
bluesabreknome, in favor of photos, but not naked ones :D03:16
flocculantochosi: ok - all done and installed - adding comment to bug 165293307:31
ubottubug 1652933 in xfce4-notifyd (Ubuntu) "Application Tab list too small when run from Settings dialogue" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165293307:31
flocculantnot sure what to expect to get logged though yet07:35
JackFrostflocculant: Did the new indicator plugin fix things?08:53
ochosiflocculant: you need to build and install the branch as explained, then e.g. killall xfce4-notifyd (it'll be restarted with the next notification automatically) and then go to the notification settings and enable the log there10:08
ochosifrom then on, notifications should get logged and displayed in the log tab10:08
bluesabrewoohoo! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sgt-launcher11:50
bluesabreI'll try to get that added to tomorrow's iso11:53
flocculantJackFrost: as far as I can tell that's workiing 11:58
flocculantochosi: ok - I've rebooted since so I assume that'll do - I'll see what happens from now on (Ihad enabled it)11:59
flocculantbluesabre: \o/11:59
flocculantochosi: re the bug ^^ looks to me like both app tab and log tab have the same size 'list area'12:00
flocculantJackFrost: I did have some oddities around the time it updated - there was a bug, but it appears to have gone *shrug*12:01
JackFrostIt was supposed to have been fixed, yeah.12:02
bluesabremorning flocculant and JackFrost 12:07
flocculanthi there :)12:07
JackFrostHowdy bluesabre, and yeah saw that land.12:07
flocculantbluesabre: is the plan to add sgt and lose the other 2 or 3?12:08
flocculantochosi: can confirm the log logs things :)12:10
flocculantconfirm I also stopped it logging Clementine - that'll fill up quickly ;)12:13
bluesabreflocculant, first was going to add sgt, but we can consider whether to keep the others12:20
bluesabreWe aren't currently near an iso target, so doesn't matter if we have a little extra cruft12:20
=== JackFrost is now known as Unit193
ochosiflocculant: the sizing is only fixed in master, not in the logging branch yet13:34
flocculantbluesabre: yup - realise the size thing - was just a question :)14:02
flocculantochosi: okey doke14:02

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