get a reliable system going07:50
ducassecrazyhorse18: i have a cron job that runs attic, i quite like it07:55
LinuxNovicehow is LFS i.e Linux From Scratch compared to Debian and Ubuntu?07:56
crazyhorse18ducasse, so it stores the differences?07:56
ducassecrazyhorse18: yep. it also does encryption, deduplication and compression07:57
crazyhorse18very interesting07:57
ducassecrazyhorse18: there's example scripts on the home page, and very good docs07:58
hateballLinuxNovice: try ##linux, this channel is for Ubuntu support08:00
pupuser7cc3cbHi, I am currently using a wary linux.  Is there any way to get a similar, but updated and stable ubuntu system like wary that runs live and not very hoggish?08:02
LinuxNoviceI am using Xubuntu now.08:03
LinuxNoviceI wanted to know when I update and/or upgrade what components of the OS are updated/upgraded?08:04
pupuser7cc3cbI don't need any of that office crap, and what LinuxNovice said. ^08:05
LinuxNovicepupuser7cc3cb, try Lubuntu LTS.08:07
LinuxNoviceI am also using that on my old laptop.08:07
pupuser7cc3cbIt doesn't require a harddrive, does it?08:08
LinuxNoviceYou can install it if you want. You can create a live usb of Lubuntu and try yourself.08:08
hateballpupuser7cc3cb: You can make a persistent install to a thumbdrive if you like08:09
LinuxNovicehateball, what is persistent install?08:09
hateballLinuxNovice: Like installing to an HDD/SSD08:09
hateballThat is, you can update the system and save your data08:09
LinuxNovicehow to do that?08:09
LinuxNoviceit means installing on an USB drive?08:10
hateballLinuxNovice: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:10
pupuser7cc3cbThat won't work on this machine anymore, something corrupted and booting from a flashdrive doesn't work right.08:10
LinuxNoviceI mean, pen drive?08:10
LinuxNovicewhat should be the size of the pen drive? I want to create one.08:10
pupuser7cc3cbI don't need a desktop or the icon crap, but will need gui for working programs.08:10
pupuser7cc3cbThe longterm you are referring to is 16.04 Xenial Xerus, correct?08:12
leomaxhai alll08:12
LinuxNoviceYes. 16.04.08:12
leomaxim a novice here08:13
LinuxNoviceI am using Lubuntu 16.04 and Xubuntu 16.10.08:13
LinuxNoviceI too am a newbie, here.08:13
leomaxwatz d diff neway?08:13
leomaxubuntu lubuntu xubuntu08:13
LinuxNovicehateball, could you help leomax?08:13
LinuxNoviceI am new here.08:14
leomaxk i will google it then08:14
pupuser7cc3cbCan I run ubuntu from a live cd though?  And does it allow the user to run as root?08:14
wiselydoesitis there a snappy core channel?08:14
leomaxim using a vmware player08:14
leomaxcan we hack chat sites through kali?08:15
pupuser7cc3cbOh, and ubuntu is for desktops, too, right?08:15
ducassewiselydoesit: #snappy iirc08:15
leomaxmine iz a desktop one08:15
leomaxlol ne1 from asia?india in particular?08:16
wiselydoesitthanks ducasse08:16
ducasse!u | leomax08:16
ubottuleomax: Shortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks!08:16
mantaaphallo all08:17
leomaxducasse ok08:17
LinuxNoviceI am from India08:17
mantaapi am from nunukan08:18
hateballpupuser7cc3cb: I'm not sure any image (maybe Xubuntu) fits a CD any longer, you're probably looking at DVD08:20
hateball!root | pupuser7cc3cb08:20
ubottupupuser7cc3cb: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:20
pupuser7cc3cbWell, if it doesn't fit a cd, that is very bad, downloads are already slow, 700MB+ and it doesn't fit, that sounds really hoggish; the quote is catchy though, ubottu!08:22
hateballpupuser7cc3cb: you're free to download ubuntu minimal and remaster to your liking08:24
pupuser7cc3cboh, okay, where do I find this ubuntu minimal?  And, this may sound dumb, but how does running as nonroot, offer any more significant protections?08:27
ikoniapupuser7cc3cb: I advise you not to use the minimal CD08:27
ikoniapupuser7cc3cb: download the distribution you want to use08:27
pupuser7cc3cbThe distribution I want to use probably doesn't exist ikonia.  Even if it did, it may not even work on this machine.08:28
ikoniapupuser7cc3cb: I'll rephrase then. If you want to use an ubuntu distribution, download the distribution media in full and use it08:29
pupuser7cc3cbUh, maybe ubuntu is not my cup of tea.  After all, sometimes the keyboard doesn't work, and if it requires a password ...08:38
pupuser7cc3cb*sigh*  Well, thanks for your help everyone!08:38
jack191puppy user..08:41
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xzer123hi guys09:14
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shazzrI've got a Elitegroup Compal laptop with 4 GB og RAM and an 60 GB SSD drive  which currently runs debian 8.6 after a troubeling time with Ubuntu 16.04 and 16.10. Have had it run fine with earlier Ubuntu versions. But the latest ones have given me a boot time that was extremely slow. We're looking a minutes. Now, with Debian it takes between 15 and 20 seconds from power on. Weird stuff.10:08
cfhowlett!debian | shazzr10:08
ubottushazzr: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!10:08
cfhowlettshazzr, we cannot help with debian issues - ubuntu only.10:08
neolinuxI have a little problem10:16
neolinuxwith ubuntu 16.01 lts10:16
neolinuxwhen i open window is on front10:16
cfhowlettstop hitting the <enter> key!10:16
blackflowshazzr: possibly something filesystem related, that will kick in the 90 second retry/fsck test phase10:17
neolinuxwhen i click to another window my recent window stay on front, my focus system don't work on click, i don't understain why my cliked window stay on back10:17
blackflowshazzr: you can hit escape when the boot splash screen comes up and you'll see the systemd real time info output10:18
ShotokanZHhi evryone10:18
blackflowshazzr: I'm of course talking about Ubuntu, if you wanna try that again.10:18
ShotokanZHwhich ubuntu flavor has less issues with high-dpi devices?10:18
ShotokanZH(3000x2000 13" Microsoft Surface Book)10:19
cfhowlettShotokanZH, as all flavors are ubuntu under the hood, shouldn't be a difference10:19
ShotokanZHcfhowlett, actually it does, different DE manage high-dpi differently10:21
ShotokanZHfor example xfce (xubuntu) has a poor support for it10:21
mcphailShotokanZH: I think you're going to have to experiment to find the best one for your display. Remember you can install something like "kubuntu-desktop" without having to do a full reinstall. Just pick the DE of your choice at login10:21
ShotokanZHmcphail, thank you10:22
mcphailShotokanZH: good luck :)10:24
ShotokanZHmcphail, thank you, btw: why is everyone connecting from irccloud and the nickname is ending with an underscore? is that a botnet? lol10:25
mcphailShotokanZH: ha! No idea. Many client will append an underscore if a nick is already in use or as an alternate nick10:26
blackflowshazzr: no, netsplit, so when they reconnect, and old nick hasn't disconnected (because haven't timed out yet), freenode adds _ to nickname10:26
blackflowoh sorry, that was for ShotokanZH10:26
hateballShotokanZH: if you go for Kubuntu on 16.04, I suggest you consider using the kubuntu backports PPA for a more pleasant experience10:27
ShotokanZHgonna try it soon10:27
ShotokanZHis it plasma stable now? last time i've tried it (couple months ago) had several bugs10:28
hateballShotokanZH: That's the point of the backports ppa ;)10:28
hateballThe state of plasma in stock 16.04 is quite dire10:29
neolinuxI can show my problem if you wan, my windows stay back when i click, i stream that on youtube here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMpDCPGkZSM10:29
ShotokanZHhateball, got it :D btw i guess i'm gonna install the 16.10 version10:30
blackflowneolinux: right click the title bar of that to window and see if "Always On Top" is checked10:30
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blackflow*of that top window10:31
neolinuxblackflow : is not10:31
hateballShotokanZH: 16.10 is nicer ootb, but backports are (iirc) available there as well if you want to be on plasma 5.8.x10:31
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blackflowneolinux: I'm sorry, I don't know then. That's 16.04? Fully patched and up to date?10:32
neolinuxblackflow : You must to know i have change my Alt touch to control, because i use photoshop10:32
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neolinuxwhere i can show the version?10:32
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ShotokanZHneolinux, lsb_release -a10:33
MonkeyDustneolinux  or   cat /etc/issue10:33
blackflowneolinux: click the cog icon in the top right corner, and then About This Computer10:33
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neolinuxblackflow, do you know how i can reset the compiz or unity configuration10:35
Guest64862Yea I can10:35
blackflowneolinux: no, sorry. But, did you check if that's fully patched and up to date Ubuntu? 16.04?10:35
neolinuxyes is up to date10:36
neolinuxand fully patched10:36
neolinuxi'am sur i make mistake with dconf-editor10:36
Harishello all10:36
Hariswhat's the pkg name for mod_logio for apache on 14.04 lts10:36
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MonkeyDustHaris  https://max.greyhound.com/manual/mod/mod_logio.html10:37
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blackflowHaris: google says it's compiled into apache. check with `apache2 -l`10:38
Harisyep. already pre-built-in10:39
blackflowneolinux: sorry, I don't know what could be the cause or how to reset the configuration only without reinstalling everything. Found this, but I cannot recommend it as I've never personnaly done it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66533/how-can-i-restore-configuration-files10:39
Harisbut its not listed under /etc/apache2/mods-available/10:40
blackflowHaris: because it's built in and always available?10:42
HarisI mean where do I enable it in apache config10:43
Harison 14.04 lts10:43
blackflowHaris: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_logio.html10:44
blackflowHaris: "This modules adds two new logging directives", meaning you should adjust your log format to take advantage of its new values?10:45
HarisI mean I can do that. but apachectl -M is not listing this mod10:45
Harisas enabled10:45
blackflowbecause it's compiled-in and not a loadable module10:46
Haris:o apachectl -M is the list of added mods. not built-in ones10:46
Harismy! bad10:46
IamKrilcovanyone familiar with the ulimateboodcd?10:52
cfhowlettplease avoid "... anyone ... ?" queries, IamKrilcov.  save bandwidth and time: state YOUR problems and specifications.10:53
IamKrilcovcan someone direct me to where i can download the ultimatebootcd, I am not sure if its not compatible with windows, I went to the official and could not find the link.10:54
cfhowlettultimate boot CD is not an ubuntu issue.  ask google.10:54
IamKrilcovcan you direct me to the directory channel?11:01
rj__help ALLSERV11:03
MonkeyDustIamKrilcov  we cannot do random, non-ubuntu related searches for you11:06
IamKrilcovOk, thank you.11:07
vojtais here somebody?11:30
MonkeyDustvojta  type   /n11:30
ikoniawin 1011:35
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srulitrying to install a package specific version with aptitude, from the man page "if a package name contains a tilde character ("~") ... it will be treated a s a search pattern" how do i install a specific version if it has a ~ in the name? also what is the significance of a tilde "~" in a ubuntu package name? what does it represent?11:49
MonkeyDustsruli  try putting a \ before the ~11:54
Carom3deGood morning / night... PLEASE, How can I get LOUDER my sound in ubuntu 16.04 using a headphone ? I already put the volume system over 100% and installed VLC and puted it  on Max volume, but I have a record sound that I NEED put so much LOUDER ! PLEASE, some other app or way to do that ? THANK YOU very much! (it's very urgent for me)11:54
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sruliMonkeyDust: tried that, does not help11:59
Carom3deGood morning / night... PLEASE, How can I get LOUDER my sound in ubuntu 16.04 using a headphone ? I already put the volume system over 100% and installed VLC and puted it  on Max volume, but I have a record sound that I NEED put so much LOUDER ! PLEASE, some other app or way to do that ? THANK YOU very much! (it's very urgent for me)12:09
Ben64Carom3de: you can't12:21
WeiJunLithose segfaults are due that _libc_fork assertion? http://dpaste.com/04CVHQY12:22
Ben64LinuxNovice: why what12:22
LinuxNovicehello, can we install and run SAP ERP on Ubuntu?12:23
LinuxNoviceSorry, I thought that I have already asked that question.12:23
LinuxNoviceCan we run SAP on Ubuntu?12:23
Ben64maybe, have you tried looking on their site if they support it12:24
LinuxNoviceUbuntu is not supported there, as per their site.12:25
Ben64then the answer is no12:26
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srulitrying to install a package specific version with aptitude, from the man page "if a package name contains a tilde character ("~") ... it will be treated a s a search pattern" how do i install a specific version if it has a ~ in the name? (escaping \ does not help) also what is the significance of a tilde "~" in a ubuntu package name? what does it represent?12:29
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:31
Ben64sruli: what has a ~12:32
sruliBen64: many packages, few minutes i'll give you a list of packages with ~ which are upradable on new install12:33
Ben64and why not use the most recent version12:34
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Ben64and it's been 6 minutes and you can't even say the package name, i'm out, next time have all your information available when asking here12:38
sruliBen64: paste.ubuntu.com/23705638 73 packages listed there (out of total of 300 upgradeable packages) is there any significance to a ~ in a package name?12:39
srulipatience! ben6412:41
sruliben64: just for laughs ;-)12:42
MonkeyDustsruli  With a lexicographic order, a string is always sorted before its prefix. The tilde character allows a deviation from that: foo~bar is always sorted before foo as well as before any version that begins with foo followed by a character other than ~.  With a lexicographic order, a string is always sorted before its prefix. The tilde character allows a deviation from that: foo~bar is always sorted12:44
MonkeyDustbefore foo as well as before any version that begins with foo followed by a character other than ~. With a lexicographic order, a string is always sorted before its prefix. The tilde character allows a deviation from that: foo~bar is always sorted before foo as well as before any version that begins with foo followed by a character other than ~. With a lexicographic order, a string is always sorted12:44
MonkeyDustbefore its prefix. The tilde character allows a deviation from that: foo~bar is always sorted before foo as well as before any version that begins with foo followed by a character other than ~. .... http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/230911/what-is-the-meaning-of-the-tilde-in-some-debian-openjdk-package-version-string12:44
MonkeyDustsruli  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23705655/12:45
sruliMonkeyDust: thanks for the explanation, how did you know i will need to read it twice to understand?12:45
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j41sruli: Maybe submit a bug report/feature request to the developers of aptitude (if you can), and inform them of this?12:47
Ben64it's not a bug12:47
j41As such, but isn't it something that should be addressed?12:47
sruliMonkeyDust: Ben64: its not a bug in aptitude as this function is clearly stated in man page.. its some incompetibillity i guess, question is if there is any way to escape it?12:49
Ben64you're doing it all wrong12:50
j41How would one update a package with ~ in the name then?12:50
Ben64no packages have ~ in the name12:50
ikevinin file name yes12:51
j41ah, excuse me, I misunderstood12:51
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sruliBen64: you say that because you checked all packages? try "apt-cache show binutils"12:55
sruli"Version: 2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.3"12:56
Ben64protip - the package name is 'binutils'12:56
sruliBen64: what are you trying to say?12:58
Ben64i can't put it any simpler, sorry12:59
srulithe version does have a ~ in it!13:00
Ben64it doesn't13:00
Ben64oh, well the version does yes, but that's not what you were saying13:00
Ben64either way you're doing everything incorrectly and you should re-think it all13:01
Ben64there's no logical reason to hold back packages, you're going to end up breaking your system in some hilarious way13:02
sruliBen64: yes that is what i was saying! using aptitude how do install a package specific  version where the version has ~ in it13:02
Ben64no that isn't what you said at all13:02
sruliBen64: i just read my original question, sorry, i should have phrased it correctly.13:06
Ben64the answer still is don't do it13:07
BluesKajHiyas all13:27
j41Hello BluesKaj!13:31
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p_dWhat's the simplest way to switch drive in terminal. Actually I want to clone a directory from github to another drive13:40
p_dIs their any way to specify path while using clone command13:41
incomotohey, guys, does anybody here feel comfortable with the Vulkan support in Ubuntu? (can't make the support engaged for the most recent NVIDIA proprietary graphics drivers installed)13:41
j41incomoto: I know with AMD drivers you have to be a member of the 'video' group, not sure about NVIDIA though.13:42
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incomotoj41: well, actually I have a prior successful experience with the same, but with an Intel built-in graphics chipset, unfortunately, can't make it happen to NVIDIA either...13:43
BluesKajhi j41...was getting coffee13:45
incomotoj41: although everything looks Ok, the vulkaninfo tool (from the vulkan-utils package) populates "VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED" each time I run it13:45
j41incomoto: What GPU do you have?13:47
j41BluesKaj: :P13:47
incomotoj41: GF108 [GeForce GT 730] (checked its conformance to Vulkan, it shall be supported according to Khronos Group)13:49
j41incomoto: According to this, it's not supported: https://developer.nvidia.com/vulkan-driver13:49
j41GT 720 and GT 740 are supported according to that, a bit weird really13:50
stanstillI want to create a server, it will run constantly (say a pause every 6 months to upgrade) and I want to run lubuntu on it. What sdd should I buy?13:51
MaimsterMorning all.13:52
rohanrhucan i run wine in sandbox?13:53
rohanrhui dont trust some apps13:53
rohanrhuor running as another user?13:53
j41Maimster: Afternoon here :P13:53
incomotoj41: according to this https://www.khronos.org/conformance/adopters/conformant-products it should be supported (the same info got from the origin retailer, which sold it to me)13:53
j41incomoto: What version of Vulkan are you using?13:54
incomotoj41: anyway, already posted a query to the NVIDIA team, thus waiting for their response...13:54
incomotoj41: you mean Vulkan SDK version?13:55
j41incomoto: Yes, if you can find it13:55
incomotoj41: or a Vulkan library installed?13:55
j41incomoto: I'm not sure, whatever you can find?13:55
blackflowrohanrhu: yeah you can use a separate user and you can confine it with AppArmor. I don't know if there's a default profile, but it shouldn't be too hard to build one.13:55
incomotoj41: Vulkan API Version: 1.0.3713:56
j41incomoto: The khronos page lists Vulkan 1.0 (i think)13:56
incomotoj41: libvulkan1/xenial,now amd64 [installed] (Vulkan lib)13:57
j41incomoto: I'd guess the version of Vulkan is too new from the khronos page, but I'm not too knowledgable about Vulkan, sorry. Maybe wait until more people are active here, or post on the forums/stack exchange, or wait for your response from NVIDIA.13:58
incomotoj41: sure, thanks a lot anyway :)13:59
j41incomoto: Sorry I couldn't be more help!13:59
j41be of*13:59
j41(i think thats proper english anyway)14:00
incomotoj41: that's Ok, at least you have tried ))) I do appreciate that ;)14:00
j41Thank you :P14:00
MarkB2Good morning from MA-US (east coast).  I'm trying to install Ubuntu and found myself in a Catch-22 problem.14:01
MarkB2During the install process, the setup "demands" to have an account set up at Canonical.  To do that, it wants an SSH key.14:01
MarkB2But I need to run ssh-keygen to get that key... and the ubuntu system isn't at the point yet where it'll let me do that.14:02
j41!it | x__14:02
ubottux__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:02
j41MarkB2: Are you installing server or desktop?14:02
MarkB2j41: desktop.  This is Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64-bit going into an Intel Joule.14:03
j41MarkB2: Do you mean this: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/intel-joule/14:04
MarkB2Spot on.  An Intel installation step-by-step forwards me to that page.14:05
MarkB2I'm supposed to generate the key before the system is installed to the point where I can generate that key.14:05
MarkB2Have I missed something?14:05
j41MarkB2: Okay. Are you able to get into a tty by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1?14:06
MarkB2Not during the install.  The only way I can get to a tty is by adding "-b" to the grub boot cmdline... and I get a shell that way.14:07
MarkB2During the install, there is no GUI.  it's all ASCII text on the display.14:07
j41MarkB2: Maybe it's asking for a SSH key from your computer, not the joule? I'm not too sure14:08
j41MarkB2: Maybe it's a SSH key for the joule to download from your SSO account?14:08
j41Once you've generated it on your local system?14:08
MarkB2j41: That's what I thought... that creating and signing into the SSO account would somehow give me a key to stuff in there.14:09
j41MarkB2: If you go to https://login.ubuntu.com/+login?next=%2Fssh-keys does it give you an option to upload an SSH key?14:09
MarkB2But the SSO account creation wants me to paste my key into it.14:09
j41MarkB2: I'm assuming (having no experience with the joule) you have to generate the key on a already setup computer, then paste the contents of the key into your SSO account?14:10
MarkB2Yes... I've seen that panel for inputting a key.  But *how* do I generate a key on the local Ubuntu system before its fully install?14:10
j41MarkB2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys14:10
MarkB2One moment, let me look..14:11
j41MarkB2: Okay14:11
j41MarkB2: If you use Windows you can use puttygen, not sure about Mac though14:11
MarkB2Aha!  "puttygen" ??  This is the FIRST I've heard of that.14:11
j41MarkB2: It's a program for generating keys14:12
j41MarkB2: There are other ways to do it, but that how I've done it in the past14:12
MarkB2FINALLY!  A knife to cut this Gordian knot.  Okay... I generate a key with puttygen, get it into SSO, and then stuff it into Ubuntu's entry.14:13
j41MarkB2: Put it into your SSO account (if you don't upload the key file, open it in Notepad and copy and paste the whole file into SSO), and I'm assuming Ubuntu will just ask you for a login (as a key is quite long to type by hand)14:15
j41contents of the whole file*14:15
MarkB2j41: Yea, I'm a little worried about an accurate type-in of an ssh key.  I can generate the key under windows (have already set up the Joule using Putty to the serial port)...14:16
MarkB2... j41:  But don't have a ..clever.. way of getting that key into the data well automatically.14:16
j41MarkB2: Okay. You probably want to upload/paste the contents of the key into your SSO account14:16
stplicehola soy nuevo por aqui14:17
MarkB2j41: Yes, that's half the battle...14:17
j41MarkB2: Does this page let you enter the key: https://login.ubuntu.com/ssh-keys14:17
MarkB2j41: I've seen that page before and I can log into it (had set up the SSO account last night so I'm good there).14:17
j41!spanish | stplice14:17
ubottustplice: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:17
MarkB2It's just getting that key into ubuntu that's going to be ..interesting.14:18
j41MarkB2: Have you seen Ubuntu ask for the key?14:18
stanstillwhat is the most common programming language in ubuntu?14:18
j41MarkB2: If you're interfacing via Putty, you should be able to paste it into putty14:18
MarkB2j41: The install?  yes.  Right after it gets the wifi link running.14:18
MarkB2j41: Hmm.. I am not in front of the machinery at the moment.  Can I run the installer via the serial port and Putty instead of diverting to the HDMI display plugged into the Joule?14:19
j41MarkB2: Possibly, but I don't have experience with it, so I couldn't say for certain14:19
MarkB2If I can do that then this problem is solved.  You've been of TREMENDOUS help!!!14:20
j41MarkB2: Thank you :P14:20
MarkB2I've been spinning around the axle like you wouldn't believe.14:20
MarkB2puttygen... gonna write that one on the inside of my eyelids.14:20
j41Haha :P14:21
MarkB2Sir, thank you.  I have a short work-day today and this will be #1 on my list on my return home.  Thank you again... you just don't know the relief I'm feeling right now.  Cheers..14:22
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stanstillwhen talking about memory, do you use terabyte or tebibyte?14:37
stanstillim not talking about ram, that is clearly gibibyte14:38
fooobarrrI'm looking for hardware compatability list, specifically for this computer http://www.microcenter.com/product/470075/Aspire_ES1-572-37X2_156_Laptop_Computer_-_Midnight_Black14:39
fooobarrrI assume that ubuntu will work with all the hardware, but just wanted to know if there was a list somewhere14:40
deedrdoes upgrading my kernel affect glibc?14:47
UbuntuDudecan anyone help me on fixing this "Read Only" problem on a counterfeit usb stick!! http://pastebin.com/Z1wHe4Eg14:50
BluesKajUbuntuDude, have you tried zeroing it with dd?14:54
BluesKajtotally locking out any access...sticks are cheap , go buy one that gives access, UbuntuDude14:57
UbuntuDudeBluesKaj: I've tried zeroing sdb refused sdb1 was theoritically zeroed but when replug/ed the stick everything was as is.14:58
EriC^^UbuntuDude: try mount -o remount,rw /devsdb114:59
EriC^^UbuntuDude: try mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb114:59
UbuntuDudeprobably this is a chinese cheap shit but I need fix to it , one runs of dd showed me this 3001315328 bytes (3,0 GB, 2,8 GiB) copied, 16,2689 s, 184 MB/s15:00
UbuntuDudeeven though it's supposed to be a 16Gb drive15:00
BluesKajyeah, you're locked out , it's probly encrypted15:00
UbuntuDudecrazy cheaters15:00
UbuntuDudeEriC^^: I've tried that trick too, but it wont make any difference15:01
UbuntuDudeI was wondering if testdisk can help !! or if there is another special program for this type of issues15:01
EriC^^UbuntuDude: try to unmount it and manually mount it15:01
EriC^^sudo umount /dev/sdb115:02
UbuntuDudeI've a pile of counterfeit usb(s) for family and friends asking me to fix for them15:02
EriC^^then sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt15:02
UbuntuDudeEriC^^: tried that too *_*15:02
UbuntuDudeit shows everything is fine .. but no real writing is possible15:03
EriC^^whats it say when you try15:03
ghost_Hello Everyone anyone using ubuntu with i3wm15:04
spartan_evening, my friends.15:06
regeditwhat's the ubuntu equivalent of restarting the graphical desktop session, like with KDE "killall plasmashell && kdestart plasmashell" and "kwin_x11 --replace" etc.15:10
baizonregedit: http://askubuntu.com/questions/101179/restart-only-gui-session-or-restart-only-operating-system15:10
regediti have some dead entries in the taskbar with no functioning window to view/close15:10
regeditbaizon: ok thanks15:11
regeditso in 16 it's lightdm?15:11
regediti have 16.10 x6415:11
baizonregedit: run option 3)15:12
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regeditbaizon: ok cool. is it safe to run that one from the unity command runner thingy?15:14
regeditoh wait, what command runner thingy..15:15
regeditis there a command runner thingy?15:15
regeditAlt+F2 looks like it15:15
dStructhey all, is there a way to do what wmctrl does and output all current window sizes but not in pixels but rows/columns?  for example if I have a window 80x65 but wmctrl is saying it's 642x977 should I just do the math on it or is there a tool that'll do it?15:16
Pinkamena_Dwhen using bash, if I want to remove a file inside of multiple directories, how can it be done? For example I have /topdir/a/somefile , /topdir/b/somefile etc. But $ rm /topdir/*/somefile does not seem to work (no error returned but the file stays)15:18
dStructPinkamena_D: find is your best bet15:21
tekisuii got an old radeon video card15:22
tekisuinew ones do work perfectly with ubuntu ??15:23
tekisuinani ?15:23
dStructPinkamena_D: something like find . -name "myfile.*" -print -exec rm {} \; or something along those lines, you can change . to be a path, and {} will be replaced by whatever find .. finds..15:23
Pinkamena_DI see. That is less intuitive but it works15:24
tekisuishanti shanti15:24
dStructPinkamena_D: it's not very simple but it will get the job done, find can be very powerful when wielded correctly, I would recommend running it without the -exec option and just -print to see what it finds first until you get it right, then -exec rm it15:25
ghost_anyone using ubuntu with i3 window manager15:25
dStructtekisui: older Radeon cards should work, maybe not 100% for hardware acceleration but they should work15:26
tekisuiumm i know15:26
tekisuithen need to tune tearfree15:26
dStructtekisui: you know you can pick up a modern video card for pennies that would probably blow the doors off your old card, right?15:26
tekisuiwas a hassle finding it out15:26
tekisuican you replace video card in a laptop ?15:27
tekisuii asked once if i could change processor the mad adviced against it15:27
dStructtekisui: oh in that case, usually no, some but rarely.  and if I were you I wouldn't bother trying to install drivers for it, I would just let software rendering do it's thing15:27
dStructtekisui: the issue with upgrading laptops at least in terms of cpu/gpu is mostly heat and power, the mainboard can't supply enough power to upgraded components and the fans can't keep up, not to mention most cpu/gpu's are soldering directly15:28
tekisuii hoped liquid cooling laptops be there now15:29
tekisuisilent :D15:29
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dStructtekisui: I don't know that I would trust a laptop filled with liquid being carried around at say an airport, not to mention added weight15:29
fooobarrreverything has to be liquid cooled and have at least 30 LEDs in the case15:30
fooobarrrotherwise its not swag420 enough15:30
fooobarrrand wont overclock :(15:30
dStructtekisui: maybe if someone invented a zero maintenance liquid cooled system it might be possible, but honestly passive cooling with heatpipes and copper works pretty well15:30
fooobarrrmaybe if they just invented a processor that is low power enough it doesn't need a fan at all15:30
fooobarrroh wait15:30
tekisuistarted with 100 mhz when was 1515:31
dStructfooobarrr: yeah it's called a Raspberry Pi with SoC :D15:31
fooobarrralso intel m315:31
dStructtekisui: I operate a parallel real-time system that runs at 3 mhz, started with a Vic 20 :D15:31
tekisuii tell you commodore keyboards are way better then the stuff they sell today15:32
dStructtekisui: I liked the old IBM keyboards, like type writers15:32
dStructtekisui: felt great writing code with keys like that, but man did it drive people in my house crazy, clickclickclickclickclick15:33
dStructdoes anyone know if there's an easy way to grab window sizes other then using wmctrl?15:35
ioriadStruct, xwininfo15:38
dStructioria: awesome, thank you :D15:38
ioriadStruct, no prob15:39
dStructioria: and that's exactly what I was looking for, trying to set compiz window resizing for terminal windows and having some ugh issues15:39
ioriadStruct, oh.... big work, good luck15:40
* dStruct is still pissed about Gnome removing the --title option from gnome-terminal15:40
dStructioria: when you have 15 terminal windows spread over 4 displays actually it kinda is :D15:40
ioriadStruct, what you mean with '--title option from gnome-terminal' ... the menu bar ?15:41
MonkeyDustdStruct  you can also use tabs in a single terminal windows ... hit ctrl-shift-t15:41
dStructdid an upgrade to 16.x and boom lost my gnome-terminal custom titles, had to switch to mate-terminal, sigh15:41
dStructioria: they literally removed the damn --title option from gnome-terminal15:41
dStructMonkeyDust: yes, but I need to able to reference screens in real-time, for safety and operational reasons15:41
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ioriadStruct, don't know if it helps http://askubuntu.com/questions/774532/how-to-change-terminal-title-in-ubuntu-16-0415:46
tekisui16-10 worked perfectly with sound15:47
dStructioria: seen it and it would be very clunky to utilize due to calling multiple instances of gnome-terminal, I have a single icon on the menu bar that calls up 15 term windows15:47
ioriadStruct, ah15:48
dStructioria: I wrote a shell script to name the windows and call each with --title depending on what they are for15:48
ioriadStruct, better15:48
dStructioria: mate-terminal seems to be an almost identical copy of gnome-terminal without the missing --title so that should work if I can just figure out what broke in 16.x in terms of compiz window placement15:48
dStructwhen using Compiz Fixed Window Placement option, before 16.x it worked fine, opened windows assigned with a role to where I wanted them, after 16.x they all just stack up in the upper left15:53
mcphaildStruct: compiz broke terminal window maximise/restore in vanilla 16.04. It has since been fixed in a patch. It wouldn't surprise me if other things are broken15:56
dStructweird, after deleting all the entries, re-entering them manually and adjusting the Y from 52 pixels to 0 it works again15:56
dStructmcphail: it looks like the menu padding for Y when from absolute to relative, 0 now means bottom edge of the upper menu bar, where it was 52 before 16.x update15:57
dStructstill not sure why I had to delete the entries and re-enter them but it looks to be working now15:57
ioriadStruct, gnome-terminal -t "hello" -x sleep 6  ... :þ15:58
ioriadStruct, but not very useful15:58
dStructioria: that gives me "Terminal" as the title15:58
dStructioria: and a warning message "Option -t is no longer supported in this version of gnome-terminal"15:59
MonkeyDusthere too15:59
ioriadStruct, i'm on trusty now15:59
dStructwhere mate-terminal kept the --title option, looks like I have to just switch to that, as Terminator isn't working the way it's supposed to15:59
dStructioria: I'm very hesitant to do any more upgrading of this box after the last update broke so much for me16:01
dStructioria: it's an offline system isolated from the outside world so I don't have to worry about security in terms of attacks so it should be fine16:01
ioriadStruct, xterm -title "hello" -e sleep 6    this works ?16:01
dStructioria: yes, and I tried that the other day but I forget what issue I had, something wasn't working right so I nix'd the xterm idea16:02
ioriadStruct,  there is also lxterminal16:02
dStructioria: it's actually a pretty slick setup downstream of the terminal window itself, virtual serial ports mapped over TCP to a concentrator and then to each respective system16:07
tekisuihow i fix this16:16
tekisui[An operation is already pending]16:16
tekisuiwhen i try open a hd partition16:16
tekisuii red to format in fat16:16
tekisuibut that didn´t really solve it16:16
Chaser /buffer 2816:18
tekisuibingo !16:22
ioriadStruct, a bit more stable  :   xterm -xrm 'XTerm.vt100.allowTitleOps: false' -T Hello_World16:22
tekisuione808, are you north korean ?16:22
j41!chinese | one80816:22
ubottuone808: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw16:22
tekisuinever mett a north korean on internyet16:23
dStructioria: I think I had an issue with Wyse emulation with Xterm and that may be why I couldn't use it, I do Wyse 50 graphical stuff16:23
tekisuithey must be verry bussy16:23
j41tekisui: A quick google translate search shows they're speaking Chinese16:23
ioriadStruct, i see16:23
dStructtekisui: they're busy trying to take over the world, one farm plot at a time16:23
Random832tekisui, korean doesn't look like that, it looks like 이것은 한국의 언어이다.16:23
tekisuithey say the air ids verry good there, little polution16:23
dStructioria: they've apparently gotten really good at parading missles around but never using them tho16:24
Random832and this is japanese: これは日本語です16:24
dStructtekisui: yeah because they have no industry to speak of because they've pissed off 95% of the world16:24
ioriadStruct, don't like missiles16:24
ikoniadStruct: enough please16:27
dStructikonia: ?16:27
jak2000when startup the linux i get this: http://postimg.org/image/8xsh3mmzd/   run the command and get this: https://postimg.org/image/eiyv6tnkv/   how to fix, why cant ping out the box thanks16:27
tekisuipicture doesn´t load jak200016:29
dStructikonia: I hope you don't think I have something against them as a people, because I don't, I just don't agree with their Government/leadership is all :D16:29
tekisui2nd one does..16:29
dStructjak2000: fresh install?16:29
ikoniadStruct: I don't, but I also don't think the channel needs a political lesson16:29
mcphaildStruct: I think ikonia is asking you to stay on topic16:29
dStructahh gotcha, no worries :D16:30
blacklightmgshello can anyone help?16:30
EriC^^!ask | blacklightmgs16:30
ubottublacklightmgs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:30
dStructjak2000: do you have anything funny in your /etc/rc.local that would cause it to fail?16:31
EriC^^look for lines that start with #!/knock/knock16:31
blacklightmgs!ask in my school there is an ubuntu system where we can access only the browser. i tried browsing through all the files with file:/// protocol. What can I do with that system?16:32
ikoniablacklightmgs: browse the internet16:32
blacklightmgsno internet connection16:33
dStructblacklightmgs: your homework?16:33
ikoniablacklightmgs: what does the school want you to do with it16:33
blacklightmgsit is actually smartclass system16:33
ikoniablacklightmgs: what does the school want you to do with it16:33
blacklightmgsi am trying to do something with it16:33
nicomachusblacklightmgs: would the school be ok with you "doing something with it"?16:33
blacklightmgslike playing games, installing some software etc16:34
blacklightmgsyes it would be ok16:34
ikoniablacklightmgs: what does the school want you to do with it16:34
blacklightmgsduring every intervals we start the computer and do some non sense16:34
dStructblacklightmgs: when I worked for a school district, we were heavily computerized in the classrooms, mostly Ubuntu based, if a student did that and caused any kind of disruption we had a zero tolerance expulsion policy in some cases16:34
blacklightmgsi want to do something useful16:34
ikoniablacklightmgs: what does the school want you to do with it16:35
blacklightmgsour school is not like that16:35
tekisuiperhaps it has a drawing program ?16:35
tekisuior text editor16:35
blacklightmgsbored using all that for 4 years16:35
tekisuion school would make raports16:35
tekisuiprint them out16:35
blacklightmgsno printer :D16:36
ikoniablacklightmgs: I'm not sure what you're asking the chanel16:36
ikoniablacklightmgs: the school have given you a managed system, you can do anything you want within that rules of that managment system16:36
blacklightmgsi am allowed to do aomething but we cannot possibly do something16:37
blacklightmgssuch a situation16:37
ikoniathat doesn't make sense16:37
ikoniayou can do anything you want within the restrictions of the lock down of the system16:37
ikoniathats not a hard concept to grasp16:37
blacklightmgswhat i am trying to say is: how can i install a software in it if i can only access the browser16:38
ikoniablacklightmgs: you don't16:38
ikoniablacklightmgs: you ask the school to deploy the software you want16:38
tekisuiyou better ask to computer caretaker there16:38
jak2000dStruct no no fresh install16:38
blacklightmgshe don't know anything lel16:38
dStructjak2000: did you check the image before using it, maybe the download was corrupt?16:38
ikoniablacklightmgs: you don't seem to be any better "lol"16:38
blacklightmgsno one except me at the school knows linux16:38
ikoniablacklightmgs: you don't seem to know it16:38
jak2000dStruct i dont moved anything in /etc/rc.local16:38
ikoniablacklightmgs: I don't know what you want from this channel,16:38
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jak2000dStruct is a box that have been installed since 1 year ago...16:39
blacklightmgsi know better than anyone everyone thinks linux is just like windows16:39
ikoniablacklightmgs: what do you want from the channel16:39
dStructjak2000: I've never seen an error like that on a fresh installed system, sounds to me like it could be some kind of drive corruption, can you just reinstall it?16:39
jak2000i have information16:40
blacklightmgsi did not try file:///bin/bash yet do you think i can launch the terminal that way?16:40
ikoniablacklightmgs: no16:40
jak2000that first need be bacjuped but is a VPS havent access16:40
EriC^^blacklightmgs: i think you're on your way to getting expelled16:40
ikoniablacklightmgs: because you can't16:40
ikoniablacklightmgs: as you can see16:40
dStructjak2000: you could boot a live usb stick and retrieve your info maybe, what are you trying to do with it?16:40
nicomachusblacklightmgs: do you have a specific ubuntu support question? Is something wrong with the system that you need to fix?16:40
jak2000dStruct is a vps, phisically i havent access16:40
nicomachusblacklightmgs: then you're off-topic for this channel. Talk to your school IT department about anything else.16:41
dStructjak2000: ahh, well sorry I can't be more help, you might try updating the OS but that could also break it worse, hard to say without trying it16:41
EriC^^blacklightmgs: why don't you install linux at home and meddle around with it, and not do anything to public pc's you're not supposed to meddle with?16:41
dStructblacklightmgs: there's also a chance they're using a network booting type system like we did where the machine gets wiped each night anyways so whatever you do to it would just be completely undone16:42
blacklightmgsya thats a point though.. i'm in a boarding school, been there for 6 years and we only get a computer system during class intervals - then don't you think we will try to do something?16:43
tekisuiask them to hook internyet ?16:43
EriC^^blacklightmgs: buy your own laptop, they're pretty cheap these days16:43
blacklightmgselectronics are not allowed there :(16:44
blacklightmgsmilitary institution16:44
FinalXeven more reason not to mess with stuff you're not allowed to.16:44
EriC^^blacklightmgs: schools and such aren't very fond of going outside the stuff they expect you to use it for, you'd get in trouble for sure16:44
FinalXpoint being, suck it up, talk to the ones maintaining the computers.16:44
jak2000dStruct see the images?16:44
dStructjak2000: I did yes16:44
jak2000http://postimg.org/image/8xsh3mmzd/  and https://postimg.org/image/eiyv6tnkv/16:44
jak2000ahh ok16:44
jak2000what happend if do:16:44
jak2000 open /etc/rc.local with root permissions and comment all lines except "exit 0", then restart the server.16:45
dStructjak2000: do you know what version of Ubuntu it is?16:45
blacklightmgscomputer maintenance authority don't know how to use the system properly, so all masters ask me to upload their teaching material into the system16:45
EriC^^blacklightmgs: maybe talk to whose in charge of stuff and see if he would allow you restriction-free access to a pc there or something and it's all legal16:46
dStructjak2000: that file should be similar to #!/bin/sh -e a bunch of comments in it and the last line exit 016:46
ikoniablacklightmgs: pretty sure they do know16:46
DArqueBishopblacklightmgs: that still doesn't give you the right to make changes you're not explicitly given permission to make. It's not your system.16:46
ikoniahe can't give change it16:46
ikoniachange it16:46
ikoniait's locked down and his l33t hacking skills go as far as file://bin/bash in a browser16:46
FinalXblacklightmgs: they locked you out pretty well, so I'd say they're great at it. maybe who you think is managing them, isn't .. :)16:46
ikoniahe can't change anything so nothing will be done16:46
blacklightmgsya hmm.. but i don't get into any trouble as long as i don't change the password or modify kernel files16:48
EriC^^blacklightmgs: are you able to upload your own files to it?16:49
blacklightmgswe can access the browser and i use file:/// to access files16:49
EriC^^blacklightmgs: talk to the guy in charge, become his friend, save yourself the hassle of stuff16:49
blacklightmgshe don't know that stuff properly he asks me doubts16:50
EriC^^nah, that's just your ego i'd think16:50
EriC^^as stupid as he may be, he can give you access16:50
EriC^^talk to him16:50
blacklightmgshe can give access he knows password etc.16:50
blacklightmgsbut he don't know how to install software16:51
EriC^^sure he does16:51
blacklightmgsthe o/s is not developed by our school16:51
EriC^^it's one command! sudo apt-get install <something>16:51
dStructblacklightmgs: well it's safe to say no one in this channel is going to help you break into your school computer, which is also not on topic here16:51
DArqueBishopblacklightmgs: keep in mind that what you're asking for help to do is to break into a system that you have no permission to access outside of specific functions. Not only is it almost certainly against your school's rules, it's likely highly illegal, too.16:51
blacklightmgssorry then another doubt16:52
EriC^^blacklightmgs: so you have a file browser, what else can you do? can you browse webpages? are you allowed to?16:52
blacklightmgsno internet connection16:53
blacklightmgswe are allowed to save files if we can16:53
blacklightmgsno one says anything16:53
EriC^^is it running a server itself?16:53
FinalXhere's another idea: go to the library and read books instead :) sounds like installing software isn't gonna be satisfying anyway :P16:53
ikoniaI think this is futher than it needs to go,16:54
FinalXby the way, if you don't have access to the internet on those computers, and you're not allowed electronics.. how are you here :P16:54
dStructjak2000: is rc-local preventing something from working, I mean your system should still be functional?16:54
EriC^^i was hoping he had access to the net, he could make a free shell and explore it as much as he wanted to16:54
blacklightmgsi just need to access the shell16:55
ikoniayou don't16:55
EriC^^it sounds like you want to get into trouble16:55
ikoniaas if you needed access to the shell, you would have it16:55
EriC^^that's my hunch16:55
dStructblacklightmgs: even if you could access a shell, you couldn't do anything without super user permissions, can't install anything, etc16:55
ikoniait's a kid messing around trying to be a hacker16:56
ikoniaI think this is done16:56
dStructI agree16:56
blacklightmgsohh that i can get from the computer expert16:56
blacklightmgsi can try to get su access16:56
EriC^^blacklightmgs: ok you get a root shell, then you mess something up and you get expelled16:57
blacklightmgsi know that16:57
brunch875is there no sudoless chroot yet?16:57
EriC^^think ahead about the repercussions of stuff16:57
ikoniaI think this is done,16:57
ikoniacan we please end this discussion16:57
blacklightmgsscary .. :(16:57
blacklightmgsi should step out of that16:57
ikoniawe are not going to support you attempt to compromise your millitary schools policy16:57
EriC^^blacklightmgs: are you trying to get expelled?16:58
EriC^^(seriously asking)16:58
blacklightmgsindian schools - nothing is gonna happen16:58
dStructblacklightmgs: su/sudo access requires your user be an administrator, which I doubt it is, you wouldn't even be able to try a password16:58
ikoniablacklightmgs: discussion over16:58
blacklightmgsthen another problem - we can convert video files from a pendrive using vlc but we cannot save it to the pendrive cuz the pendrive will be read only when it is connected to that system any fix to that at least?16:59
blacklightmgsthis wont do any harm to the system16:59
ikoniablacklightmgs: what file system is on the pen drive17:00
blacklightmgsshould i make it fat32?17:00
dStructblacklightmgs: read/write access to NTFS on linux is not ideal, it can cause ugh issues17:00
blacklightmgswhich is good17:00
ikoniablacklightmgs: thats your problem then17:00
dStructblacklightmgs: not really when you unplug the usb stick and it completely corrupts your partition because it's NTFS17:01
ikoniaI suspect the fuse modules are not allowed on the locked down system17:01
blacklightmgsmy partition did not get corrupt17:01
blacklightmgssome of my seniors told they saved files onto their pendrives17:02
blacklightmgsbut we tried with 3-4 pendrives but all shown read only17:02
ikoniaprobably because their accounts have higher permissions than yours17:03
ikoniaso can load the right modules17:03
erick_Hi, what is the best version of Eclipse I should be using in Ubuntu 16.04?17:03
ikoniaor they have non-ntfs pendrives17:03
ikoniaerick_: the one in the ubuntu repo17:03
erick_That is the recommended one correct?17:03
ikoniaerick_: correct17:03
blacklightmgsohh that must be.. will fat work well with linux? or are there something else?17:03
dStructblacklightmgs: I believe NTFS partitions default to mounting read only because of the issues with writing to NTFS, FAT would probably be the better bet, but if usb sticks are set to mount read only period there's nothing you can do about it17:04
ikoniablacklightmgs: you said you are the linux wiz17:04
ikoniablacklightmgs: why are you asking basic questions when you say you know linux17:04
blacklightmgsnot wiz i know something about linux17:04
dStructblacklightmgs: FAT will work fine, and will work across all platforms17:04
ikoniadStruct: ntfs write support is delivered through fuse, I suspect it's the permissions on his machine not allowing him to load those components17:04
ikoniafat has limitations on file size17:04
blacklightmgsi never got to try linux thats the problem17:04
erick_what if I try installing a little higher version of Eclipse in 16.04?17:04
dStructikonia: agreed17:04
ikoniaso videos may be a problem17:05
ikoniaerick_: you will be on your own17:05
dStructblacklightmgs: you can pick up a Raspberry Pi for about $30 and it comes with Linux you can play around with that to learn it, if that's what you're interested in doing17:05
blacklightmgsnot only for videos it is same for all files17:05
ikoniablacklightmgs: re-read what I said17:05
erick_I tried that in the old day, and Eclipse Menu has no label.17:05
blacklightmgsya i'll get one17:05
ikoniathere is an irony here - all the other peoples pen drives work, yet they know nothing, yet the person who says he's the goto man, can't get a pen drive to work17:06
erick_Why wouldn't it has labels on the Eclipse menu by the way?17:06
ikoniaerick_: tried what ?17:07
blacklightmgsi did the same way they saved their files, it did not work17:07
blacklightmgsi tried saving through browser - like downloading17:07
ikoniablacklightmgs: yet they know nothing and come to you for help, and their stuff works ? odd huh17:07
ikoniablacklightmgs: you said you had no internet17:07
ikoniahow are you downloading17:07
blacklightmgsnot internet17:07
erick_I tried installing the most recent version of Eclipse two years ago in Ubuntu, and I has no label in the menu.17:07
blacklightmgsfile:///dir/file and save as17:08
ikoniablacklightmgs: so you copied a file17:08
erick_So many missing labels.17:08
ikonianot downloaded17:08
blacklightmgsto /tnuserdata/media/usb1/blabla17:08
erick_I want to learn why you know what I mean?17:08
ikoniaerick_: not really,17:08
blacklightmgsya like what u saud17:08
ikoniaerick_: I'm not sure what you are asking17:08
user1580971anyone using lubuntu and fcitx here?17:09
ikoniauser1580971: just state your actual problem17:09
xanguaerick_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles17:09
j41user1580971: You could also try #lubuntu17:09
mantaaphallo all17:09
erick_When I installed the most recent version of Eclipse in Ubuntu, that Eclipse would have missing menu labels.17:10
blacklightmgsthank you everyone for deviating me from getting into touble17:10
ikoniathen don't do that17:10
ikoniause the stable supported version of eclipse17:10
erick_I don't know why that is.17:10
ikoniaprovided by the ubuntu repos17:10
ikoniathat are supported and maintained and compatible17:10
ikoniause the ubuntu managed version17:10
ikoniathats why people build and support the packages17:10
user1580971cannot switch ime with ctrl+space in file save dialog. just asking if anyone else can reproduce17:10
erick_I see. Thank you so much.17:11
EriC^^blacklightmgs: ;)17:11
erick_May I ask what version of Eclipse is in Ubuntu 17.0?17:11
erick_May I ask what version of Eclipse is in Ubuntu 17.04?17:11
ikoniaerick_: what does it matter, 17.04 is not usable17:12
user158097117.04 already released?17:12
brunch875user1580971: no17:12
ikoniauser1580971: no17:12
ikoniahence 1717:12
erick_I just want to check it out a bit :)17:12
ikoniaerick_: then have a look17:12
ikoniaerick_: but it is not stable17:12
blacklightmgssuggest me a nice book with what i can learn some linux17:12
brunch875you might want to stroll around #ubuntu+117:13
ikoniablacklightmgs: just look on any on amazon17:13
blacklightmgsk thanks17:13
erick_How do I have a look?17:13
user1580971blacklightmgs: just using it is better than reading a book17:13
user1580971and google when needed17:13
blacklightmgswe don't get to use computers much so using is not an option17:14
brunch875erick_: you can fetch the latest here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/17:14
blacklightmgs1 more year and then i can start using17:14
erick_I see. Thank you so much.17:14
erick_Take care.17:14
rhaguhi, does ffmpeg in 16.04 support multithreading?17:14
brunch875but expect stuff breaking!17:14
blacklightmgsThank you all gtg17:15
filsufhallo hallo ... anybody uses ASUS TRANSFORMER T100TAM in here?17:21
EriC^^filsuf: ask the question regarding it17:21
j41!question | filsuf17:21
ubottufilsuf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:21
filsufEriC^^, j41 .. what is working what is not?17:21
j41filsuf: Are you asking if your computer is compatible with Ubuntu?17:22
filsufj41, this is a specific one17:22
filsufso do you use this machine or not?17:22
j41filsuf: No, but I would say that a majority of computers are compatible with Ubuntu or one of its variants.17:23
filsufok j41 .. thanks for wasting my time17:23
xanguafilsuf: download Ubuntu and try the live ISO17:23
EriC^^filsuf: ^ that's a good idea17:23
j41filsuf: http://www.jfwhome.com/2014/03/07/perfect-ubuntu-or-other-linux-on-the-asus-transformer-book-t100/17:23
filsufI've read it of course j4117:24
j41filsuf: Why not try the live cd?17:24
mantaaphallo all17:25
mantaaphow to do install parrot linux17:25
\9mantaap: parrot linux is not supported here17:26
xangua! Flavors | mantaap17:26
ubottumantaap: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE17:26
\9this is ubuntu support17:26
mantaaphow to install parrot linux17:27
tekisuihow can i fix the mouse pointer freezing ?17:28
tekisuialready tried take out battery and drain system17:28
xanguatekisui: elaborate17:28
tekisuithe mouse pointer freezes sometimes17:28
j41tekisui: Touchpad or mouse?17:28
tekisuibuttons still work17:28
tekisuitouchpad kaput ?17:28
tekisuiit was already so with windows when got it17:28
\9then it's likely to be a problem with the hardware17:29
tekisuiwell am getting my lenovo tomorrow inshaallah17:29
tekisuihen giving thi17:29
tekisuis p17:29
tekisuic to17:29
tekisuia gi17:29
\9guess your keyboard isn't so great either17:29
tekisuibetter clean enter key*17:30
tekisuitabacco -_-17:30
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dStructtekisui: I once literally de-bugged a keyboard that had a bad key, took it apart and removed the.. bug and it was fixed17:32
brunch875bugfixing at its finest17:32
tekisuiwd40 might help17:32
tekisuithought it guides electricity too17:33
j41tekisui: I wouldn't use WD40 on electronics17:33
j41tekisui: Isn't it for stuck locks and squeaky hinges? :P17:33
nicomachusthis channel is 100% off-topic right now.17:34
nicomachus!ot | all17:34
ubottuall: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:34
EriC^^use carburator cleaner17:35
j41I hope that was sarcastic :P17:35
mgaetezdfhk zdf khfkl sdjfhklsdjf17:38
tekisuithen gotta get two bugs out17:39
tekisuiand finished17:39
tekisui)i hope)17:39
tekisuiwhat is 79 mb loop device ?17:42
snkcldi have an intel and an nvidia GPU, which right now x is using nvidia by default. how can i configure xorg.conf to tell x to use the intel gpu?17:42
tekisuii red dual gpu is bad with linux..17:42
tekisuinvidia preferable i guess17:43
tekisuiadios !17:43
xangua! Bumblebee17:43
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/17:43
snkcldis bumblebee used for discrete gpus too?17:44
black_13how do i install gcc 6 on xenial17:46
xanguaWouldn't know, I use an APU17:46
xanguablack_13: unless it's not in official repository, compile17:46
tomreynblack: apt-get install gcc-6-base17:46
tomreynblack_13: that was for you, but it was wrong, sorry17:47
black_13i got yah.17:48
tomreynit's not part of xenial, you probably need to add some PPA17:48
xanguatomreyn: it just showed up in apt here, xenial17:48
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tomreynxangua: package name?17:49
Pici!info gcc-6-base xenial17:50
ubottugcc-6-base (source: gccgo-6): GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package). In component main, is required. Version 6.0.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 13 kB, installed size 60 kB17:50
tomreynthere's no compiler in there17:50
tomreyn(nor in any of its dependencies)17:50
tomreynblock_13: this unsupported PPA might work: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test?field.series_filter=xenial17:54
nicomachus!msg alis list plex17:55
ubottunicomachus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:55
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assembly2k2hello world !17:59
assembly2k2hello world !18:00
assembly2k2hello world !18:00
assembly2k2hello world !18:00
assembly2k2hello world !18:00
moongazerWhen I run the command free -h in the terminal, I see free memory and available memory. What is the difference between the two?/18:00
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EriC^^moongazer: one doesn't take into consideration the cache and buffers18:01
nicomachusfor windows, but the concept is the same18:01
kwtmtomreyn: Sorry for the delay; just wanted to thank you for advice on installing qstopmotion via dkpg -i and then apt-get -f install.  It worked.  (This was about half a day ago --yesterday, for me; maybe not for you depending on your time zone?)18:01
EriC^^moongazer: the available one is what you actually have available for use18:01
moongazerEriC^^, nicomachus, then what is the actual memory I have available?18:01
moongazerEriC^^, thanks. And what is the free one exactly?18:02
EriC^^moongazer: it's the memory minus the buffer and cache (which you can actually use if you need to use those memory)18:02
EriC^^so free one shows less than what you actually have left for use18:03
stanstillim running ubuntu from a live usb and it does not shut down. Splash screen keepy cycling18:04
moongazerThank you18:05
EriC^^moongazer: np18:08
stanstillis there a way to use portable apps on linux?18:17
EriC^^stanstill: portable?18:18
stanstillEriC^^: http://portableapps.com18:18
tomreynstanstill: you can place vinaries or entire softwares in your home directory and run it from there (assuming it contains binaries built for your system architecture and all necessary libraries)18:19
tomreynyou'd want to make sure these come from a trustable / trusted source, though18:19
Linuxcrazyhi, can anybody here suggest the required USB pendrive size to create a Ubuntu live USB with persistence?18:19
EriC^^Linuxcrazy: 3gb?18:20
EriC^^depends on your needs18:20
stanstilli must explain better: I am getting my new ssd in 3 weeks. For the time being I can only rely on a live usb. My new notebook has 2 usb slots, so I can use the free slot with another usb stick and run things and install / save data there...18:20
tomreynstanstill: ubuntu's package management is actually quite convenient, though. what's your use case ruling out its use?18:20
Linuxcrazywill that be enough?18:20
LinuxcrazyI want it to be a live usb WITH PERSISTENCE.18:20
EriC^^Linuxcrazy: depends on your needs for storage, i think by default you're limited to 4gb18:21
EriC^^you have to do something extra to get more than 4gb i think, read up here18:21
LinuxcrazyEric, what does that mean?18:21
EriC^^!persistence | Linuxcrazy18:21
ubottuLinuxcrazy: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence18:21
tomreynstanstill: you'd better install a full ubuntu on one of these stick then18:22
Linuxcrazycan I use any GUI based app for that?18:22
EriC^^Linuxcrazy: ?18:22
tomreynstanstill: ...and use the remaining space for storage18:22
LinuxcrazyEric, you said by default one is limited to 4gb. why is that?18:22
EriC^^Linuxcrazy: maybe it's a fat32 thing, it only allows 4gb files maximum18:23
stanstilltomreyn: is that different from using a live ust stick? I dont see the difference18:23
EriC^^Linuxcrazy: i've never made one of those, i'd honestly just install ubuntu to the usb and run a normal setup if i wanted a portable install on a usb18:24
EriC^^Linuxcrazy: you can't update the kernel in a persistent usb and it has other caveats i'd guess18:24
Linuxcrazycan I use this app Universal USB Installer?18:24
LinuxcrazyI just saw a youtube video on that.18:25
tomreynstanstill: a live usb stick comes with a lot fo software pre-installed, some of which you may not want. also it can only add limited amounts of new software / updates. moreover, it has an extra layer on it to allow it to also work on non-writable media. this does slow the whole thing down, however.18:25
Linuxcrazyhow to create a persistent usb with Ubuntu on it.18:25
tomreynstanstill: with a custom installation on the other end, you will achieve the full flexibility would expect of an ubuntu installaiton, and better performance than the live usb. it will still be worse than a hdd (much of the time), and surely slower than an ssd.18:27
LinuxcrazyNeed to try once. At least some lightweight versions of Ubuntu like Lubuntu, Xubuntu.18:28
stanstilltomreyn: so from the live usb I have to install ubuntu into the new usb stick I just formatted...?18:28
EriC^^Linuxcrazy: this has some good info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:29
tomreynLinuxcrazy: use virtualbox to try out linux distributions or other OS.18:29
LinuxcrazyI want a portable Linux OS.18:29
tomreynLinuxcrazy: alternatively install them to external storage, such as a usb stick or usb hdd.18:29
tomreynyou can also do this from virtualbox with usb passthrough18:30
LinuxcrazyI am too new to Linux to try anything like that, I feel.18:30
tomreynstanstill: you don't HAVE to, but that's an approach you could take, yes18:31
tomreynstanstill: if i really had neither ssd nor hdd available, for more than a day, but 2 usb sticks. that's the approach i would take.18:31
stanstilltomreyn: ok...18:32
tomreynLinuxcrazy: yes i admit this is maybe not for someone who is not already into both linux and virtualization. but i think you could do the installation from one usb stick to another, by installing the ubuntu installer on one of them, booting of it, and selecting the other as the installation target.18:34
ikoniajust use a live media ?18:34
ikoniawhy even bother installing if you're trying stuff out18:34
Tachyon_I am trying to understand PPA and launchpad. for instance, this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xcb-util . where can I find the PPA which I have to add with add-apt-repository ?18:35
tomreynikonia: my undserstanding is that Linuxcrazy wants persistence storage > 4GB on the same storage device18:35
tomreyn... but this is not entirely certain18:36
EriC^^Tachyon_: there's usually a link that says how to add the ppa to the left, that page is timing out for me18:36
Tachyon_EriC^^: yeah, well, I can't find it. the page works well18:37
stanstilltomreyn: aaaarch.... no root file is defined . please correct this...18:37
ikoniapage is down for me18:37
tomreynstanstill: ? i don't think i can correct any malfunction on your end of the internet.18:38
EriC^^Tachyon_: it's usually in blue between "( )" below the ppa name18:38
DocMAXanyone can help me setup wordpress with ubuntu packet?18:39
Tachyon_EriC^^: http://i.imgur.com/AGG6EMO.png18:39
stanstilltomreyn: that is what it says, im not asking you to correct it18:40
tomreynstanstill: oh, so this was a quote, which you directed at me. now, why did you direct it at me?18:40
tomreynstanstill: we (the folks in this channel) could try to help you fix an issue if you'll describe what you are trying to do, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.18:41
EriC^^Tachyon_: try to find the ppa main page18:42
tomreynDocMAX: have you setup and configured a webserver, hphp and a database, yet?18:42
tomreynDocMAX: i mean "php", not "hphp" there.18:42
EriC^^Tachyon_: sorry i can't help much with it18:43
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tomreynDocMAX: also, i think you mean (software / .deb) "package", not "packet"18:43
Tachyon_EriC^^: yeah, well, can't find it. I actually just trying to compile something which needs xcb-util as dependicies18:44
EriC^^Tachyon_: it opened here now, which ubuntu release do you want it for18:45
baizontomreyn: "packet" is german for "package"18:45
EriC^^!info xcb-util18:45
ubottuPackage xcb-util does not exist in yakkety18:45
baizon!info xcb18:45
ubottuxcb (source: xcb): Pigeon holes for your cut and paste selections. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-4.3 (yakkety), package size 22 kB, installed size 88 kB18:45
Tachyon_EriC^^: xenial18:46
shazzrblackflow: Regarding the question earlier today....I use ext4 with 3 different partitions. 1 for swap, 1 for / and one for /home. Exactly the same in Ubuntu and on Debian. It all went wrong after upgrading to 16.04 or 16.10. I've even tried Manjaro, and that boots fast as Debian does. Just don't get why Ubuntu all of a sudden won't run as fast as before.....18:46
regedit"Ubuntu Software" sometimes silently fails to install a .deb, no explanations provided. Is there a log i can consult?18:46
* tomreyn will be gone for a while18:46
tomreynbaizon: no, it's not. "Paket" is.18:46
blackflowshazzr: hit the ESC key when the Ubuntu boot splash appears and you'll see systemd loading output and where's the holdup18:46
baizontomreyn: yes you're right :)18:47
shazzrblackflow: I've got no boot screen. I only see a line about clean blocks or something (can't remember the exact wording...)18:48
blackflowshazzr: well I don't know, but if you hit esc, you'll see exactly what's it doing, and where it spends most of the time18:50
poor_mikdo you have a command line client that can post code snippets to share with others?18:53
poor_mik"do you have" means "can you recommend" ^18:53
ioriadStruct,  have you solved with gnome-terminal title ?18:54
kk4ewtcat blah|pastebinit18:54
poor_miksounds like what I'm looking for18:54
dStructioria: yes, mate-terminal works18:54
ioriadStruct,  ok, you can try (in gnome-terminal)   PS1='${HOSTNAME}@${USER}:${PWD}$ \033]0;Hello\007'18:54
dStructpoor_mik: in the topic18:54
dStructioria: I just --title "Set it here" in my shell script18:55
ioriadStruct,  ha, ok18:55
poor_mikdStruct: sorry, I don't understand "in the topic" was my question OB?18:55
dStructioria: and I tried that, no worky18:55
=== erick is now known as Guest83996
dStructpoor_mik: Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/18:56
dStructpoor_mik: which is in the topic :D18:56
ioriadStruct,  mmm18:56
dStructpoor_mik: or you can use termbin.com with something like echo test | nc termbin.com 999918:57
poor_mikcat p.txt | pastebinit19:00
ArcTMNow this is weird, how do I switch channels? I've never really used IRC before.19:01
poor_mikcat p.txt | pastebin  outputs http://paste.debian.net19:01
regeditanyone? how does "Ubuntu Software" install a .deb, and what happens if it fails? so far it seems to fail silently with no explanation... is there a log somewhere?19:04
baizonregedit: run sudo apt install -f19:04
cfoch_how can I solve Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "unity-gtk-module"?19:04
cfoch_in Ubuntu 16.04.119:04
regeditbaizon: did19:04
cfoch_looks like a well-known error in Ubuntu 14.04, but I have not found something about 16.0419:04
regeditbaizon: ubuntu software still just stops/cancels installing the .deb after a few seconds, no explanation given19:05
baizonregedit: then post the output on pastebin and show it here19:05
regeditbaizon: here is the output:19:06
baizoncfoch_: when do you get this error/warning?19:06
cfoch_baizon: I am executing Pitivi19:07
DocMAXtomreyn: yes, the deb package19:07
regeditbaizon: output of what, -f install? it completes successfully with no errors/messages19:07
DocMAXapache and php7 is up an running19:07
cfoch_a sandboxed (flatpak) Pitivi application, I get the error when I run the test suite "make check"19:07
baizonregedit: then install the deb within the terminal and you get your error messages19:07
regeditbaizon: "Ubuntu Software" is GUI, i see no output anywhere, i was asking if there's a log of it somewhere19:07
baizonregedit: /var/log/apt/history.log19:08
DocMAXtomreyn: i dont see the wordpress deb package creating apache site entries19:08
regeditthen nothing to see there either19:08
OerHeksregedit, check /var/log/apt/history.log19:09
regeditnothing to see there19:09
regeditthere doesnt seem to be any mention of this package i'm trying to install19:09
regeditjust a removal after i tried dpkg -i and apt-get -f install19:09
regeditseems like the dpkg -i + apt-get -f install failed19:09
OerHeksregedit, so it is from outside softwarecenter, what .deb from where exactly?19:10
regeditOerHeks: software center? not sure what that is. I was trying to install it with what appears to be called "Ubuntu Software"19:10
regedittrying to install this https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-on-linux-release-notes-and-known-issues.350256/#post-286925619:11
fyrrildrwxr-xr-x 3 root root.... what does the "3" mean in that line?19:12
tomreynDocMAX: i dont think it does. check whether it comes with a README file in /usr/share/doc/wordpress19:13
baizonfyrril: link... http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch01.en.html#_links19:14
azizLIGHTwhen i try sudo apt-get update, i get error: W: GPG error: http://download.opensuse.org  Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 148016128119:15
azizLIGHTW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kilian/f.lux/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found19:15
azizLIGHTW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kilian/f.lux/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found19:15
ikoniaazizLIGHT: stop19:15
azizLIGHThow can i fix it19:15
ikoniayour PPA's are failing because they are dead links19:15
baizonazizLIGHT: remove or update the ppa19:15
ikoniathis is one of the reasons not to use PPA's19:15
ikoniathey just vanish when people don't want to maintaint hem19:15
azizLIGHTis this one ppa or many19:15
tomreyn!pastebinit | azizLIGHT19:16
ubottuazizLIGHT: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:16
tomreynazizLIGHT: ^read this for the next time you need to paste output19:16
azizLIGHTis the opensuse key expired error related to the f.lux ppa error19:17
baizonazizLIGHT: 1 ppa and you need to update your opensuse key19:17
xanguaWhy flux? Redshift is in official repository azizLIGHT19:17
fyrrilbaizon, cheers19:17
tomreynazizLIGHT: the first warning in this output is about a missing GPG APT archive signing key for http://download.opensuse.org ; the second and third warnings are about non or no longer existing resources in a PPA.19:17
tomreynazizLIGHT: the first warning is unrelated to the second and third.19:18
OerHeksregedit, maybe their page is any help, https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-on-linux-release-notes-and-known-issues.350256/19:19
azizLIGHThow do i get the updated key for download.opensuse.org and why do i have this distro stuff on ubuntu anyway19:21
xanguaazizLIGHT: you should know, repositories don't add on their own19:21
baizonazizLIGHT: that only you can answer19:21
xangua!gpgerr | azizLIGHT19:22
ubottuazizLIGHT: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »19:22
xanguaDon't know if it works with this size stuff19:22
xanguaI guess no19:22
mi5anoncan anyone help....Im a complete Noob and feel rather silly not knowing anything about irc19:23
mcphailazizLIGHT: presumably you've installed a foreign repo, for something like the owncloud client. Your problem is with the repo maintainer, not ubuntu19:24
mi5anonis this a basic IRC channel ?19:25
tomreynmi5anon: this is an IRC channel about Ubuntu.19:26
tomreynmore specifically, about ubuntu support only.19:26
OerHeksbasic would be #freenode19:26
mi5anoncan you suggest a room where I can learn about IRC and all of its wonderful abilities19:27
azizLIGHThmmm what am i doing wrong: sudo apt-add-repository --remove ppa:kilian/f.lux ### Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:kilian/f.lux'. Please check that the PPA name or format is correct19:27
tomreynmi5anon: ask in #freenode or find one using the channel search19:28
tomreyn!alis | mi5anon19:28
ubottumi5anon: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"19:28
mi5anonthank you thank you ...Aprreciate it ....sorry to bug in he wrong room19:28
mi5anoncheers ...so more it be19:29
regeditOerHeks: in the end i used gdebi which *actually* told me what the error/issue was (some libpng12 dependency not available in ubuntu 16.10) the problem is that Ubuntu Software silently fails and leaves no hint as to what was the issue19:29
xanguaazizLIGHT: you were told already that repository doesn't have packages for your Ubuntu release 12.0419:29
tomreynmi5anon: you're welcome. good luck finding what you're looking for.19:29
azizLIGHTim trying to remove that ppa thats causing the 404 error from my repos19:29
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:30
xanguaazizLIGHT: it seems the repository no longer exist... You'll have to remove it manually and whatever packages you installed from there19:31
stanstillhi, since I last logged in I have, apparently and somehow, installed a second usb stick alongside a live usb... just wanted to thank you guys19:31
tomreynOerHeks: does ppapurge work with the opensuse repository though19:31
azizLIGHTim still working on flux. havent fixed the opensuse thing yet19:32
tomreynoh ok, scratch my question then19:32
OerHekstomreyn, good point, not sure. and is this cruft from an upgrade or recently added ..19:32
azizLIGHTxangua: so manually i assume is some otehr way to do it besides sudo apt-add-repository --remove ppa:whoever/whatever19:32
tomreynan upgrade would disable all 3rd party repositories, wouldnt it19:33
stanstilli now wonder if I shoudl cover my brand new keyboard with plastic, not to mark it19:33
xanguaazizLIGHT: apt doesn't know what to do because that repository no longer exists, open software properties, other software tab and remove it from there... Don't know about the software you installed from it when existed, if you did19:34
azizLIGHThow do i check what software packages belong to this repo, so that i may remove them before removing the repo19:34
OerHeksazizLIGHT, how many years ago did you add  ppa:kilian/f.lux ?19:35
azizLIGHTno idea...19:35
azizLIGHTyou will probably hate seeing my repo list19:35
xanguaAnd why flux when redshift ships in most distros repositories?19:36
azizLIGHTi really dont know why/how this happened19:37
azizLIGHTit just is the way it is19:37
spynetalguém pode me ajudar?19:37
spynetsomeone help-me19:37
tomreynazizLIGHT: so just use ppa-purge to remove it now.19:37
tomreyn!es | spynet19:37
ubottuspynet: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:37
tomreyn!ask | spynet19:37
ubottuspynet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:37
spyneti cant use the theme on UbuntuStudio 16.0419:37
azizLIGHTwill that remove the packages installed19:37
azizLIGHTi think hes br19:37
tomreyn!ppapurge | azizLIGHT19:38
ubottuazizLIGHT: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:38
tomreyn^ read, again19:38
tomreynand you were probably right about (brazilian) portuguese19:39
=== souha is now known as Bia
tomreyn!br | spynet19:40
ubottuspynet: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:40
azizLIGHTtomreyn: i still get the 404 error with sudo ppa-purge ppa:kilian/f.lux19:41
xanguaazizLIGHT: because the repository no longer exist, so apt doesn't know what to do19:41
GALL0on 16.04.1 NO DESKTOP, installed ZFS, created a pool which Plex could see/read for the past week. after reboot, Plex can no longer see contents. ZFS mount set to `/mnt/data` but now attached to `/data` Plex can see both folders `/mnt/data` `/data` but to Plx they are empty. If I connect to `/mnt` from my Mac I can see all the movies and shows in finder19:41
spynethow to open the themes on ubuntuStudio?19:43
azizLIGHTfixed the flux repo19:48
azizLIGHThow do i tell which repo has this download.opensuse.org thing19:48
spynetDrone`:  tks19:48
spynettomreyn: tks19:49
xanguaCheck whatever repo mentions dude and research what you did azizLIGHT19:49
arooniwhats a good calendar for ubuntu 16.04 that allows me to import my google calendars / syncs with them?  thx!19:49
node9_Hello. If I'd like to change ENCRYPT_METHOD from md5 to sha512 in /etc/login.defs, is it going to update automatically the hash format?19:49
spynettomreyn:  i not find the themes on UbuntuStudio, can u helpme?19:49
azizLIGHTi cant tell from this error message which repo it is: W: GPG error: http://download.opensuse.org  Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 148016128119:49
azizLIGHTor even what package19:49
xanguaMentions suse*stupid autocorrect19:49
azizLIGHTso i read all the files in the sources list?19:50
azizLIGHTtheres so many19:50
xanguaarooni: gnome calendar comes preinstalled in main Ubuntu, select to add an online account (it won't sync immediately)19:51
stanstillto chmod a directory: I am now at the parent directory, so all I have to do is: sudo chown -R a:a "directory name here" < could anyone check this?19:54
hedkasI know this is a stupid noob question but when copying a directory to an external drive where that directory already exists...in this case my Calibre library....does it just copy over the new changes and remove anything not in the new one or does it just copy the new things and leave the old there too so you have clutter?19:55
hedkasThere is probably a smarter way of doing it than I have been19:56
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
kk4ewtstanstill,  man chmod19:57
stanstilli forgot...19:57
glitchd_hedkas, it should give you a choice in how to handle the situation19:57
hedkasI have seen those choices but they dont say specifically what I am asking19:58
hedkasthey just talk about replacing old versions etc...19:58
hedkasFor example say a directory has sub folders red white and blue in it...and I change red and delete blue from the main copy...when I copy that to the backup I understand choosing replace old will copy the new red in its place...but will the old blue remain in the backup without manual deletion or can the system understand to make the backup just like the main one?20:00
glitchdhedkas, im pretty sure it will just overwrite any files that have the same name, but not delete anything specifically20:00
hedkaswith hundreds of author subdirectories its getting confusing seeing manually what has changed20:00
glitchdyes old blue will remain20:01
glitchdif you remove blue from your current setup, and then copy over a backup of somesort that contains blue, blue will be in your current setup again20:01
hedkasok...so is there any way to "smartly" copy like this where you can ask the backup copy to sort itself identically to the one you drag over? Like it can see when there have been changes and ask you if you want to replace etc...but can you ask it to remove things NOT in the new version?20:02
hedkasor it must be done manually?20:02
hedkasso far I have just been deleting the entire 1gb directory each time and dragging the new one over...but it seemed an ugly way of doing it for some minor changes20:03
kk4ewtman rsync20:03
glitchdsounds rsync could solve your problems and answer your questions20:03
hedkasbut I cant manage going through loads of subdirectories and cleaning out the old ones20:03
glitchdkk4ewt, nice20:03
hedkasthats a CL tool right? I struggle as it is with basic apt etc20:03
EriC^^hedkas: learn rsync, it'll make your life way easier20:04
kk4ewtyes rsync is a cli tool20:04
glitchdbut i believe there are gui apps for it too20:04
hedkasI normally just drag and drop to external drive a couple times a week the few things I need to back up20:04
EriC^^you probably want some --delete argument20:04
hedkasthe calibre library changes a lot20:04
hedkasand is very deep and broad...so not easy to manually clean up20:04
fyrrillinks are confusing20:08
tomreynazizLIGHT: you might need to remove the PPA references manually. sudo grep -ri kilian /etc/apt20:13
azizLIGHTtomreyn: should i rm the .save file in sources.list.d/20:15
azizLIGHTthats the only place left20:15
tomreynazizLIGHT: about this opensuse OBS repository: if you want to continue using it, you just need to update the GPG key. if you don't, then: sudo grep -ri opensuse /etc/apt/20:15
tomreynazizLIGHT: .save files are backups there, they aren't used. up to you.20:15
asdf_is there any documentation that states what all could get affected by a kernel upgrade?20:15
tomreynazizLIGHT: i'd remove it20:15
tomreynasdf_: you would need to read all the changelogs between the original and target version.20:16
OerHeks"what all could get affected by a kernel upgrade" ..20:16
azizLIGHTtomreyn: i removed the .save file. as for the opensuse repo. its a repo for sc-controller, driver and gui program to configure steam controller on linux wihtout steam20:16
azizLIGHTi will keep it and i updated the key by importing it in software updater20:16
azizLIGHTeverything seems ok now20:17
tomreynazizLIGHT: sounds reasonable20:17
azizLIGHTthanks for the help all20:17
asdf_so there isn't a policy about changes that occur as a part of a kernel upgrade? and what can or can not get affected?20:17
blackflowazizLIGHT: +1 5th Element :)20:17
tomreynazizLIGHT: you may still have packages installed which no longer get updates now since they're not from a repository oyu have installed anymore.20:18
Ben64asdf_: bug fixes20:18
OerHeksasdf_, there is no list, dmesg boot and kern.log and other logs can give a clue20:18
azizLIGHThow can i see if i have "orphaned" packages like that20:18
OerHeksasdf_, changes you can find in the changelog20:18
=== dewwii is now known as deww
asdf_OerHeks is that an ubuntu specific concern? I think I might have been wondering something along the lines of: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/ABI/README (just found this)20:21
asdf_haven't read it just yet20:21
OerHeksasdf_, read both, but the ubuntu kernel changelog is ruling.20:22
MathersWhat's happening fuckers20:24
tomreynazizLIGHT: sudo apt-get -y install apt-show-versions && apt-show-versions | grep -Ev ' (uptodate|not installed)$' | pastebinit -E; apt-get purge apt-show-versions20:25
MathersDreki... You got anymore of that weed?20:25
tomreynMathers: stop it20:25
MathersSorry tomreyn... Have u got any smoke?20:26
tomreyn!ops Mathers20:26
MathersCome on tomreyn... Dont be gay20:26
OerHeksMathers, read the topic before entering the irc channel20:26
MathersNobody likes a gay20:26
azizLIGHTtomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23707914/20:27
azizLIGHThmmm i should get crossover 1620:27
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu20:27
tomreynazizLIGHT: i cannot help you with making this decision20:28
azizLIGHTahah thats ok20:28
azizLIGHTi was just showing you in case youre curious :)20:28
tomreynazizLIGHT: that's plenty of packages which don't get security patches or any fixes at all. are you happy with this?20:29
bismuthi all20:29
tomreynazizLIGHT: and others can and should be upgraded.20:29
azizLIGHTwhats up with the linux-* packages though20:30
azizLIGHTwhy are those listed here20:30
tomreynazizLIGHT: those would get upgraded if you ran: apt-get update && apt-get -V dist-upgrade20:30
nkzHi, I live in the dorms and wifi here sucks. Basically I have to try to connect to AP 50 times before it connects. Is there a command or something that will allow me to try to connect repeatedly until it connects me?20:30
tomreyn!list | bismut20:30
ubottubismut: tomreyn: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:30
tomreynnkz: network manager usually retries known AP automatically.20:32
bismutubottu thank you20:32
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:32
PCatineanHey guys, how do I add a repository via a bash script if it does not already exist there?20:32
PCatineanI'm trying to make a post-format startup script that would install all my usual stuff so it takes much less than usual20:32
nkztomreyn: after it fails to connect to the only wifi that works, it connects me to some useless one so I have to click back to the one that works.20:32
tomreynnkz: then remove the useless one off the list of known AP profdiles (if it's really useless)20:34
OerHekseasy find ..20:34
tomreynnkz: you must have tried to connect to the useless one before otheriwse it wouldnt be trying it20:34
nkztomreyn: okay, I just unchecked "automatically connect" on the useless one20:35
tomreynPCatinean: you might want to read up on preseeding: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/apbs02.html20:36
tomreynnkz:  good find, i had forgotten this exists.20:37
PCatineantomreyn, is it used for such a case?20:37
tomreynPCatinean: it is for automating parts or all of the ubuntu installation (when using the server or mini ISO), and allows for running some custom commands at the end of the installation.20:39
OerHekswith preseed you don't need to worry about the ppa existing, it does not with a fresh install20:40
PCatineantomreyn, what's the difference between that an running a bash script right after installation?20:40
tomreynPCatinean: automation, no extra step.20:41
PCatineanIs there any way I can add spotify as a regular ppa instead of the way they suggest? https://www.spotify.com/int/download/linux/20:53
william_Hi, I have a Brother MFC-J485DW and installed the print and scan drivers to both Ubuntu 16.10 and Fedora 25 (correct drivers for each). The printer works great in both OS, but nether OS recognizes the scanner. does anyone know what CLI commands or scripts might force the OS to recognize the scanner?20:54
OerHeksPCatinean, nope.20:54
tomreynPCatinean: you could try this: apt-add-repository 'deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free'20:55
tomreynwith sudo20:55
PCatineanOerHeks, I basically want to make a shell script that adds the repository and leaving it if it's there already20:56
node9_Hello, I have an running process from ps -au "ssh -l username hostip echo FISH:; /bin/sh". How do i connect to that ssh session?20:56
OerHekstomreyn, same repo20:56
PCatineanIt's basically this function here: https://hastebin.com/nigobajamu.bash20:56
srulihow do i hook a script to run after auto updates install?20:57
tomreynOerHeks: right, I was just guessing that PCatinean was just looking for a way to do it with a oneliner.20:57
PCatineanmore problematic is skypealpha for linux at it only has a .deb no ppa20:58
PCatineanI mean not a public one at least20:58
OerHeksskype alpha deb adds a ppa with key, iirc20:59
PCatineanOerHeks, how can I look it up and add it myself?20:59
OerHeksnot sure their website gives this information21:00
PCatineanit does not, just provides the .deb21:00
akik_PCatinean: i have this defined "deb [arch=amd64] https://repo.skype.com/deb stable main"21:00
PCatineanhmm, same sitiuation as with spotify21:01
tomreynnode9_: you could try with the 'retty' package + command21:01
PCatineanguess I just make another function that adds these via apt-add-repository like tomreyn suggested21:01
fozz_hey all, Im trying to set up zero downtime deployments with my app. Is there a way I can configure how Rancher rolls out new containers, specifically how long it waits between SIGTERM and SIGKILL, and any other hooks I can add to the process?21:02
PCatineanakik_, nice, any idea how I can include this in a bash script that would check if it's added and add itonly if its' not?21:02
PCatineanI guess the same way as with the ppa just a different grep and command21:02
=== asad__ is now known as amnix
akik_PCatinean: maybe test for return code for "sudo apt-cache policy skypeforlinux" and go from there21:03
EriC^^no need for sudo there21:03
EriC^^(just mentioning it cause it's going to be used in a script)21:04
amnixFor some reason I have a really slow connection when using wifi. This doesn't happen if I run ubuntu via a live usb. What's the issue here?21:04
PCatineannice one OerHeks :D21:04
node9_tomreyn thanks i'll do some reading on that21:04
tomreynamnix: it's probably a different kernel, maybe a different firmware version21:06
amnixtomreyn: What should I do then?21:07
tomreynamnix: whatever you like to do, i guess.21:07
amnixtomreyn: very helpful.21:07
tomreynamnix: i can try to help if you provide more information.21:07
amnixtomreyn: what information should I provide?21:08
tomreynamnix: which ubuntu release do you run normally, which one is on the live usb (is that ubuntu at all?). which hardware are we talking? lspci -knnv | grep -iA15 wireless21:09
tomreyn!pastebinit | amnix21:09
ubottuamnix: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:09
tomreyn!pastebin | amnix21:09
ubottuamnix: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:09
tomreynamnix: also add the kernel versions of both systems you are comparing: cat /proc/version21:11
fozz_If I do a "start containers first" upgrade, does rancher wait for the container to be running or for the healthchecks to be green?21:11
tomreynfozz_: i don't think this software, rancher, you are seeking support with, is supported here21:12
tomreyn(i could be wrong)21:12
akik_it's a base os for running dockers21:13
tomreynokay, then most likely it's entirely OT here21:13
=== akik_ is now known as akik
andrei_Has anyone tried to install EXWM on ubuntu?21:14
fozz_oops Im in the wrong room!21:15
RSA4096hello, who know a distro, ubuntu based with kernel 4.9?21:21
c0mradeHow much would a random four letter .com domain cost?21:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:23
OerHeksRSA4096, next version will, 17.04 and you can test alfa now21:23
RSA4096OerHeks, ok I hope the alfa is little bit stable21:24
SebthreeBQM10HDgot  a lap top to re set up,  then i'll put 16.10 for a bit and upgrade to 17.04 early probably21:25
SebthreeBQM10HDnewfeature is good especially unity  8 related21:26
reasegood morning guys21:27
highwayi know this question has a lot of answers and options but my question is what are some speed tools for linux my environment is unity. thanks in advance21:34
highwayto make linux lighter21:35
blackflowhighway: if you're assuming there are any, like there are various "Optimization tools" for Windows, there aren't any. It's already as optimized as possible (without changing the actual code), but you have freedom to, say, use a lighter DE if Unity is inadequate. lighter memory-wise and feature-wise.21:37
King_Mind blown21:37
tomreyn!ot | King_21:37
ubottuKing_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:37
PCatineanhey guys, when entries are made in /etc/apt/sources.list.d21:38
PCatineanand you remove them from the gui, on reboot are these re-added?21:38
PCatineansince I've just learned the .d prefix means it's a deamon and it might be initiated at startup?21:38
TechknightHi guys. I'm trying to upgrade one of my ubuntu servers from 14.04 → 16.04 with the following cmd "sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release" but i just get "No new release found" ?! Do you guys know what could couse this?21:39
blackflowPCatinean: uh, no, the .d suffix on directories means something else. Like, there's a main config file, and blah.d/ directory that contains many other files that are all sourced into the main config.21:40
PCatineanah ok21:40
blackflowPCatinean: in this case, /etc/apt/sources.list is a "main" config for apt sources, and you can drop individual config files into sources.list.d/  without the need to chage (and possibly break) the main config file.21:41
PCatineanso basically when I removed the repository from the GUI they were removed from the...21:41
PCatineanblackflow, understood, kinda like extending a main config file, like in buildout21:41
PCatineanbut doesn't that mean that the repository is still active then?21:41
PCatineanif it's present there21:41
PCatineanohhh sorry I just noticed even though the file is there it's empty, so it have been removed from there21:42
blackflowPCatinean: I suppose so, unless the entires in the files are commented out, which is technically possible, dunno what the case is here, I've never worked with repos through a gui21:42
PCatineanblackflow, apparently it has removed that particular line from the file21:42
blackflowyeah commented out or empty or whatever. the presence of a file itself has no meaning, it's the contents that's included in configuration21:42
tomreynTechknight: first of all, you should not need --devel-release for upgrading LTS to LTS.21:44
tomreynTechknight: is your 14.04 fully up to date?21:45
Techknighttomreyn: that is exactly my point because 16.04.1 LTS is out. I guess so. I have done "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:46
tomreynTechknight: and "lsb_release -sd" says?21:46
node9_tomreyn, I did some reading about that retty but it's not really what i'm looking for. I'm am connected to a server using ssh that has ssh tunnel set up with another server. I'm looking to ssh in to the machine through that tunnel…21:46
Techknighttomreyn: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS21:47
tomreynTechknight: hmm this should work indeed. is this a fully supported architecture, i.a. i686 or amd64?21:48
Techknighttomreyn: sry I've to ask about this. but do you mean the CPU architecture?21:49
SebthreeBQM10HDtomreyn, both are  wll i386 or whatever would be 32bit,  and th other is 64bit on both AMD and Intel computers21:49
tomreynTechknight: OS architecture, but this follows the CPU architecture usually.21:50
Techknightthen it is a yes. I'm running it on an Xeon E3 1240L v3 processo, so it must be 64-amd21:51
tomreynSebthreeBQM10HD: are you responding to an earlier discussion we had? i seem to have lost its context.21:51
tomreynTechknight: what's the output of: uname -m21:51
SebthreeBQM10HDtomreyn, to you or Techknight  both are supported21:51
MarkB2Hurray.. I've managed to install Ubuntu onto an Intel Joule.  Uh... it says "localhost login:" .. It never did ask me to setup a root password.21:52
PCatineanhow can I automate this with a bash script? as in grep to see which option is chromium and then execute it? http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/set-the-default-browser-on-ubuntu-from-the-command-line/21:52
PiciMarkB2: did it ask you to setup a user?21:52
Techknightups sry21:52
SebthreeBQM10HDMarkB2, Ubuntu uses sudo, so no root password,  but as  long set up user account like pici is saying, should be ok enough I guss21:52
MarkB2Pici: No.  Last I saw, it asked me for the email name that I supplied to Canonical in setting up an account.21:53
MarkB2I think it tried to connect to Canonical, failed, and then went a little ..nuts.21:53
onlaPCatinean: why do you want to automate it21:53
tomreynTechknight: okay, this should be fully supported. sorry, i can't tell why it's not offering you to upgrade then. can we see the output of "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade"?21:55
PCatineanonla, because I want to have a bash script I run after a fresh ubuntu install and set all the things up just how I like them21:55
PCatineanAnd installing all the software i need an some configuration is part of it21:55
OerHeksMarkB2,  did you get your ssh keys ? http://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/intel-joule/21:55
Techknighttomreyn: 1 min ;)21:56
MarkB2I'm reading through the stuff it put up into the a serial port terminal.. and now I'm disgusted.  It got stupid all right.  Can't read superblock, failing IRQ's.21:56
MarkB2OerHeks: I used puttygen.21:56
tomreyn!pastebinit | Techknight21:56
ubottuTechknight: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:56
onlaPCatinean: hmm okay interesting. I just keep a note/log of stuff I want to do on a fresh install, but maybe a script could be a more efficient way :p21:58
PCatineanonla, yeah :D21:59
ponyofdeathanyone know why pam-auth-update --package mkhomedir does not enable mkhomedir?21:59
tomreynuse puppet21:59
PCatineanonla, here's the script I have so far: https://hastebin.com/noyuvafuke.bash21:59
PCatineantomreyn, I've heard about that regarding production environment setup22:00
MarkB2Pici: The Joule is behind me on a table and wired to a keyboard, display, and mouse.  It's also USB-serial connected to my PC ... and it has a "localhost login:" prompt.22:00
tomreynPCatinean: but decided not to look into it?22:00
PCatineanJust never thought it would apply for this case22:00
PCatineanAlso you gave me a link for preseeding?22:01
tomreynPCatinean: you want to setup a production environment, don't you? yes, i also gave you a link for preseeding.22:01
PCatineanso which is the best apprroach then?22:02
Techknighttomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2370825722:02
tomreynPCatinean: a combination of the two, if you want full automation. "the best approach" is highly subjective, however.22:02
Techknighttomreyn: didn't know about pastebinit! soooooooooo smart22:02
tomreynTechknight: you posted the output of the last command only, though22:03
Techknighttomreyn: ............ brb22:03
PCatineantomreyn, understood, thanks22:03
onlaPCatinean: I have actually in my memo for qutebrowser to set it default: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-www-browser x-www-browser /usr/local/bin/my-qutebrowser 1337 and then sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/local/bin/my-qutebrowser  if that sets it default you don't need to care about the numbering maybe?22:05
PCatineanonla, could be, since the way in the article didn't work for me, I mean manully through cli22:06
tomreynTechknight: (echo "first command" 2>&1 && echo "second command" 2>&1) | pastebinit22:06
Techknighttomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23708280/ this should work22:06
tomreynTechknight: that's how you can combine the output of two commands and pipe it to a third command, inclusing not just standard output, but also standard error22:06
tomreynMarkB2: what's up?22:07
Techknighttomreyn: thanks! gonna keep that in mind!22:07
MarkB2tomreyn: Thank you for the tip this morning about using puttygen to create public/private keys.  I did so, and uploaded the public key to the Canonical account.22:07
MarkB2Returned home... rewrote Ubuntu onto a 16 GB sdhc card.. followed the prompts..22:09
tomreynTechknight: this time you posted the output of the first command and some unrelated extra lines22:09
Techknighttomreyn: forget about everything! thank you se far!!!! my IDS/IPS aka Snort have flagged the IP as suspecious and blocked it................22:10
=== NewYears is now known as nchambers
tomreynMarkB2: welcome, but i can't remember suggesting this.22:10
Techknighttomreyn: Sry I had obvisously had some probling with the pasting .... sry22:11
MarkB2You had mentioned using puttygen to create keys??22:11
MarkB2Thought you had.22:11
tomreynTechknight: no worries, glad you worked it out. now i'd be interested why your snort configuration would flag some (the ubuntu mirrors'?) IP addresses as malicious?22:12
tomreynMarkB2: maybe, my memory is fading22:12
TechknightI really don't know! but I would like to find out! I've had problems wwith snort a couple of times before aswell. it would flag freenode as malicous or soying aswell.22:13
srulii set dpkg to hold my kernel, "apt-mark showhold" shows the hold version, yet automatic dist-upgrade ignored and installed newer version, why? and how do i hold kernel version?22:14
MarkB2I've got one of those Intel Joule boards... it is flashed up to current.. but I'm having a poor time getting Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64-bit loaded into it.22:14
ships_hi people22:16
tobimaiDoes anyone know which ubuntu runs on a VIA C3 CPU? (old, runs at 667Mhz) all Linux's I tried failed to load the kernel. (afaik it is i468, but not sure)22:17
ships_i have just one question22:17
ships_and i'm sorry because i dont speak english very well22:18
ships_so i have write in consol22:18
ships_GET URL_TO_HAVE_MY_IP22:18
ships_but i want to cut just my ip22:19
ships_without the rest22:19
Techknighttomreyn: here is the snort log message if you do care about it ;) "Dec 12 22:04:49 snort 68964 [1:2013031:2] ET POLICY Python-urllib/ Suspicious User Agent [Classification: Attempted Information Leak] [Priority: 2] {TCP} ->"22:19
PCatineantomreyn, are you sure I can automate everything I just mentioned with puppet?22:20
sruliships_: use "wget http://ipinfo.io/ip -q -O -" or "dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com"22:21
ships_ah no thank for this22:21
tomreynsruli: you'd need to set the generic kernel on hold, not the spefic one which has the version number in its package name. setting the kernel package on hold means you will miss critical security patches.22:21
ships_i want to use commande sed or cut22:21
srulitomreyn: i just need to hold the update for a short while... how do i set the generic kernel?22:22
ships_sruli, thanks for ur answer22:23
tomreynPCatinean: i did not look at all of what you put on the pastedbin, so can't tell for sure. most likely yes, though. using puppet involves learning a new tool / syntax / logic.22:24
PCatineantomreyn, that's my concern it has a own DSL which is supposed to work on multiple OS's that means a intermediary layer22:26
PCatineanSo for really specific ones like adding repos/ppa's configuring the specific applications etc22:26
PCatineannot sure...22:26
tomreynPCatinean: this looks like it might be an attempt to prevent a process on your computer from talking to a (as far as snort is concerned) random webserver, which is one of canonicals'. i guess you need to tweak your rules.22:27
tomreynPCatinean: ignore the last thing i wrote22:27
PCatineanhaha ok :))22:27
tomreynTechknight: this looks like it might be an attempt to prevent a process on your computer from talking to a (as far as snort is concerned) random webserver, which is one of canonicals'. i guess you need to tweak your rules.22:27
Techknighttomreyn: allready took care of that one ;)22:28
tomreynsruli: linux-image-generic22:29
srulitomreyn: thanks22:29
tomreynsruli: use "dpkg -l linux-image* | awk '/^i/ { print $2}'" to see the kernel packages you have installed22:29
Techknighttomreyn: and now is it time for the fun part! restart a server after a major upgrade!22:29
srulitomreyn: so if i want o tupgrade kernel to one before current, how would i do that?22:30
tomreynTechknight: good luck, hope you have OOB if it's remote.22:31
tomreynsruli: you install the specifically versioned (in its package name) package from the APT repository, if it's still available there22:32
Techknighttomreyn: it is not that remote :D only 15 meters away hehe small homelab22:32
tomreynsruli: using: sudo apt-get install <packagename>  # so as usual22:33
tomreynTechknight: before you reboot (or even after), you might want to: sudo apt-get -y install apt-show-versions && apt-show-versions | grep -Ev ' (uptodate|not installed)$' | pastebinit -E; apt-get purge apt-show-versions22:34
tomreynTechknight: this will show packages which are either lacking a chance to be upgraded since no APT repository is known for them, or (less exciting) which are pending an upgrade.22:35
Techknighttomreyn: too late, but it rebooted. The next challenge is why the hell my apache server is showing me an index of all files where my config files with mysql password for the DB and ect. is shown to the publick22:35
King2who are zou_22:35
McPetergood spirit ships__ really22:35
MarkB2tomreyn: On a WAG (Wild-A**-Guess) I tried using ubuntu as both username and password on this thing.22:36
Techknighttomreyn: it is a pretty clean server so there shouldn't be any issues there22:36
MelodyPanyone here familiar with a steam controller? it's not getting detected here22:36
Soulseeker92sudo apt-show-versions22:37
tomreynTechknight: sounds liek the application server failed to work as intended. a PHP upgrade is a common cause.22:37
tomreynMarkB2: sorry, but i really know nothing about the ubuntu derivative you are trying to setup, and thus cannot support it.22:38
Techknighttomreyn: you are probablt right here! do you have any good advices?22:38
drekiDid someone ping me from this channel? My client says someone did but I cant find any mention of me.22:38
tomreynTechknight: not unless you show some apache httpd error logs. but you seem to be able to sort this out on your own.22:39
tomreyndreki: someone by the name of "Mathers" who later got banned had highlighted you22:40
drekitomreyn: I guess whatever he wanted doesn't matter now then...  thanks.22:41
tomreynwelcome :)22:41
jmaderowhat's the longest I should wait for fsck before assuming my SD Card is beyond fixing?22:47
=== erick is now known as Guest18703
srulitomreyn: i am trying to extract the kernel version number only "4.4.0-21" from linux-headers-4.4.0-21-generic would you know what i can use to extract it? searched the net, but only found how to extract numercs only, i need the dots and hyphens22:48
OerHekssruli, i hope you do not use the kernel from kernel.org but mainline instead22:49
sruliOerHeks: only mainline22:50
wedgiesruli: grep -o '[0-9].*[0-9]'   *shrug*22:52
sruliwedgie: thanks22:53
moqoishey there, any thoughts on which filesystem would be the best to store and use vmware workstation vm's on? I use a separate HDD and my experience with ext4 with more then 2 VM's running isn't that great. I get the feeling the filesystem is caching data. Is this an ext4 setting or would for example XFS give me better performance?22:54
Guest66864i am running my old OS from a live usb. Id like to use firefox with all its configuration but I dont know in which directory to look for. I tried usr/share, but that only shows addons22:55
Guest66864where in ubuntu I find the main firefox directory?22:55
srulimoqois: i use zfs with raidz2, prefomance is amazing, but i use kvm not vmware.. i used vbox/vmware in the past but found nother comes close to kvm22:56
ships_McPeter, ???22:58
moqoislaptop with 16gigs of ram, would zfs be worth a test drive? Even on one drive?22:59
blackflowmoqois: yes, even if you had less RAM. It works quite alright even with 4GB of it.23:00
moqoissupport out of the box, or do I need to install some additional packages to get support?23:00
ships_McPeter, 13 RUE DE LA GROSSE TOUR 37000 TOURS France23:00
srulimoqois: in 16.04 its just "apt install zfs" in previous versions more packages are required. didnt you mention before you use seperate hard drives?23:02
blackflowmoqois: you need to install zfsutils-linux, and there's no installer support for it afaik23:02
KissamosI have connected my samsung galaxy tab s using the usb cable and I want to access its sdcard. it doesnt seem possible, any way around it?23:02
srulimoqois: my zfs is not on root fs, its on storage fs, i have 7 drives drives in that raidz2 pool hence the perfomance, dont know how much of perfomance improvment you will see on single drive23:03
blackflowit's not about performance but features like compression, snapshotting, and it's a pooled fs so you don't have to plan partitions23:03
blackflowperformance depends on how effectively your use case can take advantage of MFU caches of ARC23:04
blackflowotherwise, ZFS is a slow system.23:04
tomreynGuest66864: ~/.mozilla23:06
moqoisI have 2 drives in my laptop, one SSD which I use to boot from, the second drive is an HDD which I use to store my vm's on. More drives won't fit into it. I used ext4, but with more then 2 vm's running and using a shared folder in vmware I notice everytime I open the shared folder it looks like it's rebuilding the cache or something. I also tested with opensuse, which comes with btrfs for / and XFS for /home and data, there it didn't oc23:07
moqoismaybe the filesystem could be the difference, but it's also an other disco, so I can't rule it completely out23:08
KissamosI have connected my samsung galaxy tab s using the usb cable and I want to access its sdcard. it doesnt seem possible, any way around it?23:10
blackflowmoqois: if you intend to store VM images on ZFS, definitely use zvols or performance will greatly suffer23:11
tomreynmoqois: lvm logical volumes are another option (if the software supports it). you should try to remove the file system overhead.23:14
Kissamoshow can I mount the sdcard of my android tab on ubuntu?23:14
tomreynKissamos: i know what with some android phones, all you need to do is to connect them via usb cable, and select the protocol to use on the phone.23:15
KissamosIt doesnt work23:15
cerryAnyone know if there has been trouble with nvidea graphics and recent 12.04 updates? I run into some glitches :C23:15
blackflowKissamos: connect your android to the computer with usb, and select MTP mode (Connect as Media Device) on it23:16
moqoisbasicly I can limit my question to this: if you would have a second HDD drive only to store VM's on, what filesystem would you use?23:16
blackflowmoqois: ZFS with zvols and lotsa RAM23:17
Kissamosblackflow, the sdcard has NTFS format. probably android does not detect it and thus ubuntu can't23:17
tomreynKissamos: oh you may need to enable "developer options" to be able to select the right usb protocol.23:18
blackflowKissamos: yeah sorry, I don't know how Android behaves with ntfs23:18
TsekoI want to ask you about ubuntu phone23:18
Kissamostomreyn, what do you mean?23:19
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch23:19
moqoisblackflow: thanks, will do some testing with it23:19
blackflowKissamos: at any rate, Ubuntu wouldn't see the filesystem itself, so it's irrelevant as far as Ubuntu is concerned23:19
wedgiewhy do you have an NTFS sd card in an android tablet in the first place?23:19
bazhangTseko, #ubuntu-touch23:19
blackflowmoqois: zvols are basically block devices, so you remove that filesystem layer on the host side, kinda like allowing a pure partition for your VM. in fact, just like it, plus you benefit from compression and ARC/MFU23:19
Kissamoswedgie, so I can transfer big files23:20
tomreynKissamos: i had expected you'd format an sdcard you put into an android phone with a file format the phone is likely to understand, and one which makes sense to use with the storage media. i don't think either applies to ntfs. we'd need to move this discussion to -ubuntu-offtopic, if we'll continue it.23:20
blackflowmoqois: otherwise, I'd use raw partitions. running VMs on any filesystem as a file is atrocious.23:20
wedgieKissamos: but if android can't read it then what's the point of involving the tablet at all?23:20
Kissamoswedgie, I have installed some application that indicate they can mount it. but still.. it doesnt appear in airdroid.23:21
TsekoI have a question23:23
tomreyncerry: ubuntu 12.04.5 will be partially supported for another 4 months (aparts of it are no longer supported for some years now). i'd very much recommend to upgrade soon.23:23
Pelo1968evening all23:24
tomreynTseko: that's a statement, though.23:24
TsekoCan i using ubuntu os on my blackberry classic ?23:24
wedgieKissamos: i suspect that once you get the android side sorted out you'll have better luck seeing it from the computer. Or you can by a $5 usb-sdcard adapter and plug it in directly. Ubuntu can read NTFS23:24
KissamosI have formatted the sdcard back to fat32. Still ... it does not appear when I connect the tab23:24
Pelo1968I just moved to xubuntu and there is one bit of customisation that I forgot about and I need a bit of help to finish it ,   how do I add an extra path for executable files ?23:25
qRk_Hi! Technical support needed! Trying to install new Kingston SSDNow V300 120 Gb harddrive to my Lenovo Thinkpad T400 with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Harddrive is not even recognized by the system. How to format if it can't be seen?23:25
ikoniaqRk_: thats not an ubuntu problem23:25
ikoniaqRk_: if it can't be seen by the system - thats before ubuntu's even booted23:25
Pelo1968qRk_,  try in #hardware23:25
qRk_I have tried with Ubuntu Live CD and the installation stops when the system says no disk space 0 Gb.23:26
ikoniaqRk_: is the disk seen in the bios23:26
qRk_Not seen in BIOS.23:26
ikoniaqRk_: then it's not an ubuntu problem23:26
ikoniaqRk_: as thats before the OS has even booted23:26
qRk_Ok thanks! So maybe it means that Kingston SSDNow V300 is not compatible with my Thinkpad T400?23:27
ikoniaqRk_: no idea23:27
qRk_Thanks ikonia. I will try if the #hardware channel could help.23:28
qRk_Thanks Pelo1968 for the tip!23:28
Pelo1968qRk_, np23:29
GroundZerohas anyone any idea what happened to the anonops irc channel?23:30
ikoniaGroundZero: nothing to do with this channel, sorry23:30
bazhangGroundZero, /msg alis list term23:30
OerHeksGroundZero, ask in #freenode23:30
bazhangtry in #freenode as well23:30
Fuchs#freenode will give the answer that ikonia and bazhang gave, likely23:30
OerHeksgossip channel #123:31
tomreynPelo1968: if it's just for your user: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23708671/23:31
tomreynput it in ~/.profile23:31
tomreynPelo1968: .. and logout + login23:32
Pelo1968tomreyn, I need to do this so utserver which is burried in /mnt/Downloads/utorrent/utserver   can be launched on statup,   I had it working before I did that 5 years ago and I don'T recall how23:33
GroundZerothanks, i'll ask there23:33
Orxata_how can I revert a -P in dpkg?23:34
tomreynPelo1968: are you trying to solve the problem that it is not started on boot, or that /mnt/Downloads/utorrent/utserver is not in the PATH for the user running commands from there, or both?23:35
Orxata_also, what is the meaning of the state "-pi" in --list?23:35
Orxata_I mean, p stands for purge, and i stands for install23:35
Pelo1968tomreyn, both, I'll start with ther path one23:35
tomreynOrxata_: install the package, customize its configuration the way it was before (or restore backups)23:35
Orxata_aren't their meanings exclusive?23:36
Pelo1968tomreyn, I think the auto start prob I'm having is just because the path isn'T set23:36
Orxata_I'm not sure if I have backups.. X_X23:36
tomreyn^ fail23:36
Orxata_what a disaster!23:37
Pelo1968tomreyn, isn'T there a file somewhere I just edit and add the path to ?23:37
Orxata_It gets funnier because I've purged a very important program23:37
Orxata_well program, you know23:38
SValkyrieGood evening everyone -- I am experiencing an issue where I have been dual-booting between win7 and ubuntu for about two weeks now.  When I arrived home from work today, my monitor displayed "No operating system installed."  Any help is appreciated.23:38
Orxata_off topic?23:38
tomreynOrxata_: about the package states displayed on the dpkg -l output: the first column / character refers to what is planned to happen to this package, the second to the current state23:39
Orxata_oh, great tomreyn23:39
tomreyn| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend23:40
Orxata_so it is still installed!23:40
Pelo1968SValkyrie,  check your bios to make sure your boot drive is set correctly23:40
Orxata_ok so how can I prevent pkgd to do what she desires?23:40
Orxata_excuse me my dislexia23:41
tomreynOrxata_: first of all, use apt to manage packages, not dpkg. to solve this, you probably just need to: sudo apt-get install <packagename>23:41
Orxata_can I paste here the output?23:42
CodeMouse92Orxata_: Please use paste.ubunu.com23:42
Orxata_ubunu? you mean ubuntu, right?23:42
tomreynyes s/he does23:43
tomreyn!pastebin | Orxata_23:43
ubottuOrxata_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:43
tomreyn!pastebinit | Orxata_23:43
ubottuOrxata_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com23:43
McPeteror Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ :)23:44
Orxata_you made it cristally clear, thanks23:44
tomreynOrxata_: check "dpkg -l thing" now, does it still say 'p'?23:45
Pelo1968ttl , rebooting23:46
McPeterOrxata_, tu veux installer quoi ?23:47
bazhangMcPeter, english here please23:49
McPeteryes yes sorry :)23:49
Orxata_McPeter: je ne parle qu'un petit peu de français23:54
McPeterno non sorry … in english :)23:54
MarkB2tomreyn: I think I'm lusing my mind.  Seems I've been using the ..wrong.. method of putting ubuntu into this thing.  What a maze.23:58
MarkB2Boot from this, boot from that...23:58

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