
sintrewell tried everything kde 5.8.400:46
sintrestill won't carry sound00:46
sintrethru hdmi00:46
sintreatleast on my system to my tv00:46
sintrehas option the specifies hdmi in audio panel00:47
sintreits unmuted  , so scratching head00:47
[Relic]I only have hdmi to a monitor so can't test that00:48
sintrehardware works , win junk ten can do it , so some break in the multiple monitors somewhere00:49
[Relic]so you are getting the video out, but not audio00:50
sintrealso still impossible to unfifiy out puts at different resolutions00:50
sintreaka clone screen00:50
sintrehas to be extended for tv to be at proper resolution00:50
[Relic]I don't want clone screens, I want seperate screens with seperate plasma and sessions, still can't figure out how to do that  :)00:51
[Relic]cloning a screen to a different resolution would seem a tad odd unless it is a higher res00:52
sintreyea , tv much higher resolution00:52
sintreso it defaults to laptop screen resolution00:52
sintreblur land00:52
[Relic]do you have a nvidia card?00:53
sintrei'm on old lappy atm moment so yes here, i'm tinkering with new lappy that uses intel 550000:53
sintreintegrated sry00:53
[Relic]just saw a asetting for nvidia digital stereo (hdmi) volume, but my card is really new00:54
sintrei saw same thing for hmdi and it at full volume no sound coming out00:54
[Relic]and volume plays normally when using tv00:55
sintreand when using win1000:55
sintrei set up duel boot with kubuntu00:55
sintreand i dislike win10 , it atleast does this correctly00:55
[Relic]have you rebooted since you set it up?00:55
sintreso no hardware issue on lappy's side or tvs00:55
sintrefirst booted with it connected00:56
sintretried same result no sound00:56
sintrethen tried attaching hdmi after boot same result00:56
sintreso basicly i need to find somebody that can verify they get sound thru hdmi00:56
sintrei even tried a different tv00:57
[Relic]would the ubuntu sound trouble shooting page be of any help or have you tried that?01:00
sintreprobally not , but tomorrow i'll load up a ubuntu live usb and test that01:00
sintreso if i get sound that way then er kde /bug issue going01:01
sintreeverything updated of course as well01:03
sintremy myster conintues :)01:03
[Relic]I know how that goes  :)01:04
[Relic]figure with all the searching I have done I should have figured out a solution by now but no such luck01:08
sintrewhat are you working on01:08
[Relic]just trying to get 2 indepedently working screens instead of one big one01:12
sintrekde seems to have alot of improvement in the duel monitor department01:13
sintrelove it kde , but would wisha lil more time devoted to fixing these issues as almost every system now sold has duel screen support01:13
sintrehardware wise01:14
[Relic]it spans 2 monitors nicely, but up to 14.04/14.10, I had 2 monitors running seperate sessions xscreen 0 and 1 each running a xsession and a plasma session of its own.  A single large screen makes me lose a ton of efficiency cause everything is tagged to one virtual desktop rather then 2 indepenent sets of virtual desktops01:15
sintrei get what you want01:17
sintrethats far beyond anything i could get , i was just happy to get my tv to run it its native reolution kinda01:18
sintrein an extended mode01:18
[Relic]in 14.04 it was run nvidia-settings and save the config, done01:19
sintrewell after what seems like 20 thousand config settign sfigured out my mute problem01:44
sintreturns out had to put hmdi to out put 5.1 digital surround01:45
sintrethen chnge output method01:45
sintrenow that was a pain lol01:45
sintrenow to get monitors to project in different resolutions01:46
sintreseems it doesn't want to run in "old hdmi" mode01:47
k4ever07hi all.  need some help with the kde power manger (powerdevil). it is having some serious trouble waking my laptop up from suspend.02:17
k4ever07btw, i'm running linux mint 18 kde (kubuntu 16.04)02:18
k4ever07i know that this problem is kde specific because the xfce4 kde power manager works fine. i have both kde plasma 5.8.4 and xfce4 installed on my laptop.02:20
k4ever07i know that this problem is kde specific because the xfce4 power manager works fine. i have both kde plasma 5.8.4 and xfce4 installed on my laptop.02:20
k4ever07is there a way to completely disable kde power management and use the xfce power manager with kde instead?02:21
[Relic]lemurs on ledges?03:05
PerfMyes pls03:06
AndroUserTrying to resolve a cursor problem. Writeup at: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5648007#post564800703:44
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SearchManPlease, can anyone tell me if there is a way to search recursively using the Dolphin file manager?03:58
[Relic]always has searched recursively just takes some time to do it04:15
[Relic]I usually ahve to add "other -> path" to see where stuff is from, but it goes through the directories04:16
[Relic]are you trying to search hidden directories?04:18
SearchManHello Relic! No, i am not searching any hidden directories. The search though is not moving at all and I have waited for it for so long thinking that it might get something from the other folders. To enforce the test, i have also tried to copy a complete file name from an inner directory to check if it is working. Sadly for some reason, it is not s04:38
SearchManearching recursively at all in my case.04:38
[Relic]looks like it is really screwed up right now05:17
[Relic]SearchMan, by any chance did you hit Content instead of filename?05:19
SearchManHi Relic, yes i am using the right search settings. I have been having this problem for so long actually until i decided today to search more about it. I have tried several testing sessions in various ways but the recursive search is simply not working. All the other search functionalities are working well though.05:39
SearchManPlease what is the latest Dolphin version? (I am running version 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu1)05:47
valorie!info dolphin05:51
ubottudolphin (source: dolphin): file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 1007 kB, installed size 3341 kB05:51
valorie!info dolphin zesty05:51
ubottudolphin (source: dolphin): file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 1007 kB, installed size 3341 kB05:51
valorieSearchMan: you are running the latest release that Kubuntu has05:51
valorieonly neon will have something newer (from git)05:52
SearchManThank you valorie for your clarification and confirmation. I am trying to debug why the recursive searching is not working on my Dolphin file manager. Searching online did not help so far. I was hoping it is a problem with an outdated version of Dolphin.05:54
[Relic]system settings -> search -> file search is enable search checked there?06:02
sintre[Relic] not sure if you read the log or not , but fixed the goofy hmdi sound issue06:05
valorieSearchMan: can you say what you mean by recursive searching?06:06
sintrei had 7 different hdmi configs06:06
valoriedolphin always finds what I look for06:06
sintreonly one worked but it finally put sound to tv and muted laptop speakers06:06
valoriesintre: 7!06:06
sintreyes its had 2 different config options for hdmi then hdmi 2 , then hdmi 306:06
sintreand plain old hdmi06:07
sintreonly one worked06:07
sintrehdmi 2 digital audio 5.106:07
sintrestill can't get it to auto detect so have to manually set it for use with tv06:07
sintrebut step closer06:07
sintredefault was hdmi06:07
sintreseems kde/kubuntu thru everything it had at it lol06:08
sintreatleast i can watch strreaming hbo in my living room now :)06:09
SearchMan[Relic] : Thank you for your comment, yes the file search is already enabled from settings > search > file search.06:10
sintrevalorie> yes sems these option come from whatever device is hooked up , if kubuntu doesn't have a clue the options aren't prsent .Using main old lappy atm and has non of those options listed06:11
SearchManvalorie : by recursive searching, I mean, the feature of searching recursively in the Dolphin file manager is not working for me.06:11
sintreunhook tv from new lappy and it doesn't have the extra 6 hdmi options06:12
[Relic]searches into directories here, but completely ignores hidden directories06:12
sintresearch man what are you looking for?06:13
valoriecan you give an example of what you are searching for, that is not found, and where?06:14
valorieSearchMan ^^^06:14
SearchMansintre : my daily work involves coding and searching through various directories recursively. For testing purposes, I am copying a certain file name from an inner directory then i am trying to search for that file name while being in the parent directory. Selecting the options of "From Here", "File Name" and in the view more, i am selecting the opt06:17
SearchManions of "Any, Anytime, and Any Rating". The end result is always not found.06:17
SearchManvalorie : thank you for your concern, please check the above lines as an example.06:17
valoriecopying and then immediately searching?06:18
SearchMancopying the exact file name, yes!06:18
valoriewithout time for indexing?06:18
valoriethat's just a guess on my part06:19
SearchManwhat do you mean by indexing? all the other search features are working well. If i select "Everywhere" for example, it is working out but that means it will search all my computer. Do you think i have a problem with indexing the files for searching? is there anything i can check to see if indexing is working out?06:20
SearchManby the way, thank you valorie for being here and helping out! greatly appreciated!06:21
valoriewell I know that indexing is not instant06:21
valorieI'm just saying that you might wait a few minutes (at least) between copying the file, and searching for it06:22
SearchManoh, i mean copying the file name not the file itself.06:22
valorieafaik baloo indexes for Dolphin, and you should be able to check that baloo is running06:23
valoriecontrol+escape lets you see processes as well as applications running06:23
SearchManplease, how to check if baloo is running?06:23
sintresettings ksystem guard06:23
SearchManbaloo_file_extractor, akonadi_baloo_indexer, and baloo_file are running as processes06:24
valoriealso in the commandline you can `balooctl --help`06:24
valoriegood, so they are running06:24
valoriethey are quick, but not instant06:25
[Relic]wish the would duct tape kfind into dolphin, that would solve a ton of problems06:30
SearchManI wish that too [Relic], i am using kfind right now temporary until i figure this problem out. I have been using Ubuntu and Debian systems for more than 6 years and never had this issue before. Running out of clues!06:32
SearchManIf someone here with a good reputation or authority around the community, can maybe suggest some improvements to the advanced search functionality of Dolphin. Hopefully in the next versions or updates, the search feature will have much more advanced features.06:34
sintrechat is logged alot of people in community already here :)06:36
sintrebe not being one of them , but certainly if somebody can reproduce your problem they'll want to fix it06:37
valorieI suggest you file a bug06:39
valoriethe dolphin devels are not in this channel06:39
SearchMansintre : certain search features in my opinion are important in any file manager. Options like the ones you see in kfind (include subfolders, show hidden files, case sensitive search, use files index and such). At the moment the Dolphin search is very simplistic which is perfect for people who do not search that often :)06:39
[Relic]I just popped one entry into the forums06:41
sintreSearchMan I get it but you have alternatives right? Atleast for the moment as valorie said maybe better to go directly to the developers of doplphin and request a desire for a more loaded featured dolphin?06:41
[Relic]if I have the same luck as I did with gwenview, it should only take about 5 years for a reply06:42
valoriewe always need more devels06:42
[Relic]like Toby?06:43
valorieI don't know a Toby06:44
sintreplaying around in dolphin it shows me hidden files with a click06:45
[Relic]but doesn't search them06:45
SearchManWe will manage with kfind for now until the next version of Dolphin comes up! hopefully this problem would solve itself by time.06:46
SearchManThank you [Relic] for posting it around the forum.06:47
SearchManyes, it requires some miracles to get replies, let alone actions!06:47
sintrethank you searchman  would be great upgrade06:47
SearchManreceived 0 answers and 0 comments06:48
SearchManit is the "odd duck" kind of problem ;)06:48
sintrethat is anooying , i clicked show files and saw them06:48
sintrethen searched for exact file names and nothing even while staring at them in window06:48
SearchMansintre : have you really managed to replicate my case?06:49
sintrejust did06:49
SearchManso i am not alone it seems06:49
SearchMantwo odd ducks! :)06:49
sintreyea its one of those things06:49
sintreuntil you need to do something you find the block lol06:49
sintrekinda like my sound issue i finally figured out a settig issue06:50
[Relic]time for some sleep, night all :)06:50
sintrethis seems to be a program issue there is not fix unless program changes06:50
sintrenight [relic]06:50
SearchManGood night [Relic], thanks for today!06:50
SearchMansintre : if you have an account, try to comment or put an upvote on my question at AskUbuntu. Sometimes upvoting a question, helps getting some attention to it.06:51
sintrei'll try gota busy weekend , also be sure for you to try the chat valorie recomended06:52
SearchMansure! Thanks sintre for all your posts and attention today as well :)06:53
SearchManwish you a great weekend06:53
valorieyes, happy new year, everyone06:53
sintresame have a happy new years06:53
sintreto all :)06:53
SearchManFruitful year ahead to all! :D06:54
user|94170hi.. anything for there06:59
user|94170Today, i have to problem with my OS kubuntu, is very slowly, I need fix or restore07:01
user|94170someone know a tool to do that07:03
SearchManI have posted a bug report at: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37431807:13
ubottuKDE bug 374318 in search "Searching recursively is not working in Dolphin 16.04.3" [Normal,Unconfirmed]07:13
valorieuser|94170: you might try control+escape and see what is slowing your system07:13
valoriethank you SearchMan07:14
user|94170thanks :D07:18
SearchManvalorie : thanks to you! I hope my bug report is clear enough. I am not an expert at writing or reporting bugs.07:18
valorieI would mention it in #kde07:20
valorieget some people who use other distros to test it out07:20
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nsnzerogood day to all , is there a way i can pipe all notifications messages  to espeak ?08:42
trionI need help with trying ubuntu-desktop on kubuntu install, I ran apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, but on logout and choosing Ubuntu, the desktop doesn't load properly, just the wallpaper and right-click menu. Is there a way to have ubuntu-desktop on kubuntu?08:43
nsnzerodid you reboot after the install ?08:50
BluesKajHowdy all12:30
viewer|61349how to create isntance of my pc and connect it over local network through windows desktop14:17
suncokrethello, is here somebody for help? :)14:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:21
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endlessedenStrangely, recent install of kubuntu(yakkety), has broken window switcher...15:06
CamronHello I am try to install a Dell printer on a 14.04 system and not able to find a driver... any ideas.. have checked the dell site and found a rpm for it16:40
mgolden_Camron: try whatever Dell printer there is with a similar model number.  They often work.17:08
Camrongive it a shot17:29
CamronI found a Generic 5e driver but doesnt work..17:42
acheronukwhat printer is it?17:47
acheronuk!info alien17:48
ubottualien (source: alien): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.95 (yakkety), package size 53 kB, installed size 166 kB17:48
acheronukmight work ^^^ might not17:48
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